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Meeting Reporting Form

Date: 9/20/17 Group Name: Fitalytics

Start Time: 3:30 PM End Time: 5:00 PM

Attendees: (List the persons at the meeting)

Lea Koehler, Colten Ward, Brennan Arvo, Michael Haller, Kyle Eng,

No one

Topic: (Use descriptive terms, try to be short and informative)

Finish Project Report 1.

Pre-meeting Materials for Review: (Provide title and location)

Project report materials to submit

Agenda: (What are you planning to do in this meeting Keep it short and focused on
the topic)
We went over all the project report 1 materials: weighted-scoring, team contract,
introduction to project and team, stakeholder contact list, and meeting minutes.

Description of Activities: (A textual write up that summarizes what happened at the

meeting may include lists of key points discussed, decisions made, and deliverables
or action items worked. Take notes during the meeting, write the description
immediately after the meeting. The description needs to provide lots of detail.)

Action Items: (What needs to be done next determine who will do it and when they
expect it to be done.)

What Who By When

Kick-Off Meeting Team and Sponsor 10/6/17

Start the charter Team 10/13/17

Upload everything to the website Brennan 9/21/17

Unresolved Issues: (List problems and issues that hinder your progress.)
No problems

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