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Case 1:10-mc-00001-LAK Document 22-4 Filed 08/12/10 Page 1 of 37

Translations, Inc.




This is to certifY that the attached translation is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, a true

and accurate translation from Spanish into English of the attached transcription excerpt

CRS210-02-CLIP 01.

Brandon Carney, West Coa

Geotext Translations, Inc.

State of California, County of San Francisco

Subscribed and sworn to (or affIrmed) before me
COMM. # 1755133 Z
tory evidence
My Comrn. Expires July 3, 2011
to be the pers

259 West 30th Street, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10001, U.S.A. tel 212.631.7432 fax 212.631.7778
220 Montgomery Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94104, U.S.A. tel 415.576.9500 fax 415.520.0525
107-111 Fleet Street, London EC4A 2AB, United Kingdom tel +44.(0)20.7936.9002 fax +44.(0)20.7990.9909
20th Floor, Central Tower, 28 Queen's Road, Central, Hong Kong tel +852.2159.9143 fax +852.3010.0082

Case 1:10-mc-00001-LAK Document 22-4 Filed 08/12/10 Page 2 of 37

UV = Unidentified Voice (Voz No Identificada)


LUIS MACAS Nosotros, desde las We, from the indigenous

nacionalidades indfgenas, nationalities, from our
desde nuestras organizaciones, organizations, we want, uh, to
queremos, eh, decir al pafs y al tell the country and the world,
mundo, eh, finalmente son uh, finally it has been thirteen
trece anos de esperas, 0 mas years of delays, or over thirteen
de trece anos, que este caso, years, that this case, uh, has
eh, se viene arrastrando, y por been dragging, and why. The
que. La companfa Texaco ha Texaco company has put all of
puesto todos los-- los, uh, the-- the, uh, obstacles, as it has
obstaculos, como se ha dicho been said here, it has wanted to
aquf, ha querido recubrir, cover, precisely, any mechanism
precisamente, a cualquiera de in order to prolong time. As we
los mecanismos a fin de poder commonly say, trying to burn
prolongar el tiempo. Como time. Practically the entire trial.
decimos nosotros, Therefore, we, from the
comunmente, tratando de indigenous nationalities that are
quemar el tiempo. Todo, truly affected, our Geona,
practicamente, el proceso. De Secoya, Cofan, Guarani,
tal modo de que, nosotros, Quichuan brothers, and the
desde las nacionalidades non-indigenous farming
indfgenas donde realmente community, are friends who
estan afectados, los hermanos have withstood this fight, and
geona, secoya, los cofanes, are friends who have been,
guaranis, quichuan, y la obviously, working throughout
comunidad campesina no- these thirteen years. Not,
indfgena, son companeros que perhaps, only because, uh, you
han resistido en esta lucha, y can perceive the violation of
son companeros que han people's fundamental rights,
venido, obviamente, the collective rights under the
trabajando durante todos los Political Constitution of the
trece anos. No, quizas, State, these rights of indigenous
solamente porque, eh, se peoples also being protected by
siente ahf la violaci6n a los covenant one hundred sixty-
derechos fundamentales de las nine, but because the
personas, los derechos aggressive manner in which the
colectivos que estan Texaco company has acted goes
contemplado [sic] en la against the sovereignty of the
Constituci6n Polftica del State. Against the rights of all
Estado, y que tambien Ecuadorians. That is why we
garantiza estos mismos believe that this time,
derechos de los pueblos decisively, with this last
indfgenas el convenio ciento recourse that remains, which is
sesenta y nueve, sino porque la the global expert assessment,
agresi6n con que ha actuado la that the attorneys are filing, and
companfa Texaco va en contra which they will obviously
de la soberanfa del Estado. En explain, will mark the end of
contra de todos los derechos this case. In no way would we

Case 1:10-mc-00001-LAK Document 22-4 Filed 08/12/10 Page 3 of 37
de los ecuatorianos y want, although yesterday we
ecuatorianas. V, por eso, were in the-- in the court,
creemos de que esta vez, speaking with the President of
definitivamente, con este the Superior Court of...
ultimo recurso que queda, que
es el peritaje global, que estan
presentando los abogados, y
obviamente que 10 explicaran
ellos, sea ya el punto final de
este caso. No quisieramos, de
ninguna manera, aunque el dla
de ayer estuvimos en el -- en el
juzgado, hablando con el
Presidente de la Corte Superior
de ...

UV Nueva Loja. Nueva Loja.

MACAS ... Sucumblos, de Nueva Loja, el ... Sucumblos, in Nueva Loja, he

nos deda, mostrandonos cinco told us, showing us five volumes
tomos de presentacion como of filings in arguments against
argumento para que no se this global expert assessment
realice este peritaje global, being conducted, filed by
presentado por la Texaco, esas Texaco, these things are those
cosas son los [sic] que van that prolong time in this ... this
prolongando en el tiempo case which is so important. As I
este ... este caso tan have said, not only for the
importante. Como, vuelvo y indigenous nationalities, for the
repito, no solamente para las affected farmers, but for all
nacionalidades indlgenas, para Ecuadorians.
los campesinos afectados, sino
para todos los ecuatorianos.

[susurros ininteligibles] [unintelligible whispering]

[fin de grabacion] [end of recording]

Case 1:10-mc-00001-LAK Document 22-4 Filed 08/12/10 Page 4 of 37

Translations, Inc.



This is to certify that the attached translation is, to the best of my lmowledge and belief, a true

and accurate translation from Spanish into English and English into Spanish of the attached

transcription excerpt CRS-268-000-Clip 01.

Nicholas Bocek
Geotext Translations, Inc.

State of CalifOlnia, County of San Francisco

Subscribe&nd sworn t~l or affhmed) before me
on this ~ day of .;(J'-r ,20 \'0,
by _ _----'

Signature: __-h~____________~~_______ BRANDON CARNEY

~ COMM. # 1755114 Z
Iy Comrn. Expires July 3, 2011

259 West 30th Street, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10001, U.S.A. tel 212.631.7432 fax 212.631.7778
220 Montgomery Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94104, U.S.A. tel 415.576.9500 fax 415.520.0525
107-111 Fleet Street, London EC4A 2AB, United Kingdom tel +44.(0)20.7936.9002 fax +44.(0)20.7990.9909
20th Floor, Central Tower, 28 Queen's Road, Central, Hong Kong tel +852.2159.9143 fax +852.3010.0082
Case 1:10-mc-00001-LAK Document 22-4 Filed 08/12/10 Page 5 of 37

UMV= Unidentified male voice


STEVEN Pues lIamo la oficina de Pablo So I'll call Pablo's office

DaNZIGER manana por la manana y tomorrow morning and we will
discutimos-quizas es tiempo. discuss-perhaps it is time.
Discuten entre ustedes, pero Discuss among yourselves, but
quizas ya es tiempo de lIamar perhaps it is time to ask for the
por la cabeza de Perez Palla res head of Perez Pallares-given
de-dado a 10 que dijo el what the President said.
presidente. [pause] Suerte. [pause]. Good luck. Hugs. Good
Abrazos. Suerte. Ciao. luck. Bye.

UMV What happened? lQue paso?

DaNZIGER Fantastic. Fantastic. Uh ... ninety Fantastico. Fantastico. Ah ...

percent successful for us. noventa por ciento exitoso para
They're-they're-they're so nosotros. Estan-estan-tan
excited, you know ... I swear. It's entusiasmados, sabe .. Se 10
awesome. juro. Es impresionante.

