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Roof Trusses—General F1 General tformation Pen TPspithof the roof tase aio of the height a te ag OF ree ert ae Na he Stetng Slope Corie’ Iron Acti tece” gh Sec = Tis o 12 Chai of Types ‘hen the slope i greater than Vo span. Fink type tres SE EE, Dice of trues normaly wed fo ea et St tlown in Figure. 5 13 png of rae Serene omar ine Sete. tonm sm TR — 1 peg ot et FPurlins are spaced such that they are at each node ‘gama "ending in the mai ht ek he see Sf tis Paving tho. depends on the Siesta li 12 rig a era sy oa gin en ar ou Ane ans ios Te tne Be eget gmp 1 ear, soe Bis ESET Se me Dead Loads (@) Shing GL Sheeting 15 bot RG Shee ie ee Gcing am cick 2 lat _ as © Potine she vain ‘weight of purlins with = fran Sigh seed by ee fo Trac . wiht of tora ES Terpan of tm Wr =weight of trum/m? in bg x 8 spacing ‘of 4m for other spacing of true, Sy ten ” gh of Wind bacng-=I'5 ht of plan ae. 61 Le Lande m5 eo rete tan 10 spe there ad raphe tat ey Se rae Shenae foie ‘Sew Lede yyoay than 50. For +e [No mow load is considered if slo ieee on ‘ther slopes 5 kgs per cm depth of sow may 69. Wind awd a (ioe eee ee ea external wind pres: ‘The wind premore on ron wil be due ‘ing Scuca Sel ree ‘Sal pend eee ta na pre ‘the i ing i aahpereaphataace top cys sand sop of eo, 164 Denes Pests sept pain «-% wit tpn € Fw te ing tres son tpn = Masia Bin pion FE sree Wt ed Ind onthe pr de ed 20 TRUCTURAL DE 190 DRAWING 165. Tenslon Members (© Doble ange sections shall be wed for matin ead single angie tects for eter memes (6) Minions ofthe ange for mais tee TSA 503056 mm (6) Miss ice fr al other member i TSA 50580 x3 ma (G) Minimsen se of gunet plates 6 am. (6) Minin sce of ves 1 mn (69) Maximus pemible slender ratio of tron members ‘when rbjected to reveal cfs S80 166 Compression Members (0 Doblcnd mn we mal ite a fe son When double sages 28 el eg Soe Tsou ‘Miniatom thicknes of get plates hl be 6 am Minima siz of rveneo16 wa ‘Minimum numberof ries at eade=? ‘Maximm denderes ratio of menbrt it 180 ‘iective length of meme O7 to 0 of the acta length 7 m 2 Steel Angular Roof ‘Truss Span-9m 21 Dae ‘Span forthe rn x Roof eoverA.G. shesting ‘Types FAN Locaton-=Madbya Pradesh ‘Spacing of ramet 43 ee Spacing tren Stef er, tnd 2 mae 30 Mico slope equi for A hing 20° Pain ecing FAG treet mating prin acg opine 24 Lande on Pesta ‘Ara cnr ach intermediate poin Tees? ag 241 Dead Loads Self weight of AC shectng per prin at 18 gf 18x68 m=O? bg Seif weight of putinac 10 Kgl 1D ke = Tos DL 02 tein 242 Live Leads Slope ofthe tar 26-34" veld onthe wus =73 (101 465x2) Sea iget Ten, ANGULAR ROG TRUSS SP—9 9 23 pain 52X 168 ot 26 26 oe Se Coe 243 Wind Londe Wind oa fo Paes wo 3 ght) p=150 fa Wind rome Nonna to rdge—ope 20°34 Exernal ‘Windward Leeward med ares =-05 ems = Lomxiso — SLosxaso rozigimt aS gt ‘Normal penneabiiy owemal presore = Inurl recson = 105316000082 — 158 bg 244 Lond Combination DI-}L—4024+78=1182 kg Dey Wha 02158 —1178 gin When wind loud is comidered dhe load on prin can be decreed by 50% : "2 Design lend 102 igh 25 Bending Moment ME UR 450 wig roped = 208. ae wilt ton 47 ant 2 n75e0 2 STRUCTURAL Dae AND DRAWS 26 Load on the Trase Dead Loads Sloping engeh of rater = VFERFER =500m ‘Siope ase Spacing ofthe tromes “AS mee ‘Weight of ecting on j tras (plan rea) @ 18 g/t ESAS H 1086S ie Wight of prin (¢ Now) @ 10 kglmet 1045-180 bg Self weight of oof ram H+ ba/=8 hg Weight of oof ws Asc 55162 ‘Total DLE eas 965-4100 162—707 bg ‘ed nd on intermite pet pint 2 was bg {ead on end pane point ve Lo Won fe mag scesciosig oa ieee pe