CR - HINKEY Techincal Services LTD - Fire Safety & Engineering Consultant - Wester Siray Bay Resort Project, Phuket, Thai Lan

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Projct : Wstin Sirry Bay Rcsort Project, Phuket, Thaihnd

Fire & Life Safety- Dcsisn Audit Reyierv Report fl)
Owner Project Tean.
Siar$,ood Holcl & Rcso(s (Thailand Office)- Mr. Ross Crowdc./ N4s. Cholthicha Prasetsukscdr

From : Daniel Chan

Date : March 2009 Total nos. ofpases : 22

Wc rclir to th undeEigned's design review nieeling at Owner's Bangkok Office dated March 11,2009 at
presence ofOrnels Project Tean/Architecl/ Consultants and Staruood's Ms. Cholthicha Pmsensukscan.
Report is issued as follows:

A. General
a. IITS has been commissioned by Owncr 10 can--! out a l-day design rcview meeting with Owner Project

Tean in Bangkok. -lhis is our firsl involvement in this project, and the purpose is 10 discuss wiih Pro.ject
Tean to h'ghlight any lnajor FLS design issues at early stage, ro solve lor jssucs and reduce possible inpacl
on projcct conpletion. The project wa5 proceeding $,ith conslruclion at lime ofmeeting. wilh structure of
Phdse I 90% complted and l,hase II 30% compleled. From design dl?wings provided by Owner Project
Team, the rcsort developDrent consisls of low-rise guest buildings. villas. lvlain Building, Spa Building and

a single level restau.anl building. Total nunber ofguest rooms/ snilcsr aboul256. Target completion dalc is
March 2010.

b. Building plans and some selected MEP design dra$,nrgs were reviewed/ di\cussed al meeting and
discuss;ons were mainly on egress and general reqlriretnenls offire saletv systems- The prqjccl's M,/E

dm'!ings was slill underyoirg rcvision./ adjustmert at time olnieeting. PIrase 2 and 3 drawines \aere not

available for discussion during meeting. We discusscd and explained 1lr Project Team the major FLS
requirenents and colnmon proble s, to achieve StaNood FLS Standard arid inlemational standards. 'l he
firc saLt) provisions ofthe project must meel both the local codc requiremeni, as well as Star$ood's Irl-S
requirements whichever the more stringeni conditionS is imposed.

c. Please notc thal lhis design revicw plocess and repod aims at highlighting major common FLS issucs for
Project Team s attenlion. under condilions oflimitcd time/ informarion available. and is n01 irlended to
address on every single areas and items. Project Team should .efer to Slarryood Fire SafeO Standard and
NIPA/ relcvant codes for delailed rcquirements.

Disclaimer: This document is restricted fbr propel use in this StaNood projecl and lve shall NOI' be held
responsible for any consequences due to unauthodzed or improper use ofcontents. Structrral firc
proLcclion and building nalc.;als are not included in this brief rcview process.

u( r.n Plruker \ir-l B.) Droe.r.'lailalld-l LSRepor. , Vr,l' 00o I of2,

HINKEY recrrnicar services rta (nxj

B. CoInments. Metine Discussions & Dralvine Review Commnts


Site I,lan sho\\irs Phase I. II and III with dilletent euest buildines/ villa tvpes.

1. Archiiectuml- Egress
a. The Resofi consists ofquire a number ofdiffercnt building/ villa types with configurations ofe\it s) slem

varied greatly in ienns of stories, lcvcl o f discharge, number ofexil s1ai15. cnclosure olexitstairs/ corridors,
etc.. Project Team and archited is requestedto check against req u iremenis ofNFPA l0l (2009 version) aud
StaNood FLS Standard (sonle requircnents nay be relaxed in villai lolvlisc 'open sided egress'guest
houses), and repod lbr comment/ agreenenl. Some paticular requiremenrs are highlighted as follows lor

(i) Exits for Guesl lrloors/ Villas (note: these buildings are part'cularly discussed here due to !driations in
esress provisions and practical site difiiculties for full co'npliance)
In gcncral, SLaNlood FLS Standard asks for minimum 2 relnoie cxits for each guest floors, and enclosed to

For single story villas (VillaA and V'lla B), there will be a main exir (entrance) and a secondary exil (back

door) with direct exit to sale exter;or, *hich will bs considered acceptable.
Rcmiidcr I. case ihere arc large suite rooms exceeding 185 sq. . area. 2 remote exits (bo1h are primaD')
will be required.

westln Phuket Siray Bay Prolect, Thailand-Fls Repon(l) March-2009 2 al)2

HIN KEY reclnicat servlces Ltc (HK)

In vie\r'lhat constructior works has already slancd, and the aboveground corridols are generally of
open sided design that cari allo$ betleregress survi\,abil;tv rvith reduced smokelogging, one e\it stair may
be accepted under condilions of nol more than ,1 keys on each fioor with egress corridor ofopen-sided
Additional Requirements:
a. Corridor to be kept as a fire salc a.ea lvith good illumination back up by emergency brttcD, lighls

b. lnin.50% effective area ofcoridor exlc ialwall(iiheighlalrdfulllength)ofconidorshallbeopento

c. guest roon doors will be upgradcd from lSmm thickness to minimum 45 mn hardsood (Irolc: fire
salely as rell as noise considerations).
d. complete sprinkler p.oleclion to be provided inside each guest room and conidor.

From the cunent floor plans of Phase I guesl llools/ buildings, we commenl as follows (note: infonration
has been based on our undeNlanding fiom the plans; Egress corrido$ are open-sided excepl as sLalcd

below ibr that buildjng type. I'roject Tean 10 clarily as neccssary):

ViLIa A. Villa B and Villa C (aboul ll blocks: l-story villa wilh separale exit)- Each unit has direct exil io
exterior and foresee no big difiicultics lo comply with NFPA 101 .cquircment. Second c\il should be
provided using the back door in each unil.
Guest Buildines A I to A10 (aboul l0 blocks; 2-srories buildings, with I exit stair discharged at Le!el 2:
Level 1 egress corddor is cnclosed.4 keys/ floor)- Level I egress corridorto be kept fire-sal-e. Each Level

I guest room shall have second exit iionr o$,n nit (balcony) to sale exlerior. Assume ro have no big
dilficultics 10 comply $,ith NFPA l0l requirelncnl.
Guest Buildins B 1 (l blocki 2-stories building.2 exit staiN discharged at Level 2; Level I egress corridor is
enclosed. 7 keys/ 1loo4 Level I egress conidor to be kept firc safe. Each Level I guesl roonr lhall have
second exit from own unit (balcon]) to safe exterior Assume to have no big difficrlties to coffpl) $ jth

NFPA 101 requirenent. Refer NI PA I0l requirenents nainly on exil slails/ exit doors.
Guest Buildine 82/l ( I block 3-storics b'rilding,2 eait stairs discharged at Level 2; Level I egress corridor
is enclosed- 7 keys/ floor)- Level I egress corddor shall be kept firc salc wiLh nalural vcnljng addcd (say

