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Wine fermentation kinetic model verification

and simulation of refrigeration malfunction
during wine fermentation

Article in Acta Chimica Slovaca June 2016

DOI: 10.1515/acs-2016-0010


0 56

4 authors, including:

Vladimir Bles Pavol Timr

Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava


Pavel Timr
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava


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Wine fermentation kinetic model verification
and simulation of refrigeration malfunction
during wine fermentation
Vladimr Ble, Pavol Timr, Jn Bal, Pavel Timr

Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology Slovak University of Technology,

81237Bratislava, Slovakia

Abstract: This paper deals with influence of nitrogen compound content on wine fermentation kinetics. It also
deals with simulation of refrigeration failure during fermentation. Mathematical model of wine fermentation
was adapted. Model is based on kinetics of heat removal, kinetics of fermentation, production of carbon
dioxide and ethanol. Ethanol and carbon dioxide concentration profiles during fermentation were obtained
as a result. Then the model was used to simulate refrigeration malfunction of a fermentation tank. This might
lead to higher energy efficiency and lower cost of winemaking process.

Keywords: fermentation, material balance, energy balance

Introduction the outside surface of the bioreactor involves

acombination of radiation and convection, while
Wine fermentations are often carried out empirically. temperature in the environment was constant
However there is an effort to develop a reliable model during the whole fermentation process with no
of fermentation in order to obtain better prediction air convection;
of the process as well as lower energy cost. Various temperature of the outer surface was identical
models describe the influence of temperature on fer- with the must temperature; resistance to heat
mentation process (Colombi, 2007; Zenteno, 2010). flow through the tank wall and between the must
There are also models that include other factors such and the wall was assumed to be negligible;
as assimilable nitrogen (Malherbe, 2004; Coleman, effect of total acidity on the fermentation process
2007; Cramer, 2002) or yeast dying phase (Borz, is negligible;
2014). There are also efforts to develop simulation nitrogen is the limiting substrate;
and optimization software for wine fermentation although fructose is used concomitantly with
(Goelzer, 2009). In this paper material and energy glucose, yeasts prefer glucose over fructose (ratio
analysis of wine fermentation and simulation of re- of glucose/fructose is 1/1);
frigeration malfunction is presented focusing on the ethanol inhibits sugar consumption;
production of Pinot gris organic white wine from CO2accumulation in the gas phase is negligible;
grapes collected in the central Slovak wine region. biomass viability depends on the combined effect
of ethanol and temperature.
Fermentation process Fermentation takes place in an open fermentation
vessel. When the previous assumptions are con
The wine fermentation model includes a mass and sidered, fermentation is described by the following
an energy balance. Fermentation was simulated in main equations (Zenteno et al., 2010; Carroll et al.,
conditions of 10m3fermenter filled up to 88% of its 1991):
total capacity. Ambient temperature was 15C and d (X V H )
desired fermentation temperature was 16 1 C. = (m - kd ) (X V H ) (1)
The initial sugar concentration was 210g/l and the
initial nitrogen concentration was approximately
d (N H ) m
190 mg/l. The first ten days of the fermentation =- (X V H ) (2)
process were simulated closely studying the pos- dt YX /N
sibility of refrigeration malfunction. m
d (G H ) b G
The following assumptions were used in the model: = - + G +m (X V H ) (3)
dt YX /G YE /G G + F
bubbles cause ideal stirring must is homoge
neous during most of the fermentation process; m
d (F H ) b F
fermentation tank is situated in a closed room = - + F +m (X V H ) (4)
and heat transfer between environment and dt YX /F YE /F G + F

58 Acta Chimica Slovaca, Vol. 9, No. 1, 2016, pp. 5861, DOI: 10.1515/acs-2016-0010
d (E H ) d (r H )
= (bG + bF ) (X V H ) (5) AF = -FCO2 (7)
dt dt
m b + bF
d (r H T ) DH d (S H )
FCO2 = + G + m X V H AF - (
= 1- xQ evaporation) -
Y YE /CO2 dt cp dt
x /CO2 (6) (8)
Aef .U .(T -Tamb )+ Q cool
- kL aTF H (c sat - cCO2L ) AF -
c p AF

Tab. 1. Constants and parameters used in the model.

