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The Ultimate Guide To Buy Fliban 100mg

Buy Fliban 100mg is a drug developed to treat acquired and generalized hypoactive sexual
desire disorder in premenopausal women or those who have not experienced menopause.
Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder or HSDD is characterized by having low sexual desire that
causes distress or interpersonal difficulty, and is not the caused by other physical or mental
conditions, medications, or relationship problems. HSDD is acquired when it occurs despite not
having any previous problems with sexual desire. HSDD is generalized when it occurs regardless
of sexual activity, sexual partner, and situation.

Fliban contains 100mg of Flibanserin as its active ingredient. Flibanserin belongs to the drug
class called Multifunctional Serotonin Agonist Antagonist (MSAA). While the exact mechanism is
unknown, it is believed that Flibanserin regulates several brain chemicals that have an effect
on sexual desire. It balances levels of dopamine and norepinephrine which are both associated
with sexual excitement, and reduces levels of serotonin which is responsible for sexual satiety
or inhibition.
Buy Fliban 100mg is not indicated for HSDD in men and in postmenopausal women.

Common use
The main component of Fliban is flibanserin - 100 mg. Flibanserin preferentially activates 5-
HT1A receptors in the prefrontal cortex demonstrating regional selectivity, and has been found
to increase dopamine and norepinephrine levels and decrease serotonin levels in the rat
prefrontal cortex, actions that were determined to be mediated by activation of the 5-HT1A

Dosage and direction

Fliban is taken 100 mg orally once per day at bedtime in cases of hypoactive sexual desire
disorder (HSDD) treatment. The onset of the Buy Fliban 100mg effect was seen from the first
time point measured after 4 weeks of treatment and maintained throughout the treatment
period. You should stop taking Fliban after 4 weeks if there is no improvement in symptoms.
This drug is not indicated to enhance sexual performance, and is not indicated for treatment in
postmenopausal women or in men. Treatment of premenopausal women with acquired,
generalized hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) as characterized by low sexual desire
that causes marked distress or interpersonal difficulty and is not due to a co-existing medical
or psychiatric condition, problems within the relationship, or the effects of a medication or
other drug substance.


It is strongly recommended to consult your doctor or pharmacist before you start taking
flibanserin and especially emphasize if you are allergic to this drug or if you have any other
allergies. You must not drink alcohol while taking Fliban. It may cause you to have dangerously
low blood pressure. Also you should not use Fliban if you have: low blood pressure, a history of
alcoholism or drug addiction, liver disease, a history of depression or mental illness, or if you
currently drink alcohol. Some medicines can cause unwanted or dangerous effects when used
with Fliban. Your doctor may need to change your treatment plan if you use any of the
following drugs: nefazodone, ciprofloxacin, larithromycin, erythromycin, telithromycin,
fluconazole, itraconazole, ketoconazole, posaconazole, boceprevir, telaprevir, conivaptan,
diltiazem, verapamil, atazanavir, fosamprenavir, indinavir, nelfinavir, ritonavir, saquinavir.

Buy Fliban 100mg may impair your thinking or reactions. Avoid driving or operating machinery
for at least 6 hours after you take this medicine, and until you know how this medicine will
affect you. Dizziness or low blood pressure can cause falls or other accidents. It is not known
whether flibanserin will harm an unborn baby. Consult your doctor or pharmacist if you are
pregnant or planning to become pregnant. It is not known whether flibanserin passes into
breast milk or if it could harm a nursing baby. You should not breast-feed while using this


Patients allergic to the active ingredient Flibanserin, and to the inactive ingredients of the
tablet, must not use Fliban.Combination with alcohol and moderate or strong CYP3A4
inhibitors is also contraindicated. If a patient is using a CYP3A4 inhibitor, Fliban must be used
2 weeks after the last dose of CYP3A4 inhibitor. However, if a patient is using Fliban, the start
of CYP3A4 inhibitor therapy must be 2 days after the last dose of Fliban.

Fliban is contraindicated to patients with the following medical conditions:

liver impairment
low blood pressure
history of alcoholism or drug addiction
history of mental illness or depression

Side effects

Common side effects that Fliban may cause include:

Dry mouth
A physician must be notified if a patient experiences severe drowsiness, lightheadedness, or
feeling of passing out.
Emergency medical help is needed if an allergic reaction occurs. Symptoms include rash, hives,
itching, difficult breathing, swelling of face, tongue, or throat.
Talk to a healthcare professional for more information on Fliban side effects.
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