UMV What happened? lQue paso?

DaNZIGER It's awesome. He made the-he Es impresionante. Hizo-dijo las

said the right things-all the- cosas correctas-todo-el
the entire Ecuadorian press cuerpo de prensa ecuatoriano
corps was there and he's entero estuvo presente y
basically calling for the heads of basicamente el esta pidiendo las
government officials that signed cabezas de los funcionarios
off on the remediation, and he's gubernamentales que dieron su
totally with us. visto bueno a la remediacion y
esta totalmente con nosotros.

UMV Walk across the street. Camine al otro lado de la calle.

DaNZIGER [unintelligible] [unintelligible]

Case 1:10-mc-00001-LAK Document 22-4 Filed 08/12/10 Page 6 of 37




This is to certify that the attached transcription is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, a true

and accurate English transcription of the attached excerpt CRS-269-01-04-CLIP-03.

Steve Walsh, West Coast Client Manager

Geotext Translations, Inc.

State of California, County of San Francisco

by ______~~__=-__~~

COMM. # 1755114 z
Y Cornrn. Expires July 3, 2011

259 West 30th Street, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10001, U.S.A. tel 212.631.7432 fax 212.631.7778
220 Montgomery Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94104, U.S.A. tel 415.576.9500 fax 41 5.520.0525
107-111 Fleet Street, London EC4A 2AB, United Kingdom tel +44.(0)20.7936.9002 fax +44.(0)20.7990.9909
20th Floor, Central Tower, 28 Queen's Road, Central, Hong Kong tel +852.2159.9143 fax +852.3010.0082

Case 1:10-mc-00001-LAK Document 22-4 Filed 08/12/10 Page 7 of 37

TITLE OF CLIP: CRS-269-01-04-CLlP-03

UMV = Unidentified Male Voice

UV = Unidentified Voice (gender-neutral)


UMV That you're prepared to admit.



DaNZIGER Just to get the names clear,

okay, so, it's Dave, Josh ... what
is your name? Preston?

PRESTON Preston.


[overlapped, unidentified male


DaNZIGER And ...

UV Doug.

DONZIGER Doug. Okay. Cool.

[overlapped, unidentified male


DONZIGER Our buddy Manuel ended up


[end of recording]

Case 1:10-mc-00001-LAK Document 22-4 Filed 08/12/10 Page 8 of 37

Translations, Inc.



This is to certify that the attached transcription is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, a true

and accurate English transcription of the attached excerpt CRS-269-01-04-CLIP-OS.

Steve Walsh, West Coast Client Manager

Geotext Translations, Inc.

State of California, County of San Francisco,

Subscribed and sworn
onthis ~ay
by ________~~~~~==~~~____ 7

Signature: _---"'~--=--""----~---- BRANDON CARNEY

COMM. # 1755114 z
My Comm. Expires July 3,2011

259 West 30th Street, 17th Floor, New Yori<, NY 10001, U.S.A. tel 212.631.7432 fax 212.631.7778
220 Montgomery Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94104, U.S.A. tel 415.576.9500 fax 415.520.0525
107-111 Fleet Street, London EC4A 2AB, United Kingdom tel +44.(0)20.7936.9002 fax +44.(0)20.7990.9909
20th Floor, Central Tower, 28 Queen's Road, Central, Hong Kong tel +852.2159.9143 fax +852.3010.0082

37 I
Case 1:10-mc-00001-LAK Document 22-4 Filed 08/12/10 Page 9 of 37



STEVEN [unintelligible]. In terms of the

DONZIGER actual case, uhm, we have a
need-and-and the reason I'm
here is we have a need to really
increase our capacity to do this
work. You know, we feel like we
do not have the people or
expertise needed to take this
case home. Uhm, we're in the
final phase of the case, which is
a damages claim. And the way-
the way the law works in
Ecuador-they don't separate
out liability and damages. They
put it all in the same trial. So
there's been no ruling on
liability, but we're still going to
do a damages claim. In a way, I
kind of like that because I think
the damages claim will really
help the court understand that
they're liable. You know? So ...
we recently got an order that
the damages claim needed to
be finished in a hundred and
twenty days, which means a
hundred and twenty working
days. It's not a fixed deadline,
because these things can easily
be extended if need-if they
need to be'. But, I'd say that,
ideally, we would like to start
this work now and try to finish it
in six months. If it's-if that's
just completely unrealistic given
what we want to accomplish,
we can extend it. But that-- that
would be the goal. Uhm, the
memo I've put together are the
categories of damages that we
are entitled to present to the
court. Uhm ... and, you know, all
of these categories, I think we
could use help in. Some, we
have absolutely no help at all,
really, like the degraded, habitat. 38
I mean, Dave and I spoke. Uhm,
Case 1:10-mc-00001-LAK Document 22-4 Filed 08/12/10 Page 10 of 37

the remediation plan, we're

already working with somebody
that, uhm, but, we feel like
there's-it still needs to be
significantly beefed up. Uhm,
and then you see the other
categories here. I think the most
fundamental need o-of the
people, you know, I think
there's really two most
fundamental things. One is
there has to be some sort of
access to clean water as soon as
possible, because the water is
contaminated, and people do
not have access to clean water
and they're drinking water from
wells that come out of
groundwater, and rivers that
it-that are just... you know,
there's toxins in them based on
testing and based on, you know,
stuff we ... can find out.
Although the testing we've done
so far in the trial is, you know,
extensive, but probably a little
bit chaotic and disorganized,
and I'll talk about that in a s[cut-

[end of recording]

Case 1:10-mc-00001-LAK Document 22-4 Filed 08/12/10 Page 11 of 37

Translations, Inc.



This is to certify that the attached transcription is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, a true

and accurate English transcription of the attached excerpt CRS-269-01-08-CLIP-Ol.

Steve Walsh, West Coast Client Manager

Geotext Translations, Inc.

. State of California, County of San Francisco

sworn to (or affIrmed) before me
on this
by __~~~~~~~~~~_____,
proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence
to be the p w appetiefore me.
Signature: -~~ BRANDON CARNEY
COMM. # 1755114 Z
My Comm. Expires July 3, 2011

259 West 30th Street, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10001, U.S.A. tel 212.631.7432 fax 212.631.7778
220 Montgomery Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94104, U.S.A. tel 415.576.9500 fax 415.520.0525
107-111 Fleet Street, London EC4A 2AB, United Kingdom tel +44.(0)20.7936.9002 fax +44.(0)20.7990.9909
20th Floor, Central Tower, 28 Queen's Road, Central, Hong Kong tel +852.2159.9143 fax +852.3010.0082

40 I
Case 1:10-mc-00001-LAK Document 22-4 Filed 08/12/10 Page 12 of 37



STEVEN But maybe-why don't we ...


JOSH LIPTON [overlapped voices] okay, you

shut off your tape
[unintelligible] [chuckles]

DaNZIGER Yeah. Uhm, why don't we-why

don't we go a few minutes and
so, you know ...


