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NHL free agent scramble begins today TUNING IN TO HARRY CONNICK JR.

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FRIDAY, JULY 5, 2013


Egyptians defend ouster of Morsi

a News ash
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Follow us at
newsandobserver and on
Twitter @newsobserver.
Ex-president in custody; barely a year after the nations first in Egypts leadership was a culmina- streets had nullified the elections
free and fair presidential elections. tion of a maelstrom that took that led to Morsis increasing un-
party official arrested But none of that deterred the feel- months to develop as an increasing- popular and divisive tenure, they
ing of jubilation that remained on ly disgruntled public, the nations said. The military, the last remain-
By Nancy A. Youssef the streets in Egypts capital, one military and Morsis incompetent ing revered national institution,
McClatchy Foreign Staff day after the top military com- leadership collided. Even as they simply carried out the will of the
CAIRO Egypt on Thursday had a mander ousted Mohammed Morsi quietly mulled whether Morsi majority, they said. Morsi, they
new president, its former president from the presidency, suspended a might have been right that rem- said, had never had control of the
sat in military custody, the top offi- controversial constitution that had nants of the government of Hosni government, the final evidence
cial of the Muslim Brotherhood was been approved in a referendum and Mubarak were constantly under- coming when police officers and
under arrest, and at least four tele- called for new presidential elec- mining him, many here embraced soldiers turned against him.
AL DRAGO - vision stations had been shut down tions. the result. It was a coup, but it was neces-
Dakota Gruver, 6, rolls down all seemingly undemocratic steps For many here, the dramatic shift A popular referendum on the SEE EGYPT, PAGE 10A
the street during an Indepen-
dence Day parade Thursday
near Oval Park in Durham.

Durham neighborhood
celebrates Fourth
Carrying on the tradition despite
the passing of the events found-
er, hundreds of Watts Hospital-
Hillandale neighborhood resi-
dents both past and present
came together for its 64th Fourth
of July parade and celebration in
Durham. 1B

Witnesses say jailer

used excessive force
The investigation into an alterca-
tion that claimed a Wake County
inmates life is still underway, but
two men who also were in custo-
dy at the jail have sent letters to
The News & Observer saying
they saw the incident. 1B

Senators vow U.S. will

not abandon Afghanistan
U.S. Sens. John McCain and
Lindsey Graham made an un-
announced visit to Kabul on
Thursday to reassure Afghan
President Hamid Karzai and
reboot stalled negotiations. 3A

