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Red: Stephanie, blue: Serena, black: Helen

1. Before we start, we first need to borrow a coin from you. Dont worry. We will give it
back to you.
2. Then, as you can see, a tumbler. There is nothing inside and you can see it is very tough.
3. Also, we need some newspaper and it is very normal.
4. Later, we would like to make the coin pass through the table.
5. Okay, first I cover the coin with the tumbler, so that later I cant touch the coin anymore.
6. Then I use a newspaper to cover the tumbler.
7. Look carefully and see whether or not the coin is still here.
8. Alright, it is still here.
9. From the next second, you will see something incredible. Hold your breath!
10.See! The tumbler passes through the table! (I feel surprised of my power today too! I
cant image that I can do this)
11.Do you feel very curious on how we can do this?
12.Today youve got a chance to know the secret.
13. Actually, this magic is very easy.
14. It makes use of a very important technique in magic- that is to divert your attention.
15. In fact, the only thing we want to penetrate through the table is the tumbler but not
the coin. And the use of the coin is to divert your attention only.
16. First we cover the coin with the tumbler and cover it with the newspaper. We need to
press the newspaper to have the shape of the tumbler.
17. Then we would divert your attention to the coin. In order to make you concentrate to
the coin.
18. And you would ignore the tumbler. So we grab the chance and take out the tumbler
furtively by our left under the table and pretend we have the tumbler in our right hand.
19. Then we need to make a sound to make you feel the tumbler is still in our right hand.
That need our left hand to co- operate. We hold the tumbler, and knock upwards. With
our right hand pretending.
20. Later, I think we dont need to explain. Just press the empty paper and take out the
tumbler. Thats how it penetrates through the table!
21. Also, when audiences are confused because they dont understand why is the tumbler
pass through the table but not the coin. Then we can pretend we are surprised with our
power too, in order to cover the truth.
22.After seeing this explanation, do you believe that magic is just an easy thing at all?

Our performance has come to an end, thank you for watching.

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