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Looking at the study, it was initiated as a result of the subject conflict management as

it has effects on the productivity of an organization. As a matter of fact, conflict affects the

productivity of an organization. Many organizations had met their untimely death as a result

of the conflict that was not properly managed in the organization.

According to Kenneth, conflict arise as a result of divergent or disagreeing interest of

two parties that is to say the interest of employer in an organization is to get the best out of

his or her workers and expect them to be loyal to the organization in the course of carrying

out their duties.

Meanwhile, on the other hand the interest of employee is based on wages and salaries,

better conditions of employment, conducive environment for them and executives are

expected to feed back their employees on their performance.

Therefore, there is no organization that can exist without one conflict or the other. It

depend on the types of conflict that arise in the course of the operation of the organization. In

addition to this, some conflicts might not affect the organization: wholesome may partially

affect the organization members. Conflict also wastes a lot of time and energy, which could

have been directed towards goals accomplishment of organization and individual objective.


It is noted that over the years Cadbury Nigeria Plc has experienced a lot of conflict in

various dimension that have reduce its performance. There is tendency for an organization to

have a shorter life cycle because of various changes in the operation of organization, these

organization changes may cause disturbance and uncertainties which lead to creation of


Conflict in any organization may not enable the organization in the future. Here is

referees to conflict management mechanism in order to minimize the rate of conflict and

improve performance, the centre for effective dispute resolution (2005) support the

perception of an increase in organization conflict measure by the perception of an increase in

organization conflict measure by the more than one fifty five thousand employment tribunal

application in 2004 in the United Kingdom.

According to River (2005) the hidden cost of unresolved conflict in organization re-

enormous and finding effective way to manage and resolve organizational conflict can have a

significant impact on productivity and therefore may enhance performance healthy

differences of opinion are however vital in an organization in order for it not to stagnate but

when individual are not able to work through their differences constructively in that way

their demand are not met which resulted in conflict that leads to various industrial actions in

other to project their interest from management.


The research would be focused towards providing solution to the following questions:

i. Does effective conflict management leads to high productivity in an organization?

ii. Does conflict management contributed to labor productivity in the organization?

iii. What is the relationship between conflict management and organization



As it is known, conflict is likely to occur in any organization, the main objective of

this study is to examine how conflict is being managed in an organization and also to

improve productivity effectiveness in order to realized organization objectives. Other specific

objectives are as follows:`

1. To find out if effective conflict management can lead to high productivity in an


2. To examine if conflict management contribute to labor productivity.

3. To determine the relationship between conflict management and organization



In the light of the statement mentioned above the problem in the following opinion is

hereby advance as hypothesis is relevant to the study. There are two type of hypothesis that

must be discovered in the statement by the researcher. They are:

i. Null hypothesis.

ii. Alternative hypothesis.

NULL HYPOTHESIS: Null is a German word meaning zero. This is hypothesis indicate a

zero or no hypothesis It represented in research as Ho and it aim is to disprove or express

doubt about the researcher assumption on research variables.

ALTERNATIVE HYPOTHESIS: This is the research hypothesis which represents the

assumption of the research. It is the hypothesis that is usually stated in research which the

null hypothesis attempts to disprove. It is denoted with Hi and usually stated in positive form.

Therefore, the following null hypothesis will be tested in this study.

Ho1 : Effective conflict management does not lead to high productivity in an organization.

Ho2 : Conflict management does not contribute to labor productivity in an organization.

Ho3 : There is no relationship between conflict management and organization productivity.


The significance of the study is to highlight the effect of conflict management in

Cadbury Nig. Plc. Lagos State under its relevance on organization productivity. This study

will show how conflict affects the customers and even the environment as a whole.

The study shall further serve as a guideline on the management of conflict so as to

maintain a common interest in order to be able to achieve the stated goals of the organization.

The study intends to benefits the following people:

i. Management of Cadbury Nig Plc.

It acts as an effective device in the hand of management for putting in place new

behavior to the employee. It motivates individuals to search for innovation. The

successful solution of the conflict leads to a greater efficiency.

ii. Students

An aspiring student who may want to use knowledge on this topic will be able to

appreciate the contributions of conflict management on organizational productivity.

The student will know the relationship between conflict management and

organization productivity from the findings.

iii. Future researchers

The study helps to lay a good foundation and to orientate future researchers looking

information in related field.


This study is confined to two variables which are conflict management and

organization productivity. The first variable tasks about the meaning, stages, types, causes

and importance of conflict management and the second variable which is organization

productivity discusses the meaning, measure and importance of organization productivity,

this study will be limited to Cadbury Nig Plc Lagos. In this study, the gathering of

information and data to use for this purpose shall be restricted to the information supplied by

the staff of Cadbury Nig Plc Lagos.


