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Rainfall on a Slope 16 - 1

16 Rainfall on a Slope

16.1 Problem Statement

In this example, the stability of a generic slope is analyzed for two successive rainfall events of
increasing intensity and decreasing duration. The slope geometry and location of the initial water
table are shown in Figure 16.1. In the first rainfall event, 23 inches (584 mm) of rain accumulate
over a period of seven months. In the second event, nine inches (228 mm) of rain fall within four
days. The purpose of this analysis is to determine the effect of each event on the stability of the

JOB TITLE : Rainfall on a Slope (*10^1)

FLAC (Version 7.00)


7-Jan-11 14:40
step 105026
Flow Time 9.0720E+06 3.000

-3.333E+00 <x< 6.333E+01

-1.833E+01 <y< 4.833E+01

Material model
water table
Contour interval= 5.00E-02
Minimum: 9.50E-01
Maximum: 9.50E-01 1.000
Boundary plot

0 2E 1



Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.

Minneapolis, MN 55401
0.500 1.500 2.500 3.500 4.500 5.500

Figure 16.1 Slope with initial water table

16.2 Theoretical Framework

The presence of capillary pressure in unsaturated soils can have a big impact on the stability of
a slope. Capillary forces hold fine particles together, and can provide additional cohesion to the
soil. The apparent cohesion provided by the capillary forces usually decreases as the soil saturation
increases. While a rainfall event of low intensity and long duration may, under certain conditions,
be beneficial to the stability of the slope, a high-intensity, short-duration event may promote a
buildup of saturation and induce slope failure. This example illustrates the dependency of the rate
of infiltration from precipitation on the stability in a generic silty slope.

FLAC Version 7.0

16 - 2 Example Applications

Unconfined groundwater in soil is usually characterized by the occurrence of a capillary zone in

which the soil is not fully saturated. A common assumption in the study of fluid flow in unconfined
aquifers is that air is at constant atmospheric pressure in the void space; water is then the only
fluid of concern in the formulation. Capillary effects are not considered in the FLAC standard
fluid-flow logic. To account for capillarity, we use the capabilities of the two-phase flow logic
described in Section 2 in Fluid-Mechanical Interaction. We model unsaturated groundwater flow
by considering a bulk modulus value for the non-wetting air phase several orders of magnitude
smaller than the water bulk modulus, thereby preventing any significant generation of air pressure.
The two-phase flow logic uses an extended form of Darcy law for fluid transport, with permeability
as an empirical function of saturation. Also, pore pressure in the unsaturated zone is negative,
and related to saturation by an empirical law. Both permeability and capillary pressure laws are of
the van Genuchten form, commonly assumed for soils. In addition, fluid mechanical coupling is
performed based on Bishop effective stress. See Section 2.2 in Fluid-Mechanical Interaction for
a detailed description of the fluid-mechanical coupling.

16.2.1 Apparent Cohesion

Consider the case of a Mohr-Coulomb material, partially saturated with water. When two-phase
flow logic is active, the yield criterion in FLAC is

max = b tan + C (16.1)

where max is the material shear strength, b is the Bishop effective stress (compression positive),
C is cohesion, and is friction angle. The Bishop effective stress is defined as

b = (Sw Pw + Sa Pa ) (16.2)

where is the total stress, Sw is water saturation, Sa = 1 Sw is air saturation, and Pw and Pa
are water and air pressure, respectively. After substitution of Eq. (16.2) into Eq. (16.1), and some
manipulation, the yield criterion may be expressed as

max = ( Pa ) tan + Sw (Pa Pw ) tan + C (16.3)

As may be seen from this formula, the classical Mohr-Coulomb criterion is recovered when the
soil is completely dry initially, or when water saturation, Sw , reaches 1. In unsaturated conditions,
the term Sw (Pa Pw ) tan plays the role of an additional cohesion Cc provided to the soil by the
capillary forces. Capillary pressure is defined as Pc = Pa Pw , and the cohesion, Cc , may be
expressed as

Cc = Sw Pc tan (16.4)

FLAC Version 7.0

Rainfall on a Slope 16 - 3

Capillary pressure is a decreasing function of saturation; it is represented in FLAC by an empirical

law of the van Genuchten form (see Section 2.2.1 in Fluid-Mechanical Interaction):

