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The Messenger Stage 1 Essential English 2017 Semester Two.

Planning for oral presentation

Use the following template in planning your transcript for the presentation. This planning must be completed first, and then
you can type up your notes (and transform into cue cards) and finally put together any visual aids (PowerPoint, Prezi or
other presentation)

In this section, include:
- The name and author of the novel.
- What theme you have chosen
- 3 examples of this theme occurring/being explored in the novel (be brief- say them in a simple list)

Main Point 1
Pick one example of your chosen theme and discuss it in this section. Stick to this example only. Discuss what the
example is and describe it. Identify what specific language features are being used in this example (e.g., imagery,
symbolism, characterisation etc see list at end of document). Also discuss what is being said about your chosen theme
in this example (e.g. does it show the loss or protection of innocence rather than just innocence? How do you know?)
Include specific evidence from the text
Main Point 2
Pick another example of your chosen theme and discuss it in this section. Stick to this example only. Discuss what the
example is and describe it. Identify what specific language features are being used in this example (e.g., imagery,
symbolism, characterisation etc -see list at end of document). Also discuss what is being said about your chosen theme
in this example (e.g. does it show the loss or protection of innocence rather than just innocence? How do you know?)
Include specific evidence from the text

Main Point 3
Pick another example of your chosen theme and discuss it in this section. Stick to this example only. Discuss what the
example is and describe it. Identify what specific language features are being used in this example (e.g., imagery,
symbolism, characterisation etc- see list at end of document). Also discuss what is being said about your chosen theme
in this example (e.g. does it show the loss or protection of innocence rather than just innocence? How do you know?)
Include specific evidence from the text
In this section, re-state what your chosen theme is and how it is explored and discussed throughout the novel. State
what examples prove your statements (briefly say what your three examples were). Finish with a strong statement.

Language features in Novel texts

Language feature Definition Language feature Definition
Symbol An object or action that Foil A character who contrasts
means more than its literal and parallels a main
purpose. character.
Point of View The angle of vision from Imagery A comparison of two images
which a story is narrated in order to enhance
Narrator The speaker and voice in a
fictional text
Antagonist A character or force against
which another character
Character Imaginary person within a
literary text. Can be
unchanging (static) or
dynamic (capable of
Conflict A struggle between
opposing forces usually
resolved by the end.
Figurative language When a writer or speaker
conveys something beyond
what is literally being said.

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