GOP faces hard choices

on Voting Rights Act CHUCK LIDDY -
When the Supreme Court gutted
the Voting Rights Act last week, it
Inside Online Thousands of spectators watch the fireworks show Thurs-
Independence Day: Read about Gallery: See more photos from Thursdays July Fourth day during downtown Raleighs Fourth of July celebration
handed Republicans tough ques- Raleighs celebration. 1B fireworks and fun in Raleigh at on Fayetteville Street.
tions with no easy answers over
how, and where, to attract voters
even GOP leaders say the party
needs to stay nationally compet-
itive. 5A
School bonds could overshadow election Plan eases
Warning issued: Watch
4 board members held by Tom Benton, Bill Fletcher, less likely to see the energy and fo-
Deborah Prickett and John Tedes- cus on the campaign, Tedesco
seats are up, and so is co. said.
way to shore
for rain-swollen rivers
Authorities in North Carolinas
$810M bond issue The candidates vying for those You are more likely to see the
four seats could play second fiddle energy and focus on getting the in Hatteras
mountain parks are on high alert, By T. Keung Hui to the groups that will be pouring bond passed. money into persuading Wake vot- Tedesco represents District 2, By Bruce Siceloff
saying they are concerned that
Wake County school board can- ers either to pass or reject a bond which includes much of Garner
heavy thunderstorms could send
didates could find it hard to get that would fund 16 new schools, and Fuquay-Varina and part of Now that surf fishers and vaca-
torrents of water down already- their message out this year when renovations and other construc- Knightdale. He said hes engaged tioners are shelling out $2 million a
swollen streams and rivers voter attention will be focused on tion projects. in thoughtful consideration and year for permits to drive on the
where campers, boaters and an $810 million school construc- Benton, Fletcher and Prickett all prayer with his family about the beach at the Cape Hatteras Nation-
swimmers are enjoying the holi- tion bond referendum. say theyll run this fall, but Tedes- issue of whether to run for re- al Seashore, the National Park Serv-
day weekend. 3B The filing period opens today co hasnt announced his decision. election. ice has the money it needs for long-
for the school board seats now With a bond up this time, youre SEE FILING, PAGE 4A sought improvements that will
make it easier for all visitors on
foot and on wheels to actually
reach the beach.
A good use for a creepy insect The agency aims to spend $8 mil-
lion to $12 million to build parking
areas, off-road vehicle ramps, foot
Professor harnesses an important step toward developing right along a desired path. trails, boardwalks and observation
remote-controlled animals that can Using the popular Kinect control- platforms along the 67-mile-long
roaches, hopes they can investigate small and dangerous ler for the Xbox video game system, seashore on North Carolinas Outer
aid at disaster sites spaces, such as the rubble of a col- Bozkurt can even set the controllable Banks.
lapsed building. animals he calls them biobots The new plan is being aired for
By Daniel Blustein Bozkurts cockroaches are not the on autopilot. The Kinect camera public comment through Aug. 2, kitchen invaders some of us know all known for tracking the dance moves and it will be discussed at public
Alper Bozkurt, an electrical and too well. His hissing cockroaches and soccer kicks of video gamers is meetings in Avon July 16 and Ocra-
computer engineering professor at from Madagascar have to be big effective at monitoring the move- coke July 17. The first construction
N.C. State University, loves cock- enough, 2 to 3 inches, to wear minia- ment of the cockroach. could start next spring.
roaches. Big, hissing cockroaches. ture backpacks. Tiny wires are insert- Bozkurts approach to harnessing DANIEL BLUSTEIN - It has drawn praise from an envi-
His research team has developed ed into the antenna of the insects animal power is just the next step in ronmental advocate who supports
technology to automatically control and, with electrical stimulation com- humankinds domestication of ani- N.C. State professor Alper current restrictions on beach driv-
the insects as they move around an ing from the cockroach backpack, mals, he said. And with the physical Bozkurt can guide roach- ing. But Park Service critics, who
environment. The work represents Bozkurt can guide the insect left or SEE ROACHES, PAGE 4A es via remote control. SEE HATTERAS, PAGE 4A

88 70 Detailed A B
Todays forecast
Index Lotteries.......2A Weekend .......1D Sports...........1C
weather 40% chance precip. on 8B Television .....9D Obituaries ....6B Comics........10D Editorials ......8A Vol. 2013, No. 186