2 nos. mininum 300 x i00 mnl each near exits), and exi! srair L1-2 should be enclosed br l-hour fire
.ated walll door (ifnor feasible to add slair fire doo. ahemaiive is 10 add a io-lnirules lirc door in
mid-way ofLevel 1 corridor to scparalc into 2 smoke compartments). [ach I-cvel ] gucsl room diall have
second eril lron own unit (balcony) to safe exterior. Rclcr NFPA l0l requirements mainly on exit siairs/

Guest Buildinir 82, (l block; 3-stories buildi.g,2 exit stairs discharged at Level2; Level I egrcss coridor
is enclosed. 7 keys/ floor) Level I egress coruidor shall be kept fire-safe wirh natural ventins added (say

2 .os. mininum 100 x 100 mm each near cxits)- and exir srair Ll 2 lhould bc cnclosed b)- I-hour lirc
rated walll door (ifnor lcasible to add stair fire door, allernative is 10 add a 30-minutes fire door in

m'd-way ofLevel I coffidor to scpamte into 2 snoke cornpadnents). Each Level I guest room shall have

wesrin Phuket Siray Bay Projccl. Thailand-F'Ls Repod(l) March-2009

HINKEY rechnical services Ltd (HK)

secon d exil own un i! (balcon]- ) to sat-e exrerior Reler N FPA I 0 I requiremcnts DrainLy on exir srairs,/

Guest Buildine B2ll (l block; l-stories building. 2 exit stairs discharged at Level 2; Level I egress corr;dor
is enclosed. 7 keys/ floor)- Levcl I cgress corridor shall bc kcpt fire-safe with nalural venting added (say
2 nos. mininum 100 x 300 mn1 each near c\i1s)- and exit stair Ll-2 should be cnclosed by l-hour fire
raled wali/ door (ilnol feasible to add stair firc door alternative is 1o add a 3O-minutes fire door in
lnid-$a), ofl,cvel I coddor 10 separate into 2 smoke compartmenls). Each Level I guest room shall ha\e

second exit fiom own unit (balcony) 10 safe exterior. Refcr N FPA I0 I requ irements main l) on e \ il it,r irs/

Buildirq B3 (l block; 3-stories building. 2 exit stain discharged at Level 2; Level I egress conidor is
enclosed. 9 keys/ floor)- Level I egress coridor shall be kept fire-safe with naLuml venting added (say 2
nos. lninimum 300 x 100 mm each nearexits). and c\il stair L l-2 shorld be cnclosed by 1-hour fire rated
wal1/ door (jlnot feasible 1() add stair fire door alternative is 1o add a 30-minutes fire door in mid way of
Level I corridor to separate into 2 smoke com pa nlcnts). Each Level I guest room shal l h ave second ex it
froln own unit (balcony) !o sale exterio r Refer N l'lA I0 I requirenents mainly on ex it srai.s/ ex it doo[.

Owner Project Team is requested to prepare a summary olexit features and compliance againstNFlA l0l
requiremcnls lbr each typc ofgLrest buildine- for fufther decision and supplemenrary measures.
Conditions for pennission ofonly I exit afd O uls idc Slair' as extracted from N F PA l 0l are extracted
below for reference/ attention (in l,r/! ;lalics):
28.24.2 A \in!/,- shitl be Fitit! 11 hLit/di1!:5 t riu L fie knnl nunhl oi norji! Jad not .t liur.
ptuvided tiil ell ol tlt. Jbllotniig conditlart titt nt.t.
(l) Thcrc tut hut or fcftct-!]raja/-Dorr.. ai-arej1 vrlcJtc7-JlLrrt'-
(2)'flt. biiklit ftut..ttl nrykut hJ xn ippiol,cd, suptivtctl tutonteic tlii*l.t srsLri i)
t.cotdxn.e u,Ith 4,Li.
(3) The L\it stiii My dacs .tt\hitlt of a st.t y belnw iA. lcvel of ..yi di sc4nlL:.
nat setr. )itoti: thxu
(1) 'Ir tLl,/.| .lisLetrc lian fic otrztiti &.ir'ol:ny Jr.I.x_l/LrLrri dr--?iil r/r]'IL lo an txit drt.L nL:t ttLeci!-lj
ti (10.i nr.
O The exjt s?xr vey is .onpletcly etclo:.d or:epnled liont ltc t"si Df l1e bujlllu! bf fuItt t:: hawlg a

tttntntnn lJtoui lir lctitl:incc tilnL!.

(6).1ll opcnntgr bdvni thL r:til\t,uji.\,iit eit.lcsuix,tnd ihc brtijrEtx tnote.aal wtth scit;la!tn! LlD.x ...11.. 1: . ..r'..r...

(7) All conilotr sct vtnE ; utninunt llour lin rc:isttnct rattnE.
a: ilt:ci:s: to r':Ls htvc
(3) Haiiz:ontalenLl veticelser$iltt.n iilrrn! ) nliin tnltt haur irc testst:ince hrn! is ltoride(l b.t$rn
!f/sJ/ rd.,rl ,, grc-\I i&iaj.

72.2.63 kfirahon and Poteclat af Oultide Stai's. ()!t:LlL \tutri th,tll i: r.t,i:tt.l ir,rt the ntt lor'.1 tI. brrli.,t! lit c t5tti.t|., t:.i:. l:. /tt'

$e rnPhuler s:r") Ba) Proiecr.Th"ila,dflsRepolll\ \ldrcL- 00, .+ ol2l

HINKEY Tecnnicat services trd (HK)

.t:,ii:tr..,.'rnt1ltt: lo bi tlxptl' ti.

l\: ,?rn )ited e ba ilt:p aL'L'ld/ ,ic,'c ,rc1a L :1;:i,r.,ir ri.;,i:J ja.uxl r r/,

(ii) Exit Discharge

Starwood FLS standard requires exil slairs be discharged to extrior dircclly at Level I or grade level
(acceptable 1o shot inlernal fire-protected corr'dor/ \eslibule with fire rared separarion from olher
go via a

areas, with no exposed po$,er cables/ fuel/ LNG pipes/ hazardous facilities). In case offire/ incident occur
in Level l(ordischargelevel)areas,occupantsusingtheexirslailsmusrstillbeablcloescapesafelyoulof
lhe building through the corrido. As lrlinimum at least 50% oltotal exit srair discharge musr be able io get
oLrt olbuilding directly with fu11 fire-separation from orhcr areas, the other exit stairs may disch ge ro
Main Lobby or inierior lobbies. lvith maximum 30 n travel distancc to get out ofbuilding.