DaNZIGER ... so-- so-in terms of what-

what we talked about. So, what
do you think of the what-of
what we need to do in terms

LIPTON So, I mean, th-- its ... all of the

things that we discussed on the
remediation side, on the
restoration of degraded
habitats, on considerat-ah, you
know, consideration of, uh, you
know, potential losses, uh, by
indigenous peoples both on
the-you know, the
remediation side, the
reparations versus damages,
potable water ... we loved the
whole package. Its [cut-off]

[end of recording]

Case 1:10-mc-00001-LAK Document 22-4 Filed 08/12/10 Page 13 of 37

Translations, Inc.




This is to certify that the attached translation is, to the best of my Imowledge and belief, a true

and accurate translation from English into Spanish and Spanish into English of the attached

transcription excerpt CRS-350-03-CLIP-Ol.

Nicholas Bocek, an aging Editor

Geotext Translations, Inc.

State of California, County of San Francisco

Subscribed and sworn to (or affIrmed) before me
onthls of __~~~~~__

to be the personLQ+-~hA

Signamre: ____~~~~------4---------

o COMfJL # 1755114 Z
My Comm. Expires July 3, 2011

259 West 30th Street, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10001, U.S.A. tel 212.631.7432 fax 212.631.7778
220 Montgomery Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94104, U.S.A. tel 415.576.9500 fax 415.520.0525
107-111 Fleet Street, London EC4A 2AB, United Kingdom tel +44.(0)20.7936.9002 fax +44.(0)20.7990.9909
20th Floor, Central Tower, 28 Queen's Road, Central, Hong Kong tel +852.2159.9143 fax +852.3010.0082
Case 1:10-mc-00001-LAK Document 22-4 Filed 08/12/10 Page 14 of 37


STEVEN …que-- que tiene, por qué no … that-- that has, why don’t we
DONZIGER programamos una semana schedule a week when he can
donde puede llegar, revisar los come, look over the
documentos, diagnosticar lo documents, diagnose what is
mal, y hacer un plan. Y eso [sic] wrong, and make a plan. And
plan… that plan…

ATOSSA SOLTANI Sí. Hablé-- hablé con él. Está Yes. I spoke-- I spoke with him.
listo por venir, pero un trabajo He is ready to come, but an
inicial que queremos hacer… initial task that we want to do…

DONZIGER Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

SOLTANI … es tratar de hacer la-- … is try to make the-- gather

recopilar los datos-- los-- los-- the information-- the-- the--
los, mm, uh-- fri-- cifras the, mm, uh-- technical gif--
técnicas de la… figures of the…

DONZIGER Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

SOLTANI … Petroproducción para que él … Petroproducción so that he

tiene [sic] una oportunidad de has a chance to look over these
revisar estos primeros, para first ones, to do an analysis of
hacer un análisis por el-- por las the figures and then come here
cifras, y de [sic] luego, llegar and know where to go, what to
aquí y saber dónde va a ir, qué look at…
va a mirar…

DONZIGER ¿Es posible? Is that possible?

LUIS YANZA Yo creo que es el-- con Luís I think that he is-- with Luis we
podríamos-- tendría que hablar could-- I’d have to talk to Luis
con Luís Villacreces… Villacreces…

DONZIGER ¿Por qué no le llamo ahorita… Why don’t I call him now…

YANZA … para poder, em… … to be able to, uhm…

DONZIGER … cree que [voces solapadas] … you think that [overlapped


YANZA … pero ¿qué datos necesitan? … but, what information do

you [they] need?

SOLTANI La cosa es que no lo necesitan The thing is that they don’t

hacer ahora. Lo que podemos need to do it now. What we
hacer es darme este contacto, can do is give me this contact,
con quién Bill puede who Bill can coordinate with…

Case 1:10-mc-00001-LAK Document 22-4 Filed 08/12/10 Page 15 of 37

YANZA ¿Coordinar? Coordinate?

SOLTANI … él puede darle… … he can give him…

DONZIGER Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

SOLTANI … la lista de cifras que … the list of figures he needs…


DONZIGER [ininteligible] viene dos [unintelligible] comes for two

minutos pero él entiende-- es-- es-- al traducir se van a perder minutes but he understands--
it’s gonna be lost in translation. muchas cosas. it’s-- it’s gonna be lost in

SOLTANI ¿Hmm? Hmm?

DONZIGER Luís Villacreces. Luis Villacreces.

SOLTANI Okay. Okay.

DONZIGER Pero él viene-- va a entender But he’s coming-- he will

que es un proyecto, que Bill le understand that it is a project,
va a contactar… that Bill will contact him…


YANZA Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

DONZIGER Siguen. Go ahead.

YANZA No… [suena un aparato No… [telephone device rings]

telefónico] [ininteligible] ¿o se [unintelligible] or does it open?
abre? No, no sale. No, it doesn’t go through.

DONZIGER Hazle otro método. Do it another way.

YANZA Sí. Yes.

DONZIGER Qué comunicación interna. What internal communication.

SOLTANI Y hablé con él también. And I talked to him, too.

YANZA [ininteligible] por favor. [unintelligible] please.

SOLTANI Hablé con Bill. Él dice que-- I talked to Bill. He says that--

KEVIN KOENIG [ininteligible] I think they were [ininteligible] Creo que estaban
[ininteligible] but, let me-- I’m [ininteligible] pero, déjame--
in the middle of a meeting, so estoy en una junta, así que
let’s talk later. Okay. después hablamos. Okay.

Case 1:10-mc-00001-LAK Document 22-4 Filed 08/12/10 Page 16 of 37
[bostezo] [yawn]

SOLTANI Él dice que puede hacer, uhm, He says that he can do, uhm,
la evaluación de reinjección the reinjection evaluation.
[sic]. Porque algunas cifras, por Because some figures, for
ejemplo, en Vanity Fair, dice example, in Vanity Fair, say
Petroproducción está that Petroproducción is re-
reinjectando [sic] cien por injecting one hundred per cent
ciento de las aguas de of the formation waters. But,
formación. Pero, como ustedes as you have said, this is not--
han dicho, esto no es-- ha sido has [not] been an effective
manera eficaz. Entonces, tal way. So, maybe they are not
vez, no están reinjectando [sic] re-injecting very deeply, so-- so
muy profundamente, entonces- the waters are-- they are
- entonces los [sic] aguas están- contaminating the ground
- están contaminando los [sic] water. [overlapped voices]. Hi,
aguas subterráneas. [voces how are you?
solapadas] Hola, ¿cómo está?

YANZA Sí conocen-- es Atossa Soltani. Do you know-- this is Atossa

[voces solapadas] Soltani. [overlapped voices]

SOLTANI Hola, mucho gusto. [voces Hi, nice to meet you

solapadas] [overlapped voices]

LUIS VILLACRECES Mucho gusto es. Nice to meet you.

KOENIG Kevin. Kevin.


SOLTANI Entonces, la-- la idea es que, So, the-- the idea is that, uh--
eh-- tal vez los [sic] reinjección maybe the reinjection has not
[sic] no ha sido [sic] la manera been the [sic] adequate way…

YANZA No, no. Eso sabemos. No, no. We know that.

SOLTANI … entonces, sale en el aguas … so, it comes out in ground

subterráneas [sic]. water.

YANZA [ininteligible] sí, sabemos. [unintelligible] yes, we know.

