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Lesson: Introduction to Fitness,

Nutrition, and Wellness Careers

Integrative wellness careers are some of the fastest-growing areas in the
healthcare career field. This approach to wellness is interdisciplinary and takes
into account the holistic view of wellness that supports physical, intellectual,
emotional, social, spiritual, and environmental healthcare needs. Current research
demonstrates that the holistic approach to wellness has a positive impact on
health, fitness, and the ability to cope with stress and chronic health issues. It also
takes into account an individuals needs and his or her personal wellness goals.

Ashworth College Career Diploma programs offer you the opportunity to learn
more about your personal health-related interests. This information can then
be used to further your career or to have a positive impact on your family and
friends by addressing their needs related to personal wellness.

Your interest and passion in health and wellness careers has led you to explore
the many options available at Ashworth College. The interdisciplinary approach
at Ashworth addresses a number of concepts important to the understanding of
health, fitness, and wellness. It takes into account the need for healthy lifestyle
choices, stress reduction, balanced nutrition, and physical fitness. Most likely, the
material presented in this learning guide will provide some basic information to
aid in your assessment of health and wellness careers.

Upon completion of this learning guide, youll be able to

Define the terms job, occupation, and career

Differentiate among talent, attitude, and passion

Understand how licensure and certification differ

Recognize the difference between credentialing and accreditation

Describe the role of physical activity in maintaining a healthy lifestyle

Identify the role exercise plays in such areas as nutrition, weight

management, and prevention of chronic illness

Identify the five components of fitness

Describe the six areas of wellness and well-being

Distinguish among muscular endurance, muscular strength, and

cardiovascular endurance

Discuss the importance of positive self-affirmation statements

Summarize the four basic theories of personality

Explain the benefits of massage

Compare Western and Eastern massage types and techniques


Discuss how to set the tone during a massage

Describe the characteristics of a professional massage therapist

Identify factors that affect food choices

List and describe the major classes of nutrients

Describe how consuming too much or too little of a nutrient can affect a
persons health

Identify the different characteristics of the different categories of fats


Your Path to Success 1
Credentialing 2
Healthy People 2020 3
Wellness and the Dimensions of Health 5
MyPlate and the Food Guide Pyramid 6
Certified Personal Training 8
What Does Fitness Mean? 10
What Does a Personal Trainer Need to Know? 11
What Happens in a Personal Training Session? 13

Career Opportunities 15
What Does a Fitness Instructor Do? 16
Creating a Plan for Change 17
Understanding Fitness and Wellness 18
How Old Are You? 20


Career Opportunities 22
Types of Sports Psychologists 24
What Do Sports Psychology Professionals Do? 24
Motivation and Self-Confidence 25
Models of Performance Enhancement 26
Self-Talk 27
Understanding the Competitive Personality 27

What Is Massage? 31
What Happens in a Massage Session 32
Benefits of Massage 33
Types of Massage 34

Career Opportunities 38
You Are What You Eat 39
Choosing Healthy Foods 39
Vital Nutrients 40
The Key to a Healthy Diet 43



Although each type of career in the fitness, nutrition, and wellness fields
requires a specific skill set and educational background, they also have some
commonalities. Practitioners in these fields are dedicated to helping others
develop and sustain good physical and mental health and to reduce risk factors
for chronic illnesses. They also seek to help people in a personalized fashion,
using one-on-one techniques to educate people on healthy lifestyle choices. Lets
explore the common principles that are the foundation of these varied careers.

Your Path to Success

The demand for different careers is constantly changing as our society and the
labor force continue to change. Todays career demands may be totally different
from those in the future, even in the same field. Finding your path to success
requires careful investigation and planning.

A few basic definitions might help you begin your career journey. A job requires
the performance of specific tasks, at a specific place, for specific pay. A job may or
may not reflect your career path. For example, students often work at after-school
jobs such as bagging groceries or working in fast-food establishments, but they
dont intend to make a career of the work. In contrast, an occupation requires a
specific set of skills and may be considered a job or a career. For example, nurses
are nurses even when they are not working, because they have been trained to a
specific skill set.

A career evolves over a lifetime of work history in a particular field. People

generally identify with their career and see it as a part of their lives and part
of their personality. A career cluster includes the jobs in a particular area that a
person has performed over his or her career. These are the broad categories such
as health, education, computer software systems, and services.

A career review is the process of assessing the sum total of both your paid and
unpaid work at this point in time. Factors to take into consideration in your
career review are work experience, employment history, education and training,
interests, and community involvement and volunteer work. A career review can
help you find the right path for you. People who are looking to change careers,
graduates deciding which careers to pursue, or students trying to determine
which areas to study can benefit greatly from a career review.

Career satisfaction is the level of overall happiness you experience through your
choice of occupation. In contrast, job satisfaction is how you feel about your
current work situation. It is possible to be happy with your career choice but
unhappy with your current job, and vice versa.


Career development is the interaction of psychological, sociological, economic,
physical, and spiritual factors that shape the sequence of jobs that a person
has throughout his or her lifetime. Note that chance often plays a role in job
sequencing. Career development should be an ongoing process, but many
people do not plan their career moves. Understanding yourself, your chosen
profession, and how you fit into that profession will help you create a happy and
prosperous career path.

Discovering your path begins with you, with your talents and passions and your
interests, values, and skills. Your talents are your natural strengths and abilities;
that is, those things that come easily to you. Your attitude is your manner toward
something, how you think and feel about it. A positive attitude is important for
career happiness and success. Your passion is the very strong feelings you have
toward something. To understand your passion is to acknowledge your interests
and beliefs. Your path to success and career happiness can depend upon how
you apply your talents, attitude, and passions in a chosen field.

Other terms that are important to understand to successfully navigate your
career path in the fitness, nutrition, and wellness fields are credentialing, licensure,
certification, and accreditation. These words all have distinct meanings within any
chosen profession, but well explore them here as they pertain to the wellness
arena. Whether you choose to become credentialed may depend upon your
chosen career path and the professional requirements for the field.

Credentialing refers to constructs or ideas that establish the qualifications needed

for professional certification, certificate programs, accreditation, licensure,
educational experience, and/or regulation within the field. Credentialing is a
way employers can be assured that a potential employee has the background
education or qualifications to perform a specific job. After a person is
credentialed, continuing education is recommended to stay abreast of the latest
developments in the field. Each profession sets the standards for credentialing
based on standards set by the profession or on any applicable regulations or

An organization may grant a credential, such as a certification, to an individual

who has met the professional standards developed by the credentialing body.
In this process, the credentialing body reviews the individuals work history,
educational background, and personal background to ascertain if he or she
qualifies for the designated certificate or membership. Credentials from
respected organizations bestow appreciable recognition to the individual.
It identifies the individual as someone who has attained an acceptable level of
achievement. Credentialing, regardless of type, may help increase your pay or
income, help you advance in your chosen profession, offer you exposure and
recognition by your peers, and open new doors of opportunity.


Employers often verify a potential employees credentials to ensure that he or she
has met the required standards. Standards in a professional field are necessary to
ensure a consistent measure of quality and an acceptable level of competency.
Many healthcare occupations require credentialing to practice.

Licensure is a mandatory process required for practice that restricts who may
practice to those who hold licensure. It ensures that an individual has met
standards that will ensure public health and safety. Licensure is granted by
government agencies to set minimum competencies for practice, such as
educational requirements. Generally, a legislative body creates a governing
regulatory committee or agency that develops the competency standards and
then enforces them. Most healthcare professions are licensed at the state level.
Common healthcare professions that require licensure are medical doctors,
nurses, dietitians, mental health counselors, and massage therapists.

Certification is a voluntary process that occurs when a nongovernmental

agency substantiates an individuals level of expertise in a specific career field.
Generally, certification requires that an individual demonstrate the skills, abilities,
knowledge, and experience required in a particular field by passing a certification
examination. Certification is generally national in scope, unlike licensure, which is
usually governed by legislation at the state level.

Certification has emerged as professional associations have sought to set

standards in the field and acknowledge those individuals who have met those
standards. Because certification is a voluntary process, an individual doesnt have
to be certified to practice, although an employer may make it a requirement
for employment. Common healthcare professions that require or encourage
certification are phlebotomists, exercise instructors, nutritional consultants, and
personal trainers.

Accreditation is a nongovernmental and voluntary process that evaluates

institutions, organizations, or educational programs against defined standards.
Public recognition is awarded to those applicants that meet the established
qualifications or standards. Evaluation may involve submitting self-assessment
materials and reports, undergoing a site inspection, and being evaluated by an
independent body. Accreditation fosters improvement in the field or program
and determines if the needs of the members or stakeholders are being met.

Its important to have a working knowledge of the language of professional

credentialing when making career decisions, especially in the healthcare career
field. We hope this information has helped you understand the differences
between licensure, certification, and accreditation.