(iii) Exir sta;r enclosure

Anv exit slairs seNing ,1-stories or more shallhave min. 2-hori llrc mred wallenclosurc with 1.5-hour firc
door (note: for exit stails se.ving l-stories or fe\\'er, io provide minilnum 1-hour wall w;rh iorninutes fire
door). Remind Owner Project Team to note and check the egress ofvarious horel areas, parricularly for
guesl fiools and major assembly areas (Ball.oom. erc.).

b. Dead end corridor- Renind thal Starrlood Slandard is max. 9.lm and in an)- case, the dead end co dor
distance nust not exceed 15 m (noter max. in NFPA standard. Measurcmenl is made from centerline ofexit
stair door up to luthest end ofcorridor, and notjusl up ro rooln door as in local code).
F'rom briefrevic\y oftypioal guest flooN, no long dead-end corridor exceeding l5 m rvas found. Spa
Building Level 2 has very long dead end and shall be solved b) adding second exit. or rclocari rg e\lt srai .

Re ind io .olc the requiremeni in oiher publicl BOH areas.

c. Exii feaiures
i. Renindcr: Two exits remotely separated (at disiance nol less tha. hallol longest diagonal ofroom/ area)
shall be prorided for areas/ rooms $'jth more than 50 peNons. Exit doors should be opened (i.e.. push
opcn from inside roont along dired;on olescape Two rcnotely separated exits shall be provided for
swimming pool deck, Phase I Club House (Ll ). Spa Level 2, stail cantecn and staffchanging rooms. Exit
doors (olhcr than guest roolns/ small rooms) shall open along dirction ofegress tra!'el.
ii. H,udrails should be installed at both sides inside the exit srairs and continued along rhe lvhole lengrh of
stair, unless width reduction $.illviolate local code Refer handrail/ guard details in NFPA 101. Exit
doors' clear widlh shall nol bc less tha. 8i0 mln 0rotci gLrest rooms. doors seNing less than 5 occrLfanr\,
and seNiccl supplementary access for plant rooms ma]' be exempted). |or double leafdoors. doo.
sequential slector should be provided as necessar)' to keep dooN closed properly.

westin Ph kel Siray Bay Project. Thailand-Fls Repoft(l) March-2009 5 of22

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iii. Clar headroom of minimum2-l mto be cnsuredalong exil routes and in exit stairs Piping or ceiling

slip resislant. Minimum clear $'idth ofexir stuir 1120 nnn.
iv. No electrical cables, air duct (unlcss for stair pressurjzation)' fuel gas pipes, watcr/ drain pipes and
srvitchboards shall be localed inside exit staiMells (excepl lor fire svslcns)
posilions to indicate the egress roLrtes and exit stair doors Exit sign shall bc fixed at high level
pelpendicular lo travel direction in exil stair door ofguest room floor corridor. so as to be seen a1 a

distancc h corridor (refer illustration in Appendix). ln F&B o tlersi publjc assemblv arcas. exit

of thLr b. the ncaresr exi! sign should be visible at not nore ihan 30 m lrorn the major occupied areas/
c;rculaiion area!.

2. ArchitecLural- Compartmentation ard Fire Haza.ds

a. Firc walls and fire rated doors to be providcd a1 shafls' exit stairs. MrE plani rooms and kitchens

- Elecirical/ Tolcphone/ IT/ ELV shafts: 2-hour wall wilh l 5 hour nled door (nole: l-hoLrr wall plLrs

l0-nliDuies fire door for shaiis seNing I storics or less)

- Pipe shafls $'ith air duct risels. cables, fuel/ gas risers' I'VC/ plaslic pipes: l 5 hour rated door (nore:
lo-mi.Lrtes fire door for shafts serving 3 stories or less).
- Pipc shafts \1ilh all thici'wall melal pipes only and no air ducts/ electdcal cables: I horr $'all silh
Guesi rcom doo$ lhould bc at least 20 minutes fire rated. or construcied ofminimum '15 mm thick
hardwood. Doors ofcxit stair serving more than l-stories shall be min l 5 hour raied (note: I-hour
$,a11 plus 30 minutes fire door for shafts serving 3 slories or less)' open-sided stairs mav be exempted
wher connccting 3-stories or less, and on case basis for morc than I siories

semi open areas may be rclaxed, dcpending on tbe localionr risks on case basis'

c. when air risel ducts. electric trunkint cables' or PVC pipes run inside pipe shafts or any shafts selving

complctely. Shafts openiru to open areas may be exempled from lire mted dools, ifrhat ope'ing will not
thrcaten egress ard guest,' staff occx pied areas on case basis

d. Openjngs and gaps in all fire rated shafts and rated fioors/ walls nust be sealcd up to mainr'in

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Westin Phuket Simy Bay Project, Thailand-FLS
HINKEY re*nicat Servlces Ltd (HK)

sepa.alion. Penetmtions ofcables/ trunking should be protected by fire seal bags or intumescenl seals
(including irunking cavitiesi rcferAppcndix). Pipe insulation, flexible air ducts and PVC ncxible conduirs
shall not bc pcnnilled to penetrate ilre l?ted walls/ floors. Shafts opening to exterior thal will not thrcaten
building inter'o occupants may use reasonable robusl or hardrvood doors inslead offire rated door.

e- For toilet exhaust/ fresh air riser ducts penetding into guest room fiom shafts or froln prblic collidor. fire
damper shall be provided where the air duct penetrates shan wall of2-hours rating o. morc. Fire dampers
shal1 also be provided at air ducr penetration through nechanical rooms, l'loor slab and \!alls rated a1 2 hrs
or lnore. -fhc fire damper shall be installed right ai the wall/ floor slab.
We nolethat in Thalland practice. seems fresh (outdoor) air forguest roons/occupied areas is not rcceiving

sufficient attention. and would rernind thal lhis is a health issue and should follow inrernarional guidetines_
And fresh air should not be suckcd into gucst rooms/ occupied roolns directly from egress coridols, 10

avoid violation of fire/'smoke barriers.

f. Reminder: Kitchen hood exhaust air ducts shall keep clearance to combustibles. and rhcn isers r!nning
inside building interior shall run jnside a fire rated shaft. and cannot share wilh other aif ductsl piping.
Greasc cxhaust ducting must be fabricated ofrigid steel ofsufiicient thickness/ strength- liquid right and
lree fiom dips/ traps/ interior features thar may collect greasc residues. Access panels (grcase tiSho should
be provided alloporsidc olgrcasc ducls at max.4 rn (unless for large duclsthat can crawl-in or $hcre other
means ofaccess exist) lirr regular cleaning ofduct inlerior. lf not required by local code, fire/ volume
danrpels thal l1lay cause grease accumulationi difficulties in cleaning should be avoided.

g. Reminder: Fire collar or approved i umescenr fire sealant shall be used to protect PVC pipe pereratioDs

through fire rated lvallsi floors padicularly shaft walls and 1'loor slabs. Pipel duct penetmtion! to exterior
that lvill not threaten occupied areas my exeDpt lronr fire collars/ dampers.

h HrTardorq A re.s
LPG c) l;ndeE/ stations, rnain diesel fuel tank and outdoor translomer substations shall be located at open/
seni-open areas. and sufficient safeq clearance froln building openings padicularly main occupied areas
and egrcss roules. Remind to paticularly note fbr LPG leakage/ explosion hazard; good natLrml cross

venlilation and clearance lrolll eleclrioal/ ignition sources to be enforced.

i. Sprinklcr. Standpipe (indoor hldmnt) and Fire Suppression System

a. Project Tean said 225 cubic rn fire lank (combined with domestic) would be provided on hill top ofResort.
Though the provision is acceptable,10 reduce water contamination. ProjectTeam willconsider using the
488 cubic m raw water tank (at boftom of hill) as fire tank- In such case the fire punp \rill halc to be
relocated fiom hill 1op 10 near this raw waler lank.