Conflict: This can be defined as any situation in which there is incompatible goals cognition

or emotion between individuals or group that lead to antagonistic interaction. Conflict can

also be seen as a situation in which there are opposite ideas, opinions, feeling, wishes: a

situation in which it is difficult to choose. A conflict is characterized by the inability of those

concerned to iron out their differences through frequent manifestation of complaints and

grievance within or between management that cause low effectiveness in labor.

Conflict Management: This can be described as a long process which people hardly

grievance standing up for what they consider to be right and against what they consider to be

wrong. Those ways include such diverse phenomena as gossip, ridicule avoidance,

complaints etc.

Productivity: According to Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary define productivity as

the rate at which a worker, a company or a country produce goods and the amount produce,

compared with how much time, work and money needed to produced them. Productivity can

also be seen as economic measure of output per unit including labor and capital, while output

is typically measured in revenue and other G.D.P components such as business inventories.

The productivity measure is commonly reported through the media is based on the ratio of

the G.D.P to total hour worked in the period. This productivity measured is produced by the

Bureau of Labor Statistic four times per year.

Organization: This can be defined as an industry that comprise all resources used for the

production and transacting use in order to facilitate the smooth production distribution as

well as shows how task assigned to individual in order to obtain maximum benefit as a result.


The Cadbury Nigeria Plc, history can be summed up as a continuing saga at

substantial exceptive and concurrence of foresight, commitment and undertaking drive for

quality. The story turns on 9th Jan 1965 when the company was incorporated in Nigeria, with

a take of base in Apapa, Lagos. Presently the company can be found at Lateef Jakande Road,

Agidingbi, Ikeja Lagos. It engaged in the manufacture and sales of branded fast moving

consumer goods mostly to the Nigeria market but increasingly for export as well. Local

packaging began in 1959 while Bournvita was introduced in 1960. By 1865 the factory site at

Agidingbi has been full of operation a full scale local production of both Pronto and Bourn

vita, using Nigeria cocoa powder as material, Goody-Goody and Tomapep followed in 1990,

by the year ending, turnover achievement hit the previous year profit before tax stood at over

N19 million (nineteen million naira) a profit trend that continued the data. Cadbury Nig Plc is

a major player in the global confectionary and beverages market with over 40,000 employees

and business operations in two hundred countries (200 countries). The core business of the

company is in two categories namely confectionary and food drinks which are manufactured

in a dedicated facility within the factory site in Lagos. The company s lead brand in the food

drinks business is BOURNVITA, which holds a strong market share in the Nigeria with a

portfolio of branded offers that are targeted to meet real needs of consumer. Other brands in

the food drinks business include Richoco & Hot Chocolate (3 in 1). The main brands in the

companys confectionary lousiness is Tom-Tom while other brands includes; Buttermint,

Trident, Clorets, Malta sweet, Tang, Trebor etc. for sale in Nigeria. There are also some

brands produced by the company which are exported to neighboring country e.g Hacks and

Ahomka Ginger each brand has grown to become a household name and each holds a strong

market in their respective segments. They all have a distinctive leadership in the market

carrying a guarantee of quality which no other company in Nigeria carried. Cadbury Nigeria

has a 93% share holding in SCPCL, a company located in Ondo State which processes cocoa

beans into cocoa butter and liquor aimed at international markets, as well as cocoa powder

for domestic consumption. The companys entire cocoa powder requirement is sourced from

SCPCL. The company has commenced an extensive restructuring exercise to restore it path

to profitable growth. The strategy review focused on opportunities to improve efficiency and

quality of products and to yield both productivity benefits as well as provision of

opportunities to streamline production processes and align the factory for future growth.




In this chapter the researcher review some relevant literature on the subject matter

which explains the first variable that encompasses the meaning, stages causes and types of

conflict management. While the second variable entails the meaning, measure and

importance of organization productivity. It is the management major responsibility to device

strategies in bringing down conflict as low as possible which will enable the organization to

function and succeed.



According to Tayo Fashoju in his book: Industrial relation in Nigeria (Second edition)

at the end of the 19th century the conversation view of classical economist gave way to those

of the social returns. This scholar agree that the view of classical economist considered

conflict to be necessary and harmful and that the appearance of conflict signaled for

application of management principle in directing the affairs of the organization. For instance

F.R. Taylor believes the application of his scientific management on conflict.

The view of the classical school started to change the development of human relation

and behavioural school. They recognized the existence of conflicts in organization

irrespective of management styles they suggest that conflict may be dysfunctional or

functional depending on how conflict is managed. Managers are not to suppress the conflict

but to manage it so as to minimizes its harmful aspect and to maximize the beneficial aspects.

