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As we know that Islam is the major religious in Indonesia. Almost every person has the Quran in
their home, minimaly they keep in the top of their cupboard. Some of them read it occasionally after
praying, such as after pray maghrib or subuh. The chidren are dilligent to learn how to read The
Quran when thay are in Taman Pendidikan Alquran (TPA), usually in the age of elementary school
every evening.

The main function of the Quran is the guidance. Quraisy syihab told that it introduce itself as a
hudan lin-nas, the guidance for the human, such as written in Al-Baqarah 1-21 . Al Quran that writen
in arabic is not easy to be understood by non arabic speaking. It can become the function as the
guidance if the reader understand what they read. The Indonesian translation from arabic is the way
of refeletion touching Indonesian people.

Amir syakib Arsalan answer the question about Why moslem country is left behind while non muslim
country is forwad. He explain that it is becase they left the value of The Quran and think stagnantly
to understand about it2. The Al Quran interpretation in Indonesia is limitted and the people
understand Al Quran is limited as well. Acording to Abdullah Daraz on his book, an Naba al Adzim:
verses are such as a diamond, every corner shine the different light from the other corners. It means
every person has different understanding of Quranic verses. In the smae verses a person who are
in the law they will related it to law, the person who are in education see the verses from the
education perspective, the politic person will related it to political understanding, and also other
proffesion as well. Because Al Quran is multy intepretation according to the situation, time and
place. Because Al Quran is always relevant in every condition. If every moslem want to tadabur
(think deeply) about the meaning of Quran, there will be a lot of finding from Quranic science.

In this research, researcher try to explain the experiment of reading Al Quran with Indonesian
translation in the class of Islamic education subject which is conducted in State Junior High School
286 Jakarta. This school includ to the low grade school. The grade is about 47 from 50 junior state
school in West Jakarta. The studentis not smart and there are a lot tof problem in the school. The
desire of study is not really good.

Research methodology

The research is conducted twice, first it is about understanding school religious habitual activity in
Jakarta which is unic and different from other city. It is about tadarus habitual activity in state
school. The question is given to the teacher in the group of new teacher which are separated around
Jakarta province. The question is about is there any tadarus acctivity in the school and how the
implementation of it activity in one school. The question is given via whatsapp group.

Second, it is about experience in the school in State Junior Islamic School 286 Jakarta. The
reasercher try to analyze student intake which is come from low economy status. In a year, the

M. Quraish shihab. Tafsir Al-Mishbah Pesan, Kesan, dan keserasian Al-Quran. Ciputat: lentera Hati, page ix

Ahmad Zahro Al Hasany, Urgensi Al Quran di Era Global, page 1.
researcher using methode of reading the Quran with Indonesian translation and rewrite their
understanding of the translation. In the end of year the researcher give the question about their
opinion of that activity.

Research finding

In Jakarta all of the state school has the program of reading the Quran. In implementation every
school has their own way. There are some school that perform once a week, twice a week, third a
week and there are also school that perform it in everyday. From 15 school which consist of iconsist
of 11 school are elementary school, two of them are junior high school and two others are senior
high school, the researcher get the data as below: 14 of them perform the tadarus Al Quran
coordinated by the school one one of them is only perform in Ialamic Education subject, because the
principle is non muslim that doesnt want to do that activity. 5 elementary school conducting
habitual activity on fryday, followed by other sctivity such as dhuha prayer, khutbah and praying
Jumah or praying ashar for the afternoon school. One of them prform in twice a week, one day for
reading short surrahs and the other reading yaasiin surah. Three schools conduct the reading Quran
three days a week because on Monday they have ceremony and one day for other habitual activity
such as exercise or cleaning. One school conducts reading Quran together for four days because
they has ceremony activity on Monday. Then 5 others perform reading Quran in everyday.

