Confirmed in Discipleship

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Confirmed in Discipleship

Journal Prompt:
Do you sometimes feel that you dont belong? Have you ever been homesick? Have you ever
been forced from your home for a long time?

Opening Scripture Passage:

Ezekiel 36: 24-28 In this passage God offers consolation and he will re-
create them and make them a better people.

What did God promise the Israelites?

Original Sin:
Being born with Original Sin means that we have been born in exile, apart from God. Like the
Israelites, we sometimes choose not to obey God and then feel far from the place where God
wants us to be. Ezekiels words remind us that God keeps his promises and is always ready to
bring us back to him. God does this in the Sacraments of Initiation
Through the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation & Eucharist) each of us have a new
Spirit within us that helps us live out Gods decrees. We become members of the Church and
continue the mission of the Church.

Covenant means promise or an agreement. God made several covenants with

his people:

Sara & Abraham: Moses: Jesus:

He asked them to leave their He gave him his God send us his Son, Jesus. At
home and family for a land commandments to give to the Last Supper, Jesus took a
that he would give them. In the Israelites at Mount Sinai. cup of wine and said, this is
return for this sacrifice, God The Israelites promised to the new covenant in my
promised that Abraham obey Gods commandments, blood, which will be shed for
would become the leader of a and in return, he promised to you. (Luke 22:20)
great nation of Gods people care for them and be their

By his Death, Resurrection, and Ascension, Jesus formed a new community. This new
community, his Church, was made up of people who believed in him, followed his teaching,
and kept his commandment of loving God and one another. People who follow Jesus are
called disciples. On Pentecost, 50 days after Jesus Ascended to Heaven, he sent the Holy Spirit
to fill the disciples with the Spirits grace. The disciples then told the Good News of Jesus to
everyone present (Acts of the Apostles 2: 1-13).

Community: Service:

living & Praying together; loving one another; caring

sharing common bonds for the poor

A Spirit-Filled Community
The disciples formed a
Message: community with four Worship:
learning form the Apostles; praying in the Church;
proclaiming the Good News breaking bread as Jesus did

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