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Aemon the builder

Kia ora Aemon, Today I watched you watching your big brother Khalid building a tower on the
table. You stood patiently observing what Khalid was doing and then as Khalid reached up to
put another block on, it all came tumbling down, you giggled with excitement and then Khalid
said you want to build with me Aemon, we can build the tower again going higher and higher.
I was so proud of the way Khalid invited you into his play, he was including you and sharing the
blocks. One by one you both started placing the blocks on top of each other until it got so
high it toppled over and came crashing down. Oh no you said, then began again one on top of
the other, no problem and no fuss. As you were building you chatted to Khalid, it was so nice
to see the love you both share for each other coming out in your conversation. its ok Aemon
you can put that one here said Khalid as the block slipped out of your hand. You reached over
and kissed Khalids check and passed him the block, you melted my heart. The bond you two
have is special and Im going to miss the love when you move.

Belonging / Mana Whenua: Belonging is nurtured through social interaction with Kaiako
(teachers) and other children and by respecting the achievements and aspirations of each
childs family and community. Children and their families experience an environment where they
know they have a place. Over time and with guidance and encouragement, children become
increasingly capable of taking part in caring for this place. These outcomes will be observed
as learning in progress, when for example, children demonstrate a feeling of belonging in the
ECE setting.

Teacher Lynda September 2017

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