Healthy People 2020

Although wellness is an individual responsibility, its also a national concern. Poor
health in a large segment of the U.S. population increases healthcare costs for all.


In addition, money and resources for lost productivity add to the financial burden
of both the state and federal governments and weaken the overall U.S. economy.

In the 1900s, the most common cause of death was by infectious diseases such as
influenza, tuberculosis, and gastrointestinal infections, followed by heart disease.
Due to better hygiene, antibiotics, and vaccinations, this has changed. In 2010,
the leading causes of death in the United States were chronic diseases such as
heart disease, cancer, chronic airways disease, and cerebrovascular disease.

According to Healthy People, today chronic diseases such as heart disease,

cancer, and diabetes are responsible for 7 out of every 10 deaths among
Americans each year and account for 75 percent of the nations healthcare
spending. Many of these deaths could have been prevented with the
incorporation of healthy lifestyle changes.

To help improve the health of all Americans, the Healthy People initiative was
created. Healthy People is an initiative by the U.S. government to identify health
improvement priorities, increase public awareness of health, provide measurable
objectives and goals, identify applicable critical research, and to engage in
activities that strengthen policies and practices that improve health.

The four goals of Healthy People are to

Eliminate preventable disease, disability, injury, and premature death

Achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve the health of all

Create social and physical environments that promote good health for all

Promote healthy development and healthy behaviors across every stage of


Achieving these goals would not only promote longevity, but also ensure a
higher quality of life during the elder years, reducing the amount of time spent
disabled or requiring outside care.

Many of the risk factors that contribute to the development of chronic diseases
are preventable. Because of this, the Healthy People initiative is very concerned
with preventive health measures for individuals and groups. The best way for
individuals to limit chronic disease and achieve the goals of Healthy People is by
practicing preventive health measures, such as eating healthy, exercising, and
striving to achieve wellness on all dimensions of health.

Programs in fitness, nutrition, and wellness support the goals of Healthy People
by helping people learn to help themselves and their family and friends to make
better lifestyle choices and by offering information on wellness careers. Such
programs also support a preventive model of wellness that can help reduce risk
factors for chronic diseases and improve the health of the citizens of the United


Wellness and the Dimensions of Health
What exactly is wellness? First, wellness is a state of optimal well-being thats
oriented toward maximizing an individuals potential. Second, wellness is a
lifelong process thats not wholly dependent upon physical activity, but rather
involves the whole person. Wellness encourages an individual to live and work
capably and to the best of his or her ability. Third, wellness encompasses the
six dimensions of health: physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, and
environmental well-being (Figure 1).

Physical Spiritual

Emotional Intellectual

Well-being Social

FIGURE 1Wellness encompasses the six dimensions of health.

Physical well-being includes a persons body weight and size, susceptibility to

disease, and recuperative ability. Intellectual well-being not only includes mental
ability, but also the ability and desire to learn. Emotional well-being refers to
how we express and display emotions comfortably, effectively, and in a healthy
manner. Social or interpersonal well-being is our ability to interact with others
and adapt to social situations. Spiritual well-being is how we seek meaning
and purpose in human existence. And environmental well-being involves an
appreciation for the external environment and the role individuals play in
preserving and improving environmental conditions.


Wellness also involves making conscious decisions about lifestyle choices that
reduce risk factors that contribute to chronic disease. Unfortunately, not all risk
factors for chronic disease can be controlled. For example, chronological age and
genetics are risk factors that cant be controlled. However, smoking cessation,
safe sex, healthy food choices, and exercise are all within individual control.

When using an integrative approach to wellness, regular physical activity

becomes just one aspect of a healthy lifestyle. Its combined with healthy food
choices, stress reduction, good quality sleep, and positive relationships. Keeping
physically fit can help you look and feel good, improve your perception of self,
and convey physical and intellectual health benefits.

MyPlate and the Food Guide Pyramid

For many years, the Basic Four food groups model was used as a nutritional
planning guide. It was developed and promoted by the U.S. Department of
Agriculture (USDA) to help people make wise food choices for a healthy diet.
This model evolved into the Food Guide Pyramid, first without stairs and later
with stairs, which were included in the model to emphasize the role of exercise
in good health. Although the Food Guide Pyramid is still supported by the USDA,
MyPlate is now the current icon and the primary symbol for the accepted dietary
guidelines for citizens of the United States (Figure 2). For more information on
MyPlate, visit http://www.choosemyplate.gov/.


FIGURE 2MyPlate illustrates the five food groups that are the building blocks
for a healthy diet.

MyPlate and its associated website, www.ChooseMyPlate.gov, provides

Americans with practical information and tips on healthful eating. It offers the
following messages to help Americans build healthier diets:

Balance calories by avoiding oversize portions

Make half your plate fruits and vegetables

Make at least half your grains whole grains

Switch to low-fat or fat-free dairy products

Drink water instead of sugary drinks

Be aware of sodium in foods and try to choose foods with lower numbers

The MyPlate symbol is easy to understand and use and is built around five food
groups: vegetables, fruits, grains, proteins, and dairy. It doesnt suggest any
specific servings sizes nor does it mention desserts, sweets, or alcohol.


Certified Personal Training
Now that youve learned the basic terminology of career development and read
about the basic principles of wellness that underpin many health and wellness
careers, lets look at individual career opportunities within specific fitness,
nutrition, and wellness fields, beginning with personal training.

Whats the role of a personal trainer? Personal trainers guide, instruct, and
motivate their clients in regular physical activity, preventive health practices, and
healthy eating habits. From that definition, you can see that a personal trainer has
a wide range of knowledge that encompasses fitness, lifestyle, and nutrition. The
one-on-one training delivered by a personal trainer keeps clients at the center
of focus and encourages sound health and fitness results. Its very rewarding to
develop a program that a client can follow for the rest of his or her life and to
see the difference in your clients health from following a program you designed
(Figure 3).

FIGURE 3Personal trainers can have a positive impact on their clients lives,
both in the short term and for life.


The modern personal training industry began in the 1970s in New York City and
Los Angeles in exercise clubs as individuals associated with the entertainment
industry began to ask for individual programs. By the 1980s, this phenomena
had moved into the private sector, as individuals began asking for personalized
instruction to improve their health and achieve optimal fitness.

Todays personal-training career field has morphed into an active and lucrative
profession, as more and more people are seeking professional guidance in their
journey for health and wellness. The modern personal trainer is someone who is
knowledgeable and passionate about physical fitness, health, and wellness and
who wants to help others lead healthier lives.

Career growth for personal trainers is expanding rapidly. The U.S. Department of
Labor estimates that there will be a 24 percent increase in personal trainer careers
by 2020. Employment for personal trainers may include positions in health clubs
and spas and gyms as individual instructors or fitness leaders. Many personal
trainers start their own business without the proper educational background.

Personal training programs can help you turn your passion for fitness into your
dream career. Youll learn how physical activity improves cardiovascular health.
Youll learn about the target zones for aerobic exercise, the various types of
aerobic and anaerobic exercise, and the principles of strength training. Youll
also learn how to conduct health risk tests and fitness evaluations and design
individualized workouts for clients that build flexibility while preventing injury.
Youll also learn about sports nutrition and weight management.

Quality personal training programs teach the fundamental skill set and the
knowledge base required for national certification exams, such as the one
given by the National Council on Strength and Fitness (NCSF). The NCSF offers
a Personal Trainer certification thats considered one of the most prestigious
certifications in the field. NCSF is a credentialing and educational organization for
personal trainers and exercise science professionals that was established in 1995.
Its a professional, member-driven organization with a focus on research, service,
and the best practices to develop highly qualified fitness professionals.

The Certified Personal Trainer credential awarded by NCSF is accredited by the

National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA). The goal of the NCCA
is to help ensure the health, welfare, and safety of the public through the
accreditation of a variety of certification programs and organizations that assess
professional competence. Those programs, such as the NCSF Personal Trainer
Certification, that have received accreditation by NCCA, have demonstrated
compliance with the NCCAs Standards for the Accreditation of Certification

Its not an easy or quick process to receive accreditation by the NCCA.

Organizations such as the NCSF must have in place a valid and reliable process
for the development, implementation, maintenance, and governance of their
certification programs. Theyre evaluated for compliance against the standards


of NCCA in a peer-review process and must submit the process and products
of their programs for evaluation. Their program content is validated by a
comprehensive job analysis conducted and analyzed by experts, with data
gathered from stakeholders in the fitness field.

In addition, the NCSF has developed a continuing education program that

supports the continuation of learning by fitness professionals, helping those
who have passed the examination to stay current with new developments in the
personal trainer field. All this attention to the professional process has resulted
in an organization committed to providing professional advocacy and one that
encourages you to learn more about career opportunities within the personal
trainer profession.

What Does Fitness Mean?