 1/a 1a
Pc = P0 Se 1 (16.5)

where Se is the effective saturation, and P0 and a are parameters to be determined experimentally.
The parameter P0 gives a measure of the soil capillary strength, and is higher for fine-grained
material. The parameter a characterizes the slope of the capillary curve; it is close to 1 for poorly
graded soils, and close to zero for well-graded soils. The function Pc /P0 is plotted versus effective
saturation, Se , for different values of a (0.336 and 0.6) in Figure 16.2. The function Cc /(P0 tan )
is plotted versus effective saturation for the same values of a in Figure 16.3.
Typical capillary curves for soils can be found in Bear (1979) e.g., see Figure 6-9, p. 199. The
solid curve in Figure 16.2 (a = 0.336) is representative of a silty material, and the dashed curve (a
= 0.6) is representative of sand. The capillary curve for silty material indicates that, once the soil
has been wetted, it is very difficult to extract back the last drop of water. This is the type of soil
we are considering in this simulation example. In Figure 16.3, the scaled cohesion Cc /(P0 tan )
is plotted versus saturation for the same values of a.
For soils characterized by a coefficient, a > 0.5, there is, according to the equations considered
above, an optimal saturation that offers the most cohesive strength to the material (see the dashed
curve in Figure 16.3). This would be the case for a damp sand castle on the beach (C = 0). If the
sand is too damp or too dry, the castle will not be able to keep its shape, and will collapse. For types
of soil with a 0.5 (e.g., the solid curve in Figure 16.3), a small amount of humidity is enough
to provide substantial additional cohesive strength to the soil. This could be the case for silt, for
In both cases, if soil saturation becomes sufficiently high, the soil cohesion, Cc , is predicted to
decrease. In the case of a slope, the increase in saturation may occur, for example, after a heavy
rain, and this may lead to slope collapse under certain conditions.

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16 - 4 Example Applications

JOB TITLE : Rainfall on a Slope

FLAC (Version 7.00)

7-Jan-11 14:40
step 0
capillary pressure
a = 0.336
a = 0.6 3.500







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(10 )
Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.
Minneapolis, MN 55401

Figure 16.2 Capillary curves, Pc /P0 versus effective saturation, Se ,

for a = 0.336 and a = 0.6

JOB TITLE : Rainfall on a Slope

FLAC (Version 7.00)

7-Jan-11 14:40
step 0
app. cohesion/(P_0 tan phi)
a = 0.336
a = 0.6 3.500







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(10 )
Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.
Minneapolis, MN 55401

Figure 16.3 Cohesion curves, Cc /(P0 tan ) versus effective saturation, Se ,

for a = 0.336 and a = 0.6

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Rainfall on a Slope 16 - 5

16.2.2 Steady-State Saturation and Pore Pressure

For this example, we will initially consider the state of a slope under a constant, long-term back-
ground infiltration from precipitation. Saturation and pore pressure estimates used for model ini-
tialization are calculated as follows.
The steady-state saturation for a given level of precipitation, q, may be estimated byconsidering a
medium of large vertical extent (compared to the square root of intrinsic permeability k, where
is dynamic viscosity of water). The gradient of pore pressure in the direction of gravity is negligible
in that case, and the transport law simplifies to

q = k w (Sw )w g (16.6)

where k is the isotropic mobility coefficient, and for the case of zero residual saturation, the relative
permeability, w , is given by (see Section 2.2.1 in Fluid-Mechanical Interaction)

w = Swb 1 (1 Sw1/a )a (16.7)

The parameters a and b in the law are determined experimentally. After substitution of Eq. (16.7)
into Eq. (16.6), we obtain the equation

 2 q1
Swb 1 (1 Sw1/a )a = (16.8)
w gk

This equation can be solved for Sw to provide the estimate of initial (steady-state) saturation.
Also, the water pressure in the unsaturated zone (referred to as soil suction in the literature) is
given in terms of saturation by the capillary law. For zero residual saturation (and atmospheric air
pressure), the van Genuchten form of the law is (see Eq. (16.5))

 1/a 1a
Pw = P0 Se 1 (16.9)

This formula can be used to calculate (negative) initial pore pressure from known initial saturation
and reference capillary pressure, P0 .

