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Ms.Catherine Ms.




Pg 2


(40 Marks)
(Time suggested : 45 minutes)

Question 6

Your friend is thinking of taking up badminton as a hobby and has asked for
your opinion. Write a letter to tell your friend about the benefits of playing

When writing out your letter:

You may use the notes given
Persuade your friend to take up badminton
Add any other relevant information
Write in not less than 150 words

Pg 3


9, Jalan Permas 10/8,

Bandar Baru Permas Jaya,
81750 Masai,

20 September 2017
Dear Linda,
How are you getting on recently? I hope you and our family members are in the
pink. I am fine here. In your last letter, you have mentioned that you are thinking to take up
badminton as a hobby and you asked for my opinion. So , I would like to let you know my

Firstly, I think there are numerous benefits of playing badminton in your life. It is
an easy game for all ages of people. We can see a young kid from 5 years old to an 70-year-old
man playing badminton in their life. Badminton does not have a _____________ in ages or
skill, so people can play in their l________________________. Therefore, playing
badminton game can easily _______________________ among each other.

Furthermore, badminton game gets us moving all the time in the court. Playing
badminton can help us to maintain general health and prevent diseases. For example, we can
reduce the risk of heart attack, high blood pressure and diabetes. Hence, it boosts good
cholesterol levels so that you can stay healthy at all time.

Besides, playing badminton prevents obesity or excess weight gain from daily diet.
This game can burn up calories which can up to 480 calories within an hour. It is the highest
calories burning sport among all of the sports. So, I believe that badminton would be the most
suitable hobby for you as ____________________________________________.

In addition, you can make friends with other class students. This is because you
may play as individual or a team game. When you work together with other players, you can
interact with them. Thus, you will learn _________________________________

Lastly, I think you should take up badminton as your hobby. As I know, you are
active in sports and co-curricular activities. So, badminton will not be difficult for you. Hope to
receive your reply soon. Take care and goodbye.

Pg 4 Yours sincerely,
Catherine Chee

English KS

In conjunction with your schools English Week, you have been asked to give
a speech on the importance of co-curricular activities. Write your speech
with the help of the notes below.

When writing out your speech:

You may use the notes given
Give suitable examples to support your points
Add any other relevant information
Write in not less than 150 words

Pg 5

English KS

A very good morning to the Principal, Mr. Lim, vice-principal,

teachers and fellow friends. I feel honoured to be given a
____________________ to deliver a speech here. Today, I would like to talk
about the importance of co-curricular activities to every student.

First and foremost, co-curricular activities help students to improve

grades in ________________________. This is because students
need to juggle studies and activities at the same time. From this, students
will be trained to manage time better in their daily routine. Hence, students will
not waste time in _______________________ but they will
appreciate time for studying.

Furthermore, co-curricular activities teach students a lot of useful

skills which will be beneficial to their future. Students are responsible to carry
out plenty of tasks and duties in co-curricular activities. During the process, they
can learn teamwork, patience and critical thinking skills. These skills are vey
useful especially when you ____________________in the future.

In addition, taking part in co-curricular activities enables students to

enhance social skills. Students can make friend with different class students
who are _________________________ and communicate better. It is
definitely improve students ____________________.

Lastly, co-curricular activities bring numerous benefits to students.

Students should allocate time to participate in the activities to train yourselves
to be a ___________________students. Let us have wonderful time in
co-curricular activities. Thank you for your listening.

Pg 6


Pg 7


How to Give Back to the Community

By Catherine

In this day and age, charity has become a hot topic of discussion among
people from all walk of life. In fact, giving back to the community is getting more and
more important to a developed country. Therefore, there are many ways to give
back to the community.

First and foremost, people can donate some items to orphanage or

welfare society. There are something in our home which is in good condition but we
do not need or use in our life. For example, second-hand clothes and books which
are seldom used by people but it _______________________.
Therefore, we may donate to the ___________________ and it help us
to reduce wastage in the earth.

Furthermore, everyone may donate time to the charity. We may

_____________our effort to raise money for the needy. For instance, people who
have extra time can organise events such as ____________________ by
selling out some second-hand items to raise money. People can also spend time to
visit some welfare homes to do _____________________.

