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Watchful Waiting vs Repair of

Inguinal Hernia in Minimally Symptomatic Men
A Randomized Clinical Trial
Robert J. Fitzgibbons, Jr, MD Context Many men with inguinal hernia have minimal symptoms. Whether defer-
Anita Giobbie-Hurder, MS ring surgical repair is a safe and acceptable option has not been assessed.
James O. Gibbs, PhD Objective To compare pain and the physical component score (PCS) of the Short
Dorothy D. Dunlop, PhD Form-36 Version 2 survey at 2 years in men with minimally symptomatic inguinal her-
nias treated with watchful waiting or surgical repair.
Domenic J. Reda, PhD
Design, Setting, and Participants Randomized trial conducted January 1, 1999,
Martin McCarthy, Jr, PhD through December 31, 2004, at 5 North American centers and enrolling 720 men (364
Leigh A. Neumayer, MD watchful waiting, 356 surgical repair) followed up for 2 to 4.5 years.
Jeffrey S. T. Barkun, MD Interventions Watchful-waiting patients were followed up at 6 months and annu-
ally and watched for hernia symptoms; repair patients received standard open tension-
James L. Hoehn, MD free repair and were followed up at 3 and 6 months and annually.
Joseph T. Murphy, MD Main Outcome Measures Pain and discomfort interfering with usual activities at
George A. Sarosi, Jr, MD 2 years and change in PCS from baseline to 2 years. Secondary outcomes were com-
plications, patient-reported pain, functional status, activity levels, and satisfaction with
William C. Syme, MD
Jon S. Thompson, MD
Results Primary intention-to-treat outcomes were similar at 2 years for watchful
Jia Wang, MS waiting vs surgical repair: pain limiting activities (5.1% vs 2.2%, respectively; P=.52);
Olga Jonasson, MD PCS (improvement over baseline, 0.29 points vs 0.13 points; P=.79). Twenty-three

percent of patients assigned to watchful waiting crossed over to receive surgical
ANY MEN WITH AN INGUI- repair (increase in hernia-related pain was the most common reason offered); 17%
nal hernia are asymptom- assigned to receive repair crossed over to watchful waiting. Self-reported pain in
atic or minimally symp- watchful-waiting patients crossing over improved after repair. Occurrence of postop-
tomatic. They and their erative hernia-related complications was similar in patients who received repair as
assigned and in watchful-waiting patients who crossed over. One watchful-waiting
physicians sometimes delay hernia re- patient (0.3%) experienced acute hernia incarceration without strangulation within
pair until emergence of pain or discom- 2 years; a second had acute incarceration with bowel obstruction at 4 years, with a
fort. Surgical repair, while generally safe frequency of 1.8/1000 patient-years inclusive of patients followed up for as long as
and effective, carries long-term risks 4.5 years.
of hernia recurrence, pain, and dis- Conclusions Watchful waiting is an acceptable option for men with minimally symp-
comfort.1-4 tomatic inguinal hernias. Delaying surgical repair until symptoms increase is safe be-
The natural history of an untreated cause acute hernia incarcerations occur rarely.
inguinal hernia is not known. For mini- Clinical Trials Registration Identifier: NCT00263250
mally symptomatic men, the usual ba- JAMA. 2006;295:285-292
sis for recommending surgical repair is
to prevent a hernia accident (ie, acute
hernia incarceration with bowel ob-
struction, strangulation of intra- abdominal contents, or both), but this Author Affiliations are listed at the end of this
is a rare event. Only an 1896 report article.
Corresponding Author: Olga Jonasson, MD, Depart-
from Bergers Paris truss clinic5 and a ment of Surgery, University of Illinois, 1514 W Jackson
For editorial comment see p 328.
1981 report from Colombia6 are avail- Blvd, Chicago, IL 60607 (

2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, January 18, 2006Vol 295, No. 3 285

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able to assess this risk. Both estimated with regard to the natural history of Society of Anesthesiologists physical sta-
the annual risk of a hernia accident to minimally symptomatic untreated her- tus8 greater than 3, or participation in
be approximately 3 per thousand pa- nias and the risk of hernia accidents.7 another clinical trial. Men with mini-
tients. Whether watchful waiting is a mally symptomatic chronically incarcer-
good option has not been critically METHODS ated hernias were not excluded. Partici-
tested. Study Population pants were recruited from 5 community
We conducted a multicenter clinical Participants were men aged 18 years or and academic centers (Creighton Uni-
trial to compare pain, physical func- older and presenting with asymptom- versity, Omaha VA Medical Center, Uni-
tion, and other outcomes in men with atic or minimally symptomatic inguinal versity of Nebraska, Omaha; McGill
asymptomatic or minimally symptom- hernia (ie, the absence of hernia-related University, Montreal, Quebec; Marsh-
atic inguinal hernias randomly as- pain or discomfort limiting usual activi- field Clinic, Marshfield, Wis; Univer-
signed to a strategy of watchful waiting ties or difficulty in reducing the hernia sity of Texas Southwestern Medical Cen-
or to receive standard open tension- within 6 weeks of screening). Excluded ter, Dallas VA Medical Center, Dallas; and
free repair with mesh. We also sought were those with undetectable hernias, Lovelace Clinic, Albuquerque, NM).
to assess the safety of watchful waiting local or systemic infection, American Enrollment of eligible patients began on
January 1, 1999, and took place over 2.5
years; patients were followed up for a
Figure 1. Screened and Enrolled Patients minimum of 2 years. The trial ended on
December 31, 2004. The study was
3074 Men Screened
designed to assess primary outcomes at
2 years. Patients enrolled early in the trial
2350 Excluded were followed up for as long as 4.5 years
1447 Ineligible
903 Refused Consent (median, 3.2 years).