Meaning of Conflict Management

Conflict management as define by Irinoye (2012), is an ongoing process that may

never have a resolution. He asserts that gossip (grape vine) and Feuds are the most common

form of conflict in the category that cannot be resolved but managed. Conflict management

canfurther be describe as a long process which is the label for vaeirty of ways by which

people handle grievance standing up for what they consider to be right and against what they

consider to be wrong. Those ways include such diverse phenomena as gossip, ridicule,

avoidance complaint e.t.c.

States of conflict

There are different stages of conflict and these are as follows

1. Intra personal conflict

2. Inter personal conflict

3. Intra group conflict

4. Inter group conflict

5. Intra organization conflict

6. Inter organization conflict

1. Intra personal conflict: This is a conflict that individual experiences within him or

herself as a result of incompatible goals are often with mutually exclusive outcome.

a. Approach: Approach conflict means the individual confronted with two or

more positive conjunctive situations for instance two lucrative jobs offered at

the same time.

b. Avoidance conflict: this is situation in which a person is confronted with two

or more negatives. For instance employee confronted with transfer to rural

area in the Northern part of Nigeria from Lagos with demotion.

c. Approach Avoidance conflict: This involves the situation in which one is

confronted with both positives and negative activities are one of the example.

2. Inter Personal Conflict: This occurs when two or more individual disagree on issue

action or goals where joint outcome is imperative. Interpersonal conflict exists where

different individual perception orientation status or ambiguity in role clarification is


3. Intra Group Conflict: This conflict refers to the existence between member of the

same group. Conflicts within a group often affect the group dynamics or effectiveness

either as a section or department committee. This level of conflict falls into

substantive and effective conflict. The former has to do with the content issue or task

which involves intellectual disagreement among group members while the latter rest

on the group. Interpersonal relation which do emerge as a result of emotional


4. Inter Group Conflict: This is a conflict that occurs between two group teams or

committee within an organization. Different organization group and sub-groups

initiate conflict over such issues as task assignment of responsibility competition for

resources and so on.

5. Intra Organization Conflict: This is the type of conflict that exist within an

organization. It is closely connected with their group conflict because groups make up

organization. This encompasses the following:

a. Vertical conflict: This involves the conflict between supervisor and in


b. Horizontal conflict: this exist between employees or department at the same


c. Line staff conflict: this involves the infringement of area of legitimate

authority by either the time manager or staff management.

6. Inter Organization Conflict: This is the conflict that exists between two or more

organizations. This can occur because they are inter department with suppliers,

customers, government or competitor and so on.

Types of Conflict Management

There are various types of conflict and they are as follows:

i. Conflict according to nature

ii. Conflict according to form

iii. Conflict according to kind

iv. Conflict according source

Conflict according to nature: Ebeloku (2004), examined conflict form it nature

competitive and disruptive. He was of opinion that the competitive nature of conflict in the

organization characterized by the following:

a. Parties striving for mutually uncomfortable goals meaning that a victory for one

group can only be gained at the expense of the group loss.

b. Each party is interested in wining rather than the defeat or reduction of the opponent.

c. Action of each party are selected using criteria based on the probability of achieving

successful outcome behavior

d. Competition terminates when the result are obvious to both side

e. Period of conflict is hardly associated with head and angry feelings.

Conflict According to Form: Industrial conflict can also be classified into main

organized and unorganized forms. An organized conflict is primarily of group phenomenon

which usually expresses itself in form of collective action. Otobo (2000) describe it as a form

of conscious strategy to change the situation which is identified as a source of discontent

while in unorganized conflict the situation characterized with the absence of a laid down

policy or principle to be followed. There is no written down document to show that there are

conflict at hand in the organization. Otobo (2000) looked at it as an individual worker form

of industrial conflict the worker respond to the situation in the only way open to him as

individual that is by withdrawal from the source of discount.

Conflict according to kind: Ogun Maberu (2004) identified two kinds of industrial

conflict as informal and formal. This description of informal industrial conflict is based on

the absence of systematic organization process but result directly from a source of grievance

and supposedly is wholly expressive in nature. Example are all form of industrial sabotage

which appears irrational purely individualized unconscious forms of protest including

absenteeism, negligence and industrial accident.

Conflict According to the Source: Conflict can also be seen from it source, Fajana

(2000) opined that the source of conflict include internal and external source, he identified

the opposing interests of the industrial action. Employees and Employers as the prime factors

of internal source of conflict. In the distribution of industrial case which is the outcome of

their relationship. Conflict become inherent on the claim of right that property and civil

become issue of discussion on who get the largest share of the case.

