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1119-197 STANDARD SPECIFICATION AND CODE OF PRACTICE FOR WATER BOUND MACADAM (Second Revision) THE INDIAN ROADS CONGRESS 1996 iRC : 19.1977 STANDARD SPECIFICATION AND CODE OF PRACTICE FOR WATER BOUND MACADAM (Second Revision) Published by THE INDIAN ROADS CONGRESS Jamanagr House, Shabjahan Road, ‘New Delbi-110 011 1996 Price Rs. 32.00 (Plus Packing & Postage) IRC : 1941977 First Published in April, 1966 Reprinted Reprinted : February, 1970 : May, 1972 First Revision: November, 1972 Second Revision : May, 1977 Reprinted Reprinted Reprinted Reprinted September, 1982 + March, 1987 (incorporates amendment No. I & corrected Sieve sizes) : May, 1988 + August, 1996 (Rights of Publication and of Translation are reserved) Printed at Sagar Printers and Publishers, New Delhi-110003 (500 copies) ine: 19.197 STANDARD SPECIFICATION AND CODE OF PRACTICE FOR WATER BOUND MACADAM 1. INTRODUCTION Ll. This standard was originally published in 1965. The revised standard was considered and approved by the Specifications and Standards Committee in their mecting held on the 29th & 30th September, 1972 and by the Executive Committee in their meeting held at Gandhinagar on the 25th November, 1972. Later, it was approved for publication as the finalised standard by the Council in hele 79th meeting also held at Gandhinagar on the 25th November, 1.2, Following the decision of the IRC Council at its meeting held on the 28th August 1976, the tolerances of surface evenness have been revised on the basis of IRC Special Publication 16 “Sur- face Evenness of Highway Pavements”. 1.3. The Standard is intended to indicate what is consi- dered “to be a good practice for the construction of water bound macadam and surface treated water bound macadam. 2. DESCRIPTION 2.1, Water bound macadam shall consist of clean crushed coarse “aggregates mechanically interlocked by rolling, and voids thereof filled with screening and binding material with the assistance of water, laid on a prepared subgrade, sub-base, base or existing pavement as the case may be. Water bound macadam may be used as a sub-base, base course or surfacing course. In each cate, it shall be constructed in accordance with the specifications. given below and in conformity with the lines, grades and cross-sections shown on the drawings or as otherwise directed, 3, MATERIALS 3.1. Coarse Aggregates—General Requirements 3.l.1, Coarse aggregates. shall be either crushed or broken stone, crushed slag, overburnt brick metal or naturally occurring fuuregntes such as kankar of laterite of requisite quality a stated ‘hereinafter. ‘The aggregates shall conform to the physical requi ments set forth in Table 1. 3.1.2. Crushed or broken stone: Crushed or broken stone shall be hard, durable and generally free from. flat, elongated, soft IRC: 1941977 and disintegrated particles. It shall also not have excess of dirt or other objectionable matter, ‘Tans 1, PAYsicaL Requinewenrs oF Coanse AGGREOATES FoR /aTER BOUND MAcADAM . Test Test Requirement No. sotibod . Sub-base Los Angeles 18 : 2386 Max. 60% : Abaaloe art) Ageregate 1S : 2386 Max. 50% inet (Part 1¥) oe 15 25640 course (@) Los Angeles 1S 2386 Max. 50% > © emia bat) inour Value surfacting oF : i. Asereeate 15: 2386 ax, frmpact Valuer (Part) 1g? gore (©) Flakiness Max. 15% facies 3. Surfacing () Los Angeles 15 2346 Max. 40% ‘Course " Abrasion (Part IV) Ageremie 18: 2385 Max. 30% {impact Veluet (Part 1V) 132 So4ane 132306, Max, 15% (art) Notes: Aggregates may satisfy the requirements of cither the Los Angeles test or Aggregate Impact Valus Test, ** Aggregates like brick metal, kankar and laterite which get softened iniprerence of water, should invariably. be tested for impact value Unger vet conditions in accordance witb 18:36 The requirement of Flakiness Index shall be enforced only inthe ‘ase of erushedforoken stone and crushed shag. amples for tests shall be representative of the materials to be et an’ coleted fn aearduace wis the posed toh iSs2480- 2 IRC: 19.1977 1.3. Crushed slag: Crushed ‘slag shall be manufactured from air-cooled blast furnace slag. It shall be of angular shape, reasonably uniform in quality and density, and generally free from any thin, elongated and soft pieces, dirt or other objectionable matter, | Crushed slag shall not weigh less than 1130 kg per m? and the percentage of glassy material in it shall not be in excess 0f 20. | Water absorption [IS : 2386 (Part TII)] of slag shall not exceed 10 per cent, 3.1.4. Overburnt brick metal: Brick metal shall be made out of overburnt bricks or brick bats and be free from dust and other foreign matter. Kankar shall be tough having a blue almost opalescent fracture, It shall not contain any clay in the