724 Randomized
Men were referred by primary care phy-
sicians or other surgeons or were self-
358 Assigned to Undergo Tension-Free 366 Assigned to Watchful Waiting referred in response to public adver-
Hernia Repair 2 Excluded From Study (Ineligible)
2 Excluded From Study (Ineligible) 279 Received Watchful Waiting
tising. Approximately half of the men
294 Underwent Repair as Assigned as Assigned screened were not eligible for the trial,
62 Did Not Undergo Repair (Crossed 85 Underwent Repair (Crossed Over
Over to Watchful Waiting) to Repair)
and 55% of eligible patients declined
26 Refused 1 Hernia Accident to give consent to be randomized
4 Not Medically Fit 73 Pain/Discomfort
32 No Reason Given 3 Patient Request (F IGURE 1). Information on race/
4 Other ethnicity was gathered to ensure that
4 Missing
a spectrum of individuals was repre-
sented in this trial. Race/ethnicity were
Outcomes at 2 y Outcomes at 2 y indicated by the patient on a standard
14 Lost to Follow-up 10 Lost to Follow-up
8 Had Received Repair 8 Had Received Watchful Waiting form with choices as defined by the US
6 Had Crossed Over to Watchful Waiting
7 Withdrew Consent
2 Had Crossed Over to Repair
3 Withdrew Consent (Watchful Waiting)
Census Bureau: Hispanic/Latino or non-
1 Had Received Repair 8 Deaths Hispanic, white, black or African-
6 Had Crossed Over to Watchful Waiting 7 Had Received Watchful Waiting
7 Deaths 1 Had Crossed Over to Repair
American, Asian, native Hawaiian or Pa-
4 Had Received Repair cific Islander, or American Indian or
3 Had Crossed Over to Watchful Waiting
native Alaskan.

328 Eligible For Primary Outcome Determination 343 Eligible For Primary Outcome Determination Study Interventions
281 Had Received Repair 261 Had Received Watchful Waiting
47 Had Crossed Over to Watchful Waiting 82 Had Crossed Over to Repair
Participants were randomly assigned to
317 Completed Primary Outcome 336 Completed Primary Outcome watchful waiting or to receive stan-
Determination Determination
274 Had Received Repair 256 Had Received Watchful Waiting
dard Lichtenstein open tension-free re-
43 Had Crossed Over to Watchful 80 Had Crossed Over to Repair pair.9 Details of the watchful-waiting
11 No Visit
7 No Visit protocols and the surgical repair are de-
5 Had Received Watchful Waiting
7 Had Received Repair 2 Had Crossed Over to Repair
scribed in a previous report.7
4 Had Crossed Over to Watchful Waiting
317 Included in Primary Analysis (Repair) 336 Included in Primary Analysis (Watchful Waiting) Patients assigned to watchful waiting
were given written instructions to watch
286 JAMA, January 18, 2006Vol 295, No. 3 (Reprinted) 2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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for hernia symptoms and contact their Short Form-36 Version 2 health- Baseline characteristics were com-
physician if problems developed; in ad- related quality-of-life survey.10 Pain in- pared across groups using a !2 test or
dition, they were examined at 6 months terfering with activities was defined as the Fisher exact test for categorical vari-
and yearly after enrollment. While this the selection of a level 3 or 4 response ables and t test or analysis of variance
trial was designed primarily to com- to questions with 4 choices: (1) no pain for continuous variables.
pare watchful waiting with surgical re- or discomfort due to the hernia or her- Primary analyses comparing watch-
pair 2 years after randomization, 367 nia operation; (2) mild pain that does ful waiting with surgical repair for
patients were followed up for 3 years not interfere with activities; (3) mod- 2-year outcomes were performed on an
and 156 for 4 years; mean and median erate or (4) severe levels of pain that intention-to-treat basis. Rates for pain
time of follow-up was 3.2 years. interfere with usual activities. These interfering with activities at 2 years were
patient-reported variables were mea- compared using OBrien-Fleming se-
Randomization, Allocation sured at baseline and at the 6-month quential proportion tests. Changes in
Concealment, and Implementation and annual visits. PCS were compared using OBrien-
of Randomization Scheme Postoperative complications of sur- Fleming sequential z tests.14
Randomization was stratified by the gical repair were assessed at the 2-week Some patients assigned to watchful
presence of primary or recurrent her- visit and as needed for 3 months. Long- waiting requested and received surgi-
nia, unilateral or bilateral hernia, and term complications, including hernia cal repair, and some patients assigned
study site. The randomization scheme recurrence, were assessed at the to receive surgical repair refused sur-
was developed by the study biostatis- 6-month and annual visits. 7 Life- gery and were treated with watchful
tician and allocated treatments in threatening complications were de- waiting. Therefore, as an exploratory
random block sizes of 2, 4, or 6. Ran- fined prior to the start of the study and analysis, primary and secondary out-
domization was accomplished by a were assessed for up to 30 days after comes were also examined to account
computer-generated permuted ran- surgical repair. for the intervention received (as-
dom sequence and assigned by the Vet- Secondary outcomes included com- treated analyses). Time-to-crossover es-
erans Administration (VA) Coopera- plications, as well as patient-reported timates were computed using life-table
tive Studies Program Coordinating outcomes of pain (assessed using four methods. 15 Observations were cen-
Center, Hines, Ill. After the patient sat- 150-mm visual analog surgical pain sored at termination of study participa-
isfied all inclusion criteria and pro- scales to measure sensory and emo- tion or at completion of follow-up. Sta-
vided written informed consent, the site tional aspects of hernia-related pain11), tistical testing of 2-year primary and
coordinator telephoned the VA coor- functional status (using the Short secondary outcomes used the Dunnett
dinating center to request that the pa- Form-36 Version 2 questionnaire12), ac- t test to account for multiple compari-
tient be assigned. Patients were as- tivity levels (using the Activities As- sons of the reference group receiving sur-
signed to either watchful waiting or sessment Scale13), and satisfaction with gical repair as assigned with the other
surgical repair in equal proportions. Be- care (using a 5-point Likert scale). as-treated groups.16 Statistical tests were
cause of the obvious identity of the These were measured at baseline, 6 not adjusted for comparisons related to
study groups, treatment allocation was months, and annually. Pain was also as- multiple secondary end points. Analy-
not blinded to patients or surgeons. sessed at the time of crossover in pa- ses were performed using SAS version
Interim unblinded reports were pro- tients assigned to watchful waiting who 8.0 (SAS Institute Inc, Cary, NC).
vided to the data and safety monitor- ultimately received surgical repair.
ing board (DSMB) for safety monitor- Organization and Monitoring
ing, but all site investigators were Statistical Analysis The principal investigator (R.J.F.) vis-
blinded to interim outcome compari- The sample size of 720 randomly as- ited each site within the first few
sons until all patients had undergone signed patients had more than 91% months to ensure compliance with
their final evaluation. Protocol and con- power for each of the primary out- study protocols. An executive commit-
sent forms were approved by the Hines comes at 2 years to detect a 10% dif- tee, independent DSMB, and the Hines
VA/North Chicago VA Human Stud- ference in the proportion of patients VA/North Chicago VA Human Stud-
ies Subcommittee and by each sites in- with pain interfering with activities and ies Subcommittee provided oversight of
stitutional review board. an 8-point difference in the PCS change the study. Site institutional review
from baseline levels, allowing an over- boards reviewed the study annually. Pa-
Determination of Outcomes all 2-sided type I error rate of 5% and tient follow-up was deficient in 1 of the
The primary outcomes were pain and 4 interim analyses of the primary end original sites, prompting an indepen-
discomfort interfering with usual ac- points. All final analyses and associ- dent audit of all sites. All data from the
tivities 2 years after enrollment and ated confidence intervals for primary single deficient site were purged, the site
change from baseline to 2 years in the and secondary outcomes were ad- was dropped from the study, and an al-
physical component score (PCS) of the justed for interim monitoring.14 ternate site activated.7
2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, January 18, 2006Vol 295, No. 3 287

