Questions Old 2066 & 2068 NTC Level - 7 (Elx & Comm)

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' Apex Educotionol Academv - 4768743^

NePat Telecom
Nepal Doorsanchar ComPanY Ltd. .
Part I :. ( General lVlo.dqle).Compulsorv -.
.Tirrie;30MifrG-"= '
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'i .'O6jectivgs q'uestions: ' :- 'i -, .'
i. If tire radius of cirble is incieasedby ZOok, then the area is
h\A9/e (b)120% '.\c)144%. (d)+o%, ' to)
ZflrrFourier transform of the exponential signal "0t is
i '
(d) aseries-of (.)
' (a) a constant. - (b) a rectangular gate. an impulse.
l. Thesystemcharacterizedbytheequationy(t)=axO+bis . .
(b) linear ifb > 0. (c) linear ifb < 0' (d) non- td)
,@ftn"u. for any value ofb.
4. .If a box contain 6 red and 4 blue balls, the probability of &awing'first the
red and thEn the blue ball is La.r -'
ta)- (b): (c); (d)* (e) None of them

5. Ifthe gravitational acceleration at any place is doubled, the weight ofa

body, will Lt)
(a)Be reduced by half( b) be doubled (c) not be affected (d ) none ofthese
6. Effect of a force on a body depends upon its
(a) direction (b)magnitude (c )position ,p.a11
of above Id)
7. An isolated system is one in which
(a) Mass does not cr"oss boundaries of the system, though energy may do so
(blJeither mass nor energy crosses the boundaries of the system', Lb)
t) Soth energy and mass cross the boundaries of the system
(d)Mass crosses the boundary but not the energy
8. In an isothermal process, the internal energy of gas molecules
. (a) Increases Lc)
(b) decreases
( c) remains constant
- ''
ia; -uyirrcieases/decrease dependhg on the properties ofgas
9. Two 3.3 ko resistors are in series and this series combination is in parallel
with a 4.7 ko resistor. The voltage across one of the 3.3 ko resistors is 12
, V. The voltage across the 4.7 ko resistor is Lo)
(b) 12v (c)0 (d)6v
. l0.A transfom.. i, laminated to ^
( a) reduce "o.. loss
. (b)Reduce eddy current losses ; .
. (c)Reduce copper losses td)

II.-A'JfET" .- '-G. ' ': ' j- .'':

(a) Is'a current-control.led device
' (b)Has a low inprit resistance
(olls a voltage-rcontrolled device - : [t]
(d) Is always forward-biased
12.'vVhich of the lollowing conditions are needed to !properly
, bias
-an npn transistor amplifier?
- tfi)
(a) Forward bias the base/emitter junction and reverse bias the
base/collector junction .

(b)Forward bias the collector/basejunction and reverse bias the

- emitter/base junction.

(c) Apply a positive voltage on the n-type paterial and a negative

(d)Apply a large voltage on the base.

13.Voltage regulation can be achieved by a zener diode connected t l) in

(a) parallel with the filter output, forward biaSed
(b) parallel with the filter outpul, reverse biased
(c) series with the filter output, forward biased
(d) series with the filter output, reverse. biased
14.The difference between the synchronous speed and the actual speed of an
induction motor is known as
(a) Regulation
(!)back lash
(c) slip

15.[-hich of the following addressing mode facilitates op..epnd 1c )

access to an
whose location is defined relative to the beginning ofthe data structure in
yhich it appears
a) Absolute b)immediate d) Indirect
^16.Address 6us of Intel 8085 is ------------ bit wide
a)2 b)4_c)8\-r'd)l6
17.Which of the following memories must be refreshed rrmny times pet second?
'b) DynAmic RAM c) EPROM dI-RoI4
;Dxtatrc RAtrl''
.':rs.Tire.iis.Sidndardspe.difresa : '-:.'-.':'' -i:' ,. I b) L.--: ..

a) TgchL:ique lor dial access b) Technique lor stan stop data d)

^ tt
b)'Data bit rate d) DTE/DCE intetface
(a)Activity completion times are known with certainty
(b)Therg is only one complete route from the start of a project to the end ^r
"i d
a project )

($Onty critical path activity in the network must be performed

' (d)Nb activity in the network must be perfoimed ' '
20.Which of the following is a direct responsibility of the project manager
- (a) Calculating completion probabiiities for all tasks in the project .
(b)Drawing the network diagram
(c) Making sure that the people assigned to the proj ect receive the
motivation, direction, and information needed to their jobs.
(d) Performing all of the activities in the project

21.What are SMART objectives? Ld)

(a) Objectives specified with far more detail than necessary for a successful
(b) Easily achievable objectives.
(c) Objectives that should be achieved in order to attain formal recognition.
(d,)Pbjectives that have specific, measurable, assignable, realistic and '
v timereiated
22.The opportunity cost of a good is
(a) The time lost in finding it
(b) The quality of other good sacrificed to get another unit ofthat good
(c)The expenditure onthat good
(d) The loss of inlerest in using savings
23,A demand curve can shift becalse olchanging
(a) Incomes
. .(b)Prices ofrelated goods
' (c) Tastes
(!)A11 ofthe above
perforrrance in
.24.Which type of leadership is best suited for optimizing t-eam fb)
_ projects?

(b) Participative leadership.

' leadership..
(b) Autocratii
-'.. .'- ' ':

,. (d)Benevolernamhoritafveleadership':'..- :'
25.Which of the foltowing is noi considered part of Maslow's Hierirrchy of 'lc.)
(glSocial needs
(b) Safety
Self-actual i zati on
ZO.Utictr of the following is true when a debtor pays his dues? ld)
(a) The asset side of thd balance sheet will decrdase
(b)The asset side ofthe balance sheet will increase
(c) The iiability side of the baiance sheet Will increase
(dlThere is no change in total assets or total liabilities
' 27.Who gave his name to a bar chart widely used to plan'event s-equence? [,;
(a) Henri Fayol
- -(o-)Franreibreth
(c) Henry Gantt
(d)Frederick Taylor
28.Planning is a function that involves tc)
(a) Hiring the right people for a particularjob
(b) Coordinating the accounting information system
.(c) S"etting goals and objectives for an entity
f-O Anatyzing financia I statemerits
29. Which of the following is not a managerirent function? [o)
b) Planning
c) Controlling
d) Directing
30. AqTnr 5wiqr *.rqfr frfrlE +-ffi FcffiI I1TR gttr 1c-,t

Fzn6r{ rf,fl m,d r{f, 6r il;6

) r0 (b) 129/45 (df3o

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