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Pulpotomytherapy in primary teeth: newmodalities for old rationales

Don M. Ranly, DDS, PhD
Pulpotomytherapy for the primarydentition has developedalong three lines: devitalization, preservation, andregeneration.
Devitalization, wherethe intent is to destroy vital tissue, is typified by formocresoland electrocautery. Preservation, the
retention of maximum vital tissue with no induction of reparative dentin, is exemplified by glutaraldehydeand ferric sulfate
treatment. Regeneration, the stimulation of a dentin bridge, has long been associated with calcium hydroxide. Of the three
categories, regenerationis expectedto developthe mostrapidly in the comingyears. Advancesin the field of bonemorphogenetic
protein (BMP)have opened new vistas in pulp therapy. HumanBMPswith dentinogenic properties are becomingavailable
through recombinant technology. Weare now entering an era of pulpotomytherapy with healing as the guiding principle.
(Pediatr Dent 16:403-9, 1994)
Introduction designed to mummify the tissue completely. When
No area of treatment in pediatric dentistry has been completely fixed, the radicular pulp was theoretically
more controversial than pulp therapy. In particular, sterilized and devitalized, thereby obviating infection
the vital pulpotomy procedure has been a topic of de- and internal resorption. Apparently this protocol was
bate for decades. While pulpotomy therapy evolved highly successful. 6 However, Sweet reduced the num-
slowly over the first 40 years, the pace of change since ber of visits over the years, presumably because of
the 1960s has continued to accelerate. This article is a economic and behavior management considerations,
review and prospectus of this field, presented in the and in 1962, in affirmation of a commonpractice, Doyle
context of the rationales that have guided development et al. 7 used a two-visit procedure in their comparison
of new and very divergent treatment modalities. While study of formocresol and calcium hydroxide. Within a
there have been manyexcellent reviews of pulp therapy few years, Spedding et al. 8 and Redig9 reported the
.in recent years, 1~ none has presented a framework for results of a 5-min formocresol protocol, and since that
the systematic analysis of past developments or future time, complete mummification has been abandoned by
trends. A simple chronological detailing of the advances the profession.
in pulpotomy therapy without an attempt to categorize Following the initial clinical trial by Redig,9 the 5-
the underlying mechanism of action, does not permit min treatment with formocresol became, and has re-
the clinician to adequately weigh the pros and cons of mained, the standard against which all new modalities
current and future treatment options. are compared. However, the original advantage of com-
Pulpotomy therapy can be classified according to plete mummification -- sterilization and metabolic
the following treatment objectives: devitalization suppression -- was lost. Instead, the short treatment
(mummification, cauterization), preservation (minimal leaves the pulp only partially devitalized. Commonly,
devitalization, noninductive), or regeneration (induc- the pulp remains half dead, half vital, and chronically
tive, reparative). Based on this premise, a chronologi- inflamed.1 In this state, the pulp is susceptible to ab-
cal and classified list of significant studies is presented scess formation, and the root to internal resorption. As
in Table 1. This format categorizes research related by such, the only rationale for using formocresol is em-
treatment objectives; it unfolds continuums of effort pirical -- it succeeds more often that it fails. Reducing
that show where the future lies. Not all the studies the concentration of formocresol used in pulpotomies,
listed in Table I are directly related to new or modified spurred by a series of toxicity 1~-13 and systemic distri-
modalities; some are included because they awakened bution studies, 14,15 has served only to moveus further
the profession to the possible toxicity of certain from the original objective, s. While reducing formocresol
pulpotomy agents, thereby altering the status quo. is laudable, ~6 using a diluted form merely extends the
empiricism. Despite half a century of research, we are
still unable to explain why two toxic agents such as
Devitalization formaldehyde and cresol can be used beneficially.
The first approach to pulpotomy treatment of pri- In an attempt to avoid chemicals altogether, Judd
mary teeth was devitalization. The multiple-visit and Kenny~7 have suggested pulpectomies as standard
formocresol technique, as introduced by Sweet, s was care for all pulpally involved carious teeth. This mo-

Pediatric Dentistry: November/December

1994- Volume 16, Number6 403
Table 1. Evolutionof the pulpotomy
procedurein primaryteeth

