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Spell To Relieve Stress

Sea Salt
Chamomile Tea

There are several ways to utilize this spell:

1. Run a bath and add three chamomile tea bags, a whole ginger root, three fistfuls of
sugar, three fistfuls of salt, a teaspoon of cardamom seeds, and the juice of a whole
lemon. Relax and soak in the tub.

2. Brew a cup of chamomile tea add a pinch of salt, cardamom, and ginger. Then add
lemon and sugar to taste. Drink tea before, during or after a stressful situation.

3. This preparation is used as a massage therapy for muscle tension in the body. Brew
the tea as described above, but do not add the salt. Fill an empty mayonnaise jar with
sea salt and then pour the tea over it. Shake well. You now have a salt rub to use on
specific areas of your body that hold tension and stress.
Money Drawing Spell

Earl Grey Tea
Green Food Colouring

Earl Grey tea is made with bergamot, a spice used for drawing money. Drink a cup of
Earl Grey first thing in the morning to increase your earning power or add 4 teabags
to a tub of hot water along with half a capful of green food colouring. Bathe for ten to
fifteen minutes while visualizing the amount of money you need. Cup your hands and
fill them with the green bathwater. Imagine your hands are filled with cash.

Spell To Eliminate Poverty

Open safety pin

Based on a New Orleans voodoo formula, this spell will insure that you always have
the staples in life. Fill a bowl with equal parts sugar, salt, and rice. Place an open
safety pin in its centre. Keep the bowl out in the open to eliminate poverty.

Spell To Keep Children Happy

Root Beer
Peanut Butter and Apple Butter Sandwiches

Cherries are the fruit of self-confidence and self love and bring happiness. Root beer
or Sarsaparilla is said to induce playfulness. Peanut butter and Apple butter are also
self-confidence foods and give energy, health, grounding, and protection. Whole
wheat or bread with grains provide more physical and mental stimulation and are
healthier than white bread which weighs the physical body down. Simply feed these
foods to your children as snacks or meals.
Magickal workings can be a bit like baking a cake, when you're not too sure, you
follow a recipe, but when you have been doing it for years, you instinctively know
what ingredients to use.

You also know which ingredients add different flavours or textures. Magick is very
similar. You can follow Magick recipes as they are written but in time adapt them to
your own taste and preference. You can make Magick casting as simple or as
complicated as you like.

If you can't find the right ingredients or tools for your Magickal workings, don't worry,
improvise, use what is available. There are no hard and fast rules in Magick.

Anyone can work a spell and get results as long as the intention is strong enough to
give energy, direction into the Universe........and bang.... you hit the target! Sometimes
things may not go according to plan though.

You must be specific when asking for something and you must have thoroughly
thought it through first. You can't just ask for things willy nilly because the intention
will not be strong enough.

Magickal casting can be made as easy as possible or as complex as you like. Please
don't be put off, spells are very easy to do.
Magick Spells For You To Try
I have given you some very easy spells to try for yourself, the most popular spell
requests, I might add.

Try this one........Hey, remember to have fun doing your Magick!

*Spell to Attract Love*

This spell will attract love into your life. But remember to be specific about what you

Items you will need:

Rose quartz
Red ribbon
Pink cloth

Put all the ingredients in the cloth and tie with the red ribbon to secure it. Hold the
pouch in the hand you write with and repeat the following:

Love come to me
Perfect in every way
Love come to me
Cant wait another day.
With harm to none, so mote it be.

Keep the pouch with you until love arrives. Then bury the pouch in a woodland area,
giving thanks to the Universe.

*Spell to Promote Healing*

For general healing

Items you will need:

3 blue candles
Piece of paper approx. 4x7
Blue pen

Draw a picture of yourself on the piece of paper, if youre no artist, the shape of a
gingerbread man will do!

Draw a circle on the picture, where the healing is needed. Colour in the circle so you
have what looks like a blue blob on the picture.

Stand the three blue candles on top of the paper. Light the candles and repeat the
following three times:

Healing be mine
Come to me, wash over me,
Im feeling fine
So mote it be.

Let the candles burn all the way down (dont leave them unattended). Carry the piece
of paper with you until healing has been received, then burn the paper. This spell
works best on a Full Moon but sometimes healing cannot wait.

*Spell to Attract Money*

Improve your finances

Items you will need:

3 Bay leaves
Frankincense (can substitute with Rosemary)
Orange Peel
Small bowl for mixing
Small piece of green material
Orange thread

Write your request on the back of the three Bay Leaves.

Put all you ingredients into the mixing bowl, break up the Bay Leaves and put them in.
As you mix the ingredients with your fingers, repeat the following chant three times:

Money flow
Money grow
Flow into my door
So I shall want no more
With harm to none, so mote it be.

Place the ingredients in the green cloth and tie with the orange thread and hang over
your front door.
Give thanks to the Universe.