DONZIGER Esta es la cosa-- parte de This is the thing-- part of our

nuestro trabajo es diagnosticar job is to diagnose what
qué necesita Petroecuador Petroecuador needs to
para mejorar su improve its infrastructure,
infraestructura, incluso including re-injection water.
reinyección de agua. ¿Okay? Okay? Although they say they
Aunque dicen que están are re-injecting, we know that
reinyectando, sabemos que it is really inadequate. Okay?
realmente es muy inadecuado. You know Bill Powers, right?

Case 1:10-mc-00001-LAK Document 22-4 Filed 08/12/10 Page 17 of 37
¿Okay? Conoces Bill Powers,

VILLACRECES Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

DONZIGER De hace tiempo, bigote… For a while… mustache…

VILLACRECES Sí, sí, sí. Yes, yes, yes.

DONZIGER … norteamericano… … North American…


DONZIGER Tenemos un peque-- una [sic] We have a sma-- a little money

poquito de plata para que él so he can come here and do an
venga acá y analizar, es experto analysis, he is an expert in that,
en eso, acaba de hacerlo en he just did it in Peru for
Perú para Petropus… Petropus…

SOLTANI Puspetro. Puspetro.

UMV Puspetro. Puspetro.

DONZIGER Sí. Entonces, él ya tiene mucha Yes. So, he already has a lot of
información. Él va a hacer information. He will get in
contacto con vos, buscando contact with you, looking for
datos… data.

VILLACRECES Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

DONZIGER … como un paso preliminario. … as a preliminary step. Then,

Entonces, ¿está bien con eso? are you okay with that?


DONZIGER Bill Powers. Hay que dar alta Bill Powers. This has to be
prioridad a eso, cuando él hace given top priority, when he
contacto. makes contact.

YANZA Él va a pedir que le ayude a He is going to ask you to help

recopilar algunos datos e him gather some data and
información que hiciste previo information that you did
para poder… previously to be able to…

VILLACRECES Está bien. That’s fine.

[voces solapadas] [overlapped voices]

SOLTANI Porque dice-- lo que dice Because according to—what

Petroproducción, en términos Petroproducción says, in terms
de eso, el programa de of that, the re-injection
reinjección [sic], dónde tienen, program, where they have,
Case 1:10-mc-00001-LAK Document 22-4 Filed 08/12/10 Page 18 of 37
dónde no hay, las cifras de where there isn’t any, the
cuánto están reinjectando [sic] figures on how much they are
y cuáles las [sic] pozos son re-injecting, and which wells
nuevos, pozos viejos… are new, old wells…

VILLACRECES Uh-huh. Ya. Uh-huh. Got it.

SOLTANI … qué profundidad están … how deep they are injecting--

injectando [sic]-- todas esas all those figures.

VILLACRECES Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

SOLTANI Okay. Okay.

VILLACRECES Yo ya tengo algo. [pausa] I already have something.

Ahorita tengo algo. [pause] I have something right

YANZA ¿Ya tiene algo? You already have something?

VILLACRECES Claro, o sea, tengo a los datos Of course, I mean, I have the
de reinjección [sic]. Datos de injection data. Data on the
los pozos reinjectores y los reinjection wells and
datos de reinyección. Entonces reinjection data. Then
[ininteligible] cuando me [unintelligible] when he writes
escriba. to me.

DONZIGER ¿Quiere un memo-- cre-- hay You want a memo-- cre--

que hacer un memo para Bill? should a memo be made for

VILLACRECES No, voy a esperar a que él me No, I’ll wait for him to write to
escriba. me.

DONZIGER Okay. Okay.

UMV Listo. Done.

VILLACRECES Para ver que él va a decir. To see what he will say.

DONZIGER Perfecto. Perfect.

SOLTANI Yo voy a asumir… I’m going to assume…

DONZIGER Okay. Okay.

SOLTANI … la-- el enlace con él. Puede … the-- the connection with
darme sus conta-- su-- sus him. Can you give me your [his]
datos? contac—your [his]-- your [his]

Case 1:10-mc-00001-LAK Document 22-4 Filed 08/12/10 Page 19 of 37

SOLTANI Okay. Gracias. [inaudible] Okay. Thank you. [inaudible]

VILLACRECES De autógrafo, hasta firmarlo. As an autograph, even to sign

[risa entre los dientes] it. [chuckles]

SOLTANI [risa entre los dientes] [chuckles]

VILLACRECES [ininteligible] [unintelligible]

SOLTANI También dice que puede mi-- He also says he can bu-- do
realizar las-- las, uhm, las [sic] the-- the, uhm, the burners,
mecheros también. Esto es otro too. That is another type of
tipo de evaluación, pero puede evaluation, but could be…
ser… [pausa] Gracias. [pause] Thank you.

VILLACRECES No hay de qué. No problem.

DONZIGER ¿Conoces a Atossa Soltani? Do you know Atossa Soltani?

[voces solapadas] [overlapped voices]

MARIA EUGENIA [ininteligible] [unintelligible]


[fin de grabación] [end of recording]

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Translations, Inc.



This is to certify that the attached translation is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, a true

and accurate translation from English into Spanish and Spanish into English of the attached

transcription excerpt CRS-350-04-CLIP-Ol.

Nicholas Bocek, anaging Editor

Geotext Translations, Inc.

State of California, County of San Francisco

Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me
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Signature: --h~---"'-IL-------:::;)~--- • NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA ~
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Case 1:10-mc-00001-LAK Document 22-4 Filed 08/12/10 Page 21 of 37


LUIS YANZA La idea de hacer el S.O.S. The idea of sending an S.O.S.
[ininteligible] [unintelligible]

STEVEN ¿Qué es? What is it?





[risa] [laughter]

SOLTANI S.O.S. [ininteligible] S.O.S. [unintelligible]

DONZIGER Nos vamos de-- de-- de Let’s go to-- to-- to our needs. I-
necesidades que tenemos - I think that, analyzing the
nosotros. Yo-- yo creo que outlook of this case, we are
analizando la coyuntura del losing strength with the court. I
caso, que estamos perdiendo think that, uh-- can I speak in
fuerza con la corte. Yo creo que, English really quickly? You
ah-- ¿puedo hablar en inglés already know what I’m going to
rapidito? Ya, tú sabes lo voy a say.

YANZA ¿Qué va a decir? What are you going to say?

DONZIGER Por qué la justificación por la Why the justification for the
marcha. march.

YANZA Ah, ya. Oh, okay.

DONZIGER Okay. Uhm, this case has pretty Bien. Eh, este caso ha estado
much been asleep for five dormido por unos cinco meses.
months. It’s weird. I mean, we Es algo raro. Es decir, nos
got-- we were getting, like, dieron-- nos dieron todo lo que
everything, for a while, that we queríamos por un tiempo. La
wanted. You know, we got the cancelación de las inspecciones,
cancellation of the inspections. ¿no? El peritaje global, la fase
You know, we we’re getting the final. Pero luego, como que de …we were getting the global
peritaje global, the final phase. pronto todo estaba listo y él no expert assessment, you know…
But then, like, suddenly quiere juramentar al perito, lo
everything was in place and he cual es un requisito para que
won’t swear in the perito, which empiece a correr el periodo de and he won’t swear in the
is needed to start the hundred- ciento y veinte días. Han habido expert, which is needed
and-twenty day period. It’s semanas y semanas de
been, like, weeks and weeks demoras. Saben, después
and weeks of delays. You know, analizar la situación, creemos
after sort of analyzing the que el juez está tratando de

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situation, we believe that the alargar el caso hasta fin de año,
judge is trying to stall the case cuando entra el nuevo fulano.
until the end of the year, until
the new guy comes in.