Westin Phuket Siray Bay Projecr, Thajland-Fls Report(l) March 2009

HINKEY rechnicalservices Ltd (HK)


Our Connnenli
- Both design schemes are acceptable in terms offire water slorage. Recomniend to separate Raw (Firc)
Water I'ank inro 2 conparlm ents and inrerconnected by exrerna I piping, to al low lor isolarion of ind;! idua I

lank tbr cleaning/ servicing.

b. Proj ect Tean said a diesel fire punp of 750 gpm would be prov ided to s pply spinkler system, stan dpipc
and hydranl) system. No standby firc pump has bee. allowed in desig.. Wc explained though srandby llre
pump wds not specifically stated as 'Musl Have' in Start|ood FLS Standard, the schenaiic sketches in the
document has shown bolh duq/ and standby fire pumps. Design Consultanr saidjockey punp rvould be

- Strongly recommend to add an electric standby fire pump. The reason is the horel will operare 24 hours 7
days a wcck 52 weeks a ) edr, which !\,jll lrave no idle time for servic;ng unlike a factory/ ofilce building. ln

case the only one main fire punp fails. the operating hotel will have to close do$n unlil rcctification dore.
which can be a huge loss ofhotel rvenue nrore cosdy than a standby fire pump.
Reninder: Actualpressure head ofjockey pump should be slightl) greaterthan pressurehead olmain fire
pumps as practical consideralion.
- Firc pumps and Controller ro be UL listed. Projecl Tean is requested 10 provide technical characlcristic
curves offire pumps for revie$, before ordering. and the cuNes should be relatively fla! 10 avoid high

working pressure at Iittle flolv rate. Sizing ofsprinkler pumps and pipes should be verified b]' hydlaulic

c. Starwood standard asked for complete sprinkler protection building interior including toilcts
(exceeding 5 sq.m.), allguest rooms. $alk-ir closels (exceeding 2 sq.m.) and nechdnical planl rooms.
Exempted arcas lnay include electricalslvitch rooms. elevatormachire rooms. non-conbLNtiblc shafts. We
renind that sprinklers should be provided for areas nentioned below:

- Remind to provide sprinklers in small store/ working rooms in public areas, guest floors and BOII
regardless ol,/ size.

It is reminded that sprinkler shall be provided in pump rooms, chiller/ PAU/ AHU rooms and fan roons
(note: all mechanical planl rooms shall be sprinklered. [xemption may be granted for small standalone
sheds that will not thrcaien guest roons and bu;ldings)
- To provide sprinklers at all high ceiling indoor dreas.

Remnrd to prov'de high teinperature sprinkler (l4l des.C) inside the wood sauna cabiner.
- Provide automalic sprinkler al cciling of indoor swimlning pool (ifexists) and niust prolcct irdoor
walkways and resting areas. lfhave practical difficulties- sprinklcN rna)' be exempted at less risky area
abovc water surface bul then Do other Junclion will be permitted in pool area.
'Add sprinklers at toppest landing and bofiom ofenclosed exit stairwells.

- Sprinklers shall be providcd lor all electronic equipment rooms including FCC/ Security Control. AV

Wcslin Phuket Simy Bay Project, Thailand-FLS Reporl(1) March-2009

HINKEY Technical Services Ltd (HK)

control room, TV equipment rooms, etc. (note: IT/ PABX Room to use FM200/ IG54l gas systen as

regional policy)- Ifthere a.e objeclions from authority/ parties involved, fixed automatic FM200/ IC54l
gas flooding syslens will also be acceplcd as less prelened allcmative (more expensivc. less reliable). and

must be properly designed/ installed. Carbon Dioxide Floodins System shall NOT be used in Hotel.
- lb provide FM200 (or IC54l ) gas extinguishing system (or pre-action sprinklels) in IABX room and
computer/ server rcom- Remind NOT to usc Aerosol sysiens nor CO2 systems. Tlese areas should be
separated into equipment area and office/ dut) arca. wilh gas system for the fonner and spiDkler for siafT/

- Fo. indoo. Sw itchgearl Transfbnne. Roon. Starwood standard docs not require auto-exlinguishing gas
extinguishing sysiem/ sprinklers in electrical switchgear rooms but nust bc fire-smoke separated and no
storage \aill be allowed- In case local aurhority asks lor automatic fi.c suppression system. \\,e would
remind that llooding systen using Carbon Dioxide or Halon shall NOT be used, and dry powder system
could contaminate the electrical equipment. Outdoor Switchgear and Transforlncrs shall be kept clear fron
nonnally occupied/ guesl areas.
- For Diesel Genset Room, automatic sprinkler slslcm will be preferred though fixed foan s)rslem lvill also
be accepted. We relnind that gas fiooding s,vstems shall NOT be used to protect CerNet Room, due to lower

rcliabilily, unlikely to maintain gas extinguishing concentmlion (duri to leaks from room openings), and

also very costly for large volume. Remind that thc nrcl day lank should be housed in a sepamted small

- Ib add high ienperalure sprinklers ins'de exhaust air duct ofkitchen cooking hood exhaust grease ducis
(grease cooking, woks, deep fat fryers. BBQl gilles. etc.) and Pizza oven ducis (note: at top and at every 3

m horizontal distance olk'tchen hood grease exlraust ducb: sprinkler tenperature raling should be around
l0 deg.C plus highest ambient tenperature. High iemperature 260-320 deg-C spdnklcls 1o be used near
cooking hoods $,here h'gh temperature exists). One spinkler shall be added at top ofthe kitchen hood
exhaust riser ducts penetmting the floors- Sprinklers shall be accessible lor regular checkingl maintenance
but keeping ducts grease-odor tightness. Refer delails in ApDendix. May select from manufacture$r Viking.
or Tyco-

d. If linen chute exists. strinkle.s shall be added inside chute ai top and at akernate flools.

e. Remjnd to provide minimun 50 lnm dia. 1'lushing drain valve and 15 lnm dia. test valve in main sprinklcr
pipe after each sprinkler flow switch, with dlainagc connection for convenienl operation (relerAppendix
illustration). These together with end drair valve al each floor should be iocated inside pipe shaft or
housekeeping/ loilet room at lhat noor, and nol inside difl]cuh-lo'access ceiling voids.

i The sprinkler stop valve and flow switch al cach iloor to be relocalcd in pipe shaft or BOH areas: safe fionr
tampering but convenienr for service access. Should avoid irstalling fire system valves inside false ceiling
voids/ grest roolns. which can reduce adverse affects on ceiling height/ aesthetics (access panels).