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reported in all patients who received

Table 1. Baseline Demographic Characteristics
surgical repair (0.8%). Postoperative
Tension-Free Repair Watchful Waiting
Characteristic (n = 356) (n = 364) P Value complications (90 events) reported in
Age, mean (SD), y 57.5 (13.9) 57.5 (14.1) .99 85 patients (22.3%) included wound
Age group, y, No. (%) hematomas (23 [6.1%]), scrotal hema-
"40 42 (11.8) 41 (11.3) tomas (17 [4.5%]), urinary tract infec-
40-65 200 (56.2) 198 (54.4) tions (8 [2.1%]), wound infections
#65 114 (32.0) 125 (34.3) (7 [1.8%]), orchitis (6 [1.6%]), sero-
Race, No. (%) mas (6 [1.6%]), urinary retention
White 311 (87.4) 311 (85.4)
(1 [0.3%]), and other minor com-
Black 17 (4.8) 16 (4.4)
plications (22 [5.8%]). One life-
Asian 3 (0.8) 3 (0.8) .47
threatening complication occurred in
Multiracial 12 (3.4) 23 (6.3)
No response 13 (3.7) 11 (3.0)
each of 3 patients receiving surgical re-
Education, mean (SD), y 13.9 (2.7) 14.2 (2.7) .09
pair: postoperative bradycardia, deep
Private health insurance, No. (%) 279 (78.3) 285 (78.3) .99
venous thrombosis, and postoperative
Employment, No. (%)
hypertension requiring hospitaliza-
Employed 221 (62.0) 213 (58.5) tion. By 2 years, recurrence of the her-
Disabled/unemployed 18 (5.1) 22 (6.0) .61 nia had occurred in 3 patients (1.0%)
Retired 117 (32.9) 129 (35.5) assigned to receive surgical repair and
in 2 patients (2.3%) assigned to watch-
ful waiting who crossed over to re-
RESULTS (86%) were white; 5% were black; and ceive surgical repair (P=.31). When as-
Baseline Patient Characteristics 9% were Asian, mixed race, or gave no sessed at 3 months postoperatively, 13
Between January 1999 and December response. patients (3.4%) receiving surgical re-
2002, 3074 men were screened and pair experienced groin pain and 2 pa-
1627 initially met the eligibility crite- Operative Findings tients (0.5%) experienced leg pain.
ria. Of these, 724 provided informed In patients receiving surgical repair and One acute hernia incarceration with-
consent and were randomly assigned to those assigned to watchful waiting who out strangulation occurred in a watch-
watchful waiting (366) or surgical re- crossed over to receive surgical repair, ful-waiting patient 4 months after en-
pair (358). Two patients were ex- hernia types were determined at time rollment; emergency surgical repair was
cluded from analysis from each group of repair using the Nyhus classifica- complicated by a wound hematoma.
because it was later determined by the tion.17 Among patients undergoing re- There were 22 deaths among enrolled
DSMB that eligibility criteria were not pair, indirect inguinal hernias com- patients (10 among surgical repair and
met. The 2-year follow-up period ended prised 53% of hernias (type 1 = 12%, 12 among watchful-waiting patients,
in December 2004. Eighty-five (23%) type 2 = 29%, type 3b=12%); direct in- P = .70), with 15 occurring within 2
of 364 patients assigned to watchful guinal hernias (type 3a), 41%; and re- years (7 among surgical repair and 8
waiting had received surgical repair current hernias, 6%. General anesthe- among watchful-waiting patients,
within 2 years, and 62 (17%) of 356 pa- sia was used in 51%, spinal anesthesia P=.83); none of the deaths were attrib-
tients assigned to receive surgical re- in 10%, and local anesthesia in 37%. uted to the study.
pair did not undergo repair (Figure 1). Fourteen percent of patients receiving
Baseline characteristics of the pa- surgical repair had bilateral repair. Outcomes at 2 Years
tients are given in TABLE 1 and TABLE 2 Seven patients had missing operative Of the original 364 watchful-waiting
for intention-to-treat groups. The mean data. and 356 surgical repair patients, 21 and
age of the population was 57.5 years 28 died or withdrew consent within 2
(SD, 14), and demographic character- Complications and Deaths years, respectively, leaving 94.2% and
istics, coexisting conditions, and Ameri- The rate of complications was similar 92.1% who could have been evaluated
can Society of Anesthesiologists clas- among those who were assigned to and at 2 years. Of these, 7 and 11 in the
sifications 8 were similar between received surgical repair (21.7%) and watchful-waiting and surgical repair
groups. Exceptions were greater body those assigned to watchful waiting who groups, respectively, were lost to follow-
mass index and less sedentary and am- crossed over to receive surgical repair up, leaving 92.3% and 89.0% who com-
bulatory activities in patients assigned (27.9%) (P = .30). Three intraopera- pleted 2-year follow-up and who were
to receive surgical repair; more pa- tive complications (a wound hema- included in analyses of the primary and
tients were assigned to watchful wait- toma requiring return to the operat- secondary outcomes.
ing whose hernias had enlarged within ing room, postanesthetic hypertension, Primary Outcomes. At 2 years, in-
