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“Ground Zero” and the Truth

“The world is tired of these troublesome Jews, 6 million -- that number

again -- hard by the Mediterranean, refusing every invitation to national
suicide. For which they are relentlessly demonized, ghettoized and
constrained from defending themselves, even as the more committed anti-
Zionists -- Iranian in particular -- openly prepare a more final solution.”

Charles Krauthammer (Washington Post, June 4, 2010)

The current controversy over a proposed mosque located near “Ground

Zero” is, like so much of the news, much ado about nothing.

Muslims—or “Islamofascists”—are not responsible for the attacks of

September 11, 2001. Elements of the US military-intelligence network are
responsible for that.
I’m more offended that there’s a US federal building near “Ground

Charles Krauthammer, in a column titled: Sacrilege at Ground Zero,


“Location matters. Especially this location. Ground Zero is the site of

the greatest mass murder in American history -- perpetrated by Muslims
of a particular Islamist orthodoxy in whose cause they died and in whose
name they killed.”

Krauthammer perpetuates the myth that Muslims are responsible for

9/11; therefore guilty of “the greatest mass murder in American history”.

I suppose that he, and others like him, will consider anyone who
disagrees with him (and his position) an anti-Semite, who longs to be rid
of those “troublesome Jews” and “openly prepare[s] a more final solution.”

However, it’s far more likely that Israeli intelligence agents were
involved in the terror attacks of 9/11 than it is “the Muslims”.

Hmm . . .

Why should the US, which is a broke, collapsing empire, continue to

support the apartheid state of Israel? Why should the US continue to fight
the enemies of the Zionist state of Israel? Why do US politicians continue
to do the bidding of AIPAC? Why do so many US Christians continue to
support—unthinkingly—the unbiblical, secular state of Israel?

I’m not worried about mosques or Muslims; I’m worried about the US
military-intelligence network and the US politicians doing Israel’s bidding.

As I said, the news is mostly distraction; distraction from the truth.

Especially 9/11 Truth.

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