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Saconclany Wr ey y wavy PPP a ao? 2 err a8 >, Dover 2 14497) PII orreyee | v ssBook | {| Richmond Richmond 1. Rio Mixcoae No. 274, Col, Acacias Del Benito judrez, CP. 03240, México, DF Yes, We Can! Secondary is a collective work written and edited by the following team: Griselda Cacho, Miroslava Guerra, Jacaranda Ruiz, Dominic Wright Publisher: Justine Piekarowicz Proofreading: Marie Deer, john Bamaby Wright Design Supervisor: Marisela Pérez. Design: Orlando Lanas Cover Design: Orlando Uanas ‘Att Direction: Celia Ales, Karla Avila, Orlando Llanos Layout and DTP: Gina Castarieda, Karen Esquivel, Erick Lépez, ‘Daniel Mejia, Jest Pérez, Oscar Pozos ‘Technical Coordination: Salvador Pereira ‘Technical Assistance: Susana Alcéntara, Julién Sénchez, Daniel Santilén IMlustrations: Erick Arellano, Sheila Cabeza de Vaca, Gustavo Del Valle, ‘Guillermo Graco, Diego Llanso, Teresa Martinez, Javier Montiel Photographs: © AP: pp. 41(Clasoscom), 47 (KAZUHIRO NOG), 47 (DIMITAR DILKOFP} © Photos com: maestece com p. if Comstock p. 24, Digital Vision p. 94; Hemera p46 iStockphoto pp 24,26, 28 ohn Fons), 34, 36,37, 40, 41,43, 46,48, 85, 56, 58, 39, 63, 70,75, 77, 79,83, 84, 86,90, 92, 94, 123; Liesze 28; Photodisc p. 46, Photoscom p. 39 Gupiterimages): PhotoObjectsnetp. 35 (Hemera Technolog): ‘Stockbyte p. 39 (ohn Foxx); © Richmond Archive pp. 5, 7, 8, 9, 14, 16, 20, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 336/37 41, #4, 45, 49, 4, 95, 9, 100, 101, 102, 119; © Brand X Pictures pp. 4,41 Gepiterimages, Brand X Pictures), 43,135; Comstock pp. 5, 103; Creatas pp. 58, 69, 135; Digital Vision pp. se, 92; Goodshoot pp. 48,95; Hemera pp 4, 5, 7,11, 26, 28, 36, 37,40, 43,45, 46, 50, $1, 60, 85,88, 50,31, 5, 100, 103, 123,135; istockphoto pp. 4 5, 7,8, 1143, 48,51, $2, 3,68, 70, 73,85, 95,98, 108, 138; upitsimagesp 9 Photocse pp. 5 (choc! 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No part ofthis book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in ‘any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission in writing from the Publisher. “The Publisher has made every effort to trace the owner of copyright material; however, the Publisher wil ‘correct any involuntary omission at the earliest opportunity. First Edition: July 2012 Fist Reprint: May 2013 ISBN: 978-607-06-0726-4 D.R.© Richmond Publishing, S.A. deCV,, 2012 This book was pited by Edamsa Impresiones, S.A. de C.. ‘i, Rio Mixcoae No. 274, Col. Acacias, 1. Hidalgo 114, Col. Face. San Nicolds Tolentino, Del. Benito Judrez, CP. 03240, México, DF Deiegacion tntapalana, CP. 09850, México, DF June 2083. Miembro de la CANIEM Registro No. 3249 La produccién de estos materiales fue hecha por encargo del Programa Nacional de Inglés en Educacién Basica de la Secretaria de Educacién Publica, para usarse como material didéctico en escuelas publica. Impreso en México - Printed in Mexico Distribucién gratuita Prohibida su venta Gontems Units a Interviewing 38, b Singing Along i Language Reference Dictionary Bibliography | Worksheets i doom | will practice your pronunciation, read and write fairy tales, and play games. We know that English can be scary at times. This book is here to make English fun. Practice in class. Practice with your friends. if you don’t understand something, remember to ask your teacher. Have fun. We hope you enjoy this book! Asking for Services b Creating a Storybook b Organizing a Debate © « Making Predictions b Learning about the Body Systems @ « Reading scientific Topics b Making Warning Announcements 24 34 54 74 84 94 104 109 116 17 Welkome doled 0 67 Tae, Wa Gant | In this book, you will learn how to express your opinions, sing songs, | use a bilingual dictionary, and you will learn new vocabulary. You Look at the pictures and label them. [if The Beginning Atan Internet café Ata supermarket Ata fast food restaurant At a sports club mL 1.W i fom L i i = j 1 | i »W | 1.6 Ala j 2.0 ' 3.8 1-41 > Listen and answer the questions. {i [1 1. What's the gt’ problem in Dialogue 1725\e. FO gc 2c logue 2 having breakfast or lunch? { 2. 1s the boy in 3. What does the boy in Dialogue 3 need a computer for? j 4, How will the cashier help the client in Dialogue 4? «x=3— In this unit you will: « revise dialogues about the provision of community services © understand central sense and main ideas of dialogues + learn to ask for things in a public place = act out a dialogue with the help of written guidelines = j Di subject matter and purpose, | Listen to dalogues related tothe provision ofa cominunty server, Recogiise | . {ay nit 10 4 Listen to an extract of a conversation and discuss. i (2 1. Where are the people? 2. What do people buy there? > Listen to the whole dialogue and answer the questions in your notebook. {3 1, What are the boy and girl looking for?_ ® Listen again and write R (Rob), L (Lisa) or C (clerk). Welcome to Music Castle. {= Hello, thank you, _\_ May |help you? Yes, please. We' re looking {for the pop mi ‘Vd like to listen to the Big Five That’ 's over there. bum before tb » Write which expressions from the exercise above are used in the situations below. 1. Greeting someone. 2. Offering a service. 3. Expressing what you need. 4. Indicating where something is. oO 2. Do they find it? H r 3. Are the people talking face to face or on the phone? How do you know? | | i | | { | Complete the dialogue with the expressions above. {if A: GOOA __ moming. Lwe\Comes to Magic Videos. B: WeXO thank you. A: ; Bes Ciecce « thrillers section. A:That’s__ Oe & hen’ ‘ || Discriminate ambient sounds and background noise. Identify form of communication. iferentiate speakers and turns of participation | Reflect on the word repertoire suitable for ths practice of language. Unit ta w@ B Number the lines to form a dialogue. Then listen and check. Bi eo 4 Woman: Sure, What time? Boy: 20 dollars... here you are. __ Woman: Good afternoon. Welcome to X-press Cinemas. ___ Bor: Thanks. ___ Woman: Thank you. Enjoy the movie, Bor: The 6:15 show, please. ___ Woman: OK, four tickets to see Surviving in the Ocean at 6:15. That's 20 dollars, please. | i ___ Boy: Good afternoon. Can | have four tickets to see Surviving in the Ocean, please? | j i j i i ® Listen again and circle the correct options. | | i ) friends b) colleagues at work ©) clerk and client 1. The speakers ai 2, The woman is: a)friendly —_b) indifferent Orde ® Use the color code to do the task below. Underline the expressions in Activity 3 that are used to: ® say what you want to buy. @ soy the time you want tickets for. @ say how much something is. pay for something. @ show a friendly attitude. > Act out a similar dialogue using the information below. Go to Language Reference on page 104. {iif Mystery. — : FLYING inks : eS Distinguish between intonation and attitude. Establish relationship between ‘participants. Structure of dialogue, opening, body, closure. Reflect on the word repertoire suitable for this practice of language. 4 Match the pictures with the words. Use the Dictionary if needed. [i] & Listen and answer the questions in your notebook. ff @)s . What is the client looking for? 2. What size? 3. Does she buy it? Listen again and match the phrases with their meanings. {i - to look for ___ fitting very close to the body to try on ____to search for or try to find something tofit ___ to be the right size tight ___ to put on a garment to see whether it fits Act out a similar dialogue. Use the items of clothing in Activity 4. {if Clarify the meaning of words either by using a bilingual dictionary or from their context. Activate previous knowledge. Unit 1a - — a \eJ Unit 10 6 Read the text and underline the place where you could find it. 8 @& a) movies b) restaurant ©) Internet café ‘Mozzarella Sticks 4.50 ‘Onion Rings Palate ancl haps. Taco Salad large flour tortilla, esl or chicken, lettuce, onion, cheese and. son cream with our special delicious salsa | Caesar Salad latuce, one 8.50 Youur fievoite filings all wnapped up ina flour tortilla and ed th oh fio nfo | Chicken Caesar Ghicken or Steak Fajita Canituiches Hamburger 450 Cheeseburger : 5.00 ‘ Bacon Cheeseburger 3.50 6.20, Grilled Chicken Fillet > Listen to the conversation and write B (Boy) or G (Girl) according to what they order. Then answer the questions. > What are they having, breakfast, lunch or dinner? How do you know? ? Write W (Waiter) or C (Client) on the lines. Bi I'd like to have the mozzarella sticks. I'd like the soup of the day. __Can | have the steak fajita wrap, please? MHI have a glass of lemonade. ___ Would you like anything to drink? May I take your order? > Write Tin the boxes next to the phrases used to take an order. Write O next to the phrases used to order food. ® Underline the words in each phrase that you can replace. > Use the menu and the expressions above to act out a similar dialogue. Good oo ) oo ) I take your order? Predict the central sense from words and expressions that are known and/ ‘or similar to those in the native language. Reflect on hovr the information is organized. Distinguish composition of expressions. Verbs: modals (may, can, would. (Yes tite... 7 (Yes tite... 7 fi | Look at the words and mark (/) the place that relates to them. {i books borrow ID Listen and answer the questions. » 1. Where does the dialogue take place? 2, How do you know? 3. What does the girl need > Look at the extracts and circle the correct options. 1. “Fill in this form.” ‘The man is: 4) asking for clarification) giving instructions 2. "Can | use my school ID as proof of residence?” The git is: @) asking for information —_b) offering details 3. "So I need my school ID, the electric bill and the form.” The @) confirming information —b) giving instructions 4. "You can fill in the form today and you can have your ID picture taken tomorrow." The word andis used: a) to ask for information —_b) to link ideas 9 Make up a dialogue using the information. @i You want to be a member oF lub. a public sports club. Fisk what | Give information about what You nead to do to become people need to become a ‘one, Remember to confirm the: Sports cluo member. Answer information you get. the questions thot the person casts you Identify words to link ideas. Locate key words. Recognize behaviors of speakers ; ‘and listeners which support the meaning. Determine sequence of enunciation, Unit 1a 7 ‘¥®@ Listen to the dialogues and answer the questions. |) 8 1. Where is the man in Dialogue 1? > Listen again and mark (/) the chart. 2. Where is the boy in Dialogue 2? Hi. Good morning, sit Con | have your full name, please? What's your name? Formal Informal {I Match the expressions from the dialogues with their purpose. i 1. Can I have your full name? 2. Good morning, sir. 3. Hi. 4, Can someone help me with my luggage? 5, I'm looking for a puppy. 6. Enjoy your stay. Greet someone informally. Show a friendly attitude. ‘Ask for personal information. Ask for help. Greet someone formally. Express what you need. ‘12 Say an appropriate phrase according to each situation. Jit 1. You arrive at schoo! ‘and see a friend. 3. You are at a clothes store. You want to buy a T-shit 5. You are a secretary. It’s 9.a.m. Greet your boss. 2. You are a bus driver and arrive at your destination, Say something friendly to the passengers, 4, You are carrying heavy shopping bags. You have to take them to your car. 6. You are a receptionist at a sports club. You are registering ‘a. new member and need his personal information. ‘Choose word repertoire relevant to an exchange. Use pertinent speech register based \wy Unit 10 ‘on addressee. Compose sentences to provide and be provided with information. 3. Vd! > List > Red 1. Goo 21d 3, Plea 4. Ach regu 5. May Orga pron aly. ation, 43 Number the lines to form a dialogue. ___ Gi: Mmm! It’s really good. I'll have it. Man: Do you want to try our new vanilla-mint flavor? Girt: Sure. Is it good? _|_ Man: Good afternoon. Gin: Hello. _ Maw: One scoop or two scoops? Gra: One scoop, please. __ Maw: Of course it's good! Try it. AZ_ Gra: Thanks. __ Man: OK. One scoop of vanilla-mint. Here you go. Max: What would you like? Girt: I'd like an ice cream cone, please. > Listen and check your answers. Then practice saying the dialogue. {3}: ‘F4 Listen to the phrases and write where you would hear them. Write R (Restaurant), H (Hotel reception) or B (Both places). {if} [B}10 1. May I help you? 4.1'il have a small salad, please. = _ 2. What would you like to order? 5. Thank you very much. ws 3. I'd like to book a room, please. 6. Good evening. = ® Listen again and write A (Angry), £ (Enthusiastic) or P (Polite). Then say them aloud. 1 2: 3 4 5. 6. > Read the phrases aloud using different tones of voice. 1. Good moming. Welcome to our resort. 2.1'd lke two tickets for the midnight show. 3. Please fill i this form first. 4, A cheeseburger, a small soda and regular french fries, please. 5, May | take your order? ‘Organize sentences to establish turns of participation. Read sentences to practice pronunciation, Establish tone of sentences. ‘BB Complete the dialogue using the words in the box. {ii} 28 black help Thank watches Wowan: Good afternoon. May I ‘Man: Yes, please. I'd like to look at some - you? ‘Wowan: These are on sale and they're very nice. Mar jow much is the white one? ‘Wowun: It’s $25. Do you want to try it on? ‘Man: Yes. It looks OK... Let me see the: one. ‘Wownn: Here you are. ‘Mans | think Ill take this one. How much is it? ‘Wown: Let me se Man: Woman: Thanks. Here's your change. this one is $ IK. Here you are. Man: _____ you. > Listen and check your answers. (@11 > Circle the expressions used to ask for a price. ‘6 Complete the following dialogue with your own ideas. {if ‘A: Good .May [help you? A: Here B: Yes, - Vd like to B: | think I'll take look at some : How much A: Look at these, over here. A B: How : ? B: OK. Here you are. Als : A: Thanks. Here's your change. B: Let me see the . B: Thank > Act out the dialogue. 'T7 Go to Worksheet 1. 88 GF Include relevant details and interesting information during an exchange. Ask iS rt—= sh ie Unit 1a tuth the help of writen guidelines. Adjust volume and speed within dialogues. Hearne 4 Act out a dialogue. 8% 1. Get into pairs. 2. Choose a situation where you need to ask for or give information 3. Decide on the roles of each speaker. a 44, Use the ideas in the unit to write a first draft of the dialogue 5. Check that the sentences are clear as well as the spelling and punctuation. 6. Practice your dialogue aloud. 7. Act out the dialogue for the class. ae Group Reflection j 1. Did you tearn how to ask for and give information about goods and services? 2. Was it easy to choose the situation for the dialogue? 3. Was it easy or difficult to make up a dialogue? 4. What was your role? 5. Did you like acting in front of your class? | Self-Evaluation Now turn to page 4 and mark (7 or x) your progress. Ask gue ly | the Product: Act out a dialogue. Group reflection and self-evaluation Unit 10 a The Beginning 4 Look at the pictures and say which classic tale each picture | > Number the descriptions. This tale is about a girl who oO This tale is about a girl who eats : es 3 visits he poisoned apple and falls asleep. = pil ber sielsgrandimettics This tale is about a servant | This tale is about a boy whose girl who goes to a dance. | wishes come true. i : |. > Label the pictures with the I: canesponuing tiles. In this unit you will: Ve « revise classic tales oe Cinderella Aladdin 3 Little Red Riding Hood + understand central sense and ; > ‘Snow White main ideas of a classic tale | 4. + rewrite key events of a classic tale i; > Name other classic tales. | : Revise cas tals, Select asic aes based on graphic and text components. || Activate previous knowledge. Determine subject matter, purpose and intended = | | audenee. | BE 1 Label the parts of the tale with the words in the box. ‘authors’ names illustration subtitle story title Once upon a time in the north of Germany there was a town named Hamelin. The citizens of Hamelin were honest and industrious people, and’as the years went by, they became _| a very rich, ‘One day the town was invaded| citizens went to the mayor's house for help, but nobody knew what to do, "We need help!” said the mayor in des > Answer the questions. 1 1. Can you find text in these styles: bold, italics, normal type? 2. Which part of the text above isin the biggest type and why? 3. What are the names of the authors? 