Westin Phuket Simy Bay Project, Thailand-FLS Repod(l) Marcl 2009 g of22
HINKEY Technicat Servtces Ltd (HK)

g. Direct-read flow meler (note: minimum 100- 150 mm dia. pipe wilh valve and rerum drain back ro rank)
shall trc added at discharge side ofsprinkler pump for flo\\' lcsting 0efer Appendi\). Straighrrun pipc (no
valvel bend) ofmin. 1.5 nl (details rcfer supplier's nanual) to be kept before aDd ailer flow eter.
Instal lation hcigh! should not exceed 2. I m for conven;ent read ing.

h. Remind all stop valves that may lead to mal-funciion ofFS/ sprinkler system when bcing tampered, shall
have micro-switch lor eleclrically monitoring wilh signal back to Fire Comniand Center

i. Sprinkler protection lo be provided for all guest rooms and villas. Ifsidewall sprinklers. u,e relnind to note
mounting dislance from room ceiling shall be kept at 100-l50 nl (somc models can be fi\ed nlax. 300 mn
as UL listcd). Quick Response sprinklers shall be used at least for all guest rooms and concaled type

sprinklers. Concealed t)'pe spinklers arc nol prcfened due to difficukies for correct installation and likely
damagc liom paint/ plaster (unless particularly required by lnterior DcsigneD. Remind to use
internationally certified sprinkler brands (Tyco/ Centrali Vikingl Reliable, erc.).

j. Reminder: Fire hose for occupants (may use 25 mm dia. rubber hosc in rcsidential area. o.40 mm dia. wirh
flexible hose) and 65 mln hose ourlers shall be provided 10 protect all indoor areas. villas and guesi
buildings (to have minimum one warerjet reaching the most remote colrrcr). At least one 65 mn] dia outlet
and one hosc rccl should be provided near exit ofeach najor area (especially Main Lobby, F&B outlers.
laundry. large kitchens, Banquei, etc.).

k. Re inder: Prcssure switches to be provided at fire puDrp dischary side and wired directlr ro pump srarter
panel for automatic stal1ing ofnain pumps lvhen systen pressur drops. The control signal wiring shall be

$,ired directly to pump coniroller panel. 'Running'and 'Trouble' signals of lire pumps shall be repeated at
l- cc.

l. Reminder: Complete sprinkler protection should be provided throughout the building including al1 toilets
(exceeding 5 sq.m.), nechanical plant roonls. punlp rooms, AIC rooms. pipe/ ducl shais exceeding 5 sq.m.
area, indoor swinming pool (ifexists), covered occupied areas. EI-V equiprnent rooms (AV control room,
BAS conlrol roonl. etc.), sauna cabinet (141 deg.C sprinkler). walk in closet exceeding 2 sq.m.. etc..
Exempted areas include switch rooms, clcvalor nachinc .ooms. electrical shaft roons. snlall pipe shalt
rooms and roons protecled by automatic fixed gas f'looding suppression systems. Small standalone planl
rooms or securiry houses/ sheds (as rough guide: less than i0 sq.m) nol lhrearening major buildings or
occupied arcas may be exempted depeDding on actual situations.

m. AnsLrl (or UL lislcd equivalent) wet chemical extiriguishing (autonatic) systen shall bc provided for
kilchen cooking hoods lvhere grease cooking (dccp fat frye$. woks, stoves, etc.) exists. I-ocal gas supply

Westin Phuket Siray Bay Project, rhailand-Fls Repod(l) March 2009 l0 of22
HIN KEY recnnicat services Ltd (HK)

valve should be lripped with repeated signal to FCC $,hen Ansul systen actuales. and at last rle strobe
hom(s) in that kitchen area shall sound.

,1. Fire Detection Alarm System

FCC shall be equipped with Main lrire Panel (lvith CR'l graphic plan display, computer. line printer, etc.),
EVAC controls and I-PC leakage alarm panel. Preferto share wilh Security Control Room can save
sone lna.power. Remind that Hotel FCC shall be able ro comrol fire alarm sysrcm a.d EVAC Speaker

Slrobc speaker (orstrobe-horn) units shallbe provided at obvious locaiions in public areas. Main Lobby.
F&B outlets. Banquet. neeting roonis. circulation arcas. staffofjlcev arcas. staffcanteen. changiDg
rooms. Iaundq. BOH Areas. etc. to provide sullic;ert sound/ light level to alerr occupants. Occupanrs in
plani rooms and kitchens should be able to hear the alarm above the backgrcund noise. EVAC speakeN
shall be providcd in each guesi rooln, villa. Remind to provide slrobe speaken in following areas:
Ba.quel (one inside each partitioned area)
- Ma'n Lobby. Lobby Bar
- Resrauranl sealjng

- Large kirchens padicularly those noisy areas or $ilh cooking

I-aundry (if exists), staff canteen
- tsasemenl BOH nain circulaliot colridor
- Sauna arca./ indoor swnnming pool (ifexisi)
Outdoor assembly/ pool areas/ main beach area (for outdoor areas use weathe.prool speakers)
- Enlerlailnnentl bar area
- At least one strobe hom lor each guest building
- At lcast one strobe horn for each group ofvillas (quantity/ localion depending on aclual geogmplrical

O\lner Project Team has nol yet selected fire detection system nanufacturer We remind thal only

intemationally certified (UI-1 FM) equipmcnl could be used. The reconlnicnded list ofmanufacrurcrs
(wilh intemational certification and integrated EVAC SpeakeN) include: Edwards (model ESt'-l; US/
Canada). Honelwcll (model xls-:000; US), Johnson Control (model IFC2-3010). Notifier (nodel 3030;
tJS). and Simplex (model 4100) havine intesrated EVAC voice. Other brands will bc considered
subject to ULI FM/ intemationalcerlification plus proven goodjob records in i cmationalluxury hotels.
Sonlc paticular requirements are rerninded as follows:
- (Reninder) Providc smokc dcteclor in [I-V shaft and cable shaft ofeach lloor, pump room.
Conplete smoke deieclor protection should be provided throughout the building inlerior bul may
be exempted lor small toilers, bathrooms, kitchens. open-sidcd whdy colTidors and snall pipe