Causes of Conflict

From our discussion so far, many issue could be responsible for industrial conflict

source of those courses are as follows:

1. Poor team work

2. Communication breakdown

3. Lack of coordination between workers and department

4. Dispute between rival unions

5. Intra union and inter union crisis.

6. Personality clash

7. Ambiguous authority and responsibility

8. Differences in perception

9. Job design and workflow

10. Retrenchment of workers

Methods of Conflict Management

The methods of industrial conflict management that will be discussed in this research

work are licensed to the way a few animal react to situation. Hence the nomenclatures used

below are as encapsulated by Obisi (2014) these methods are:

a. The shark method

b. The teddy method

c. The turtle method

d. The owl method

e. The fox method

The shark method: This method is also known as force method. An individual pursues his

or her own concerns at the expense of others. This method is not noted for compromise. It

does not give concession and may be prepared to faced and accept the consequence on


This method is often used under the following conditions:

a. When you know you are right

b. When you need a quick decision

c. When you meet a difficult type of person and you need to stand up for your own


The Teddy Bear Method: cordial relationship is encouraged in managing indudstrial conflict

under this method. Parties to the conflict are accommodating and often ready to shift ground.

The method is guided by the principle of partnership in progress.

This view is in conformity with the feature of teddy bear, which is a wooly toy bear which

depict warmth. This method is useful when

a. You discovered that you are wrong

b. Continue competition / conflict would be detrimental

c. Preserving harmony without description is the most important.

The Turtle Method: Some conflict can be managed by avoiding it. Although the method

tend to be less serious in managing conflict and is prepared to even sweep it under the carpet.

The following are often downside step postponement or withdrawal conditions that warrant

the above method are:

a. When the intent is not significant and you dont have to loose anything

b. When you dont have time to deal with it

c. When the context is not suitable

d. When more important issues are pressing

e. When one perceive no change of getting concerns and

f. When one is emotional about the issue or a better handler is around.

The owl method: This method talks about collaboration just like the animal an owl, a bird,

with a large broad head, flat face and large eyes. Surrounded by disks of feathers it sits up

most of the time particularly at night but it does not feel comfortable with light particularly in

the day time.

Considering these future of Owl; parties find time to satisfy their own concern. It includes

identifying the underlying concern of the parties and finding out alternatives which meet both

sides of concerns. This method is useful when the following positions are involved:

a. When other lives are involved

b. When you dont want to have full responsibility

c. Where there is a high level of trust

d. When you want to gain commitment from other

e. When you need to work through hard feelings.

The fox method: This method comprises and just like the animal with the upright ears and

craftiness the method believes in negotiation. The method can be appropriate under one of

these options:

a. When the goals are moderately important and not work the use of Accenture moves.

b. When people of equal status are equally committed.

c. When reach temporary settlement and complex issues.

d. As a backup to Owl method or shark method the following point also give an

overview to know how to manage industrial conflict:

i. Ensuring effective communication

ii. Apply the most appropriate leadership style in your organization.

iii. Delegation of responsibility with commensurate authority

iv. Encourage bargaining and negotiation

v. Encourage of work groups formation and upgrading.

The importance of conflict management

A conflict arises when individual have varied interests opinion and thought processes

and is just not willing to compromise with each other. It is always wise to adjust to extent

and try to find a solution to the problem rather than cribbing and fighting. Conflicts have the

following importance;

a. Conflict management helps in preventing the fight at the first place rather than

facing its negative consequences.

b. People feel motivated happy and the world definitely becomes a much better

place to stay as a result of conflict management.

c. Conflict management help to find a middle way and alternative to any

problem and successful implementation of the idea. Problem must be

addressed at the right time to prevent conflict management skills on

individual explores all the possible reasons to worry which might later lead to

a big problem and tries to resolve it as soon as possible.

d. Conflict management also plays an important role in our personal lives.

Tussles and fights spoil relationship and only increase our list enemies.

Everyone needs friends who will stand by us when we need them. Conflict

must be avoided at home as it spoils the ambience and spreads negativity,

individual tend to disrespect others as a result of conflicts.


Productivity is commonly defined as a ration between the output volume and the

volume of inputs. In other words, it measure how effectiveness production inputs, such as

labour and capital are being used in an economy growth and competiveness and as such is

basic statistical information for many international comparisons and country performance

assessments. Organizational productivity is usually related to efficiency and effectiveness of

any organization. It is the capacity of an organization institution or business to produce

desired result with a minimum expenditure of energy, time money, personnel material e.t.c. it

is based on ration. The GDP to total hour worked in the period in an organization.

Measure of organization productivity

These are many ways of measuring the effectiveness of organization. Combell (1977) list the

different criteria from productivity profits, growth turnover stability, Cohesion and


The organization productivity measurement can further be sub-divided into two

namely: The input measurement and the output measurement.

