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Chapter 5

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Velocity Model Representation and Updating

Model-building techniques generally are divided recover in a complex model often will manifest
into two sequential phases: picking and inverting. itself in the nonhyperbolicity of the moveout in the
The errors and assumptions in these two phases are prestack data. In normal moveout (NMO) stacking,
quite distinct (Jones, 2003). In this chapter, we deal we assume hyperbolicity, so stacking destroys use-
primarily with the model-representation and pick- ful information in that case.
ing aspects of model building. In Chapter 6, we Prior to the 1980s, most model-building tech-
expand on picking, and in Chapter 7, we consider niques implicitly assumed the earth to be a 1D (lay-
the inversion aspects of model updating. ered) medium. The papers in this reprint volume
Picking can be performed (either manually or concern our attempts to move beyond that restrictive
using automation) on a single offset (or the stack) assumption so that geoscientists could address
or for a series of offsets in the gathers. Picking lateral velocity variation, both in the model and in
also can be performed either before or after an ini- the associated update schemes (e.g., Reshef, 1994;
tial migration. Picking can be done along horizons Tieman, 1995).
or for a scatter of discontinuous events. For beam
migration, for example, the picking of local time
dips is performed concurrently in two domains Layer-based versus gridded models
(e.g., shot and receiver). If picking is done before
migration, the picking error might be large because Models themselves also fall into two major cate-
tracking or distinguishing the various arrival gories, thereby reecting the underlying geologic
branches of diffraction hyperboloids is difcult environments: layer-based and nonlayer-based
for complex environments. (gridded) models. Examples of these representa-
Given the fact that manual picking can be tedi- tions and their associated problems can be found in
ous, various schemes have been developed for auto- van Trier (1988, 1989), Wyatt et al. (1992), Wiggins
mating this part of the process. In addition, various et al. (1993), and Yilmaz et al. (1994).
data-reduction schemes can be employed, such as In layer-based models, velocity gradients and
stacking, so that the picking need be done on only vertical-compaction gradients are bounded by sedi-
one data volume (on the zero-offset cube, for exam- mentary interfaces. There, it is sufcient to pick
ple) instead of on many nite-offset volumes. For seismic-reection events as the partitions to the
example, the trade-off associated with picking on velocity regions in the model.
stacked data constitutes a speedup in the overall Some nonlayer-based models have velocity
inversion process, but by stacking, we lose infor- regimes dominated by compaction gradients that
mation. That is, the complexity we are trying to are subparallel to the seabed in the marine case. In

398 Prestack Depth Migration and Velocity Model Building

the case of salt or shale tectonism, the scenario is we make a scatter of picks and input the resulting
complicated by the presence of these irregular cloud of values into the inversion scheme.
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bodies set within the background compaction-

gradient-driven velocity eld. For complex chalk Hybrid approaches
layers, such as those found in the North Sea, grid-
ded models also can be useful for capturing subtle The layer-based and the purely gridded are the
lateral changes in vertical velocity-compaction two extremes of model representation. However, a
gradients. In overthrust tectonic regimes such as more exible route is to adopt a hybrid approach in
those found in the Canadian Foothills and Canadian which we combine the benets of both schemes:
Rockies, the problem is complicated further by the ability of a gridded route to capture the subtle
anisotropy with a tilted axis. In that case, it can be lateral velocity variation inherent to some strata
difcult to represent the axis of anisotropy because while keeping the sharp vertical breaks occasion-
a gridded model has no inherent layering with ally present in the earth (such as at chalk and salt
which to dene surface normals. boundaries (Jones et al., 2007).
Such diverse geologic environments present dif- The initial depth-interval velocity often is built
cult challenges in model building, and they present from the time-stacking velocity VS (smoothed
challenges in the design of model-updating software and converted to depth interval velocity, assuming
because the assumptions for layer-based techniques that VRMS VS [Al-Chalabi, 1974, 1994]). The
differ signicantly from those for gridded tech- water bottom usually is picked and inserted in the
niques (for example, in a layered technique, model initial model as an explicit layer (sometimes picked
representation in the software might require the on a water-velocity ood migration, if the seabed
presence of a continuous horizon across the whole is rugose).
survey). Following this, iterative model updating is per-
In addition to how we think of the geologic formed. In some schemes, this entails several
aspects of the model, the issues of computational iterations, and in others (in which the tomography
representation of topology also exist, e.g., whether iterates internally), fewer iterations of actual
we use a tetrahedral mesh or some polynomial preSDM are performed. For the purely gridded
function to represent a surface. In this volume, we approach, each iteration of the tomographic velocity
have not dealt with these aspects because they model update could consist of the following
constitute an entire eld in themselves (see, for steps:
example, the work of the GOCAD consortium:
1) 3D preSDM on a specied grid, outputting full-
Mallet, 1992, 2002).
offset (or angle) gathers
Picking can be quite simple in a layer-based med-
2) dense continuous automatic picking of the
ium when continuous coherent reectors are visible
prestack depth-migrated seismic gathers to
because the update information simply can be picked
determine dip, coherency, and residual curvature
or autotracked along reector boundaries. The
(velocity-error) elds
situation is less evident when the velocity eld does
3) depth-domain tomographic inversion to update
not follow visible reectors. In that case, we need an
the velocity model on the basis of the residual
a priori assumption of how the velocity eld behaves.
moveout velocity and the local dip eld estimated
For example, we might need to estimate a compac-
during autopicking
tion gradient, which commences from a given depth
(usually the seabed). The compaction gradient and For the case in which we intend to perform a
the starting velocity generally vary spatially. structural update by picking a layered interface
To update a gridded velocity eld, we still need (the hybrid approach), we run a new preSDM with
to pick information associated with reectors, but the latest update of the overburden velocity model,
the understanding is that the update derived from a and then we output a 3D image that is sampled
pick is not constrained to following a horizon. Thus, sufciently for horizon picking.
Chapter 5: Velocity Model Representation and Updating 399