SOLTANI I agree with you. Yes. Estoy de acuerdo contigo. Sí.

DONZIGER Okay. So, you know-- but it goes Bien. Entonces, saben-- pero
way beyond the problem of any esto va mucho más allá del
individual judge, ‘cause it’s problema de cualquier juez en
possible the next person could particular, porque es posible
come in and s-- and not want to que la siguiente persona entre y
deal with it and do the same. di-- y no quiera lidiar con ello, y
You know, it’s a problem of haga lo mismo. Sabes, es un
institutional weakness in the problema con la debilidad
judiciary, generally, and of this institucional en la judicatura, en
court, in particular. We have general, y de esta corte, en
concluded that we need to do particular. Hemos llegado a la
more, politically, to control the conclusión de que tenemos que
court, to pressure the court. We hacer más, políticamente, para
believe they make decisions controlar a la corte, para
based on who they fear the presionar a la corte. Creemos
most, not based on what the que toman decisiones de
laws should dictate. So, what acuerdo a quién temen más, no
we want to do is take over the de acuerdo a lo que establecen
court with a massive protest las leyes. Así que, lo que
that we haven’t done since the queremos hacer es tomar
first day of the trial, back in control de la corte a través de
October of 2003. Remember all una protesta masiva, como no
those people on the street? hemos hecho desde el primer
día del juicio, allá en octubre de
2003. ¿Recuerdan que había
toda esa gente en la calle?

SOLTANI Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

DONZIGER It’s a huge effort, it costs Es un cometido grandísimo,

money. Not that much, actually, cuesta dinero. No tanto, en
but, few thousand dollars, to realidad, pero unos cuantos
get everyone in for a day. And... miles de dólares, para que
sí, doctor. vayan todos por un día. Y… sí, And... yes, doctor.

[inaudible] [inaudible]

DONZIGER ¿Seguro? [pausa] Okay. Are you sure? [pause] Okay.

YANZA Entre gringos. [risa] Among gringos. [laughter]

DONZIGER Uhm, and we want to do that Eh, y queremos hacer todo eso
the last week of June. Soon, like durante la última semana de
three weeks. Okay? Uhm, how junio. Pronto, como en tres

Case 1:10-mc-00001-LAK Document 22-4 Filed 08/12/10 Page 23 of 37
we’re gonna do it—like, are we semanas. ¿Bien? Eh, cómo
just gonna be outside, are we vamos a hacerlo, ¿vamos a estar
actually gonna go in and shut afuera, o bien vamos a entrar y
the court down for a day— are cerrar la corte por un día?
all issues we need to figure out Todos son asuntos que tenemos
strategically. But, it-- it’s-- it’s a que determinar
critically important moment, estratégicamente. Pero, es-- es--
because we want to send a es un momento de vital
message to the court that, importancia, porque queremos
‘don’t fuck with us anymore-- enviarle un mensaje a la corte
not now, and not-- not later, de que ya no se metan con
and never.’ ‘Cause we have nosotros-- ni ahora, ni-- ni
been weak on the political después, ni nunca. Porque la
pressure. And all Texaco has to presión política de nuestra
do, if you think about it, all they parte ha sido débil. Y lo único
have to do is get the court to do que tiene que hacer Texaco,
nothing. That’s easy. We have piénsenlo, es lograr que la corte
to get the court to act in a way no haga nada. Eso es fácil.
no court has ever acted before Nosotros tenemos que lograr
in Ecuador. That’s hard. You que la corte actúe como
know, so, in a way, their job is ninguna corte actuó jamás en
easier. They work the back Ecuador. Eso es difícil, ¿no? Así
scenes. They probably pay some que, de cierta forma, el trabajo
people off, they get friendly de ellos es más fácil. Ellos
with them. You know, they do trabajan entre bastidores. Lo
the little thing, and then más seguro es que sobornan a
suddenly there’s, like, a la gente, se muestran amables
paralysis in the court. You know, con ellos, ¿no? Hacen cualquier
and we’re stuck. And, you know, cosita, y de pronto hay como
no one fears us right now. And, una parálisis en la corte. Y
until they fear us, we’re not saben, nos estancamos. Y,
gonna win this case. I’m saben, nadie nos tiene miedo
convinced. por ahora. Y, no vamos ganar
este caso hasta que nos tengan
miedo. De eso estoy

SOLTANI I have a question. Tengo una pregunta.


SOLTANI What ever happened to the idea ¿Qué pasó con la idea de
of filing a precautionary presentar una petición para
measure at the OAS? medidas cautelares en la OAS?

[end of recording] [fin de grabación]

Case 1:10-mc-00001-LAK Document 22-4 Filed 08/12/10 Page 24 of 37

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This is to certify that the attached translation is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, a true

and accurate translation from English into Spanish and Spanish into English of the attached

transcription excerpt CRS-350-04-CLIP-02.

Nicholas Bocek, Managing Editor

Geotext Translations, mc.

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Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me
on this

Signature: ----!---='~--'\:---:l--~_..."'f_----

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Case 1:10-mc-00001-LAK Document 22-4 Filed 08/12/10 Page 25 of 37


ATOSSA [ininteligible] [unintelligible]

STEVEN Uhm… Uhm…


SOLTANI Este proyecto de John S-- This project of John S--

Quigley-- ¿querem-- queremos Quigley’s-- do we want-- do we
hablar sobre esto? want to talk about this?

DONZIGER [ininteligible] necesidades son [unintelligble] needs are a big

una marcha grande… march…

SOLTANI En Quito-- en, ah… In Quito-- in, uh…

DONZIGER En Lago. In Lago.

SOLTANI En Lago. In Lago.

DONZIGER Hay varias cosas. Marcha There are several things. Big
grande, que formamos nuestro march that we make our own
propio ejército. Privado. army. Private [army].

YANZA [risa] Es-- es-- se dice ejército [laughter] It’s-- it’s-- it’s called
pero es como una-- un grupo-- an army, but it’s like a-- a group-
un grupo especializado, sí, - a specialized group, right,
especializado para, eh-- ah-- de specialized for, uh-- ah-- for
acción inmediata. immediate action.

DONZIGER [Risa] [ininteligible] [Laughter] [unintelligible]

YANZA Cuando se necesita la corte-- When the court is needed--

cuando se necesita actuar. when action is needed.

SOLTANI ¿Ustedes saben que si alguien Do you guys know if anybody

puede, uh, subpoena estos puede, uh, citar judicialmente can, uh, subpoena these videos?
videos? Que es una estos What is a [unintelligible]

DONZIGER We don’t have the power of No contamos con la facultad de

subpoena in Ecuador. citar judicialmente en Ecuador.

SOLTANI What about U.S.? These guys… Y ¿qué tal los Estados Unidos?
Estos fulanos…

DONZIGER Un ejército-- no es un ejército An army-- it’s not an armed

armado-- es un grupo de gente army-- it’s a group of people to
para vigilar a la corte… watch over the court…

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SOLTANI I just want to know-- I just want Sólo quiero saber-- sólo quiero
you to know that it’s-- it’s illegal que sepan que es-- es ilegal
to conspire to break the law. conspirar para violar la ley.

[risa] [laughter]

DONZIGER No law’s been conspired to be No se ha conspirado para violar

broken. ninguna ley.

