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ES 231: Signals and Systems - Tutorial 0

Teacher: Prof. Nitin Khanna (

January 11, 2017

1. Compute the following sums:

Pn= 1 n jn
(a) n=0 2 e 2
Pn= 1 n
cos n

(b) n=0 2 2

2. Evaluate the following integrals:

(a) eax sin bxdx
R 2
(b) 0 eax dx
3. Find the partial fraction expansion of the following:
x3 +5x2 +9x+7
(a) f (x) = (x+1)(x+2)
x2 +2x+3
(b) f (x) = (x+1)3

4. Express the following complex numbers in polar form and plot them in complex plane, indicating the magnitude
and angle of each number:

(a) 1 + j 3

(b) 1 j 3

(c) 1 + j 3

(d) 1 j 3
(e) ( 3 + j)2 2e 4

1+j 3

5. Find real positive constant , and , such that the following holds for all real t
2.5 cos 3t 1.5 sin 3t + = cos(t + )

6. By hand, sketch the following against the independent variable t:

(a) x1 (t) = Re(2e(1+j2)t )
(b) x2 (t) = Im(3 (e(1j2)t ))
(c) x2 (t) = 3 Im(e(1j2)t )
7. (a) Express ex using Taylor series expansion.
2 2
(b) Using your series expansion for ex , determine ex dx.
R1 2
(c) Using a suitably truncated series evaluate the definite integral 0
ex dx.

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