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Mock Law Aptitude Exam

Free LAE Review, November 10, 2012

A Project of the Alpha Phi Beta Fraternity and the University Student Council
Together with UP-Paralegal Society

(20 Minutes)
Encircle the letter of the best answer

Word Analogies

1. quixotic : pragmatic ::
murky : ______
a. rapid
b. cloudy
c. clear
d. friendly

2. myopic : farsighted ::
______ : obscure
a. benevolent
b. famous
c. turgid
d. wasted

3. Argentina : Brazil ::
______ : Iran
a. Canada
b. Iraq
c. Ireland
d. Mexico

4. bivouac : ______ ::
axis : alliance
a. diplomacy
b. sergeant
c. soldier
d. camp

5. development : sprawl ::
famine : ______
a. malnutrition
b. crawl
c. urban
d. obesity

6. ______ : navigation ::
abacus : calculation
a. circumference
b. automation
c. sextant
d. hydration

7. probity : ______ ::
probability : likelihood
a. honesty
b. prohibition
c. inquisition
d. eventuality

Sentence Completion

8. Homeless people often lead a(n) ______ lifestyle because they repeatedly get uprooted from
the streets and alleys where they live.
a. aristocratic
b. platonic
c. analytic
d. nomadic
e. ballistic

9. The new evidence convinced the District Attorney to overturn Martins conviction and ______
a. appropriate
b. truncate
c. elucidate
d. exonerate
e. protract

10. Peter displayed an air of ______ when the officer asked him if he knew the speed limit.
a. omniscience
b. obstinacy
c. nescience
d. obstetrics
e. platitude

11. Since she had not exercised in five years, Margarita attempt to jog five miles on her first
day of cardio-training was a little ______.
a. pessimistic
b. irrelevant
c. trivial
d. quixotic
e. relieved

12. Even though he hated to work holidays and weekends, Trevor hoped that his paycheck
would serve as ______ for the time spent
away from his family.
a. metamorphism
b. restitution
c. enunciation
d. proclamation
e. kismet

13. The chemistry professor believed her students could do better on their exams by searching
for their own answers, and encouraged the class to apply the ______ method to prepare.
a. punctilious
b. nonconformist
c. salubrious
d. heuristic
e. determinate

14. A decade after the ______, the members of the tribe began to drift home again, hoping to
rebuild the community they had fled during
the war.
a. kowtow
b. redaction
c. cloister
d. diaspora
e. chimera

15. The cult leaders ______ obeyed his every instruction.
a. predecessors
b. sycophants
c. narcissists
d. panderers
e. elocutionists

Read the following sentences carefully. Decide which word best describes what is being
said and circle the letter of the correct answer.

16. Jack pleaded, Can I go on the rollercoaster one more time, Mom? Please? I really, really
want to. Pretty please? Ill do extra chores this week. Please?
This little boy is
a. gainsaying his mother.
b. importuning his mother.
c. disparaging his mother.
d. censuring his mother.

17. Come on, Mom! Youre not being fair! Why cant I stay out until midnight just like my
friends? Im old enough, stated Marissa emphatically.
This teenager is
a. remonstrating her mother.
b. importuning her mother.
c. gainsaying her mother.
d. being sententious.

18. The cranky old coach yelled, You call that a pitch? Ive seen rookies with better aim.
This remark is
a. derisive.
b. sententious.
c. voluble.
d. effusive.

19. Well, son, Ive got news for you: You win some, you lose some. Besides, its not whether
you win or lose that counts. Its how you play the game, my old-fashioned dad said.
This remark is
a. sententious.
b. sardonic.
c. eloquent.
d. derisive.

20. No, thats not how it happened, the honor student said. Julianna is lying. Winston didnt

steal her idea; she took it from him.
This speaker is
a. censuring.
b. disparaging.
c. gainsaying.
d. mincing.

For numbers 2128, read the sentences or questions below carefully.

Decide which answer best describes the vocabulary word or answers the question in the

21. A person who studies semantics studies

a. the history of language.
b. the meaning and interpretation of words and symbols.
c. extinct languages.
d. the use of symbols to solve mathematical problems.

22. The penultimate chapter in a book is

a. the first chapter.
b. the middle chapter.
c. the second to last chapter.
d. the last chapter.

23. The denouement of a movie would most likely occur

a. in the first five minutes.
b. in the middle of the film.
c. in the last ten minutes.
d. in advertisements.

24. Which of the following is a supplicant?

a. an employee asking for a raise
b. a prisoner of war begging for mercy
c. a person applying for a job
d. a supplier of goods or services

25. A person who is under the auspices of someone else is

a. estranged from the other person.
b. a close family member.
c. beyond that persons comprehension.
d. being protected or supported by that person.

26. In which case is the assistant the de facto boss?

a. when the assistant is the one who makes all of the decisions
b. when the assistant has been promoted to the bosss position
c. when the assistant has so much work that he or she has to hire
his or her own assistant
d. when the assistant starts his or her own company

27. A schism between two people is a(n)

a. agreement.
b. argument.
c. closeness because of many shared beliefs.
d. separation because of a difference of opinion.

