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UBS: brand building

in a global market
Jestyn Thirkell-White, UBS, describes how a global bank changed its branding
and is making this work among both internal and external audiences

BS IS ONE OF the world’s leading growth would have to be driven through marketing departments competed as
financial firms – the sixth largest organic expansion of our existing busi- much as they worked together and staff
bank globally by market capitali- nesses. used their brands as badges of honour,
sation, with over 65,000 staff worldwide. In late 2001, with the integration of blocking cross-firm cooperation and
We are the world’s largest wealth manager, PaineWebber complete, senior manage- cross-selling. This last was a particular
a bulge-bracket investment banking and ment at UBS launched a review of our concern, given that one of our key busi-
securities firm, and one of the largest brand management and brand strategy. ness strategies is an ‘integrated business
global asset managers. In Switzerland, we UBS, like many financial services model’, in which products and expertise
are the clear market leader in retail and competitors, traditionally lacked a strong from our wholesale businesses (invest-
commercial banking. But in every market marketing and branding culture. This ment banking and asset management)
outside Switzerland we struggle for recog- tendency was magnified at UBS by the are supplied to clients of our retail busi-
nition. Local competitors with deep roots nature of our international businesses. nesses (wealth management, and retail
in specific markets and our long-standing Without a mass-market retail business, banking in Switzerland) and in which
American rivals are better known than our staff and senior management often harvesting cross-group synergies was
us, both among our consumer target saw the individual employee as more seen as a key driver of growth.
audience (high-net-worth individuals important than the brand. Investment At the same time, while the pace of
with €500k or more in financial invest- bankers brought in business through innovation in financial services is frenetic,
ments) and among our business audience their own personal star status and the differentiation is low. Almost any new
(fund managers, traders and CEOs/CFOs range and depth of their contacts in an product or service in investment banking
of large companies). Over the past 18 industry; private bankers brought in or wealth management can be replicated
months we have radically changed our business through their charm and the size by competitors as soon as it is launched,
brand strategy and brand management in of their rolodexes – the company name and there is little scope for distinguishing
a concerted drive to build a brand which attached to either was seen as secondary. a brand, long-term, through product
matches the success of our business and As a result, our brand portfolio had innovation. Finally, we faced a challenge
reflects its strategy for growth. been built up through acquisition and tra- of maintaining brand relevance across a
UBS is relatively young. Formed in dition, rather than through any conscious very diverse range of clients, from small
1998 by the merger of two venerable evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses businesses and individuals in rural
Swiss banks (Union Bank of Switzerland of our different properties. This left us Switzerland through wealthy German or
and Swiss Bank Corporation), it devel- with a cluttered and confusing landscape Hong Kong investors to CEOs of US-based
oped into a truly global firm, with top in which different brands sold similar multinationals.
market positions in the US, Europe and products and services to the same clients Working with Prophet, a San Francisco
Asia, and more staff in America than in in the same geography. Different based brand consultancy closely associated
Switzerland, despite its dominant Swiss with branding guru David Aaker, we
retail presence. Much of this growth was ‘We have radically developed and implemented a new brand
built through mergers and acquisitions, strategy for UBS which aimed to address
leading to a brand portfolio that included changed our brand these challenges and start to bring UBS
historic names from the US and UK, such
as SG Warburg, Philips and Drew and strategy and brand the recognition among its target audi-
ences that its business success already
Dillon Read. This process of acquisition
culminated in late 2000 with the
management in a deserves. In the process, we abandoned
some of the best-known brands in finan-
purchase of PaineWebber, then the concerted drive to cial services, and now concentrate all our
fifth largest retail broker in the US. efforts on the single UBS brand.
Strategically, this marked the limit of build a brand which
transformational acquisitions as a driver Brand relevance
of growth. It filled the last significant gap matches the success The foundation of our new brand strategy
in our global coverage across our three
core international businesses – invest-
of our business and was an in-depth understanding of the
needs and desires of our target market,
ment banking, asset management and
wealth management/private banking –
reflects its strategy developed through a market research
project far more rigorous and compre-
and brought us to a position where future for growth’ hensive than anything we had ever

22 Admap • July/August 2004 © World Advertising Research Center 2004

Jestyn Thirkell-White is
head of brand strategy at
UBS, one of the world’s
leading financial institutions.
His current role is developing
and implementing UBS’s
new brand strategy.