the previous 6 weeks. Most patients and an ilioinguinal nerve injury) were tention-to-treat analyses showed that
288 JAMA, January 18, 2006Vol 295, No. 3 (Reprinted) 2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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pain interfering with activities devel- waiting, 2.3 mm; difference, 3.9 mm; At the time of crossover from watch-
oped in similar proportions in both 95% confidence interval, 0.8 to 7.0 mm; ful waiting to surgical repair, large in-
groups (5.1% for watchful waiting vs P = .01). As-treated analyses yielded creases since the last visit in pain un-
2.2% for surgical repair; difference similar results. pleasantness and pain during normal
2.86%; 95% confidence interval, 0.04%
to 5.77%; P = .52) (FIGURE 2). Mean
2-year PCS change from baseline was Table 2. Baseline Health Status Characteristics
not significantly different: watchful- Tension-Free Repair Watchful Waiting
waiting patients improved by 0.29 Characteristic (n = 356) (n = 364) P Value
points (of 100) and surgical repair pa- BMI, mean (SD)* 26.6 (3.8) 25.8 (3.4) .004
Coexisting conditions, No. (%)
tients improved by 0.13 points (differ- CHF 2 (0.6) 1 (0.3) .62
ence, 0.16; 95% confidence interval, Prior MI 1 (0.3) 1 (0.3) .99
1.2 to 1.5) (FIGURE 3). A sensitivity Hypertension 95 (26.8) 102 (28.0) .74
analysis adjusting for stratification fac- COPD 5 (1.4) 2 (0.5) .28
tors and imbalance in baseline charac- Chronic cough 11 (3.1) 15 (4.1) .55
teristics (ie, body mass index, Activi- Prostatism 35 (9.9) 42 (11.5) .47
ties Assessment Scale, and recent hernia Diabetes 17 (4.8) 16 (4.4) .86
enlargement) yielded almost identical Cigarette smoker 67 (18.9) 65 (17.9) .77
results. Alcohol consumption #2 drinks/d 38 (10.7) 48 (13.2) .30
In the as-treated analyses, 47.1% of pa- ASA health status class
tients assigned to watchful waiting who 1 227 (63.9) 246 (67.6)
crossed over to receive surgical repair 2 113 (31.8) 100 (27.5) .43
had developed pain that interfered with 3 15 (4.2) 18 (4.9)
their activities at the time of crossover. Surgical Pain Scale score, mean (SD)
At rest 8.2 (13.1) 8.2 (15.6) .99
Eighty-six percent reported some de-
Normal activities 10.3 (14.9) 10.4 (14.9) .93
gree of pain and discomfort as their rea-
Work/exercise 17.1 (24.6) 14.6 (20.7) .20
son for requesting repair. By the time of Pain unpleasantness 12.9 (19.5) 10.9 (17.9) .15
the 2-year interview, however, the per- PCS score, mean (SD) 52.2 (7.9) 51.5 (7.7) .29
centage of patients who had pain inter- AAS score, mean (SD)
fering with activity was not signifi- Sedentary 94.3 (9.6) 95.7 (8.0) .03
cantly greater in the patients who had Ambulatory 95.5 (9.8) 97.1 (8.0) .02
crossed over (8.6% in the crossover Work/exercise 92.1 (12.8) 93.3 (11.9) .28
group vs 1.5% in the group receiving sur- Total 95.2 (8.4) 96.5 (6.7) .04
gical repair as assigned; difference, 7.1%; Hernia characteristics, No. (%)
95% confidence interval, 0.63% to Unilateral 308 (86.5) 311 (85.4)
Bilateral 48 (13.5) 53 (14.6)
14.99%) (Figure 2). Patients assigned to
Primary 322 (90.4) 321 (88.2) .34
watchful waiting who crossed over to re-
Recurrent 34 (9.6) 43 (11.8)
ceive surgical repair reported signifi-
Duration of hernia, No. (%)
cantly larger improvement from base- "6 wk 56 (15.8) 55 (15.1)
line in PCS relative to patients receiving $6 wk 256 (71.8) 267 (73.4) .73
surgical repair as assigned (difference, Do not know 44 (12.4) 42 (11.5)
2.50; 95% confidence interval, 0.01 to Hernia enlarged in past 6 weeks, No. (%) 34 (9.6) 56 (15.4) .04
5.0; P=.01) (Figure 3). Hernia reducibility, No. (%)
Secondary Outcomes at 2 Years. Spontaneously 232 (65.1) 235 (64.5)
Both groups had less pain at 2 years than Easily 108 (30.4) 120 (33.1)
at baseline. The amount of change from With difficulty 15 (4.2) 6 (1.7)
baseline in pain while at rest, during Not reducible 1 (0.3) 3 (0.8)
normal activities, and during work or Hernia findings, No. (%)
Palpable on impulse 151 (42.5) 142 (39.1)
exercise did not differ between the in-
Visible when standing 184 (51.6) 202 (55.4) .57
tention-to-treat groups. The reduc-
Extends into scrotum 21 (5.9) 20 (5.6)
tion in perception of pain unpleasant- Abbreviations: AAS, Activities Assessment Scale; ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists; BMI, body mass index;
ness was significantly greater for CHF, congestive heart failure; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; MI, prior myocardial infarction; PCS,
physical component summary.
patients receiving surgical repair than *Calculated as weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters.
for those receiving watchful waiting Comprises four 150-mm visual analog pain scales.
Scores range from 0-100, with a norm mean of 50.
(surgical repair, 6.2 mm vs watchful
2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, January 18, 2006Vol 295, No. 3 289

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activities were noted in only 44% of the