28. Which of the following would be considered elite in the military?

a. a foot soldier
b. an army medic
c. a Green Beret
d. a platoon leader

Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been
omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered words or set of words. Choose the word or set of
words that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

29. The selection committee for the exhibit was amazed to see such fine work done
by a mere ---,
a. connoisseur
b. artist
c. amateur
d. entrepreneur
e. exhibitionist

30. Known for his commitment to numerous worthy causes, the philanthropist deserved --- for
his ---,
a. recognitionfolly
b. blamehypocrisy
c. rewardmodesty
d. admonishmentwastefulness
e. creditaltruism

31. When such --- remarks are circulated, we can only blame and despise those who produce

a. adulatory
b. chance
c. rhetorical
d. redundant
e. reprehensible

32. Many educators argue that a --- grouping of students would improve instruction because it
would limit the range of student abilities in the classroom.
a. heterogeneous
b. systematic
c. homogenous
d. sporadic
e. fragmentary

33. Unlike W.E. B Dubois, who was --- of the vocational emphasis in black education, Booker
T. Washington favored --- the limited funds available for educating blacks to programs that
prepared people for practical jobs.
a. criticalrestricting
b. awareconfining
c. suspiciousdenying
d. protectiveallotting
e. appreciativeallocating

34. This well-documented history is of importance because it carefully --- the ---
accomplishments of Indian artist who are all too little known to the public at large.
a. recognizesnegligible
b. overlookspurported
c. scrutinizesillusory
d. distortsnoteworthy
e. substantiatesconsiderable

35. The police feel that the --- shown by the judges to first offenders unfortunately --- many
youngsters to embark on a life of crime.
a. understandingcondemns
b. clemencyencourages
c. harshnesspredisposes
d. indifferencedirects
e. intoleranceinduces

(45 Minutes)
Reading Comprehension


Encircle the letter of the best answer

Critical reading is a demanding process. To read critically, you must slow down your reading
and, with pencil in hand, perform specific operations on the text. Mark up the text with your
reactions, conclusions, and questions. When you read, become an active participant.

1. This paragraph best supports the statement that

a. critical reading is a slow, dull, but essential process.
b. the best critical reading happens at critical times in a persons life.
c. readers should get in the habit of questioning the truth of what they read.
d. critical reading requires thoughtful and careful attention.
e. critical reading should take place at the same time each day.

For the following question, choose the topic sentence that best fits the paragraph.

2. It weighs less than three pounds and is hardly more interesting to look at than an overly ripe
cauliflower. It has created poetry and music, planned and executed horrific wars, and devised
intricate scientific theories. It thinks and dreams, plots and schemes, and easily holds more
information than all the libraries on Earth.
a. The human brain is made of gelatinous matter and contains no nerve endings.
b. The science of neurology has found a way to map the most important areas of the human
c. Nevertheless, the human brain is the most mysterious and complex object on Earth.
d. However, scientists say that each person uses only 10% of his or her brain over the course of
a lifetime!

For the following questions, a topic sentence is given. Try choosing the sentence that best
develops or supports it.

3. The Greek ideal of the hero most closely resembles todays free-agent superstar.
a. A superstar is an athlete who commands a great salary based on his individual skills.
b. The Greek warriors focus was on grasping at immortality, and he did this by ensuring that his
name would live on, long after he died.
c. The Greek hero valued self-interest above loyalty to a cause, his king, or to his army, just as
the free-agent superstar values his contract salary above any special team, coach, or the game.
d. The Greek hero was impressive in his performance on the battlefield as well as in the sports

For the following questions, choose the sentence that does not support the given topic

4. In ancient Greece, honor was not just the domain of the warrior.
a. A great orator [speaker], who could sway the public with his logic and wit, was greatly
b. A revered poets name lived on long after he died.
c. Great wealth was characteristic of the truly great kings.
d. A warriors quest for the esteem of his peers would bring him great prizes, which would
secure a long-lasting reputation.

5. In Moby Dick, Herman Melville wrote that the whale men were enveloped in whale lines, that
each man relied on the others during moments of danger.
a. The small boats that pursued the whales left the whaling ship far behind; each man in a boat
had to depend on the others to stay alive.
b. Once the whale was harpooned, the whale line unraveled so fast that water had to be poured
on it to keep it from smoking.
c. The whale line was the rope, dozens of yards long, that attached to the harpoon; it was
raveled under the seats of all the men metaphorically connecting each man to the next.
d. One wrong move and the line would snap a man right out of the boat; thus, his life depended
on whether the crew would cut the whale loose to save him, or leave him in the ocean during
the heat of the hunt.

Litigation is not always the only or best way to resolve conflicts. Mediation offers an
alternative approach and it is one that can be quite efficient and successful. Mediation can be
faster, less expensive, and can lead to creative solutions not always possible in a court of law.
Additionally, mediation focuses on mutually acceptable solutions, rather than on winning or

6. This paragraph best supports the idea that

a. there is too much reliance on litigation in our society.
b. litigation is expensive, slow, and limited by its reliance on following
the letter of the law.
c. mediation is the best way to resolve a crisis.
d. mediation can be an effective way to resolve conflicts.