Besides, we should donate some food items to the needy people. This is
because it can reduce hunger and provide them
_______________________. It is also a __________________ because
we can donate some necessity like rice, biscuit and noodle. Hence, the homeless
people can also feel the warmth we bring to them.

In addition, we should donate money regularly to welfare society if we

have the ____________________. However, if we do not have much
ability, we may also choose one-off payment to help the needy people. The money
which we donate may be a small amount to us but it will be a great help to the
community. Hence, we should contribute a little help to the welfare society.

Last but not least, helping people will also bring happiness to us. We
should not _____________to provide the little help to others. Let us work hand
in hand to bring the world with numerous love and warmth.

English PAHANG

Stand up for people who

Being bullied - share with are bullied
your parents

School authorities - educate Talk to a counselor, teacher

school students and school or anyone that you can trust
staffs - about bullying

When writing out your article:

You may use all the notes given
Elaborate on given notes to make it more interesting
You may add any other relevant information
Write in not less than 150 words.

Pg 9

English PAHANG

Ways to Stop Bullying

In this day and age, bullying has become a hot topic of discussion
among _____________________________. In fact, this issue is
getting more and more serious to every students safety in school. Hence, there
are several ways to prevent bullying from happening in

First and foremost, students who are being bullied should share
with your parents. Parents should observe childrens daily behaviour and their
__________________ may be due to bullying. Parents can help
their children to overcome bullying and teach them
__________________________. Therefore, students will inform teacher once
they are being bullied by other students in school.

Furthermore, the school authorities must educate school students

and school staff to ________________ about bullying. Sometimes,
bullying cases may be ignored by students and teachers when they are not
involved. For example, ______________________are often
________ ____________ because it does not have
________________________. However, these bullying actions may lead to
_____________________ and mental problem to a student.

Besides, every student should stand up for people who are bullied.
Bullies may be _______________________ when they
_____________ _______________ as they are normally bully the weak and
fear the strong. Students may say No to the bullies or inform teacher
immediately when students realise bullying cases happen in school. Thus, the
victims will not feel ___________ and yet they will be rest assure to
study in the school.

Last but not least, bullying bring a lot of problems in school. The
school authorities, teachers and students should work hand in hand to
overcome the serious problems. We can create a secure and peaceful
environment for students to learn happily in the future.
Pg 10


(40 Marks)
(Time suggested : 45 minutes)

Question 6

You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

Write an article in your school magazine about school bullying based on the
picture and the notes given.

When writing out the article:

You may use the notes given
Give suitable examples to support your points
Add 2 other suggestions to avoid yourself from being bullied
Write in not less than 150 words

Pg 11


How to Prevent Bullying

In this day and age, bullying has become a hot topic of discussion among
people from all walks of life. In fact, this issue is getting more and more
serious to every students safety in school. Hence, there are several ways to prevent
bullying from happening in the school compound.

First and foremost, students who are being bullied should talk to an
adult you trust. Dont keep your feeling inside your heart because it may lead you to
have _______________. For example, you may tell school counsellor, teacher or
parents. They will teach you some correct ways to face with the bullies and
______________ students to think positively.

Furthermore, students may stay away from places where bullying

happens. By doing so, you can _______________________________ of
being bullied in the school compound. Empty classroom, staircases and field may
happen bullying before the class begin as there is no ____________
__________________. Therefore, students can prevent bullying if they stay away
from the these places when not much people around there.

Besides, students should stay near to adults and other kids when you are
alone. This is because most bullying happens when adults are not around. Normally,
bullies will have a company of friends to deal with single weak students. They will
______ __________________ the victim in a secret and
______________________ to prevent being noticed by others. Therefore, victims of
bullying would have to suffered the injured without any witness.

In addition, the school authorities must educate school students and

school staff to stay alert about bullying. Stricter school rules and punishment to
bullies would be the best way to prevent bullying in the school. Every student should
stand up for people who are bullied. Students may say No to the bullies or inform
teacher immediately when students realise bullying cases happen in school.

