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h of them engaged in a different profession Doctor, Lawyer, Teacher Engineer, Nurse and Manager. (ii) Fach of them remains athorne ona different day of the week from Monday to Saturday (iii) The lawyer in the family remain at home Direction Q.No.5-7: Study the following information's carefully and on Thursday. \g> thurs answer the questions given below : caw’e (9) Remains at home on Tuesday. tuo} Se ery C.D, Eand F are taking p- OH" (¥) Pa Doctor, doesnot remain athomeeither ae — Caprred on Saturday or on Wednesday. ~~ (ii) and Aare notin the same row, (vi) Sis neither the doctor nor the Teacher and _ Finley remains at home on Friday. (vii) Qis the Engineer and T is the Manager. 4 Egy T-87) $ (iii) Eis to the left of F and faces C. (iv) Bisin the middle of a group. (¥) DistotheleftofB. % — q Who is the Nurse ? eg (a)_s. @®R 5. Who faces B? ear y (D) Data inadequate @ c 6) A pen ochre” wend © E£ PF 2. Which of the following combinations is correct ? : en fA) Wanger- Tuesday 76 6. Whe Sta are sitting in the same (B) Nurse - Friday (a) AEB @) ERB E aie (Of DEF (0) AEF () Engineer - Thursday: Which of the following combinations is not correct ? (A) R-Teacher (By Q- Engineer ‘Which of the following pairs are facing each ————— 2 aS Aan 43, 52, 51,48, 43, 34, 27, 16 9. (a) 51 et 48 44 (Dp) 43 x4) 84 WY ee 44+8x2+ 1641 (A) 1 - 3 In each of the following questions, a series | O 2 (DB) 0 B \ ere. given with one term missing. Choose the corre a Regt (EN Slternative that will continue the same patte es ot gee and fill in the blank space. a re a 14. 50,45, 46,41, 34, _ 4 a A 15 ne) 2 Ee 4% Direction Q.No. 10-11; Ineach of the following letter series, some of the jetters are missing which are given in that order as one of the alternatives below it. Choose the correct alternative. : pe (©). 2 gee (p) 19 y EFE ‘aos Seal 10. pa nec 15. 6,25, re 19M, 3. (a) * bbac (B)_bbaa yee © sa pee 2S ny? acbb (Dy acac Cea D) 62 S41 es 16. 71, 76,69, 74, 67,.72, > 46 ) 6 OQ 7 = r 22-2 . OY ermev eee questions consist of ts ve a certain relationship to: (D) QZHMT followed by four lettered pairs of wo the lettered pair that has the same relal 18. If im a certain language Macha Nig | O° original pair of words. coded as HCEMASCIN, hot? ig POSTER owy ‘ coded in that code ? p & | 22. Medicine: Capsule @ 7 (A) OPTSRE = \ 18" (SOP RET A) Peart: Shel & (©) RETSOP (D)_TERPOS *"@) ramehyee ce Vv ag @ r (©) Heart : Lungs Direction Q.No. 19-21: ee Car : Vehicle In each of the following questions, there is a eS certain relation between two given words on one side of; : and one word is given on another side | 23. _ Identity : Anonymity of: ; while another word is to be found from the given alternatives, having the same relation with this word as the words of the given pair bear FS f Choose the best alternative. ©) Catetiee (A) Flow: Perfection Truth : Lie 49. Virology : Virus : : Semantics : ? (D) Fear: Joy Be a PR ase (By Language Cs io ‘a (D) Society 24. Symphony : Music Bee; vd (A) Mural : Painting ® Major : Battalion : : Colonel : ? (B) Ode: Prose Company Pf Regiment (Q)__ Preface : Book (8) Lion# (D) Zebray Memorise is to Amnesia as Movementis to (A) Lubrication (B) Lethargy Of” Paralysis (D) Hermit Direction Q.No. 27 - 30: In each of the following four alternatives contain particular form. Find the one questions, three out of alphabet placed in a that does notbelong 27 to the group. (A) BCDEI (@. PORSW gum or iia BAS ponm Ae es 32, The LCM of two numbers there were 248 passen| when the train started from Mun number of passengers WAS * (a) 435 (B) 564 we (Q 64 ©) ave Q is 45 times their HCE. If the sum of the LCM. and the HCF ‘of these two numbers is 1150 and one of the numbers is 125, then the other number a Lew Qbe it (A) 256 Vrms = 4 © 20 (D)_ 259 7 Sane ee +2 chancel 2 yet HORS Direction Q.No. 33-34: = &, mUPs 4 qj = Find out the wrong term from the following series and select the number from the alternatives which will replace the wrong term in the series. a? kh A, PEE OD Bi 33. 2,9, 28, 65, 126, 216, 344: (A) 38 ay or 217 + (Gh coe ao 2 wf al — oft 94%, satiny 34. 