The competitive civil-service system is designed to give candidates fair and equal treatment and
to ensure that federal applicants are hired based on objective criteria. Hiring has to be based
solely on a candidates knowledge, skills, and abilities (which youll sometimes see abbreviated
as ksa), and not on external factors such as race, religion, sex, and so on. Whereas employers
in the private sector can hire employees for subjective reasons, federal employers must be able
to justify their decision with objective evidence that the candidate is qualified.

7. The paragraph best supports the statement that

a. hiring in the private sector is inherently unfair.

b. ksa is not as important as test scores to federal employers.
c. federal hiring practices are simpler than those employed by the
private sector.
d. the civil service strives to hire on the basis of a candidates

The first murder ever committed in the United States occurred in September 1630,
shortly after the Pilgrims arrived in Massachusetts. John Billington was the father of two sons,
one of the first to settle in the new Plymouth Colony near what is today Boston, and one of the
people who signed the Mayflower Compactand he was also the colonys first murderer.
Billington, in fact, was the first person to commit any crime in the colony, as far as we
know today. He was also the first to be executed by the state in the New World. Billingtons
crime was to shoot a man named John Newcomen, for reasons which are lost to history.But
Billingtons problems had not begun on the soil of North America. He and his sons had nearly
caused a mutiny aboard the Mayflower during the arduous trip across the ocean. One of his
sons, in fact, fired his gun aboard the Mayflowernear an open keg of gunpowder! The flash
from the gun could easily have ignited the powder, which would probably have sunk the ship.
Once in Plymouth Colony, Billingtons behavior did not improve. He refused to serve any
form of military duty under the leadership of Miles Standish, a duty that was seen by the
colonists as part of every mans responsibilities in the New World. He was later implicated in a
plot to overthrow the entire leadership of Plymouth Colony, but a lack of evidence prompted the
towns leaders to let him go free. In the end, Billingtons rebellious and angry nature caught up
with him. He was found guilty of the murder of John Newcomen,
and died in disgrace on the gallows.

8. Based on the information in the passage, which of the following best describes John
a. quiet and shy
b. angry and rebellious
c. clever and amusing
d. bold and patriotic

9. Which of the following is NOT true of John Billington, according to the passage?
a. He had two sons.
b. He served in the military under Miles Standish.
c. He tried to lead a mutiny.
d. He attempted to overthrow the government.

10. The nearest meaning of the underlined word arduous, as used in the passage, is
a. difficult.

b. simple.
c. long.
d. stormy.

11. Why didnt the leaders of Plymouth Colony punish Billington for rebelling against their
a. He was not guilty.
b. Billington was Miles Standishs nephew.
c. He had two sons who needed him.
d. They didnt have enough evidence.

12. A good title for this passage would be

a. A History of Plymouth Colony.
b. The Injustices of Miles Standish.
c. Americas First Murderer.
d. Early American Legal Battles.

Breathes there the man with soul so dead,
Who never to himself hath said,
This is my own, my native land!
Whose heart hath neer within him burned
As home his footsteps he hath turned
From wandering on a foreign strand?
If such there breathe, go, mark him well;
For him no Minstrel raptures swell;
High though his titles, proud his name,
Boundless his wealth as wish can claim;
Despite those titles, power, and pelf,
The wretch, concentred all in self,
Living, shall forfeit fair renown,
And, doubly dying, shall go down
To the vile dust from whence he sprung,
Unwept, unhonored, and unsung.

13. What is the most likely meaning of the underlined word pelf, as
used in this poem?
a. power
b. wealth
c. stealth
d. health

14. What is the poets main idea in this poem?

a. Those who become rich must hate their country.

b. Traveling abroad helps a person appreciate home.
c. Those who do not love their country will not be honored.
d. Patriotism is the last refuge for scoundrels.

15. What does the poem mean that such people will be doubly dying (three lines from the
a. They will not die alone.
b. They will die physically and also be forgotten.
c. Their death will be painful.
d. They will die, then rise again.

16. What does the underlined word concentred most likely mean?
a. swirling or curved
b. arrogant, proud
c. focused on, concerned with
d. looking upward

17. One can infer from this poem that Sir Walter Scott
a. loved his homeland.
b. was from Great Britain.
c. hated war.
d. spoke many languages.

This next poem is by William Shakespeare.

The Seven Ages of Man

All the worlds a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts.
His acts being seven ages. At first the infant,
Mewling . . . in the nurses arms.
And then the whining schoolboy, with his satchel
And shining morning face . . . And then the lover,
Sighing like a furnace . . . Then a soldier
Full of strange oaths . . . Jealous of honor,
Sudden and quick in quarrel . . . And then the
justice . . .
Full of wise saws and modern instances;
And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts
Into the lean and slippered pantaloon.
With spectacles on nose and pouch on side.
. . . and his big manly voice, Turning again toward
Childish treble, pipes and whistles in his sound.

Last scene of all,
That ends this strange eventful history,
Is second childishness, and mere oblivion,
Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.