cavities between nodules, 3.1.6, Laterite: Laterite shall be hard, compact, heavy and of dark colour. Light coloured sandy laterites as also those com: taining a good bit of ochreous clay shall not be utilised, 3.2, Coarse Aggrogates—Size and Grading Requitements 3.2.1. As far as possible, coarse aggregates. shall conform to ‘one of the gradings given in Table 2. Grading I is more suitable for sub-base courses, but it is not tenable fora compacted layer thickness of less than 90 mm, 3.2.2. The size of aggregates to be used in a given case would depend on the type of aggregates available and compacted thickness of the layer. The use of grading I shall, however, ‘be restricted to sub-base courses only. 3.2.3. For crushable type aggregates like brick metal, kankar and laterite, the gradings given in Table 2 are not so relevant and need not be strictly enforced but the material should. generally be Within the size range indicated, IRC :19.1977 ‘Tamus 2. Siz AND Grapino RequineMeNs of Co ‘Acoreaates ror WBM. IRC: 19-1977 ‘Tanta 3, Grapino Requineuenrs oF Scasewinios vor Water Bouno Macaban Gras Size range Sieve Per coat by weight No. designation passing the sieve 37480) ; $0 mm 1045 mm 125 mm 100 om 90 mm 90—100 Sam 35-00 ‘Sam o=15 2d min oc 2 rom to 45 mm $0 mm - 8mm Sam Sam nan mm 0 224mm gam 100 : ee 3mm 95—100 43mm So asam = ii2am os 3.3. Screenings 3.3.1, Screenings to fll voids in the coarse aggregates shall generally be of the same material as the coarse aggregates. How- ever, from economic considerations, predominantly non-plastic material such as kankar nodules, moorum or gravel (other than river-borne rounded aggregate) may also be utilised for this pur- pose provided that the liquid limit and plasticity index of such material js below 20 and 6 respectively and the fraction passing 75 micron sieve does not exceed 10 per cent. 3.3.2, As faras possible, screenings shall conform to the gradings shown in Table 3. Screenings oftype A in Table 3 shall be Used in conjunction with coarse aggregates of grading 1 in Table 2, and of type B with coarse aggregates of grading 3. With coarse aggregates of grading 2, either type A or type B screenings may be used. For screenings like moorum and gravel, the gradings given in Table 3 shall not be regarded as binding. 3.3.3. The use of screenings may be dispensed with in the case of crushable type coarse aggregates such as brick metal, kankar and laterite. 4 = = SEE = a : os HS te . ee WE aM item Se 3.4, Binding Material 3.4.1. Binding material to prevent ravelling of water bound macadam shall consist ofa fine grained material’ passing 100. per cent through 425 micron sieve and possessing Ful. value of 49 When the WBM is to be used as a surfacing ‘course, and upto 6 when the WBM is being adopted as a sub-base/base course with bituminous surfacing. If limestone formations are available nearby, limestone dust or kankar nodules may be usefully employed for this purpose, 3.4.2. Application of binding material may not be necessary where the screenings consist of crushable type material like moo. rum or gravel. However, for WBM used’ asa surfacing course, where the P.I. of crushable type screenings is less than 4, “applica: tion ofa small amount of binding material having P.I. of 4—9 would be required at the top. The quantity of screenings could be reduced slightly on this account. 3.5. Quantities of Material 1. Approximate quantities of coarse aggregate and screenings required for 100 tam compacted thickness of WBM sub- base course are shown in Table 4, "Likewise, rough quantities of materials for WBM base or surfacing course for 4 compacted thickness of 75 mm are given in Table % 3.5.2, The quantity of binding material where it is to be used (ee para 3.4.) will depend on the type of screenings and function of WBM. Generally, the quantity required for 75 mm compacted thickness will be 0.06—0.09 m8/10m? in the case of WBM 5 1RC : 19.1977 ‘Taour 4, Aprnoxiate QuANTITIES OF COARSE AGREGATES AND ‘Scneewinos Requineo ror 100 mm ComracteD ‘Taicentss or WBM Sus-sase Course ron 10 ta? Coarse Aggregates ‘Screenings Classi. Size Loose Crashable type such fication range quantity | Stone sereenlags | ai'moorum or gravel Grading) Loose | Grading/ Loose classifea- quantity | classifea- quantity ‘ton de tion & ‘size ‘ze 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 Grd- 9010 12it0 TypeA O27t Not 03010 ing 45mm_143m' 32mm 030m" uniform 0.32 mt asia 5. AFFnOxIbATs Quanriiteo” COARSE AGGKEOATES AND Tana. gepeninos Raguinsa Yok 18 mn Cosbucran Tac fats or WAM Bast Counse/Sunracina Counge Ton 10 m* Screenings Clasi- Size Loose Crushable type fication range quantity Stone screenings sch af mooram Grating) For For inst: WBM © WBM gion base sure @to OSit0, TypeA