Should Government Rule The Internet Content

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The development of technologies have improving rapidly recently, one of them is in the use of internet
technology. Nowadays, the internet gives the users easier way to access many things. Anything can be found
in the internet such as news, online shopping etc. The users should be selective as the abundant of the
internet content is not all positive.

Internet access has two sides either positive or negative. The benefit of accessing the internet is that
people get the information easily. Whereas the disadvantage of accessing the internet is the existence of
some bad contents for example: unlawful sites which depicts porn and many more. If we do not be selective
in regulating the internet content, we will fall in to many bad things, especially for children and teenagers.
These group of ages required supervision and assistance from the adult in accessing the internet.

In 2008 Indonesian Act No. 11 of Internet and Electronic Transaction, chapter 27 mentioned every
person by intention and without proper rights distribute and/or transmit and/or made possible the access of
electronic information which against norms. Charged by chapter 45 KUHP, 6 (six) years in jail and/or Rp
100.000.000,- (one billion rupiah) fined. It is also formulated by KUHP chapter 282 in relation to unlawful
morality. By the implementation of the above rules, the negative effect of the internet contents is decrease.

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