18. What attitude does the speaker reveal by using the word merely in the second line?
a. sorrow
b. anger
c. amusement
d. indifference

19. What characterizes the period of life represented by the soldier?

a. brash behavior
b. his sense of honor
c. his dedication to duty
d. his fear of cowardice

20. What is the main idea of this poem?

a. Life is a misery that never gets any better at any time.
b. Life is what each of us makes of it during our journey down the river of eternity.
c. Life is a play and it follows a specific script, none of which should cause anguish or sorrow.
d. Life is a comedy, and we are all buffoons in pantaloons no matter what we do.

21. What is the theme of the poem?

a. Death is to be feared.
b. Life is a circle that brings us back to the beginning.
c. The male of the species is the only true measure of the stages of life.
d. The stages of life are unrelated and can be altered by each individuals free will.

22. The poet uses the words merely (line 2) and mere (line 20)
a. to soften the effect of the strong images he presents to us in those lines.
b. to tie together his theme of the cycle of life.
c. convey his tone to the reader.
d. all of the above.

Plato, the famous Greek philosopher, taught that the things of the world around us are
merely copies or shadows of greater, eternal realities. He used a metaphor of people living
inside a cave to convey his ideas. The people inside the cave could not see the world outside
the cave, they could only see shadows of people and animals as they passed by. Plato was
suggesting that the shadows would seem very real and alive to the people inside the cave,
because that was all they had ever seen of the outside world. But these shadows were not the
real, living creatures of the outside world, they were merely reflections of them. Platos point
was that this temporal world is a ______________of some greater, eternal reality.

23. The word that would most accurately fit the blank at the end of
the second paragraph is
a. picture.
b. contradiction.
c. corruption.
d. reversal.

24. The underlined word convey, as used in this passage, most accurately
a. give birth to.
b. rationalize.
c. experiment.
d. explain.

25. What is the main idea of Platos cave analogy?

a. This world is not all there is.
b. Mankind cannot hope to see the truth.
c. Humans are stupid.
d. Real things cast shadows.

26. The authors purpose in this passage is to

a. refute Platos philosophy.
b. explain Platos philosophy.
c. convince the reader that life is like a cave.
d. entertain the reader.

27. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?
a. Life in a Cave.
b. Making Shadow Puppets.
c. Platos Cave Analogy.
d. Is There Life After Death?

28. The underlined word temporal, as used in the passage, most nearly
a. hot.
b. right-handed.
c. old-fashioned.
d. temporary.

The human body can tolerate only a small range of temperature, especially when the
person is engaged in vigorous activity. Heat reactions usually occur when large amounts of
water and/or salt are lost through excessive sweating following strenuous exercise. When the
body becomes overheated and cannot eliminate this excess heat, heat exhaustion and heat

stroke are possible.
Heat exhaustion is generally characterized by clammy skin, fatigue, nausea, dizziness,
profuse perspiration, and sometimes fainting, resulting from an inadequate intake of water and
the loss of fluids.First aid treatment for this condition includes having the victim lie down, raising
the feet 8 to 12 inches, applying cool, wet cloths to the skin, and giving the victim sips of salt
water (1 teaspoon per glass, half a glass every 15 minutes) over a 1-hour period. Heat stroke is
much more serious; it is an immediate life-threatening situation. The characteristics of heat
stroke are a high body temperature (which may reach 106 F or more); a rapid pulse; hot, dry
skin; and a blocked sweating mechanism. Victims of this condition may be unconscious, and
first-aid measures should be directed at quickly cooling the body. The victim should be placed in
a tub of cold water or repeatedly sponged with cool water until his or her temperature is
sufficiently lowered. Fans or air conditioners will also help with the cooling process. Care should
be taken, however, not to over-chill the victim once the temperature is below 102 F.

29. The most immediate concern of a person tending to a victim of

heat stroke should be to
a. get salt into the victims body.
b. raise the victims feet.
c. lower the victims pulse.
d. lower the victims temperature.

30. Which of the following is a symptom of heat exhaustion?

a. unconsciousness
b. profuse sweating
c. hot, dry skin
d. a weak pulse

31. Heat stroke is more serious than heat exhaustion because heat
stroke victims
a. do not sweat.
b. have no salt in their bodies.
c. cannot take in water.
d. have frequent fainting spells.

32. Symptoms such as nausea and dizziness in a heat exhaustion victim

indicate that the person most likely needs to
a. be immediately taken to a hospital.
b. be given more salt water.
c. be immersed in a tub of water.
d. sweat more.
(1) The worst and longest economic crisis in the modern industrial world, the Great
Depression in the United States had devastating consequences for American society. At its
lowest depth (193233), more than 16 million people were unemployed, more than 5,000 banks
had closed, and over 85,000 businesses had failed. Millions of Americans lost their jobs, their

