Task Sheet: Year 10 History

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Temple Christian College

Year 10 History Task Sheet

Name: Care Group:

Task Title: Cuban Missile Crisis reflective writing task

Imagine if you were a teenager in Australia in 1962, how would you have responded to
the daily news on television and in newspapers about the Cuban Missile Crisis?

Task Description:
Your task is to post a Facebook status between 80-100 words on your response to the Cuban
Missile Crisis using appropriate hashtags/tags OR send an SMS between 80-100 words to a
family member or friend responding to the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Your status or text message must be screen shot and submitted alongside a 400 word writers
statement further explaining your response. You must show the ability to write reflectively and
empathetically from the perspective of a teenager. You must also show your knowledge on the
historical context of the Cuban Missile Crisis.


Please note: Any inappropriate statuss or text messages will automatically receive a 0.

Australian Curriculum Connections:

General Cross-Curriculum Content Descriptions:

Capabilities: Priorities: Historical Knowledge and Understanding Historical Skills
Literacy The Cold War Perspectives and interpretations
Information and The repercussions of the Cuban Missile Crisis Identify and analyse the perspectives of people
communication on Australia. from the past
technology (ICT) Australias Identify and analyse different historical
engagement interpretations
capability during the Cold Understanding the past from the point of view
Critical and of a particular individual or group including an
creative appreciation of the circumstances they faced,
thinking and the motivations, values and attitudes
behind their actions.
Personal and
social capability

Year 10 Achievement Standards:

12. develop texts, particularly explanations
3. Explain the context for peoples actions
and discussions, incorporating historical
in the past.

Criteria for assessment:

Work submitted by set date and meets the word count /5
Care and attention to spelling, grammar and punctuation. /5
Inclusion and depth of factual historical content
(place names, dates, events, people, type of technologies) /10
Ability to write reflectively and empathically (from the perspective of a teenager) /10


Example of screen shots when texting or

posting a status: (Your post/text will be longer then the examples)

Things to consider in your writers statement: (you may use these as a basis for your writing or develop
your own ideas)


Why would you post a status or send a text like that?

What were your motives behind your text message or status?

Were you trying to get a response from a particular audience? E.g. family members, school students

or the wider community?

What type of responses would you expect?

How would you feel if you were experiencing the Cuban Missile Crisis?

Consider those affected by the Cuban Missile Crisis, how would it have affected you and your life?
Historical Context:

What was the Cuban Missile Crisis?

When was the Cuban Missile Crisis?

Who was involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis?

To what extent did the Cuban Missile Crisis affect Australia?

To what extent did the Cuban Missile Crisis effect countries globally?

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