Devitalization Preservation Regeneration

1930 Multiple Visit FC Pulpotomy

Human (Sweet, 1930)
1938 CaOHPulpotomy for Primary Teeth
Human (Teuscher & Zander, 1938)
1962 2 Visit FC Pulpotomy
Human(Doyle et al., 1962)
1965 5-rain FC Pulpotomy
Animal (Spedding et al., 1965)
1966 Human(Redig, 1966)
1970 Dilution of FC CaOHEvaluated
Animal (Straffon &Han, 1970) Human (Magnusson, 1970)
1971 (Loos &Han, 1971) ZOE Evaluated
Human (Magnusson, 1971)
Ledermix Introduced
Human(Hansen et al., 1971)
1975 Dilution of FC Glutaraldehyde Proposed
Human(Morawa et al., 1975) Root Canals (SGravenmade, 1975)

1978 Systemic Distribution of FC Gultaradehyde Proposed
Animal (Myers et al., 1978) Pulpotomy (Ranly & Lazzari, 1978)
1980 GA Pulpotomy
Human(Kopel, 1980)
1981 Dilution of FC (Omission from ZOE)
Animal (Godoy, 1981)
1983 Systemic Effects of FC
Animal(Myers et al., 1983)
Electrosurgical Pulpotomy
Animal (Ruemping et al., 1983)
1984 Enriched Collagen
Animal(Fuks et al., 1984)
Hard Setting CaOH
Human(Heilig et al., 1984)
1988 Freeze Dried Bone
Animal (Fadavi et al., 1988)
1989 Demineralized Dentin
Animal (Nakashima, 1989)

1991 ZOE Pulpectomy Ferric Sulfate Bone Morphogentic Protein

Human (Judd & Kenny, 1991) Human(Fei et al., 1991) Animal (Nakashima, 1991)
1993 Electrosurgical Pulpotomy Os teogen ic Protein (OP-1)
Human (Mack, 1993) Animal(Rutherford et al., 1993)