YANZA [risa] Es para vigilar a la corte, [laughter] It’s to watch over the
porque lo que resta del caso… court, because for the
remainder of the case…

DONZIGER It’s to protect justice. Es para proteger la justicia.

SOLTANI [ininteligible] es que hay un [unintelligible] it’s that there’s a

grupo… group…

DONZIGER To prevent Texaco from Para evitar que Texaco viole la

breaking the law. ley.

SOLTANI Hay un grupo de vi-- personas There’s a group of wat-- people

que están vigilando el [sic] who are watching the court,
corte, como… like…

YANZA Sí, pero que ya sean Yes, but who are there
permanente-- no es que están permanently-- it’s not that
todos, es por turnos, pero que everyone is there, it goes by
ya estén dispuestos un poco shifts, but who are available a
[voces solapadas] little [overlapped voices]

DONZIGER La idea-- necesitamos una The idea-- we need a

vigilancia permanente [voces permanent watch [overlapped
solapadas] con veinte personas voices] with twenty people to
para seguir Richard, el perito, follow Richard, the expert, to
para proteger la corte, para protect the court, to prevent
prevenir corrupción. Evitar corruption. Prevent corruption.
corrupción. Necesitamos gente. We need people. It’s a force, a
Es una fuerza, política, que los political force that the judges
jueces puedan ver. Entonces, can see. Then, we start with five
empezamos con quinientos hundred people at the court
personas en la corte, y después and after that-- all that,
de eso-- todo eso, siguen como followed by twenty, thirty
veinte, treinta personas, people, paid by us, for their
pagados por nosotros, por su time to protect the process
tiempo, para proteger la [sic] from corruption.
proceso de corrupción.

SOLTANI Monitores. Monitors.

YANZA Sí. Yes.

Case 1:10-mc-00001-LAK Document 22-4 Filed 08/12/10 Page 27 of 37

DONZIGER Exacto. Exactly.

YANZA Sí, sí, sí. [ininteligible] Yes, yes, yes [unintelligible]

DONZIGER Yo prefiero la palabra ‘ejército’, I prefer the word ‘army’, but…


YANZA Pero-- pero-- [risa entre los But-- but-- [chuckles] but-- but
dientes] pero-- pero esta these people…

[voces solapadas] [overlapped voices]

YANZA … tendría que recibir una … would have to receive some

capacitación mínima… minimal training…

SOLTANI Actually, I like this country. De hecho, me gusta este país.

YANZA … tendría que recibir una … they would have to receive

capacitación mínima… cosas-- minimal training… things--
detalles, para que puedan details, so they do a good job
hacernos buen trabajo. Eso es. for us. That’s it. And then, if it
Y, luego, si es que va bien, y goes well, and we need, uh, if
necesitamos, eh, necesitamos we need weapons, we can
armas, podemos proveer de provide weapons.

DONZIGER [risa] [laughter]

YANZA ¡De Irán! Podemos traer… From Iran! We can bring…

DONZIGER [risa] [laughter]

SOLTANI [ininteligble] [unintelligible]

DONZIGER So we really need-- we really Así que en verdad necesitamos--

need some-- some long-term en verdad necesitamos algo de--
support. Get some people algo de apoyo a largo plazo.
mobilized. Mobilizar a un grupo de

YANZA [risa] [laughter]

SOLTANI Yo entiendo. I understand.

What kind of long-term ¿Qué tipo de aporte a largo
support? [pause] Steven? plazo? [pausa] ¿Steven?

DONZIGER What’s that? ¿Cómo?

SOLTANI ¿Qué tipo de aporte? What type of support?

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DONZIGER Money. It’s basically a project Dinero. Básicamente, es un
that requires us to pay to find proyecto que require que
the people and pay them for paguemos para encontrar a las
their time. personas y pagarles por su

SOLTANI [unintelligible] [ininteligible]

DONZIGER I think we need, like, a hundred Creo que necesitamos, como,

grand… cien mil…

YANZA Tendríamos que trabajar We would still have to work…


DONZIGER … for, like, a year. … para, como, un año.

YANZA … es una idea que nació ahora. … it’s an idea that was just born.
Tenemos que-- We have to--

DONZIGER Yeah-- we need-- we need Si— necesitamos-- necesitamos

money, though. I think this is dinero, sin embargo. Creo que
the most important thing that para nosotros esto es lo más
needs to be funded right now importante que hay que
for us. Otherwise, we’re gonna patrocinar económicamente por
lose this case. ahora. Si no, vamos a perder
este caso.

SOLTANI A hundred grand is a lot of Cien mil es mucho dinero. Es

money. I mean-- can’t some of decir-- no se puede que algo de
that mon-- can’t that be-- some ese din-- no puede eso-- no
of that be-- we also don’t-- I puede algo de eso ser--
mean, we want it to be of a nosotros tampoco-- es decir,
movement, we don’t just want queremos que sea un
to be paid mercenaries, right? movimiento, no queremos que
It’s gotta be a movement. sean solamente mercenarios
pagados, ¿no? Tiene que ser un

DONZIGER Talk to Luis. I mean, it is a Habla con Luis. Es decir, sí es un

movement. Or a revolutionary movimiento. O un movimiento
movement. revolucionario.

YANZA [risa] [laughter]

DONZIGER And we need our own army. Y necesitamos nuestro propio

No! I’m just kidding [laughter] ejército. No, estoy bromeando

KEVIN KOENIG I’m outta here… Ya me voy…

DONZIGER No, no. Paid only because it’s-- No, no. Pagado solamente
people work. They need-- they porque es-- la gente trabaja.

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could be employees of the Necesitan-- pueden ser
Frente, do multiple tasks, you empleados del Frente, hacer
know. But we need to be able to tareas múltiples, ustedes saben.
have some economic support Pero necesitamos apoyo
for people to leave their jobs on económico para que la gente
weekdays. Otherwise, there’s deje sus trabajos entre semana.
no way it’s gonna work. Si no, de ninguna manera va a
Ella está preocupada si pagamos funcionar. She is worried that if we pay
a la gente, parece como son people, it will seem as if they’re
mercenarios. ¿Qué dices tú? mercenaries. What do you

YANZA Yo también, eso. También pien-- Me, too. I also think-- I have
tengo esa preocupación, pero, that concern, but, I am also
igual, estoy pensando cómo thinking about how to manage
manejar eso. Porque también es this. Because it is also a delicate
delicado, no sólo porque sean matter, not just because of their
mercenarios, po-- po-- porque being mercenaries, be-- be--
puedan recibir ese calificativo, because they could be called
sino tambien que, en la misma that, but rather, some level of
comunidad puede que generar envy could arise within the
cierta envidia, de que están community itself, because they
pagados… are paid…

DONZIGER Mm-hmm. Hmm.

YANZA … entonces, tenemos que … so, we have to think about

nosotros pensar cómo manejar- how to manage-- among us
- entre los dirigentes podemos leaders, we can think about and
pensar y manejar eso. Porque es manage that. Because it’s
delicado. Quisiera que sensitive. I wouldn’t want there
internamente no surja ningún to be any issue internally
problema por esa situación. because of this situation. But, I
Pero, yo creo que es manejable, think it’s manageable, and-- and
y-- y tenemos que pensar. we have to think.

SOLTANI Mm-hmm. Hmm.

