Jennifer P. Libutan September 20,2017 Theology of Vocation FR - Viktor, RCJ Call To Discipleship

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Jennifer P.

Libutan September 20,2017

Theology of Vocation Fr.Viktor,RCJ

Call to Discipleship

Discipleship Old English, from Latin discipulus learner, from discere learn; reinforced. Being a disciple
of Jesus depends first of all on his call. The response must be given in all freedom. Jesus chooses his own
disciples. So from the beginning discipleship is a gift. Jesus call to a person is a call to follow me
(Mk1:17) involving the disciple in a unique attachment to his person. In other words, following necessarily
entails personal bonding and self-commitment to his person.

Yahwehs call was a personal and intimate for Samuel. On the first book of Samuel it was state that
Yahweh called him three times when he was sleeping in the sanctuary. He thought that it was Eli. Then on
the third time, Samuel answered Yahweh, Speak; your servant is listening. I was being relate to this
scenario for I too experience it. But in different places and time. First, I heard a voice calling my name
when I was in elementary during our catechism in school, Second, in my high school year at the top of Mt.
Makulot in Batangas, having my contemplation. Third, when I was a novice in ASSJM, in our room alone
having my siesta. Fourth, was last year in our convent in Silang, Cavite at the room beside the sacristy. The
first time I heard the voice I thought that it was only my classmate so I ignore it and confirm after the
catechism class but no one says I am, so it remains puzzled to me. Second at the top of the mountain, I
thought that it was Fr. Dante who called me but he says he is not. So I opened it to him and ask for the
meaning of that call. There he said that I need to talk to God and have some conversation with God in
prayer. Third in the room I heard a voice whispering in my right ear calling my name and when I look
beside no one is around so I ignore it. Fourth, was last year, it was 10:00 in the evening, I am facing on my
laptop preparing for my talk on the recollection on the next day. I heard a voice calling my name from the
outside, so I stood up and look at the window seeing who is the person calling my name but no one answered
so I ignore it. And now I can still have heard a voice calling my name in the middle of my sleep in my
room. I dont think that it was a hallucination, even though I ignore it, instead I just put into my mind that
it was the voice of God and the call I experienced has a mission for me to be fulfill. This experiences are
part of my vocation story. God called me to do his mission. Samuel live out his entire life in obedience to
the will of God, whatever decision he made, it is always prayed and consulted to God. And this is what I
must do. Every time I heard the voice of God I should answer him Speak; your servant is listening.

The Lord extend his hand and touch my mouth. I am giving you the words you must speak.
This is what prophet Jeremiah experienced when God called him to become his disciple. I too have this
experience. Being a speaker/ facilitator of a recollection and retreat, before I start my talk or session, I
prayed to God and I experience this The Lord extend his hand and touch my mouth and he is the one
who gave the words I must speak I am giving you the words you must speak. I am challenge by God
to proclaim his words not my own words. I always put myself in the presence of God for He is the one who
preach, who talk to the young through me as an instrument. I always hope and pray that the receiver of the
recollection and retreat may have the fruits of conversion. Those words of God planted in their hearts and
live out in their lives. My heart leaps for joy every time I heard some participants appreciate and has been
thankful for their experiences. The words of God that comes out into my mouth and experience by the
young makes me happy and blessed. And it is all for the glory of God.
The divine mercy and compassion is enough for all. Matthew the tax collector is also a sinner.
Following God is the way for him to have Gods divine mercy and compassion, to forgive all his sins and
to have his conversion. Being a tax collector is one of the great temptation to a person to follow the will of
God being his servant. In reality, money can manipulate a person if they lording it. They can do anything
they want for they have the means to do it. But still despite of being a sinner, fall into temptation, God still
gave his divine mercy and compassion. For he is the God of mercy and compassion. In the call of Matthew,
the meaning of his discipleship is to learn from the Master. The Master is divine, merciful and
compassionate to all. I am called to learn from the Master and whatever I have learned from him, it should
be shown in the way I live out my life not just stock it in my mind but to live out do it in action. The divine
mercy and compassion of God is enough for all, to live a holy life, to have the faith that leads to become a
prayerful, to be like him. Be merciful and compassionate to all even to the enemies.

God called the twelve disciples by name one by one. In calling me by name, God awakens me to my
true self, giving me a sense of identity what and who am I before God. The twelve disciple has their own
identity and living way of life. But when Jesus called them by name, they left everything. Their work,
family and their own identity who really they are. For me chosen by God, I am called by name when I am
baptized as catholic and when I am in the right age I confirmed that call and do the will of God. To become
his disciple, I am challenge to bring the gospel to all the nation. And so, the nation will know God from
Christ-like Christian who lives out the gospel. I am called to bring the gospel, the light, the love. Go
therefore and make disciple of all nations.

Paul believe in God but he could not accept a God who became man. He could not accept that God
was subjected to weakness, suffering and death. Paul was a Pharisee. He thought that these Christians were
impostors. The claim of Christs resurrection was ridiculous for him. So he persecuted them. A voice heard:
Why are you persecuting me? Paul could have reasoned, I am persecuting Christians, not you,
whoever you are! Who are you? Paul asked. The voice replied: I am Jesus whom you are
persecuting. Upon realizing the implication, Paul was persecuting the Christians. He felt good in doing
God a favor. It turned out that Christ who is God actually the one he persecuted in his fellow human. Pauls
conversion is not a trivial equation of a person who did not have faith in God and believe in Him eventually.
Or being a Pharisee to being a Christian. Or a sinful person who became saint. More than that, Paul was
converted from his narrow-mindedness. He became aware that how many others was how he actually
treated God. He learned that Gods love is for everyone. There are times in my life that I am like Paul before
his conversion, believe in God but not in the people created by Him in his own image and likeness. I also
persecuted them by judging, think negatively and sometimes ignoring their presence. But at the end of the
day, I realized that it is God whom I judge, think negatively and sometimes ignoring His presence. Thats
why I dont have the chance to go to confession, I prayed the act of contrition before I sleep, have my
mortification and do overcome it by doing the challenge of God being his disciple.

Following Jesus means recognizing him in those who are poor and those who are suffering.
Discipleship engages one in cooperating with the power of God in transforming the present.

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