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16 - 6 Example Applications

16.3 Modeling Procedure

The FLAC analysis for this example is performed using the two-phase flow configuration (CONFIG
tpow) in order to evaluate the effect of capillary pressures. (The data file for this model is listed in
Section 16.6.) The slope geometry and FLAC grid for the simulations are represented in Figure 16.4.
The model is 60 m wide, the highest elevation from the base is 30 m (left side of model), and the
shortest is 10 m (right side of model). The flat part of the valley, included in the model, is 20 m
wide. The FLAC grid for the simulations contains a total of 600 zones.
The slope is composed of silty soil, which is modeled as a Mohr-Coulomb material with zero
cohesion and a 30 friction angle. The material and fluid properties assumed for this problem are
listed in Table 16.1. The wetting fluid is water, and the non-wetting fluid is air.

JOB TITLE : Rainfall on a Slope (*10^1)

FLAC (Version 7.00)


7-Jan-11 14:40
step 105026
Flow Time 9.0720E+06 3.000

-3.333E+00 <x< 6.333E+01

-1.833E+01 <y< 4.833E+01

Grid plot

0 2E 1




Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.

Minneapolis, MN 55401
0.500 1.500 2.500 3.500 4.500 5.500

Figure 16.4 FLAC grid

The capillary and cohesion curves for the parameters assumed in the model are represented by the
top curves in Figures 16.2 and 16.3. The slope is lying at an angle (45 ) higher than the angle of
repose (30 ). If the material were completely dry, the slope would fail. However, for our analysis,
we assume that the material was partially saturated at the time of formation of the slope (see note
about silty material saturation behavior in Section 16.2). Also, partial saturation is maintained by
a steady background precipitation at a rate, q1 , of 3.3 inches/month (84 mm/month).

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Rainfall on a Slope 16 - 7

Table 16.1 Soil and fluid properties for slope

Dry density (kg/m3 ) 2000
Drained bulk modulus (MPa) 200.0
Shear modulus (MPa) 100.0
Drained cohesion (Pa) 0
Drained friction angle (degrees) 30
Dilation angle (degrees) 0
Mobility coefficient (m2 /(Pa-sec)) 109
Porosity 0.1
Wetting fluid density (kg/m3 ) 1000
Non-wetting fluid density (kg/m3 ) 0.0
van Genuchten parameter, a 0.336
van Genuchten parameter, b 0.0
van Genuchten parameter, P0 (MPa) 0.015
Wetting fluid modulus (MPa) 1.0
Non-wetting fluid modulus (Pa) 1.0
Undrained coefficient 0.0
Residual saturation 0.0
Viscosity ratio 1.0

For an infiltration rate of 84 mm/month (3.220 108 m/sec), and the property values listed
in Table 16.1, the steady-state saturation is evaluated from Eq. (16.8) to be approximately 0.54.
Because the relative permeability for water is an increasing function of water saturation, the steady-
state saturation will be larger for larger infiltration rate, as expected. For an infiltration rate of 228
mm over four days (6.615 107 m/sec), the steady-state saturation is evaluated from Eq. (16.8)
to be approximately 0.836.
In Section 16.2 it was shown how, in the framework of our analysis, a change in saturation (e.g.,
between two consecutive rainfall events) directly affects the value of apparent soil cohesion, Cc .
This observation can be used to evaluate the potential impact of a change in saturation on stability
of the slope.
This simulation is run in three stages. First, the initial steady-state flow condition is calculated for
a constant infiltration rate of intensity of 84 mm/month. Then, the first rainfall event is modeled to
simulate a rainfall accumulation of 584 mm (23 inches) over seven months. Finally, a second rainfall
event of 228 mm (nine inches) over four days is simulated. An uncoupled analysis is performed
for the first two stages, in which the wetting fluid modulus is reduced to 0.1 MPa in order to speed
the calculation. A coupled analysis is performed for the third stage, with the fluid modulus set to
the actual value of 1 MPa.