Figure 2. Pain Interfering With Activities: Group Differences at 2 Years
crossover group (n=29).
Less Pain More Pain Patients also reported on their ability
Than Repair Than Repair to perform a spectrum of everyday ac-
Pain Interfering With Risk Difference
Intention-to-Treat Activities, No. (%) (95% CI), % tivities. In all categories of activities, in-
Repair 7 (2.21) Reference tent-to-treat analyses indicated that pa-
Watchful Waiting 17 (5.07) 2.86 (0.04 to 5.77) tients receiving surgical repair showed
As-Treated significantly greater improvement than
As Assigned
did watchful-waiting patients.
Repair 4 (1.46) Reference
Watchful Waiting 10 (3.94) 2.86 (0.98 to 5.94)
More than 97% of patients in both
Crossed Over treatment groups were satisfied or very
To Repair 7 (8.64) 7.18 (0.63 to 14.99) satisfied with the care they received.
To Watchful Waiting 3 (6.98) 5.52 (4.12 to 15.15)

Outcomes at Last Follow-up

10 0 10 20
Unadjusted Risk Difference The mean (SD) time to crossover was
27.2 (13.7) months (median, 24.4
Reference group for intention-to-treat is tension-free repair (score=0); reference group for as-treated is pa- months); beyond 2 years, the cross-
tients randomized to and received tension-free repair (score=0).
over rate was 4% per year (FIGURE 4).
Of the 379 patients who underwent
hernia repair, 20 were lost to follow-up
Figure 3. Physical Component Score: Group Differences in 2-Year Change From Baseline or withdrew consent and 5 died. Of the
354 remaining patients, 1.4% had a re-
Less Improvement More Improvement currence (n=5), with a rate of 0.0045 re-
Than Repair Than Repair
Change From Baseline, Difference
currences per patient-year.
Intention-to-Treat Mean (SD) (95% CI) All randomly assigned patients were
Repair 0.13 (0.42) Reference considered at risk for acute incarcera-
Watchful Waiting 0.29 (0.41) 0.16 (1.19 to 1.50)
tion without strangulation until herni-
As Assigned
orrhaphy was performed. Acute her-
Repair 0.66 (0.44) Reference nia incarceration occurred in 1 patient
Watchful Waiting 0.62 (0.46) 1.27 (2.98 to 0.44) (0.3%) within 2 years of assignment to
Crossed Over watchful waiting, and 1 acute hernia in-
To Repair 3.16 (0.81) 2.50 (0.01 to 4.99)
carceration with bowel obstruction oc-
To Watchful Waiting 3.22 (1.10) 3.87 (7.10 to 0.65)
curred at 4 years in a watchful-waiting
10 5 0 5 10 patient; this was reduced with seda-
Differences in Change From Baseline tion and repaired electively. The her-
nia accident rate was 0.0018 events per
Reference group for intention-to-treat is tension-free repair (score=0); reference group for as-treated is pa-
tients randomized to and received tension-free repair (score=0). patient-year.
Watchful waiting is a reasonable op-
Figure 4. Probability of Crossover From Watchful Waiting to Surgery tion for men whose inguinal hernia is
minimally symptomatic. Two years af-
ter randomization, similar propor-
Probability of Hernia Repair, %