Personal trainers work with clients to improve fitness in five areas: cardiovascular
fitness, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition.
Cardiovascular fitness occurs when the heart and lungs are working in
coordination. It reflects the ability of the lungs to deliver oxygen to the muscles,
the capacity of the heart to pump blood, the bodys ability to regulate blood flow,
and the bodys capacity to create energy and process fuel. When the heart is fit,
it doesnt have to work too hard to sustain an activity. Cardiovascular fitness also
supports maintenance of a healthy weight, reduces stress, and lowers cholesterol.
It also reduces the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and certain
cancers. It can help to improve sleep patterns and energy levels. It just generally
helps us feel good and be in a better mood.

Muscular strength is the capability of the muscles to lift weight. Its often
measured by the amount of force a muscle can produce with a single maximum
effort. Strong muscles make it easier to perform day-to-day activities, keep
the skeleton in proper alignment, and provide the support necessary for good
posture. A strong person generally has greater muscle mass and a higher rate of
metabolism. Strength training can also help people manage stress, boost their
self-confidence, and improve their body image. Strength training also helps to
maintain muscle mass and to promote bone density, which can decrease the
risk of osteoporosis and reduce the risk of injuries later in life. Thus, strength
training can improve quality of life in the elder years. Another excellent benefit of
increased muscular strength is a reduction of risk factors for chronic diseases.

Muscular endurance is the ability of the body to perform repeated exercises

without getting tired or to sustain a given level of muscle tension. Muscular
endurance can help to prevent injuries, reduce or eliminate back pain, improve
performance of daily activities, and facilitate good posture. It helps create a more
efficient cardiovascular system, burns excess calories, lowers blood pressure, and
boosts mood.


Flexibility is the ability of the joints to move through a full range of motion.
Flexibility increases muscle coordination and improves balance. As we age, joint
stiffness can restrict movements and cause unnatural body postures. Benefits of
flexibility include reduced risk of injury, decreased muscle soreness and muscle
pain, and reduced joint degeneration.

Body composition is the ratio of fat to muscle. A lean body with minimum fat and
maximum muscle is a sign of a healthy and fit body. The healthiest approach to
weight loss is to increase muscle endurance, strength, and flexibility, rather than
just losing weight without the exercise component.

What Does a Personal Trainer Need to Know?

Personal trainers are expected to know how to help others get physically fit with
one-on-one training. Exercise physiology is an important component of the
necessary education plan for personal trainers. Youll need to know the difference
between anaerobic metabolism and aerobic metabolism, the physiological
mechanics of a muscle contraction, and the physiological effects and adaptation
responses of exercise. Basic functional anatomy is also important to know, so
that youll have an understanding of the way the human body works, especially
during exercise.

Personal trainers are also expected to have a grasp on factors and obstacles that
affect health, wellness, and total fitness, and the direct relationship between
lifestyle behaviors, diet, physical activity, and disease. They must also be familiar
with certain behavior modification techniques and goal-setting techniques.

Personal trainers must understand the screening and evaluation processes

that can be used to assess a client. During the screening, the personal trainer
evaluates the client for risk factors for exercise testing and participation to make
sure that the client is fit enough to participate in an exercise program. A personal
trainer will also need to know what medications a client is taking and the
potential impact of the medication on the exercise assessment.

Safety is critical. The personal trainer must maintain a safe environment to ensure
the clients welfare and ability to fully engage in a training session (Figure 4). The
personal trainer must be aware of any signs that a client is under stress and when
the training program might need to be modified. Its important to maintain an
environment and a training regimen that minimizes injury. The personal trainer
must also be attentive to any contraindicated movements or improper training
techniques that the client might be exhibiting. Again, this will help the client to
avoid injury and ensure the programs effectiveness.


FIGURE 4Its the personal trainers responsibility to ensure that the client is per-
forming all exercises in the proper manner.

A personal trainer should know the training modifications that may be required
for special populations, such as the elderly, those recovering from injury or illness,
and pregnant women. Special screening and assessment tools may be needed to
effectively screen and evaluate these clients.

Personal trainers also need a background in basic nutritional information so

that they can educate their clients about the role of a poor diet as a risk factor
for chronic illness and offer the best nutritional approach to meet a particular
clients needs. Knowledge about the six essential nutrientscarbohydrates,
fat, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and waterand their function in the body is
essential. Personal trainers should also know how to read a food label and have
a thorough understanding of dietary reference intakes (DRIs), dietary guidelines,
and the Food Pyramid or MyPlate. Personal trainers should also to be able to
educate clients about any risks and/or benefits associated with nutritional

Because weight management is a leading reason why people begin an exercise

program, its important for the personal trainer to understand methods of
body composition analysis and assessment. The personal trainer should also
understand the relevance of body fat percentage, body fat distribution, and the
risk for disease. Knowledge of effective strategies for weight management is


After the assessment process has been completed, the personal trainer will
design, implement, modify, track, and/or update the training program based
on the clients individual needs, as determined by the screening, evaluation,
personal capabilities, and training goals. Creating a program to produce the
desired response from structured exercise and then explaining the program to
the client and helping the client to apply it is the essence of the personal trainers

What Happens in a Personal Training Session?

During the first personal training session, the personal trainer generally evaluates
the clients health history to determine if a medical clearance is needed to begin
a fitness program. Most people who are healthy can exercise safely at moderate
intensity without medical clearance. If a client has a known illness, then a
medical clearance or fitness assessment would be wise. For example, if a person
has diagnosed high blood pressure, the clients physician should be a guiding
influence in the clients exercise program. The American College of Sports
Medicine (ACSM) delineates three general categories for making determinations
as to whether a medical exam or a clinical exercise test is necessary before
beginning an exercise program. The categories are the apparently healthy adult,
those with increased risk, and those with known disease.

The personal trainer may also assess the clients current activity level and what
the clients fitness goals are. An exercise program is then developed to meet the
clients needs and goals. The goal of the program is to challenge the client with
appropriate intensity and frequency so that the client sees results in a timely
fashion. The program should include warm-up and cool-down exercises and safe
exercise information. Programs should be started slowly to avoid injury. To keep
the client engaged and motivated, the activities can be varied to make them
fun. Progress is tracked and the client is periodically reassessed to determine if
progress is being made.

The personal trainer may also educate the client about nutrition, stress reduction,
and other lifestyle factors. Any exercise program is enhanced by optimal
nutrition, so its important for the personal trainer to understand some basic
nutrition information. This includes understanding protein and carbohydrate
requirements as well as a knowledge of which vitamins and minerals enhance
athletic performance.


Complete the following questions to test your knowledge.
Do not send the answers to the school.

1. What is the purpose of the Healthy People initiative?


2. List the dimensions of wellness.



3. hat is the role of the National Commission for Certifying Agencies



4. hat are the three categories for making a determination as to

whether a medical exam or a clinical exercise test is necessary be-
fore beginning an exercise program?




5. List the six categories of nutrients.






Check your answers with those found at the end of this learning guide.


How long can you expect to live? That answer depends on many factors,
including genetics, access to medical care, economic status, gender, marital
status, education, environment, and lifestyle factors. We may not have full control
or influence over all of these factors, but there are areas that we can control.
These are the lifestyle factors, which include our food choices, whether we drink
alcohol or smoke cigarettes, our ability to handle stress, how much sleep we get,
and whether we exercise on a regular basis.

The average life expectancy in the United States is 78.49 years. You may be
shocked to find that the United States ranks 51st in life expectancy compared to
other countries. The country with the longest life expectancy, at 89.50 years, is
Monaco, a small country on the Mediterranean coast next to France. Japan ranks
third at 83.91 years, Canada is 12th at 81.48 years, and the United Kingdom is
30th at 80.17 years. With continuing improvements in medical care and attention
to lifestyle factors, life expectancy will continue to increase. According to the U.S.
Census Bureau, by 2020 life expectancy in the United States is projected to be
77.1 years for males and 81.9 years for females, for an average life expectancy of
79.5 years.

How can we increase our life expectancy? By focusing on those factors that we
can influence or change, such as making healthy food choices and exercising
on a regular basis. Exercise can add years to your life. A study by the National
Institutes of Health found that physically active people live several years longer
than inactive people, even if they are overweight. According to the studys
authors, Steven Moore and colleagues, being active and having a normal weight
(BMI 18.524.9) was associated with a gain of 7.2 years of life compared to being
inactive and obese class II (BMI of 35 or higher).

Career Opportunities
The desire by consumers to be fit has led to an increase in fitness and exercise
careers. The U.S. Department of Labor predicts a 24 percent increase in jobs for
fitness trainers and aerobics instructors through 2020, resulting in 60,400 new
jobs. Clients are always thankful for fitness instructors who can design workout,
conditioning, and personal training programs and formulate menus for weight
management and sports nutrition.

Jobs for those in the fitness field include corporate fitness director, vacation
resort or spa fitness leader, specialty department director, recreation center
exercise director, personal trainer, health club manager, aerobics instructor, and
exercise or body sculpting instructor (Figure 5).