4. How do you know when someone is speaking in the story? Is it the same in Spanish? 5. Do you know this tale? 6. What happens at the end? Recognize graphic and text arrangement. Identify the author(s). Graphic components lustrations typography (eg, bold Hal) eteter, Text components til, subse, etcetera unit 1» ay 2 Unscramble the title and guess what the tale is about. Then skim the tale and check. (8) nice Fisherman His The Wife and ei and by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm Ten Once upon time a fisherman and his wife lived in a small, dirty shack = ‘near the ocean. One day while he was out fishing, the fisherman caught ae fish, a big fish. The fish said to bim, “Please let me live, Tam an enchanted prince. Put me back in the water and let me go.” “When the fisherman arrived home, his wife asked, “Did you catch anything today?" “Yes,” said the man. “I caught a big fish, but he told me that he was an enchanted prince, so I Tet him go.” “And what did you ask for in return?” said the woman. “Nothing,” said the fisherman. “Nothing!” shouted his wife angrily. “Go back to the ocean at once!” “But what should ask for?” said the fisherman. > Listen to and read the tale and mark (/) the correct illustration. [12 ® Rec 7 — | 4 me | 1.Who 2. Who 3. Who 4. Who und ong Predict contents based on graphic and text components. Read stories. : Undead ctl main en ay ne seecnntmettimas | ack. BE B Guess what the fisherman will ask for. Then scan the text and check. [ff] "You should ask for a | nicer house,” said his wife “Go back and find the fish!” So "© the fisherman went back to the beach __and called ont to the fish, “Enchanted fish! caught you, but I let you go. Now my wife y ‘wants a favor in retum, We live in a small, dirty hut. Please, give usa cottage.” The fish suddenly appeared in front of the fisherman. *You will have it,” said the fish, and swam away. ‘When the fisherman arrived home, he found his in a beautiful cottage. But after a couple of weeks, th ‘woman exclaimed, "This cottage is too stall, Go and ask the fish for a palace.” The fisherman went b to the ocean and said to the fish, “Now my wife to live in a palace.” “She will have it,” replied the f ‘And when the fisherman returned home he foun the fisherman, “With this palace, we should be ¢ and queen of this land.” ‘The fisherman returned to the ocean and said sadly to the fish, “Now my wife wants to in the poor, dirty hut,” said the fish, and disappeared > Read this part of the tale. Then ask and answer the questions. if 1. Who is kind, the man or the woman? ambitious, the man or the woman? 3. Who is humble, the man or the woman? 4, Who is greedy, the man or the woman? Understand central sense and main ideas ofa clasic tale. Predict contents based on graphic and text components. Read stories, Use diferent comprehension strategie (9, skimming, scanning). Recognize central sense from key events Unit 1b 4 Read the definitions and number the pictures. $8 1. A character is a person in a story. 2. The setting is where a story takes place. 3. An event is something that happens in a story. 4. A conflict is a problem for a character in a story. 5. The resolution is how the conflict is solved. >» Complete the sentences with information from the tale. Read it again if necessary. 1. The three characters in the tale are: - 2. The setting of the tale is: i an 3. The first event in the tale is: - | 7 4. The conflict of the tale is: 5. The resolution of the confi Th > Answer the questions. ae 1.Was the resolution surprising? - 2. Why did the fish refuse to make the woman a queen? Co 3. Do you think the fisherman was happy or sad at the end? 2. run 4, What would you wish for in the fisherman's situation? 3. red Use different comprehension strategies (e.g. skimming, scanning). Identity | Read cexplict information to find key events, Recognize central sense from key events. | a \ey Unit 1b ements in narrative characters, events, tetera, | key 5 Complete the sentence about classic tales. jf 1. Classic tales usually begin with this line: » Read an extract from a tale and identify the conflict. & Rumpelstiltskin byJacob and Wilhelm Grimm ‘Once upon a time there was a poor miller who had a beautiful daughter. One day the miller said to the king, “My daughter can spin straw into gold.” The king replied, "Bring her to my palace tomorrow.” When the girl arrived, the king took her into a room full of straw, gave hera spinning wheel, and said, “Now get to work! You will spin all the straw into gold before tomorrow morning.” p | The miller's daughter cried and cried because she had no idea how to spin straw into gold. ae While the girl was crying, a litle man appeared in the room. He said to the girl, “Good . evening. Why are you crying?” The girl answered, “Oh! I have to spin all this straw into gold, and Ido not know how.” —_ “What will you give me,"asked the little man, “if I do it for you?” “My necklace,” said the git), = ‘The little man took the necklace, sat in front of the wheel and started spinning. In a short, ‘time, all the straw had become gold. » Find words in the story that rhyme with these words. Then listen and check. {13 1. mime ine 1) 4.tie (line 2) (ine 1) Stone Cine 4) (ine 2) fur (line 4) itify Read stories. Identify explicit information to find key events. Detect sounds nts. represented by different letters or thelr combination. Recognize central sense from era. key events. Recognize conventions and forms with which key events are writen, __Unit 1b RL °°» © 6 Read the sentences and answer the questions. Go to Language Reference on page 104. 7 Ask: While the girl was crying, a litle man appeared in the room. 1. Who The little man took the necklace and sat down. 2. Wha 1. Which sentence describes consecutive post actions? 3, Who 2. Which sentence describes an interrupted action in the past? 4,.Can > Loo! > Circle the correct verbs to complete the next part of the tale. The king opened / was opening the door and laughed when he saw / was seeing the gold. While a servant was bringing / brought more straw, the king said / was saying to the girl, “Do the same tonight with this straw and you will be my queen.” The girl was answering / answered, “Yes, my king,” but again she didn’t know what to do. Suddenly, the little ‘man appeared again and offered / was offering his help. “But this time, when you become queen, you will give me i i i i your first child,” he said. liscover the ending. > Number the paragraphs in order to © L_] the queen cried so much that the little man said, "If you | can guess my name within three days, you will keep your child.” But he knew she'd never guess his name. (On the third day the little man appeared again and ~ demanded her baby. But the queen said, “No, you may not take him, because I know your name is Rumpelstiltskin.” ‘The litde man got angry and disappeared forever. ‘The girl became queen and had a child. The little man said, "Now give me what you promised.” -That night a servant was walking in the forest when he saw the little man dancing around a fire and singing, "I'm ugly land bad and short and thin, my name is Rumpelstiltskin.” ‘The servant quickly returned and told the queen. ic Establish forms that express continuous and past actions. Recognize conventions ~ Unit 1b and forms with which key events are written. Arrange events ina sequence. - Ret a y Ask and answer the questions. {2 1. What did you like about this tale? 2, What did you dislike about it? 3, What would you change about the tale? Why? 4, Can you give an alternative title for the tale? > Look at the pictures and use the words to recall what happened in the tale. 3. a servant, forest, Rumpelstiltskin’s name 4, Rumpelstiltskin, angry, disappear » Write sentences about the pictures. tions | Rete events from ilutrotions Rewnlte key evens Unit 1b Bw Unscramble these sentences from the tales in the unit. [ii 1, asked for / more and more / the woman 2. his daughter / he claimed that / gold from straw / could spin 3. in a beautiful cottage / and found his wife / returned home / the man 4. his flute / and the rats / the man played / followed him 5. appeared / she was crying / while / little man 6. of rats / the town / invaded / a plague > Number the pictures according to the sentences above. > Discuss these questions. Which story did you like the best? Why? mange sentences to conform events. Bites reactions and personal plnlons Bl Unit 1b aipout evens (e.g 1 dn he.) - as er 4 Create a storybook for lower grade students. Ai ig 1. Select and read a classic tale. 2, Determine the key events. 3, Compose and arrange sentences based on the key events, 4, Revise the grammar, spelling and punctuation. 5. Choose the number of pages for your book. 6. Allocate the pages to different group members. Go to Worksheet 2. 7. Rehearse reading the text out loud and practice pronunciation. 8. Read the book out loud and donate it to students from lower grades. Group Reflection 1. How did you feel working with your team members? 2. Was it easy to decide how to divide up the work? 3. What do you find difficult about working in a team? 4. Do you find it easier to work in a team or alone? 5. Did you prefer writing or illustrating the storybook? Self-Evatuation Now tum to page 14 and mark (¥ or x) your progress. ‘The Product: Create a stonybook. Group reflection and seevaluation Unit 1b \B/ Using Bilingual Dictionaries Bes 4 Discuss these questions. [i 1. Do you use dictionaries? 2. if s0, do you use the dictionaries that give you the definition or the translation? 3. Do you prefer an online or a printed dictionary? 4. Which dictionaries have pictures? 2 Read the definitions. Then mark (/) the bilingual dictionaries. {if A bilingual dictionary ~ translates words from one language to another. ‘A monolingual dictionary - uses the same language for the word and its definition. FSS eo mpnaounewna Zz ferausrtas Dictionary > Write the number of the appropriate dictionary next to each person. ~Surreptitious”? aaa ‘What is that in I'd like to see a photo of Spanish? @ hedgehog. | don’t really know what one looks like. In this unit you will: review different types of dictionaries understand the instructions to use i) e Bloy a bilingual dictionary write instructions to use a bilingual | 1. Read Where can I find dictionary from a model 2. List f re meaning for learn how to improve your thes Philanthropy”? | just writing skills 3. Com have my laptop here... Select bilingual dictionaries. Identify purpose and intended audience. Recognize | | Recog ‘graphiccomponents. | | andsi 4 ‘4 Read the definitions. Then label the parts of the dictionary using the words in red. J 1. Entries appear in bold in alphabetical order. 2. Arabic numbers (1,2,3...) indicate the subentries. 3. Roman numerals (I Ill) indicate a change in the part of speech of the same entry. 4. The phonetic transcription is located between slashes /../. 5. The abbreviations in italics stand for parts of speech. 6. The guidewords indicate the first and last word on each page. 7. The symbol ~ is a placeholder for the main entry in examples. 8, The abbreviation e.g. introduces an example 9. The words or phrases in square brackets [...] show synonyms or collocations. 10. The words between < > show the forms of the entry (irregular verbs, irregular plural, etc.). 11. The translation of the word appears in a different language than the entry. 24 fSiéé] Tistza'é.g.: She has always felt the ~ of the stage. reer 11. v. 1. [to draw] tirar de, jalar e was pulling the sleigh. 2. (to take out] e.g. He pulled a blanket from the drawer. ¥ pulp /psip/ I n. 1. [of fruit] pulpa 2. [of paper, wood] pasta “3, [substance crushed of beaten] pure e.g.: The tomatoes have been crushed to a pulp. Il v. reducir a una pasta 4 “ * » Play a game! §& - Read the guidewords above again. . List four more words that could possibly appear between 2+ these guidewords. 3. . Compare with another pair. Recognize text components Locate and recognize the number of ents. Meni ets and subentries. Examine numbers ond special characters and determine their se Unit 2a 8B Find and circle the English words. {iif ’ s & ¢ . SS so "Os, 3s 0, os “Presawondert¥\? List all the words in the corresponding sections. Remember to put them in alphabetical order. { | jo | j 2. 4 Listen to the words on the recording and write them under the appropriate i 3 guidewords. @ 1s 1 4. 1. risen-rob 3. robber-rollerblade 5. seagull-seal 7. seam-seat ios i. 6. 2. popurri-pormenor 4. porte-poseer 6.librarticenciado 8. liceo-lja | 7 ‘dentify text organization, Point out sections assigned to each language. Locate ‘words in English and Spanish in a dictionary upon their reading aloud. | hoa BR one 2a r Th Ho Tig Th Thi Sor Go Esta Rea 5 Match each part of speech with its definition. Then listen and check. 8 (@e adjective names a person, place, thing or state pl 9 adverb replaces a noun or noun phrase article describes a verb, adjective or adverb ‘conjunction describes a noun noun describes an action or existence preposition joins words, phrases or clauses with each other pronoun is used before a noun; it can be definite or indefinite verb describes the relationship between a noun and another noun, verb» or adverts 6 Find and circle the abbreviations for the parts of speech. if) between /borwin/ prep. 1. debajo de 2. [less than] inferior a fast /test/ | adj. 1. [speedy] répido, répida 2. [watch, clock] adelantado It aav. 1. [quickly] répidamente 2. firmemente Ill v. ayunar lock /lak/ In. 1. cerradura 2. mechén II v. cerrar mine /majn/ | pron. mio, mia, mios, mias Il n. mina Ill v. excavar the /oa/ art. el, la, los, las but /to1/ conj. 1. pero 2. [clarifying negative statement] sino » Write the abbreviation of the part of speech for each word in bold. {iif 1, The diamond mine is no longer in use. 2. I locked the door and went to work. 3. Tigers run fast. 4. The lock of my suitcase is broken. 5. This is not your book. It's mine. 6. Some people fast 40 days before Easter. Go to Worksheet 3. 88 WBF Gz Establish type of word from an abbreviation. Locate types of word in a dictionary. Read the definitions for words in English and in Spanish, & Read the text and decide which part of speech completes each blank. Then write the parts of speech on the lines using abbreviations. a What are (1)_f._? How do you know that a creature is a mammal? Here are some tips: all female mammals have mammary glands; both male and females have hair, sweat glands, (2), four chambered hearts. Most mammals give birth to (3) animals, there are only five species of mammals that (4) eggs. ‘Mammals can live on land, in the ocean and (5). the air. Regardless of where they live, they breathe air through (6), —___ not gills Here are some (7). facts about mammals. Ifyou would like to learn more about (8), visit our site: % No two zebras have the same pattern of stripes. % The trunk of an elephant can hold up to eight liters of water. ‘& Kangaroos are unable to walk (9)_. ‘Lions can’t roar (10). they are about two years old. Rabbits cannot vornit. % Male monkeys can go bald. and conj. connects words and phrases lungs n. organs that help creatures backwards adv. in the direction that is breathe behind you mammals n. animals that are born from their mother's body 1 in prep. inside or within a place them pron. a word used for referring Interesting adj. engaging, fascinating to a group mentioned before live adj. having life until adv, up to a particular place lay v. to put, set down in time : List abbreviations. Locate types of words in a dictionary. Read the definitions for - Unit 20 words in a dictionary. > Ona: the he Underst words in Read the definitions. Then classify the words accordingly. {i country man mountain Mount Everest Nadia ocean Pa imon Uruguay _ woman a, Common nouns refer to a category of items. We write them using lower case letters. b, Proper nouns are the names of specific items. We write them using capital letters. ces ttyl lta ¥0 Circle the parts of the headlines using the color key. 8 Qe — capital letters at the beginnings of sentences ~ punctuation signs ® capital letters for proper nouns i Demonstrations in Egypt turn The nna 2 p famous singer is | violent on the weekend. free again! ———— ” “How can we save our Earth? scientists are asking themselves. > Ona separate sheet of paper, copy the chart below. Then classify all the words from the headlines in alphabetical order according to their part of speech. J Dt Understand the use thats ven lower and uppercase eters. Clas types ot word inthe table. Unit 20 @/ LE Do you know what time itis? How many times do Thave to explain it? > Now number the definitions according to the pictures above. Use the Tips box for help. 1. Try to deduce the meaning of the unknown word from the given situation (context). 