299,178, 97, 48,24, 14,13: ge ot (B) a) dB can fill a water tankin 8 Tespectively and third 56 men can complete a piece of wot 24 da ‘the tank in 15 min wey Tn how many days can 42 men iu complete the same piece of work ? x Oy (A) 48 4 @) 60 Gr) 00" ae 5 © 150 Doe Oa a 6 oy en eer wy s) 37. A train starts at 7 a.m. with a speed of 50 km/hr, Another train from B starts at 8 a.m. with a speed of 60 km/hr towards A. Both of them meet at 10 a.m.atC. The ratio of the distances AC = aN, ue i 42. The ratio es es and Prakash's age at present is 2: 3. Sumit is 6 mai younger than Prakash, The ratio of Sumit's age to Prakash's age after six years will be: ck ie b (A) 1:2 . 855) 2-3 hae be oe 5 ® ee 8 a (A) 4:5 2 5:4 (Cyp 3:4 Vat (D)_ 3:8 ey “73 NG» oye Sue} 43. How many one ue coins, 50 paise coins and 25 paise coins of which the numbers are proportional to 4,5 and 6 are together om o& Sos Bonen" iG 38. The ae a ages o at present is 12 : 5, the difference of their wrotth £32? e age is 28 years. What will be the ratio of y nh ote their Ages after eight years ? oh 16, 20,24 (B) 12,16, 20-242 as a (A) 2:2 (B) 3:1 (CQ) 20, 24,28 (D) 24, 28,32 oe Le os SUES TUG vole Pe ‘Acan run 200 m in 35 seconds and B in ey ee Be A. EO (Dy) 3:2 ane 39, 1/48 of 60% of a number is equal to 2/5 38 seconds. By what divsue’.A beating of 20% of another number. What is the Mio 5 2 respective ratio of the first number to that (a) 15m 4, @ Bem umber ? 2 ee. ; - can V5) me usband and his wi sat the time of their slits years they have a one year old ‘The average age of the family now progsl o x4 y (B) 285 years (A) 29.3 years © 19 years fa x pb ee ea A&B together have € 1210. If 4/15 of A's amounts equal to 2/5 of B's amount, how much amount does Bhave? =“ aS a 2 (A) 661 A? (B) z500 a 3 eae 9 (Dy 2400 Maes oy am from P to Qand 0 Pin 4 hours. If the in still water is it is: Indi the speed of the current i r, then what is Treas od Kew 23 years travels upstre: Direction Q.No. 50-51: In the following questio opposite in meaning to the given W' ns choose the word ord. 50. Hasten: , (A) Dash (8) Dawdle (C) Hurry (D) Scurry N61. Antagonism : LAY Cordiality (B) Animosity (CQ) Hostility (D) Enmity wv a Direction Q.No. 52-53: eS In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word. or 52. Camouflage (A) Disguise (B) Cover (©) Demonstrate (D) Fabric rh 8) 41, km 2013]2014 "i 16 | 17 | 2 ta | 12 | 12\] 14 | 78 te [a5 13} 8 | 90 10 | 16 | 20/]] 31 Paper Cost 25% and above the CP. If the marked price of the magazine is @ 180, then what is the cost of the paper used in a single copy of the 58. magazine ? (a) 736 '31 (B) %37.50 foyemae rt (D) 744.25 2 Royalty on the magazine is less than the printing cost by : 59. 1 (A) 5% (B), 35% © 20% (D) 25% If for a certain quantity of magazine, the publisher has to pay ® 30,600 as printing cost, then what will be amount of royalty | 60, to be pais (B) 221,200 (D) 26,150 central angle of the sector tothe expenditure incurred i i s ®) R 19 | 30 | 14 |] 27 | 133 75 | 90 | soy, 86 | 476 ous ore ‘The production of which type of cars’ was 25% of the total production of all types of cars during 2014 ? a © @ MF they & In which year the production of cars of all types taken together Was approximately wwerage during the period ? (B) 2012 (D) 2015 In which year the total production of cars of types P and Q together was equal to the total prédtiction of cars of types R and § together ? (A) 2011 (8) 2012 « The' ‘circuit shown in the figure given below is. EF anoscillator (A) A realand even function of o in space Parallel in space Bis in the direction of wave travel His in the direction of wave travel :- ——’ in oy Vo Ry R (A) anon-inverting Amplifiers (B)_ an inverting Amplifiers a Schmitt Trigger A signal x(t) has a Fourier transform X(w), If x(1) is a real and odd function of, then X(o) is: neal ve ‘An imaginary and odd function of w (©) Amimaginary and even function of w (D) A realand odd function of ‘The input and output of a continuous time sstemare respectively denoted by x(t)and (), Which of the following descriptions 0 md to a causal system ? Waal FMF 4 Cee, 50 A= (t—4x(U4)™ e-0 Ine =(t+4)x(t-1) - (t+ 5)x(t +5) Group I Group II @ rectifier, if the input then output frequency 4B) P @p P=25/(s? +25) cosh Q=36/(s?-+ 20s +36f 7, R=36/(s2+ 125-436) “CD 4 $=36/(s?