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Tell me about yourself (how you are the best fit for the college)

My hometown is Kutbapur in Haryana. I did my schooling from Kendriya Vidyalaya and Ryan
International School in Delhi. Then went on to do my graduation in mechanical engineering from
NIT Hamirpur and later worked at Tata Technologies Ltd.
Outside of work..
I am a voracious reader.(Prepare a book: Motorcycle Diaries, Abhigyan Shakuntalam, Gita,
Physics and Philosophy, )

I like walking wherever possible I go on foot (It gives you time to observe and enjoy things in
some detail). (Peace Pilgrim)
I used to go swimming in school and on weekends during job.
I love movies (inception) and music.
I like trekking as well (triund, Prashar Lake, Kheer Ganga, ).

About the job

I joined Tata Technologies as a GET(Graduate Engineering Trainee) in PLM Sales division in
Delhi. After a months training in CATIA (CAD software) and 3dVia (technical communications
software), I started giving demonstrations to the prospective customers and technical support to
existing customers. Later got a chance to work onsite in Tata Motors Ltd, Pune where I worked in
Digital Product Development department. Here I developed web applications for Quality and
Finance departments.

Digital Automation of the existing manual process of PPAP for effective operations, monitoring &
control, document repository with decision status. PPAP is submitted when new or modified
component is introduced for production or its manufacturing process is changed.
Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) is used in the automotive supply chain to establish
confidence in component suppliers and their production processes, by demonstrating that: "....all
customer engineering design record and specification requirements are properly understood by the
supplier and that the process has the potential to produce product consistently meeting these
requirements during an actual production run at the quoted production rate."
The PPAP process is designed to demonstrate that the component supplier has developed their
design and production process to meet the client's requirements, minimizing the risk of failure by
effective use of APQP.

2. Indirect Taxes
3. Problem Resolution and Tracking System
4. Balanced Scorecard

Why you left the job and want to do MBA?

After doing job for 2 years, I was not satisfied. You have work, some money and social circle but
something was missing. Initially you get to learn a lot of different things and it was all together
challenging but slowly I started getting lost not finding the right motivation to do the things I was
doing. Then you see other people, looking out for other opportunities. So I studied and discussed
it, came to some conclusion that it is almost the same culture in all the major companies and very
similar environment. The very same people here and there. Then why do some organizations (or
people) are successful and others not. What motivates or inspires them to succeed? Is it just that
the paycheck at the months end that is forcing them to get out of bed? Why are some successful
and others not? But as the proverb goes, everyone is awesome or just untimely man.
Hence I decided to look out, stepped out of the circle, went on a trip with a college friend. We set
out to Himalayas (Himachal Pradesh), met people and explored ourselves. Not surprisingly people
here had a very different view of the world. The things that were our necessities back in that world
now mattered less and to them nothing. But then why were we moving, it will become the same?
So after a month, we came back home.
Then I went to Haridwar, may be the saints have the answers, met a few. Some had a view that I
was just the fortunate one who got enough and was not grateful or doesnt know how to appreciate
it (true to some extent in India it is still a luxury to have all the basic needs full filled and I had
more) and should go back. Others said just do what you believe and dont think that much so it
starts to become a headache. But here I learned something else too, you can live and eat without
spending a penny. So why do I have to do the job?
Came back home. May be the scriptures have the answer. Read books(Gita, Physics and
Philosophy by Heisenberg,etc.), webpages about personality types, watched videos on youtube.
What should I do? Was the question that everyone was asking, even Arjun. Though you can do
nothing but you are never doing nothing, so do something that you believe is right. In the present
structure of society you can do the best understanding by experimenting with it.
I believe that is what managers do in organizations they align people with the vision, motivating
them to give out their best. They make them valuable. (Something what my manager did, he
guided me at the right times though I was doing all the work on the ground but that direction was
helpful for me and a bit more for the company). Though I could take the technical path but the
MBA course will give me a more structured guidance in this direction and I will be able to address
these issues more concretely and impart a greater value to the organization I will work in.

So I decided to give the CAT exam though I had been giving it since last two years but this time I
prepared more sincerely.

Why MBA?
It will help me to align myself and the people I work along with the vision of the company to
relate how their contribution impact and relate to the success of the organization. The
understanding of the economy and organizational behavior will help me to correlate with the work
I do and hence I could be a valuable asset.
Also the study of personality types gave me the understanding that every personality is unique and
awesome in its ways we need to realize the maximum that will help grow them and the

Distinctive Focus:

In recent times India is emerging as one of the global hubs of technology intensive
organizations and R&D, with the increase in entry of MNCs in the high-tech and
R&D sectors as well as rapid growth of domestic enterprises in these sectors. Such
technology based and R&D intensive industries need executives with exposure and
training in Technology Management and Business Analytics. These executives need
to have the ability to understand, assess and forecast how technologies impact the
systems within and outside the organization (environment, economy and society at
large). Similarly, formal education in analytics will strengthen the capability of these
executives to perform robust analyses to make decisions in information and data
driven organizations. It is to meet these two distinctive needs of high-tech industries
of emerging India that our new Masters Program will focus on training the students in
Technology Management and Business Analytics. The new masters program will be
unique in the country as it is futuristic and builds leadership in the two important
areas of Management, namely, Technology Management and Business Analytics.