FIGURE 5Fitness instructors work in a variety of different settings.

What Does a Fitness Instructor Do?

Fitness instructors educate their clients on how to lead healthier lives using
exercise and diet. Education and instruction may be provided in a one-on-one
session or to groups. In addition, the fitness instructor helps clients set realistic
wellness goals and motivates them toward those goals.

As public concern over health and wellness has increased, the need for fitness
instructors has grown. Instead of being relegated to positions in fitness centers
only, fitness instructors can now be found in sports facilities, corporate fitness
centers, and vacation and spa resorts.

A fitness instructor needs a basic understanding of the human body and must
know how to conduct a fitness assessment. A working knowledge of aerobic
and anaerobic exercises, isotonic and isometric exercises, and flexibility exercises
is also a must. Fitness instructors also need the knowledge to effectively plan a
physical activity program that meets a clients goals while preventing injury.

Successful fitness instructors also have a good understanding of human behavior

and know how to motivate people to achieve their goals. Motivating people to
develop healthy habits requires the ability to address each persons health status
without judgment.

A knowledgeable fitness instructor can promote appropriate fitness and nutrition

programs based on good science, not the latest dietary fads and trends. In
addition, fitness instructors should be able to show their clients the correct way


to use exercise equipment and to avoid misuse of the equipment. The fitness
instructor should also be able to monitor a client and ensure that the client is
performing the exercises properly so as to avoid injury.

Delivering group exercise classes or workshops is another important job of the

fitness instructor. A group exercise leader teaches classes for a specified period of
time and demonstrates the proper way to do various exercises during the class. In
this way, participants can follow the leader by watching the moves made by the
group fitness instructor. Group classes can be fun, energetic, and stimulating, but
they dont offer the one-on-one approach offered by the personal trainer or the
fitness trainer.

Group exercise classes give a complete workout that often combines

cardiovascular training with strength training and stretching. The classes can
either be for a specific fitness level or accommodate every fitness level.

The group exercise instructor should motivate the class by arriving early and
speaking to each participant as he or she arrives. The group exercise instructor
should begin the class by letting the participants know what to expect. The
instructor should also be able to modify movements for any exercise when
needed for those in the class who might have physical limitations. Exercise
instructors may be certified in the particular modality theyre teaching
(e.g., Zumba) or have an educational background in fitness.

Creating a Plan for Change

A fitness instructor examines a clients current health habits, including physical
fitness level, and notes where improvements could be made. Once the
assessment is complete, fitness or health goals are determined. Its often easier
to change one habit at a time than to change several at once, which can be
overwhelming and lead to failure. The fitness instructor should select one area for
change and work on that area until a new pattern is established and then move
to another area.

Once the clients goals have been determined, the fitness instructor will create
a fitness plan that provides regular physical activity in a safe environment. The
fitness instructor will supervise the client to ensure that the client is performing
the movements properly to avoid injury. The plan will be reassessed periodically
and changed as goals are reached. The fitness instructor will support the client in
making dietary changes that support the clients fitness goals. Its also important
for the fitness instructor to encourage rest and stress reduction. Remember,
fitness and good health are for life.


Understanding Fitness and Wellness
Fitness is a persons ability to achieve optimal quality of life based on his or
her genetic potential; that is, the persons inherited capacity for health and
performance. A fit person performs activities without undue fatigue, with
alertness, and with enough energy remaining to engage in recreational or leisure

Wellness results from fitness, but fitness isnt the only influence on wellness.
According to the McKinley Health Center at the University of Illinois, wellness is
a state of optimal well-being thats oriented toward maximizing an individuals
potential. From this definition, you can see that wellness is a lifelong process
that isnt totally dependent upon physical activity, but rather involves the whole
person. As you learned earlier, wellness includes our physical, intellectual,
emotional, social or interpersonal, spiritual, and environmental well-being.

A fit person is always striving toward wellness by making good lifestyle choices
and engaging in healthy behaviors that maximize quality of life. One of the most
important components of a healthy, fit lifestyle is physical activity. The human
body is designed to move; the more we move and use our bodies, the stronger
they become. When we stop moving, when we become sedentary, our body
weakens. Bones lose their strength, muscles become stiff and weak, the fluids in
our bodies move slowly, and energy production declines.

Exercise is any planned, structured, or repetitive movement intended to improve

or maintain physical or mental health. It might include walking, yoga, aerobic
dance, cycling, or lifting weights. People exercise for many different reasons, but
whatever the reason, the outcome is better health. Some of the reasons people
exercise are to improve cardiovascular health, to help manage weight, to practice
specific athletic skills, to enhance flexibility, to increase strength, to socialize, and
to help manage stress.

Physical activity is any activity that gets you moving. This can include gardening,
transverse (house cleaning), grocery shopping, or mowing the lawn. Keep in
mind that some physical activity is better than none at all. As little as 75 minutes
of moderate exercise per week can make a difference in health (Figure 6).
However, more benefits occur with physical activity of 150 minutes per week.


FIGURE 6Get moving! Physical activity includes any activity that promotes
movement. It can include washing the car, cleaning the house, gardening, or even
just taking a stroll around the block.

The benefits of regular physical activity are many, including the reduction of risk
factors for the leading causes of illness in this country. According to the Center for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), regular physical activity reduces the risk of
dying prematurely from all chronic diseases. It also reduces the risk of developing
heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and colon cancer. It helps lower
blood pressure in those with high blood pressure. It helps manage mood and can
reduce feelings of depression and anxiety and promote psychological well-being.
Physical activity also helps to control weight. It helps build and maintain healthy
bones, muscles, and joints. Physical activity also helps older adults become
stronger and better able to move about without falling.

A fitness and exercise instructor helps people keep moving with either one-
on-one training or leading a group exercise class. In this way, their clients
can experience the many benefits of regular physical activity under trained


How Old Are You?
Currently, scientists believe that the human life span is limited to around 125
years. If we understand that our potential life span is 125 years and our life
expectancy is 78.49 years, you can see that there is still 46.51 years that can be
affected and supported by making positive changes in lifestyle!

Regardless of your chronological age, your biological age is more revealing of

your life expectancy. Your chronological age is your actual age from birth, but
your biological age is an estimate of your general health. Several medical tests
can help reveal your biological age, such as those measuring cholesterol, glucose,
inflammation markers, and bone mineral density. Other factors that determine
your biological age are blood pressure, cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength,
memory, and skin elasticity.

Your biological age can be improved at any age, and fitness instructors can help
their clients achieve a lower biological age. For example, a normal-weight, active
68-year-old woman may have a lower biological age than a 48-year-old obese,
sedentary woman. Helping clients take responsibility for their own health by
focusing on lifestyle factors that need improvement is another way fitness and
exercise instructors help make a difference in peoples lives.


Complete the following questions to test your knowledge.
Do not send the answers to the school.

1. List the factors that affect longevity.



2. Explain the difference between biological age and chronological age.



3. Describe the difference between wellness and fitness.




4. Differentiate between exercise and physical activity.




5. What are the duties of fitness instructors?




Check your answers with those found at the end of this learning guide.


Sports psychology is a unique specialty within the broader context of psychology
that emphasizes those behaviors that influence sports and exercise performance.
According to the Exercise and Sport Education Psychology Committee of the
Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology, sports psychology
professionals are interested in how participation in sports, exercise, and physical
activity may enhance personal development and well-being throughout the life

During the last several years, sports psychology has become more accepted as
major athletes have sought the help of professionals to improve performance,
recover from injury, and instill motivation. As sports psychology has become
more accepted and utilized at the professional level, it has also become more
utilized at the high school and university levels. At these levels, its used by
coaches for team building, game preparation, performance enhancement, and
improved communication skills among team members.

Athletes typically use sports psychology principles in improving their

performance. For example, sports psychology can be especially useful in
managing performance anxiety. Sports psychology principles are effective in
helping young people deal with the stress of the competitive environment
prevalent in youth sports. They can be applied in helping athletes or fitness
participants recover from injuries. Sports psychology principles can also be
applied to many other areas of life. For example, learning to manage anxiety in
sports may also help the athlete manage anxiety in other areas of life.

Although the title sports psychologist cant be used by the lay person, the
principles applicable to the field can be used by coaches, teachers, athletic
trainers, and exercise leaders.

Career Opportunities
Sports psychology techniques can be used by exercise specialists, athletic
trainers, youth sports directors, corporations, and psychologists to improve
exercise adherence, aid injury rehabilitation, educate coaches, build self-esteem,
enhance group dynamics, and increase program effectiveness. Sports psychology
principles can be used by coaches of community T-ball, softball, baseball,
soccer, and pee-wee football teams. They can also be used with cheerleading
squads and gymnastics teams. Using motivation and confidence-building
techniques, coaches of athletes of either team or individual sports can fully
support competitive performance in a healthy manner. A coach can use sports
psychology principles to set realistic goals and expectations appropriate for the
athletes age and ability level. Sports psychology principles can help the coach
understand gender differences without reinforcing gender stereotypes. And they
can be used to learn when and how to motivate athletes to success.