pint I nag on nd ae pit ai Wind Lande Mein wd adeno te wind ee Taser Wrfntemnedate panel point Whyend pena Maximum wil lod om jtrt on the Lec ide 105345503 2505 og Wind lond/neemetinte pane Wind ladjend pane pint 261 Forces in Tress Membere Asia Tabte2 61 40 ag WH R250 A 1 w ‘Table 261 Forces ka Members of Fan russ (Pitch §) peette BESS mE ANGIAR ROO THUR SANE AC dy |gagge2 a8 iff &TE “pe [alee gue lttt ileainer fz[ (G48 i Pls g ar [£28 25 STRUCTURAL DCN AND DRAWING 262 Design—Trase Members—Members 1403 Main rafer~Member iin compreion Maximum Compressive ce Tema ree 3300 by EE Tega stmente oa kanes Sat am ‘ry tang 6A 50x36 me es lk eae) Ae bgthe eat olor es tte S10 > S00 Menbrin enon Neco ta —120 bg $0325.03 1025 ont B26 -05}405—49x05=225 xt 1 - Taet a es -08s 140358 “Tyo fib 6254 675 225—9:135 ot {Safed in teson =F 135x 1805 “re (check Capo 1 Sm E280 kg > 100g fc length 28107197 cn ton =097 om 87 Ural 204 < 390 For =204, pn bgt Safe loud in comprewionm 479% 258x138 wie eg > 1880 ig rm, ANOULAM ROOP THUS SPAN—9 oar Eietiveleagth 151071057 “Tey minimum sae of angle ISA 50% 303 mm A473 cat, Fam co. 1057, . tr !O57 1002 fc ir 108 2—811 ben? Satetod ta compresion 811% 1°35 479-=5180 bg > 650k lective em area be ISA 2Ox30x5, wing Imm rivet Safed in ten 23 1515013650 > HO 265. Mantes nnd # ain Te Meme) Maru tense fre =220 ig Canpenve ace mig Qnguattenter Daslen “piu to ang tc tack SA 50306 Grae pod cet ing ong Nea Tim osa0a8 ot Sik wndin enon 20 a0. 71500 bg > 710g Eecinelngd =O xm 87cm rantshen al nia <0 feta, nt bla Sat odin empceion 611096 Toone > ate 21 Deg of Slt Memb I and Tame a te poi Nou ore 1-380 Mian bre in 7=210 ig Ung 6 eit ewt ae eh esol tae yas he In Double hear n980 | { x0 smaveron ot a Deke Strength in besing on 6 mn eh ne STS Rot required in meme | vega ube hea, fe the at gh in bing) Sy Rivew rege ia meter 7=22, zs 271 Join B Members 1, 2 and ¢ meet atthe int Force in 13300 ig Fore in 23200 i Force in 6650 ig ZNSSELIE double shear and cerefore the teat stength of rive it bearing-2t6 hg Menbers and 2 are contouous hse in the ditccon of thir member de to componcot of free in member 6 is 680 eae (90° 36°31 6a) oe 85054473200 iy ate of et However ue miniuen of hee sve oo ae (vets are i ing hea) ‘Number of rivets in Member 6 ‘Urea minimum of rivets 272 Joie Member 2, 9 and 5 meet at this joint Member 2 and 3 are continuowr Use minimum of tree Number of rivets ia member $650 at ‘Vie minim tw number 273 Joie D Member 3, ait SECTION As PLAN SHED. SIZE ranxoM DETAIL Ar 0. nd cS sans STE. ANGULAR ROOF TRUS SPAN—9M 274 Joint Member 4,8, 67 aod 8 meet at hisjoint Memes Tand@ are continuous. Use minimam to sets on ether aise 28 Shee Angles "Reaction at sapport me fmber of ves reqied to connect. he shoe angle “ * ia ae Use minima of eo svete Un Bia 7510156 mm tho angle 30 om long, 291 Berg Pint oe Peary Tae ewig eon nrg 872 lt ich ese ir a pet 30x158 om aa Takes BM pe co wot pine=s72x 751 | senzn om g= x fotbox hb a ‘enn tin fm being ate 3 Tubular Steet Truss Span—18 m 3 bute Sie othe hed 18 m2? Spar tow nib Testor dha Pade 32. Relevant Codes 15-600: Code of practice fr wae of structural te in general ‘ulin Soran, 18-806: Use of set resi general uding costrection 15-075: Code of practice fr structural my of building — Ted anda TS—1161: Specicaton for steel ter for structural pur pom 15-816: Code of practice for we of metal are welding ‘neal connucton in mild tel - IS—O14: Speciation for covered electrodes for metal are ‘welding of il wel 15226: Speicton fr structural eel 1383 Truss Proportiontag Spenite Fc rhe cue Eo nts ‘Types or campound