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Alexander 1

Cheryl Alexander

English 202 Section 30F

Prof. Heather Wilson

October 2, 2017


All the unexpected places in this vast world comes down to time and placement. The air is light,

inhale as you begin to close your eyes. While your eyes are closed, begin to engage your mind.

Erase whatever your mind could be otherwise occupying your mind. Begin to imagine a blank

canvas that is now starting to focus in to an unknown format. The sun is beginning to set just

above the mountain ridge. The trees line the very mountain tops, as if a mysterious city has

emerged from nowhere. This city has an amazing fragrance of pine; with hints of fresh wild

flowers begin to fill the air around you.

With your eyes closed still. Let your thoughts wonder through the mountainside. Feel the fallen

leaves, pine needles, rocks, and dirt pass underneath your feet. The branches of an occasional

tree, weed or vine grasps hold your pant legs as you walk down a stray winding path. No real

destination in mind as you slink up and up the mountainside. At a distance, you catch a glimpse

of movement. Was it green? Was it black? Could it have been a deer? What about a Bigfoot?

Letting your mind go into the direction of the figure. The sounds of the wind as it delicately
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blows through the trees. Leaves begin to make a rustling sound. A snap of a twig from an

unknown direction catches your ears. Then the babbling sound of water as if flows down a

stream. The systematic rushes of water that only gain speed as it funnels its way toward a river.

Only with your eyes closed let yourself explore this world. A world of new experiences, you

come to a clearing near the upper side of this mountainside. Rock formations that seem to float

out from the side of the mountain like a sculpture. A face begins to form from crevices that

connect from the artistic work of Mother Nature. Green moss cascades over the sculpture into

a thick heavy carpet over the sides of this unique formation. Allow your hands to run over the

rock and moss to feel the cool moist textures that nature has created. Giving a sense of what

mother earth has done to embellish this thresh hold of a planet. Decorating your surroundings

with marvelous colors in which your eyes begin to take in. The deepest of greens in the spruce

trees to the whites of the birch trees bark. The golden yellows that dusts the golden rods that

are in full bloom. The clouds of the sky seem to beckon you as they sashay over the trees.

Another glimpse of the shadow emerges from behind a tree. This creature, an animal steps out

into the open. You see his enormous deep brown distinct shape of his body.

This time you make eye contact with this magnificent creature, which stands before you. A

snort from the creatures nostril, a sudden fear grasps your being. Do you run? Your heart

begins to race as this creature steps toward you. For a split second, your mind is telling you to

run. It is telling you to take a step back, then turn around and make your escape. Yet in that

same instance, your heart is telling you to take a deep breath and slowly begin to exhale. Allow

yourself to bond and connect with this creature. With another glance, you look again into this
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creatures eyes. Your eyes lock as if it is reading your very thoughts. You begin to study the face

from the multitude of colors of his eyes; you notice the little flecks of gold, blacks, and browns.

Behold this creature as each strand of his hair starts to stand out individually. How can

something so magnanimous make one tremble in fear? You begin slowly stretching out a

shaking hand as your foot begins to step forward. Your mind is in a sudden whirlwind of what

you are doing as it fills your mind. Your heart gives you a sense of reassurance. This a creature,

this towering wall of flesh and blood starts to move its nose toward your out stretched hand.

The world around you have gone quiet. As if, everything has frozen into place. No sound, no

movements, only you and this creature. You notice the extremely wide span of his antlers. How

massive they appear to be, like unto an embellished crown upon the head of this beast who

must demand respect of your very presence. His nose comes closer to your hand; his breath is

warm as it blows out of his nostrils. Your hand and fingers tremble as you try to maintain a

connection. The muzzle of this creature, to your amazement, the feel isnt what you would have

thought it to be. Fuzzy not wet at all. You and this creature are connecting. You examine the

long-gated structure of his face. Somewhere in your past life, you and he met. You begin to

hear a faint cadence of drums. The ever so soft chant of singing as if in that time he would have

been human. In that moment of time, you have become one with this creature, this animal. You

feel the contour of his face. Your connection is broken without warning a sudden crack of a tree

limb as it begins falling to the ground, and in that second, he is gone. A magnitude of power this

creature emanates with his massive body, as he plows his way through the trees away, far from

sight. What have you witnessed? Your mind has once again settled down from this amazing

experience. Your heart beat slowly declines to normal rhythm. You have faced something so
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exhilarating. A creature of this majestic woods in which you stand. This could have lasted longer

if it had not been for the breaking of the tree. An animal that the Great Spirit has created.

Reality sets in of what could have happened. Even if it was all an implementation into your

mind, your psyche, it could really happen. The mind is an amazing place in which you can go

exploring of the unknown.

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