Westin Phuket Siray Bay Project. Thailand-FLS Repofi(l) March-2009 ll ofr2

HINKEY recnnicatservices rta (rx1

shafts. Smoke detectors should not be installed in carpdrking area, kitchens- sreanl boitcrroom and

area $,ith exhausi fumes in order 10 reduce nuisance alarns-

, Reminder: Main detection loop shall bc in Class A- 4 $irc (ring circuit) wirh nr line isolators lo
separate each loop into at least 3 lo 5 sections, each lloor in al least 2 sections.
Reminder: All snoke detectors in guest rooms must have bui11-in buzzer. Remind most
manufaclu.c$ rcquirc cx1.a 2:lV DC supply for buzzer
- Renindcr: Smoke detcclor iD guest rooms, electrical roons/ shafts and all snall roons must be of
addrcssable type.
- Atleastonenanualcallpointshall be provided near main exil dools ofmajor public arca (F&B
scaling, Banquet, Main Reception- elc.), kitchens. stallcanteen. guest building, etc.. For villas. one
manual call point may serve a group ofvillas wilhin 23 m but has to be ar obvious exrerior locatiors.
System shallbe put in automaric mode at nonnalrimes. The autonatic alann control programming
configuralion is reconmended be as follows (note: or propose compatiblc scheme after
manufacturer selecte.l):
When snioke detector alann acluates, ifthe 'acknowledge' bullon is pressed ar Main fire Panel $,ithjn
l5 seconds, there will be i minutes time delay lor invesrigation before actuarion ofalarm sounders and
homing retum ol'elevarors. For manual call poinls and sprinkler Ilow swirches Ghould havc builrin
delay). rherc will be no time dcla] in acluating the alarm sounders and rripping. Tripping of
non-essential power supply ifrequired by local authorily. should only be activared after marual
confirnation at l'CC to reduce pan icr' d istu rbance.
Alarm Zonine Control
Due to the wide-spread characterislics ofvillasl guest buildings/ lacilities, rhe EVAC speakeE should be
g.ouped into appropriate zones according to physical threals padicularly in nanual operation. As
mininun prcvision for convenience ofalam cortrol configuralion:
-l x speaker control module ibr each villa unit (ke]')
-1 sirobc hom with control modLrle,/ building. plus I x speaker control modulel floor fo. each guest
bLrilding (note: exclude single unit villas that can be grouped according to geographical zones)
- I st.obe hom with conlro I nrodulc lor cach group of villas (say I I 0 villas ;n same geographicat zone)
-l x speaker control module for each floor in each majot building.

d. Tripping ofAHUs. PAUs and fans serving orthan onc iire comparrmern during fire ala.m ro be provided
in buildings olhcr than villas. Exhausi fans seNing guest room loilets ofdifferenr lloors shall be h ipped.
Actualion ofsprinkler flow switches sball also aclivate alaml sounders and rripping.

e. Rcpcaler fire panel shall be added in Hotel lelephone Operator Room and Duty Engineer Roon. A sjmple

LCD display (or CRT wilh alann buzzcr) 10 iDdicale the alann addresses wilh simple descripr'on $,ill be
sulficicnt (no control function is necessar)). It shall be possible lor Telephore Opemtor to isstr.
announcement message nianually. and talk io elevator cars via 4-$,ay intercom.

Westin Phukel Siray Bay Project. Thailand-FLS Repot(l) March-2009

HINKEY lecnnlcat services Ltd (HK)

f. Siatus (fire delected, system actuated. lauh, etc.) ofother fire suppression systems such as gas flooding
svslenrs, e1c. should be monitored al the FCC. S1a1$ nrdicator of'Running, .Fautl'signals ofjockey
pumps and fire water tank 'low level alarm' should be provided at FCC.

g. Reminder: Strobe lighl with alam hom should bc p.ovided inside guest rooms designaled for rhe disablcd.

h. l'uel gas leakage detector to be provided in kitchens and gas valve,/meter rooms. Fuel gas supply valve
shall be automalically tripped when gas leak is detectcd. Alarm indicalion ro be provided in FCC.

i. Remind that majorequipnenr smoke detectors. controlpanels. signal/ conrrol modules, etc. mLrsl
be UI-i FM listed and comparible with main fire alalm system.

Audjo anplifiers have to be added for sufficienr porver lor 'all floon' b.oadcasi simultaneously. Standby
amplifier shall be provided at rutio of I e!ert 4 amplifier modulcs. Srandby batrery/ UPS should be
sufficienl tbr mnrimum I Hour operation.

k. EVAC speaker slstem shal1 be inregrated wirh Fire Detection System. lndividual zoDe speaker wirjngs
shall be supervised against open circuit and short circLril. Speaker lviring shatt nor be permited ro have
tee-offs (note: should use Ioop{hrough method from speaker lo speaker) and for line supervision and
servicing puI?ose.

1. EVACS speaken shall have metal (or ar leasr rigid non-ignitable plasric) backbox enclosure for prorection.
and for conduit to be connected properly. Cables running inside building areas exposed 10 burning risks

shall be offire resistant t_vpe capable for system to fLrnction during fire scenado.

m. Pre recorded nessage of mininum 4 selectable channels (alcd. evacuation. restore ro nonnal. and tesl)
wilh sufiicient menory for multi-language broadcast to b prcvided, lbr alrtomatic and manual operarion.

n. Tripping oflocal sound systcnrs a! Banqucl. Conlcrcncel Meeting. KTV/Nighrclub/ pLrb (ifany). etc. ro be

o. Remind to provide EVAC speakers in each guest room. housekeeping roonis. AVControlroom. VIp rooms.
Telephone Operator Room (wilh volumc conhoj). Engineering Office, BOH offices, and all normally
occupied areas. Normall.v unoccupied rooms such as snlall AHU/ lan rooms and snall stores ma) excmpt.

Westin Phukci Sir"y Bay Projccl. Thailand-|Ls Repon(l) March-2009 13 of22

HINKEY Technicat services nd fiK)

5. Mechanical Ventilation and Smoke Conl.ol

a Reninder: Kitchen hood exhaust drcr and smoke ertraction ducrs should have rheir own firc ,,ied shafis.
a.d must nol share in same shafl wirh fresh air/ exhausr/ MVAC ducls.

b. Remind to provide fire damper ar wbere air duci passes rhrough 2-hour fire rated \\,alls
and Uoors.

c. Remind to rote in locatirg fans and associared air grilles ol fresh/ exhausl air and smoke
conirol system 10
prevenl sucking smoke back into buildi.g and atso conlamiralion.

d Reminder: to provide adjusrable/ moduraring damper ar outlers ofstaircase pressurization systen (ifexisrs)
for connrissioning and a!'oid o!er/insulilcient pressure ar floor. Simpte gravily type pressure retiet
dampers. ifused' shall nor be rocalcd between srainveI and generar fioo. area, io
avoid viorarion offirel
smoke barrier requirement.

e. Though more as a Health issuc (tndoorAir euatity) than a Safett issue. il appears that loc!l pracri!e
provides liftle fiesh air (or neaFto-none in ceftain areas) for guest roons. pubtic/ BOH
staffareas, $.hich
should be improved. Also we would remind ro nolc for possible firc/ smoke sprearJ issues from
corridor spaces/ ceiling voids as rerurn air./ ftesh air pa1h. Taking fiesh air ofguest roomsl other rooms
directlv fiom conidor space parlicuiarrv encrosed egress coridor shourd be avoided, due 10 violalion of
fire, smoke baniers.