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4A Friday, July 5, 2013 FROM PAGE ONE A The News & Observer +
FILING Running for office
The filing period opens at noon today for the elections Oct. 8 in Raleigh and
A law that the state legislature Cary and for the Wake County school board, and the elections Nov. 5 for
passed last month changes when Wakes other municipalities. The filing period ends at noon July 19.
and how Wake school board mem-
bers are elected. Most of the result in a property tax increase of seat in the state House and Gold-
changes take place in 2016, but, $145 a year for the average home- man to head a nonprofit group in
more immediately, the law stipu- owner. Wilkes County allowed the new
lates that the four candidates elect- I dont know how this is going majority to increase its control.
ed Oct. 8 will serve only three-year to play out with the bond at the Benton, a Democrat, was ap-
terms instead of the regular four- same time, Benton said. Im pointed in February to replace Ma-
year term. guessing that virtually everyone lone in District 1, which covers
The law also extends the terms who runs will be in support of the Wendell, Zebulon, Wake Forest,
of the five Democratic-backed bond. Rolesville, and parts of Knightdale
members elected in 2011 by a year. and North Raleigh.
But in 2016, all nine of the board A less contentious race seen Fletcher, a Republican, was ap-
seats will be on the ballot under The bond and the fact that this pointed in March to replace Gold-
new lines drawn up by the legisla- years contests wont change the man in District 9, which covers
ture. boards Democratic-backed major- much of Cary. Fletcher was backed PABLO SPENCER - AFP/GETTY
For this year, the elections will ity through 2016 mean this years by the Democratic board members Ash spews from Mexicos Popocatepetl volcano, near Mexico City.
take place under the lines adopted election will probably be less con- but didnt get the support of Prick- At least six airlines canceled flights in and out of the citys airports.
by the school board in 2011. tentious. ett and Tedesco.
Prickett, a Republican whose In the last two school board elec- Nancy Caggia, a longtime school
District 7 seat includes northwest
Raleigh, Morrisville and parts of
Cary, said she believes she can be
tions, Republicans gained the ma-
jority in 2009, and Democrats took
back control in 2011.
volunteer and Republican who was
passed over in favor of Fletcher,
has announced plans to run for the
Volcanos eruption
an effective board member even
though she would remain in the
minority for the next three years.
There are a lot of things we
The elections saw increased vot-
er turnout and record amounts of
spending for the contests over
who would lead the states largest
Fletcher previously served on
the board from 1993 to 2005. He
has joined the board majority in
grounds ights from
agree on, Prickett said of the oth-
er board members. Were still
working for kids and families.
Zora Felton, a retired educator
school system.
Both Prickett and Tedesco were
elected in 2009, along with Debra
Goldman and Chris Malone. The
votes such as restoring diversity as
a factor in student assignment.
He said he hopes to help restore
the board to its officially non-
U.S. to Mexico City
and Democrat, has announced that four joined with incumbent Ron partisan nature. Airports say theyre Authorities registered several
she will run against Prickett. Margiotta to form a new 5-4 Re- I want to get us back to running tremors Thursday at the
All four board members back the publican majority. the schools to meet the needs of staying safe as 17,886-foot volcano, which has
bond. Their challengers might find But Margiottas defeat in 2011 the children, he said. Popocatepetl spews been spraying a fountain of hot rock
that to be valuable campaign fod- gave Democrats a 5-4 majority. and ash for 24 hours. Federal civil
der because the bond issue would Resignations by Malone to take a Hui: 919-829-4534 Associated Press protection authorities established a
MEXICO CITY At least six U.S. 7-mile safety radius around the Po-
airlines canceled more than 40 pocatepetl, which means no one
It will be more accessible than it flights into and out of Mexico City can enter that area.
Nags Head
is today, but it is still far less acces- and Toluca airports Thursday after In Charlotte on Thursday, US Air-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1A 64 sible than it was two years ago, the Popocatepetl volcano spewed ways canceled its nonstop flight to
are backing federal legislation to Raleigh
said Jim Keene of Nags Head, a out ash, steam and glowing rocks, Mexico City that was scheduled to
end the required driving permits former president of the N.C. Beach airport officials said. depart Charlotte Douglas Interna-
and fees, are skeptical about the Pea Island
Buggy Association. Mexico City airport spokesman tional Airport at 9:35 a.m. and ar-
proposed improvements. National Keene doesnt like the fact that Jorge Gomez said U.S. Airways, rive at 12:21 p.m. Mexico City time.
With construction stretching ov- Wildlife
driving permit fees will pay for Delta, United, American and Alas- A return flight to Charlotte that was
er a projected 10 to 15 years, the boardwalks and parking lots to ka Airlines canceled 47 flights as a supposed to have a layover in Phoe-
beach access improvements could 264
Rodanthe benefit tourists and families who precaution. But he said the airport nix before landing here at 5 p.m.
make a big difference for 2 million dont pay those fees. otherwise continues to operate nor- Thursday was also canceled.