savings, and even their homes. The homeless built shacks for temporary shelterthese
emerging shantytowns were nicknamed Hoovervilles; a bitter homage to President Herbert
Hoover, who refused to give government assistance to the jobless. The effects of the
Depressionsevere unemployment rates and a sharp drop in the production and sales of
goodscould also be felt abroad, where many European nations still struggled to recover from
World War I.
(2) Although the stock market crash of 1929 marked the onset of the depression, it was
not the cause of it: Deep, underlying fissures already existed in the economy of the Roaring
Twenties. For example, the tariff and war-debt policies after World War I contributed to the
instability of the banking system. American banks made loans to European countries following
World War I. However, the United States kept high tariffs on goods imported from other nations.
These policies worked against one another. If other countries could not sell goods in the United
States, they could not make enough money to pay back their loans or to buy American goods.
(3) And while the United States seemed to be enjoying a prosperous period in the
1920s, the wealth was not evenly distributed. Businesses made gains in productivity, but only
one segment of the populationthe wealthyreaped large profits. Workers received only a
small share of the wealth they helped produce. At the same time, Americans spent more than
they earned. Advertising encouraged Americans to buy cars, radios, and household appliances
instead of saving or purchasing only what they could afford. Easy credit policies allowed
consumers to borrow money and accumulate debt. Investors also wildly speculated on the stock
market, often borrowing money on credit to buy shares of a company. Stocks increased beyond
their worth, but investors were willing to pay inflated prices because they believed stocks would
continue to rise. This bubble burst in the fall of 1929, when investors lost confidence that stock
prices would keep rising. As investors sold off stocks, the market spiraled downward. The stock
market crash affected the economy in the same way that a stressful event can affect the human
body, lowering its resistance to infection.
(4) The ensuing depression led to the election of President Franklin D. Roosevelt in
1932. Roosevelt introduced relief measures that would revive the economy and bring needed
relief to Americans suffering the effects of the depression. In his 100 days in office, Roosevelt
and Congress passed major legislation that saved banks from closing and regained public
confidence. These measures, called the New Deal, included the Agricultural Adjustment Act,
which paid farmers to slow their production in order to stabilize food prices; the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation, which insured bank deposits if banks failed; and the Securities and
Exchange Commission, which regulated the stock market. Although the New Deal offered
relief,it did not end the Depression. The economy sagged until the nation entered World War II.
However, the New Deal changed the relationship between government and American citizens,
by expanding the role of the central government in regulating the economy and creating social
assistance programs.

33. The authors main point about the Great Depression is that
a. government policies had nothing to do with it.
b. the government immediately stepped in with assistance for the
jobless and homeless.

c. underlying problems in the economy preceded it.
d. the New Deal policies introduced by Franklin D. Roosevelt
ended it.

34. This passage is best described as

a. an account of the causes and effects of a major event.
b. a statement supporting the value of federal social policies.
c. a condemnation of outdated beliefs.
d. a polite response to controversial issues.

35. The author cites the emergence of Hoovervilles in paragraph 1 as

an example of
a. federally sponsored housing programs.
b. the resilience of Americans who lost their jobs, savings, and
c. the governments unwillingness to assist citizens in desperate
d. the effectiveness of the Hoover administration in dealing with
the crisis.

36. The term policies, as it is used in paragraph 2, most nearly means

a. theories.
b. practices.
c. laws.
d. examples.

37. The passage suggests that the 1920s was a decade that extolled the
value of
a. thrift.
b. prudence.
c. balance.
d. extravagance.

38. The example of the human body as a metaphor for the economy,
which is found at the end of paragraph 3, suggests that
a. a stressful event like the stock market crash of 1929 probably
made a lot of people sick.

b. the crash weakened the economys ability to withstand other
c. the crash was an untreatable disease.
d. a single event caused the collapse of the economy.

39. The content in the last paragraph of the passage would most likely
support which of the following statements?
a. The New Deal policies were not radical enough in challenging
b. The economic policies of the New Deal brought about a complete
business recovery.
c. The Agricultural Adjustment Act paid farmers to produce surplus
d. The federal government became more involved in caring for
needy members
of society.

(25 Minutes)

Encircle the letter of the best answer

1. Which word does NOT belong with the others?

a. evaluate
b. assess
c. appraise
d. instruct

Each question has an underlined word followed by four answer choices. You will choose the
word that is a necessary part of the underlined word. A good way to approach this type of
question is to say the following sentence: A ______ could not exist without ______.

2. respiration
a. mouth
b. circulation
c. oxygen
d. carbon monoxide

3. facsimile
a. picture
b. image
c. mimeograph
d. copier

4. itinerary
a. map
b. route
c. travel
d. guidebook

5. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.

daftafoni means advisement
imodafta means misadvise
imolokti means misconduct
Which word could mean statement?
a. kratafoni
b. kratadafta
c. loktifoni
d. daftaimo

6. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.

mallonpiml means blue light
mallontifl means blueberry
arpantifl means raspberry

Which word could mean lighthouse?
a. tiflmallon
b. pimlarpan
c. mallonarpan
d. pimldoken

7. Embellishing the Truth occurs when a person adds fictitious details or exaggerates facts
or true stories. Which situation below is the best example of Embellishing the Truth?
a. Isabel goes to the theater, and the next day, she tells her coworkers she thought the play was
b. The realtor describes the house, which is eleven blocks away from the ocean, as prime
waterfront property.
c. During the job interview, Fred, who has been teaching elementary school for ten years,
describes himself as a very experienced teacher.
d. The basketball coach says it is likely that only the most talented players will get a college

8. Posthumous Publication occurs when a book is published after the authors death.
Which situation below is the best example of Posthumous Publication?
a. Richards illness took his life before he was able to enjoy the amazing early reviews of
his novel.
b. Melissas publisher cancels her book contract after she fails to deliver the manuscript on time.
c. Clarence never thought hed live to see the third book in his trilogy published.
d. Elizabeth is honored with a prestigious literary award for her writing career and her daughter
accepts the award on behalf of her deceased mother.

