Adult Literacy and Non Formal Basic Education in KP Jails Main Poits

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Main points.

Adult Literacy and Non- Formal Basic Education in KP Jails.

1. Initiative
Initiative of Provincial Govt with collaboration of development partners
2. Purpose.
Promotion of literacy and skills in jail inmates for their positive
engagement rehabilitation, uplifting their moral, mental, education
and skills level for easy adaptation after release from jail.
3. Target.
Adolescents, Adults Male and Female jail inmates.

4. Programme.
Adult literacy, Non Formal Basic Education focused on
Reading skills
Writing skills
Numeracy skills
Dictation and comprehension skills
Character building skills.
Monitoring and assessment

5. Duration: 6 months.

6. Expected Participants per batch.

30-40 jail inmates.

7. Facilities by EEF. Logistic arrangements as

Teacher and Co teacher salary
Sports goods.
8. EEF Partner Vision 21 assistance.
01 Computer per literacy Center
Adult literacy Books
Schools bags
Teachers training
Monitoring and assessment

9. Achievements so far.
ALP established and inaugurated By Minister E&SE in Central Jail
Peshawar on 20th May 2017.
Inauguration of two Adult literacy Centers one for male and one for
female on 29th Sept, 2017 in District Jail Mardan, by Minister E&SE
Mohammad Atif Khan .

10. Continuity of the program.

After completion of one batch, next batch will start to ensure

11.Future plan.
gradual expansion to all jails in KP
Identification and association of NGOs and development partners for

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