More clients and customer naturally focus on output measurement because it deals with

whether the organization meet required target. Whether they make provision for the needs of

people and lastly whether they meet the expectation of their targeting audience.

In addition to measurement of organization productivity can broadly be divided into

two which are the market and non-market organization. Many people emphasize the

difference between market and non-market organization. The traditional view is that properly

functioning market. Effectiveness can be readily measured in the market place and directly

influenced by customers satisfaction. However, in nonmarket organization the effectiveness

of an organization is also measure because public organization often operates in non market


Importance of organization productivity

Organization productivity contributes immensely to the growth of an organization. Some of

the importance are highlighted below:

i. They serve as standard by which accomplishment can be compared.

ii. They serve as a priority system over opposing interest

iii. They make possible decentralization of authority by allowing commonly held

objectives to serve as coordinators.

iv. Individuals tends to participate in group activity to the extent that they perceive

group goals as providing degrees of satisfaction for their individual needs.

The effect of conflict management on organization productivity

There is nothing that has advantages and does not have disadvantage. So also it is

importance to know that all conflicts are bad and not all conflict are good.

According to Hocker and Wilmet in 1995, conflict can create negative impact to

groups but may also lead to positive effects depending on the nature of the conflict. The

positive effect of conflict management are:

i. Improving the quality of decisions

ii. Stimulating involvement in the discussion and building group cohesion

In addition, conflict management also will be potentially destructive in groups especially

when it consumes individual member energies. Instead of concentrating on the productive

activities of the organization.

Furthermore, it also creates interpersonal hostility among the workers. This may

disrupt the zeal of working with each other in order to achieve organizational goals and




Conflict is a face that must be managed rather than avoided. Managers should never try to

avoid all organizational conflicts but they must try to keep the conflict at a functional and

moderate level. It helps to contribute altering efforts which profit the organization.

Additionally, managers must compete to keep the organizational conflict focused on

consistent task based problems. Managers can achieve it by minimizing conflict relying on

personal animosities and disagreements.

Managing organizational conflicts.

To manage an organizational conflict effectively, managers should perceive the

sources and types of conflict present in an organization and formulate strategies accordingly

(Deutsch and Coleman 2000; Hatch, 1997), for managers it is necessary to create the skills

that are important to effectively manage the conflicts arising in an organization since

performance of an organization is highly related to the conflict occurring in an organization.

The figure below shows the relationship between conflict and organizational productivity.

Figure 2.1 Relationship between conflict and organizational productivity.

At point A, there is small or no organizational conflict and the organization

productivity suffers. In an organization, lack of conflict often indicates that the managers put

conformity at the new ideas expenses. This impervious to strive and change for agreement

rather than making the decision process effective. As the organizational conflict increases

from point A to B, organizational has a desirable conflict level (point B);

i. Managers are probably to be open and encourage different perspective

ii. Look for ways to improve the effectiveness and functioning of organization

iii. And they view disagreements and debates as n important part for making effective


As the conflict level increases from point B to C, conflict escalating to the point where

the performance of organization suffers. Managers are likely to waste resources of the

organization for personal gains.

From the figure it is very clear that an optimum level of organizational conflict is

necessary for every organization to make effective decisions and exhibit excellent

performance. Also, it is understood that an organization with zero conflict fail to exhibit good

performance. Hence, conflict is important for an organization to attain success.


Over the years, three distinct views have evolved about conflict in organization. These


i. Traditional view (classical view)

ii. Behavioural / contemporary view (Human relations)

iii. Interactionist view

The traditional view assumes that conflicts is bad, always has a negative impact and

leads to declines in performance as the level of conflict increases. Conflict must therefore

always be avoided.

Although that approach worked sometimes, it was not generally effective; when they

are suppressed, the root causes cannot be identified and the potentially positive aspects of

conflict emerge.

The behaviorist or contemporary view also known as the human relations view,

emerged in the late 1940s and held sway through the 1970s, it argues that conflict is a natural

and inevitable in all organizations and that it may have either a negative effect, depending on

how the conflict is handled. Productivity may increase with conflict but only up to a certain

level and then decline if conflict is allowed to increase further or is left unresolved.

The interactionist view assumes that conflict is necessary to increase productivity.

While the behavioural approach accepts conflicts, the interactionist view encourages conflict

based on the belief that a harmonious, peaceful tranquil, too. Cooperative project of

organization is likely to become static, a pathetic, stagnant and unable to respond to change

and innovation.

