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Welcome to 4th Grade

Mr. Bozek
Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Tonights Agenda
Objectives for the Year

Expectations for the year

Discipline Plan (mini-


Grading Policy

Homework Policy

Absent Work Policy

Objectives for the Year!


In Grade 4, instructional time will focus on three

critical areas:

1. developing understanding and fluency with multi-

digit multiplication, and developing understanding of
dividing to find quotients involving multi-digit

2. developing an understanding of fraction equivalence,

addition and subtraction of fractions with like
denominators, and multiplication of fractions by whole

3. understanding that geometric figures can be analyzed

and classified based on their properties, such as
having parallel sides, perpendicular sides, particular
angle measures, and symmetry.


Fourth grade Religion curriculum will address the


1. God revealed himself to be one God in Three Divine


2. Jesus shows us how to love others as God loves us.

3. The Ten Commandments guide us in serving the one

true God.

4. We follow the message of selflessness by praying

the Lords Prayer

5. The Beatitudes are paths to happiness and to Gods


6. Through prayer we learn to understand and trust

Gods plan for each of us.

7. Through the Sacrament of Reconciliation, our

relationship with God and the Church is healed.
Student Expectations for the Year

Students will have up to 60 minutes of homework every night

and must complete their homework before the next school
day starts. Please look over their completed homework to
ensure that it is done correctly. If students have turned in 5
assignments late, a detention will be issued! Detentions are
served on Mondays, Tuesday, or Thursdays after school.

Students must begin studying for their test at least a week in

advance. A great study technique is every night select one
subject and study 15 minutes with your child the notes found
in their notebooks. Students should bring home notebooks
and class handouts or other materials even if they dont have
any homework.

Students must keep a weekly reflection journal in their

Religion notebooks. The journal reflection should reflect the
students Sunday Mass attendance, Sunday Bible readings and
homily. It can also include the students reflection about their
prayer life, difficulties and questions about their spiritual
journey. The Mass Journals are due on all Mondays of the
year or Tuesdays if there is no school on Monday.

Students must maintain a respectful attitude in the classroom.

Listening and participation is required on a daily basis.

Students must listen to directions first time given. Please go

over this with your child about being respectful to your

Students must come to class with proper materials. This means,

students must be organized. Placing papers into correct folders,
writing notes in correct notebooks, having 8 sharpened pencils,
Our Mini-Economy
Our classroom economy allows students to earn classroom
money for good behavior and lose classroom money for bad choices.
Each month students will be assigned a classroom job. Students will be
paid for their jobs once a month as long as if they are performing their
job correctly. Each month, students will be able to apply for a job they
At the end of each week, students will pay utilities (electricity,
water, classroom supplies, desk, etc.) and taxes (this will vary
depending on the overalls classroom behavior). Taxes will also go up
during the week students get paid for their classroom job. If students
are unable to pay utilities or taxes for the week, a note will be sent
home and students will lose economy time.
Students can earn classroom money by: performing their
classroom job, turning in homework, helping another student, and
acting appropriately in the class, hallway, bathroom, etc. Students will
lose classroom money when: they talk at an inappropriate time, do not
follow the rules, do not complete their homework, destroy school or
others property. In December and May, we will have a classroom store
where students can purchase various items to keep.
I enjoy running a classroom mini-economy because it prepares
students for real life. It helps students realize the value of money and
students are able to work towards making more money. Just like the
real world, when they do not perform a job or do an inappropriate
behavior, they have a possibility of losing money.
If students are unable to pay taxes and utilities for 3 weeks, they
will be removed from the money system. Instead, students will be given
a behavior notebook, which must be signed weekly. If students prove
they can maintain their money, they will be given a second chance on
the money system after time.
Grading Policy
Epiphany School policy for grading:
A.. 91-94%
A-. 90-89%

In Math and Religion grade is based on the following

15% - homework
20% - class work and quizzes
25% - independent work
40% - tests, exams

In Spelling, grade is based on accumulation of points earned

throughout each trimester

Homework Policy

To receive full credit for homework, the assignment must

1. Be completed on the day when its due

2. Be completed in its entirety
3. Show students best effort (this may include proper headings, neatness,
correct spelling, thoughtfulness, correctness)

All homework is expected to be completed at home every night.

If not, it is late. Generally, no late work will be accepted. If students
do not turn in homework assignments by the given due date, they will
be asked to make up the missing work during recess or after school on
that very day (from 3:00 to 3:30 P.M.). If these accommodations are
insufficient for students to complete their missed homework, they are
expected to make up the work by the next school day. In the latter
case, only half of the credit will be given. Any homework not turned in
after that counts for a missing assignment and no credit will be given.
Absolutely no late work will be accepted for projects announced
several days in advance.
At the end of the day, homework is written on the board. It is
the students responsibility to copy the homework in their assignment
notebooks. Please check your childs homework notebook every night
to ensure your child completes all required tasks!
Students will receive payment from our classroom money when
they turn in their homework on the day it is due.
If students are habitually turning in assignments late, they will
be issued a detention and/or other disciplinary action.

Absent Policy
It is the schools policy that when a child is absent from
school, no work will be sent home for that child. The child will
receive their makeup work when they come back to school. If the
child is sick, they should spend their time getting well, not
completing makeup work.
If a child is absent 1 day, they will have two days to complete
the make up work. If they are missing for 2 days, they will have
four days to complete the make-up work. If the make-up work is
not turned in, it will be considered late. Then the child will owe
classroom money until it is completed.
If a child is absent 3-5 days, they will be able to have a full
week and to complete the make-up work. If the child misses more
than 5 days, special arrangements will be made.

Fun Extras

How to Contact Mr. Bozek

You can email me at

Staying in Touch with the Classroom

Make sure to check out the homework tab and other extra information including a link to Scholastic
Book Club on my website and tentative lesson plans:

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