Almost all of state school in Jakarta perform reading the Quran in the morning minimally once a
week. But there is no habitual for reading the meaning in Indonesian.

questioner In the first meeting the researcher give the questionair to the student. 73,4% student
family has the Quran with Indonesia translation. And others dont have. 51% of them somethimes
read the meaning of the Quran they read, 18% of them never read it, 18 % ever read, 8% are often
read and 1% is always read the translation.

In one semester the researcher teach Islamic education which is begin with reading the Quran for
about two pages and the meaning of it. In the end of semester the researcher give the question to
the student. The student is asked to write their coment after read the Quran and read the
Indonesian translation in Islamic education subject for about one semester. Here are their coment
which is taken rendomly:

1. hati kami menjadi Tenang, Jiwa terasa tentram

2. saya menjadi tahu dan lebih tahu tentang betapa indahnya kitab Allah. *subhanalla
3. Senang dan bangga karena saya jarang mengaji di tempat pengajian dan banyak
mengetahui isi Al Quran
4. Hati saya menjadi tentram dan diberi kemudahan dalam mengerjakan tugas dadn saya
menjadi tenang
5. -Saya menjadi tahu arti Al-Quran
-Hati saya menjadi tenteramm
-Saya jadi tahu pedoman dan arti Al Quran
6. Saya mengetahui banyak hal
7. Jika kita membaca Al Quran hati kita akan menjadi tenteram dan tenang dan jika kita
mambaca artinya kita bisa menjadi tau apa itu arti dari semua kitab suci Al Quran
8. Tenang dan menjadi tahu hal-hal yang ada di dalam Al-Quran
9. Hati menjadi tenang, jadi hafal tentang yang ada dalam Al Quran
10. Saya kalau membaca Al-Quran bisa tetapi kalau menulis di catatan saya nggak hafal
11. Hati saya menjadi tenang dan nyaman setelah membaca Al Quran. Walaupun saya
membaca Al Quran nya masih belum lamcar.


Indonesia is diversity whish has different language, culture, etc. Religioun is the first foundation of
the nation. In Indonesia it is cummon to use religious identity and property in public. For example
mosque in school. It is different between Islamic school and public school. Islamic school has total
otority to conduct religioous activity. For public school religious activity is not as flexible as Islamic
school. But in Jakarta, public school has unic religious traadition, which it could be contradict with
pancasila as symbol of diversity, in this case it is about religious activity. But it is hapen in Jakarta.
Islam is still be major religious. As the majority, it has more support rather than the minority.

State school should be wise to treat the student, whether they are muslim or non muslim. Moslem
student has religious study, other religious follower should has the same right as well, as the case
here is Cristian. If the Cristian dont get their right of religious subject it means the school break the
human right. Religious right is under main rule in Indonesia, sch as explain in the constitution in
article 29 paragraph 2, said that Negara menjamin kemerdekaan tiap tiap penduduk untuk
memeluk agamanya masing-masing dan untuk mberibadat menurut agama dan kepercayaannya
itu.. In Jakarta this activity can be conducted well.

Tadarus Al Quran is one of Religious habitual activity which is accomplished in different way. The
Quran is written in Arabic should be learnt by moslem. It is different between non arabic speaking
and arabic speaking person to read Quran. It doesnt metter for arabic speaking read the Quran,
but for Indonesian people, they should learnt it from the basic letter. Generally the implementation
of reading Al Quran is same. It is begin with learning to read start from Iqra, or other method such
as Jibril Method, qiroati method, etc. Usually it starts from kids. After that they learn Al-Quran in
cronoogical order. Start from chapter one till chapter 30. Many people read ceertain surrah in
certain time. For example, a lot of people read surrah yasiin on Thursday night, or others read Al
Kahfi. In the morning they read Al Rohman or Al Waqiah. The other cases, the Quran is treated such
as magic word, like a spell that is read for specific purpose.

According Quraisy syihab, the Quran arangement contain full of education wisdom. So we dont
need to read special surrah. Every surrah has its own meaning.