30 tions of patients in the watchful-

25 waiting and surgical repair groups had
pain sufficient to limit usual activities,
and their levels of physical function-
ing were similar. Patients assigned to
watchful waiting who requested surgi-
5 cal repair most commonly reported in-
0 creased pain as the reason for the cross-
0 12 24 36 48 60
over, and nearly half reported that pain
Months interfered with normal activities. These
No. at Risk 364 307 224 110 33 symptoms improved for most patients
after hernia repair.
290 JAMA, January 18, 2006Vol 295, No. 3 (Reprinted) 2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Hernia accidents were extremely un- healthy than patients in other groups, egy.18 To this end, we have established
common (rate of 1.8 per 1000 patient- as indicated by a somewhat higher a voluntary long-term registry of pa-
years). Others have suggested that her- American Society of Anesthesiologists tients enrolled in this and its compan-
nia accidents are more common in classification and greater frequency of ion trial comparing open and laparo-
elderly patients, many of whom are un- diabetes and hypertension. This cross- scopic hernia repair2 to annually assess
aware of their diagnosis and have not over group also had worse physical patient-reported outcomes and the oc-
sought surgical care.5,18 In a review of functioning at baseline, but after re- currence of hernia accidents and re-
the VA database (W. Henderson, PhD, pair they experienced considerably currences.
National Surgical Quality Improve- greater improvement in physical func-
ment Program, written communica- tioning than did the patients who re- CONCLUSIONS
tion, 2005), the mean age of patients ceived surgical repair as assigned. It may A strategy of watchful waiting is a safe
having hernia emergencies was 77 be useful to consider these character- and acceptable option for men with
years, and the rate of death after repair istics when recommending a therapeu- asymptomatic or minimally symptom-
was found to be only 2.2%. The low ac- tic strategy for men with few hernia- atic inguinal hernias. Acute hernia
cident rate of 1.8 per 1000 patients per related symptoms. These differences incarcerations occur rarely, and
year found in this strategy, the low mor- may be the result of unique character- patients who develop symptoms have
tality rate associated with surgical re- istics of these patients or of therapeu- no greater risk of operative complica-
pair, and the similar pain and health tic intervention. Results from as- tions than those undergoing prophy-
outcomes identified at 2 years suggest treated analyses, however, must be lactic hernia repair.
that deferring surgery for men with- interpreted with caution. The validity Author Affiliations: Department of Surgery, Creigh-
out troublesome symptoms is a reason- of intention-to-treat analyses is based ton University, Omaha, Neb (Dr Fitzgibbons); De-
partment of Surgery, Omaha VA Medical Center,
able option. on randomization of subjects into the Omaha (Drs Fitzgibbons and Thompson); VA Coop-
By 2 years, 23% of our watchful- treatment groups, helping to ensure that erative Studies Program Coordinating Center, Hines,
Ill (Dr Reda and Mss Giobbie-Hurder and Wang); De-
waiting patients crossed over to re- the groups are comparable and the dif- partment of Preventive Medicine (Dr McCarthy) and
ceive surgical repair. We had antici- ferences found between them after an Institute for Healthcare Studies (Drs Dunlop and Gibbs),
pated that progression of symptoms in intervention are real.19 Northwestern University, Chicago, Ill; Salt Lake City
VA Health Care System and Department of Surgery,
some men assigned to watchful wait- Minimally symptomatic men who University of Utah, Salt Lake City (Dr Neumayer); De-
ing would lead them to request repair. choose to defer surgical repair also de- partment of Surgery, McGill University, Montreal, Que-
bec (Dr Barkun); Marshfield Clinic Department of Sur-
Unexpectedly, nearly the same propor- fer the small risk of adverse conse- gery, Marshfield, Wis (Dr Hoehn); University of Texas
tion of men assigned to receive repair quences of a tension-free repair. Ad- Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas and Depart-
ment of Surgery, Dallas VA Medical Center, Dallas,
(17%) did not have the operation, de- verse consequences of surgical repair Tex (Drs Murphy and Sarosi); Lovelace Clinic Depart-
spite being well informed that partici- were identified in some patients, in- ment of Surgery, Albuquerque, NM (Dr Syme); De-
pation in this study would give them a cluding short-term complications in partment of Surgery, University of Nebraska, Omaha
(Dr Thompson); and Department of Surgery, Univer-
50% chance of being directed to an op- 32.7%; longer-term problems, includ- sity of Illinois, Chicago (Dr Jonasson).
erative intervention. Crossovers from ing chronic pain sufficient to limit ac- Author Contributions: Dr Jonasson had full access to
all of the data in the study and takes responsibility for
watchful waiting to surgical repair con- tivities in 1.7% at 3 years and 1.3% at the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data
tinued to the close of the study, reach- 4 years for the subset of the group avail- analysis.
Study concept and design: Fitzgibbons, Gibbs, Dunlop,
ing 31% at 4 years. able for analysis at these points; and re- Reda, McCarthy, Neumayer, Jonasson.
We explored some of the differ- currence of the hernia in 1.4%. Acquisition of data: Fitzgibbons, Giobbie-Hurder,
Barkun, Hoehn, Murphy, Sarosi, Syme, Thompson,
ences in characteristics and outcomes This study has several limitations. Jonasson.
between the as-treated groups. It ap- The mix of patients evaluated (pre- Analysis and interpretation of data: Fitzgibbons,
peared that certain baseline character- dominantly white, privately insured) Giobbie-Hurder, Gibbs, Dunlop, Reda, McCarthy,
Neumayer, Barkun, Hoehn, Sarosi, Syme, Thompson,
istics of patients assigned to watchful may not resemble those found in other Wang, Jonasson.
waiting who requested surgical repair settings. Progression of hernia-related Drafting of the manuscript: Fitzgibbons, Giobbie-
Hurder, Gibbs, Dunlop, McCarthy, Neumayer, Jonasson.
differed from those of the other groups. symptoms is time-dependent and the Critical revision of the manuscript for important in-
At baseline, these patients reported high main outcomes of the study were as- tellectual content: Fitzgibbons, Giobbie-Hurder, Gibbs,
Dunlop, Reda, McCarthy, Neumayer, Barkun, Hoehn,
levels of sensory and affective pain dur- sessed at 2 years. For all patients, the Murphy, Sarosi, Syme, Thompson, Wang, Jonasson.
ing their normal activities (as mea- median length of follow-up was only 3.2 Statistical analysis: Giobbie-Hurder, Dunlop, Reda,
sured by the hernia-specific Surgical years. Because the risk of a hernia ac- Wang.
Obtained funding: Fitzgibbons, Jonasson.
Pain Scale11) and had impaired physi- cident increases with the length of time Administrative, technical, or material support:
cal function (as measured by the PCS the hernia is present and because acci- Fitzgibbons, Gibbs, Reda, McCarthy, Neumayer,
of the Short Form-36 Version 2). Pros- dents are more common in elderly in- Study supervision: Fitzgibbons, Gibbs, Neumayer,
tatism was also common. The men as- dividuals, a longer follow-up period Barkun, Hoehn, Murphy, Sarosi, Syme, Thompson,
signed to surgical repair who did not may be needed to ascertain the longer- Financial Disclosures: Dr Fitzgibbons has been re-
undergo repair may have been less term risks of either treatment strat- tained as an expert witness by Davol, manufacturer

2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, January 18, 2006Vol 295, No. 3 291