Last but not least, bullying bring a lot of problems in school. The school
authorities, teachers and students should work hand in hand to overcome the
serious problems. We can create a secure and peaceful environment for students to
learn happily in the future.
Pg 12


(40 Marks)
(Time suggested : 45 minutes)

Pg 13


How to Lead a Happy Life

By Catherine

In this day and age, happy lifestyle has become a hot topic of
discussion among people from all walks of life. In fact, leading a happy
lifestyle is getting more and more important in our daily routine.
Therefore, there are many ways that we can do to lead a happy life.

First and foremost, we should eat healthily in everyday diet.

_____________________ keep our body healthy so that we can
conduct daily activities happily. Besides, we can also carry out exercise
daily to prevent falling sick. Some simple exercises such as jogging and
cycling will not take up a lot of time and it would be beneficial to our body

Furthermore, consumers should shop wisely to have a happy

life. We should not buy unnecessary things because we will feel wasting
money if we do not _____________________. Moreover,
consumer must read food labels before buying any food product. It will
_________________________if we buy something we cannot eat
without checking carefully.

In addition, everyone must get enough sleep at the night. Eight

to ten hours sleep per day is necessary for a person to
___________________. We can also take up a hobby in our life to lead a
happy life. A hobby like reading or drawing helps everyone to release
stress in life. Subsequently, we may invite friends to travel during
holidays. It may help us to foster relationship with friends as well.

Last but not least, all the above information will be useful to
everyone to lead a happy life. We should try all the methods to improve
our living lifestyle. As we all know, a happy lifestyle lead a successful life.
Pg 14


Pg 15


A very good morning to the Principal, Mr. Lim, vice-principal,

teachers and fellow students. As the Head Prefect, I feel honoured to be
given this golden opportunity to deliver a speech here. Today, I would like
to talk on how to maintain personal hygiene.

First and foremost, students should brush teeth at least twice a

day. If we do not brush our teeth early in the morning and before going to
bed, the bacteria on our teeth will affect our health. Students can also use
deodorant to maintain personal hygiene. This is because we may emit the
foul smell after exercising.

Furthermore, we should shower daily. Shower makes us feel

refresh and clears out all the bacteria on our body. Meanwhile, it is
supposed to wash hair regularly at least once a day. Hot weather causes
us sweating profusely and a lot of bacteria stains on the head.

Besides, everyone must wash hands regularly. Our hands touch

numerous things around us and we cannot see the bacteria on our eyes.
Men should also shave daily to maintain personal hygiene. A clean and
clear face bring a healthy image to a person.

In addition, personal hygiene is every important to everyone.

Maintaining good hygienic behaviour can prevent us from falling sick.
Personal hygiene is signified to prevent diseases from spreading to others.
Moreover, good hygienic habit allow us to carry out daily activities

Last but not least, we should try all the ways to maintain
personal hygiene every day. A good personal hygiene brings us lot of
benefits in life. As we all know, health is wealth.

Pg 16


(40 Marks)
(Time suggested : 45 minutes)

Question 6

You have been asked to write an article to be published in the school

newsletter in conjunction with Stay Healthy Week. Your article is on the
importance of a Healthy Lifestyle.

Many illnesses these

Obesity, diabetes a
Good health taken for

Start from young age- Regular exercise - reduces

parents encourage and stress, increases mental
lead by example strength, improves
Cut down on surgery stuff, confidence
junk food Balanced diet - healthy
Maintain healthy lifestyle weight, better immune
to see long-term benefits system, feel happier

When writing out your article:

You may use the notes given
Persuade the readers to adopt a healthy lifestyle
Add any other relevant information
Write in not less than 150 words

Pg 17


Pg 18


(40 Marks)
(Time suggested : 45 minutes)

Question 6

You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

You are the member of the Robotics Club in your school. You would like to
participate in a writing competition entitled, If I had a personal robot,

When writing out your composition:

You may use the notes given
Elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting
Add any other relevant information
Write in not less than 150 words

Pg 19


If I have a personal robot, I will make use of it into my daily

routine. Robot is really an advanced invention in nowadays society.
People utilise robot in many fields, from manufacturing to scientific
research. Robots help human to complete the task which we are unable
to finish personally.