DONZIGER I threw a hundred grand out just Sugerí cien mil solo porque, así
‘cause I see it as a year-long como yo lo veo, es un proyecto
project. You know, I think that if de todo un año, ¿no? Pienso yo
we don’t step up, we risk doing que si no hacemos algo más,
this forever, losing the case. nos arriesgamos a perder esto
Another thing, remember. This para siempre, perder el caso.
movie’s gonna come out. Otra cosa, recuerden. Esta
Maybe as early as January, película se va a estrenar. Quizás
which is gonna potentially… tan pronto como enero, lo cual

SOLTANI And we have to talk about Y tenemos que hablar acerca

[unintelligible] [ininteligible]

DONZIGER … completely change the … cambiar la dinámica por

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dynamic. Because, let’s say the completo. Porque, digamos, se
movie comes out-- well, it’ll estrena la película-- pues,
come out, say, in a festival. It digamos, se estrenará en un
won’t actually go to theatres for festival. No saldrá en cines por
several months after that, but, varios meses después de eso,
let’s say, a year from now, the pero, digamos, de aquí a un
movie is in many theatres and año, la película está en cines y
it’s a hit. Okay? And, we’re still es todo un éxito. ¿No? Y aquí
sitting here with this judge. I estamos todavía con este juez.
mean, it’s just ridiculous. We Digo, es absurdo. Tenemos que
have to move this case. It’s-- it’s hacer que este caso se mueva.
exhausting. We’re exhausted. Es-- es agobiante. Estamos
Okay? And we-- while we can do exhaustos, ¿no? Y nosotros--
all the legal briefs in the world mientras podemos hacer todos
and host all the visitors who los escritos legales del mundo y
want to come, if we don’t show recibir a todas las visitas que
power in the court, we’re not quieran venir, si no mostramos
gonna finish this case. And we-- poder en la corte, no vamos a
if we don’t finish the case, we terminar este caso. Y si-- si no
won’t win the case. The terminamos el caso, no vamos a
meetings with the judge, like ganar el caso. Las juntas con el
you guys had yesterday, I think, juez, como la que tuvieron
are of minimal effect. I-- I’ve ustedes ayer, creo, tiene sólo un
been to a lot of those meetings. efecto mínimo. Yo-- yo he
I think they do, potentially, asistido a muchas de estas
help... with normal people-- this juntas. Creo que sí,
guy’s not normal. He’s a full-o’- potencialmente, ayudan… con
shit guy. You know what I gente normal-- este fulano no
mean? He’s dancing around-- es normal. Habla puras
charming. So, I think this is the pendejadas. ¿Saben? Da sus
most critical thing. We have to rodeos-- todo encantador. Así
focus, to me, on what’s most que, creo que esto es lo más
important, which is pressure on crítico. Tenemos que
the company, which was Darryl, enfocarnos, digo yo, en lo más
photos that John Quigley can importante, que es presionar a
do, and control of the court. The la compañía, lo cual hizo Darryl,
legal stuff is fine, it’s totally fotos que puede hacer John
under control. The proof. You Quigley y control sobre la corte.
know, Bill Powers, he needs to Lo legal anda bien, totalmente
come down, we need to do-- fill bajo control. La prueba. Ya
in some holes here and there, saben, Bill Powers, él tiene que
but we could-- we could write venir, tenemos que-- llenar unos
our final argument today. I huecos por aquí, por allá-- pero
mean, we have that much podríamos-- podríamos redactar
information. So, we have to nuestro argumento final hoy. Es
think-- this is the thing: I think decir, así de información
we have to be careful as-- you tenemos. Así que, tenemos que
as an NGO that supports this pensar-- he aquí la cosa: Creo
process, and me as an American que tenemos que tener cuidado
lawyer who doesn’t live here. -- tú como NGO que apoya este
We have to be careful to focus, proceso, yo como abogado
always, on the highest priorities. estadounidense que no vivo
You know? And, we’re trying to aquí. Tenemos que asegurar
Case 1:10-mc-00001-LAK Document 22-4 Filed 08/12/10 Page 31 of 37
balance a lot of shit, right now, que nuestro enfoque siempre
because ever since the Vanity esté en lo más prioritario, ¿no?
Fair article came out, all this Y, estamos tratando de
stuff is happening. You know-- mantener el equilibrio entre
Trudie came down. I think Sting muchas mierdas, ahorita,
wants to get involved. Darryl porque desde que salió el
Hannah is an amazing person. artículo en Vanity Fair, están
John Quigley is a person I never pasando muchas cosas. Saben--
even knew about, I think the vino Trudie. Creo que quiere
guy could do wonders for us. participar Sting. Darryl Hannah
You know what I mean? And-- es una persona estupenda. John
but all that takes money and Quigley es una persona que ni
time-- a lot of time. You know, siquiera conocía, creo que
like it takes time for us to do the podría hacer maravillas por
photo exhibit and to go on nosotros, ¿no? Y-- pero todo
these toxi-tours and, you know, eso requiere dinero y tiempo--
I’m so behind, and exhausted. mucho tiempo. Saben, como
toma tiempo para que hagamos
las sesiones fotográficas y hacer
esas excursiones "toxi tour" y,
saben, estoy muy atrasado y

SOLTANI So, why are you trying to start Entonces, ¿por qué estás
new projects. I mean, the tratando de empezar proyectos
question… nuevos? Es decir, la pregunta…

DONZIGER No, no. The army project is not No, no. El proyecto del ejército
a new project. I mean, it’s-- it’s-- no es un proyecto nuevo. Es
it’s an effort to step up the decir, es-- es-- es un esfuerzo
political power we have in the para aumentar el poder politico
court, at the point of contact, que tenemos en la corte, en el
where they’re gonna feel it the punto de contacto, donde más
most. lo van a sentir.

SOLTANI What about getting other Y, ¿qué tal conseguir a otros

judges and-- and other-- like, jueces y-- y otros-- como, el
does the court system, you sistema judicial, saben, quizás--
know, maybe—is maybe more quizás está más influido por
influenced by jurists, judges, juristas, jueces, otro [se corta]
other [cut off]

[end of recording] [fin de grabación]

Case 1:10-mc-00001-LAK Document 22-4 Filed 08/12/10 Page 32 of 37

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This is to certify that the attached translation is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, a true

and accurate translation from Spanish into English of the attached transcription excerpt CRS-376-


Nicholas Bocek, anaging Editor

Geotext Translations, Inc.

State of California, County of San Francisco

Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me
on this ~ .ft day of ~s I- ,20~
by ~ )~\~\o-~ ~(J:!,-:~ ,

proved to me on the basis

to be the per .

Signature: ----t+'~-"""""'~----=......,....--

COMM. # 1755114 Z-
My Comm. Expires .July 3,2011

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Case 1:10-mc-00001-LAK Document 22-4 Filed 08/12/10 Page 33 of 37

UFV = Unidentified Female Voice (Voz Femenina No Identificada)

UMV = Unidentified Male Voice (Voz Masculina No Identificada)


PABLO ... siguiente ... 10 de la Fiscalia. ... next ... about the Prosecutor's
FAJARDO Eso es la cosa que ha estado Office. That is the thing that has
tambiE~n siempre ahf-como also always been there-it's
que no vamos-como que el like, we're going, not going, it's
fiscal no quiere. Esta semana les as if the prosecutor doesn't
comentamos el dfa martes que want to. This week on Tuesday
habra la ... we mentioned to them that
there was the ...