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16 - 8 Example Applications

16.4 Results and Discussion

16.4.1 Initial Conditions

The initial conditions for the FLAC simulations correspond to steady-state flow with a constant
infiltration rate of intensity q1 (84 mm/month). Also, initially, the base of the model includes a
saturated region with thickness of approximately 1 meter (below the so-called water table). To
speed the calculation process, the initial (steady-state) saturation for the rate q1 is estimated from
Eq. (16.8), and the value (0.54) is assigned to the model. Also, a corresponding water pressure is
derived from the capillary pressure law Eq. (16.9), and assigned as an initial value in the model (the
value is 45.2 kPa).
To account for the presence of the initial phreatic surface in the model, we use an artificial calculation
scenario, at the end of which the saturated aquifer thickness is roughly 1 meter. In this scenario,
the bottom and lateral sides of the model are kept impermeable, and a constant infiltration rate of
intensity q1 is applied for an appropriate time period. The constant infiltration, q1 , is applied along
the slope face using APPLY discharge commands with adjustments to account for the slope angle.
(See ADJUST DISCHARGE.FIS in Section 16.7.)
During the calculation, saturation and water pressure remain equal to their initialized value in most
of the unsaturated region, except for a transition zone above the phreatic surface. The resulting
(consistent) pore-pressure distribution is plotted in Figure 16.5.
The model is then run to mechanical equilibrium under gravity. Roller boundary conditions are
used on the lateral sides of the model, and fixed (x and y) displacements at the base. Contours of
vertical stresses at the initial stage are plotted in Figure 16.6.

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Rainfall on a Slope 16 - 9

JOB TITLE : Rainfall on a Slope (*10^1)

FLAC (Version 7.00)


7-Jan-11 14:40
step 105026
Flow Time 9.0720E+06 3.000

-3.333E+00 <x< 6.333E+01

-1.833E+01 <y< 4.833E+01

Pore pressure contours

-1.00E+04 1.000

Contour interval= 1.00E+04

Boundary plot 0.000

0 2E 1


Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.

Minneapolis, MN 55401
0.500 1.500 2.500 3.500 4.500 5.500

Figure 16.5 Initial pore pressure distribution at steady state

JOB TITLE : Rainfall on a Slope (*10^1)

FLAC (Version 7.00)


7-Jan-11 14:40
step 106716
Flow Time 9.0720E+06 3.000

-3.333E+00 <x< 6.333E+01

-1.833E+01 <y< 4.833E+01

YY-stress contours
-1.00E+05 1.000

Contour interval= 1.00E+05

Extrap. by averaging
Boundary plot 0.000

0 2E 1


Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.

Minneapolis, MN 55401
0.500 1.500 2.500 3.500 4.500 5.500

Figure 16.6 Initial vertical stress state

FLAC Version 7.0

16 - 10 Example Applications

16.4.2 First Rainfall Event: Low Intensity, Long Duration

Starting with the initial conditions (established above), the pore pressure is fixed over the saturated
part of the aquifer on the right side of the model (height of 1 meter), while the left side of the model
is kept impermeable. The discharge of intensity q1 (84 mm/month) is applied on the top surface
of the model for 7 months, to reach a cumulative precipitation of 0.588 m (23 inches) over that
period. The pore pressure distribution at the end of the 7 consecutive months of rainfall is shown
in Figure 16.7. Contours of saturation at the end of the first rainfall event are plotted in Figure 16.8
(saturation = 1 is fully saturated).
The saturation remains fairly uniform and equal to the steady state value over the major part of the
slope. This is because the saturated height of the aquifer towards the left side of the model has
increased by less than 3 m over the last 7 months duration of the rainfall event. Also, the problem
response is dominated by gravity, and the thickness of the transition zone (where saturation evolves
between the steady state value to one) is relatively small. The capillary parameter, = P0 /(w g)
= 1.5 meter, is a small value compared to the maximum model height of 30 meters.
The model is then run to mechanical equilibrium. Displacement vectors are shown in Figure 16.9.
The slope is still stable at the end of the first rainfall event.