Theories of conflict management these are theories that have been put forward to explain the

management of conflict. In this study three of such views are explored. They include:

a. The power-parity conflict management theory

Dubin (1960) opined that the emergency of industrial conflict is premised on the

existence of power parity between or among the industrial actors. He conclude that to

manage the conflict, the most viable solution is to neutralize or bring to an end

institutionalized collective bargaining and ensures power equality between the parties at the

bargaining table. He concluded that the both parties must know the muscle flexing will

damage the economy or destabilize the society and both parties will be blamed for it.

b. Basic and procedural conflict management theory

This theory was propounded by Eldridge and Cameron (1964), the theory proofs the

fact that some industrial actions are the expression of or protest against our model rules and

the demand to correct them. Examples are industrial strikes directed to increase waves but

rather, as a protest against lack of improvement in the work environment.

c. Group open theory of Conflict Management

Kanhanzer and his associates proposed that individual conflicts are mostly the result

of the desire to satisfy group interest which often runs counter to those of management. Such

desire spark off strike actions that have the importance of rallying the groups in conflict

around a special goal and bring issues involved in the disputes.

However, organizational conflict theory says that there are several varieties of

conflicts within a given enterprise, with interpersonal being only one type departments have

conflict with one another, senior management have power struggles and teams/ organizations

even have conflict with other team or organization.

Everyone experience conflict in their life, so it should not be surprised that is also

occur in the workplace.


Hotepo and Okomba (2010) investigate the effect of organization conflict on

organizational performance or productivity.

The research revealed that limited resources is the major cause of conflict and that

conflicts have both negative and positive effects on organization but when managed properly,

the effect can be used to encourage organizational innovativeness and build cooperation

among the employees.

Uchendu, Anija Obi-Idem and Odigwe (2013) examined the relationship that exists

between principals conflict management and organization productivity.

The result of the analysis reveals that there is a significant relationship between

principals conflict in terms of teacher-teacher conflict (TTC) and organizational


The study further find out that interpersonal conflicts are the dominants conflicts in

Nigerian companies and accommodation ranks highest as techniques of conflict avoidance.

The study recommends that managers in various organizations should encourage open

communication policy so that all employees get the right information at the right time.




This chapter reveals the steps taken in arriving at the findings of this project work.

These include; the research design, the population of the study, sampling design and

procedures, data collection instruments, validity and reliability, administration of data

collection schedule and the procedures for processing and analyzing collected data.


According to Osuala (2001) Research design is the structuring of investigation aimed

at identifying variable and their relationship to one another. In most cases, it could be in line

with any type of research survey, descriptive, experimental or expo-facto design.

Asika (1991) defined research design as a choice among alternative ways to collect

information that will satisfy the research objective.

The descriptive design was used in the study because the study involve collection of

data through questionnaire. The questionnaire were highly structured with most of the

questionnaire been straight forward to enable easy coding and leading respondent to express

their views in precise terms, this was done because it will lead to an insight on to an

employers trait and personal opinion.


Osuala (2010) defines population as the means of identifying characteristics which

members of the universe have in common and which will identify each unit as being a

member of particular group.

The population of the study is the whole of the group within which the research

finding could be based or applicable for the purpose of this study, the population or number

of workers in Cadbury Nig. Plc Lagos is one Thousand and Fifteen (1015) which consist of:

Management of Cadbury Nig. Plc, Senior Staffs of Cadbury Nig. Plc. and Junior Staff of

Cadbury Nig. Plc.


According to Adewoye (2000) sample can be defined as a part of an entire population

study. In sampling, we select a few people from the population of the study for observation

as a true representative of that population. There are four (4) different methods of selecting

the sample size among which are

(a) Simple random sampling

(b) Systematic sampling

(c) Stratified sampling

(d) Cluster

In this study, the simple random sampling was used because the method gives each of

the unit in the population to be covered, and to have equal chance of probability of being

selected. Simple random sampling method was used in selecting 100 respondents.


This deals with the specification of the instruments used in collecting data relevant to

the study. This may be through communication method or observation method. The methods

employed in carrying out this research work are both primary and secondary data.

Questionnaire was the main research instrument use to collect relevant data from the

respondents, supplement with personal observation and face to face interview of some key

staff to verify the information given in the questionnaire.

The questionnaire is a structural type in which there were alternative responses for the

respondents to choose from and to comment where necessary.


Validity concentrates on the uses of scale or design instruments to measure the

capacity of what is able of measuring or the ability of measuring accurately.

Validity can be said to be extent of which questionnaire distributed to collect

information could obtain the result which is expected to obtain. Questionnaire was the main

instrument used in this research work. It helps the researcher to gather data on this study.

Reliability is used to refer to the degree of variable errors in measurement. It can be

defined as the extent to which attitude is measured in a number of times. Also it shows

clearly when the same measurement is taken but yet the same result came out even when a

different researcher is used he will arrive at the same solution. Therefore, this implies that

research methodology can be said to be reliable, since it produces the same result after

repeated usage.