Density of picks and automation for complex areas, where diffraction branches from
various arrivals will be difcult to distinguish and
Regardless of the technique employed, another
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especially difcult to pick with autotrackers.

limitation has been the spatial sampling of the For data that have undergone an initial migration,
information used to perform the velocity estima- the picking will be signicantly easier. However,
tion. Until recently, prior to 2000, prestack mig- tomography often needs unmigrated times for the
rated velocity information (usually in the form of inversion; consequently, the algorithm rst might
common-reection-point [CRP] gathers) was out- need to demigrate the picks in some way. Hence,
put on a coarse grid, often 500 m 500 m. tomography based on migrated picks could be
To improve on the limitation of spatial sam- working with data that have been modied and thus
pling, automated techniques for increasing the could be in some way less accurate.
statistical reliability of the velocity information to This limitation can be reduced by incorporating
be input into the chosen velocity-update scheme the initial migration techniques within the forward-
have been introduced (Jones et al., 1997; Woodward modeling step. We would, for example, be com-
et al., 1998, Stinson et al., 2004, 2005). The auto- paring migrated data measurements with modeled
mated nature of these techniques addresses the migrated arrival times (Sexton, 1998; Hardy and
problem of unreasonably high manpower time Jeannot, 1999).
needed to pick very dense velocity grids (Jones To achieve maximum reliability in tomography,
et al., 2000). That high manpower time has limited we need dense input information, so we need to
us severely in the past in our desire to obtain dense rely on autopickers, especially for prestack data.
velocity grids (Robein et al., 2003). Much work Thus, picking on migrated data is benecial.
on autopicking of kinematic attributes has been Some techniques employ picking that is performed
conducted in recent years by Peter Hubrals group on gathers or images produced by migrating with a
at the University of Karlsrhe (e.g., Muller, 1998), suite of perturbed models and picking of the best
and their work has led to development of the member of the scan (i.e., the sharpest image or at-
common-reection-surface stack concept (Hubral test gather in the scan). The update to the model
et al., 1998). made on the basis of such picks might be tomo-
With automation, we do not in any way improve graphic or simply 1D.
on the limitations of the underlying techniques Most techniques invert to produce a velocity
(whether that be vertical update or tomography). model and in some way try to resolve the ambiguity
We merely make the best possible use of the infor- between velocity and depth (Lines, 1993). However,
mation already available, by looking at a very some techniques deal only with traveltimes and
dense sampling of information. In other words, do not explicitly produce a velocity eld for
when we estimate the velocity with many values, example, the Delphi common-focusing-point (CFP)
we improve only the precision of that estimate but method (Berkhout, 1997a (reprinted in Chapter 6);
not the accuracy. Thus, if the values coming out of Berkhout and Verschuur, 2001).
our velocity estimator were all erroneous but con-
sistently erroneous, then we would have simply a
very precise estimate of that inaccurate result. Anisotropic parameter estimation
Much interest has been shown recently in aniso-
Model updating tropic migration and the associated problem of ani-
sotropic parameter estimation (e.g., Levin, 1978;
One of the rst questions to ask is what meas- Armstrong et al., 2002). For time imaging, one
urements we are inverting against. If we are mak- additional parameter () is required (Alkhalifa, 1997).
ing picks on unmigrated data, the picking phase For depth imaging, two additional parameters (
will suffer from considerable error. This is worse and ) are required (Thomsen, 1986).
400 Prestack Depth Migration and Velocity Model Building