Future Laser Therapy? OP1 and/or other factors

404 Pediatric Dentistry: November/December

1994- Volume
16, Number
dality eradicates all radicular tissue, and, in a sense, Table2. Clinicalstudieswithglutaraldehyde
returns to the original Sweet philosophy of absolutism.
The success rate of pulpectomies in posterior teeth was Clinical Radiographic
Success Rate Success Rate Duration
reported to range from 67 to 91%, depending upon the Investigators (%) (%) (months)
stringency of the evaluation, is Although the authors
concluded that ZOEpulpectomies are at least as effec- 1. Garcia-Godoy 100 98 42
tive as formocresol pulpotomies, the demanding na- 2. Alcam 96 92 12
ture of the procedures might dissuade the profession 3. Guiliana 96 96 12
from adopting their philosophy of pulp care. 4. Prakashet al. 100 100 6
Another form of nonchemical devitalization emerged 5. Fukset al. 96 82 25
during the last decade: electrosurgical pulpotomy. 6. Tsaiet al. 98 78.7 36
Whereas mummification eliminates pulp infection and
vitality with chemical crosslinking and denaturation, resorption. Wenow know that eugenol possesses de-
electrocautery carbonizes and heat denatures pulp and structive properties, ~7 and cannot be placed directly on
bacterial contamination. Electrosurgery does little to pulp. 26 Although an obtundent, ZOEdoes not appar-
improve on the formocresol pulpotomy save avoiding ently suppress metabolism adequately or self-limit its
chemicals. Experimentally, electrosurgery has been irritative properties.
shown to incite pathologic root resorption and In an effort to overcomethe internal resorption seen
periapical/furcal pathology21 and a spectrum of pulpal in ZOEand calcium hydroxide pulpotomies, a dress-
effects including acute and chronic inflammation, ing containing a corticosteriod was evaluated clini-
edema, fibrosis, and diffuse necrosis. 22 It mayprove to cally. 28 While the steroid reduced the inflammation and
be more diagnosis and technique sensitive, and it may internal resorption when compared with ZOE, the de-
not be suitable if apical root resorption has occurred. gree of improvement and the success rate (79%) were
Remarkably, Mack and Dean23 reported a very high not remarkable.
success rate with the technique. It is difficult to explain In recent years, glutaraldehyde has been proposed
why burned tissue is tolerated by the residual vital as an alternative to formocresol based on: its superior
pulp. Nonetheless, despite the bleak histologic picture fixative properties, 29 self-limiting penetration, 3 low
and perpetuated empiricism, electrosurgery will un- antigenticity, 31 low toxicity, 32 and the elimination of
doubtedly gain in popularity. cresol. 33 The histologic picture of a glutaraldehyde-
In the future, laser energy might be able to overcome treated pulp shows a zone of superficial fixation with
the histologic deficits of electrosurgery. Ideally, laser very little underlying inflammation. ~4-36 The clinical
irradiation would create a superficial zone of coagula- 37-
success rates with glutaraldehyde have ranged widely
tion necrosis that remained compatible with the under- 42 (Table 2). The variability is perhapsa reflection of the
lying tissue and that isolated the pulp from the vagar- wetness of the pellet applied to the radicular tissue.
ies of the subbase. Thus far, only exploratory research Studies in which it is knownthat glutaraldehyde was
has been done with lasers in pulp therapy. 24, ~s not overzealously blotted from the pellets before use
have shownhigh success rates. 37,4 It has been observed
that inadequate fixation leaves a deficient barrier to
Included in this category is a potpourri of modalities subbase irritation, resulting in internal resorption. 43, ~
intended to only minimally insult the tissue. While not A nonaldehyde chemical, ferric sulfate, has received
capable of initiating an inductive process, each was someattention recently as a pulpotomy agent. 4546 This
proposed as a wayto conserve virtually all of the radicu- hemostatic compoundwas proposed on the theory that
lar pulp. One might contest including in this category it might prevent problems encountered with clot for-
agents such as glutaraldehyde and ferric sulfate that mation and thereby minimize the chances for inflam-
obviously effect superficial tissue changes, but I argue mation and internal resorption. It has not been ex-
that they differ from formocresol and electrosurgery plained howclotting itself could curtail these activities.
by virtue of their properties, actions, and rationale Possibly the metal-protein clot at the surface of the
for use. pulp stumps acts as a barrier to the irritative compo-
Zinc oxide-eugenol (ZOE) was the first agent to nents of the subbase. If true, the ferric sulfate may
used for preservation. Because this cement was such a function solely in a passive manner. An earlier 12-month
workhorsein early dentistry, it is little wonderthat it 46
clinical evaluation of ferric sulfate pulpotomies
was adapted to pulpotomies. But because it was so showed an excellent success rate, but the results re-
popular, we will probably never know who initiated ported from a more recent study were considerably
the practice. While earlier studies revealed some nega- less favorable. 47 That heavy metal coagulation with fer-
tive aspects of ZOEpulpotomies, it was the compre- ric sulfate is somehowable to subdue the pulp when
hensive histologic analysis by Magnusson 26 that best the high pH-coagulation of calcium hydroxide cannot,
demonstrated the resultant inflammation and internal remains to be verified.