First and foremost, I will use robot to clean house. It is because

cleaning jobs make up of much time in my life and I do not have time to
complete it. For example, sweeping and mopping floor is the tiring jobs in
my life. Hence, robot helps me to live in a clean and healthy environment.

Furthermore, robot can help me to iron clothes. Sometimes,

we may get burn when we are ironing clothes or we are unable to iron
properly. I have a lot of uniform needed to be ironed and I spent a lot of
time at night to repeat the same job. So, I believe that robot can definitely
prevent us from getting injured and carry out the task completely.

Besides, I will give order to my robot to cook food for me. The
step of cooking food is same and it can be set and adjusted by human
before the robot start cooking. Some simple dishes such as cooking
noodle soup, frying vegetable and boiling soup can be carried out by
robot easily. Therefore, I can enjoy my delicious meal without worrying.

In addition, I have one tedious job can be assigned to robot. it

can help me to make beds in every morning and I can directly go washing
when I wake up. A neat and tidy bed makes me feel happy all the day.
Otherwise, I will be scolded by my mother if I do not tidy up my bed.

Last but not least, scientific advancement has indeed helped

human in daily routine. It brings a wonderful living lifestyle and saves up a
lot of effort. Hence, human should appreciate the scientists who bring a
lot of convenience to the world.
Pg 20

9, Jalan Permas 10/8,
Bandar Baru Permas
81750 Masai,

20 September 2017

Dear Linda,
How are you getting on recently? I hope you and our family members are in the pink. I
am fine here. In your last letter, you have mentioned that you are thinking to take up badminton as a
hobby and you asked for my opinion. So , I would like to let you know my opinion.

Firstly, I think there are numerous benefits of playing badminton in your life. It is an easy
game for all ages of people. We can see a young kid from 5 years old to an 70-year-old man playing
badminton in their life. Badminton does not have a restriction in ages or skill, so people can play in
their leisure / recreational time. Therefore, playing badminton game can easily foster relationship
among each other.

Furthermore, badminton game gets us moving all the time in the court. Playing
badminton can help us to maintain general health and prevent diseases. For example, we can reduce
the risk of heart attack, high blood pressure and diabetes. Hence, it boosts good cholesterol levels so
that you can stay healthy at all time.

Besides, playing badminton prevents obesity or excess weight gain from daily diet. This
game can burn up calories which can up to 480 calories within an hour. It is the highest calories
burning sport among all of the sports. So, I believe that badminton would be the most suitable hobby
for you as you hope to slim down your body as soon as possible.

In addition, you can make friends with other class students. This is because you may
play as individual or a team game. When you work together with other players, you can interact with
them. Thus, you will learn teamwork spirit and meet up with like-minded friends.

Lastly, I think you should take up badminton as your hobby. As I know, you are active in
sports and co-curricular activities. So, badminton will not be difficult for you. Hope to receive your
reply soon. Take care and goodbye.

Yours sincerely,

Catherine Chee

English KS

A very good morning to the Principal, Mr. Lim, vice-principal, teachers

and fellow friends. I feel honoured to be given a golden opportunity to deliver a
speech here. Today, I would like to talk about the importance of co-curricular
activities to every student.

First and foremost, co-curricular activities help students to improve

grades in academic and co-academic. This is because students need to juggle
studies and activities at the same time. From this, students will be trained to manage
time better in their daily routine. Hence, students will not waste time in unproductive
activities but they will appreciate time for studying.

Furthermore, co-curricular activities teach students a lot of useful skills

which will be beneficial to their future. Students are responsible to carry out plenty of
tasks and duties in co-curricular activities. During the process, they can learn
teamwork, patience and critical thinking skills. These skills are vey useful especially
when you face obstacles in the future.

In addition, taking part in co-curricular activities enables students to

enhance social skills. Students can make friend with different class students who are
like-minded friends and communicate better. It is definitely improve students
interpersonal relationship.

Lastly, co-curricular activities bring numerous benefits to students.

Students should allocate time to participate in the activities to train yourselves to be
a well-rounded students. Let us have wonderful time in co-curricular activities. Thank
you for your listening.


How to Give Back to the Community

By Catherine

In this day and age, charity has become a hot topic of discussion among
people from all walk of life. In fact, giving back to the community is getting more and
more important to a developed country. Therefore, there are many ways to give
back to the community.