Dizi 010% Not ing? 45mm 107m? 132mm 015m? 012m" uniform 0, do- do» -do-— Type BB 02010 Ol6t0, -do--do- 12mm 022m 018 mt Grg- S310 dodo Bt OS to, do doe fags 2.4mm 021m 017m ~~ s Quantities ia col. 6 aro 80 per cent of those fo col. Sava larger quantity of ‘lading material will need (o Be used when the WBM is to act at x surfaciog courte (see para 3.5.2.) ‘See para 3.42, Rc: 19-197 sub-base/base course and 0.10-0.15 m8/10 m? when the WBM is to fonction as a surfacing course. For 100 mm thickness, the quantity needed respectively will be 0.08—0.10 m8/10 m? and 0.12—0.16 mi] 10 me, 3.5.3. The above mentioned quantities should be taken as a guide only, for estimation of quantities for construction etc. 4. CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE 4.1. Preparation of Foundation for Receivn the WEM Course . 4.1.1. The subgrade, sub-base or base to receive the water bound macadam course shall be prepared to the requited grade and camber and cleaned of all dust, dirt and other extraneous matter. Any ruts or soft yielding places that have appeared due to improper drainage, service under traffic or other reasons. shall be corrected and rolled until firm. 4.1.2, Where the water bound macadam is to be laid on an existing unsurfaced road, the surface shall be scarified and re- shaped to the required grade and camber as necessary. Weak places shall be strengthened, corrugations removed and depressions and potholes made good ‘with suitable material before spreading the coarse aggregates for WBM. 4.1.3, Where the existing road surface is black-topped, 50 mm x 50mm furrows shall be cut in the existing surface at 1 metre intervals at 45 degree to the centre line of the carriageway before proceeding with the laying of coarse aggregates. 4.1.4. In all cases, the foundation shall be kept well-drained during the construction operations. 4.2, Provision of Lateral Confinement of Aggregates 4.2.1. Before starting with WBM construction, necessary arrangements shall be made for the lateral confinement of aggregar tes. One method is to construct side shoulders in advance to a thickness corresponding to the compacted layer of the WBM course. After shoulders are ready, their inside edges may be trimmed vertical and the included’ area cleaned of all spilled material thereby setting the stage for spread of coarse aggregates, The practice of constructing WBM in a trench section excavated in the finished formation must be completely avoided. 7 IRC: 194197 4.3. Spreading Coarse Aggregates 421. Ta sore epee spinon ene gRESENC a een xtra an ieee ob nd gr Ea bay ret, onthe area ners Berend "Tieegteatiee gi, comes oy og ine ptt ne fen wee pe read the aagreneereved, mechanical devices. shall be used fo they ‘manipulation by bang oe $0 a8 to minimise the need for ates of grading No. I in Table-2, the compactes yar depth blocks Re gee, t2 100 mm. Bach Inyer shall be texted ey No segregation of large or fine particles shell bo allowed; the coarse aegis tri mh ao poke ae Maen tall be of aform ball normally not be spread i work ahead of the rolling 44. Rolling 44. After the layin ing of co compacted to full width by roll compac olling with either three wheel pow Faller of 6 to 10 tonnes capacity or an equivaloat wise es oe The weight of the re al ee ‘oller shall depend on the type of the coarse ‘aggregates, these shall be 4.4.2. The rolling shall be, sin, from edges wit , forward and backward until the edge have been fous cages thoroughly is no longer vi required. IRC : 19497 4.4.3, On superelevated postions of the road, rolling shall commence from the lower edge and progress gradually towards the upper edge of the pavement. 4.4.4, Rolling shall not be done when the subgrade is soft or yielding nor when if causes a wave-like motion in the base course or subgrade, If irregularities develop during rolling which exceed 12 mm when tested with a 3-metre straight edge, the surface shall be loosened and aggregates added or removed as required before rolling again so as to achieve an uniform surface conforming to the desired cross section and grade. The surface shall also be checked transversely by template for camber, and any irregularities correc- ted in the manner described above. ‘In no case shall the use of screenings to make up depressions be permitted. 4.5. Application of Sereenings 4.5.1. After coarse aggregates have been rolled as per para 44, sereenings to fill the interstices shall be applied gradually over the surface. Dry rolling shall be done when the screenings are being spread so that the jarring effect of roller causes them to settle into the voids of the coarse aggregates. The screenings sball not be dumped in piles but applied uniformly in successive thin layers either by the spreading motion of hand shovels, mechanical spreaders, or directly from trucks. Trucks plying over the base course to spread screenings shall be equipped. with pneumatic tyres and so operated as not to disturb the coarse aggregates. 