9. Dr. Miller has a busy pediatric dentistry practice and she needs a skilled, reliable hygienist to
keep things running smoothly. The last two people she hired were recommended bytop dentists
in the area, but they each lasted less than one month. She is now in desperate need of a
hygienist who can competently handle the specific challenges of her practice.
Which one of the following candidates should Dr. Miller consider most seriously?

a. Marilyn has been a hygienist for fifteen years, and her current employer, who is about to
retire, says she is the best in the business. The clientele she has worked with consists of some
of the wealthiest and most powerful citizens in the county.
b. Lindy recently graduated at the top of herclass from one of the best dental hygieneprograms
in the state. Prior to becoming adental hygienist, Lindy spent two years working in a day care
c. James has worked as a dental hygienist for three years in a public health clinic. He is very
interested in securing a position in a private dental office.
d. Kathy is an experienced and highly recommended dental hygienist who is also finishing up a
degree in early childhood education, which she hopes will get her a job as a preschool teacher.
She is eager to find a job in a pediatric practice, since she has always wanted to work with

Answer question 10 solely on the basis of the following information.

When a client comes in looking for a new home, the real estate agency requires its realtors to
follow some specific guidelines during the first meeting. The realtor is expected to do the
1. Be sure the client is comfortably seated and has been offered a drink.
2. Get background information on the clients current living circumstances.
3. Ask the client what qualities she is looking for in a house.
4. Discuss the price range that the client has in mind and determine whether or not she has
been preapproved for a mortgage.
5. With the computer screen facing the client, browse the current house listings and print out
information for any of the houses that the client would like to see in person.
6. Ask the client if she is available to look at some of the houses immediately, and if not, make
an appointment to show her the houses as soon as possible.

11. Marcus and Cynthia Howard arrive at Smithfield Realty for their appointment with realtor
Patricia Russo. Ms. Russo leads the couple to a comfortable sofa in her office and gets them
both a cup of coffee. Ms. Russo asks Marcus and Cynthia what kind of house they are looking
for and it becomes clear that they have very particular ideas. Most importantly, they are looking
for a house that is in walking distance of the train station. They also want a newer house,
preferably one built after 1970. They must have four bedrooms and centralair conditioning. A
finished basement would be a welcome bonus. Ms. Russo discusses price range with her new
clients, and before the discussion is finished, they hand her a letter from their mortgage
company that indicates that they have been preapproved for amortgage. Together, the three of
them browse the listings on Ms. Russos computer screen and information is printed out for four
houses that the couple would like to see. Ms. Russo determines that Marcus and Cynthia are
free for another few hours, so the three of them head to her car to begin looking at potential new
homes. Based on the company guidelines, the actions taken by Ms. Russo were
a. improper, because she was only able to find four houses that Marcus and Cynthia wanted to
b. proper, because she obtained all the necessary information from the clients.
c. improper, because she failed to get any details about the clients current living circumstances.
d. proper, because she didnt try to persuade the clients to consider houses that didnt meet all
of their criteria.

Find the statement that must be true according to the given information.

12. Seahorse populations have declined everywhere that seahorses are fished. During the past
five years, seahorse populations have decreased by 50%. Last year, biologists met to discuss

what might be done to reverse this trend.
a. Seahorses are likely to become extinct within five years.
b. One way to increase seahorse populations is to ban the fishing of seahorses.
c. Biologists from all over the world are working to save the seahorses.
d. Seahorse fishermen have spoken out against the biologists.

13. Ten new television shows appeared during the month of September. Five of the shows were
sitcoms, three were hour-long dramas, and two were news-magazine shows. By January, only
seven of these new shows were still on the air. Five of the shows that remained were sitcoms.
a. Only one of the news-magazine shows remained on the air.
b. Only one of the hour-long dramas remained on the air.
c. At least one of the shows that were cancelled was an hour-long drama.
d. Television viewers prefer sitcoms over hour-long dramas.

Short Logic Problems

14. All the offices on the 9th floor have wall-to-wall carpeting.
No wall-to-wall carpeting is pink.
None of the offices on the 9th floor has pinkwall-to-wall carpeting.
If the first two statements are true, the third statement is
a. true.
b. false.
c. uncertain.

15. On the day the Barton triplets are born,

Jenna weighs more than Jason.
Jason weighs less than Jasmine.
Of the three babies, Jasmine weighs the most.
If the first two statements are true, the third statement is
a. true.
b. false.
c. uncertain.

16. Three pencils cost the same as two erasers.

Four erasers cost the same as one ruler.
Pencils are more expensive than rulers.
If the first two statements are true, the third statement is
a. true.
b. false.
c. uncertain.
17. Fact 1: All chickens are birds.
Fact 2: Some chickens are hens.
Fact 3: Female birds lay eggs.
If the first three statements are facts, which of the following statements must also be a fact?

I. All birds lay eggs.
II. Hens are birds.
III. Some chickens are not hens.
a. II only
b. II and III only
c. I, II, and III
d. None of the statements is a known fact.