6. Lmergency Power and Lighting

a. star$'ood standard asked for2 x r000l HV with interconnecting section srvitch for changeoverro olher line
nunually. in case eilher I HV line fails project Tean said rhc cunent design lvoutd have I x IIV We
unde$tand there Dray be local tinirations. and will leave tor Sla.*-ood Regionat Ol.lice 10 decide.

b. Owner Project l'ean said would provide 1 x 1.250 kVA and I x t.000 kVA dieset slandbi, genser each
supplying I separate translormer busbar section (ioial 2 1,ansfo.mers: 1x2000 and tx I250). 1.000
day-tank and i.000 liler nrain luel tank (said suficient lor I2 houls) wilt be orovide.l
()ur Comment:

Remind ro nore StaN\,ood .equirenenr of,18 hours fuet rank siorage (may relax ro 24_hour in case
diffcuhies), and again lvc will teave for Starwood Regionat Omce's decision. Main fuet lank sho!ld
preferably be ground-buried \r':lh concrere bunds/' conta;nnent agajnsr teaks/ spi|age, and sha
sufficient safcly clearance wirh $ indolsl openings ot major buildings. The emcrgency gcnerator
nust be
aLrtomatically starled and auro cbangeover lc) supply essenlial loads wirh;n 10_15 seconds durrng porcr
fail re. Auto-srat signal should preferably be taken ar Moad side.

Wesiin Phukei Sira), Bay Project, Thailand-FI-S Reporl(t) March-2009 1,1 oll2
HINKEY re*nicat services Ltd (HK)

c. Other than fire proteclion systems, the foilowing equipment will also require back up power from
emergencv diesel gcncralor:
- cold stores and kitchen exhaust hood fans
- at least one potable/ hot $ater pLrmp for each zone

basement drainage pumps, PABX, other esscntial systems.

elevators (preferably all rnajor ones; emergenc) power can be supplicd al least b) nanual

d. Remind most areas should have a podion ofessential lights conDected to power circuits back up by
emergency generator. One lighi in guest room vestibule (usually as low lvel foot ligh0 should be
connected to second essential c;rcuit (no standby battcD required) as nonnal Stal$,ood projects'praclice.
and aulo turn on when normal power supply to guest roons ofthat noor failed. It is undersrood that the
current design appcared to have only 1 circuit suppl.ving !hc guesi rooms/ villasl remote buildings.
Rcconmend to have essential circuit addd lo cater fortripping ofcircuil brcaker- iD case unable to add.
relativel,v more standby re-chargeable balteries (90 minures) shall be provided inside guesr rooms. egress
routes. public ureos. F&B oullels. staffareas. BOH olfices and occupied areas.

e. Remind to pro!ide a srnall quantity ofessential lights with standby batterv for ma.jor egrcss routes, guest

floor corridors- exit stairs. maior M/E plant rooms, assembly areas. Food & Beverage outlets. kilchens,
of]jce a.eas. stall areas, circulation./ conidors, ]rront DesU Main Lobby. elc..

f. Reminder:At leasr one elevator in each area should be provided with genset back-up power and necessary
controls- so that these elevators may also be utilized for transpodation (disabled, crrcrgencr equiprnenr,
eic-) during emcrgencics,r niai.s power failure period.

7. OtheN
a. Rcmind 10 note diesel fuel and fuel gas safety 1o be noled. Cas pipe shall run in ve.tilalcd a.eas. and not to

run inside exit slail.wells, ceiling \ oids nor confined spaces.

b. Local fire departnenl's fofiial writlen approval ceriificale shall be obtained before Iloiel soll opening.
Ilolcl to be inspected (with wi1ness on spot iests) by Stanvood approvcd lirc Engineer before accepiirig

Wesiin Phuket Siray Bay Projecl. Thailand-FLS Rcpoft(l) March-2009 15 ol22

HINKEY Technical Services Ltd {HK)

This Repofi is prepared after a FLS Design Review Meelirg. and lvill foon the basis for final inspeclion. As
Starwood's cunent pradice in the region, rhe project should bc inspected by Starwood approved IrI-S
Enginecr belore Holel opens 1{) guests. to ensure lhat therc is no major issue. Spot chccks and witness ofFLS
system tests including fire pump/ firc detection alann will be carried oul during this final inspection.
An optional sjle inspection by approved FLS Engireer may be canjed out on Owner's reqLresl rhrough
Starwood Regional Office. at around 4 to 6 nonths before Hotel's target opening dare. This sile inspcclion
aims to check workmanship and possible missing irenis. and would save abodive works and avoid possible
delay to project completion due to unsolved issues.
Other buildings includ;ng Phasc III of Resorr shall also adherc 10 StaNood FLS Standard and NFPA code
requirements. lt should be noted thal this review process/ Repon aims 10 illuslmte Starwood ILS
requiremenrs under time/ informarion limitation using a practical approach. and not iniended for reviewing
every single drawings/ itensi areas. Owner Project Team should study Starwood FLS Standards ca.efully for

FLS Consultant Engineer

we.lir PhL, el Si-. c. Proiecr. II rilJnd-fLq Re|nn(l) \4arcf 00o 16 of22

HINKEY Techn icat services rtd (HKl


Appendix: Technical lllustration for Rcference

L Hin 1c{imn1lin I

ElEvATloNvlEw lsr6ighr sbir)


PLANvIEw{rel0rn 5tar)

l1(;Ulll.i.{. llnn.lail hailt.

Piciure 1: Details of Handrail to be provided at bofi sidc \!alls of exit srairwells. teference NFPA l0l)
Piclure 2: Reterence- Details ofStais,a) marking Sign inside exit stairwell. (.eference NIrpA t0l)

Reauirenent on Slairwav markins Sien

'Stdits setlineJbe at norc staties shal be prcridcd \tith specid! sig age rith,l the etjcl.)stue at edch foat
landing. The tig age shd| intlicate thefl@t lei,el, the teminu: afthe !op dtld b.)tan oJ lhe stdtenclosute, atul tue
ide tilication oflle natl e cloturc The signage alsa shu :tdte theiaot lewl af, and the diettion to, e\it
dischatEc The s iqndse shdll he lacated inside the enc losurc dpprcain atel, I 525 mn abore t he Jl oat ton.ti g in a
Nsitian that is risible vhen the.loot i: in the apen ar clase.l position.