UMV [inaudible] [inaudible]

FAJARDO ... ellanzamiento de la campana ... the launch of the Yasuni

YasunL Hablamos unos minutos campaign. We spoke a few
con-con Correa, eh ... minutes with-with Correa, uh ...
Presidente de la Republica, y President of the Republic [of
nos indicaba la posicion que Ecuador], and he was telling us
tiene el Ministro Fiscal General about the current position of
en la actualidad, que es un the Prosecutor General, that he
poquito de ... de nerviosismo. is a little ... a little anxious.
Porque como han cambiado las Because, since the commercial-
fuerzas polfticas comercio- national political forces have
nacional, 0 sea, esta con miedo changed, that is, he is afraid of
de ser removido. Posiblemente. being removed. Potentially. And
Yesta un poquito-cediendo he's a little-yielding a lot of
muchas cosas de-de peticiones things on-on petitions in other
de otros juicios que-que han trials that-there have been
habido juicios grandes. major trials. So, the President
Entonces, el Presidente cree thinks that if we put in a little
que si hacemos un poquito de effort, before getting the public
esfuerzo, antes de meter el involved, the Prosecutor will
publico, el Fiscal va a ceder, y va yield, and will re-open that
a reabrir esa investigacion por el investigation into the fraud of-
fraude de los-del contrato de of the contract between Texaco
Texaco y el Estado Ecuatoriano. and the Ecuadorian
Entonces, no se si vale la pena, Government. So, I don't know if
pero, yo creo que, sabiendo esa it's worthwhile, but, I think,
coyuntura polftica en el pafs knowing that political outlook
ahorita, creo que es oportuno si right now in the country, I think
insistir en este momento. it is the right time to insist right
Ademas, quizas el ejecutivo de now. Plus, maybe the executive
[ininteligible] eso al Fiscal, con of [unintelligible] that to the
copia al Presidente de la Prosecutor, cc'ing the President
Republica, puede haber una- of the Republic, there could be
un poco de-de presion a-a little-pressure on the
tambien al Fiscal, y que el Prosecutor, too, and he may re-
reabre esta investigacion ... open the investigation ...

Case 1:10-mc-00001-LAK Document 22-4 Filed 08/12/10 Page 34 of 37

[estornudos] [sneezes]

UFV Salud. Bless you.

FAJARDO ... Es otro-tambien otro frente ... That's another-another

de ataque tambien ahf. front of attack there, as well.

[fin de grabacion] [end of recording]

Case 1:10-mc-00001-LAK Document 22-4 Filed 08/12/10 Page 35 of 37

Translations, Inc.



This is to certify that the attached translation is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, a true

and accurate translation from English into Spanish of the attached transcription excerpt CRS-376-


Nicholas Bocek, anaging Editor

Geotext Translations, Inc.

State of California, County of San Francisco

Subscribed and sworn to (or affmned) before me

on this ~day of ~tce::L0 \ 0,

by NI0~(CW .. ' ,

New York 259 West 30th Street, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10001, U.S.A. tel 212.631.7432 fax 212.631.7778
San Francisco 220 Montgomery Street,.3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94104, U.S.A. tel 415.576.9500 fax 415.520.0525
London 107-111 Fleet Street, London EC4A 2AB, !Jnited Kingdom tel +44.(0)20.7936.9002 fax +44.(0)20.7990.9909

Hongl<ong 20th Floor, Central Tower, 28 Queen's Road, Central, Hong I<ong tel +852.2159.9143 fax +852.3010.0082 I
Case 1:10-mc-00001-LAK Document 22-4 Filed 08/12/10 Page 36 of 37



STEVEN Our biggest problem right now Nuestro problema mas grande
DaNZIGER is we have to pressure the judge ahora es que tenemos que
and the court. And all these presionar al juez y a la corte. Y
ideas about, you know, suing todas estas ideas de demandar
Texaco for moral damage by the a Texaco por danos morales por
Cojan, or, you know, pressuring los cofanes 0, sabes, presionar
the national prosecutor to open al fiscal nacional para que inicie
criminal cases-- like, they don't casos penales-pues, eso no
result in the judge feeling more hace que el juez se sienta mas
pressure. So, you know, if we're presionado. Asr que, si vamos a
gonna choose to do things, we decidir hacer ciertas cosas, hay
need to do the things the judge que hacer aquellas cosas que el
is gonna really feel. Like the juez en verdad va a sentir. Por
President of the country calling ejemplo, que el presidente del
him out, you know. The pars Ie exija una explicacion,
President of the Supreme Court tno? EI Presidente de la Corte
calling him out, for how slow Suprema exigiendole que Ie
the case is going. Us suing explique porque el caso marcha
Chevron, in another form for tan lento. EI que demandemos a
some other thing, is not gonna Chevron, de otra manera 0 por
pressure this judge in our case. alguna otra cosa, no va a
And we have to be totally presionar a este juez en nuestro
focused, in terms of our limited caso. Y tenemos que
resources, on that one thing. concentrarnos totalmente,
That's what Texaco is doing. dados nuestros escasos
They're really smart. They focus recursos, en solo eso. Eso es 10
on one thing: The judge. They que esta haciendo Texaco. Son
know they can't beat us in the muy inteligentes. Se concentran
media. They know they can't en una sola cosa: el juez. Saben
beat us, you know, in the court que no nos pueden ganar en los
of public opinion, medios de comunicacion. Saben
internationally. They know que no nos pueden ganar ante
every environmental group is los ojos de la opinion publica
against them. They quietly focus internacional. Saben que todos
on the one thing they have a los grupos ambientalistas estan
chance of winning at, which is en su contra. Calladitos se
control over this one person. concentran en donde tienen
And that's what we're una posibilidad de ganar, es
neglecting. And it's not good. decir, el control de esta persona
You know, all the success is a en particular. Y eso es 10 que
mile wide and an inch deep estamos descuidando. Y no es
right now. We could easily lose bueno. Sabes, en este
this case if we don't do momento, el exito es amplio
something. We have lost control pero poco profundo. Podemos
of the court. We've lost control perder este caso facilmente si
of the judge. I mean, you lose no hacemos algo. Hemos
control of the judge in a bench perdido el control sobre la
trial, there's no jury ... it's a corte.65Hemos perdido el control
Case 1:10-mc-00001-LAK Document 22-4 Filed 08/12/10 Page 37 of 37

bench trial-- you've lost the sobre el juez. Digo, si pierdes el

case. No matter how good the control del juez cuando es un
proof is. And that's what I'm juicio ante un juez, sin jurado,
seeing right now. And, I mean, has perdido el caso. No importa
people are intoxicated with all 10 bueno que sean las pruebas.
this fancy stuff and all the V eso es 10 que ahora estoV
attention and Sting and Trudie viendo. V, digo, la gente esta
and AI Gore and, you know, all embriagada con todas estas
this stuff. And-- and we're not cosas extravagantes V toda la
taking care of business at home. atenci6n V Sting V Trudie V AI
And that's what-- that's what Gore V, sabes, todas estas cosas.
reallv worries me. V-V nosotros no nos estamos
ocupando de nuestros asuntos.
V eso es-eso es 10 que
realmente me preocupa.

[end of recording] [fin de grabaci6n]


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