+75+49) » 4° We” tt) ia) Sa ae Stable but not causal ) Unstable and non-causal 67. Group lists aset of four transfer Group II gives a list of responses y(t). Match the step responses W! corresponding transfer functions. Cage + : Ae se Ne y(t) (3), possible ith the oS { o5 (A) P-@)Q- 4). - @, Q- QR D148 Pi ae me system shown in the 7 the poles of the system are located at: ty om ot He +) Pt 6 (A) 2.3 B) 1/23 : (1/21/34, (DY 2.1/3 6 -. : 7 sor : Armessage signal (t)=cos2000 mt +4eos4000et modulates the carriers c(t)=cos2mfct where fe=1MHz to produce an AM signal. For demodulating the generated AM signal using an envelope detector, the time 2 constant RC of the detector circuit should ~~ satisfy A ae ck (A) 0.5ms> 05 ms Gums sai F, wp Erbd 2, wy JA. Asystem with an input x(t) Sid dutpury(t) én described by the relation : y(t) = tx(\), This system is : wn erly )(A) Linear and timd-invarie By “pir Linear and time-varying G\,),8 ' 7 x va Power efficient transmission of © ce Signals, 3 ms 'h) Most bandwidth _ efficient transmission of voice signals CAO Simplest receiver structure A"@) Bandwidth etfic ission of : ndwidth efficient transmission —1) occurs — Bere Ce ~8) 9 (705 (Dp) 2 s The determinant of matrix A is 5 and that @ of matrix Bis 40. The determinant of matrix Ag) AB will be: ° TB A 10 bit D/A converter gives a maximuthy a neal (A) 8 (8) 40 ee 23V. The resolution is: {9.2% : a v 10mV @) 20mv 21 © wr / (© 5mv (D) mv 2° 79, The transfer function C(s) / (s) in the block Assuming the op-amp to be ideal, the diagram shown below is : voltage gain of the amplifier shown below is ROS, + Sq Es + oT GiGo (A) ei: GG, Wh oe (B) G,G.+G,+1 we G,G,+G,+1 \" ee ©) 1+6.G, 80, The impulse response h{n] of a linear invariant system is given by : Afr] =u[n+ 3] + u[n—2] = 2u[n—7], nad h2{n} in Cascade. The overall of the cascaded system H+[n-2] (8) fn—4] 3) (D) [n—1] n-2] ; Phas 2" pea signal (t)=2cos(-10%) volts f applied © an FM modulator with the sensitivity “constant of 10 kHz/volt. Then the Y modulation index of the FM wave is : 4 a ©) 2 (C) 4/m yoex2vD) 2/5 set 88. In the circuit shown below, switch SW is closed at t=0. Assuming zero initial Sone th F . ll el .: vo ly t=0 349 Sw 10V (A) 4-4e-' (B) $F 10/3-4e-' ©) 4-de-V/2 \ Woe tl ie cre”! - are. e x ie! region ef convergence of the 2- transform of a unit step function is ow OTe 4e-t 92. In the cireait given below, 94, Cee rule is 101 kHz (B) 50.5 kHz 2 (CQ) 49.5 kHz es ase ' (D) None of the above s 4° 59¥ * on? A the effective Tesistance (in 1) faced by the voltage SOUTEE : 40 | Which of the following components are used for bias compensation in transistor | circuit? salen (A) Resistors at (B) Rectifier diodes = ie (Q. Thermistors Gone 3s QP) both (B) ana (©) = sy : ve v Tao Bef Veg nechanpel FETs Tae OouA rt Ogi 1. Vp=—4V, Its transconductance g,, (in mn milli, an applied gate-to-sourte ye hho) for cs Of -2 Vis; Oates ®) 025 | a ay 10 vs wa oi 5 The EM field and current jg 22, close to the Gurface of the cong men ttated phenomenon is called : ‘uctor, The (A) Faraday's effect 42. Ap slats . os F chy Fourier Transform e time sequence (1,0, 2,3} ota 24252-2-2] . , 12.243); 6,2-2)) ) 1 1-3);214+39) yd ia [6 -1+3);0, -1-3)] The logic function implemented by the circuit given below is oo implies a logic '0') 4x1 MUX Ig i peo FeAND(r.Q) €4 F=OR(P,Q) '=Ex-NOR (P, Q) nor @ 01.) In the given circuit, the values of V 102. 103. respectively are ; ei. ‘ tw hee 40. ‘I v i + vaCt) 5A 403 40 (A) 5V,25V (By 10V,30V (©, 18 V,35V (D) 0V,20V . The dominant mode in a Dual slop t (D) Single slope technique The z - transform F(z) of the function F(aT)=a"™ is Consider the following processes in t fabrication of IC's : © (1) Substrate ¥ % a Q) Oxide layer ¢ (3) | Etching (4) Photo resist and photolithography © The correct sequence of these processes ) 2,0) 4) X67 (2,4) © 2004 (©) @,”),4) rectan waveguide is TE jo, because of : (A) No attenuation (8) No cutoff © Non aie R LAY 0 wey (B) 2V / +1V (D) +15v ) (a* G Which one of the following conditions will cats not guarantee a distortionless ‘Transmission a Line +— zs, ) =e h8 j (A) R=0,G=0_ a f ©) ic=rc : = & S49) Ro, Gove Gu? . (D) R<

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