But these principles arent just for the coach to use with the athlete. Sports
psychology principles can also help the coach become a better coach. For
example, a coach can use these principles to exhibit patience, to stay calm and
be cool, and to model good sportsmanship. And, they can be used to deal with
parents on the sidelines and to maintain a strong voice of fairness in any penalty
conflict (Figure 7).

FIGURE 7The principles of sports psychology can help athletes play better and
coaches coach better.

Trainers and exercise leaders can use the principles of sports psychology to
motivate clients during sessions and help them stay with a new exercise program
or dietary plan. Sports psychology principles can also help trainers recognize
when clients are overworking or straining during a session and intervene
before injury occurs. An aware trainer can also notice the clients reaction to the
workout, whether the client is enjoying the workout or whether its a chore.

Often clients work out when stressed or anxious. This can cause tension in the
muscles and a lack of focus by the client; all of which can contribute to injury.
Using sports psychology principles, the trainer can remind the client to focus and
to stay in the present and to fully participate in the activity at hand.


Sports psychology principles can help the trainer or exercise leader recognize
when clients are experiencing life changes, are under stress, or are feeling
anxious or depressed. During stressful times, clients may need more motivational
help and more time stretching and warming up. Sports psychology principles can
also be used by fitness professionals to avoid over motivating the client and to
achieve a supportive balance.

Types of Sports Psychologists

Licensed sports psychologists are engaged in three main activities: clinical/
counseling, education, and research. The clinical/counseling sports psychologist
is a practitioner who helps athletes with emotional and or personality problems
that impact their performance. This person is usually trained in clinical or
counseling psychology, has an interest in competitive athletics, and may be a
licensed psychologist.

Educational sports psychologists are practitioners and teachers who have received
their training through departments of physical education. They teach the
principles of sports psychology to athletes and coaches to help athletes reach
peak performance, enjoy their sport, and improve their overall quality of life.

A research sports psychologist contributes to the credibility of the field by adding

to the body of research and the knowledge base that is sports psychology.
Scientific studies help generate knowledge and understanding of how athletes
can reach their fullest potential.

What Do Sports Psychology Professionals Do?

According to the American Psychological Association, sports psychologists
help athletes work through problems that are affecting their performance. For
example, due to life situations, an athlete may become anxious or depressed and
lose focus during an event. This can lead to poor competitive showing or injury. A
sports psychologist will help the athlete work through those life events without
loss of competitive edge.

Sports psychology professionals can help athletes enhance their performance

and cope with the pressures of competition through motivational techniques
such as visualizations and self-talk. These techniques can also assist with issues
of injury recovery, such as adjusting to a noncompetitive status and dealing with
the pain of the injury. For student athletes, the sports psychology professional
can assist athletes with developing life skills to cope with the demands of being a


Sports psychology professionals should maintain ethical standards throughout
their practice and not perform counseling services for which theyre not qualified
or licensed to provide. In addition, sports psychologists should be aware of issues
relating to culture, race, and ethnicity.

Motivation and Self-Confidence

One of the most basic concepts in sports psychology is to understand the
difference between self-confidence and motivation. Although self-confidence and
motivation arent the same, theyre closely connected and often work together.
People who are highly motivated are generally self-confident and aware of
their abilities. Some people may display global self-confidence as a personality
trait, the sort of self-confidence that takes you through daily life, but have a lack
of situation-specific confidence in sports. Others may not exhibit global self-
confidence but have tremendous situation-specific self-confidence on the soccer

Motivation, in contrast, may originate from an internal desire to be the best you
can be at what you love (Figure 8). For motivated athletes, goal-setting plays an
important role in intrinsic motivational techniques. For other athletes, motivation
may stem from an external, or extrinsic, desire for fame, fortune, and all the
trappings that accompany being famous. For these athletes, praise, medals,
monetary gains, or a feeling of being superior to others drives their desire to
compete competitively. Intrinsic motivation is considered to be the healthiest
form of motivation and one that creates endurance in sports.

FIGURE 8The most effective motivation comes from within.


Models of Performance Enhancement
Theories abound in sports psychology to explain performance and achievement.
In fact, the field has a plethora of models to explain self-efficacy, motivation,
self-talk, and psychological momentum. Models have also been developed to
explain the personality of the athlete, the role of concentration and attention,
and anxiety.

Performance enhancement models have been developed to explain motivational

behavior in athletes. If youre enrolled in a sports psychology program, youll
learn about drive and its role in motivation in sports. Youll also learn about
Maslows hierarchy of needs, which states that basic needs, such as those for
food, shelter, and safety, must first be met to attain higher level needs, such as
self-worth and self-fulfillment. Youll also learn about the McClelland-Atkinson
model of motivation, which states that the intrinsic desire to achieve is offset
by the fear of failure. Athletes must make the decision to participate or not
participate in a sport based on the strength of which determinant guided them,
either success or failure.

Although these early performance enhancement theories contributed certain

techniques to sports psychology, none of them adequately explain motivation in
athletes. However, as the profession has matured and become more popular and
utilized, several models have been developed that focus on the situation-specific
influences the athlete must address to improve self-confidence. Most sports
psychology programs will address Banduras theory of self-efficacy, which states
that a person must believe that he or she is in control and act like it. Because the
athlete is in control, the athlete can make things happen. In other words, people
will succeed because they believe theyll succeed.

You should also learn about Harters competence motivation theory, which states
that an individual will attempt to master a sport to achieve success. Any attempt
at mastery that achieves success will result in a positive effect and the feeling of
competency. These positive feelings of success will then motivate the athlete to
continue toward mastery. On the other hand, any attempt that results in failure
will result in a negative outcome and the potential for dropping out of sports.

A sign that the field is growing is Vealeys sport confidence model, which is the
only theory so far that has been developed specifically for sports psychology. All
the previous models and theories discussed were developed for other disciplines
but applied to sports psychology. In Vealeys model, the athlete has a personality
trait of sports confidence and a specific competitive orientation thats brought to
competition. These athletes are confident, competent, and assured and expect to

Understanding performance enhancement models has applications outside

the field of sports. They can also help you better understand your own life both
in and out of the sports arena. In addition, these principles can help you better
understand your parents, your spouse, your boss, and perhaps your own coach.
Performance enhancement models can help you deal with stress in any situation,


improve your concentration, increase motivation, and reduce anxiety. You may
find that studying about sports psychology influences many areas of your life.

Self-talk is the internal dialogue that takes place inside our heads. Sports
psychology professionals help train athletes to use self-talk in a positive manner
to enhance performance and to avoid negative self-talk. Most of the models
of performance enhancement use self-talk as a technique to develop self-

The three main categories of self-talk are (1) task-specific statements relating
to technique, (2) encouragement and effort, and (3) mood words. Task-specific
statements relating to technique are a form of self-talk that reinforces technique.
For example, the athlete might think, Dont forget to breathe. Encouragement
and effort self-talk provides self-encouragement to try harder. For example, the
athlete might think, Great shot, make the next one better. Mood words are a
form of self-talk that increases mood and arousal. For example, the athlete might
think, Relax.

Self-talk can be instrumental in achieving success or failure, bolstering self-

confidence or limiting it, and substituting negative thoughts with positive ones.
It works best when its only one word or a very short phrase thats associated with
the task or skill involved. These affirmations are used to build self-efficacy, acquire
skills, create or change mood, control effort, and focus attention or concentration.

Understanding the Competitive Personality

What is our personality? Its the thoughts, beliefs, and feelings that form our
individual characteristics. Personality is fixed and consistent within an individual
but varies from person to person. Each of us has a unique personality. Four
theories of personality are utilized by sports psychology professionals: the
psychodynamic approach, social learning theory, humanistic theory, and trait

The psychodynamic approach contrasts conscious and unconscious motivation.

According to this theory, the individuals personality is the sum total of the
dynamic conflicts between the conscious and unconscious. This is a rather
pessimistic view of human behavior, but one that helps explain some of the
violence in sports. Using soccer as an example, according to this theory a young
soccer player may push, shove, and trip an opponent during a game even though
its against the rules.


According to social learning theory, behavior is a combination of the particular
situation and what a person has learned. In other words, people behave as
theyve been taught to behave. For example, a young soccer player might
observe a favorite professional players behavior and try to emulate it.

In contrast, the humanistic theory states that were basically healthy, positive, and
constructive. In other words, were always trying to be better people. Using this
theory, the athlete is trying to become the best athlete possible. For example, a
young soccer player may practice kicking several hours a week outside of regular
practice to become a better striker in the game.