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of mesh plug used in plug and patch surgical repair phy, G. Sarosi, D. Climer, L. Kim* (Dallas, Tex); W. development of a clinical trial to determine if watch-
of hernia and is a consultant for TyRx Pharma Inc, de- Syme, A. Von Worley, M. Kestner* (Albuquerque, ful waiting is an acceptable alternative to routine
velopers of an antibiotic- and local anesthetic NM); J. Hoehn, J. Kolb, K. Noreen*, N. Goldberg* herniorrhaphy for patients with minimal or no hernia
impregnated mesh for tension-free repair of hernia. (Marshfield, Wis); J. Barkun, D. Papamikhael, C. Flem- symptoms. J Am Coll Surg. 2003;196:737-742.
No other authors reported disclosures. ming (Montreal, Quebec); R. J. Fitzgibbons, R. Chris- 8. American Society of Anesthesiologists. New clas-
Funding/Support This study was funded by Agency tian, K. Kaczmarek, C. Marcuzzo*, M. Ricceri*, J. Or- sification of physical status. Anesthesiology. 1963;24:
for Healthcare Research and Quality grant RO1 HS tiz, J. Thompson (Omaha, Neb); K. Richards, E. 111.
09860, and the American College of Surgeons pro- Callaham, S. Ali, S. Thomas*, K. Johnson* (American 9. Amid PK, Shulman AG, Lichtenstein IL. The Licht-
vided logistic and budget management support. College of Surgeons); J. Wang, S. Heard, J. Motyka*, enstein open tension-free mesh repair of inguinal
Role of the Sponsors: The Agency for Healthcare Re- C. Sullivan* (Cooperative Studies Program Coordi- hernias. Surg Today. 1995;25:619-625.
search and Quality had no role in the design and con- nating Center, Hines, Ill). 10. Ware JE Jr, Kosinski M, Keller SD. SF-36 Physi-
duct of the study; the collection, management, analy- Acknowledgment: We thank William Henderson, PhD, cal and Mental Health Summary Scales: A Users
sis, and interpretation of the data; or the preparation, University of Colorado Health Outcomes Program, Au- Manual. Boston, Mass: The Health Institute, New En-
review, or approval of the manuscript. The American rora, for his participation in the design and concept gland Medical Center; 1994.
College of Surgeons had no role in the analysis and of the study, and we are grateful to C. James Carrico, 11. McCarthy M Jr, Chang CH, Pickard AS, et al. Vi-
interpretation of data or in the preparation, review, MD (deceased), Department of Surgery, University of sual analog scales for assessing surgical pain. J Am Coll
or approval of the manuscript. Texas Southwestern, Dallas, for his assistance with ob- Surg. 2005;201:245-252.
Members of the Watchful Waiting vs Open Tension- taining study funding. 12. Ware JE Jr, Kosinski M, Gandek B. SF-36 Health
free Repair Study (asterisks denote former partici- Survey Manual and Interpretation Guide. Boston,
pants): Chair: R. J. Fitzgibbons (Creighton Univer- REFERENCES Mass: The Health Institute, New England Medical Cen-
sity); Biostatistician: A. Giobbie-Hurder; Health ter; 1993.
Scientist: J. O. Gibbs; Lead Health Economist: L. Man- 1. Oberlin P, Boudet MJ, Vyrieres M, et al; French As- 13. McCarthy M Jr, Jonasson O, Chang CH, et al. As-
heim, D. Dobrez*; Health Economist: K. Stroupe; Pa- sociations for Surgical Research. Recurrence after sessment of patient functional status after surgery.
tient-Reported Outcomes Consultant: M. McCarthy; inguinal hernia repair: prognostic facts in a prospec- J Am Coll Surg. 2005;201:171-179.
Coinvestigator: L. Neumayer; National Study Coor- tive study of 1706 hernias. Br J Surg. 1995;82(suppl 14. OBrien PC, Fleming TR. A multiple testing
dinator: K. Kaczmarek; Data and Safety Monitoring 1):65. procedure for clinical trials. Biometrics. 1979;35:549-
Board: H. Buchwald (University of Minnesota Hospi- 2. Neumayer L, Giobbie-Hurder A, Jonasson O, et al. 556.
tal and Clinics), R. Burney (University of Michigan), Open mesh versus laparoscopic mesh repair of ingui- 15. Lee ET. Statistical Methods for Survival Data
B. Craig (Purdue University), L. Kazis (Edith Norse Rog- nal hernia. N Engl J Med. 2004;350:1819-1827. Analysis. 2nd ed. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons
ers Memorial Veterans Hospital), K. Kelly (Mayo Clinic 3. Bay-Nielsen M, Thomsen H, Andersen FH, et al. Inc; 1992.
Scottsdale); Executive Committee: C. J. Carrico (de- Convalescence after inguinal herniorrhaphy. Br J Surg. 16. Hochberg Y, Tamhane AC. Multiple Compari-
ceased) (University of Texas Southwestern Medical 2004;91:362-367. son Procedures. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons;
Center, Dallas); J. Chmiel, D. Dobrez*, D. Dunlop, J. 4. Cunningham J, Temple WJ, Mitchell P, Nixon JA, 1987.
O. Gibbs, L. Manheim (Northwestern University); R. Preshaw RM, Hagen NA; Cooperative Hernia Study. 17. Nyhus LM. Individualization of hernia repair: a new
J. Fitzgibbons, Jr (Creighton University); J. Thomp- Pain in the postrepair patient. Ann Surg. 1996;224:598- era. Surgery. 1993;114:1-2.
son (University of Nebraska Medical Center); A. Giob- 602. 18. Malek S, Torella F, Edwards PR. Emergency re-
bie-Hurder, D. Reda (Cooperative Studies Program Co- 5. Berger P. Resultat de lexamen de dix mille obser- pair of groin herniae: outcome and implications for elec-
ordinating Center); W. G. Henderson* (University of vations de hernies. Extrait du Neuvieme Congres Fran- tive surgery waiting times. Int J Clin Pract. 2004;58:
Colorado Health Outcomes Program); O. Jonasson cais de Chirurgie. Paris, France: 1896. 207-209.
(University of Illinois); J. Barkun, J. Meakins* (McGill 6. Neutra R, Velez A, Ferrada R, Galan R. Risk of in- 19. Lee YJ, Ellenberg JH, Hirtz DG, Nelson KB.
University); J. Hoehn (Marshfield Clinic); J. Murphy, carceration of inguinal hernia in Cali, Colombia. Analysis of clinical trials by treatment actually
G. Sarosi (UT Southwestern Medical Center); W. Syme J Chronic Dis. 1981;34:561-564. received: is it really and option? Stat Med. 1991;10:
(Lovelace Health Systems); Site Personnel: J. Mur- 7. Fitzgibbons RJ Jr, Jonasson O, Gibbs JO, et al. The 1595-1605.

Author in the Room Teleconference

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292 JAMA, January 18, 2006Vol 295, No. 3 (Reprinted) 2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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diovascular disease and have served as a consultant to