2. Decide what part of speech the word is in this situation. 3. Look up the word and identify the appropriate part of speech in the dictionary. 4, Look for the meaning that fits the situation 5. Check if your deduction in point 1 was correct, 6. Do the same for the other situations. time /iajm/ In. 1. tiempo 2. (clock) hora [_]3. (occasion) vez[_] 1 v. cronometrar| ‘E2 Read the definitions of “play” and write an example for each. 88 = play /plei/ I n. a theatrical performance, e.g.: ee 3 Iv, 1. to take part in a game, e.g. a 4 2. to make music with an instrument, e.g.: as 5. 3. to take part in a dramatic presentation, e.g. a — 6. > Now discuss how to translate each meaning into Spanish. Comprehend the instructions to use a bilingual dictionary. Understand the use of Writ By vie 20 ‘imestnceompnes | | | ~ — ; ‘BB List the bilingual dictionary features from the box in alphabetical order. Write an ‘example from the unit for each. ‘abbreviations phonetic transcription Arabic numbers Roman numerals entries examples _guidewords 1._abbreviations :___ ad). adv. n, Za : _ » Discuss how we use each dictionary feature. ‘14 Read and match parts of sentences. Then write them on the lines. [if Examples | the part of speech of the word. | Guidewords word no Phonetic transcriptions | Roman numerals | help us pronounce his = ~ show us the different meanings the entry faster. | The abbreviations iate Sala La [ help us identity | [ of the same word. for the use of the word. ect. ee establish a context the word. help us locate [Arabic numbers ant parts of speech Write a ist of the features ofa bilingual dictionary. Compose sentences that ‘ ‘explain how to use bilingual dictionary features. Unit 20 L- ‘WS Listen and underline Ron's problem. {ff Gre ‘a. Ron doesn’t understand an English word. . Ron is looking for the translation of a Spanish word. » Listen again and mark (/) the things you need to do to look up a word. When you want to look up a word in English.. turn / right section guess / meaning know / alphabet establish / context flip pages find / abbreviation use guidewords check / pronunciation read all the meanings decide / part of speech > Number the steps you marked above in the order in which you do them. Then write the complete sentences. Use the Tips box for help. Mow co nse a Hing! dictionary T] Use guidewords. E z 2 x — Edit your work + Make sure all sentences begin with a verb (imperative form) in upper case letter. + Check that sentences finish with a period. + Check the spelling of all the words. stabs the numberof tps. Arange sentences in a lagical sequence. Read to Ba Unit 2a revise punctuation and spelling w= _ @ Write an instruction manual to explain how to use abilingual dictionary. i i) 1, Work in groups. 2, Compare the steps you wrote on the previous page and help each other with any remaining questions. 3. Choose a word in English or in Spanish that you want to work with. 4, Select a bilingual dictionary that you want to use to write the manual. 5, Write what section of the dictionary you are going to work with. 6. Decide how many steps you want to include in your manual. 7. Choose the most important steps and order them logically. 8, Check your writing and spelling. 9. Write the final version of your manual. 10. Display your manual in the classroom. \ write | 4. Choose the vey ight section To 3, | 4) word. | Group Reflection 1. How did you feel working with your team members? 2. Was it easy to decide how to divide up the work? 3. What do you find difficult about working in a team? 4. Do you find it easier to work in a team or alone? Self-Evaluation Now tum to page 24 and mark (¥ or X) your progress. tead to velling. 2b Organizing a Debate 1 Read and discuss. §@ & Do you ever listen to the radio? How often? What types of radio programs do you like? 0a aT \ Besesscs a eo f8 Sececoss 1k aesees oe seesese Beeses : gee-" music aan 2 Listen to a radio program and circle the correct options. { @r9 1. The show is about the focal library / facilities for teens | chips. 2. I's a news | music / talk show. | 3. The show is for teens / parents / little kids. 4, The show consists of a presenter, some students and an advert song / a presenter, some parents and a love song / a presenter, some students and advert poem. B Listen to the radio program again and match the information. The presenter advertise some chips and ... ‘answer questions. The students moderates the show and . tell people what to do. The singers give their opinion and ... ‘asks questions. . _ Ht : 7 t 4 Listen and write Q (question), A (answer) " e a or / (instruction). 20 In this unit you will: 2. The a r revise all aspects of radio programs aye 2 5 understand the contents of a radio et a e program \ exchange opinions about a radio ous > Listen and check. Then listen and ne Oo repeat. 21 Pe i Listen toa radio program, Establish subject matter, purpose and intended audience. Discriminate advertisements from program contents. Distinguish Pred \Ba] Unit 2b {intonation and tone of presenter and other participants. thos 4 Read some words and phrases from a radio program. Then complete the predicti 1. think the program will be about _. \ )teens b) dogs and cats ©) the treatment of animals 2. The audience is going to__. ©) call the show ) visit a 200 ©) go to an Internet café > Listen and check your answers. (22 > Listen again and number the parts of the show. ‘The presenter's introduction Intro music ‘An ad (advertisement) A listener's call The guests! opinions ended |} aguish ||| Predict central sense from words and expressions that are known or similar to pata those in the native language Differentiate parts ofa program. Unit 2b tii 2 Listen and match the sentences with the speakers. ff) @)z3 4.Nu Ge © Gomme) ; 2 5 5 Elephants and tigers @® (Cireuses are terrible need a lot of space. ‘What do you i ® (What's your opinion? co think, George? B Circle the correct options. Then listen again and check. i 1.1 think z00s are OK, and / but circuses are terrible! 2. Zoos aren’t good for animals, but / either. » Now 3. Zoo animals have a healthy diet because / and they receive the best medical attention. 1 4,1 think zoos and circuses are fine when / so they treat the animals well. : - 5. Many animals live longer in captivity than in the wild, when / so it can’t be cruel. 7 ome | deny words wed toconnectiieas. | || fc 4 Number the photos with the names of parts of a radio program. [iif [ 1.chat__ 2. callin 3. comedy 4. news _ 5. sports commentary 6, weather forecast nd tigers of space. >» Now listen to some sound effects and write the contents they represent. (}24 1. = 4, 2: 5. —— 3. 6. > Match the four contents of a radio program with the corresponding information. Contets Related sentences c Tell us what you think, Our telephone Weather forecast number is 609 303 03. . Call in Today is the big match! Who will win the final? News - It will rain tomorrow. Sports commentary Finally this morning the police caught the burglars who stole the paintings from the National Gallery. » Write one more sentence for each of the contents above. {iit i nrticipants, | | sonia vai 2 ay Li > Listen again and write J (Jimmy), P (principal), M (mom) or G (girl). How do you feel about your new teacher? Really cool. Really? What's your new teacher like? She's great. | think she's awesome. What do you think of your new teacher? [Are you kidding? [_]| like her a lot. In my opinion she's very good, Ma'am. |s that right? She's patient and kind. > Discuss. i 1. Does jimmy use the same language with each person? ) 2. Why or why not? \al Unit 2b Detect speech register ee ——s resome. nd kind. ister. 6 Listen and complete the dialogues. ff) @)26 Do you understand? give an example _ | don’t understand itmeans _ repeat that _ tell me about 1. A: I'm sorry, ____. What does “awesome” mean? B: It means “very good.” 2. A: Sorry, | didn’t hear you. Could you please? B: | said, "I think that watching television is boring.” 3. A: “Cool” means the same thing as “cold,” right? B: No, here “excellent” or “fashionable.” 4, A: Can you of unhealthy food? B: Sure, for example, chips and candy are unhealthy. 5. A: Go on, your new cat. B: Wel, it's gray and white and it’s only two months old. 6A B: No, sorry, | don’t. Could you say that again? > Number the functions accordingly. [Asking for repetition ‘Checking understanding ‘Asking for an example [Asking about meaning Asking for more information Checking meaning » Listen again and repeat. if : 7 Complete the questions with your ideas. i 1.What does mean? 2. Can you give me an example of 3. Go on, tell fne more about 4, ‘means the same as right? > Read your ideas and respond. Distinguish behaviors adopted by speakers to support meaning construction, ‘Write sentences used by the presenter and/or the participants to support comprehension, Use expressions and linguistic resources to ask for details and clarifications. Unit 2b \B/ & Listen and mark (/) what the people are discussing. [if » Listen again and number the sentences. Lagree, The basketball courts are so cool. No way! It’s really dirty and the boats are old. It's pretty good in my opinion. What do you think of the new park? Definitely! And | think that the lake is awesome. ® Read and write the heading for each column. {iif ‘Agreeing © Asking for an opinion _Disagreeing _ Giving an opinion i I think so, too. don’t agree. What do you think... | __ Sorry, | disagree. | What's your opinion... Me too/neither. ee 5 I don’t think that... What' | eel that |___ | > Sort the underlined phrases in Activity 8 into the corresponding columns. > » Use the language above to exchange opinions about facilities in your town. bok "Answer questions to express opinions. Exchange opinions. Include relevant Comp \a] Unit 2b Beet enna tncoeaien i a ee prac LL _ 40 On a separate sheet of paper, write a short dialogue. Follow these steps. 8 I 1. Ask for an opinion about something or someone. Use the pictures for ideas. 2. Give your opinion. 3, Agree or disagree and say why. 4, Ask for information, clarification, repetition, examples, etc. famous person a video game or computer software teacher or another person at schoo! Act out your dialogue. practice intonation and tone, Compose and write opinions to support oral production. Read opinions to oy Unit 2b 1 Listen to a radio show and underline the answers. (ff! @zs ¥ Org 1. What type of show is it? @) chat b) sports ¢)news ae 2. What isthe show about? a) dogs beats) pets que: 3, Who tokes part in the show? a) callers b) guests ¢) both callers and guests 5 we 4, Who is the show for? a)animal lovers b) vets ——_€) z00keepers deci 5. What does the show include? 0) weather by sports ©) opinion 3. Estat 6.s it interesting? a) yes byno ‘ sal > Listen again. Match the notes with the pictures. wepe 5. After and ¢ 6. At th unifo > Answer the questions. Si 1. Which pets do you prefer, cats or dogs? 2. Can you think of other good and bad points about each animal? '12Go to Worksheet 4. 4% (Bag) unit 20 Formulate questions about the content ofthe program, Exchange opinions | ie 4 Organize a debate about a radio program. if G29 1. Listen to a radio program about school uniforms and make notes about the ‘questions the presenter uses and the opinions the students give. 2. Write your opinion about school uniforms and decide which opinions you agree or disagree with. 3, Establish for how long and in what order you are going to give your opinion. 4, Take turns giving your opinions and asking for repetition, clarification, more information and the meaning of unknown words. 5. After each opinion, take turns saying if you agree and disagree and why. 6. At the end, take a vote, Who's in favor of schoo! uniforms and who's against them? dguests Group Reflection * Did you all take turns and give your opi + Did anyone ask for repetition, clarification, etc.? + Can you ask for and give opinions? * Can you ask about meaning and for repetition, clarification and more information? Self-Evaluation Now turn to page 34 and mark (7 or x) your progress. eid E11) Making Predictions The Beginning T Discuss the questions. 1. What do you read or listen to to find out about: + the weather? «+ predictions for a sports event? + what will happen to you in the future? 2. What do you like and dislike about these sources of information? 2 Read the texts and discuss where they might appear. {i The Eagles are playing the Tigers tomorrow at Olympic b Stadium. The odds are that ee 2 the Eagles will win. Quel 'C sa Your charismatic 4 =F —: z personality will 2 ‘This a ie life line. 5 attract many people an ae life | to you. You will influence { with some obstacles your classmates this week. > Write the numbér of the text that these people would read. In this unit you will: 1, soccer fans _ review written forecast examples 2athe general publ understand characteristics of 3. “Leos” __ the future tense ae write sentences with the future tense to compose a forecast Identify situations in which forecasts are made, Recognize subject matte, purpose ey wine 30 eee 1. Whe 2. Are 3. Whe 4, Doe 5. Whe Hig Lov > Rea the’ atti fore City and simi com » Com fort Distn foreca 1, What are the boy and the gir talking about? 2. Are they talking about the future? 3. What auxiliary verb is used for both the questions and the answers? 4, Does the auxiliary used in the answers have the same form in the affirmative and in the negative? 5. What is the contracted form of will not? | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday i Dorn o%y High 26°C High 22°C High 17°C High 15°C Low 18°C Low 16°C Low 7° Low 5° <> 1. There are two ways to ask about the weather forecast: » Read the information in the Tips box. Then look - at the four-day weather || Willit+ verb: forecast for Mexico Will train on Friday? City and, in pairs, ask b. Will it be + adjective: and answer questions Will it be sunny on Tuesday? similar to the ones in the | 2. We use Yes, it wll. / No, it won't. to answer these questions. conversation. ae > Complete the forecast for Tuesday. Then write similar sentences about the forecasts for the remaining days in your notebook. On Tuesday the high temperature will be 268C and the low se It will be hor cand it sunny. urpose | | | Disingush gropticond text components Anwer questions formulte 6 create tence. | | | forecasts based on curentstuations, Complete sentences with the ature vet fom. unit 30 (Sy u Whether the weather is fine, ‘Or whether the weather is not. Whether the weather is cold, (Or whether the weather is hot. We'll weather the weather, Whatever the weather, Whether we like it or not. 1. Write the three words that sound the same, but have different meanings: 2. Circle in yellow and then spell out the word that means if 3. Find and underline the verb that means to get through. rf 4, Circle in red the contraction for we will. | I A 5, Underline the last three lines of the poem to form a tongue twister. ae Practice saying it three times as quickly as possible. | Sones four ye 4 Play a game! x = res q ry a game! fi Mee arent) Ee ote ‘The fir . oe : : 3s 1 sports ¢ £1, Look at the map and give the weather | Every 0 prediction: It will snow in this place, but it : slong won't be windy. Your partner has to guess = Ba 3 g epions L the city. ee | coun ! 2, fhe / she can’t guess, give more tips: | Rio de] The high temperature will be... i + 3. When he / she guesses, switch roles and ; play again. & Ans 1. Wher | > Com| Understand the different meaning of words that sound the same but have different spelling. Identify sentences that express future situations and conditions, Comp and their composition. Listen tothe students reading aloud forecasts containing | prese Unit 3a vetb forms in the future tense. caren _ have litions, ining tense, ii arayg ital eaten ere erated § Talk about the Olympic Games. Then complete the first two columns of the chart. {i as part of a religious festival. The Ee ‘of the gods, Zeus. People came from all over Greece. Some of _tthletes participated and other people. | country and cit Rio de Janeiro “Live your Passion.” > Answer the questions. 