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Caryl Anne G. Beltran

Eden Vina L. Grate

Sexual orientation is an enduring pattern of romantic or sexual attraction (or a combination of

both) to persons of the opposite sex or gender, the same sex or gender, or to both sexes or more
than one gender. These attractions are generally classified as heterosexuality, homosexuality, and
bisexuality, respectively (though asexuality the lack of sexual attraction to others is sometimes
identified as the fourth category). What will be elaborately discussed in this position paper is the
second category, homosexuality. Homosexuality refers to the romantic attraction, sexual attraction or
sexual behavior between members of the same sex or gender. This is the category wherein the terms
gay, lesbian and bisexual are contained in. It is very important to know that these terms mentioned
do not necessarily indicate gender identity, but rather, partner preference.

Going back to the issue, Is being a gay, lesbian, and the likes caused by hereditary or genetic
influences? This is undeniably a hugely perplexing topic. We, ordinary people who obliviously inhabit
the world, consider these homosexual individuals as beings who have freely chosen to be the kind of
people whom they are. We have grown to acknowledge the fact supposed to be opinion - that
causes of their homosexuality might root from their environment and other external factors.
However, some curious, scrutinizing people such as scientists and researchers refuse to be
acquiescent. It is indeed palpable that homosexuality is making substantial growth in our societies. It
is a common trait, found in up to 10% of the worlds population. It seems to run in different
generations of families, quite suggesting that it may be hereditary, at least in part. But if it is
hereditary, how come it defies the very reason why traits are passed on from generation to
generation? According to Laura Blue of TIME, How could something that hinders childbearing be
passed down so frequently from parents to children? It is completely vexing, but researchers have
tried to come up with biological and mathematical models that might be able to diminish confusions
regarding the roots and causes of homosexuality.

Based on the articles and research papers that we have read regarding the issue, we now
firmly stand by the belief that homosexuality; the state of being gay, lesbian or bisexual; is not
caused by hereditary or genetic influences. We have not come to this stance or claim simply because
we think and believe that the cause of homosexuality, in its entirety, only has something to do with
the environment that you grow up in, or the worldly forces that trigger change within your
preferences. Instead, it has something to do with your composition as a human being, inherent and
occurred when you were still an embryo. As what Sergey Gavrilets of the National Institute for
Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) has explained: Its not genetics. Its not DNA. Its
not pieces of DNA. Its epigenetics. The hypothesis we put forward is based on epigenetic marks.

We believe it is epigenetics. Epigenetics is the study of potentially heritable changes in gene

expression that does not involve changes to the underlying DNA sequence which in turn affects how
cells read the genes. It is a change in phenotype without a change in genotype. These so-called
probable causes of homosexuality are not written in our DNA itself. These do not change or affect the
base pairing rules as Adenine still pairs with Thymine or vice versa, and Guanine still pairs with
Cytosine or vice versa. Instead, it is written on how our genes are expressed, changing the way
proteins interact with DNA, which results to alteration of gene expression. We have come up to this
claim and knowledge through stumbling across a research paper entitled The Quarterly Review of
Biology by William Rice, Urban Friberg and Sergey Gavrilets. It clearly stressed out that epigenetic
marks or epi-marks drive homosexuality. These epi-marks are related to sensitivity to hormones
while a male or female is still in the womb of the parent. What specifically are these epi-marks?
According to a NIMBioS article, these epi-marks are compounds that constitute an extra layer of
information attached to our genes backbones that regulate their expression. While genes hold the
instructions, epi-marks direct how those instructions are carried out when, where and how much a
gene is expressed during development. Look at it this way: your DNA is your software, while your
epi-mark is your operating system. It does not alter anything that is inputted on your DNA, but it
does play a role on how your DNA functions or works. How do these work? Sex-specific epi-marks are
those which are androgen-dependent. They control and protect each sex from the substantial natural
variation in testosterone that occurs during late fetal development. For a female fetus, these sex-
specific epi-marks buffer it from high levels of testosterone by suppressing receptors that respond to
the said hormone. This is so the female would be deviated from masculinity, ensuring normal fetal
development despite the presence of a lot of testosterone. For a male fetus, on the other hand, these
sex-specific epi-marks buffer it from low levels of testosterone by further regulating receptors that
bind to the hormone. This is so the male would be deviated from femininity, ensuring normal fetal
development despite the low levels of testosterone. Based on these functions, it can be concluded
that epi-marks are indeed indispensable in protecting fetus (which would then become a parent) from
the natural variation in sex hormone levels, maintaining the sexs normal orientation. The turning
point here is when these epi-marks escape erasure after they are activated. Normally, these would be
erased or eliminated after activation, but when these epi-marks become persistent, they could escape
erasure and would therefore be transmitted to the next generation. Note that the transmission which
could cause homosexuality is only through mother to son or father to daughter. When these epi-
marks are transmitted from father to daughter or mother to son, their function would be reverted
from their true purpose. Instead of ensuring normal fetal development, the fetus will be experiencing
the opposite of it (which will then be expressed as it grows into a human). Basically, this is what
happens: the epi-marks of the father that escaped erasure will be transmitted to the daughter. Note
that in the case of the father, these epi-marks upregulated receptors that would bind to testosterone
in order to increase masculinity, and since these are inherited by the daughter, what happens is the
female fetus is associated with increased masculinity. This would then result to being a lesbian. On
the other hand, the epi-marks of the mother that escaped erasure will be transmitted to the son.
Note again that in the case of the mother, these epi-marks suppressed receptors that respond to
testosterone in order to decrease masculinity, and since these are inherited by the son, what
happens is the male fetus is associated with femininity instead of masculinity. This would then result
to being gay.

Though these theories are yet to be given biological and mathematical models, there is indeed
a big probability that this might be correct, given the existing data in our world. One evidence is the
experiment conducted by UCLA molecular biologist, Tuck C. Ngun. He studied the genetic material of
47 pairs of identical male twins wherein 37 pairs had one twin gay and the other straight, and 10
pairs wherein both were gay. Their DNA were studied, and it was found out that the gay men all had
epi-marks within their DNA while those who were straight had none. These epi-marks may indicate
something else but this can be greatly considered as essential data already.

We personally believe that this might be plausible. Myriad individuals across the world have
become homosexual gay, lesbian, etc. Many families also have several homosexuals within them,
quite suggesting a biological association to the said phenomenon. We acknowledge the fact that it
might just be caused by environmental forces, but considering the hasty increase in their number,
theres got to be something else involved which is inherent to the individual.

We often hear gays or lesbians say that they cannot contain what they truly feel inside in their
entire lifetime; theyve got to express it and break it out of their hiding zones, otherwise theyd feel
completely lost. Genetics? We believe not, for many researchers and scientists in the past years have
already tried to find the gay gene yet they have been unsuccessful. If there truly existed one, they
wouldve been able to track it down, given their intelligences and technology. But, since to this date,
they still havent found it, maybe it doesnt really exist. Therefore, homosexuality is not caused by
hereditary or genetic influences.
Epigenetics may or may not be the answer. We never really know the entire truth yet behind
homosexuality since no one has been able to completely fathom its mystery. But whatever it is;
whether humanity finds a scientific explanation to it or not, what should matter most is our sense of
respect to these individuals. Anyway, they do not need scientific facts in order to justify themselves
to everyone. They are human beings just like every single one of us inhabiting this world, and they
equally are worthy of honor and recognition.

The Quarterly Review of Biology by William Rice, Urban Friberg & Sergey Gavrilets

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