*Crystal Spell for Improving your Relationship*

Improve your existing relationship with this wonderfully simple spell.

Items you will need:

2 Rose Quartz Crystals
A Full Moon

On the eve of a Full Moon, hold both the Rose Quartz Crystals in your dominant hand
and imagine your relationship with your partner the way you would like it to be. Do
this for as long as you can, until you have put all your relationship desires into these

To charge the two Crystals, simple place them on a windowsill where they will be
bathed in the light from the Full Moon all night.

Keep the two Crystals in your bedroom.

You can repeat this every Full Moon, to keep the sparkle in your relationship.

*With Harm To None, So Mote It Be*

These spells are meant for children 10 and older..........

To often we let our children go un-noticed when it comes to our beliefs. We simply think at
times that they are just to young to understand the importance of spells, and the danger. We
as pagan parents must always remember that our children are intelligent creatures and are
the purest image of the God and Goddess. So, here are a few simple spells to get your
children started, and to add to there childrens book of shadows.............please always remind
you children of the 3 fold law.

Spell to make a bully back down.......................

What you need:

1 air tight freezer bag

1 piece of paper
1 red marker
1 part garlic

Take your red marker, bless it, and write on the sheet of paper the bully's name and what you
want to happen. (Remember not to harm anyone!). For example: "I wish Bobby would get
tongue tied every time he tries to speak harshly towards me"* Next, take the paper, fold it up
and place it in the bag with the add water and place the bag in the freezer. Ask
the ice faeries to please protect you and watch over your charm. Now Blessed Be and clean
up your mess for your mother.

Meditation ritual................
*Get help from your parents on this one*

What you need:

1 stick of sandalwood incense (if you can't burn incense, try placing fragrant dried herbs
around you, such as rosemary)
1 white candle (only if your aloud to burn them, if your not, just place an unlit candle in front of
you for symbolism)
soft music of your choice.

Sit in a comfortable position with candle lit (or in front of you unlit) and begin to relax every
muscle in your body. Next hum along with the music you have playing. Now, when you are
completely relaxed, think of things that make you feel good, such as ice cream on hot days.
Hold your visual for as long as you can then centre yourself by deep breathing. Thank the
God/Goddess for everything you have and your done.

To Help one Settle Down:

Prepare a tea of lemon verbena, arrowroot and cinnamon stick while


"Happiness is a mind that's one, stop changes, so peace may


The person should decide to settle down in one place.

Spell to Induce Psychic Dreams

On a night of a full or waxing moon, gather a blue satin sack, yellow

satin ribbon,
lavender herb, mugwort herb, rose petals, amethyst, lapis lazuli,
and a moonstone.
Before putting the items in the sack charge the items with love and
"see" a yellow
rose blooming. The yellow ribbon should be used to close the blue
sack on top. On a piece of paper, white and unused, draw a crescent
moon in blue ink. As you create the dream fetish chant:

"In this night

Full of light,
Awaken my internal light.
Awaken my inner sight."

Picture yourself blooming, unfolding, bubbling inside, full of

sensation, growing inside, power growing. Place the sack under your
pillow right below your head.

Charm for Protection:

On the night of a full moon, preferably a hot, humid night: make a

bag using white satin. Charge the following with personal power:

* Black pepper, basil herb, pine, juniper, bloodstone, quartz crystal,

a bent nail- better if rusted and found outside

On a piece of unused parchment paper inscribe a five-pointed star

with red ink, about two inches in diameter.
Attach the parchment paper with the star to a recent picture of
yourself with a
paper clip. As you place the items in the white bag chant the
following three times:

"Bag of Fire,
Bag of defence.
Protect me,
From the bane,
and all against."

Carry this bag with you and chant it every Full or waxing moon to
recharge it with energy.

To Draw Love

Perform this spell during the waxing moon. It will have Venus and
Eros help you in bringing love into your life. Perform this spell, which

a rose quartz crystal

a pink candle
lavender oil

On a Friday night on the 22nd hour after sunrise (optional). Anoint

the pink candle and the crystal with the lavender oil. As you do so,
"charge" the objects with love and visualize yourself in a loving
family. Not with a specific person, but just being loved. Light the
pink candle while holding the rose quartz and visualize the Loving
Venus and the Gentle Eros lending a hand. Say:

"Great Venus, goddess of love,

Eros, sweet god of love and youth.
lend a kiss and empower my spell,
draw unto me love and affection.
So Mote It Be!"

Still visualizing in a loving situation, pick up the candle and drip

some of the wax onto the crystal. Now visualize that the goddess
and god of love are surrounding you with love. Imagine that you are
the crystal and the soft wax is the love that is being bestowed upon
you. Let the candle burn itself out. Carry the crystal with you.
Dispose of the excess material by burying it by your front door or
somewhere near it.
I found this spell worked very nicely

A Wishing Well Money Spell

Acquire any coin and hold it in you r projective hand (the hand you
write with). Visualize yourself full of abundance and free from want.
Charge the coin with this personal energy. While holding the coin,

"Coin of the realm,

Silver and gold,
return to me
One hundredfold."

