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Water Xylophone Lesson Plan

Lesson Name: Water Xylophone Activity Date: July 26, 2017


Grade/Subject/Class: PreK Unit/Theme/Topic: Water


Objective 16. Understands knowledge of volume, height, weight, and length

Objective 22. Demonstrates scientific thinking



Students will be able to use measuring tools and water to create music. Color

mixing is another component of this lesson, making for a truly integrated


This lesson will cover measurement while incorporating the arts.


6 glasses or mason jars


measuring cups

blue, red, and yellow food coloring

xylophone striker

Planning for
This lesson can accommodate diverse learners by providing means for the

musically inclined (especially my autistic students) to be engaged in

mathematics and science concepts in a way that is meaningful to them.


Students will be assessed on their ability to

Time/Duration Sequence of Steps Materials and


We are going to music today!! But we are not

going to use our classroom instruments! We

are going to use math! How are we going to

do that? Ill show you.

Core Instruction/Activities:
1. Here we have six glass jars. First, we

need to measure the proper amount

of water for each jar. Students will

measure (1/4, , , 1, 1 1/4, 1 , and

1 ) cups of water and pour them into

the jars in ascending order.

2. Technically, we could stop here, but

our xylophone doesnt have any

colors like a real xylophone. We need

6 colors: red, orange, yellow, green,

blue, and purple. Heres the thing,

though. I only have three colors. We

will have to make the rest. Lets read

Mouse Paint to see what we need

to do next.

3. Lets first use the colors we have

(place the colored jars between the

colorless jars). How can we make

orange like the mice? Purple? Green?

4. Mix the red and yellow to make

orange; the blue and yellow to make

green, and the red and blue to make


5. Now we are ready to play our

instrument. Lets sing Five Little Fish

while we play.

After students have taken turns to play our

xylophone, they will transition to writing

about this experience in their journals.

Students will be prompted to reflect on

measuring and mixing.

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