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COMPUTER ROOM: We are in the computer room. There are computers here.

We learn how to
use them. There are some rules: we must switch off the computers when we leave the room.

LIBRARY: Ssshh we are in the library, it is very well organized, it is very easy to look for the
book you want to read.

DINING ROOM: We have lunch here. The meals are prepared out of school because there
isnt any kitchen. It is very noisy.

PSYCHOMOTOR ROOM: This is a huge room, similar to the gym. The kindergarten pupils do
here physical activities; they have got lots of different materials to play.

PLAYGROUND: At a quarter to twelve we have a break. During the break we go out to the
playground. This year we have new games painted on the ground. There are some boxes with
books. This is our favourite place.

GYM: We do P.E in the gym. It is a huge room. In rainy mornings we can wait for the teachers
there. We do special activities there.

HEADMASTERS OFFICE: Our headmaster is Andres, he meets with other teachers and
parents in this office. We dont usually go there unless we get into trouble.

CORRIDOR: There is a big corridor in each floor. You can see our special activities on the
walls. We must walk in silence to respect other groups.

CARETAKERS ROOM: The caretaker of this school is Jorge. The car taker fixes the broken
things , he helps us to get the balls from the trees and he hands out important notes for our

TEACHERSROOM: The teachers of the school meet in this room during the break. They have
a snack and have a rest, when it is possible.

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