Toss the coin in the well and say:

I call water
To charge my spell
Now here within
This magic well."

Your Heart's Desire

You have met someone you desire. According the Gypsies this spell will
ensure that he or she responds. First, gather a fresh rose and two red
candles, and find out the time of sunrise the next morning, Just before you go
to sleep, place a red candle on each side of the rose. The next morning at
sunrise, take the rose outside or sit by an open window facing east, keeping
the rose in front of you. Inhale the perfume and say aloud:

This red rose is for true love.

True love come to me.

Now go back indoors and put the rose in its original position. Light the
candles, and imagine love burning in the heart of the one you long for. Keep
the candles lit day and night until the rose fades. (If they are extinguished,
the incantation will be broken.) When the rose is dead, pinch out the candles,
and bury the rose.

Simple Prosperity Spell

You will need:
1. Eucalyptus Essential Oil (or any other oil you may have on hand associated
with prosperity).
2. A money note or Photostat copy (any denomination).
3. Medicine Bag (or other means of keeping it close to your heart inside your

Take the note and anoint it with eucalyptus oil (just a little, a little goes a
long way) while visualizing your need. Say:

"May this note serve as a talisman to bring about the favourable

outcome of my wish."

Fold the note in half, making sure the eucalyptus oil is on the inside, then fold
in half again. Tuck it away somewhere inside your clothing close to your heart
(I recommend a small medicine bag, or if you are a female, tuck it inside your
bra). Remove it before bed (or bathing) and keep it somewhere safe where
you will remember not to spend it (somewhere besides your wallet or purse).
It will serve you well as a money-drawing talisman. If and when you ever feel
that it has lost it's potency, burn it (safely within your cauldron) and bury the
ashes during the waning moon. As with any spell to acquire something, this
spell is best done during the waxing moon.
To keep someone away from you (with love)

This little spell is not only effective but super easy. Take an envelope and some rose petals
and a piece of paper and write the persons name on the piece of paper place it in the
envelope add the rose petals (which stand for love in your heart) since we do not want to
impede anyones free will. Then seal the envelope open the freezer door and yell chill out.
Close the door and leave it in there until the problem is resolved when the problem is
resolved take it out back and bury it or drop it in moving water. Just don't open it. Hope
this helps.

Wiccan Love Spells

Any spell you do must be followed through by mundane actions if the spell is to
be successful. Whatever is needed on the mundane plan to find love, go do it after
you cast the love spell! Give thought to the fact that since ever y love spell is
different, each might need different mundane follow through.


If you are not open to love, no love spell can work. You may want to do this spell as
preparation for any other love spell you do. In fact, this spell to make yourself open to
love might be the only love spell you will ever need. Look inside yourself: is there
something in you that blocks love? For instance, do you feel you dont deserve love?
Or perhaps you think that no one could ever love YOU? Or maybe you think you are
too fat, or too thin? Maybe you are afraid to ask someone out on a date? Whatever the
negative belief, fear or other internal block is, get in touch with it, then use soap and
water to wash it away. Actually put your hands in water and wash them as a way to
get rid of your block to love!


If you feel the need to do more than the above spell get five red roses. Go about a
block from your house and drop one rose. Drop three more on the way back home.
Drip the fifth at your door. While you do all this chant out loud or silently,

This is a path of love. My true love will find me

You have given your true love a path by which to find you!

Maybe this is more your style. Wear a peacock feather or some emblem of the
peacock. For instance, cut off the decorative end of a peacock feather and pin it to
your lapel instead of a rose, or wear earrings shaped like peacocks. Look in the mirror
and repeat as many times as you want,

I am spreading my tail feathers.

Leave the house and see what happens. This is NOT a spell to make anyone see you
the way you want them to see you. This is like a peacock spreading his tail to court,
but on a psychic level.


Many poeple want to have a relationship with the person who is just right for them. I
was once asked Why do people feel that once they have mated, their job is to change
the beloved? However, if you are not sure whether you and your mate are meant for
each other, and you are willing to forfeit the relationship should this not be the case,
do this love spell. Take two silver coins. Toss them into the air reciting,

May we each go to our own true love.

I repeat, do not do this spell unless you only want to be with a true love and so are
willing to forfeit your present relationship should it not represent your true love.
Sometimes a relationship isnt THE ONE but it is sacred for its own sake and worth
keeping. Also, a true love isn't necessarily a mate for love while the person you are
with now just might be. Should the coins land far apart, do not take this as a sign that
you will separate. This is not meant as a divination spell.


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