Weslin Phukel Siray Bay Project. Thailand-Fl-S Repod(l) March-2009 17 of22

HINKEY recnnical services ttd {HK)

O r a.ll$ oi *ir r..ess lra,,el

ENit 5 0r ere.t4.l Peru.nJrula.

Dnenion danr6..s1b +

- Fh*ol Fe.p e

Di !.1r | $ exil a rde5s lra.ic

]r. ,,.

D r-rinn .t 6!t a..6ss ilrl



PicLure I 5. Arangemeni olExil Signs (reftrence: NFPA 101) & r'Jntle(of!rrub honr\ l \AL sterker'
an al slation nr guest floor corlidor.

Westi. Phukel Siq- Bay Projecl. Thailand FLS Repofi(l) March 2009 18 of 22
HINKEY recnnicat services ru 6K)


Picture 5 & 6: Preterrcd Arangcmcnl for Fire Pump water Flow and Di.ccl-.ead Ijlow Meie. Water

should discharge back to watertank. (referenceiStarwood FLS Standard)

Picturc 7: Sprinklers (high temperalure 220 260 deg.C) iDside kitchen hood exhausl duot (nore: sprinklers nor
required under hood whereAnsulfixed exlinguishing system shall bc provided for grease cooking hoods)

Westin Phuket Siray Ba) Projecl. Thailand-Fls Repoll(l) March-2009

HINKEY re*nica t Services no (HxJ


PiclLrre 8 & l0: Examplc Ansul (R102 or l,iranha) $,el chenical fire suppression s),steff ro be provided al
kilchcn cooking hoods an.lcollar $'ilh aulo lrip lalve offuel gas suppl\'.


I,icture I I lj: relerence- lypicalfire sealanls for elcctricalcables. insidc rrunking cavitie\ (ar penerarjng
lloor slabsl fire lva11s). and firc collars lor PVC pipes

Wcslin Phukei Siray Bay I'rolecl. lhailand-Fi-S Rcpofi(l) N4arch 2009 20 (')1 22
HINKEY recrrnicar servlces rta (Hx)

Picturel4-15:L;nenChute(ifexists)-sprinklc robcaddrJartop&alternareflo^r,a\ Llu\traLcd.

lr r&! r1r 1r,,

n: l r.-

Photo l6: 50 mm dia. flush drair and I5 mnr dia. rest drain !alae after sprinkler flow swilch

Westin Phuket Siray Bay Projecl, Thailand FI-S Repot(1) March-2009

HINKEY recnnicat services Lrd (HK)

I,icture l7: EVAC speaker shall be eqLripped i!iih proreciive backbox cnclosure (meral or al leasr rigid
non-ignjtable plastic)
Picture l8: Sounder base lor smokc dctcclor inside gLrcsl room. Addressablc smoke derector to be rscd.


I ..wNnrF,FrF..R

Picture l9: Typical floor marking sign at each main landing inride exil slairi{11.
l'icture 20i Typical gucsl loom cnLrancc veslibule enre.gcfc) lbor light to auto-rum al nlains power failure.

Nslin l,hukel Sjray Ba_v Prolecl. l hailand-FLS Repod(l) N4arch-200') , .l'))


F f, : *tl4Ji E 6E^

Zi : ;hFEn-n*[E*BfF]E

Fz xh +aE + + * f r E ( A E )i ) fi F f, ,t! * z t it + f )t rt tn T tb i!. :


1. 4 fr M*zh #.6+ 1 1 9K ( ESEE iiiEf i+-[,ft S+6!tE*fl E ), fi.,iH^

fl-n tl tr )Elt " T eAfff ffi e)H fi .

2. zJjFtn*.4hD).HtsEf *AF+FtIE1-E& , .H146!Afifb : AE

+ ( -iKid+ ; -BfTidX+ ) e--aKEA FGr+ ,( &,q i+-trH+in
EE ) r)l -t H.rl'fJj l\ Rfr rt n fill+ n, F i- IE Hf * ,l.E fi rilff n EA

IESiT E EZF&Ff, fl HT)Hfi EE.

3. /RH

riTHTsrSi-4EEfi ,,Itt , d/t4,l.f!?rt , ffie , ii*dT*dtE

Ffr 1)iEffi/En'.FftE_V.+, +nF, F+1, +E=fltfi ffiiq TpRT, FF
f!FIAfi , xt+fiH&+EXfiE , *t\h-st*.tsF'fr{r , #Ei5t<,.#.8 ,

'iXlF , Bts ,*kVtffifrA$=rtmnTA$E*gfiJE, 3658/ .l , ril+ , pli

EAA , i(1x*66fle lit filH A,e#+,.{tE,\ , t}E^ffiftr"
4 . AAE-rtFif ,r\h&#,-$ , -4s-]ilT'1F:6'*., -lt+E$Hry.f +

FF : fidrt2rl]EtrrE^i{^E-+*S zf, : /lFEn-s*[*Stf iE


Hffi: Eff:

Longshan Golf Club Contract

Tiel,ing Longshan International GolfClub (hereunder refencd 10 as Party A) and Sheraton

Shenyang Lido IIotcl (hereundcr rcfcrred to as Party B) reached followjnJr a{reemenr on

purchasing TaiJin card:

L Party A purchase 1l Pafy B s Taiiin card (please refer to Taijin card use insrrudion). which

are in total amount of RMB1l0, 000. The outlels include guest roon; Lido Western reslaurani.

Tian Bo Gc Chinese rcstaurant. Fitness Centet and I-i Bei Wu lrench rcstaurant (exclude

banquet and wedding banquel).

2. Pdly B agrees that Party A provide golf nenbership card in exchange as baner agreemenr.

The card include company card (one name rccord card; onc no name record card) and one

FGT card has namc rccord on it (please refer to use inslruction)- which are in total amounr of
RMB 98,000. Pany A agree that the rest amounr of 12000 RMB can be deductcd by Parly B

via normalconsume since ihis contmct effective date.

3. Both parties agrees. to the fullest exient permitted by 1aw, the respective parry rake

responsibility of liability. clains. judgtllent. damages, and losses, include but not limiled ro.

ail altomeys'fees and other expenses causcd by its enployees. delcgates, and agenl dgainsr

due 1() neglect and mistake: and etenily 1() prolect, defend, assisl, and avoid to harm Sheralon

Shenyang Lido Holel. its head conpanj,, shareholders, afilliaies, ofiicels, patners. agents.

suppliers, and employees Lrnder this agrccncnt.

4. This AgreeDrent is execured in two countcrpads. Each Paty shall hold one cop],. Any ilems

does not inclLrded in this contract can be solved by both negoliation.

Parly A: Tieling Longshan Inlemational Golf Club


Pafiy B: Sheraton Shenyang Lido Hotel


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