Ipp Liam

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Individual Program Plan

(Individualized Support Plan)

Childs Name: Liam H Date of Birth: January-30-16
Resource Consultant: Tanya Strimaitis IPP Date: September-28-17
Domain: gross motor Goal: Liam will maintain a standing position for 5 minutes at least twice a day every
Strategies to Achieve Goal: Date Comments/Observations: IN
_________________________________________________________ ___
Hold Liam securely around his waist and bounce him so that his legs
_________________________________________________________ ___
support him.
Hold Liam in front of a table with toys or Montessori materials on it. _________________________________________________________ ___
Place a chair behind him, where he will sit and be encouraged to push _________________________________________________________ ___
himself to stand at the table to explore the materials.
Sit Liam on your lap facing the table and pull him to stand by having him _________________________________________________________ ___
grasp your finger. Encourage him to bounce and flex his knees. _________________________________________________________ ___
Provide Liam with physical assistance as needed.
Praise Liam for his efforts. _________________________________________________________ ___
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Legend: PA - Physical Assistance (requires hand over hand, pointing, directing, etc.) VA - Verbal Assistance (requires verbal cues)
E - Emerging (demonstrates beginning of skills) I - Independent (demonstrates skills without assistance)
T - Transfer (performs skill from environment to environment, person to person IN - Initial (individual writing comments or reviewing IPP) A Child Absent
Individual Program Plan
(Individualized Support Plan)
Childs Name: Liam H Date of Birth: January-30-16
Resource Consultant: Tanya Strimaitis IPP Date: September-28-17
Domain: motor skills Goal: Liam will squat at least 2 times every day during circle time

Strategies to Achieve Goal: Date Comments/Observations: IN

_________________________________________________________ ___
Support Liam with two hands and bounce him up and down on the
_________________________________________________________ ___
Give Liam a toy/ Montessori material to hold in each hand. Help him _________________________________________________________ ___
release object in one hand and grasp a new object.
_________________________________________________________ ___
Use verbal encouragement. Say put that piece down and Ill give you
a new one. _________________________________________________________ ___
Have Liam sitting in front of you, then bend his knees so his feet are _________________________________________________________ ___
flat on the floor close to his bottom.
Use your body to shift Liam towards you onto his feet into the _________________________________________________________ ___
squatting position. _________________________________________________________ ___
Play a toy slightly out of reach (not completely on the ground) so
Liam will begin reaching down for the toy. For example - have Liam _________________________________________________________ ___
walking around (with your support) with a shopping cart. Place _________________________________________________________ ___
different objects at different level of reach.
Reinforce Liam with smiles and praises. _________________________________________________________ ___
_________________________________________________________ ___
_________________________________________________________ ___

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Legend: PA - Physical Assistance (requires hand over hand, pointing, directing, etc.) VA - Verbal Assistance (requires verbal cues)
E - Emerging (demonstrates beginning of skills) I - Independent (demonstrates skills without assistance)
T - Transfer (performs skill from environment to environment, person to person IN - Initial (individual writing comments or reviewing IPP) A Child Absent
Individual Program Plan
(Individualized Support Plan)
Childs Name: Liam H Date of Birth: January-30-16
Resource Consultant: Tanya Strimaitis IPP Date: September-28-17
Domain: Communication( language) Goal: Liam will learn new words (listed in strategies) in Sign Language every day.

Strategies to Achieve Goal: Date Comments/Observations: IN

_________________________________________________________ ___
Use single word meaning fully to label object or person.
_________________________________________________________ ___
Clearly sign and label object or action - help, eat, play, work, in/out,
open/close, toilet, drink, water, book, music, my turn and stop _________________________________________________________ ___
when appropriate.
_________________________________________________________ ___
Use visual provided by Speech and Language Pathologist Cheryl-Ann
Camilleri with Surrey Place Centre. _________________________________________________________ ___
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Legend: PA - Physical Assistance (requires hand over hand, pointing, directing, etc.) VA - Verbal Assistance (requires verbal cues)
E - Emerging (demonstrates beginning of skills) I - Independent (demonstrates skills without assistance)
T - Transfer (performs skill from environment to environment, person to person IN - Initial (individual writing comments or reviewing IPP) A Child Absent
Individual Program Plan
(Individualized Support Plan)
Childs Name: Liam H Date of Birth: January-30-16
Resource Consultant: Tanya Strimaitis IPP Date: September-28-17
Domain: Goal:

Strategies to Achieve Goal: Date Comments/Observations: IN

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Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31



Legend: PA - Physical Assistance (requires hand over hand, pointing, directing, etc.) VA - Verbal Assistance (requires verbal cues)
E - Emerging (demonstrates beginning of skills) I - Independent (demonstrates skills without assistance)
T - Transfer (performs skill from environment to environment, person to person IN - Initial (individual writing comments or reviewing IPP) A Child Absent
Individual Program Plan
(Individualized Support Plan)
Childs Name: Liam H Date of Birth: January-30-16
Resource Consultant: Tanya Strimaitis IPP Date: September-28-17
Domain: Goal:

Strategies to Achieve Goal: Date Comments/Observations: IN

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Legend: PA - Physical Assistance (requires hand over hand, pointing, directing, etc.) VA - Verbal Assistance (requires verbal cues)
E - Emerging (demonstrates beginning of skills) I - Independent (demonstrates skills without assistance)
T - Transfer (performs skill from environment to environment, person to person IN - Initial (individual writing comments or reviewing IPP) A Child Absent
Individual Program Plan
(Individualized Support Plan)

Resource Consultants Comments:

Childs Name: Liam H

Child Care Program Name: Toddler Program at Lakeside Montessori School The Classroom Teachers will use strategies presented at the classroom by Edite
Pontes Infancy and Early Childhood Program Developmental Therapist with
Surrey Place Centre (Standing and squatting); and Cheryl-Ann Camilleri
Speech-Language Pathologist Infancy and Early Childhood Program with Surrey
Participants: Mr. H Liams father, Mrs. Jessica Williams - Liams mother, Place Centre (Sign Language and Visuals) on October 3, 2017
Ms. Aridi Classroom Teacher, and Tanya Strimaitis Resource Consultant

IPP Meeting Date: October-4-17

3 Months Review: January-8-18

PIRS Supervisors Initials ___________

Attach IPP Worksheet Any relevant consultation notes from other professionals can be found
in the childs classroom folder.
* This IPP meets requirements of CCEYA, 2014 Section 52, (1), (2)

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