1. When will the next Olympics take place? 2. Who will host them? 3. What will its theme be? » Complete the third column of the chart. Compare sentences that express future situations to those that express past and resent situations. Answer questions formulated, to create forecasts, based on current situations : Unit 3a tz — 6 Label the athletes using the words in the box. Then listen to check. 8 GOs» [Badminton player cyclist gymnast swimmer weightlifter Unscramble qnd answer the questions. Make sure you use uppercase letters and punctuation correctly. 1, 100 meters / who / swim / will 7 List 2. from China / do / will / what / player / the 3. who / somersaults / do / will / the 4. what country / will / represent / weightlifter/ the 5. be /a/ cyclist / French / will / there Compose and write questlons about future situations. Answer questions {BJ voit 3a ee ee ee eee” I LL | ime buts Asa ; Hil My name is Marla. | go to the pool three times a week. | don’t swim fast, but | like diving. {'m Pedro. | love all kinds of sports, but swimming is my favorite. They say | swim really fast, tuestions stuation, Arrange a sentence sequence expressing future situations. 7 Listen and number the steps from 1 to 7. {iil (32 ____sign up the athletes to participate, ____ mae a list ofthe materials. __— choose the date and time. | assign responsible to cach committee member: | choose the events for your Olympics. make posters to advertise the event | __1_ form an Olympic. committee, | Se t Thingsto do.. | V'm Frank, I'm a runner. | can run for a long time, but not very fast. My name is Lola. | belong to a sports club. | like lifting weights. I'm also very good at boxing. larla will participate in the diving event. She won’t participate in a swimming competition because she doesn’t swim fast. ® Read Gabriel's predictions. Then answer the questions according to whether you agree or not with his predictions. 1 think the worid will be very diferent in 2030. Fist of al ‘anymore. They will take all their kids won't go to school i Slosses at home. They will see their teacher and other kids only on the Internet. There won't be any more printed books. People will read everything on thelr screens, pepe Writ have a smartphone, too. They will talk to ‘and see friends using smartphones. They will never meet their friends in person. People won't leave their houses. There won't be any traffic and we will only travel virtually with the help of computer programs. Will there be a lot of changes in the world? Will kids go to school? . Will people meet in person? — |. Will everyone have a smartphone? . . Will people travel a lot? ee . Will we spend a lot of time away from home? aerkeno @ Doaclass survey. iit ‘Asa class, choose three of the questions from Activity 8. One student will ask the class the questions and record the results on the chart. Then volunteers will dictate sentences with the results of the survey. Another student will write the results on the board. | IWant aetna Cole » Pla will have a smartphone. | 4. Play s 0 2. The An eemcronanagiis (eee reer cre — that everyone will 7 that eae esl CLP elt ; oe stud 5. Con rem TH Go Answer questions formulated to creat forecasts, based on current situations. Lis \so] Unit 3a Dictate sentences which answer questions about ature situations. com ouagree | the th the ations. ations. ¥@ Sort the words and phrases into the correct columns. Si X-ray machines. > Write six predictions about the categories above. Use the contractions with ‘Il and won't. People won't go shopping in the year 2030. They'll buy everything online. > Play a game! Saf 1. Play in groups of 4-5 students. 2. The first student reads one of his / her predictions about the year 2030, 3. The next student repeats the prediction. If it includes will, he / she says another prediction that follows logically using won't, or vice versa, 4. The third student repeats the first two predictions. Then he / she reads a new one. The next F student says a prediction with the opposite auxiliary, and so on. 5. Continue the procedure with the students repeating all the predictions. If they can’t remember, they are out of the game. The winner is the student who remembers all of them. TH Go to Worksheet 5. $$ BY | Listen to students reading aloud forecasts containing verb forms in future tense, ‘112 Read the text about Emma. Then complete the chart. |i Emma is 13 years old and she goes to secondary school. She's a kind and friendly girl. She has a lot of friends and loves spending time with them. She's also very smart. She studies a lot and gets good grades. She loves to read and she reads a lot. Her favorite books are historical novels. Emma cares about other people. She likes to help them. She stays after school and helps some classmates with their homework. She also loves sports. She plays basketball and soccer. She takes swimming classes on Saturdays. She wants to be a teacher when she grows up. She would like to work with kids who have special needs. Personality Values Interests Free time activities Plans for the future > Go to Language Reference on page 106. > In your notebook, write predictions about Emma's future using the model. 2 In 5 years, Emma will In 10 years, she'll Emma won't Choose a subject to waite a description about. Write the current description. Place the current description into a future setting and write it in that verb tense in order ey Unit 3a to compose the forecast. -————_——— sini 4 Com 1, Work 2. writ 3, Deci 4, Writ 5. Exch 6. Writ 7. Read Justi The? Riera Compose a forecast. fit 1. Work in teams. 2. Write a profile of one of your classmates. 3, Decide what information to include that can be helpful to write a forecast about his / her future 4, Write the forecast in the future tense based on the profile. 5, Exchange your work with another team to correct the writing and spelling. 6. Write the final version of your forecast and display it in the classroom. 7. Read the forecasts aloud and say whether you agree with other teams’ forecasts or not. Justify your answers. Group Reflection 1. How did you feel about the assignment? 2. What was the hardest / easiest part about it? 3. What was the most interesting thing you learned from writing the forecasts? Self-Evaluation Now turn to page 44 and mark (¥ or x) your progress. | Tsetaice onpea cf cep rea nd srt, une 30 Learning about the Body Systems ‘T_ Find and circle the names of seven systems of the human body. [if Za > Draw lines to match the person, the purpose and the kind of chart he / she would use. PE teacher ‘to leam about the human body in detail simple diagram of the heart secondary “to explain the procedure labeled chart of the skeletal school student to aheart surgery patient and muscular systems heart ‘to brainstorm general information ‘a.concept map surgeon . ‘about human body systems of each system medical to show what parts of the body detailed diagrams of all systems student students are using during exercise ‘and parts of the human body 2. And a. Buea Ci 3. Son In this unit you will: - «+ review charts of human body systems with the teacher's guidance 4. The + understand information about the systems in the human body ° 5. The + write notes to describe the components of human body systems - + edit your work a > Md Select charts for specific purposes, Reflect on the use of images and/or Exa \sl Unit 3b inaraaee aeaitsces neue Tones eae | con 4 Listen to the description of the skeletal system. Label the parts with the information you hear and the words in the box. i) 33 foot shinbone kneecap skull neck spine pelvis thighbone ribs toes » Discuss these questions. 1. What are the parts of the chart? 2, Do you find charts like that helpful to study? 3, What other information would you add? 2 Read the rhyme about the skeletal system and circle the answers. i A ee aac The head bone’s connected to the neck bone. The kneecap's connected to the shinbone. ‘The neck bone’s connected to the back bone. The shinbone’s connected to the foot bone. The back bone’s connected to the thighbone. The foot bone’s connected to the heel bone. The thighbone’s connected to the kneecap. The heel bone’s connected to the toe bone. Oh, yeah, some of our 206 bones! ooo erg ope ptf poems pool 1, The main idea of the rhyme is... a. bones are connected b. we have 206 bones ¢. we don’t have many bones 2. Another word for backbone is... a. neck b. heel spine 3. Some parts of the leg are the... a. thigh, knee, foot b. back, heel, toe c. neck, back, thigh 4, The heel is part of the.. a. arm b. foot c. toe 5. These bones are... bones of the human body. «@. alll of the b. the least important c. only a few of the > Make up your own melody for the text to create a song, Examine distribution of graphic and text components, Recognize description of : components. Identity new terms in order to refine and broaden vocabulary. Unit 3b B. Read about and underline each part of the skeletal system. Then circle the function of each part. [i ‘The skeletal system consists of bones, muscles, joints and ligaments. Your bones hold you up and help you move. They also give your body a shape and protect other parts of your body, such as your brain, ‘The bending places in your body are where two bones connect. They ate called joints. Your joints help you move, too. Shoulders, elbows and wrists are joints. You also need muscles to move and to stand. The muscles are attached to your bones. They pull on the bones to move them, Ligaments hold your bones together. They're strong and they stretch. They're like big rubber bands. 4 Play a game! ff “1, Play in groups 6f 5-6 students. 2. Each student writes the name of a part of the skeletal system on a strip of paper. They put them on a desk and mix them up. 3. Then students take turns picking up a paper and giving clues for other group members to guess the body part. 4, The student who guesses correctly gets a point, The student with the most points at the end is the winner. omy comp Recognize description of components Slet information o wrt notes. Organize / tems and deseption on a ale. Kent the graph resources used olin | {Bay vate 3b components and desaipions. | Acgehnl} » Listen again and unscramble the words related to the respiratory system. Si 1.gtigerhbn e “2.ertahca__ si “3ogunl 5, Isnaa sssgpage____ 6. xlaehe __ > Complete the sentences using the words above. 1, When we breathe in air, we 2, When we breathe out air, we 3. Taking air in and out of your lungs is a 4, The air moves from your nose to the _ 5. After that, it goes through the 6. Next, it goes through two tubes to your > Label the parts of the diagram about the passage of air through the body. nose ‘Compose sentences to write notes, Complete sentences in order to describe components. Organize terms art descriptions on a diagram, Choose graphic resources in order o fink the test and images ____Unit 3b 6 Read the clues and write the name of each disease. Then underline the sentences that describe the symptoms each one has and circle the verbs in them. ff & acold asthma __broncl pneumonia the flu How much do you know about some common respiratory diseases? 1. A virus causes this sickness. People who have it usually have a fever. Their whole body hurts. a 2. Many people get this common illness. It doesn’t have a cure, but it’s usually not serious. People feel tied and have a runny nose. Sometimes they have a cough, too. 3. This is a serious disease. The lungs fill up with a thick liquid and people can’t breathe. 4, Aperson with this sickness has trouble breathing and wheezes or makes a whistling sound when he or she breathes. When you have this disease you need an inhaler. 5. It’s a sickness of the throat and lungs. People cough a lot. You need an antibiotic to feel better. > Look at the sentences you underlined in the text and choose the correct options below. Go to the Language Reference on page 106 to check your answers. 1. The verbs describe facts / routines. 2. The verbs are in the simple past tense / simple present tense. 3. Verbs in the simple present tense end in s when they refer to he, she, it/ | you, we, they. 2 Imagine each person has a respiratory disease. Write what each person says. i je) C7 » In your notebook, write what each person says using quotation marks. The man in picture | says, “I cough a lot.” Revit simple sentences in conventional manner Wite sentence from aimodel Choose graphic resources in eres oink the text and images \gay Unit 3b Punctuation: quotation marks. Verb tenses: simple present. a > Pra Text rer {g Read and choose the headings for each section. [if Breathing Breaks Be Happier How You Breathe Mindful Breathing Are you scared of many things? Do you ‘Takea breathing break at any time of People woity a loi? Do yourwant to feet better the day, Maybe your teacher will let i you wy right now. You can star with ‘mllch esi than you only one minute ata time, Sitin a think. Breathe, breathe, comfortable position, Then close your that’s all you eyes. Count to three as you breathe in Fisen ‘ inhale through your nose, Count itanyway, Take ten to four as you exhale or breathe out : imutes a day and through your nose. Repeat at least five i concentrate on tos times, your breath, Keep in mind how you breathe. You breathe in through your nose. Breathe in deeply. Feel your abdomen expand. Feel your lungs fill up with air. Then feel your diaphragm relax and get sinaller as you exhale, a » Practice mindful breathing. i stom [ rages | ‘Text components: titles and headings. Write sentences from a model. Choose : cesent. | graphic resources in oder to link the text and images. Unit 3b : | @ Discuss what you know about the Ae a SE, heart and the circulatory system. boos for discussion, ‘why the heart is | » Look at the diagram of the heart and read the notes. Then answer the questions. 3 Blood carries nutrients and oxygen toll parts of the body, and carries ‘away waste materials ‘and carbon dioxide. Left atrium, Right atrium’ Left ventricle Right ventricle 3 é Circulatory System: Aes ec wap the heart, the blood peel vessels, and the blood 1, What does the heart do? 2. What are the names of the two types of tubes that carry the blood? Lo 3, What are the main parts of the heart? Wco a ee <= 12 Mo 4, What are the main parts of the circulatory system? : | e —_——-— | to | 5, What's the function of the blood? | _ Rea tite i O79 ~ \ey Unit 3b Recognize description of components. Answer questions to describe components. oa sles veins 2) ystem: blood 2 blood ments, 4@ Read about Heart-Healthy Harry and unscramble his tips. Make sure you begin each sentence with a capital letter and end it with a period. #8 Hil I'm Heart-Healthy Harry! My heart is in excellent shape, and i'm very healthy as you can see. Follow my tips and be like me! 1. day / every / exercise 2. fruit / vegetables / and / fresh / of / eat / a / lot 3..a/ of / water / drink / lot 4, activities / relax / do / to 5. twice / your / least / day / at / teeth / brush / a » Rewrite the other tips using correct spelling, proper punctuation, apostrophes and capital letters. (i 1. dont eat to much 2, dont eet junk food liik candy and chips 3. dont spend a lot of time in front of de computer 4. dont wash more than an hour of TV each day — $. dont dreank sodas > Put the tips for a healthy heart in the correct columns. ‘Tl Go to Worksheet 6. ‘12 Make a poster about Good Heart Health. if 9} Decide on a title for the whole poster and headings for each section. Use diagrams and texts to get your points across. Read to check punctuation and spelling. Correct mistakes. Text components: titles and subtitles. Choose graphic resources in order to link the text and images. ‘Organize terms and descriptions on a table. Rewrite simple sentences in a conventional manner. a» ay BB Look at the diagram of the digestive system. Read the notes and number the parts of the digestive process in order from 1-6. | small intestine - long tube that breaks | down food; consists of Pancreas, liver and gall breaks down food to nourish your body large intestine ~ ong tube that [_] eliminates waste, consists of: 1. colon - hardens waste | 2. rectum - waste passes through bBaee ee) ~ waste exits a | stomach ~ breaks esophagus - elastic | down and stores | tube that pushes | some of the food, | the food from the sends it to small intestine © back of your throat fo your stomach nose - smells the food to begin the process » Circle the mistakes in the flow chart. i rrouth - food enters the body digestion begins | ~ food enters your ‘tongue pushes food with nose * | body through mouth : from the back of ‘tongue to your stomach large intestine is small intestine t a short tube; it builds up the stomach brea! includes 2 orga : - food; it gets help | * the food and sends the anus and rectum, from the appendix tolarge intestine | > Make the corrections on a flow chart in your notebook. Using the notes on the diagram, add or remove information. Include punctuation and capital letters. 