In Thomsens notation and for the simple case of interval values are obtained, then can be deter-
a at-lying (1D) medium, the vertical and horizon- mined for use in depth migration.
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tal velocities are related to the surface seismic For a 1D medium, Alkhalifah and Tsvankin
near-offset moveout velocity (Vnmo) by (1995) and Alkhalifah (1997) described a cumula-
tive effective anisotropy that incorporates various
Vnmo = Vv (1 + 2d ) Vv (1 + d ) (1) nonhyperbolic moveout effects:

Vh = Vv (1 + 2e ) Vv (1 + e ) (2) t j v 4j (1 + 8h j )
1 j
heff (To ) = 4
- 1 , (4)
8 T0 Vnmo

Vh = Vnmo (1 + 2h) Vnmo (1 + h) (3) where vj is the vertical interval velocity derived
from short-offset NMO velocities Vnmo using a Dix
where Vnmo is the near-offset velocity estimated inversion, tj is the two-way vertical time in the jth
from stacking velocity analysis, Vv is the vertical layer, and T0 is the total vertical time to the layer.
velocity seen in well logs (after calibration to the We must invert this equation to recover the interval
seismic band width), and Vh is the horizontal com- values of .
ponent of velocity (to which we do not usually It is also possible to incorporate inversion of
have access). these parameters into a tomography (e.g., Sexton
Alkhalifahs parameter can be related to and Williamson, 1998). By using a tomographic
Thomsens and formulation via = ( )/ solution for anisotropic parameter estimation, we
(1 + 2 ). can deal with a complex model rather than being
Unless we rst have obtained a reliable estimate limited to 1D anisotropic assumptions.
of the vertical velocity-compaction gradients, the
anisotropy parameter estimates will be in error
(Jones et al., 2002). However, assuming this has Addressing the full wavefield
been done, we usually estimate from well ties
(Reilly, 1993) and determine from higher-order Migration and model building for shear-wave
moveout estimates or during tomographic inver- and converted-wave data are still immature. Al-
sion incorporating long-offset data. No reliable though migrating a shear-wave recording inde-
inversion scheme based on surface seismic meas- pendently is relatively straightforward, we still
urements has yet been demonstrated for obtaining have the difcult problem of obtaining reliable
, although some methods have been discussed parameter estimates. Scanning techniques have
(e.g., Isaac and Lawton, 2002). A serious restric- been presented, for example, that correlate images
tion on anisotropic parameter estimation from obtained from different shooting directions to
surface seismic data in the past was the absence estimate the depth-varying ratio VP:VS. However,
of long-offset information (i.e., the maximum ac- those techniques are restricted by 2D assumptions
quired offset was usually less than the depth of (Audebert et al., 1999).
the target horizons; consequently, anisotropic A major challenge in dealing with converted-
higher-order moveout effects were not manifest wave data is identifying the same events on both
in the data). the P and S (or PS) seismic sections. Because of
In analyzing long-offset data, we actually meas- changes in their respective reectivities, horizons
ure a cumulative e, which must be inverted to of interest often are absent in one section. Thus,
yield the interval values of (analogously to rms relying on codepthing of events to constrain the
inversion to obtain interval velocity). Once the model building can be problematic. We really need
Chapter 5: Velocity Model Representation and Updating 401