‘Moving to a single from the point of view of brand portfolio

strategy, was that there was a remarkable
resources, with much more focus on the
US, where we have the largest gap to
brand has allowed congruence of needs between our differ-
ent client segments, as soon as one moved
bridge in terms of brand familiarity com-
pared to key competitors.
us to concentrate away from more functional attributes Driving this sort of change through the
and into the realm of emotional conse- organisation required significant com-
firepower on a quences and values. Finance is a fairly mitment. To ensure that resources are
common message low-interest category, and we found that
from CEOs to retail clients, what clients
allocated in the interests of the whole
firm, and that all brand communications
which is relevant and potential clients wanted most from a
relationship with a financial services
share the same message and commit-
ment, a new group-wide branding
and distinguishing provider was confidence in the financial function was created. This was given
decisions they were making – be it a responsibility for all advertising and
for all segments’ merger or the choice of mutual funds to sponsoring across the firm, removing
invest in. Anecdotally this may not seem these activities from the control of indi-
undertaken before. (In fact, it was the first unreasonable, but it was very important vidual business groups. Brand-based
time we had ever tried to conduct for our own confidence, and from the advertising and sponsorship is now fund-
research that looked at more than one of point of view of selling the single-brand ed centrally, and while product and
our business areas at a time.) In three strategy to the organisation, that we could service advertising is funded by individ-
phases, we interviewed over 3,500 clients show that we could craft a unified mes- ual businesses, execution is carried out by
and potential clients and 300 staff in 14 sage which would have relevance and the central group, to ensure consistency
countries. resonance across our different client and ‘on-brand’ messaging.
The qualitative phases used Wirthlin segments and geographies. Business group interests are protected
Worldwide’s VISTA (Values in Strategy through a matrix management structure,
Assessment) methodology, which helped Communications effectiveness in which the heads of marketing of each
us to determine the relative importance A major driver of our move to a single business group are also part of the brand
of financial services characteristics, brand was the need for more effective management team, and formally respon-
understand the connections between communications and higher return on sible, together with the head of brand
those characteristics and higher-order investment. Financial services is a very management, for the development of the
needs, and assess which characteristics fragmented market: despite representing brand. Agency rivalries were eliminated
were positively or negatively associated a high proportion of global advertising with the adoption of a single advertising
with UBS. One lesson from our competi- spend, the degree of clutter and competi- agency globally (Publicis), again tasked
tive analysis was that many of our tion for attention and the limited with ensuring consistency of message
competitors focus brand communica- engagement of the target audience in the around the world and across businesses
tions on functional consequences of their category means that getting your message and product areas. Although there were
offering, rather than on the emotional heard is increasingly difficult. With rela- teething troubles, these arrangements
consequences or values that these drive. tively limited resources and considerable now work well, with a much higher level
Our research process was therefore overlap between the different segments of cooperation between different busi-
designed to identify these higher-order we were targeting, we realised that our ness-group marketing departments than
needs, to try to find the basis for a different brands were competing with was ever present in the past, and a
brand positioning which had a deeper each other for share of voice. Moving to a commitment to a shared UBS voice.
resonance with our clients. single brand has allowed us to concen- A final key component of the move to a
Subsequent quantitative research trate firepower on a common message single brand voice was the elaboration and
allowed us to test the appeal and potential which is relevant and distinguishing for adoption of brand identities for our key
for differentiation of specific benefit state- all segments. Resource allocation has client segments, and based on these, for
ments developed for each of our different become more rational, and is now driven UBS as a whole. This is the first time that
client segments, based on input from the centrally from the perspective of the most of our business groups have had a
qualitative research and an understand- whole firm’s branding goals, rather than defined brand identity to guide their
ing of our business model and offering. by individual business groups. This has communication and to provide a standard
The key output from this research, led to a fairly significant redirection of against which to judge proposals. In 