7 \@ Unit 3b Read to check punctuation and spelling, Mark and correct mistakes. Add or remove information to improve a text, Correct mistakes. Write a final version. 4 Mak 1. Work 2, Select 3, Searc 4, Selec 5, Write 6. Use g 7. Edit t 8. Disp parts of | Make a chart of a human body system. if 1. Work in teams. Decide what each team member will do. 2, Select a system of the human body. 3, Search and choose information from various sources. 4, Select an appropriate chart to organize the information. 5, Write notes to explain the components of the chart. of: 6. Use graphic resources to connect the components and their notes. 7. Edit the contents of the chart to produce the final product. ‘through 8, Display the charts in a visible place in the classroom. wreaks ‘ores food, | small ly Group Reflection So 1. How cooperative was the group in dividing the tasks? o a it 5? pen 2. How did you feel doing research about the body systems? 3. How did you feel editing your teammates’ work? 4. What was the easiest / most difficult part of the task? 5, What did you find most interesting? Self-Evaluation Now turn to page 54 and mark (7 or x) your progress. The Product: Make a chart of a human body system. Group reflection and self-evaluation Unit 3b (el . Interviewing : 4B Discuss which activities in the photos you do. {i Le dancing We __ weeken > Listen to the dialogues and number the photos. 2935 > Listen again and circle the correct option for each sentence. 4 > Rea 1. Dialogue 1 is... a) an interview b) a class ©) a conference 2. The people in Dialogue 2 are... a) adults b) teenagers ) little kids » Read 3. The couple in Dialogue 3 is. ) ot home b) in Australia © ina pub thes 4. The students in Dialogue 4 are in... a) math class b) English class ©) art class 1. Lenjo He en 2 Look at the people's gestures. Then match them with the correct expressions. 2 we i il @ We lik [ enjoy /1 = : | tke / to f ( | dislike (oamer) — (Corerect) (Walon) (ar orinatron 2 Play: Bical i 1. Thin In this unit you wil orde 2. Read © understand } Listen and check. (36 «+ revise likes and dislikes in dialogues + convey likes and dislikes in dialogues main ideas in dialogues Listen to likes and dislikes about leisure activities in dialogues. Identify subject dislikes are shared. Observe and comprehend non-verbal communication, : tote porpose ond Intended audlence,Recogozestoations in whlch ker and (EE unit 4a swim 3. Liste infor 4. Whe Antic conference | tle kids. pub tdlass cation, : "The Steps) 4 Predict the central sense of the dialogue using these words and ‘ phrases. (ii) hike lub) mountains and forest ‘weekends using ropes p Listen and check if you were right. {2)37 > Listen again and complete what the people say. We spending { So, all the club members We all We all love the watching TV. ! weekends at home. adventures, don't they? > Read the texts again and write L (likes) or D (dislikes). > Read the sentences with enjoy, hate, like, love and dislike. Then mark (/ or X) the structures in the chart. 1. enjoy playing tennis. 3. She hates watching TV. He enjoys tenn He hates American football 2.We like / love climbing. 4. She dislikes / doesn’t like swimming. We like / love to climb and rappel. They dislike / don’t like to go hiking. We like / love the outdoors They dislike / don’t like the cold weather. enjoy / hate H ve | like / ove | dislike | plea: s es | ses subject esand 2 Playa game! i 1. Think of the things you love, like, dislike and hate. Write them on a piece of paper, but not in order: washing clothes, avocados, swimming, hot weather. 2. Read your list to a partner. He / She guesses how you feel about each thing: You hate swimming. You dislike hot weather. 3. Listen and say how many sentences were correct: Two were correct. He / She uses this information and tries again. 4, When he / she guesses all the sentences, switch roles and play again. Anticipate the central sense from known words and expressions. Reflect on ways to express likes and dislikes. Establish structure of a sentence, Unit 4a Hey! | see you love sports! study English Yeah, you can say that. | like lifting ‘at home weights and playing soccer. reaatlasbaalat Maybe we can meet at the gym? ‘Anna Green 16/07/97 ‘ Sure, but | hate swimming, so don't expect me to go into the pool! A You hate swimming? Why? | love it! A a & Because |'m afraid of the water. & B A Look Anna, | need to ask you a favor, Photos | know you like to cook... Can you help me prepare a surprise party? Sure, give me a call. 6M > Read the questions and underline the parts of the profile that give you the answers. 1. How old is Anna? 4, Is Anna’s friend surprised? ( 2. What sport does she hate? Why? 5. What does Anna like doing? 3. Does Annas friend like swimming? 6. What favor does Anna's friend ask her? 4 Read what these people say. Then number the function of each lin! i word in bold. {i 1. Giving a reason 2. Connecting similar ideas 3. Connecting opposite ideas _ Like swimming and playing. ove sports, but | hate lifting weights. ( I don’t like parties because there is too much noise. » Play a game! | 1. Choose five characters from movies or TV programs. 2. Write sentences about their likes and dislikes using linking words. 3. Form groups and read the sentences aloud for your classmates to guess the characters. Si Identify words used to link ideas. Compose sentences to express likes and dislikes. L slikes. > Now listen again and circle the correct options. ‘Aww: Hey / Hi, Gareth, Do you want to go to Valle de Bravo on the weekend? Gneers: Hmm. I'm not sure... What would we do there? ‘Aun: Oh, there's plenty to do! We could climb / swim, for example, and / but sail. You like sailing, right / don’t you? Garett: Well / No, | like to sail, but | hate cold water / weather. It’s really cold in Valle, isn’t it? ‘Aun: Yes, itis cold, but that's no / bad excuse. Just try not to fall into the water! You don’t want to stay home the whole weekend, do you? Gasene: No, | don't. But, can’t we do something else? 6 Match the expressions with the appropriate faces. § ‘Oh, no! That can’t be true. Recognize behaviors adopted by speakers to give further detall and confirm ‘comprehension. 7 Underline the central sense for each situation. {i Choosing a workshop Planning an excursion Chatting with a friend Checking exam results Doing homework Looking for a summer job » Number the lines in order to form dialogues. Then listen and check. (40 - You still have two weeks to decide, don’t you? riding = What do you like to do? j ~Yes, that's right. Hmm, I’m not sure. | like cooking, but I also like making clothes. pe Sl foe - So, where are we going to go? = Yes, that’s a good idea. » Co ,_~And we can eat those great quesadillas there. che + To Teotihuacdn, | think, | like visiting archeological sites. | ab - You always think about food, don’t you? he 8: i | 3. | AS = Yes, | love canoeing and hiking. | B = OK, Pedro, tell me... Do you like being outdoors? | a - Yes; | can organize a soccer team! | . ~ And you also play soccer, don’t you? A > Write F (Formal) or | (Informal) for each dialogue. 7a | co [Anticipate the central sense to strike up dialogues. Organize sentences in a sequence, Identify speech register. as @ Look at the mind maps. Write about Jan and Monica. {i Wikidhiiasiimbinmohcm? Uta iemdiascne? > Complete the dialogue with information about Jan's likes and dislikes. Then listen and check. (ai a bike accident / noisy and dirty / every weekend / with some friends / people and animals A: So... you like playing the drums... B:Ihad B: Oh, yes. | love it! A; Oh, no! That's horrible. And what do you take photos of? B: ‘A: When do you play? Br A: I don’t think you like taking photos of dogs! ‘A: Who do you play with? You don't like dogs, do you? Bo ‘A: Why don't you like riding a bike? B: No, not really, They're In your notebook, write a similar dialogue about Monica's likes and dislikes. Compose sentences to expres likes and dislikes. Include details in main ideas. Ask and answer questions to solve doubts. Unit 4a (e/ ® Look at the text and discuss the questions. i ‘What type of text is this? Where might you find a text like this? Can you predict the central sense of the text by reading the title? » Read the interview and underline arguments in favor of and against social networking sites, using the color code. ees. - in favor eee. - against el fon't think so. In my opinion, it's very How much time a day do you spend on social Es don't d eworkingsite? Doyou have afavorte site? unlikely that anything bad could happen. | How many fiends do you have on thasite? Most _N;T disagree, I don't think its s0 simple, We teenagers would answer "Low, "Yes" and “Many” need to be careful. Some strangers might se our | | to these questions. Bur have you ever thought information to rob our houses or to bother us. | about whether these sitesare good for you? Ate. wha would you recommend? [tps Wats ee you ae N: Lets sce... you shouldn’t post your full name | > Re gq them? onit l] eg | Today Tam aking to Natalia and Bde, 9g But how wil your frends find you? fa students from Julio Verne secondary schoo! in . | Verner N-Yourrel fiends know yournichnane, where | ae é J: Well, yes, that's true. But are ll these people | to talk to me. y t Hine peoe | a We | joa ng sy oar iende Doyo know al them? . us N: Hmm... No, some are just friends of my || > Mc {J Natalia, you love your social networking page, | | Gon'eyou friends 1. Sh . Some just know your name and want tojoin | IN: Yes it’s great Its a perfect way to keep oe st know your name an i || A | intouch with my friends your pag ys tke communicating with 80+ can you tell me what ele we can do to 5.You | Bie Taare a protect ourselves from unwanted “friends » Ne | people that way. ie 2 E:Lithink.. Ul {J But don't you think it can be dangerous? 4 > Imagine that you are Eddie or Natalia. In your notebook, continue the interview, giving more arguments in favor of or against using social networking sites. I think / don’t think... Lagree / disagree In my opinion... I'm not sure... > Listen to the interview. Then act it out, paying special attention to pronunciation, pauses and intonation. i (<2 : 7 Express points of view in favor and against. Practice and follow rhythm, speed Use ‘and pronunciation. com @@ Listen and complete the captions. |B @43 tral doeshe don’tyou is it -isnteit- working He doesn’t enjoy loud ES music, > Read the captions, underline the statements (5) and circle the question tags (QT). Then answer the questions below. 1. The verbs in the statements and the questions tags are in the same /a different tense. 2. Affirmative statements are followed by affirmative / negative question tags. 3. Negative statements are followed by affirmative / negative question tags. 4, We use question tags to confirm / repeat the information in the statements. > Match the phrases with the question tags. Use the Language Reference on page 107. 1. She doesn’t dance well,... aren't you? 2. Paul likes swimming, did he? | 3, My mom is very strict, does she? 4. Alfred didn’t help at all, don't they? | 5. You are angry,.. isn'tshe? 6. They have a lot of money,.... doesn’t he? > Now listen and repeat, imitating the intonation. (44 Nf Play a game! 1. Ona piece of paper, write an affirmative or a negative sentence about imaginary likes or dislikes: You hate snakes. You love drinking coffee. 2. Give the paper to your teacher and form four teams. 3 3. Teams take turns sending someone to choose a piece of paper and mime the situation. 4. The other team members have to guess what the situation is and confirm the information: on, You hate snakes, don’t you? “_5. Teams win a point for each co Use linguistic resources to confirm comprehension. Use non-verbal ‘communication, ‘{E2 Read the parts of the dialogue and discuss the questions. (@ - Hello, how are you? Opening - I'm fine. Thank you. How are you? = Good. Thank you for coming. - Thank you for the opportunity. - So, tell me. Why do you want to help us in the summer? =| don’t have any plans to go away and | don’t want to stay home Ss and watch TV. - Wonderful. Tell me, what do you enjoy doing? - [like playing with kids. | love organizing plays. - Plays? - Yes, a theater play. Kids love acting, don’t they? Yes, they do. | like this idea a lot. When can you come and meet the kids? - On july 1st - Great, come on that day and we will plan everything. - Thank you very much. - Thank you. | will see you next month. - Bye, then. 1. Is the dialogue formal or informal? 4. What specific information do we learn about the people? 2. What are the main parts of the dialogue? 5. What's the central sense of the dialogue? 3. What does each part include? ® Read and choose the situation you like best and make up a dialogue. Use the selection of words and phrases given for each situation. ©® You want to go to the movies with your friends, but you don't know what movie to see. well notsure Doyou? horror / romantic movies. Doyou great ® You are not sure what extra class to take this year. You are asking your teacher for help. excuseme Idon’tknow carpentry enjoy doing making things typing boring ® You are going to spend the weekend with your friends. You are planning some activities. going camping Hmmi/Let’ssee... cold weather right? drink hot chocolate ‘TB Go to Worksheet 7. i wz] Unit 4a structure of dlalogues: opening, body, and desing Stata dialogue 1. Form pairs and choose a leisure activity you want to prepare your interview about. 4 Carry out an interview about leisure activities. {i ening 2, Decide who you want to interview and why. 3, Set the place and day for your interview. 4, Compose questions and answers about likes and dislikes. 5, Read the questions and answers several times to make sure that they are clear. 6. Assign the roles of interviewer and the interviewee. 7. Carry out the inte Group Reflection 0 see. 1, How do you feel about carrying out oral exchanges? elp. 2. Do you find it easy or difficult to speak in public? rin 9 3. Do you feel comfortable interrupting and giving wr your opinion? s, | 4. Do you respect the ideas of others? | Self-Evaluation ome. | Unit 4a ww sill itd yi) Singing Along > List 1'll pat little kitten, bes) Her coat is so warm. And then she will purr, © And if | don't hurt her And thus show her thanks She'll do me no harm. For my kindness to her. So | won't pull her tail, I won't pinch her ears, Nor drive her away, Nor tread on her paw. But kitten and | In case I provoke her Very gently will play. To use her sharp claw. She will sit by my side, I never will annoy her, ‘And Ill give her some food, Nor make her displeased, ‘And shell love me because For kitten can't bear lam gentle and good. To be worried or teased. 1. How many verses are there? 2. How many lines are there in each verse? 3. Which words in each verse rhyme? » Listen to the song and read the lyrics. Then circle the correct option for each sentence. (as 1. The song is about a gitl and her cat / coat / car. 2. The song is for veterinarians fanimals / children. > Read the lyrics again. Underline the Y i message that isn't in the song. In this unit you will: «review songs from English-speaking countries that show human values 1. Cats sometimes play with mice. «si 2. If you treat others well, they will treat you well. 3. You should be kind to animals. + understand the central sense and main ideas of songs | > Listen again and sing along. Recognize text arrangement of songs Determine subject matter and intended Unit 4b auidence, Real and re-read song lyrics Listen to songs 4 Listen to these word pairs. Put your thumbs up (@>) if the words have the same vowel sound and your thumbs down (<§) if they don't. i Bic > Listen again and write the words. 