to be able to identify such pairs of events to compute exible hybrid-model builder should permit use of
VP /VS over a known geologic interval. both types of representations. Perhaps the most
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Progress also has been made in the joint inver- important elements to keep in mind are that the
sion of P-wave and converted-wave velocity picks processes of picking and then of inverting those
(Herrenschmidt et al., 2001; Brown et al., 2002; picks are quite distinct.
Foss et al., 2004). However, we are still some way In the selection of papers reprinted with this
from a full vector eld migration (i.e., a single run chapter, we have not distinguished between tech-
of the migration inputting the P, Sv, and Sh measure- niques that result in layered models and those that
ments; e.g., Wapenaar et al., 1987). result in gridded models, nor have we dealt with
Moving beyond inversion of just traveltime infor- azimuthal anisotropy. However, we have separated
mation, full-waveform inversion (e.g., Pratt et al., the reprints into four categories:
2002, 2008; Sirgue et al., 2008; Warner et al., 2008)
offers promising results by addressing both the kine- 1) general considerations about velocity error and
matic and dynamic aspects of the recorded data. representation of the velocity eld
2) papers that deal primarily with getting reliable
data to pick (as opposed to concentrating on
Discussion how to invert those picks to update the velocity
Most techniques can yield an adequate starting 3) works that deal with the updating procedure
model for depth imaging. However, for an area (mostly tomographic updating)
with moderate to complex structural geology or 4) papers that deal with anisotropy in the model
an area with rapidly changing velocities, tomo- update.
graphic techniques are benecial. Tomography has
the advantage of attempting to reconcile errors
(arising both from measurements and from under- References
lying assumptions) throughout a 3D volume. A
tomographic solution also permits us to deal more Al-Chalabi, M., 1974, An analysis of stacking rms
average and interval velocities over a horizontally
readily with anisotropy parameter estimation for
layered ground: Geophysical Prospecting, 22, 458
geology that is not at. In contrast, 1D updating 475.
schemes, which are discussed in more detail in Al-Chalabi, M., 1994, Seismic velocity A critique:
Chapter 6, deal with each measurement in isolation First Break, 12, no. 12, 589596.
from all others. Alkhalifah, T., 1997, Velocity analysis using nonhyper-
Spatial resolution of the velocity is a function bolic moveout in transversely isotropic media: Geo-
of the number of rays that the inversion uses to physics, 62, 18391854.
sample each element of the subsurface. Thus, in Alkhalifah, T., and I. Tsvankin, 1995, Velocity analysis
order of increasing resolving power, we would have: for transversely isotropic media: Geophysics, 60,
the vertical Dix update, the zero-offset normal-ray 15501566.
update, two-point parametric tomographic inversion, Armstrong, T., S. Merlin, K. Hawkins, 2002, Seismic
and multioffset tomographic inversion. Naturally, anisotropy from VSP PreSDM in Pierce eld,
central North Sea: 64th Annual Conference and
increasing the spatial sampling of any of these
Exhibition, EAGE, paper B31.
techniques would improve its precision but not Audebert, F., P. Y. Granger, and A. Herrenschmidt, 1999,
its accuracy. CCP-scan technique: True common conversion point
Most available tomographic solutions can be sorting and converted-wave velocity analysis solved
formulated for either gridded or layered models. by PP-PS prestack depth migration: 69th Annual
Both layered and gridded model representations International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts,
have strengths and weaknesses, and ideally, a 11861189.
402 Prestack Depth Migration and Velocity Model Building

Berkhout, A. J., 1997, Pushing the limits of seismic Muller, T., 1998, Common reection surface stack
imaging, Part I: Prestack migration in terms of double versus NMO/stack and NMO/DMO/stack: 60th An-
dynamic focusing: Geophysics, 62, 937953. nual Conference and Exhibition, EAGE, Extended
Downloaded 07/02/14 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; see Terms of Use at

Berkhout, A. J., and D. J. Verschuur, 2001, Seismic Abstracts, Session 01-20.