several of the above-listed entities. None of these entities
played any role whatsoever in the design, interpretation, Incorrect Data and Statement: In the Editorial entitled The Asymptomatic Hernia:
If Its Not Broken, Dont Fix It published in the January 18, 2006, issue of JAMA
or drafting of the manuscript.1 I regret making this omis- (2006;295:328-329), there was incorrect reporting of data and an incorrect state-
sion. ment. In the sentence beginning The risk of hernia incarceration was low. . . . on
page 328, the data point reported as 0.03% should have read 0.3%. Also, in the
Paul M Ridker, MD sentence beginning In counseling patients with hernias. . . . on page 329, the statement reading older, male veterans in Veterans Administration medical cen-
Brigham and Womens Hospital ters should have read older men in community and academic medical centers.
Boston, Mass Incorrect Value: In the Original Contribution entitled Watchful Waiting vs Re-
pair of Inguinal Hernia in Minimally Symptomatic Men: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Financial Disclosures: Dr Ridker reports that he has received research funding published in the January 18, 2006, issue of JAMA (2006;295:285-292), a P value
and research support from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, the was incorrectly reported. On page 285, in the Results section of the Abstract,
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, the Leducq Foundation, the Donald W. Rey- the value reported as P=.52 for pain limiting activities should instead have been
nolds Foundation, the American Heart Association, the James and Polly Annen- reported as P=.06; the corresponding value should also have been reported as
berg La Vea Charitable Trusts, AstraZeneca, Bayer, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Dade- P=.06 in the first paragraph on page 289.
Behring, Novartis, Pharmacia, Roche, Sanofi/Aventis, and Variagenics. Dr
Ridker reports being listed as a coinventor on patents held by the Brigham and Incomplete Financial Disclosure: In the Original Contribution entitled Reported Out-
Womens Hospital that relate to the use of inflammatory biomarkers in cardio- comes in Major Cardiovascular Clinical Trials Funded by For-Profit and Not-for-Profit
vascular disease and has served as a consultant to Schering-Plough, Sanofi/ Organizations: 2000-2005 published in the May 17, 2006, issue of JAMA (2006;295:
Aventis, AstraZeneca, Isis Pharmaceuticals, Dade-Behring, and Interleukin 2270-2274), financial disclosures were omitted. Dr Ridker reports that he has received
Genetics. research funding and research support from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood In-
stitute, the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, the Leducq Foundation, the Donald W.
1. Ridker PM, Torres J. Reported outcomes in major cardiovascular clinical trials Reynolds Foundation, the American Heart Association, the James and Polly Annen-
funded by for-profit and not-for-profit organizations: 2000-2005. JAMA. 2006;295: berg La Vea Charitable Trusts, AstraZeneca, Bayer, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Dade-Behring,
2270-2274. Novartis, Pharmacia, Roche, Sanofi/Aventis, and Variagenics. Dr Ridker reports being
2. Albert MA, Danielson E, Rifai N, Ridker PM. Effect of statin therapy listed as a coinventor on patents held by the Brigham and Womens Hospital that re-
on C-reactive protein levels: the Pravastatin Inflammation/CRP Eval- late to the use of inflammatory biomarkers in cardiovascular disease and has served as
uation (PRINCE): a randomized trial and cohort study. JAMA. 2001;286: a consultant to Schering-Plough, Sanofi/Aventis, AstraZeneca, Isis Pharmaceuticals,
64-70. Dade-Behring, and Interleukin Genetics. Mr Torres reported no financial disclosures.
3. Ridker PM, Goldhaber SZ, Danielson E, et al. Long-term, low-intensity warfa-
rin therapy for prevention of recurrent venous thromboembolism. N Engl J Med. Errors in Tables: In the Original Contribution entitled Effect of Blood Presssure
2003;348:1425-1434. Lowering and Antihypertensive Drug Class on Progression of Hypertensive Kid-
4. Ridker PM, Cook NR, Lee I-M, et al. A randomized trial of low-dose aspirin in ney Disease: Results From the AASK Trial published in the November 20, 2002,
the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in women. N Engl J Med. 2005; issue of JAMA (2002;288:2421-2431), there were errors in 2 tables. On pages
352:1293-1304. 2424 and 2425, all rows labeled mean (SE) in Tables 1 and 2 should have been
5. Lee I-M, Cook NR, Gaziano JM, et al. Vitamin E in the primary prevention of labeled mean (SD). On page 2425, there were small errors in Table 2 (relative
cardiovascular disease and cancer: the Womens Health Study: a randomized con- % errors from 0%-1.7%); the corrected TABLE 2 appears below. There are no er-
trolled trial. JAMA. 2005;294:56-65. rors in the text describing the tables or in the interpretation of the results.

Table 2. Antihypertensive Therapy and Blood Pressure During Follow-up*

Blood Pressure Goal
Intervention Drug Intervention

Lower Usual Ramipril Amlodipine Metoprolol

Arterial pressure, mean (SD), mm Hg 95 (8) 104 (7) 100 (9) 99 (8) 100 (9)
Systolic blood pressure, mean (SD), mm Hg 128 (12) 141 (12) 135 (15) 133 (12) 135 (13)
Diastolic blood pressure, mean (SD), mm Hg 78 (8) 85 (7) 82 (9) 81 (8) 81 (9)
Visits with mean arterial pressure in goal, % 51.6 39.2 44.1 49.0 44.7
Visits with mean arterial pressure of !107 mm Hg, % 81.3 64.1 71.4 76.5 71.8
Visits with systolic/diastolic blood pressure of !140/90, % 68.5 35.3 51.1 54.5 50.8
Visits with systolic/diastolic blood pressure of !125/75,% 24.6 6.1 16.1 14.2 14.8
Visits with assigned primary drug, % 82.7 80.9 78.0 84.7 84.1
Visits with high dose, % 63.6 45.4 54.3 55.3 54.0
Visits with crossover to 1 of other 2 classes, % 9.3 8.0 10.9 6.5 7.6
Total No. of drug classes, mean (SD) 3.07 (1.11) 2.42 (1.17) 2.69 (1.21) 2.69 (1.22) 2.81 (1.15)
Visits with level 2 (furosemide), % 83.2 67.4 74.9 72.0 77.1
Visits with level 3 (doxazosin), % 55.8 35.0 42.6 47.1 46.9
Visits with level 4 (clonidine), % 41.0 27.5 35.0 34.6 33.2
Visits with level 5 (minoxidil), % 35.4 22.9 27.8 24.4 32.5
Protocol visits held, % 90.3 87.4 88.0 88.6 89.8
GFRs performed, % 83.2 80.0 80.9 81.9 82.0
*GFR indicates glomerular filtration rate.
Blood pressure summaries include visits after 3 months and exclude GFR visits.
Medication summaries include all visits starting at month 1 and are censored on September 22, 2000, for the calcium channel blocker (amlodipine) group only.

2726 JAMA, June 21, 2006Vol 295, No. 23 (Reprinted) 2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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