Trait theory states that we have a disposition to behave in a certain manner in

certain situations and that well behave the same way each time the situation
arises. In this view, personality traits are stable and we behave consistently with
these traits. For example, a young soccer player when faced with a charging
opponent may always step aside and away from the play instead of stepping into
the play.

Understanding the athletes personality can help the coach or trainer develop
specific techniques for performance enhancement.


Complete the following questions to test your knowledge.
Do not send the answers to the school.

1. Define sports psychology.



2. Name and describe the activities of three types of sports




3. Describe Banduras theory of self-efficacy.



4. Discuss the three categories of self-talk.




5. Discuss four theories of personality.





Check your answers with those found at the end of this learning guide.


The massage industry is growing by leaps and bounds as people are
rediscovering this ancient healing technique in modern form. Independent
massage clinics, physical therapy clinics, sports clinics, day spas, chiropractic
and medical clinics, cruises, hospitals, resorts and hotels, fitness centers, and
shopping malls all offer some form of massage therapy to their clientele
(Figure 9). As the U.S. population ages, massage for the elderly or during hospice
care is expected to open a wider market and contribute to even faster growth.

FIGURE 9Massage therapists work in a variety of settings, from high-end day

spas to shopping malls.

The American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) reports that in 2010 there
were approximately 280,000 to 320,000 massage therapists and massage school
students in the United States. In 2010, about 18 percent of adult Americans
received a massage, resulting in an almost $17 billion industry. The U.S.
Department of Labor predicts that employment opportunities for massage
therapists is expected to increase 19 percent from 2008 to 2018, faster than
average for all occupations.


What Is Massage?
What is massage? Massage is defined as the manipulation of tissues with the
hand or an instrument for therapeutic purposes. But its much more than that. Its
considered a traditional healing art in many cultures and one of several lifestyle
techniques used to promote good health and reduce risk factors for chronic
diseases when used in conjunction with good nutrition, exercise, and botanical
remedies. Massage has a long history across many cultures. Native Americans,
ancient Greeks, ancient Egyptians, and various Middle Eastern cultures all
boasted natural healing methods that included traditional hands-on healing
practices that manipulated soft tissues. Ayurvedic massage and Asian bodywork
methods have continued in an unbroken tradition for thousands of years and
are still being taught and practiced today. Massage for health has a long history
across many cultures.

How do you know that working in the massage field is right for you? Start by
asking yourself if you like to help people. Also ask yourself if you like to touch
people. Not everyone is comfortable receiving touch, and not everyone is
comfortable touching someone else. Talk with family and friends and get their
thoughts on the topic. Also envision yourself giving a massage. Schedule a visit
with a local massage therapist or visit a clinic and research your options. But,
most of all, receive as many massages as possible. Make notes about what you
liked about the experience and what you would change.

To be successful in the field of massage requires training, an outgoing

personality, dedication, and compassion. A person with an amazing massage
skill level wont be successful if he or she doesnt have the right personality and
compassion along with dedication to the profession. Similarly, a person lacking in
massage skills but with a great personality may have challenges to success simply
because he or she doesnt have the required techniques. All the traits must be
blended together for the greatest success.

Those properly trained in massage techniques are skillful and present themselves
as professionals. They holds themselves accountable in a session by being
reliable and aware of the needs of the person receiving the massage. Dedicated
practitioners continue to receive additional training to hone their skills and stay
up-to-date on popular modalities and new techniques.

It pays to be a good people person when giving a massage. Good massage

therapists are engaged with their clients and let them know that they care about
their comfort and their health. Theyre nonjudgmental and personable in their
client communications. Massage therapists must maintain their integrity and
build trust with their clients. Also, if you enjoy what you do, then this enjoyment
will be apparent in the session. The person receiving the massage can tell, just by
your touch, whether or not you like what youre doing.


There are three main areas of employment in the massage field: wellness/spa,
healthcare/medical/clinical, and sports performance and fitness. Each of these
is located in a specific environment, but the massage techniques used are the
same. The most varied environment is the spa environment, where multiple and
supportive services for health and anti-aging are often offered.

If youre dedicated to learning massage techniques, your commitment will be

apparent. Being dedicated to the practice of massage techniques keeps your
sights on your goal. Being dedicated keeps you searching for just the right
training, tools, and personal development to be the best you can be at what you
do. And being dedicated keeps you committed to the course of action necessary
for success right from the beginning.

What Happens in a Massage Session

Giving a massage is deeply rewarding. What greater gift than to help someone
feel better, whether physically or emotionally? Some people find that getting a
massage improves their pain tolerance or that their physical pain is alleviated
and they can function normally. Other people find that in the safe, secure, and
relaxed environment of the session they can let go of emotional stress and angst
and recover their emotional stability, whether due to a relationship breakup
or stressful conditions at work. For the practitioner, theres great satisfaction
in feeling that youve improved someones life and contributed to their overall
health goals.

When giving a massage it pays to set the tone by creating the proper ambiance
(Figure 10). Aromatherapy or scented candles can help create a relaxing
atmosphere, but be aware that many people are sensitive to scents. Using low
lighting and soft music will also help create a relaxing atmosphere. Topical
substances or lubricants such as oils or lotions help reduce friction on the skin.
Once youve mastered your techniques, you then develop routines that help
establish a smooth framework when giving a massage.


FIGURE 10The proper ambiance can enhance the massage experience.

In addition, focusing intently on the task at hand becomes a meditative state for
the practitioner as the rhythm of the movements offsets the physical labor and
energy required to give the massage. Massage is not only good for the receiver,
its also good for the giver.

According to Maxwell-Hudson, the three factors that influence ones comfort

when giving a massage are posture, breathing, and clothes. Always face in the
direction of the strokes youre giving, breathe slowly and consistently, and wear
loose-fitting clothes that help you feel relaxed and confident. Its also important
to remove all your jewelry and to ask that your partner remove any jewelry.

When learning massage techniques, patience is the rule. Patience is required for
the practice, practice, practice thats necessary to gain the confidence to make
a positive difference in someones life through massage. Each massage is an
opportunity to learn and modify your techniques to improve the success of the
session. But above all, relax and enjoy yourself!

Benefits of Massage
Massage has become a popular method of dealing with lifes stresses and strains.
But thats only one of its many benefits. Most of us know that massage can help
relax tense muscles, improve circulation, and help relieve stress. But did you
know that the mechanical effects of the strokes affect the physical structure of
the body and enhance various vital responses? In addition, massage therapy
helps improve lymphatic flow, supports a strong immune system, and aids
detoxification processes in the body. It has other health benefits as well, such as


decreasing pain in cancer patients, addressing low-back pain, and helping lower
blood pressure.

Fortunately, clinical studies are continuing to support the application of massage

therapy for various conditions, especially low-back pain. A study reported in
the Archives of Internal Medicine (2001) found that those with chronic low-back
pain who used massage needed the least medication, had the lowest cost of
subsequent care, and had improved overall symptoms and management of
pain. Another study on low-back pain reported in the International Journal
of Neuroscience (2001) reported that those in the study who used massage
experienced less pain, depression, and anxiety and had improved sleep.

A study on preterm infants published in Infant Behavior and Development

(2010) found that massage therapy led to weight gain in preterm infants when
moderate massage pressure was provided. And, when passive movement of the
limbs was provided, preterm infants also gained significantly more weight, and
their bone density also increased.

Massage also confers psychological as well as physiological benefits and may

help increase dopamine and serotonin levels, the neurotransmitters that are
considered our happy chemicals. It can help improve mental clarity, reduce
anxiety, and instill feelings of well-being. The mind-body connection is also
improved during massage, because the body releases emotional responses
stored within physical storage sites, such as the muscles.

A massage session also provides an intangible but real effectthe power of

human touch. Being touched releases certain neurotransmitters that improves
our mood, reduces inflammation, and allows us to bond with our fellow human
beings. And for a short period of time, the person receiving the massage can
remove him- or herself from the fast-paced rush thats modern life, take a
moment to relax and breath, to feel safe and protected, and to become totally
relaxed. That in itself is a gift.

Types of Massage
Massage can be divided into two categories: massages that originated in the
West and those that originated in the East. Western massage is based on the
conventional medical concepts of anatomy, pathology, and physiology. It was
developed for the purpose of activating or balancing the whole body, but
attention can be paid to individual body systems, such as the digestive, nervous,
and musculoskeletal systems. The most popular form of traditional Western
massage is Swedish massage, which is taught by most massage schools. It
promotes general relaxation, improves circulation, increases range of motion,


and relieves muscle tension. Other types of Western massage include deep tissue,
myofascial, neuromuscular, lymphatic drainage, polarity therapy, reflexology,
Rolfing, Esalen, sports, prenatal, and infant massage.

The most common massage movement techniques in the Western approach are
strokes (effleurage), kneading (petrissage), friction, percussion (tapotement), and
vibration. These are all designed to manipulate soft tissues. Touch techniques
without movement include pressure and holding. These techniques are designed
to acquaint your partner to your touch or apply direct but static pressure to
specific areas or points of the muscles.