people who travel each year to the Beach driving 12 If theyre going to build more mally and that by Thursday after- Davien Anderson, a US Airways
windswept barrier islands only fees will pay than 100 new parking spots for pe- noon no ash had reached the area, spokesperson, told the Observer
to find that the shore itself is re- for boardwalks, destrian users, they should charge about 40 miles from the volcano. that as of 5 p.m. Thursday, the air-
mote and inaccessible for anyone ramps, parking for the parking and not charge the Gomez said that among the line didnt anticipate canceling any
without a four-wheel-drive vehicle. people who are not using the park- routes affected by the cancelations more flights from Charlotte to Mex-
The few parking spots are scat- ing lots, Keene said. were flights to Houston, Dallas, ico City, including one scheduled
tered miles apart. For decades, Hatteras Keenes group and many Outer Denver, Phoenix, Chicago and Los for Friday, but that the airline will
most visitors have simply parked Atlantic
Banks residents have steadfastly Angeles. re-evaluate the situation as neces-
on the beach itself. The new plan Cape Hatteras
opposed the beach-driving restric- At nearby Toluca airport, Spirit sary.
would add 193 new parking spaces National tions, saying they hurt the local Airlines canceled flights from Dal- He recommended that passen-
Ocracoke Seashore
along the beach highway, N.C. 12. tourism economy. las and Fort Lauderdale, said gers visit to
Parking areas are important, The News & Observer They support perennial efforts spokesman Alejandro Munoz. The check the status of flights before
said Walker Golder of Wilmington, in Congress including a bill that airport, about 35 miles from Mex- heading to the airport.
assistant state director for the Au- Easier access to the cleared a Senate committee last ico City, also continued to operate OBSERVER STAFF WRITER OLIVIA FORTSON
dubon Society. Otherwise, people month to roll back the regula- normally, Munoz said. CONTRIBUTED.
end up parking on the side of the beach at Cape Hatteras tions and eliminate the permits
road and getting stuck in the sand The National Park Service is and fees.
and all that stuff, just trying to go Allen Burrus of Buxton, a Dare
to the beach.
Once you find a place to leave
the family car, you can face a long
proposing improvements to make it
easier for visitors at the 67-mile-
long Cape Hatteras National Sea-
shore to get from their cars to the
County commissioner, voices the
skepticism of Outer Banks natives
who have long regarded the Park
Town mourns Hotshots
slog to the surf through a few hun-
dred yards of deep, hot sand and
across dunes armored with cactus
beach. The plan includes:
m Fifteen new parking areas for
nearly 200 cars.
Service as an army of occupation.
Yes, we want to see more board-
walks and, yes, we want to see
during somber holiday
and thorn bushes. m Five paths and 11 handicap- more ramps, Burrus said. But to Autopsy says burns, comforted when the fire chief told
That means trampling the vege- accessible boardwalks, some with be honest with you, we were deal- them that Grant McKee had been
tation, which lessens the ability of observation platforms, to provide ing with these issues in the 1980s, breathing problems part of the Navy SEALs of fire-
the dune to hold up during storm an easy walk across the dunes from and they promised the same type killed firefighters fighting, his aunt said. His family
surges, said Barclay Trimble, the parking areas to the ocean and of stuff. And its never been done. was planning to spend the day at
Hatteras seashore superintendent. Pamlico Sound. These promises have been made By Hannah Dreier home, visiting with relatives flying
Also in the plan are five foot- m Six new vehicle ramps for and broken for 25 years or more. Associated Press in for his funeral.
paths from parking spots to the drivers with permits to drive on the Golder, the Audubon Society PRESCOTT, Ariz. They remem- Initial autopsy results released
shoreline, and 11 handicap-acces- beach. spokesman, said the beach access bered the Fourth, but also the 19. Thursday showed the firefighters
sible boardwalks. The improvements will be funded regulations balance the interests of At Bistro St. Michael on Whiskey died from burns, carbon monoxide
with fees collected for beach- wildlife protection, the tourism Row in this Old West town, 19 can- poisoning or oxygen deprivation,
A difficult trek driving permits $50 for a week, economy and all kinds of Outer dles burned beneath red, white and or a combination of the factors.
Except for a few small camping $120 for the calendar year. Banks visitors. blue bunting, one for each firefight- Their bodies, which are in Phoenix
areas and visitor centers, the Cape The plan will be aired at two If Congress eliminates the driv- er killed last weekend battling a for the autopsies, were expected to
Hatteras National Seashore is public meetings: ing permits, he said, the Park Serv- wildfire not far from the place they be taken 75 miles northwest to
primitive and has seen little in the m July 16, Avon Fire Department, ice wont be able to collect the fees called home. Prescott on Sunday. Each firefight-
way of capital improvements over 3-6 p.m. that would pay for all those new In a quiet neighborhood near the er will be in a hearse, accompanied
the past few decades. Access to the m July 17, Ocracoke School, 3-6 ramps, boardwalks and parking high school, which at least five of by motorcycle escorts, honor guard
shore is focused on a string of sim- p.m. spots. them attended, 19 miniature U.S. members and American flags.
ple vehicle ramps unpaved tracks Details are online at http:// The current regulation is work- flags were planted in front yards, A memorial service planned for
between gaps in the dunes sep- ing for wildlife, and it is working each pole tied with the purple rib- Tuesday is expected to draw thou-