Fa ea Sping of e umet Spo tea Tan 0= 2m oar ay Minium ope ei fo AC ing 27° ‘here pith ed fictions Pan recig aaaTQC He ace wed taal perinible acing of pe ‘yoru sm. ras sFi—18 4 aL ary i@O Se we ted masa penile ing 34 Pasta Loede ‘Use AG sbets Dead bode ‘Area covered by each prin 1-645 Self of AC shecing per psi ‘Satfwt of putin at 10 ben “Toul Dif Live Lande ‘Slope of the wasi=26¢ 4° Live la om the t= (101 463% 2}=75—28 52 bt {Live led per puting 52x 68 cx 26° 24° 252X168 x0 8942—78 bg Wind lade Wind lod for Madiyn Pradesh aren up to 90 ox height p= tgimt Wiad presure normal tage Slope 26 34° Windward cerns =-8BH Wind premwe aon =ot07 gle [ermal permeabiliy Windward Taereal = —(208 9102 9) Loom 403.0150 cers ait auenal = (02054029) Secon esp So kaso, Toe ier nn ino 22 aera sto ee . | Foxe intone ' 205 Sl ed tend he teense 9 ee TERR tat w ony mma con : ae ae H see ae ' Welicagon ye 34 Rending Moment a ieee! ~9X45x 18=790 be. i ‘Continuows purtin e Wot putine (7 Nos) @ 10 hgfm=7K45%10—3 15 bg ; TE owearasyes (Gielen mon PM Tg RETA oH0 mg Self weight of rool truss=48-+5—11 keen? Frecied Tyg = 171 ot Total DL truss 79043154446 1491 bg Sut pa reds Ded ad eon gp og = Da don a pn Whee Wopal id ind aeons patina Bey Sass fod Say euprtntee — = etn i athe, digance in om erween the enter ofthe Lee hemes etxsati0 ig | i se Sat atid pt 2s rawaceane : ' b=t50 cm {eLjend panel point St ots | Srint EEA 1x6 Ge, ore ee ee ‘Max WL, on } truss wind ward side iy 0-34 03-0012 atone 8 oot { ‘Sie of pstin bated onthe lintng detection i Woden panel | endngeeen sis 2 ~P—T0e 9 Wate pd 304 138 ce ta ee == 10545 x 1006- i Dm SOO 29 et ond intemediat pane ig ein nd ech Site f = SO 64s em a rain poate 7 ES Sm pro 361 Forces la Tross Members Asin Table—S61 236 sraveTunat paso AND DRAWDNG Tey mm 1D—M, 00=483 mm Ant) cat,’ rat%0 on. aio iascis9 Frnt 674 tant Ur=130, 3 eat trois, freee Rlowate wren 3888935 get Suen “arb test ge SOE be Het tte 40m 1B" Stine 372 Members 7,8, 4-Main Beton Tle Member Max comp. bree 467 hg ‘ra ee rein =A nt ‘Tey $0 mm 1D Ly section OD 003 em “Aad aa rR oe Hence tafe in toon (Ghedk fr compression Leng ofthe member=281 cm 281X079 5 ta, pnts rio, fare tnars, james ovate ene 38e295— 100 Setioad "Tiiodxee one oae by Hence we 50mm IDy—on 379 Members 9 and 13 MSiean soup eto ‘Maximum Tensile force=915 kg _ Tengen feb eres ox yD Hey tons D269 mm Anish cat r=08 om Ths o9, diciat pren rime prsishoree ee as Safe load 241 77931990 > 810. Unccomaica Tey 11H, 4 tfrnt2807 | ‘runocam sim rata an18 27 Alowable stem 5715 belo Safe oad=S7'5 1841050 bg > 010 hg < 10t eat provided. (Une 1D 15 me. Heavy scion, OD=215 sn 374 Members 10 and 12 ‘Member are in tenon wader DLs+LL Masinem eon 205 br Maan comp. —1025 hg Ares required for tenion= 905 = 0-745 emt Try 115 mm Anton", ra 065 om ‘Area provided is greater than required hence mein tenon. (Check for eompremion, ted em 281507, mB 207 90s < 390 Net aici ‘Try 1D=25 mam ce bdrm 57 01 < 350 Sox8355 kgleat acrid fo=1 3338550446 balm? ‘Safe load t46c51 8 ” Sid 42500 1g 185 doe rel or eon 6S et Ft pied ee 8 mm IDM son Sime Sincnua nd ot do BL aT Saw @ 10pm ont aaa aeass Syckfme Lang of ct ‘Tr 50 mm Iy Mansa’, rteten, 1 828 rg For Unt T8, © fonsA74 lest Sale loud = 24745 62-2090 kg 208 tones < 97 noe Hence weal Try 0-1 AnBIemt, ra308em > 20 careqaied 4 2x0885_ 19 < 199 be x08 a < fe frmI19, 680 eget Safe oad 6-1.074~5900 kg 599 tonnes > $7 tonnes ‘econ. TySmmL Antica 1250 om 25x05, 25x08 4 c 1e0 feel I44, —fe=S10 bgt“ Safe nd 510,0744=2000 bg-=90 tonnes > $7 tose

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