imaging beyond depth migration: Geophysics, 66, Pratt, R. G., 2008, Waveform tomography Successes,
18951912. cautionary tales, and future directions: 70th Annual
Brown, G., R. Bloor, T. Gasiorowski, E. Schmidt, 2002, Conference and Exhibition, EAGE, paper W011.
Anisotropic multicomponent 3D prestack depth Pratt, R. G., F. Gao, C. Zelt, and A. Levander, 2002, A
migration: Proceedings of PESGB PETEX biennial comparison of ray-based and waveform tomography
meeting. Implications for migration: 64th Annual Conference
Foss, S.-K., B. Ursin, and M. de Hoop, 2004, Depth- and Exhibition, EAGE, Extended Abstracts, B023.
consistent P- and S-wave velocity reection tomo- Reilly, J. M., 1993, Integration of well and seismic data
graphy using PP and PS seismic data: 74th Annual for 3D velocity model building: First Break, 11, no. 6,
International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 247260.
23632366. Robein, E., I. F. Jones, and E. de Bazelaire, 2003, High-
Hardy, P., and J. P. Jeannot, 1999, 3D reection density high-resolution seismic velocity analysis:
tomography in time-migrated space: 69th Annual Where are we and for what benet?: First Break, 21,
International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, no. 1, 1214.
12871290. Sexton, P. A., 1998, 3D velocity-depth model building
Herrenschmidt, A., P.-Y. Granger, F. Audebert, C. Gerea, using surface seismic and well data: Ph.D. thesis,
G. Etienne, A. Stopin, M. Alerini, S. Lebegat, University of Durham, U. K.
G. Lambar, P. Berthet, S. Nebieridze, and J.-L. Sexton, P. A., and P. R. Williamson, 1998, 3D anisotropic
Boelle, 2001, Comparison of different strategies for velocity estimation by model-based inversion of pre-
velocity model building and imaging of PP and PS stack traveltimes: 68th Annual International Meeting,
real data: The Leading Edge, 20, 984995. SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 18551858.
Isaac, J. H., and D. C. Lawton 2002, Practical determi- Sirgue, L., J. T. Etgen, and U. Albertin, 2008, 3D fre-
nation of anisostropy P-wave parameters from sur- quency domain waveform inversion using time
face seismic data: Annual Meeting, Canadian Society domain nite difference methods: 70th Annual
of Exploration Geophysicists, Expanded Abstracts, Conference and Exhibition, EAGE, paper F022.
paper ANI-1. Stinson, K. J., W. K. Chan, E. Crase, S. Levy, M. Reshef,
Jones, I. F., 2003, A review of 3D preSDM velocity model and M. Roth, 2004, Automatic imaging: Velocity
building techniques: First Break, 21, no. 3, 4558. veracity: 66th Annual Conference and Exhibition,
Jones, I. F., F. Audebert, S. Martin, and K. Ibbotson, EAGE, Extended Abstracts, C018.
1997, Continuous 3-D preSDM velocity analysis: Stinson, K., W.-K. Chan, E. Crase, and S. Levy, 2005,
67th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Optimized determination of migration velocities:
Abstracts, 18191821. Recorder, 30, no. 8, 516.
Jones, I., N. Bernitsas, P. Farmer, J. M. Leslie, and Thomsen, L, 1986, Weak elastic anisotropy: Geophysics,
M. Bridson, 2002, Anisotropic ambiguities: 72nd 51, 19541966.
Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Ab- van Trier, J., 1988, Migration-velocity analysis using
stracts, 121124. geological constraints: 58th Annual International Meet-
Jones, I. F., M. J. Sugrue, and P. B. Hardy, 2007, Hybrid ing, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, Session S9.4.
gridded tomography: First Break, 25, no. 4, 3541. van Trier, J., 1989, Structural-velocity analysis using
Levin, F. K., 1978, The reection, refraction, and dif- migrated seismic data: 59th Annual International
fraction of waves in media with elliptical velocity Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 12251228.
dependence: Geophysics, 43, 528537. Wapenaar, C. P. A., N. A. Kinneging, and A. J. Berkhout,
Mallet, J. L., 1992, Discrete smooth interpolation in 1987, Principle of prestack migration based on the
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Press. and effective 3D waveeld tomography: 70th
Chapter 5: Velocity Model Representation and Updating 403

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F023. Continuous 3D preSDM velocity analysis: The Lead-
Woodward, M. J., P. Farmer, D. Nichols, and S. Charles, ing Edge, 19, 263269.
Downloaded 07/02/14 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; see Terms of Use at

1998, Automated 3-D tomographic velocity analysis of Lines, L., 1993, Ambiguity in analysis of velocity and
residual moveout in prestack depth migrated common depth (short note): Geophysics, 58, 596597.
image point gathers: 68th Annual International Meeting, Reshef, M., 1994, The use of 3D pre-stack depth imaging
SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 12181221. to estimate layer velocities and reector positions
Yilmaz, ., P. Farmer, A. Pieprzak, and B. Godfrey, 1994, (short note): Geophysics, 62, 206210.
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targets: A case history from the North Sea: 64th Annual counting for the effects of lateral velocity variations:
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12501252. Wiggins, W., U. Albertin, and G. Stankovic, 1993,
Building 3-D depth migration velocity models with
topological objects: 63rd Annual International Meet-
Reprints ing, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 170173.
Wyatt, K. D., S. K. Towe, J. E. Layton, S. B. Wyatt,
Hubral, P., G. Hcht, and R. Jger, 1998, An introduc- D. H. von Seggern, and C. A. Brockmeier, 1992,
tion to the common reection surface stack: 60th Ergonomics in 3D depth migration: 62nd Annual
Annual Conference and Exhibition, EAGE, Extended International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts,
Abstracts, Session 01-19. 944947.
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Chapter 5: Velocity Model Representation and Updating

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