2 Label the pictures and match the words that have the same vowel sound. Then listen and check. {i (47 Write words that have the same vowel sound as each of these words. oa -snow - book car cow . toy tended »songs. of words, Recognize combination of words an the sounds they represent, Acoust features unit 4b w 3B Scan the song. Number the animals in the order in which they are mentioned. {iff r Over in the Meadam ‘Over in the meadow, In the sand, in the ______, Lived an old mother toadie And her little toadie one. "Jump!" said the mother; "jump!" said the one. So they jumped and they iumped, In the sand in the ‘Over in the meadow, Where the stream runs —___, Lived an old mother fish And her little fishes two. "Swim!" said the mother; "We swim!" said the two. ue ‘So they swam and they swam, Where the stream runs Over in the meadow, Ina hole ina Lived an old mother bluebird And her litte birdies three. "Sing!" said the mother; "We sing!" said the three. So they sang and they sang, In their home in a Over in the meadow, By the reeds on the shore, muskrat ratties four. "Divel” said the mother, "We dive!" said the four. So they dived and tHey splashed, By the reeds on the shore, ‘Over in the meadow, Ina snug beehive, Lived a mother honeybee And her little honeys five. u 1" said the mother, "We buzz!" said the five. So they buzzed and they buzzed, In their beehive. ‘Over in the meadow, In a nest made of sticks, Lived an mother crow And her little crows si "Caw!" said the mother; "We ___" said the six. So they cawed and they cawed, In their nest made of sticks, in bold. three verses. oO | We . j Yor > Read the first three verses. Complete the blanks with words that rhyme with the words | a | > Look at the structure of the first three verses and predict words to complete the last | He > Listen and check. Then listen and sing along. (@)se 1 ou Recognize combination of words and the sounds they represent. Usedverse | | comprehension strategies (9. vocabulary, text distribution, etcetera). Anticipate | tn content, fom frequenty used or known words, Read and reread song yes. | a ey» Listen to songs. ye as The earth is our mother, ‘We must take care of her. The earth is our mother, = Hey ‘Yanna, Ho Yanna, fey) Yan Yan, Hey Yanna, Ho Yanna, Hey Yan Yan. “Please come alive in this sacred land, Piece come alive in this sacred land. hase ee Take good care-of him. ‘ The sky is our father, Take good care of him. Hey Yanna, Ho Yanna; Hey Yan Yan,..- Hey Yanna, Ho Yanna, Hey Yan Yan, Please come alive in this sacred land, Please come alive in this sacred land. 1, Taking care of our world. 2. Taking care of our parents. 3. Taking care of our family. > Read the next verse and guess the missing words. Then listen to the song and check. (49 You are child, O We must take of you. ewords You are __- child, We must take of you. ae > Listen again and sing along. Then answer the questions. 1, Where do you think the song is from? 2, How can we take care of the earth? 3. How can we take care of the sky? averse cipate Understand central sense and main ideas in songs from shared reading, lyrics. Anticipate content, from frequently used or known words. Read and re-read song songs. Iptes, Listen to songs. Unit 4b 8 Read the definitions and write the corresponding values. 8 & to be compassionate tobe courteous to be honest _ to be respectful = to tell the truth and not deceive people to understand other people's problems and want to help them = to be polite and considerate to other people to recognize the worth of other people Discuss which values are necessary in these situations. A cashier in a store accidentally gives you A little boy in a shopping mall is lost too much change. and crying. ‘Another student drops all his books and papers. Another student always erases the board. » Match the sayings with the values. 1. "If at first you don't succeed, try, try ag generé 2, "Treat other people the way that you want to be treated.” perseverance 3. "Give without expecting to receive." patience 4. "All good things come to those who wait.” tolerance » Answer the questions. 1. Are the values on this page important in Mexico? 2. Do you know any Spanish sayings that illustrate similar values? © Go to Worksheet 8. Formulate and answer questions about dealing with information (e.g. human values). Compare how values are relevant to English speaking countries and ‘el Unit 4b “Mexico to compare the values they address. 7 Listen Ive be From| But nc I still c I'm ai And s But m I still 1. Wher 2. Why 3. What > Read Use t 1."No1 2."My! the s 3. "Whe tell t » Liste Under and textd rem rosity verance nce ance sand ress. 7 Listen and repeat each line. Then answer the questions. {j (@jso tralia Home Call) Aus’ Ive been to cities that never close down, All the sons and daughters, spinning around From New York to Rio and old London town. the world, But no matter how far or how wide | roam, ‘Away from their family and friends. | still call Australia home. But as the world gets older and colder, i tim always traveling, love being free, It's good to know where your journey ends. ‘And so | keep leaving the sun and the sea. But someday welll all be together once more, But my heart lies waiting over the foam, ‘When all the ships come back to the shore. i | still call Australia home. I realize something I've always known, : { still call Australia, | still call Australia, { still call Australia home. ee ee i, Ream 1. Where is the singer from originally? 2. Why does the singer mention other places? 3. What does the singer miss? > Read the’extracts from the song and guess the meaning of the underlined words. Use the clues to help yourselves. 1. "No matter how far or how wide I roam." Remember that the singer loves traveling, 2. "My heart lies waiting over the foam." The singer's heart is still in Australia, on the other side of the sea, 3. "When all the ships come back to the shore." This is where ships return after being at sea, > Choose two more words in the song and look up their meaning in a dictionary. Then tell the class what they mean. > Listen to the song again and sing along. Understand central sense and main ideas in songs from shared reading. Read and re-read song lyrics. Use diverse comprehension strategies (e.g. vocabulary, text distribution, etcetera). Clarify meaning of words using an English dictionary. Listen to songs. Unit 4b @ Listen to the song and read along. Then answer the questions, using the pictures as a guide. (ff @s1 at I'm gonna lay down my sword and shield, t'm gonna put on my starry crown, Down by the riverside, Down by the riverside, Down by the riverside, (Down by the riverside, Down by the riverside, Down by the riverside, 'm gonna lay down my sword and shield, 1'm gonna put on my starry crown, Down by the riverside, Down by the riverside, Down by the riverside. Down by the riverside. © Chorus: coe Ain’t gonna study war no more, Ain’t gonna study war no more. Ain’t gonna study war no more. Ain’t gonna study war no more. Ain’t gonna study war no more. Ain’t gonna study war no more. I'm gonna shake hands around the world, Down by the riverside, Down by the riverside, Down by the riverside, tIm gonna shake hands around the world, Down by the riverside, Down by the riverside, Chorus 1. Read the fist line of the frst verse. What did the singer use to do? What words helped you d 2. Read the first line of the second verse. Why is the singer going to do this? 3. Read the first line-of the third verse. What is going to happen to the singer? 4, What value does the song promote? » Read the idioms and write the correct grammatical forms. 1. gonna 2.ain't > Listen again and sing along. Make links within the text using implicit and explicit information (e.g. main idea and details which broaden it; sequence of events, etcetera), Identify key words in \goJ Unit 4b eas g Listen to the song and read along. Then listen again and underline the stressed words. sz Over in Killarney, Many years ago, My mother sang a song to me In tones so sweet and low. Just a simple little ditty, In her good old Irish way, ‘And I'd give the world if she could sing That song to me this day. Too-ra-loo-ra-lo0-ral, Too-ro-loo-ra-li, Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ral, Hush, now don't you cry! Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ral, Too-ra-loo-ra-li, Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ral, That's an Irish lullaby. ‘Often in dreams | wander To that cot again, feel her arms hugging me ‘As when she held me then. ‘And | hear her voice humming To me as in days of yore, ‘When she used to rock me fast asleep Outside the cabin door. Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ral, Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ral, Hush, now don't you cry! Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ral, Too-ra-loo-rarli, Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ral, That's an Irish lullaby. > Listen to the song again and sing the chorus. Then answer the questions. 1. How does the singer feel about his mother? 2. What values does the song illustrate? 3. Do you know any songs about respecting your parents or others? Listen to songs, Detect rhythm, speed and intonation. Follow the chorus and recite the lyrics. unit 4b ww ¥@ Listen and number the lines of the first two verses of "Make New Friends." [jf (@)s3 ‘And the other gold. That's how long But keep the old. A circle is round, Make new friends, | will be your friend. ‘One is silver, Ithas no end. > Listen again and write the last two verses. > Identify the value that the song promotes. Then draw a picture to illustrate it. > Choose one of the verses and practice reading it aloud. i > Listen to the whole song and sing along to your verse. Pay attention to the intonation and speed of the song. Wirite down verses and / or chorus. Detect rhythm, speed and intonation, Perform Unit 4b songs with and without the help of written iris. os tation 1 Hod cls rect 1, Select one or two songs from the unit or elsewhere, 2, Read the songs and check the meaning of unknown words and phrases in a dictionary, Discuss what values are illustrated in the songs. 3, Listen to the songs while you read the lyrics. 4, Listen to the songs again and mark the rhythm. 5, Listen to the songs again and sing along. Try to imitate the intonation. 6. Arrange a time and place for a recital and invite an audience. 7. Present the recital to the audience. ean) Group Reflection ‘* Are the values in the songs in this unit similar to values in Mexico? * Which song did you like the best and why? © Which song didn't you like and why? * How did singing songs in English help with your pronunciation? + Do you know any other songs in English? Self-Evaluation Now go back to page 74 and mark (7 or x) your progress. ‘The Product: Hold a recital. Group reflection and self-evaluation. 4 Read the texts and write the corresponding headings. e What's an Organism? — Natural Resources Life Cycle form again, fujpeads pity is still reproduction, microorganisms. ‘There are unicel trillons of cells grou > Read again and write the corresponding letter. | | ‘They come from the environment. The amount of generations of a species. These these that is available depends on the biodiversity in that ecosystem. They are also refered t0 a8 | | tend or rw materials, They are categorized 2s | | renewable and nonrenewable. Some examples of renewable resources are sunlight, ai and Svind. Minerals and fos fuels are nonrenewable | | Fesources because they take a very long time to ve any ving system that can respond © tt any emdion, growth and development ‘This includes animals, plants fungi and ast can be composed of ems, Te grouped into Hssues and organs. 1. tt talks about stages an organism goes through. It’s. a text about what nature provides us with. 2 3. It’s about fi » Circle the correct option. Who are the texts for? ing forms and what they are made of. [_] 4, This text is online. 5, This text is done by a student. 6. This is a part of a textbook. Guia In this unit you will: «) children, + read about several science topics 'b) young students + understand the topic and main ideas ©) scientists + learn to rewrite information to make a graphic presentation Yo Select illustrated texts about o Scientific topic from different sources. Activate Unit Sa previous knowledge. Identity subject matter, purpose and intended audience. exp hea tot lea 1. 2. 3.W 4.0 5. Wi > Re 1. Bi 2.u Ex Urn light, also known. as UY, is electromagnetic radiation, It has that name because the spectrum consists of electromagnetic waves with frequencies higher than the ones humans can identify as the color violet. UV light is found in sunlight although it is invisible to the human eye. This is why knowing about the effects of UV is advisable, Apart from sunburn, overexposure to UV can cancer. Prolonged exposure to UV radiation can cause chronic health problems not only to the skin, but also to the eyes and immune system. It can even lead to DNA damage. cause some forms of si 1. What is UV? 2. Can humans see UV? 1 Read the text and answer the questions. {i @ fete ‘The use of sunscreen is recommended to protect skin from UV radiation. Many doctors advise their patients not to expose themselves to the sun for too long, not only during vacations, but any time they are outdoors, However, UV exposure has some beneficial effects, such as the production of vitamin D in the skin, It also helps regulate calcium metabolism, immune system, cell proliferation insulin sectetion and blood pressure. Too little UV radiation can lead to a lack of vitamin D. It also has ‘medical applications in the treatment of skin conditions such as vitiligo, but it must be carefully used since it can have dramatic effects, 3. What are some of the dangers of UV to humans? 4, Can exposure to UV be beneficial? How? 5. Where do you think a text like this would normally appear? > Read the statements and number the pictures in the text. 1. Blacklight fluorescent tubes are a common source of long-wave ultraviolet (UVA). 2. Ultraviolet photons harm DNA molecules in different ways. Examine graphic and text components, Recognize textual organization, Unit Sa \e/ 2 Look at the pictures and predict what the text below and on the next page will be about, "First, second and third place finishers get a gold, silver and bronze medal respectively 9 Mexico has participated in RoboGames and the results have been more than satisfactory. The chart below shows the 2011 results. + The Olympic Games are not only for human beings, as there are also Olympics for robots, which are called RoboGames. This is competition between different types of robots, 5 which range from combat robots to humanoids and androids that do kung fu. Some are autonomous and some are remotecontrotled. Anyone can participate and robot builders compete in over 50 different events. These 1» talented people come from all over the world: Argentina, Mexico, Japan, Brazil, Canada, China, Korea, India and other places. There are several categories, such as huamanoids, robot soccer, bot hockey and sume. And if your 1s robot does not fit any of them, you can enter the Best of Shoay which consists of any kind of Mexic partici Es They) | from Mexics silver a robot doing anything you can think of. partici B Read the text and complete the sentences using words from the box. {i 4 Reo bel autonomous categories competition country infrared medals second ——! =, 1, RoboGames is a robot \ 2. People from any can participate. | 3. There are different to enter. > Fin 4. Robot builders can win gold, silver or bronze | 1. som 5. According to the chart, Mexico is in the position. | 2. ther 6. One of the robots uses _ sensors. | > Orc iz combat is a category in which two robots fight. | x > Find these wards in the article and deduce their meaning. {8 | : amazing blade challenging humanoid medal weapon : | F ‘and graphic components. Detect new words to expand vocabulary. | fed tents rom diverse sources, Antlpate central sense though familar words | Vag] unit sa words rbulary, © Mexican students from IPN have participated in RoboGames for four years. [ss They have competed against 17 students | from different countries. In 2010, these | Mexican students proudly won 5 gold, 4 | silver and 2 bronze medals. Other Mexican _ participants won more medals as +0 All categories of the competition are interesting and fun and the robots can do amazing things. A good example is the Humanoid Design and Implementation of Humanoid Robot for Obstacle Avoidance. This as robot uses infrared sensors (IRS) 10 avoid obstacles. This isa challenging experience since the robots must be able to make decisions autonomously and deal with image capture and recognition. Some robots can 4o walk and turn by using the sensors, which detect movement and images. Another interesting category is the one-pound ‘Autonomous Combat, in which some other Mexican students participated with their robot, __ +s Drills, This consists of an encounter between, {wo autonomous robots that fight und the opponent is destroyed or unable to move. ‘These students from UPITA attached a kind of blade to cut metal as the robot’s main _ so weapon. This helped the robot defeat its opponents more easily. 