Objectives of the program:

To enable graduate engineers to grow into competent and creative

managers of technology intensive and data driven organizations.
To encourage entrepreneurship for high technology start-ups to attract
and foster doctoral students in management.

Broder perspective on leadership and managing organisations

Why IIT Madras?
Got 95.4. Didnt get a call from IIMs.
IIT Delhi was the nearest but higher cutoffs so didnt apply. In the rest I found IIT Madras to be
the best. I also want to live in south that is the part of India I have never been to.
1. It has been imparting management education since 1964.
2. Excellent faculty-student ratio of 1:3.
3. Offers a number of MBA specializations
4. It has excellent student exchange programs with about half the students going abroad to partner
5. Courses on audit option, where you can study any subject from 16 departments without
receiving credit.
6. Operations Specialization: great faculty The intellectual output of the Operations Group has
been ranked in the top 20 in the world. This fact - based on a survey of contributions to the
productions and operations field over 50 years (1959 - 2008)- was published in the International
Journal of Production Economics in 2010.

Why Doms IISc?

Your courses are very specifically oriented to the needs of the industry. We live in an age of
information (Now the industries are able to collect a lot of data about almost every action it
performs.) and to make right decisions we need to analyze it correctly because many a times
wrong inferences could be drawn. For managing this enormous amount of data we need
technology. Now days industry uses technological tools for almost every purpose. Hence it will
need managers to coordinate and align these technologies to their company goals.
Also as you is one of the very first institutes to offer management in India, feature a very good
faculty and have a strong brand name. Studying here will give me a strong foundation and will
help me to make a good manager.

Strengths or Why should we select you

I bring along with me an experience of 2 years where I developed three applications, provided
trainings and technical support working with my Managers and people across various
departments. I developed quite a few strengths.
1. My greatest strength is my reliability. After the first, I delivered all the projects on time.
Learned to commit the minimum and deliver the maximum possible.
2. Interpersonal Skills: As being the only person developing and supporting the applications, had
to collaborate with people of various departments. Also I worked in technical support hence
coordinating with customer was an important task.
3. Learning temperament & Problem Solving: Manager used to look for some critical issues (or
they used to come to him by various meetings that he used to attend). Then categories them, find
which were urgent and permanent solution could take some years to implement or were too costly
but some major points could be addressed. Then we used to research these projects thoroughly on
the internet understanding the standard practices, tools in the market and the existing system in the
company. Then deciding what is the most basic and simplest application that could be developed.
After that I would explore the web technologies to do it and create the application.
4. I'm proactive: Always keep in touch with the customer. Follow up with him weekly or monthly.
Always reply to mails on the same day.

1. I sometimes get carried away and waste too much time on the unnecessary or low priority tasks.
At times just adding features that are not required at the time.
2. Say yes to anything that customer wanted and that I could do. But learned that you should
consider all his points but limit him to the minimum possible in the initial phase latter add-ons
could be done.
3. Get upset that I worked hard but the customer is not using. Got a very just explanation, You
opened a restaurant, put a lot of effort and cooked the dinner but you cant force people to eat it. If
they find value in the food for their investment they will eat it. So cook better or sell to someone

Strong Subjects:
1. Perl, javascript, jQuery, MySQL, VBA applications in excel, CATIA, 3dVia Composer.
2. Engineering Mathematics
3. Production Planning and Control
4. Manufacturing

Why Management?
We make decisions everyday and they decide the courses of our lives. I believe in proverbs that
everyone is awesome only have different priorities and things they give importance to. In any
organization I work will be managed and if I could understand it and help people around me
understand it. It will help me in fruitful career and life.

Why break in job?

I was exploring other options out there. I had time on my side so I took to explore the other ways
of life and for understanding myself. As I will be working for about 30 years I want to evaluate
other options. These things interest me what influences people, how they manipulate their options
and make decisions based on them. I have been reading a lot in this time, interacting with people.
So now I could take my decisions more responsibly.
I came to the conclusion I have an understanding of the industry also the education that I have will
be advantageous. Along with an MBA it could provide me to understand the working and align
with it. Also as I progress, I will move into management positions the education will help me to
align people with the vision and goals of the company so that they can be of maximum value to
the organization and in turn have a fruitful career.

Link I found praising MBA in IITs but it is a bit old:

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