18. Fact 1: Mary said, Ann and I both have cats.

Fact 2: Ann said, I dont have a cat.
Fact 3: Mary always tells the truth, but Ann sometimes lies.
If the first three statements are facts, which of the following statements must also be a fact?
I. Ann has a cat.
II. Mary has a cat.
III. Ann is lying.
a. II only
b. I and II only
c. I, II, and III
d. None of the statements is a known fact.

19. The high school math department needs to appoint a new chairperson, which will be
based on seniority. Ms. West has less seniority than Mr. Temple, but more than Ms.
Brody. Mr. Rhodes has more seniority than Ms. West, but less than Mr. Temple. Mr.
Temple doesnt want the job. Who will be the new math department chairperson?
a. Mr. Rhodes
b. Mr. Temple
c. Ms.West
d. Ms. Brody

Answer questions 20 and 21 on the basis of the information below:

According to last weeks newspaper, doctors in large cities make more money than
doctors in small towns or rural areas. It does not seem fair that just because a doctors office is
in a fancy building or at a fancy address, he or she can charge the patients more. Of course,
some medical schools cost more than others, but basically all doctors spend a lot of money and
a long time in school. Theres no proof that graduates of the more expensive schools practice in
big cities and graduates of the less expensive schools practice in small towns. All doctors
should charge the same. Whether a patient goes to a doctor in a big city or small town, the cost
should be the same.

20. A person seeking to refute the argument might argue that

a. all doctors charge too much money and should lower their fees.
b. medical practices are more expensive to maintain in large cities than in small towns and rural

c. doctors who owe student loans should charge more than other doctors.
d. medical care from small-town doctors is better than medical care from large-city doctors.
e. certain medical specialists should charge more than others.

21. A major flaw in the argument is that the speaker assumes that
a. all doctors are specialists.
b. all patients carry health insurance.
c. all doctors have huge student loans.
d. all patients take too much time.
e. all doctors see the same number of patients.

Answer questions 22 and 23 on the basis of the information below:

Frances: Studies show that eating a healthy breakfast improves young childrens ability to
learn. However, it is not the responsibility of the schools to provide this meal; it is the
responsibility of each childs parents.
Lars: Although it would be nice if the schools could provide each child with a healthy breakfast,
the cost of doing that takes money away from other, more important learning resources, such as
the purchase of new computers. In the long run, children learn more when the schools
concentrate on the services they traditionally provide and the parents do what they are
supposed to do.

22. In what way does Larss comment relate to Francess?

a. It weakens Francess argument by changing the focus of the discussion.
b. It strengthens Francess argument by providing support for her premise.
c. It states the logical outcome of Francess views.
d. It cannot be true if Francess assertion about parental responsibility is true.
e. It provides an argument that is the opposite of Francess views.

23. What main assumption underlies each statement?

a. As teachers become scarcer, schools will have to learn to be more cost-effective in recruiting
new teachers.
b. In the information age, the equipment schools must purchase for their students is getting
more expensive.
c. The study about students and breakfast is inconclusive at best, and more studies should be
conducted to find out if school breakfasts are healthy.
d. Schools have never had the responsibility for supplying students with breakfast; rather, they
spend their money on teachers, books, and other tangibles of education.
e. Parents are not assuming enough responsibility for their childrens education and should
become more involved in school issues.

24. At the baseball game, Henry was sitting in seat 253. Marla was sitting to the right of Henry in
seat 254. In the seat to the left of Henry was George. Inez was sitting to the left of George.
Which seat is Inez sitting in?
a. 251

b. 254
c. 255
d. 256

25. Fact 1: Pictures can tell a story.

Fact 2: All storybooks have pictures.
Fact 3: Some storybooks have words.
If the first three statements are facts, which of
the following statements must also be a fact?
I. Pictures can tell a story better than
words can.
II. The stories in storybooks are very simple.
III. Some storybooks have both words and
a. I only
b. II only
c. III only
d. None of the statements is a known fact.

(30 Minutes)


Encircle the letter of the best answer

1. Earnest can do a job in 2 hours, Dave can do the same job in 3 hours, and Noel can do the
job in 6 hours. Working together how long does it take them to finish the job?
a. 6/11 hour
b. hour
c. 1 hour
d. 1/3 hour
e. 2/3 hour

2. Pipe A fills a 50-liter tank at a rate of 15 liters per hour. Pipe B fills the same tank at a rate of
10 liters per hour. Pipe A runs alone for 100 minutes then the two of them together finish filling
up the tank. How long does the whole operation take?
a. 120 minutes
b. 150 minutes
c. 160 minutes
d. 180 minutes
e. 190 minutes

3. A train went 300 km from Province A to Province B at an average rate of 180 kph. At what
speed did it travel on the way back if its average speed for the whole trip was 120 kph?
a. 90 kph
b. 120 kph
c. 130 kph
d. 150 kph
e. 180 kph

4. Rommel has two quarts of a 21 % acid solution and three pints of a 35% solution. If he mixes
them, what will be the concentration (2 pints = 1 quart) of the resulting solution?
a. 22%
b. 23%
c. 25%
d. 27%
e. 30 %