© World Advertising Research Center 2004 July/August 2004 • Admap 23


some ways, this could have been the most just being too dull and worthy? Unfortu-
controversial part of the whole process – nately, we really do think we are having
defining for the first time, what the firm just about as much fun as we can get away
really wanted to stand for in the minds of with. You have to remember that we are a
its clients and prospects. However, the very low-interest category, and within
process through which it was developed, that category we aim to appeal to the
based on our extensive research, rigorous wealthiest, most sophisticated (and gen-
analysis and a very high level of involve- erally the oldest) part of the market. Free
ment from senior line management in the UBS doughnuts on the buses or a giant
different business groups, helped to ensure inflatable logo hovering over London
that there has been widespread buy-in and might be fun to organise and might drive
acceptance for the brand identity. general awareness, but are unlikely to
appeal to our core market, or create the
Bringing the firm with us image we want to be renowned for. We
Perhaps the most difficult task in intro- have to remain true to the brand, even if
ducing the single brand within UBS has this means that short cuts to fame are
been in driving the brand identity inter- harder to find.
nally – within the firm. There are many
examples of services firms which have Looking forward
run great advertising, based on a deep In the last year we have centralised our
understanding of client needs, and brand communications management,
describing a truly appealing value propo- development and spending, retired the
sition, but who have failed to deliver an Will it work? UBS’s ‘You and us’ campaign PaineWebber and Warburg brands,
experience to their clients that matches adopted a single UBS brand, transformed
the advertising claims. (United Airlines’ includes members of the various market- its communications messaging and strat-
‘United Rising’ campaign is a classic). UBS ing departments within the firm, people egy and launched a high-profile new
is already a leader in many areas of its from media relations, investor relations, brand campaign, all with the aim of start-
business and strives to provide a employee communications, HR training ing to match our brand strength to our
customer experience that is valued by its and recruitment staff, product develop- undoubted business strength.
clients across all its diverse business lines; ment staff, etc. Training for middle So, will it work? The simple answer is:
in some areas it has developed management took place as part of the we don’t yet know. The single UBS brand
programmes that are explicitly aimed at firm’s annual Senior Leadership Confer- was adopted in June 2003, but our new
delivering on brand experiences. However, ence, and was more strategic in nature, brand advertising campaign ‘You and us’
there are undoubtedly parts of our busi- explaining the rationale for the brand, only hit the streets in February this year.
ness where we could do better. what it should mean to their businesses We are committed to regular global
While there is common agreement and how they could help make it a reality. research across our different client
among senior management on the Brand influencer training is much more segments, to track the performance of our
content of the brand identity, UBS is not hands-on, and designed to help people branding investments, but our last half-
yet a brand-led firm, and there is not yet a use the brand identity in the develop- yearly survey was carried out just before
shared understanding of the importance ment of communications messages, the brand campaign launched, and the
of matching customer experience to the training programmes and new products next survey is only now under way.
brand promise, particularly at middle and services. Ongoing communication However, early signs are encouraging. The
management levels. Similarly, while and training about what the brand means January survey showed that, despite fairly
many in marketing were enthusiastic for UBS and how it should be reflected in low advertising presence in the second
about the idea of a single brand, they were everything we do remain a key goal. half of 2003, the introduction of the single
often used to working in a very free-form brand had already had a positive effect in
way, rather than in a world where Appropriate ambition our business-to-business client segments,
messaging strategy and content was so The problem facing UBS is a lack of where the removal of our competing
centrally defined. awareness and familiarity in many target brands has helped to halve the gap
To start addressing these issues, we markets. A lot of what we read about between familiarity with UBS and famil-
have run several training initiatives, awareness building is about more or less iarity with key competitors in the US, our
focused on two core constituencies: whacky ideas, from Richard Branson bal- highest-priority market. We are looking
middle management – the top 600 mem- looning around the world to Volvo forward to the results of our next survey,
bers of the firm – and ‘brand influencers’. creating ads about a fake town in Sweden available late this summer, and hoping
Brand influencers are a diverse group where every family buys one of their cars. that we have made good progress towards
who either create communications mate- We have achieved much at UBS to making the invisible giant more visible. ■
rials for UBS, or have influence over the improve the clarity, focus and impact of
behaviour of UBS employees – this our brand communications, but aren’t we

24 Admap • July/August 2004 © World Advertising Research Center 2004

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