Pediatric Dentistry: November/December

1994- Volume16, Number6 405

This category of pulp therapy is still in flux, although approaching a rational period in the treatment of pulp
major changes in the future are not likely. Wemay tissue. Wenow have the prospect of being able to in-
seem to have temporarily exhausted our store of chemi- duce reparative dentin with recombinant dentinogenic
cals that can be applied to pulp tissue, but someone proteins similar to the native proteins of the body.
somewhere will go on looking for the perfect drug. This exciting new era is founded on two classic ob-
servations made many years ago, Huggins~2 noted that
Regeneration urinary tract epithelia implanted into the abdominal
Surely we agree that the ideal pulpotomy treatment wall of dogs evoked bone formation. Someyears later,
should leave the radicular pulp vital and healthy and Urist ~3 observed that demineralized bone matrix stimu-
completely enclosed within an odontoblast-lined den- lated new bone formation when implanted in ectopic
tin chamber. In this situation, the tissue would be iso- sites such as muscle. Urist concluded that bone matrix
lated from noxious restorative materials in the cham- contains a factor capable of autoinduction, and he
ber, thereby diminishing the chances of internal named this factor bone morphogenetic protein (BMP).
resorption. Additionally, the odontoclasts of an Since that time, countless labs have attempted to purify
uninflamed pulp could enter into the exfoliative pro- the factor, or factors, but because it exists in such minute
cess at the appropriate time and sustain it in a physi- quantities and has such a high affinity for the bone
ologic manner. Implied in this scenario is the induction matrix, progress has been slow. Only very recently,
of reparative dentin formation by the pulpotomy agent. with techniques of molecular biology, has significant
Unlike the other two categories for pulp treatment, the progress been made. We now know that there is a
rationale for the developing field of regeneration is family of proteins that has bone inductive properties,
actually based on sound, biologic principles. In 1972, 54
and BMPis a generic term for this family.
Boller ~8 published an article in which he called his era The quest for BMPis not an esoteric exercise. The
of pulpotomy treatment the "Biological Era." In truth, ramifications of a commercially available factor that
we are only now entering it. can predictably induce bone for use in the fields of
Calcium hydroxide was the first agent used in orthopedic, oral, and periodontal surgery are mind
pulpotomies that demonstrated any capacity to induce boggling. The implications for pulp therapy are also
regeneration of dentin. 49 Even from the first, however, enormous. If BMPcan induce dentin as well as bone,
it was observed that the procedure was not always dentists might at last have a true biological pulp-cap-
successful. In retrospect, it was serendipitous that cal- ping and pulpotomy agent. Such. a possibility was sug-
cium hydroxide was effective at all. The rationale that gested by the observation that demineralized dentin
prompted its use by Zander was fundamentally erro- 5s
also can induce bone when implanted in ectopic sites.
neous. He attributed the action of calcium hydroxide to Recent experiments have, in fact, demonstrated that
4a modification of the solubility product of Ca and PO BMP from both bone and dentin will promote
and a precipitation of salt into a organic matrix. Ig- dentinogenesis.s6, 57
nored was the origin of this matrix and how odonto- BMPsare members of a highly conserved family of
blast processes became included in it. More likely than signaling molecules that have been used repeatedly
not, the high pH of calcium hydroxide wounds the during evolution to mediate tissue interactions during
pulp in a manner that permits the intrinsic reparative embryonic development. 58 Because they were discov-
cascade to begin. Unfortunately, the stimulus evoked ered in phylogenetically lower organisms, a confusing
by this compound is delicately balanced between one multiplicity of names has arisen. In addition, the term
of repair and one of resorption. The study by
Magnussons demonstrated how often the balance is
Table3. TheDVR
familyof TGF-g-related
tilted toward the destructive pathway.
The popularity of calcium hydroxide has ebbed and Mammalian Xenopus Drosophila
flowed. It is considered a safe drug relative to
formocresol, but, other than that, there are no strong DPP/DVR-15
arguments for its use. A more recent study, 51 in which DVR-1/Vgl
a hard-setting calcium hydroxide cement was used in- DVR-2/BMP-2/BMP-2a DVR-2
stead of the inorganic compound, showed a higher DVR-3/BMP-3/osteogenin DVR-3
success rate. However, the pulpotomized teeth were DVR-4/BMP-4/BMP-2b DVR-4
followed for only 9 months. Whether calcium hydrox- DVR-5/BMP-5 DVR-5
ide in a cement vehicle can elicit more favorable re- DVR-6/BMP-6/vgr-1 DVR-6
sponses remains to be determined. DVR-7/BMP-7/OP-1 DVR~7
Fortunately, the era of chemicals like calcium hy- DVR-8-14
droxide may be coming to an end. Recent advances in
VgR-2plus three others
the field of bone and dentin formation have opened
exciting new vistas for pulp therapy, and we are fast s7
Modifiedfrom Lyonset al.