First and foremost, people can donate some items to orphanage or

welfare society. There are something in our home which is in good condition but we
do not need or use in our life. For example, second-hand clothes and books which
are seldom used by people but it still remains the value. Therefore, we may donate
to the needy people and it help us to reduce wastage in the earth.

Furthermore, everyone may donate time to the charity. We may

contribute our effort to raise money for the needy. For instance, people who have
extra time can organise events such as charity bazaar by selling out some second-
hand items to raise money. People can also spend time to visit some welfare homes
to do volunteered works.

Besides, we should donate some food items to the needy people. This is
because it can reduce hunger and provide them sufficient nutrition. It is also a
realistic action because we can donate some necessity like rice, biscuit and noodle.
Hence, the homeless people can also feel the warmth we bring to them.

In addition, we should donate money regularly to welfare society if we

have the financial ability. However, if we do not have much ability, we may also
choose one-off payment to help the needy people. The money which we donate may
be a small amount to us but it will be a great help to the community. Hence, we
should contribute a little help to the welfare society.

Last but not least, helping people will also bring happiness to us. We
should not stingy to provide the little help to others. Let us work hand in hand to
bring the world with numerous love and warmth.

English PAHANG

Ways to Stop Bullying

In this day and age, bullying has become a hot topic of discussion among
people from all walks of life. In fact, this issue is getting more and more
serious to every students safety in school. Hence, there are several ways to prevent
bullying from happening in the school compound.

First and foremost, students who are being bullied should share with
your parents. Parents should observe childrens daily behaviour and their strange
behaviour may be due to bullying. Parents can help their children to overcome
bullying and teach them how to deal with bullying. Therefore, students will inform
teacher once they are being bullied by other students in school.

Furthermore, the school authorities must educate school students and

school staff to stay alert about bullying. Sometimes, bullying cases may be ignored by
students and teachers when they are not involved. For example, verbal bullying and
teasing are often being neglected because it does not have obvious evidence.
However, these bullying actions may lead to mental stress and mental problem to a

Besides, every student should stand up for people who are bullied.
Bullies may be stunned and shocked when they are being retorted as they are
normally bully the weak and fear the strong. Students may say No to the bullies or
inform teacher immediately when students realise bullying cases happen in school.
Thus, the victims will not feel insecure and yet they will be rest assure to study in the

Last but not least, bullying bring a lot of problems in school. The school
authorities, teachers and students should work hand in hand to overcome the
serious problems. We can create a secure and peaceful environment for students to
learn happily in the future.


How to Prevent Bullying

In this day and age, bullying has become a hot topic of discussion among
people from all walks of life. In fact, this issue is getting more and more
serious to every students safety in school. Hence, there are several ways to prevent
bullying from happening in the school compound.

First and foremost, students who are being bullied should talk to an
adult you trust. Dont keep your feeling inside your heart because it may lead you to
have depression. For example, you may tell school counsellor, teacher or parents.
They will teach you some correct ways to face with the bullies and enlighten
students to think positively.

Furthermore, students may stay away from places where bullying

happens. By doing so, you can reduce the possibility of being bullied in the school
compound. Empty classroom, staircases and field may happen bullying before the
class begin as there is no adult supervision. Therefore, students can prevent bullying
if they stay away from the these places when not much people around there.

Besides, students should stay near to adults and other kids when you are
alone. This is because most bullying happens when adults are not around. Normally,
bullies will have a company of friends to deal with single weak students. They will
beat and punch the victim in a secret and desolated place to prevent being noticed
by others. Therefore, victims of bullying would have to suffered the injured without
any witness.

In addition, the school authorities must educate school students and

school staff to stay alert about bullying. Stricter school rules and punishment to
bullies would be the best way to prevent bullying in the school. Every student should
stand up for people who are bullied. Students may say No to the bullies or inform
teacher immediately when students realise bullying cases happen in school.

Last but not least, bullying bring a lot of problems in school. The school
authorities, teachers and students should work hand in hand to overcome the
serious problems. We can create a secure and peaceful environment for students to
learn happily in the future.


