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Scary yasir

Kia ora Aemon, when you came in today you were very happy and played at several different
activities before sitting at the end table. The van kids came in and put their bags away
you were excited to see all your friends. One of the children had a hoody on that came
right over his face and had a scary monster face at the front. As he walked towards the
table where you were you became very scared and started to point at him and began
screaming deacher, deacher. He frightened you and me because we didnt know who he
was. The other children knew who it was and began to laugh loudly. I said who are you,
please unzip your hoody youre scaring us. It was Yasir. You turned your head and wasnt
too sure who it was until he turned to you and said Aemon its me, its Yasir. The other
children laughed out loud and once you could see clearly that it was Yasir you began to
laugh too. I really like the way that when Yasir knew you were upset he undid his zip Ma
sha Allah, great skills

Communication / Mana Reo: Children and their families experience an environment where
they develop verbal communication skills for a range of purposes. Over time and with
guidance and encouragement, children become increasingly capable of using gesture and
movement to express themselves.

What Next?: We will continue to support and guide you Aemon and continue to encourage
you to use your language skills when communicating with your friends. Your learning goal
for this term were to develop your verbal skills which is an ongoing skill to learn. You have
quiet a selection of words and sentences youre confident in using. E.g. Oh no, shoes, look
deacher, water, fish, deacher come and of course pease (please) to name a few. Ma sha
Allah Aemon, ka pai to mahi.

Teacher Lynda September 2017

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