JOB TITLE : Rainfall on a Slope (*10^1)

FLAC (Version 7.00)


7-Jan-11 14:40
step 317343
Flow Time 1.8144E+07 3.000

-3.333E+00 <x< 6.333E+01

-1.833E+01 <y< 4.833E+01

Pore pressure contours

-1.00E+04 1.000
Contour interval= 1.00E+04
Boundary plot

0 2E 1

Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.

Minneapolis, MN 55401
0.500 1.500 2.500 3.500 4.500 5.500

Figure 16.7 Pore pressure distribution after first rainfall event

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Rainfall on a Slope 16 - 11

JOB TITLE : Rainfall on a Slope (*10^1)

FLAC (Version 7.00)


7-Jan-11 14:40
step 317343
Flow Time 1.8144E+07 3.000

-3.333E+00 <x< 6.333E+01

-1.833E+01 <y< 4.833E+01

Saturation contours
9.00E-01 1.000
Contour interval= 5.00E-02
Flow vectors
* vectors of zero length *
Boundary plot 0.000

0 2E 1


Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.

Minneapolis, MN 55401
0.500 1.500 2.500 3.500 4.500 5.500

Figure 16.8 Saturation contours after first rainfall event

JOB TITLE : Rainfall on a Slope (*10^1)

FLAC (Version 7.00)


7-Jan-11 14:40
step 317343
Flow Time 1.8144E+07 3.000

-3.333E+00 <x< 6.333E+01

-1.833E+01 <y< 4.833E+01

Displacement vectors
max vector = 2.684E-02

0 5E -2
Boundary plot

0 2E 1



Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.

Minneapolis, MN 55401
0.500 1.500 2.500 3.500 4.500 5.500

Figure 16.9 Displacement vectors after the low-intensity, long-duration rain-

fall event

FLAC Version 7.0

16 - 12 Example Applications

16.4.3 Second Rainfall Event: High Intensity, Short Duration

The second rainfall event corresponds to an additional 228 mm (nine inches) of rainfall over a
period of four days. A coupled numerical simulation is conducted to cover the time scale of this
event. The slope is failing in this case. The velocity vectors at the end of the simulation are shown
in Figure 16.10. Contours of saturation and flow vectors are shown in Figure 16.11.
Saturation at the ground surface is seen to increase toward a new steady state value (0.836), consistent
with the higher magnitude of the current rainfall event. The increase of saturation is responsible
for the subsequent reduction in apparent soil cohesion, and ultimate failure of the slope.

JOB TITLE : Rainfall on a Slope (*10^1)

FLAC (Version 7.00)


7-Jan-11 14:40
step 357400
Flow Time 1.8490E+07 3.000

-3.333E+00 <x< 6.333E+01

-1.833E+01 <y< 4.833E+01

Velocity vectors
max vector = 3.842E-05

0 1E -4
Boundary plot

0 2E 1



Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.

Minneapolis, MN 55401
0.500 1.500 2.500 3.500 4.500 5.500

Figure 16.10 Velocity vectors after the high-intensity, short-duration rainfall


FLAC Version 7.0

Rainfall on a Slope 16 - 13

JOB TITLE : Rainfall on a Slope (*10^1)

FLAC (Version 7.00)


7-Jan-11 14:40
step 357400
Flow Time 1.8490E+07 3.000

-3.333E+00 <x< 6.333E+01

-1.833E+01 <y< 4.833E+01

Saturation contours
9.00E-01 1.000
Contour interval= 5.00E-02
Flow vectors
max vector = 3.451E-06
0 1E -5
Boundary plot

0 2E 1 -1.000

Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.

Minneapolis, MN 55401
0.500 1.500 2.500 3.500 4.500 5.500

Figure 16.11 Saturation contours and flow vectors after the second rainfall

16.4.4 Discussion

Coupled numerical simulations of unsaturated seepage flow were performed to show the impact of
intensity and duration of a rainfall event on the stability of a slope. Generic geometry and material
properties were used for the slope. It was shown that a rainfall event of low intensity and long
duration was not detrimental to slope stability, provided the additional cohesion provided to the soil
by the capillary forces was sufficient. On the other hand, a rainfall event of high intensity and short
duration was responsible for slope failure. In this case, the behavior was explained by an increase
in soil saturation, accompanied by a decrease in the capillary forces intensity, causing an apparent
decrease in soil cohesion.

