What Is The Correlation Between Vertical and Horizontal in The Company Organization Structure

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1. What is the correlation between vertical and horizontal in the company organization structure?

Connection in organization structure as the coordination standard in every element in


Connection system in organization structure is need to create a chance doing coordination and
communication activity in every element in organization to reach the purpose.

Vertical Connection is need to integrate and coordination from every standard (hierarchy) an
organization to create activity consistency in every standard hierarchy in organization.

Horizontal Connection is need to coordinate every individual activity and for organization in
same standard hierarchy can avoid overlapping do the activity.

2. Give your comment, why Samsung can beat nokia in mobile phone industry?

Samsung mobile shipment range between 41 and 44 million smartphones and nokia 83 billion
smartphone. It already overtaken in sales of volume of nokia. Why? Because Samsung have a
long plan, and nokia only focused in short plan. Samsung always develop the product with the
newest technology, beside that nokia only focused in marketing their product and didnt think
about developing their product with newest technology.


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