4 Read the text on pages 86 and 87 again and number the paragraph headings shown below to match. | A robot fight More about Mexico's medals What is RoboGames? Robots that act like humans Participants and categories Mexico's medals » Find these words in the text and write what they refer to. 1. some (line 6) 2. them (line 15) 3. they (line 25) 4. this (line 45) > Order the lines to form the last paragraph of the text. @ ____ Or if you only want to watch videos and read more about it, feel free to visit our website:, This event takes place every year. If you are interested in par ipating, contact us: Remember that RoboGames invites everyone to participate and show their talent to the world. | density main ideas in paragraphs, with previously established purposes Distinguish the types of sentences used to express maln Ideas and back-up information, Use diverse strategies to point out relevant information. Sort information based on purpose. Unit 5a ww | i Read the text and complete the sentences in your notebook. 8 a am Tornadoes ‘Tornadoes are formed during the first stages of a thunderstorm. Usually, there is a change in wind direction and the wind speed increases, This creates an invisible, horizontal effect. The rising air the thunderstorm brings makes the air rotate from horizontal to vertical, forming the funnel. ‘Then an area of rotation extends through the storm. This area can be from 3 to 10 km RAMEn EMME RA Ree ‘A tornado is a violent, rotating column of air that wee is in contact with the surface of the earth and a loud. Tornadoes can come in different shapes Dete and sizes, but the most common ones are in, To kr the form of a condensation funnel. The speed 4 such of tornadoes can cause tremendous destruction, é Most of them have wind speeds of about 177 Som km/h and are approximately 80 meters wide. It isd ‘The most violent tornadoes can reach more than - riL.€ radio 480 km/h and stretch more than 3 km across. e : E televi Wher shelt 1. A tornado is a. 3. When the wind direction changes its speed... fd 2. The high speed of tornadoes can cause... 4 Tornadoes occur... except Antarctica. pon > In your notebook, unscramble the answers to the questions. (i 3. Peo 1. How fast are violent tornadoes? violent / 480 km/h / can travel at / tornadoes 2. What's a funnel? the rising air / it’s / the / of / tornado B Cor on 3. When can tornadoes form? the first stages / during / thunderstorm / of a > Read the underlined sentences and underline the correct options below. Go to the Language Reference on page 108. om 1, The words in bold refer to actions / qualities. AN 2. Who or what caused the actions is / is not mentioned. 3. Al the sentences use the verb be / can as an auxiliary. 4, The main verb in every sentence is in the present / past participle form. A s > Unscramble the last part of the following sentences with information from the text. 1. When winds reach more than 480 km/h is / destruction / caused / tremendous /a. ; 2. When the air rotates from horizontal to vertical formed / funnel / is |. | Sele | Rew ey m Complete sentences with main ideas from a text. Order words to construct i ' Unit Sa sentences that answer questions. Verb forms: passive. ques e. Look at the information chart. Then write sentences using the prompts, Bij Recor? 69% Screen Poo ee ewe 29% 2% Lepeed around 5% around 30% around 70% zontal 1 to 10 minutes 20 minutes or longer | can exceed 1 hour brings Jess than 177 km/h. 1177-330 km/h |More than 480 km/h +1, 69%/ weak _69% of tornadoes are weak, _ To know if a tornado is about to hit, people can identify certain elements in the environment, such as a dark greenish sky, wall clouds and a loud roar. Some precautions Itis advisable to develop a plan at home, school, work or outdoors. [__] Having a weather radio with a warning alarm tone is also recommended. It is important to listen to the radio and television to be kept informed. When a tornado approaches, people should move to a predesignated shelter if an underground shelter is not available. People are advised to stay away from windows and get out of cars. _ es o_o . - 2, Some tornadoes are visible while others are obscured by rain or clouds. 3. People should have frequent drills to learn what to do in case of emergency. & Complete the questions using do or are. Then write three more questions and answers on a separate sheet of paper. §§ 2} maser aeneNRt eA rR ES oO reas near rivers, lakes and mountains safe fram tornadoes? A: No, they aren‘t. No area is safe from tornadoes. Q buildings explode as the tornado passes overhead? ‘A: No, buildings do not explode. Most damage to structures is provoked by strong and violent winds together with debris slamming into buildings. i text. Select previously sorted information from a text in order to rewrite sentences. Rewrite information to compose sentences based on a model. Add information to astruct key ideas of sentences to exemplify, support or enrich them. Formulate and write Unit 5a (a! astive. uestions concerning the information in a text. EES \poJ Unit 5a @ Read the text and answer the questions. | & Viruses ‘Most of the sicknesses that We know of are caused by ‘wo kinds of germs: viruses and bacteria. Probably all of us hhave heard about them but what do we really know? Here are some of their characteristics. Viruses are so tiny that they cannot be seen by 2 naked eye. They can't reproduce on their own so they latch onto 2 ving organism's cell to be able to do it. We call these Cells hosts and they can be animal, plant or human. Some viruses are useful as they kil harmful bacteria but most of them cause diseases, A common cold is caused by virus, bout there are mary other diseases also caused by’a virus: the flu, chickenpox, measles, swine fl (swine influenza), ‘rubella and even AIDS. ‘Vises cannot be cured witn antibiotics. Mere is some ‘antiviral medicine but in most cases of viral infection ‘doctors advise you to drink alot of iquids, stay at home, and take painkillers. There are vaccines for some sicknesses and even for some types of the fl, but those Change every year as the viruses that cause them mutate ‘and acquire diferent characteristics. Bacteria are single-celled organisms. Bacteria can be found everywhere in and on our body. Most of them are harmless and can even be beneficial as they enhance our immune system, regulate our bowel movernents and help in the formation of vitamins, Some bacteria can cause diseases mosty because they are in the wrong part ofthe ‘body or they are designed to invade us. These diseases include pneumonia, tuberculosis and meningitis. The diseases caused by bacteria can normally be cured with antibiotics. ‘Avoid getting Infected by elther, viral or bacteria infections: ‘wash your hands after going to the bathroom and before ‘eating, keep food refrigerated and don't crink tap water. 1. Do you understand the difference between viruses and bacteria? 2. Can the 3. What can viruses and bacteria be useful for? > Look at these three sentences, read the rules below and choose the sentence each refers to. Go to Language Reference on page 108. sases caused by viruses be treated with antibiotics? 11. Most of the sicknesses are caused by viruses and bacteria. 5 , 2. Viruses and bacteria cause most of the sicknesses. 3. Acommion cold is caused by a virus. s «) In the sentences in the active voice the subject (S) performs the action(s) expressed by the verb. b) In the sentences in the passive voice the result of the actions is more important than who ‘or what did it. ©) We form the passive voice using to be and the past participle of the verb. 4) In passive sentences the doer of the action is preceded by the word by. €) The subject in this sentence is singular. 4) The subject in this sentence is plural. ® Go to Worksheet 9, excercise 1. [Bf » Inyour notebook, rewrite the sentences from the text to express the same idea. § 1. Scientists define a virus as a small infectious agent. 2. Taking antibiotics normally cures bacterial diseases. 3. Some viruses kill harmful bacteria. 4, Some harmless bacteria regulate our bowel movements. Paraphrase sentences in order to rewrite them. Verb forms: passive, 3. Swin 4. Two Waite: paras; > verb. vho ~ $@ Order the words to make notes in your notebook. Underline the notes in the passive voice. [if 1. included / the formula / is / mercury / in 2. produce / not / may / antibodies / sufficient / they 3. are / problematic / they / more 4. not / it's / deadly / usually 5. advised / people / get information / are / to 6. useless / prior / flu vaccines / were » Use the notes to fill in the card below. £ Swine flu — Some reasons why you should not get vaccinated 1, Artificial antibodies from flu viruses found in vaccines than the ones | towhich we are exposed naturally. 2. Very young children and older adults 3. Swine flu is just another kind of flu and | [a respometo te uaecine | | 4. Two shots are necessary because a single one has failed to produce sufficient antibodies. ‘This isto say that (thimerosal), aluminum and +hich is even more toxic to the brain? squalene. Why would you want to be injected with mereury, | | Is, i | 6. Whether to geta flu shot or not is up to you, before they roll up their sleeves and get a shot. ‘TE Complete each sentence using the appropiate form of the verbs in the box. Then order the sentences to form a paragraph. §@ share have consider stay oon Symptoms __ Common symptoms, such as a sore throat and @ runny nose ny nose : by swine flu, the common cold and the flu. ap )Bay —— If you know you hove swine flu, at home to avoid passing it onto other people. cough ao Ifyou think you swine flu, contact a doctor ‘and follow his or her advice. 1 Fever, weakness and fatigue, and aching muscles and joints the most common symptoms of swine flu Wite nots to lin cars, Order rewritten sentences to articulate them and form : porographs, Unit Sa ww - ® Unscramble the sentences to complete the text. ‘2 Look at the pictures and take turns describing them. § Grap cine). ° - ‘s/pattern /A crop cirele//a created by the flatening of a crop like maize, wheat, barley, etc ‘They are also called crop formations, since they have ‘other noncircular shapes. Nobody knows the exact date when crop circles ‘began to appear, but the documented cases have increased since the seventies. Most cases were reported in southern England, although twenty-six other countries have reported a total of ten thousand crop circles since then. In 1978 and / Dave Chorley / Doug Bower / ‘made / circles ‘on crops using, simple tools and, in a demonstration, the two men made a crop circle in one hour. After this, more ciecles continued to be made, Some resembled. archeological, religious or mythologi symbols. ‘There have been hypothetical explanations by skeptical groups, but nobody really knows the truth about the crop circles that appear carly in the morning in some places. Some people have suggested that phenomena /are/ related to / they / meteorological = Crop circles have become the subject of speculation by paranormal, ufological and anomalistic investigators. They propose that phenomena / were created / the circles / by / strange meteorological ee or by extraterrestrial beings. Others say they have to do with animal activity. In 2009, there were reports of wallabies in Tasmania which were found creating, 1g around fields in circles ‘Whatever the truth about the creation of these patterns, its a very interesting phenomenon and ‘you can follow the formation of new crop circles in newspaper crop circles by run which regularly report on them, Complete the notes about the text. Crop formations: People who made circles in the seventies Some explanations: ‘IS Go to Worksheet 9, exercises 2,3 and 4. Bf BF \eJ Unit 5a Choose paragraphs with rewritten sentences in order to construct notes. Revise cards to make a graphic presentation, Read to revise punctuation and spelling ‘conventions. Detect mistakes and correct them. Mark and solve doubts. Write final version. | Meee - Work in teams and choose a scientific topic to make an oral presentation about. Read and classify the information. . Rewrite the information to make notes for the presentation. |. Produce posters with illustrations (photographs, maps, charts, etcetera). >. Edit your notes and rewrite them on cards. Make sure they can be easily read, . Decide the order in which every chart will be presented with its informative card. Give an oral presentation about a scientific topic. {i Group Reflection * Did you learn to review scientific topics? + Was it easy or difficult to understand the central sense ‘and main idea of the texts? * Was it easy to rewrite information about a scientific topic? + Was editing your notes easy? * Did you like the topic you chose for your presentation? + Were your poster and illustrations appropriate? Self-Evaluation Now turn to page 84 and mark (V or X) the objectives for this part of the unit. revise | ling : wate {me product: ive an ora presentation about a scientific tpi. Group election | and seltevaluaion Unit 5a w =i oe | Read the announcements and underline who each one directed at. Then number the places in the pictures. OT TTT: Toall passengers Mind the gap! Do not cross the yellow line. ‘metro station Beware of pickpockets! Keep your bag in front of ‘you at all times. To all drivers Deira ont ag Bele aiietelt > Number the symbols to indicate which situation above each symbol illustrates. 8 In this unit you will: = review warnings used in public places « understand the central sense and main idea of warnings + express warnings commonly found in public places Identity subject matter, purpose and intended audience ftom previous knowledge \ea] Unit Sb Recognize situations and public places in which warnings are communicated mL + 3. Ihe / she says it correctly, he / she tells another £2. Take turns telling a group member how to read The Steps _) 1 Listen to the recordings. Match the people with their attitudes. [Bi sa man? woman / angry surprised confused afraid > Listen again and number the signs. Fresh paint. Take a shower | Do not panic. Do not sit before getting Pe not od here. into the pool. e animals. 2 Play a game! £1. Form groups of four ‘a warning, Use the attitudes in Activity 1 and the volume scale: You're angry. Read waming 1 loudly. ie id student how to read a different warning, a ee ie vledge. icated. | 7 es a Do not step toy on the grass, || 9aboge into @ garbage can, Beware of || Hold onto || Watch your the dog! the rail. belongings. Distinguish speakers’ atitudes and tums of participation Identify volume and tone. Unit Sb te & Listen to Part 1 and answer the questions. ij} {ss 1. Who are the participants? 2. Where are they now? 3, Where are they going? 4, What are they going to do after the visit? » Read the words and phrases and predict what happens next. ‘angry alarm cross the line embarrassed security guard _ warning > Listen to Part 2. and check if you were right. 55 » Listen again and match the signs with the warnings. Don’t cross the yellow line. Don’t eat or drink. eS Don't use a flash. { Don't touch the paintings. 4 Discuss the questions. Use the phrases for help with Cink is because. 7 expressing your ideas. BE 11. Why is it not permitted to use a flash in museums? (esimportantto..7 2. Why can’t we get very close to the works of art? 3. Why can’t we eat in the museum? 