arated from each other by several Source: National Park Service for the economy, Golder said. bon that commemorates fallen fire- sands of mourners, including fire-
miles. Any effort to change it is misguid- fighters. fighters fami-
To protect nesting birds and limits during spring and summer ed. At the make- lies.
turtles, and to accommodate visi- nesting seasons. The spots most But Burrus isnt counting on the shift memorial Theres no The Hotshots
tors who dont enjoy seeing vehi- popular with surfers, swimmers Park Service to follow through on the fence that c re w h a d d e -
cles on the beach, the National and shell collectors are inaccessi- with its plans. wrapped around celebrating today. ployed Sunday
Park Service instituted sweeping ble for all or much of the year, both One of the reasons we started the elite Hot- to what was
restrictions on beach driving in for vehicles and people on foot. being a lot more active in Congress shots firefight- Were doing OK, thought to be a
February 2012. Permits are re- The improvements outlined last is that they werent getting any of it ing teams head- manageable
quired, hours are limited, and vehi- week include five new vehicle done, Burrus said. quarters, people but its still up lightning-
cles are banned from many miles of ramps that would restore driving left 19 potted c a u s e d fo re s t
Outer Banks beaches where they access to parts of the beach that Siceloff: 919-829-4527 or plants, 19 pin- and down. fire near the
were allowed in the past. are cut off under the new restric- or wheels, 19 hand- small town of
Additional areas are marked off- tions. written cards, LAURIE MCKEE Yarnell, about
19 religious can- AUNT OF ONE OF THE 19 HOTSHOTS 60 miles from
dles. WHO DIED IN SUNDAYS FIRE Phoenix. Vio-
His National Science Foundation On a day NEAR YARNELL, ARIZ. lent winds fu-
ROACHES funding is aimed at developing a meant to ponder eled the blaze
system to search for survivors un- t h e n a t i o n s and trapped the
limitations and battery require- der the rubble of a collapsed build- birth, and those highly trained
ments of engineered robots, espe- ing. Resilient cockroaches also who built and defended it over 237 firefighters, most of them in the
cially at small sizes, the appeal of could be used for environmental years, Prescotts residents had 19 of prime of their lives. The Hotshots
controlling an animals body as a ro- sensing, such as detecting radiation their neighbors, their friends, their deployed their fire shelters, which
bot has been gaining traction. levels in Japans Fukushima nuclear relatives to remember. can briefly protect people from
This week, Bozkurt is at a confer- disaster. I just wanted to thank them and flames, but only the crews lookout
ence in Japan to share his findings let them know that theyre heroes survived.
and connect with other biobot I love all kinds and that theyre missed, said Su- Sundays tragedy, the nations
builders. The field is growing with Bozkurts respect for insects is ex- san Reynolds, who hung a piece of biggest loss of firefighters since 911,
teams working to remotely control treme. Even with a 3-year-old fabric with an expression of thanks raised questions of whether the
large moths and beetles, in addition daughter at home, he spares black on a string of panels that hung like a usual precautions would have made
to roaches. widow spiders he finds in his shed, prayer flag on the fence. any difference in the face of triple-
DANIEL BLUSTEIN - using a device to harmlessly vacu- Away from the celebrations, pub- digit temperatures, erratic winds
um them up for release elsewhere. lic memorials and the fireworks and dry conditions that caused the
A company in Michigan called A Madagascar hissing cock- I love all kinds of insects, Boz- planned for later Thursday, some of fire to explode. A team of forest
Backyard Brains has developed roach wears a backpack that kurt said. the fallen firefighters families were managers and safety experts is in-
cockroach control technology simi- allows it to be remotely and Hes particularly fond of social in- quietly trying to come to terms vestigating what went wrong and
lar to Bozkurts that allows students automatically directed. sects, such as bees and ants, that with their own personal loss. Occa- plans to release initial findings by
to direct their own bugs using an survive in large groups. sionally, relatives would emerge to the weekend.
iPhone. creeped out by remote control of in- Once Bozkurt refines his auto- speak about the fallen. Nearly 600 firefighters continue
Their RoboRoach kit, in the sects for fun, Gage said. matic cockroach control tech- Theres no celebration today, to fight the blaze, and officials ex-
midst of a successful funding cam- But the work of both Gage and niques, he wants to coordinate his s a i d L a u r i e M c K e e , w h o s e pected it to be up to 85 percent con-
paign on Kickstarter, serves as an Bozkurt is not just for fun. biobots into swarms. 21-year-old nephew, Grant McKee, tained by Thursday night. The fire
educational tool to expose students Backyard Brains is serious about So, in the future, the first call after died in the fire. Were doing OK, has destroyed more than 100
of all ages to neuroscience, said education. And Bozkurts research a disaster may be to Bozkurts team but its still up and down. homes and burned about 13 square
Greg Gage, co-founder of Backyard at NCSU is ultimately focused on of remote-controlled cockroaches. McKees father and aunt picked miles. Yarnell remained evacuated,
Brains. developing technology that can be up items recovered from his truck but authorities hope to allow resi-
+ I think people get kind of used to help humans. Blustein: 919-829-4627 on Wednesday night, and were dents back in by Saturday.

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