Al Quran is different from other book. It is vocalic book , which is better to read vocally rather than
jus read silently. The meaning of Al Quran is reading, which is can be the real Al-Quran if it is read

Al-Quran which is written in Arabic is the first revelation of Prophet Muhammad. The firs language
is language of Allah to Jibril. Then the translation of other Arabic language is the third revelation
from Arabic to other language, such as Indonesian. The different language of Alquran become the
distance for us to understand the meaning of Al Quran itsef. Eventough by the translation into
Indonesian, we still be able to learn it and understand it.

The Al Quran wich is tranlated into Indonesia bounch the resound, even sometimes it is louder and
it is the the core of Islamic understanding3. We can show the western which is learn and make
research related to Quran such as:

1. Dr. Maurice Buchaille (specialist doctor, Franch) who researchs the truth of Al-Quran news
aboout the history of prophets. From those research he conclude that Al-quran is very
sccurate told about the story of prophets, wether the order or the truth of the history whish
is so absurd if it is ordered and told. Muhammad is just an ummy (can not write and read).
He told that In the Al Quran, the religion and the science are always recognized as the
2. Jacques Cousteau (diving expert, France) said: I sware thet Al Quran is exactly revealed
from Allah. Our science today is only expresses what has been told by Al Quran for human
being since 14th century. This statement is told after his hard working to correlate between
the empiric in the field and the unic theory in The Quran.after dive in two straits which
meets four sea (Aden bay which meets Hindiaocean and Red Sea Ocean, and Gibraltar which
meets Atlantic ocean and Midle sea) he found that the water doesnt wnt to mix, such there
is a screen among them. The peculiarity of the natural phenomenon that sucked
3. Prof. DR. Ayrton Allison (Head of the Nuclear Department of Oxford University, UK) who
claimed to convert to Islam in front of the participants of the Muslim Intellectuals
Conference of the world in Cairo, Egypt in 1985. This was done after a long period of
reflection and then found the results of one of his assistants (Dr. M. Yahya asy- Syarafiy)
about the difference between sleep and death, that scientifically sleep and death is almost
the same, only when sleeping soul that came out again, while the dead soul that came out
did not come back. The result of this research turns out to be 100% compatible with
Qur'aniy's statement in Surat az-Zumar 42 which means "Allah is the soul (soul) when his
death and (holding) the soul (person) who has not died in his sleep, whom He has appointed
His death, and He has given up another soul until the appointed time: for in that are Signs of
Allah for those who think. "
4. DR. Hartwigg Hirsfeld states: "We should not be surprised to find that the Qur'an is the
source of knowledge. Everything related to the heavens and the earth, commerce and work,
human life, effects to, and this evokes the growth of monographs containing the
interpretations of those parts of the scriptures. In this case the Qur'an raises a great
discussion and has indirectly led to the amazing development of all branches of science ".
5. Prof. DR. Fuat Sezgin (professor at Frankfurt University, Germany) who conducted a 30-year
study of about 1 million ancient Islamic heritage manuscripts which was then poured in 20
volumes of encyclopedias, explicitly stated that the science in the rapidly growing West
today is a plagiarism of science- the science of Islamic past.
6. DR. J.L.C. Wortman dan Prof. DR. Carrel (both American researchers) who examined the
origins of human creation and found that in pregnant women's urine there were
"substances" that were elements of kerosene; and this is not found in the urine of women
who are not pregnant. As a "counter" to Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, they state:
"We (men) are really from the ground". And it is only the Qur'an that the scriptures

Bruce Lawrence The Quran, A Biography Atlantic Monthly Press, New York, 2006.
repeatedly and consistently declare that man was created (Allah SWT) from the land. Read
among others Alu 'Imran 59, al-A'raf 12, al-Hijr 28, as-Sajdah 7, Shad 76, ar-Rahman 14 and


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