In the West, the combination of movement therapy and massage have given rise
to the following modalities: the Alexander technique, the Feldenkrais method,
Hellerwork, Pilates, structural integration, and the Trager approach.

Eastern massage, whether connected to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) or

Ayurveda, manipulates or unblocks the inherent energy flow and balance within
the body. It stimulates and soothes specific points along the energy meridians
that affect other sites, such as organ systems, along those same meridians
(Figure 11). Eastern massage therapists use pressure, rolling, rocking, percussion,
and striking, but not stroking and kneading. This can create a more vigorous
approach to bodywork than Western massage. Types of massage that originated
in the East include shiatsu, amma, Ayurvedic, Thai, and hot-stone massage. Types
of Eastern massage that combine movement include yoga, Qi Gong, and Tai Chi.


12 Meridians
Large Intestine
Spleen (Pancreas)
Small Intestine
Heart Governor
Triple Heater
Gall Bladder

FIGURE 11Eastern massage approaches seek to unblock energy flow through

the bodys meridians. (Full-color image may be viewed online from your
My Workspace home page.)

Each method of massage has its benefits. Discovering which modality is right
for you is an adventure. Take the time to experience each type of massage for
yourself before deciding which you might like to study.


Complete the following questions to test your knowledge.
Do not send the answers to the school.

1. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, what market area in the

massage industry is expected to achieve fastest growth in the next
decade and why?



2. Define massage.



3. In your own words, describe three outcomes of clinical studies that

support the benefits of massage.




4. Name the two main categories of massage therapy.



5. iscuss three factors that influence a massage therapists comfort

when giving a massage.



Check your answers with those found at the end of this learning guide.


Are you one of the many Americans who is concerned about their health and
the health of their families? If so, youre not alone. More and more Americans
are seeking nutrition and health information to manage weight, improve
overall health, increase energy levels, reduce risk factors for chronic disease, and
promote healthy aging.

Once you begin looking for good nutritional information, its easy to become
overwhelmed. Food manufacturers, companies offering diet products and
services, fast-food restaurants, and dietary supplement companies all offer their
version of good nutritional information. Once we factor in the influence of the
Internet, its easy to be in information overload. How do you choose? How do
you weed out the information from the misinformation? Being able to navigate
the information minefield and make healthy nutrition choices requires a basic
understanding of nutrition.

Career Opportunities
Although many people interested in pursuing a career in nutrition and dietetics
may be doing so to improve their health and the health of their families, there are
also many career opportunities available. The importance of eating healthy meals
and maintaining a balanced diet to reduce risk factors for chronic diseases has
contributed to expanding opportunities in health science careers.

The U.S. Department of Labor estimates a 20 percent increase in employment of

dieticians and nutritionists through 2020, especially with the new emphasis on
preventive health measures supported by the Affordable Care Act.

Programs in nutrition are beneficial because they can improve your familys
health as well as your own. The information presented can be used by personal
trainers, exercise leaders, fitness instructors, and those working in health food
stores, natural markets, and supplement stores. Meaningful jobs can be found in
natural health food stores, organic food markets, weight loss clinics, health and
fitness clubs, and meal and food departments in schools and hospitals.

Online health science classes are an ideal way to gain introductory knowledge
for health science careers. In nutrition programs, youll learn how the body uses
carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Youll also learn about body weight and the role
of body fat in chronic diseases. Youll gain the knowledge needed to make wise
food choices, interpret food labels, and maintain a healthy weight.


You Are What You Eat
What you eat has an enormous impact on your health and that of your family. At
its most simple, what you eat determines your nutrient intake. Choosing foods
that are nutrient dense ensures a healthy diet. A nutrient-dense food has more
nutrients per calorie than less nutrient-dense foods. For example, whole-wheat
bread is more nutrient dense than white bread. An apple is more nutrient dense
than a glass of bottled juice (Figure 12).

FIGURE 12A good rule of thumb is that unprocessed foods are more nutrient
dense than processed foods.

To prevent malnutrition, your food must also provide the correct amount of
nutrients. Malnutrition can be caused by eating either too little or too many
calories with incorrect amounts of nutrients. Malnourished people may be
either under- or overweight. In contrast, undernutrition results when the
intake of calories or nutrients is below nutritional needs. In this scenario, the
undernourished person is generally thin and underweight. For those with
undernutrition, it may take weeks or months for symptoms to appear. For
example, with scurvy, which results from a lack of vitamin C, it can take several
months for noticeable symptoms to develop, such as loose teeth, bleeding gums,
and easy bruising.

Unfortunately, many Americans have the opposite problemovernutrition.

Overnutrition can lead to overweight or obesity. Overnutrition is a contributing
factor to the development of most chronic diseases, including cardiovascular
disease, type 2 diabetes, and many cancers.

Choosing Healthy Foods

Most peoples food choices are based on how the food tastes, not its nutritional
content. If the food is appealing, if it smells tasty, then we want to enjoy it. But we
choose foods for other reasons, too.


We often choose foods for emotional or psychological reasons, such as for
celebrations or when we are emotionally upset. We choose foods we think are
healthy when we want to lose weight or to lower our cholesterol. We tend to eat
the same foods our mothers cooked or that are traditional within our cultures. We
choose foods to be part of a social group, such as with teenagers and fast food.
And if we are only eating local foods, then we may only eat those foods that are
in season in our area.

Understanding which basic nutrients are needed for a healthy body helps us
select foods that supply those nutrients. Food supplies calories, which then
supply energy. Food is also the source of the six classes of nutrients required
for our existence. The nutrients provided by food are the building blocks of
our biological structure, such as our bones, teeth, muscles, and skin, as well as
the cells that comprise our organs, blood, lymph, and all the other materials
necessary for our survival.

Vital Nutrients
A career in nutrition requires you to learn about the six classes of nutrients
required for human health: fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and
water. Certain nutrients, such as fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, are needed in
large quantities by the body and are known as macronutrients. Those nutrients
needed in much smaller quantities, such as vitamins and minerals, are known
as micronutrients. A basic knowledge of these nutrients can help you make wise
food chooses for you and your family.

Although fats often get a bad rap, theyre required by the body for many
processes. Fats are a source of stored energy. They facilitate digestion, aid in the
metabolism of some nutrients, and are required for the absorption and transport
of the fat-soluble nutrients, vitamins A, D, E, and K. Theyre used to maintain the
integrity of our cell membranes and for the production of many of our hormones.
And, famously, fat makes food taste good and adds flavor. No wonder we cant
seem to get enough! An understanding of fats will help you make wise food
choices. The different types of dietary fats are monounsaturated, polyunsaturated,
and saturated fats; essential fatty acids; trans-fatty acids; and cholesterol.

Monounsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature and can withstand

high cooking temperatures. Theyre considered the healthiest type of fat.
Theyre thought to protect against heart disease, chronic illness, and diabetes.
Monounsaturated fats are found in olive oil, canola oil, and peanut oil and
are also an excellent source of vitamin E. Monounsaturated fats dont raise
cholesterol levels, but can actually help lower total cholesterol and increase good


Polyunsaturated fats also remain liquid at room temperature and help lower total
cholesterol. The primary sources of polyunsaturated fats are fish, flax, hemp,
pumpkin seed, walnut, corn, safflower, sunflower, and soybean foods and oils.
Theyre an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids.

Saturated fats are solid at room temperature. The primary sources are animal fats,
such as red meat, lard, cheese, cream, and butter. Theyre also found in coconut
oil and palm oil. Saturated fats raise the bad cholesterol and increase the risk of
heart disease, stroke, and breast cancer.

Essential fatty acids are found in polyunsaturated fats. Both omega-3 (alpha-
linolenic acid) and omega-6 (linoleic acid) fatty acids are required for good
health. However, the intake ratio between the two is an important influence on
our health. Currently, a ratio of 5:1 to 10:1 omega-3 to omega-6 is recommended
for good health. Fish, flax, and walnuts are good food sources of omega-3s.
Most nuts and seeds, evening primrose oil, and many vegetables are good food
sources of omega-6s.

Trans-fatty acids are found in solid or semisolid margarine or cooking oil

(Figure 13). These are also called hydrogenated fats because several hydrogen
atoms have been added to each molecule of oil. Research confirms that trans-
fatty acids contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease.

FIGURE 13Trans-fatty acids have a negative impact on health and are often
found in highly processed snack foods.


Cholesterol is needed for the manufacture of sex hormones, adrenal hormones,
vitamin D, and digestive juices. It also serves as insulation for nerve fibers and
is an integral part of our cell membranes. Blood cholesterol levels affect the
formation of plaque on arterial walls, which is a risk factor for cardiovascular
disease. Your physician may measure your total cholesterol, high-density
liproproteins (HDL), and low-density lipoproteins (LDL). HDL is considered the
good cholesterol, and LDL the bad cholesterol. Your cholesterol levels can
determine your risk for developing atherosclerosis, a buildup of cholesterol in
artery walls.