How to Lead a Happy Life

By Catherine

In this day and age, happy lifestyle has become a hot topic of discussion
among people from all walks of life. In fact, leading a happy lifestyle is getting more
and more important in our daily routine. Therefore, there are many ways that we can
do to lead a happy life.

First and foremost, we should eat healthily in everyday diet. Sufficient

nutrition keep our body healthy so that we can conduct daily activities happily.
Besides, we can also carry out exercise daily to prevent falling sick. Some simple
exercises such as jogging and cycling will not take up a lot of time and it would be
beneficial to our body health.

Furthermore, consumers should shop wisely to have a happy life. We

should not buy unnecessary things because we will feel wasting money if we do not
consider wisely. Moreover, consumer must read food labels before buying any food
product. It will spoilt our mood and feeling if we buy something we cannot eat
without checking carefully.

In addition, everyone must get enough sleep at the night. Eight to ten
hours sleep per day is necessary for a person to regain energy. We can also take up a
hobby in our life to lead a happy life. A hobby like reading or drawing helps everyone
to release stress in life. Subsequently, we may invite friends to travel during
holidays. It may help us to foster relationship with friends as well.

Last but not least, all the above information will be useful to everyone to
lead a happy life. We should try all the methods to improve our living lifestyle. As we
all know, a happy lifestyle lead a successful life.


A very good morning to the Principal, Mr. Lim, vice-principal, teachers

and fellow students. As the Head Prefect, I feel honoured to be given this golden
opportunity to deliver a speech here. Today, I would like to talk on how to maintain
personal hygiene.

First and foremost, students should brush teeth at least twice a day. If
we do not brush our teeth early in the morning and before going to bed, the bacteria
on our teeth will affect our health. Students can also use deodorant to maintain
personal hygiene. This is because we may emit the foul smell after exercising.

Furthermore, we should shower daily. Shower makes us feel refresh and

clears out all the bacteria on our body. Meanwhile, it is supposed to wash hair
regularly at least once a day. Hot weather causes us sweating profusely and a lot of
bacteria stains on the head.

Besides, everyone must wash hands regularly. Our hands touch

numerous things around us and we cannot see the bacteria on our eyes. Men should
also shave daily to maintain personal hygiene. A clean and clear face bring a healthy
image to a person.

In addition, personal hygiene is every important to everyone.

Maintaining good hygienic behaviour can prevent us from falling sick. Personal
hygiene is signified to prevent diseases from spreading to others. Moreover, good
hygienic habit allow us to carry out daily activities happily.

Last but not least, we should try all the ways to maintain personal
hygiene every day. A good personal hygiene brings us lot of benefits in life. As we all
know, health is wealth.


If I have a personal robot, I will make use of it into my daily routine.

Robot is really an advanced invention in nowadays society. People utilise robot
in many fields, from manufacturing to scientific research. Robots help human to
complete the task which we are unable to finish personally.

First and foremost, I will use robot to clean house. It is because cleaning
jobs make up of much time in my life and I do not have time to complete it. For
example, sweeping and mopping floor is the tiring jobs in my life. Hence, robot helps
me to live in a clean and healthy environment.

Furthermore, robot can help me to iron clothes. Sometimes, we may

get burn when we are ironing clothes or we are unable to iron properly. I have a lot
of uniform needed to be ironed and I spent a lot of time at night to repeat the same
job. So, I believe that robot can definitely prevent us from getting injured and carry
out the task completely.

Besides, I will give order to my robot to cook food for me. The step of
cooking food is same and it can be set and adjusted by human before the robot start
cooking. Some simple dishes such as cooking noodle soup, frying vegetable and
boiling soup can be carried out by robot easily. Therefore, I can enjoy my delicious
meal without worrying.

In addition, I have one tedious job can be assigned to robot. it can help
me to make beds in every morning and I can directly go washing when I wake up. A
neat and tidy bed makes me feel happy all the day. Otherwise, I will be scolded by
my mother if I do not tidy up my bed.

Last but not least, scientific advancement has indeed helped human in
daily routine. It brings a wonderful living lifestyle and saves up a lot of effort. Hence,
human should appreciate the scientists who bring a lot of convenience to the world.

Pg 28

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