Parameter/ Value/Equation/
Constant Function of
XV biomass concentration, kg Bio/m3 eq. (1)
N nitrogen compounds concentration, kg N/m 3
eq. (2)
G glucose concentration, kg G/m3 eq. (3)
F fructose concentration, kg F/m 3
eq. (4)
S total sugar concentration, kg S/m3 F+G
E ethanol concentration, kg E/m 3
eq. (5)
H height of the must, m
n specific growth rate, 1/s n(T, N)
kd specific death rate, 1/s kd(E, T)
x time, s
t must temperature, C
T must temperature, K eq. (8)
Tamb ambient temperature, K 288K
t must density, kg/m3 eq. (7)
cCO2L dissolved CO2, kg CO2/m3 cCO2L(T)
csat saturation of dissolved CO2, kg CO2/m3 csat(T)
kL CO2mass transfer coefficient, kg CO2/(sm kg CO2/m )
2 3
kL aTF = 0.07 1/h
aTF specific mass transfer area, m2/m3 kL aTF = 0.07 1/h
FCO2 mass flow of liberated CO2, kg CO2/s eq. (6)
AF fermentation tank base area, m 2
xQevaporation term representing heat removal by evaporation xQevaporation(T)
H specific metabolic heat, J/kg S 556,74kJ/kg
cp must specific heat capacity, J/kg/K cp(S, E)
Aef effective heat transfer area of the fermentation tank, m 2
U heat transfer coefficient between must and ambient environment, W/(m2K) U(T)
Qcool refrigeration required to cool the fermenter, W
Qferm heat released during fermentation, W
bG specific production rate of ethanol, kg E/kg Bio/s bG(G, E, T)
bF specific production rate of ethanol, kg E/kg Bio/s bF(F, E, T)
YX/N biomass/nitrogen yield coefficient, kg Bio/kg N YX/N(Ninitial)
YX/G biomass/glucose yield coefficient, kg Bio/kg G 1,60kg Bio/kg G
YX/F biomass/fructose yield coefficient, kg Bio/kg F 1,60kg Bio/kg F
YE/G ethanol/glucose yield coefficient, kg E/kg G 0,49kg E/kg G
YE/F ethanol/fructose yield coefficient, kg E/kg F 0,49kg E/kg F
YX/CO2 biomass/ CO2yield coefficient, kg Bio/kg CO2 12,72kg Bio/kg CO2
YE/CO2 ethanol/ CO2yield coefficient, kg E/kg CO2 1,05kg E/kg CO2
m maintenance coefficient, kg S/ kg Bio/s m(T)

Ble V et al., Wine fermentation kinetic model verification and simulation 59

d (S H )
Q ferm = DH AF (9)
The biomass/nitrogen yield coefficient (YX/N) is
strongly dependent on the initial nitrogen com-
pounds concentration. An increase in the initial
concentration of nitrogen compounds can cause
other nutrients to become growth limiting factors,
which explains the observed dependence.
In Figure 1and 2, three different biomass/nitrogen
yield coefficients are compared. Fermentation ends
when the residual sugar level of 5 g/l is reached.
Fermentation carried out with the original yield co-
efficient took 221hours. In order to determine the
sensitivity to the biomass/nitrogen yield coefficient,
the initial value was both decreased and increased
Fig. 1. Concentration of active biomass during by 30% while keeping all other values and condi-
fermentation using different biomass/nitrogen tions constant. The reduction led to a prolongation
yield coefficients. of the fermentation process to 297 hours, while
the increase led to a faster fermentation of only
Model was also used for modeling temperature
increase in fermentation tank during refrigeration
malfunction (for 6hours at the 50hour time-point,
followed by 2 hours of cooling). If cooling breaks
down, the temperature increases up to 17.25 C
(from 16C) and when the malfunction is removed,
refrigeration capacity at least 8 kW is required to
cool down the fermentation vessel within 2 hours
as shown in Figure 3and 4. Figure 5shows produc-
tion of CO2 as a consequence of the consumption
of glucose and fructose for ethanol production and
biomass growth and maintenance. Before saturation
CO2dissolves in must and when saturation is reached
carbon dioxide is released to atmosphere.
Fig. 2. Concentration of nitrogen, sugar, and
ethanol during fermentation using different
biomass/nitrogen yield coefficients.

Fig. 3. Temperature increase during fermentation Fig. 4. Refrigeration and fermentation heat
refrigeration malfunction. during fermentation.

60 Ble V et al., Wine fermentation kinetic model verification and simulation

Republic within the Research and Development Opera-
tional Programme for the project University Science Park
of STU Bratislava, ITMS 26240220084, co-funded by
the European Regional Development Fund.

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M (2014) Novel model for wine fermentation including
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Chem. Ref. Data, 20(6): 12011209.
Coleman MC, Fish R, Block DE (2007) Temperature-
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In this paper, white wine fermentation is described
Goelzer A, Charnomordic B, Colombi S, Fromion V,
from the point of view of mass and energy balances. Sablayrolles JM (2009) Simulation and optimalization
Significant impact of the biomass/nitrogen yield co- software for alcoholic fermentation in winemaking
efficient was proved. Also, in case of a refrigeration conditions, Food Control, 20: 635642.
malfunction of 6 hours, the resulting temperature Malherbe S, Fromion V, Hilbert N, Sablayrolles JM
increase had no significant impact on the fermenta- (2004) Modeling the effects of assimilable nitrogen
tion process. and temperature on fermentation kinetics in enological
conitions, Biotechnology and bioengineering, 86:
Acknowledgement Zenteno MI, Prez-Correa JR, Gelmi CA, Agosin E (2010)
This article was created with the support of the Ministry Modeling temperature gradients in wine fermentation
of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak tanks, Journal of Food Engineering, 99: 4048.

Ble V et al., Wine fermentation kinetic model verification and simulation 61

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