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The Doctrine of Total Depravity is Devil-Doctrine.

This document supports the Humility Enabled Grace salvation doctrine.

What is the doctrine of Total Depravity?

Every person born into the world is enslaved to the service of sin as a result of their fallen nature
and, apart from the efficacious or prevenient grace of God, is utterly unable to choose to follow
God, refrain from evil, or accept the gift of salvation as it is offered (Wikipedia).
Efficacious grace (Irresistible grace) is defined as saving grace which causes the person to believe
in Jesus Christ. This is part of Calvinism. Prevenient grace is defined as a grace which enables,
but does not ensure, personal acceptance of the gift of salvation. This is part of Armenianism.

What is true about the doctrine of Total Depravity?

It is true that man cannot follow God without having first been given grace by God. It is also true
that man is in bondage to sin but not to the extent Total Depravity implies (see below).

What is untrue about the doctrine of Total Depravity?

It is untrue that grace is offered by God. Grace and salvation are not offered and they are not
accepted or rejected. Those concepts are not found in scripture. It is also untrue that man is unable
to offer any resistance to evil. Man's bondage to sin is from demonic spiritual influence and some
people struggle against this influence more than others. Man has some ability to do good, therefore,
man's depravity is not total, it is partial. To be entirely accurate, man is not depraved except when
corrupted by spiritual darkness. With less evil spirits man is less depraved.

What is the purpose of the doctrine of Total Depravity?

The doctrine of Total Depravity serves several purposes. It is used to dismiss the devil's role in
man's unrighteousness. It is used to ensure God's grace is seen as an unmerited favour rather than a
merited favour. It is also used as a building block to form doctrines of lawlessness.

Is Total Depravity a devil-doctrine?

Doctrines which blame the devil's influence on other sources, in this case, mankind, are generally
from the devil. Because Total Depravity is a key doctrine within other devil-doctrines it is likely
that it did not come about by accident. It serves the Devil's agenda so we can assume he created it.

Why did the Devil create the doctrine of Total Depravity?

Many who believe in the doctrine of Total Depravity believe salvation removes their depravity.
Other less diligent students are led to believe their supposed depraved nature continues after
salvation. These students are led to believe that efforts to obey Jesus fall short of being significant
to God and that they should therefore accept an alternative method of appeasing God's wrath:
Trusting in the supposed finished work of Christ, his blood atonement. The idea that God's grace in
an unmerited favour is an essential part of any doctrine of lawlessness and Total Depravity provides
for such doctrines.

What is the truth?

God's grace is a merited favour according to 1Peter 5;5, which reads, God resists the proud, he
gives grace to the humble. Gen 6;5-9 confirms this, it tells us that Noah found grace in the eyes of
the Lord because he was a just man. Although all have sinned (Rom 3;23) some have greater shame
after sin than others. If someone is shameless they are evil. Those who have shame after sin qualify
for grace. You cannot repent whilst proud. It is God's will that all be saved (2Tim 2;4), this means it
is God's will that all become humble enough to qualify for grace (1Peter 5;5) at which point they
can be predestined to salvation-faith. Salvation-faith is not of one's self, it is from God (Eph 2;8,
Matt 16;17). Those who have pleasure in unrighteousness are sent delusions (2Thes 2;11-12).

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