The body contains thousands of different types of proteins, and each type is
made of a specific amino acid combination. Altogether, proteins constitute about
one-fifth of our body weight. Proteins are used to build and repair muscles, and
are vital components of our skin, hair, nails, eyes, and most all tissues. Proteins
are also needed for hormone production. They also serve as neurotransmitters
and enzymes. The densest sources of protein are meat, eggs, milk, and yogurt,
and these are considered the best protein sources for human nutrition. However,
plant proteins can provide all the amino acids required if care is taken in choosing
a variety of vegetable, grain, and legume dishes.

Carbohydrates include sugars, starches, fiber, and pectin. Theyre the primary
source of immediate energy for the body. Carbohydrates are used by the energy-
producing mitochondria within our cells to ensure a steady supply of energy
for our bodys activities. The most common sources of carbohydrates are bread,
grains, vegetables, fruit, sugar, honey, maple syrup, and dairy products.

Vitamins are organic substances that are crucial to bodily functions. They function
as coenzymes and/or regulators of normal metabolism by joining with a protein.
Vitamins are necessary in small quantities for maintenance of life. Some vitamins
are made by the body, and some are necessary and received from the diet. Each
vitamin performs a unique function.

Minerals are naturally occurring inorganic substances that are needed for normal
nutrition or metabolism. They also function as cofactors in metabolic processes.
Some minerals have very specific functions, such as calciums role in building
strong bones.


Water is a clear, odorless, tasteless liquid necessary for life. Its crucial in
maintaining a steady body temperature, eliminating wastes, transporting
nutrients, and lubricating joints.

The Key to a Healthy Diet

The key to a healthy diet is moderation and variety. Eat a moderate amount of
many different types of foods each day. Eating a variety of foods helps ensure
that we consume all of the essential nutrients for good health. Eating a variety
of foods means eating meats, beans, vegetables, fruits, grains, and dairy. No one
food has all the nutrients required by the body. When we eat the same foods over
and over, we rob our bodies of the many nutrients available in a wide variety of

Moderation means not overeating and watching your servings (Figure 14). It
means avoiding an excess of calories, fats, sugars, and salt. And it means no
supersizing at fast-food restaurants. Learning to read package labels for nutrient
content and dietary reference intakes can help you to ensure that youre not

FIGURE 14Moderation is one of the keys to healthful eating.


Complete the following questions to test your knowledge.
Do not send the answers to the school.

1. At the most basic level, explain what primary factor determines

your nutrient intake.



2. List the six classes of nutrients.




3. Explain the difference between macronutrients and micronutrients.



4. escribe the characteristics of the three primary types of dietary fat

and their affect on cholesterol.



5. iscuss the most common reasons people choose the foods they



Check your answers with those found at the end of this learning guide.



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Achievement Exam.
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Select the following exam from the list shown:
Introduction to Fitness, Nutrition, and Wellness Careers
Good luck with your exam!




Check Your Learning 1
1. Healthy People is an initiative by the U.S. government to identify health
improvement priorities, increase public awareness of health, provide
measurable objectives and goals, identify applicable critical research, and
engage in activities that strengthen policies and practices that improve

2. The six dimensions of wellness are physical, intellectual, emotional, social

or interpersonal, spiritual, and environmental well-being.

3. The goal of the NCCA is to help ensure the health, welfare, and safety of
the public through the accreditation of a variety of certification programs
or organizations that assess professional competence.

4. The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) delineates three general

categories for making determinations as to whether a medical exam or a
clinical exercise test is necessary before beginning an exercise program.
The categories are the apparently healthy adult, those with increased risk,
and those with known disease.

5. The six categories of nutrients are carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins,

minerals, and water.

Check Your Learning 2

1. Genetics, access to medical care, economic status, gender, marital status,
education, environment, and lifestyle factors

2. Your chronological age is your actual age from birth. Your biological age is
an estimate of your general health. Regardless of your chronological age,
your biological age is more revealing of your life expectancy.

3. Fitness is the ability to achieve your optimal quality of life up to

your genetic potential; that is, your inherited capacity for health and
performance. Wellness is a state of optimal well-being thats oriented
toward maximizing an individuals potential.

4. Exercise is any planned, structured, or repetitive movement intended to

improve or maintain physical and mental health. Physical activity is any
activity that gets you moving. This can include gardening, cleaning house,
grocery shopping, or mowing the lawn.


5. Fitness instructors educate their clients on how to lead healthier lives
using exercise and diet. Education and instruction may be provided in a
one-on-one session or a group setting. In addition, fitness instructors help
clients set realistic wellness goals and motivate them toward those goals.

Check Your Learning 3

1. Sports psychology is a unique specialty within the broader context of
psychology that emphasizes the behaviors that exert an influence on
sports and exercise performance.

2. Sports psychologists are engaged in three main activities: clinical/

counseling, education, and research. The clinical/counseling sports
psychologist helps athletes with emotional and or personality problems
that impact their performance. This person is usually trained in clinical
or counseling psychology, has an interest in competitive athletics, and
may be a licensed psychologist. Educational sports psychologists have
received their training through departments of physical education. They
teach the principles of sports psychology to athletes and coaches to
help athletes reach peak performance, enjoy their sport, and improve
their overall quality of life. Research sports psychologists contribute
to the credibility of the field by adding to the body of research and
the knowledge base that is sports psychology. Scientific studies help
generate knowledge and understanding of how athletes can reach their
fullest potential.

3. Banduras theory of self-efficacy states that people must believe theyre in

control and act like theyre in control. Because theyre in control, they can
make things happen. In other words, a person will succeed because she
believes that she will succeed. This theory works for groups as well as with

4. The three main categories of self-talk are (1) task-specific statements

relating to technique, (2) encouragement and effort, and (3) mood words.
Task-specific statements relating to technique is a form of self-talk that
reinforces technique. Encouragement and effort self-talk provide self-
encouragement. Mood words are a form of self-talk that increases mood
and arousal.

5. The four theories of personality are the psychodynamic approach, social

learning theory, humanistic theory, and trait theory.


Check Your Learning 4
1. As the U.S. population ages, massage for the elderly or during hospice
care is expected to open a wider market and experience the fastest

2. Massage is defined as the manipulation of tissues with the hand or an

instrument for therapeutic purposes.

3. (1) Massage helped reduce the use of medications and the cost of
subsequent care and improved overall symptoms and management
of pain for those with lower back pain. (2) People with low-back pain
receiving massage experienced less pain, depression, and anxiety and had
improved sleep. (3) Massage therapy led to weight gain in preterm infants
when moderate massage pressure was provided. Passive movement of
the limbs also improved weight and bone density in preterm infants.

4. Massage can be divided into two categories: Western and Eastern.

5. Three factors which influence your comfort level when giving a massage
are posture, breathing, and your clothes. Always face in the direction of
the strokes youre giving, breathe slowly and consistently, and wear loose-
fitting clothes that help you feel relaxed and confident.

Check Your Learning 5

1. What you eat determines your nutrient intake. Choosing foods that are
nutrient dense ensures a healthy diet.

2. The six classes of nutrients are lipids/fats, proteins, carbohydrates,

vitamins, minerals, and water.

3. Nutrients that are need in large quantities, such as fats, proteins, and
carbohydrates, are known as macronutrients. Nutrients that are needed
in much smaller quantities, such as vitamins and minerals, are known as

4. Monounsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature and can withstand

high cooking temperatures. Theyre considered the healthiest type of
fat and help protect against heart disease, chronic illness, and diabetes.
Monounsaturated fats are found in olive oil, canola oil, and peanut oil and
are also an excellent source of vitamin E. Monounsaturated fats actually
help lower total cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.

Polyunsaturated fats also remain liquid at room temperature and help

lower total cholesterol. The primary sources of polyunsaturated fats are
fish, flax, hemp, pumpkin seed, walnut, corn, safflower, sunflower, and
soybean food and oils. Theyre an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids.


Saturated fats are solid at room temperature. The primary sources are
animal fats, red meat, lard, cheese, cream, butter, coconut, and palm
oil. Saturated fats raise the bad cholesterol and increases risk of heart
disease, stroke and breast cancer.

5. Most peoples food choices are based on how the food tastes, not its
nutritional content. If the food is appealing, if it smells tasty, then we
want to enjoy it. We also choose food for emotional or psychological
reasons, such as for celebrations or when we are emotionally upset. We
choose foods we think are healthy when we want lose weight or to lower
cholesterol. We tend to eat the same foods our mothers cooked or that
are traditional within our cultures. We choose food to be part of a social
group. And if were eating only local foods, then we may only eat those
foods that are in season in our area.


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