There are number of methods use in determining the reliability of research instrument

used. They are

i. The test retest method

ii. The equivalent

iii. Split-half

Perhaps, for the purpose of this project the test retest method was employed to determine the

reliability of the data collected from the respondents.


Permission was obtained from the personnel management and the security head

before the researcher could distribute the questionnaire to the respondents which cut across

various section or departments of Cadbury Nigeria Plc., Lagos State. They were compelled to

fill it immediately and individually so that they can be free from any outside influence so as

to equip the research work with full information Hundred (100) questionnaires were

administered and Hundred (100) copies were received.


According to Adewoye (2000) data analysis involve the employment of certain

appropriate statistical analysis provided in business and social research. These are descriptive

and inferential statistics.

Descriptive statistics is a statistical computation describing the characteristics of a

sample in most cases. It involves the use of tabulation and simple percentage analysis

Inferential statistics: This goes beyond merely describing the characteristics

between variable and make inference about the larger population from a sample population.

Since the study is on the effect of conflict management on organization

productivity analysis was carried out in order to know how effective it is to organization


In spite of this, the researcher makes use of simple percentage technique to present

and analysed the data gathered through the questionnaire administered to the respondents

which were correctly filled and returned.

Chi-square sit he major inferential statistics this study adopted. A chi-square test of

independence was used to test the hypothesis of the study.

( )2
Formular: ( 2 ) =

Where 2 = Chi Square

= Observed Frequency

= Expected Frequency

= Summation sign




The aim of this chapter is to analyze and interpret the results of response obtained

from answers in the questionnaire administered for the study.

Also attempt will be made to present the various findings discovered from the

personal observations and analysis will made on them.

The analysis starts with the respondents characteristics and classifications then

followed by the presentation of data analysis according to research questions which will be

very useful and assist in drawing conclusion.


In survey research response rate is also known as completion rate or return rate. It is

the number of people who answered the survey divided by the number of people in the

sample. It is usually expressed in the form of a percentage. The term is used in direct

marketing to refer to the number of people who responded to an offer.

Furthermore, it is worthy to note that out of hundred (100) questionnaire which were

distributed all the hundred were correctly filled and returned, making a hundred percent

(100%) rate of return.


TABLE 4.3.1: Gender of Respondents

Gender No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

Male 57 57
Female 43 43
Total 100 100
Source: Field Survey, 2017

From the table above, it shows that 57 respondents representing 57% are male, while 43

respondents representing 43% are female, this shows that majority of the respondents were


Table 4.3.2: Age of Respondents

Age grade No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

Below 25 years 16 16
26 35 years 31 31
36 45 years 28 28
46 and above 25 25
Total 100 100
Source: Field Survey, 2017

The table 4.3.2 above shows that 16 respondents representing 16% were below 25 years, 31

respondents representing 31% were between 26 35 years, while 28 respondents

representing 28% were between 36 45 years and 25 respondents, representing 25% were

between 46 and above. This table shows that majority of the respondents were between 26

35 years.

Table 4.3.3 : Respondents marital Status

Status No of Respondents Percentage (%)

Single 21 21
Married 43 43
Estrange - -
Widows 28 28
Divorced 8 8
Total 100 100
Source: Field Survey, 2017

The table 4.3.3. above shows that 21 respondents representing 21% were single, while 43

respondents, representing 43% were married and also 28 respondents representing 28% were

widows, while 8 respondents, representing 8% were divorced. This shows that majority of

the respondents were married.

Table 4.3.4 : Respondent Educational Qualification

Qualification No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

School certificate 12 12
National Diploma / NCE 16 16
First Degree / Equivalent 30 30
M.Sc/MBA/Equivalent 37 37
Doctorate Degree/Equivalent 5 5
Professionals - -
Others - -
Total 100 100
Source: Field Survey, 2017

The table above shows that 12 respondents, representing 12% were school certificate holders,

16 respondents representing 16% were National Diploma/NCE holder, 30 respondents

representing 30% were first degree or equivalent, 37 respondents representing 375 were

MSC/MBA/Equivalent holders, 5 respondents, 5% were doctorate degree holders while

professionals and others did not have any record. This shows that majority of the respondents

were masters equivalent.

Table 4.3.5 : Respondents level in the company

Level No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

Junior staff 57 57
Senior staff 33 33
Top management officer/executives 10 10
Total 100 100
Source: Field Survey, 2017

The table above shows that 57 respondents, representing 57% were junior staff, 33

respondents, representing 33% were senior staff while 10 respondents, representing 10%

were top management officers. This shows that majority of the respondents were junior staff.


Table 4.4.1: Have you ever experience conflict on your organization before?