5. A both travels three times as fast when it is empty as when it is full. If it travels 20
km north with cargo, spends 2 hours unloading, and returns to the original port
empty, taking 8 hours to complete the entire trip, what is the speed of the barge

when it is empty?
a. less than 4 kph
b. less than 5 kph but not less than 4 kph
c. less than 10 kph but not less than 5 kph
d. less than 10 kph
e. less than 15 kph but not less than 12 kph

6. Robert has 12 coins totaling P 1.45. None of his coins is larger than a twenty-five centavo
coin. Which of the following cannot be the number of 25 centavo coins that he has?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 5
e. 7

7. A storekeeper stocks a high-priced pen and lower-priced models. If he sells the high priced
pens, which yields a profit of P 1.20 per pen sold, he can sell 30 in a month. If he sells the
lower-priced pens, making a profit of 15 cents per pen sold, he can sell 250 pens in a month.
Which type of pen will yield more profit per month, and by how much?
a. The cheaper pen will yield a greater profit, by P 1.50.
b. The more expensive pen will yield a greater profit, by P 1.50
c. The cheaper pen will yield a greater profit, by 15 cents.
d. The more expensive pen will yield a greater profit, by 15 cents.
e. The cheaper pen will yield a greater profit, by 50 cents

8. A is now 20 years older than his son. In ten years he will be twice as old as his sons
age. What are the present ages?
a. As age: 30; sons age: 10
b. As age: 35; sons age: 15
c. As age: 40; sons age: 20
d. As age: 25; sons age: 5

9. (5x 2y)(3x +6y) = ?

a. 15 2 + 24 + 12 2
b. 15 2 + 24 12 2
c. 15 2 24 + 12 2
d. 15 2 24 12 2

10. There are 20 members on a football squad. In electing a captain and a co-captain, how

many different outcomes of the election are possible?
a. 20
b. 39
c. 190
d. 380
e. 760

11. Stick of chewing gum that sell for 5c each can be bought for 30c per dozen when a dozen
sticks are purchased at one time. What is the saving (per stick), in cents, when the sticks are
purchased by the dozen?
a. 2
b. 2
c. 3
d. 3
e. 4

1 4 4+4
12. 2+5 21 = 4 2 +85 Find the solution set.

a. 2
b. 2
c. 4

13. A man invested part of $15,000 at 12% and the remainder at 8%? If his annual income from
the two investments is $1456, how much does he have invested at each rate?

a. $6400 at 0.12 and $8600 at 0.08

b. $8600 at 0.12 and $6400 at 0.08
c. $4600 at 0.12 and $6800 at 0.08
d. $6800 at 0.12 and $4600 at 0.08

14. Find the solution set of the following systems of linear equation:

4 3 2 6
{ + = 4 = 3

a. = 2
b. = 2; =
c. = 3
d. = 2; = 2/3

15. Given () = + 1 () = 2 1
Find ( )().

d. 2 + 2

16. A minor league baseball team plays 154 games in a season. On a certain date, a team has
won 40 and lost 20 games. How many of the remaining games must the team win to finish the
season winning approximately 65 percent of the game?
a. 60
b. 80
c. 90
d. 94
e. 100

17. Mag kakapareho ng laki ang mga bolang nasa basket: 5 pula, 3 asul, at 4 na berde. Kung
dumukot ka ng isang bola nang nakapikit, ano ang probabilidad na nakadukot ka ng bolang
hindi kulay berde?
a. 2/3
b. 1/3

18. If a > b and c < 0, then which of the following is always true?
a. a/b > b/c
b. ac < bc
c. a +c <b + c
d. a c < b c

19. Which of the following is the next smaller value than ?
a. 1/5
b. 2/5
c. 3/5
d. 16/25
e. 13/25

20. Which of the following is divisible by 2 and 7?

a. 361
b. 362
c. 363
d. 364
e. 365

21. Adam lives on the Cartesian plane. His anthill is located at the point (-1,2). One day he
decided to visit his friend Lang Gam who lives at (3,5). How many units mush he crawl along a
straight line to reach Lang Gams hill?

a. 25
b. 5
c. 7
d. 13

22. A certain river has a current of 3 km per hour. A boat takes twice as long to travel upstream
between two points as it does to travel downstream, between the same two points. What is
the speed of the boat in still water?
a. 3 kph
b. 2 kph
c. 9 kph
d. 12 kph
e. 15 kph

23. The area of an equilateral triangle with side s is:

a. S2/2
b. S2(3/3)
c. S2(4/3)
d. S2(3/6)

24. The following points are joined: (-2, -2), (-1, -1), (1, 1) and (2, 2). All of the following correctly
describe the result except:
a. The lines form bisects the right angle formed by the coordinate of the axes.
b. Any point on the line formed is equidistant from the x axis and the y axis.
c. The line formed is parallel to the x axis.
d. The lines formed passes through the origin.

25. Ang pares na linyang L1: y = -3x + 5 at L2: 6x + 2y = 10 ay:
a. Parallel
b. Perpendicular
c. Skew
d. Coincident

(20 Minutes)
Abstract Reasoning

Nonverbal and Nonnumber Symbols


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