4.52, The sereenings shall be applied at slow rate in three or more applications as necessary. This shall be accompanied by rolling or brooming. Either mechanical brooms/hand brooms or both may be used. In no case shall the screenings be applied so fast and thick as to form cakes or ridges on the surface making the filling of voids difficult or preventing the direct beating of roller on the coarse aggregates. The spreading, rolling and booming of sereenings shall be taken up on sections which can be completed within one day's operation. Damp and wet screenings shall not be used in any circumstances. 4.6. Sprinkling and Grouting 4.6.1. After application of screenings, the surface shall be copiously sprinkled with water, swept and. rolled. Hand brooms shall be used to sweep the wet screenings into the voids, and to distribute them evenly. The sprinkling, sweeping and rolling operations shall be continued and additional screenings applied where necessary until the coarse aggregates are well-bonded and 9 IRC: 19.1977 firmly set and a grout ofsereeni out of screenings and water forms ahead of doce aa he roller. Care shall be taken that he Bat secur does ‘not get damaged due to addition i Water during the coe yas, {© Addition of excessive quantiee af 4.7. Application of Binding Material layers. the surface shall be copi After final compaction of the course, the course, the road shall be filled i ace Next morni 1g, hungry Spots Shall erat with, sereenings or binding materch tae Pigott tal mused Mecesary, and flled. "No trae shel Be aioe a ih 4.82, In the caso of water bound macadam bare cou ad he Gags bteminowssurtacing, the later shell bc Ba fe te ourse is completely diy and te afer W completely diy and before allowing omy 4.9. Plying of Construction Traite In i¢ WBM course Provided vehicles Ove rer it Bogner Cry sas fae copmaton Hower 5. SURFACE EVENNESS OF WBM COURSE Fegiurface evenness of completed WBM course in 5. longitudinal and transverse divectic i indleated in seg transverse directions shail be withis we tolerances 10 IRC: 19.1977 TaDte 6, PeRMurreD ToLimances oF SURFACE EVENNESS FOR WBM Counses Sova eeee st. Longitudinal profile measured Coss profle No. 3 dmetre straightedge Max, permisibie Maximum num- Max. permissible wnlnioa'" erofunddan” vane om ied prods der acamber metre length, template exeeedlg mm Rem 10mm mm 1. 90-45 mm 3 2 2 63645 mm n So 8 or 33-224 mm Se 5.2. The longitudinal profile shall be checked with a 3 metre Jong straight edge at the middle of each traffic lane along a. line parallel to the centre line of the road. The transverse profile shall be checked with a series of three camber boards at intervals of 10 metre, For detailed guidance in this respect, reference may be made to IRC Special Publication 11 “Handbook of Quality Control for Construction of Roads and Runways" (Second Revision). 6. RECTIFICATION OF DEFECTIVE CONSTRUCTION 6.1. Where the surface irregularity of the WBM courses exceeds the tolerances given in Table 6 or where the course otherwise defective due to subgrade soil mixing with the aggre fates the layer to its full thickness shall be Scared. ove the affected area, reshaped with added material, or removed. and replaced with fresh material as applicable, and secompacted in accordance with para 4. The area treated in ‘the aforesaid manner shall not be less than 10 m?. In no case shall depressions be filled up with screenings or binding material 7, CONSTRUCTION OF WaM OVER NARROW WIDTHS 7.1. Where the WBM course is to be constructed in narrow widths for widening an existing pavement, the following sequence of operations should be adopted : (@ The existing shoulders should be excavated to theit full uN €l *p eaed 0 29uxp10098 UI asineo Wa AOU yOnANsUED O1 paEn aq doya Tyee eane8osBie poBeates 70 uueab ago pay 340 01 J1ed 2c. ong Aven) sevdortde 2s} o Aven wage im pox sive orton podeates out Soquue pu oped sodord Binsua on se oF sods yBiy 1, urede pages ag [legs 1ustIoKe Dosod au snouts tzeco agen ay sen of Buotay 2) fanzoq_ 03 poxowos (eusyeu Bono: ogy pue WW s{-O6 Jo wRdaP ® on pagueat oq [eye sonjins Bupsta ayy Teaouoy seg Cs suonesado Surpuyig 20 Sumgored yar Ayer -ouoos pean oq souu¥s yoy Uelssaidep pus Sajouod Jo Uo}ny WAM JO Sure] om um SuIpsoo0xd si0j9q (11) “on| o$8q-qns ayy ord, [uo perowas oq plnoys oues 2p ate yong UF suoreiado nus ut Buysn aseq-qns t10s-pastiqeys v Jo SutKe] aBustaus suonvogtonds dura 2m Suaqa adooxe yaaa] apesBqns am oxdn waprm pae midap ust-st: our

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