16.5 Reference

Bear, J. Hydraulics of Groundwater. New York: McGraw-Hill (1979).

FLAC Version 7.0

16 - 14 Example Applications

16.6 Data File RAIN.DAT

;Project Record Tree export

;Title:Rainfall on a Slope
;... STATE: RF1 ....
config tpflow extra 5
grid 30,20
gen (0.0,0.0) (0.0,30.0) (20.0,28.0) (20.0,0.0) i 1 11
gen (20.0,0.0) (20.0,28.0) (28.0,24.0) (28.0,0.0) i 11 15
gen (28.0,0.0) (28.0,24.0) (40.0,12.0) (40.0,0.0) i 15 21
gen (40.0,0.0) (40.0,12.0) (60.0,10.0) (60.0,0.0) i 21 31
model elastic i=1,30 j=1,20
group soil notnull
model mohr notnull group soil
prop density=2000.0 bulk=2E8 shear=1E8 cohesion=0.0 friction=30.0 &
dilation=0.0 tension=0.0 notnull group soil
initial poro 0.1
initial wpermeability 1.0E-9
initial visrat 1.0
initial rsat 0.0
initial vga 0.336
initial vgpcw 0.0
initial vgpcnw 0.5
initial vgp0 15000.0
initial rsat 0.0
initial fmodulus 100000.0
initial f2modulus 1.0
initial udcoe 0.0
water density=1000.0
fix x y j 1
fix x i 31
fix x i 1
set gravity=10.0
set step=10000000
initial saturation 0.53978
initial pp -45203.0
call adjust discharge.fis
set q1=3.2198e-8 q2=6.61458e-7
adjust discharge
apply discharge qn1a from 1,21 to 11,21
apply discharge qn1b from 11,21 to 15,21
apply discharge qn1c from 15,21 to 21,21
apply discharge qn1d from 21,21 to 31,21
initial nwpp 0.0 j 21
fix nwpp j 21
set mechanical=off

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Rainfall on a Slope 16 - 15

history 999 unbalanced

solve age 9072000.0
save rf1.sav
;... STATE: RF2 ....
fix pp i=31 j=1,3
fix nwpp i=31 j=1,3
ini fmod= 1e-10 f2mod=0
set flow=off
set mechanical=on
solve elastic
save rf2.sav
;... STATE: RF3 ....
ini fmod 1e5 f2mod 1
set flow=on
set mechanical=off
set gwtime 0
solve age 1.8144E7
save rf3.sav
;... STATE: RF4 ....
set flow=off
set mechanical=on
save rf4.sav
;... STATE: RF5 ....
apply discharge qn2a from 1,21 to 11,21
apply discharge qn2b from 11,21 to 15,21
apply discharge qn2c from 15,21 to 21,21
apply discharge qn2d from 21,21 to 31,21
ini fmod 1e6
set flow=on
set sratio= 0.0
solve age 1.849E7
save rf5.sav
;*** plot commands ****
;plot name: pp
plot hold pp fill bound
;plot name: sat
plot hold saturation fill inv flow bound
;plot name: syy
plot hold syy fill inv bound
;plot name: vel
plot hold velocity bound
;plot name: water table
plot hold model sat alias water table min 0.95 max 0.999 int 0.05 &
lmagenta bound

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16 - 16 Example Applications


;Name:adjust discharge
;Input: q1/float/3.2198e-8/first rainfall infiltration rate
;Input: q2/float/6.61458e-7/second rainfall infiltration rate
def adjust discharge
a1 = (30.-28.)/20.
a2 = (28.-24.)/(28.-20.)
a3 = (24.-12.)/(40.-28.)
a4 = (12.-10.)/(60.-40.)
cos1= 1./(1.+a1*a1)
cos2= 1./(1.+a2*a2)
cos3= 1./(1.+a3*a3)
cos4= 1./(1.+a4*a4)
qn1a = q1* cos1
qn1b = q1* cos2
qn1c = q1* cos3
qn1d = q1* cos4
qn2a = q2* cos1
qn2b = q2* cos2
qn2c = q2* cos3
qn2d = q2* cos4

FLAC Version 7.0

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