4, Why is there a line around each room? . could be damaged -«@ flash could... .«. to mark the safe distance from. Listen to warnings commonly found in public places. Anticipate central sense from known words and expressions. Link warnings to their written form while \pe] Unit 5b Tstening o them. Establish the reason for warnings. | arou hom Studi think exari Bedr your can¢ Bath Tf yo fail d Ritch Ifyou spark Thes more knon them Disc whic Whid wie sente Now Con © Bedroom: Always keep drinks away from the TV. If can get an electric shock. ~ more, Can you think of some? It’s important to I think most people like spending time at home. know I do! I enjoy my space, my things and the company. I know where everything is and can move around even in the dark. Most of us feel safe at home, but... are we? Studies show that our home is not as safe as we think. It's full of potential dangers. Here are some examples of what we can do to avoid accidents: your drink makes contact with the electricity, you Bathroom: Wear your slippers or shoes at all times. If you walk barefoot on a wet floor, you can slip and fail down. Kitchen: Never put metal objects into a microwave. If you put a metal object into a microwave, the sparks can start a fire. ‘These are just some examples; there are plenty know the dangers that we can face, so we can avoid them and really feel safe at home. - » Discuss these questions. i tings. ; S 1, How many warnings did you underline? 2. Which of them tell you what to do or what not to do without giving any explanation? use... 3. Which tell you about the consequences of certain actions? 4, Which warnings use the imperative form of the verb? Which use if at the beginning of the tto.. sentence? * aa > Now sort each warning from the text into the appropriate category. ag Conditional (if...) uld. Non-conditional om... Understand conditional and non-conditional warnings. Reflect on the composition of sentences. 6 Listen and order the steps to follow in an emergency. ji] E)s« If the fire alarm sounds in a building... i Walk — do not run, Alert others to do Do not panic! Stay calm. the same, Do not re-enter the building When you are outside, move away fom for any reason. the doors to allow others to come out. Do not use the elevator! Close doors and walk to the nearest { marked exit. OTTO TTT TTT TTT TT > Underline the imperative forms of the verbs. Then classify them appropriately. Affirmative move i 7 Unscramble the sentences to form rules. Then number the pictures. {i How To Use a Fire Extinguisher: 2. at the base / of the fire / aim: 3. don’t / the flames / aim / at: 4, squeeze / the handle: 5. from / side to side / sweep: : 6. use / don't / big / for / fires: » Listen and check. (B57 \a] Unit Sb Establish sequence of enunciation. Recognize sentence composition. I | B List 1. How 2. Whe 3. Who 4, Whe > Liste Ifyou In cas Ifyou’ If you Ie the If you’ Ask Giv Co Rec mal ® Listen and answer the questions. [i (ss 1, How many people are talking? _ 2. What's the relationship between them? 3. What emergency are they talking about? 4, Who knows more about the safety tips? > Listen again and match the parts of the sentences. { | Ifyou aren‘t calm, you won't be able to think straight. i © In case of an earthquake you can go quickly down the stairs. | if you're outside, find shelter near a sofa or next to a solid wall. | If you're inside a building on a higher floor, you must stay calm. If the tremors stop, you have to stop the car and get out. | | move away from electric wires and tall = | =~ buildings. \ » Read the texts and write G (girl) or M (man). 3 IFyou're driving, (what do you mean by... ] ic mean. J (what are you saying? What I'm saying That's right! That makes sense. I don’t understand why > Classify the phrases in the chart. Ask for clarification —3 Give clarification —F Confirm understanding ewe Recognize sentence composition, Recognize behaviors adopted by speakers to make clarifications and confirm comprehension _Unit Sb ® Look at the symbols and decide what public place each one belongs to. Smaea5 » Match the adjectives with the nouns to form the warnings illustrated above. Then label the symbols. Adjectives @ Nouns @ wr \ \ wore - iS ‘W@ Listen and number the sentences in order. [i] so a sania mI Ifa piece of coral gets stuck in your foot, Ifyou do not wear sandals, you might ‘you must see a doctor and have it removed. step on a sharp coral. oe a Ifyou are walking near a coral reef, you Mf your injury is not serious, you shoul | should wear sandals, see a lifeguard for first aid, If you step on it, you can be injured. * ee Bs | Ds beach / no suntanfotion/ —noshade/ suntan /doctor doctor / medicine i suntan lotion shade sunbum u Use non-verbal communications to ald the elaboration of warnings. Choose word repertlre aimed towards a specific audience. Organize sentences into a sequence we Unit 5b ‘Compose sentences to express warnings in publle places, 1 Read the warnings and then write where we could id each one. ff W primals can get sick f you alve ‘them food. © Ifyou leave you could be stolen urluggage unattended, | | Ifyou are driving your car, | | use your cell phone. oe [ore te around the pool, you can slip ‘and fall down. > Circle the cause and underline the effect in each sentence. Use the Tips box for help. «=— The if- clause introduces a condition: If you run around the pool... The result clause states a possible effect of the situation in the if- clause: can slip and fall down. » Rewrite each of the warnings above into a simpler one using imperatives. Then draw the signs to illustrate your warnings. (_ 1 Don't feed the animals. — 12 Go to Worksheet 10. Express causes and results in warnings. Use strategies (rephrasing) to emphasize ‘meaning, Unit 5b ‘BB Play a game! if Form teams of five to six students. . Choose five non-conditional warnings from the unit and write them down on separate strips of white paper. . Hand the warnings to the teacher. The teacher should put them into a non-transparent bag. . Then one member of each team goes to the front and picks five warnings from the bag without showing them to members of the other teams. In their teams, students decide on how to express the message of each warning using conditional sentences and not using any of the words on the paper, eg.: Beware of the dog ~ If you come close, the animal can hurt you. . Teams take turns saying their warnings. If they are correct, the team gets a point. The team that guesses what the original non-conditional warning was gets two points. vonatl ‘14 Read the warnings and discuss where you would hear each one. 4g Attention passengers x This is a safety warning. | Stand back from the platform edge, stand clear of | train doors and allow other passengers to exit before | you board. i Metro trains operate over 1,500 trips per day transporting passengers like you. Please take your time and don’t run to catch the train, Remember when one train passes, another will Dear kids Please don’t run, play or sit on the yl escalators or platforms. If you are using escalators, you should hold your parent's hand. > Read them again and mark them according to the code. et Unit 5b Paraphrase the message on warnings. Identify speech register. | 41. Make an oral announcement of a warning. iif 2, Select a public place for your warning, 4. Organize the sentences to put together an announcement. 5, Take turns to practice the enunciation of the announcement. 6. Think of an original way of spreading your announcement. Group Reflection 1. Did you like the task? Why? 2. How did'you find working with your team? 3. What difficulties did you face? 4. Did you have fun? 5. What did you learn about preparing an oral presentation? Self-evaluation | Now turn to page 94 and mark (V or X) yo ur progress. ‘The Product: Make an oral announcement of a warning. Group reflection and self-evaluation, Gear ceed 1. Form groups and discuss what you need to elaborate an oral warning. 3. Brainstorm ideas for different types of sentences that you could include in your warning. DR Language Reference Unit 1a Asking for Services At the restaurant: a) Employee: May | take your order? What would you like? Here it is. Would you like anything to drink? b) Customer: I'd like to order, please. I'l have a... Can | have the...? At a clothes/shoe store: @) Employee: May I help you? What size do you wear? Would you like to try it on? Does it fit? b) Client: It’s too tight / big / small. It fits me fine. How much is it? I'l take it. At a sports club/library: ) Employee: How can help you? You have to fill in a form. You can fill in the form today and you can have your ID picture taken tomorrow. b) Customer: What do I need to get an ID card? Can I use my school ID as proof of residence? Unit 1b Creating a Storybook The past continuous: form Subject + was / were + not + verb + -ing Interrogative Was / Were + subject + verb 4+ -ing Question word + was / were & + subject + verb + -ing | Subject + was / were + verb + -ing He was watching TV in his room. ‘We were helping the teacher. > she talkir 2 meme | Was she taking onthe phone studying history. | _When were theyitakingannap?__) You were not (weren't) paying attention. | The past continuous: use ‘We use the past continuous to talk about unfinished actions in the past: The students were taking an exam this morning. Tessa was feeling bad yesterday. ‘We can also use the past continuous, together with the simple past, to talk about past actions in progress that were interrupted by a shorter action in the past. White | was preparing breakfast, the telephone rang. While they were watching a movie, the lights went out. oe Language Reference 9 [Arabic numbers area nuns | appears in bold in| | 1,2,3...) nu | alphabetical order | indicate the subentries |_| indicate change of the type of the same word 2 {Translation EGER, | appears in-a language | { Phonetic transcript | different than the entry | U./) as helps pronounce “| the words _[Parts of speech 1. v. adj. pron. | prep. art. adv. <> show the forms of the entry L1 show synonyms eo) ~ Guidewords Listen and check. 17 3 Write four more words in phonetic script. Give them to a partner to write in normal script. § Unit 2a w& | Worksheet 4 ‘I Choose a pet and write some good and bad points about having it. Use the ideas in the box for help. 8 cost__danger exercise friendly hygiene independence space d od points Bad points ff Good points Err » Read the good and bad points for another pair to guess the pet. iit » Write good and bad points for the other pets. 2 Discuss which pet is the best. 4 1. Ask for and give opinions. 2. Ask for clarification, repetition, more information, etc. Unit 2b a * lll 2 Play a game! fi Read and choose three situations. . On different slips of paper, write predictions about what you or others will do using will or won't: The teacher won't call my parents. . Then fold the papers and hand them to the teacher. He / She should mix them cind put them facedown on his Ther desk. |. Take turns picking out a paper and reading the sentence aloud. The first student who guesses correctly what situation the paper refers to and who wrote the sentence gets two points. 5. The first student to get 8 points is the ON ae Worksheet 5 | think the bikers will brake very hard. 1, Your brother's room is a mess. Your parents are angry about behaves very strangely. a 3. Your class has gotten in trouble at school, Some students were cheating on the exam and your teacher caught them. ; There's a bully in your friends class, They need to d ing. | think the man on the right will win the race. Worksheet 6 1 Circle the mistakes in the sentences. Then rewrite them correctly by adding capital letters, periods, commas, question marks and quotation marks where needed. [i 1. do you know your foot has 52 bones and 32 muscles 2. our teacher says eat balanced meals and do a lot of exercise to have a healthy heart 3. your brain controls how you feel how you think and how you act. 4, the brain and the spinal cord make up your central nervous system 2 Read the examples of sentences. Then complete the sentence fragments and correct the run-on sentences with correct punctuation and upper case letters. {i 1. the human body: 2. bronchitis, colds and the flu are respiratory diseases, so is pneumonia: 3. three human body systems are: 4, the heart is a muscle, is part of the circulatory system: tiem SS — _ _— _ — _—_— x ee TT Worksheet 7 ‘I Playa game! 8 1. Divide up the roles into Student A and Student B. 2. Then look at the ladders and read the phrases aloud. Discuss how these phrases are organized. 3. Each of you should write a prediction about your partner's likes and dislikes next to the corresponding phrase: You really hate Manchester United. 4 When you are both done, take turns asking each other questions to check whether you were right or wrong: Do you really hate Manchester United? 5. For each correct prediction you get the right to go up your ladder and ask another Question. Ifyou are wrong, you should think of another question to ask on your next turn. 6. The first person to reach the top is the winner. Remember ~ you always have to answer truthfully! really enjoy Student A Worksheet 8 1 Check (7) how important these things are for you. {if Sette ea ae Sr asec epson Compassion: Understanding the problems of others Honesty: Telling the truth and keeping to your principles Justice: Treating everyone fairly Knowledge: Discovering information and truth Loyalty: Keeping commitments to people or things (ideas, jobs, etc.) Physical appearance: Being attractive, clean, well dressed Pleasure: Having fun, being satisfied Power: Having control, authority or influence Recognit accepted : Being important, popular and Tolerance: Respecting other people and opinions Wealth: Having a lot of possessions and money Listen to your teacher read each value. Ask for a show of hands to count how many students think each value is extremely important, important or not very important. £9 2 Give your top three values above in order of importance. {i — eee Worksheet 9 1 Play a guessing game. Follow the instructions below. * Make notes about a person or thing and use them as clues. Remember to use passive voice, * Work with a partner and tell him or her about the person or thing you thought of. * Give your partner time to guess, Example: They are violent columns of air. They come in diferent shapes and sizes. They are formed during the first stages of a storm and they are observed on all continents except Antartica. (tornadoes) 2 Look at the sentences from page 92 and circle the punctuation marks and capital letters. i Some resembled archeological, religious or mythological symbols, Crop circles have become the subject of speculation by paranormal, ufological and anomatisic investigators. > Circle the correct option. 1. commas (,) are used: 4) to end sentences b) when there are lists of items in sentences 2. periods (.) are used: @) to end sentences b) when there are lists of items in sentences 3. capital letters (A, B, C) are used: ©) with common nouns b) at the beginning of sentences and with proper names B Identify and circle the mistakes. Correct them in your notebook. {if 1. People believe that crop sircles are made by extraterrestrial beings strange animals and supernatural forces 2. Crop circles have been found in england germany new zealand and other places 3. Some explanations for the creation of crop circles are related to the weather Paranormal activity or animals 4. in 1992 there was a competition of crop circles and one of the competitors used a small garden roller a plank and some rope 4 Choose a scientific topic to write about and make notes about the information below. [i Names (people, places) Investigation Conclusion Dates Evidence Opinion Scientific events Some explanations > Write a final version of the information on a separate sheet of paper. Ilustrate your work. J ___Unit so (Gay - Worksheet 10 ‘T Look at the pictures and write the names of the places that they illustrate. 2 > Draw the other halves of these signs. Then number them according to the places above. 0 (X — > Now label the signs using the non-conditional warnings. > Discuss how to express the message in each warning using conditional warnings. Write your ideas on the lines. Be creative! £3 Seen on Unit 5b (ey — = en <

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