406 Pediatric Dentislry: November/December

1994 -Volume 16, Number6
Table 4. Bonemorphogeneticproteins
BMP-2 BMP-3 BMP-4 BMP-5 BMP-6 BMP-7 OP-2

Alternate names (BMP-2A) (Osteogenin) (BMP-2B) (VgR-1) (OP-1)

Ectopic implant Bone Bone Bone Bone Bone Presumed
Pulpdressing Osteo & Osteo- (OP-1)Osteodentin ?
Tubular Tubular (BMP-7)Osteo
Dentin" Dentin TubularDentin"
Sourcefor Bovine Bovine Bovine
experimentationt rH rH rH rH rH rH rH
Crudeprepsof bovinebonecontaining
t rH = Recombinant

BMPis misleading in that it implies a single gene prod- could serve as a template to spur reparative
uct responsible for osteogenesis, when, instead, each dentinogenesis. But collagen devoid of BMPhas no
probably accounts for multifunctional gene products osteogenic potential and simply is resorbed. As a con-
expressed throughout embryonic development. sequence of these studies, collagen has been used as a
To bring some order to the chaos, this family of neutral carrier for the BMPsin assays, orthopedic sur-
proteins has been renamed the DVR(decapentaplegic- gery, and pulp experimentation, so it is not surprising
Vg-related) family, based on the first two membersto that it failed to initiate dentinogenesis.
be identified--Drosophila decapentaplegic and Xenopus Capitalizing on the early knowledge that deminer-
Vgl. Table 3 lists the family by DVR,BMP,and osteo- 65
alized bone and dentin are inductive, Fadavi et al.
genic protein (OP) names. The DVRfamily belongs dressed pulpotomized monkey teeth with freeze-dried
the muchlarger transforming growth factor t~ (TGF-t~) bone and Nakashima~7 used dentin matrix to treat am-
superfamilythat includes five TGF-t~s,activins, inhibins, putated pulps of dogs. More recently, crude BMPpre-
and the M611erian-inhibiting substance. These secreted pared from bovine bone was used to treat pulpotomized
proteins are characterized by a highly conserved dog teeth. 56, 66 The latter studies reported the sequential
carboxyterminal region rich in cysteine residues used induction of osteo- and tubular dentin. The prepara-
for dimerization. tions of BMPwere ill-defined; presumably they in-
Table 4 lists the knownBMPsand their actions when cluded BMP-2, BMP-3, and BMP-7(OP-1).
implanted into receptive tissue. Most of the proteins Bovine preparations would not be suitable for hu-
were evaluated for osteogenic potential in vivo follow- man teeth. Fortunately, molecular biology techniques
ing subcutaneous implants in rats. Pulp responses to can circumvent the necessity of isolating BMPfractions
various preparations were determined in dog and pri- from human bone. Both recombinant human BMP-2
mate teeth. These activities suggest a role for these and OP-1 have been purified and characterized, 67, 68
proteins in healing bone and pulp. However, as men- and both demonstrated cartilage and bone inductive
tioned above, each probably has other functions dur- potential in ectopic sites of rats. Andfurthermore, hOP-
ing embryogenesis. For instance, BMP-4recently has 1 has been shownto elicit reparative dentin in exposed
been shown to be associated with epithelial/mesen- 69
pulps of monkeyteeth.
chymal interactions during early tooth development. The response in this study was dose dependent, a
And OP-1 mRNAis expressed mainly in the kidneys property never before attributed to a pulp agent. The
and bladder, 6 which might explain why the urinary demonstration that reparative dentin can be induced
tract epithelia implanted into muscle by Huggins biologically, and its thickness determined by dose, el-
evoked bone formation. While the developmental and evates pulp therapy to an altogether new level. Clearly,
postdevelopmental roles of these proteins have only the regenerative approach to pulp therapy has leap-
begun to be explored, their ability to promote bone frogged all other modalities.
healing is being used to advantage.61-63 Importantly for We are now entering an era when commercially
dentistry, these osteogenic proteins hold promise for available recombinant human BMPswill be available
pulp therapy. for experimentation and clinical trials. A combination
Although tightly associated with collagen of matrix, of BMPsmay be necessary to ensure maximal and pre-
the BMPsare classified as noncollagenous proteins. An dictable reparative dentinogenesis, but these are de-
attempt by Fuks et al. to use collagen alone as a dress- tails to be determinedin logical steps. Covey 7 describes
ing for pulpotomized teeth of primates was unsuccess- the scenario where groups of people can become so
ful. 64 Becausecollagen is an integral constituent of den- involved in hacking through the underbrush that they
tin and bone matrix, the investigators reasoned that it overlook which jungle they are in. This describes much

16, Number
6 407
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