Life On The Line - Serving Christ On The Equator

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Graham and Sharon Nichols

Serving with TMS Global and IEMUE

US Home Church: Lewis Memorial UMC
Skype: graham.sharon.nichols

September 2017
God replied to Moses, I AM WHO I AM. Say this to the people of Israel:
I AM has sent me to you This is my eternal name, my name to remember
for all generations Exodus 3:14; 15

Saludos friends, family and church family,

Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. We pray this mission
letter finds you well, full of hope, and filled with His Goodness! Please pray with us
as we seek to please God and embrace His fulfillment in us. Be Glorified LORD!

September Mission News

We have had a full month in the Middle of the World. The Evangelical United
Methodist Church in Santo Domingo is consistently full to overflowing every Sunday
morning but even better than a full Childrens Ministry Program, children are
growing weekly in the knowledge and truth of Jesus Christ!! How incredibly beautiful
to see all the reflections of Jesus on the faces of those we serve; inside the Church
and outside in the Communities God gave us to love. September in the Church we
walked along side God and His servant Moses throughout Exodus. Young generations
in this Church learned the Eternal Name of God. HE is doing wonderful things all
around us! Our prayer every single day Be Glorified Lord!

The Burning Bush with

finger-print flames.
Sunday mornings are
mini-Vacation Bible
Schools with Prayer,
Offering, Bible Story,
Craft, Activity and
Color Sheets, Snack,
Reinforced Bible
Lesson of the day,
Music, and more
Prayer. These children
are learning so much
from God through His
Word taught by our
faithful teachers.
Sharons ministry:
Pray, Organize, Plan
with her team, and
love and encourage
these dear people we
serve alongside, to be
the people God
created them to be!
Children ages 215 are
part of the Childrens &
Young Youths Ministry
Program within the
Church. 3 floors of
children: 2 year olds
are in a small class
room within the
Temple on the 1st floor,
3-13 year olds are all
on the 2nd floor in one
great big room without
walls, and 14 and 15
year olds are on the
3rd floor ~ we hope to
be able to have them a
space of their own
soon with windows and
doors. All of these
children and young
people are part of the
Programs Sharon
oversees, as she and
her team help to lead
these little people in
the Way they should go
and grow in Jesus !

Childrens Ministry in the Montoneros Community

September in our Ministry Communities we went all the way back to the Beginning reinforcing
Creation one day at a time. We have 3 Communities where we serve and bring along our Ministry Team
with a designated teacher for each Community. Were in each Community one morning a month:
Montoneros~2nd Saturday, Santa Martha~3rd Saturday, and Libre Ecuador~4th Saturday. The 1st
Saturday we get a morning break to just breathe a little and lay around in our PJs most of the day!
This is a glorious site when all crammed in this store-front area in the Montoneros Community,
together learning about God and His Way for each of us. Gabby is the lead teacher in this Community.
Love, love these little people!

Childrens Ministry
in Libre Ecuador
a new Community
for us and Childrens
Ministry. September
was our second time
among these sweet
children. Alejandra
is the lead teacher in
this Community and
several of our
Montoneros children
have become part of
our Ministry Team,
coming along to help
us get to know their
friends in this
Community. They
make beautiful
disciples of Jesus.
We love so much
that they want to be
part of ministry
among their peers.

Music, Prayer, Bible Story and a Craft on stools on a Volley Ball Court!
These sweet
children prayed
with such
thanksgiving for
their small cup of
juice and
crackers. Such
gratefulness from
these little
people. And so
kind of our
children to line up
at the back of the
line to allow the
children of this
Community to be
first. We were
reminded, The
last shall be
first. We learn
lots from those
no more than 4
feet tall!

We were unable to participate in Childrens Ministry in September in the Santa Martha

Community, where Gnesis is the lead teacher. The school calendar changed for these children and a
week of vacation was imposed due to, who knows! When this happens many children need to go
outside of their Communities to stay with relatives to be cared for since many parents, especially in
this Community, work outside of the city of Santo Domingo, and far from home.

In the middle of all the

Children every Sunday
and most Saturdays
every month, we have a
few men come to our
house twice monthly on
Saturday afternoons
where Graham leads a
Mens Bible Study.
These 3 are the faithful
ones, and have recently
added another to their
group as they study
Gods Word and seek
His Heart. Theyre
currently studying
Kingdom Man and
learning lots from God
through each other.
Afterwards, Sharon
gets to cook for them.
The Crock Pot is our
friend, and this group
loves to continue to talk
about Jesus and His
Mission around our
dining table over a light,
early Sharon dinner.
These beautiful people
of God are also over at
la casa de los Nichols
every month to pray
together, share a
devotion together, to
plan Childrens Ministry
together, to laugh and
cry together, and at the
end of the night remain
faithful to their calling,
faithful to one another,
faithful to serve the One
Who gave us each this
ministry at this time in
history. These people
are disciples of Jesus
and no matter how long
and hard their day has
been, they come, and
they do because they
love Jesus and His
Mission and the JOY and
love of teaching His
Word. We too have a
meal together.
Sometimes hours way
past dinner time!

This past month, after many years, our Church participated in a day of prayer and fasting. We had a
small crowd but trust this Truth, For where two or three are gathered in My Name, I am there among
them. We met in the Temple at 6:30 AM prayed and sang together and lifted our prayers to Heaven;
sharing with those in attendance. We then departed the Church to continue fasting and praying.
We returned to gather in the Temple at 7:00 PM for Worship and Reflection of our day. It was truly a
lovely experience and a blessing to sit still in the Presence of God, listening for His Still Small Voice.
And so dear Kingdom people We praise God from Whom ALL blessings flow. We are soo
very grateful for the support we have received and continue to receive in prayers and financial
blessings which helps greatly to keep us going in the direction God is moving in our lives to
the places and people He places in our paths. As ministry continues to grow and spill over into
other communities filled with children nearby GLORY!! we are humbled to be included in the
lives of all the people God generously gives us to love and to be able to help to keep warm and
dry, and now cool and dry equator living!! And along the way the blessing and calling of
feeding them spiritually and emotionally and physically. Please prayerfully consider joining Jesus
in His mission alongside us feeding hungry tummies and sweet little hearts as we be the
Gospel for the people as empowered by His Good and Faithful Spirit. We simply cannot continue
in His service here without your prayers and financial partnership and support. We thank God for
you all!

God bless the faithful who have kept us going and continue to be blessings in our lives and in
the lives, we are called to serve and love into the Kingdom together. Thank you!! It is an
incredible JOY!!!

Yours in Christ,
Graham and Sharon
Graham and Sharon Nichols
All donations may be made to:
TMS Global
P.O. Box 922637
Norcross, Georgia 30010
Nichols Support #0368 on the memo line OR Via

TMS Global ~ New Website Giving Info:

For giving Missionary support please use the Give to a

Missionary form and specify the 4-digit code 0368 OR you
may just type our names Graham and Sharon Nichols

The thing that makes a missionary is the sight

of what Jesus did on the cross and to have
heard Him say, GO. Oswald Chambers

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