Alternative No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

Strongly Agreed 78 78
Agreed - -
Undecided 22 22
Disagreed - -
Strongly Disagreed - -
Total 100 100
Source: Field Survey, 2017

The table 4.4.1 shows that without any benefit of doubt Cadbury Nig. Plc Lagos has

experience conflict before. The table shows that 78 respondents, representing 78% strongly

agree, 22 respondents, representing 22 % were undecided. This show that majority of the

respondents were strongly agreed.

Table 4.4.2: If agreed, between who?

Alternative No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

Junior staff/senior staff 32 32
Senior staff & Junior Staff 51 51
Senior staff & top management officer 17 17
Total 100 100%
Source: Field Survey, 2017

The table 4.4.2 above shows that most of the conflict that happens in the company is majorly

between senior staff and junior staff.

Table 4.4.3: How did you manage the conflict?

Alternative No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

Through industrial relation unit 32 32
Through consecutive meeting with management 51 51
Though interpersonal relationship 17 17
Total 100 100
Source: Field Survey, 2017

The table 4.4.3 above give the light on how conflict is being managed, 18 respondents

representing 18% were stated through industrial relation unit. 62 representing 62% state that

conflict can be manage through consecutive meeting the management and staff , 20

respondents representing 20% were choose through interpersonal relationship. This shows

that majority of the conflict that has happened in Cadbury Nig Plc were settled through

consecutive meeting with management and staff.

Table 4.4.4: Does conflict management have anything to do with organization


Alternative No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

Strongly Agreed 100 100
Agreed - -
Undecided - -
Disagreed - -
Strongly Disagreed - -
Total 100 100%
Source: Field Survey, 2017

From the table above without no doubt there are proof that shows that conflict management

plays an official role in organizational productivity with how all the respondents stated

strongly agreed with 100%.

Table 4.4.5: If strongly agreed what is the effect of conflict management on

organization productivity.

Alternative No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

To stimulate good decision making 100 100
No effect - -
No idea - -
- -
Total 100 100%
Source: Field Survey, 2017

In the light of the above table analysis, it shows that there is no doubt that effect conflict

management on organization productivity is to stimulate good decision making and anything

outside this fact is not to be considered.

Table 4.4.6: Do you think there is anything like organization productivity in Cadbury

Nig. Plc?

Alternative No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

Strongly Agreed 70 70
Agreed - -
Undecided - -
Disagreed - -
Strongly Disagreed 30 30
Total 100 100%
Source: Field Survey, 2017

Table 4.4.6 above shows that 70 respondents representing 70% strongly agreed while 30

respondents representing 30% strongly disagreed to the statement. This shows that majority

of the respondent were strongly agreed that there is something called organization

productivity in the company.

Table 4.4.7: How does conflict management contribute to labour productivity in an


Alternative No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

By having mutual understanding 23 23
By cooperating with each other 22 22
All of the above 55 55
Total 100 100%
Source: Field Survey, 2017

Table 4.4.7 above shows that 23 respondents representing 23% choose the option of having

mutual understanding, 22 respondents representing 22% choose by cooperating with each

other, while 55 respondent, representing 55% choose all of the above, this means that conflict

management contribute to labour productivity in an organization by having mutual

understanding and cooperating with each other.

Table 4.4.8 :Conflict is an instrument good for every organization to fight for their right

Alternative No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

Strongly Agreed 5 5
Agreed 10 10
Undecided - -
Disagreed 30 30
Strongly Disagreed 55 55
Total 100 100%
Source: Field Survey, 2017

Table 4.4.8 above shows that 5 respondents representing 5% were strongly agreed, 10

respondents representing 10% agreed, 30 respondents representing 30%$ disagreed, while 55

respondents representing 55% strongly disagreed to the statement. This shows that majority

of the respondent strongly disagreed which shows that conflict as an instrument is not good

for every organization to fight for their right.

Table 4.4.9: Inability to pay workers salary as at when due and imposition of decision

on workers can cause conflict in an organization

Alternative No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

Inability to pay workers Salary as at when due 20 20
Imposition of decision on workers 10 10
All of the above 70 70
Total 100 100%
Source: Field Survey, 2017

Table 4.4.9 above shows that 20 respondents representing 20% were chosen inability to pay

workers salary as at when due. 10 respondents representing 10% said imposition of decision

on workers while 70 respondents representing 70% were chosen all of the above. This shows

that majority of the respondents were said all of the above, which shows that inability to pay

workers salary as at when due and imposition of decision on workers can cause conflict in an


Table 4.4.10: Conflicts help the management of an organization to change their decision

Alternative No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

Strongly Agreed 100 100
Agreed - -
Undecided - -
Disagreed - -
Strongly Disagreed - -
Total 100 100%
Source: Field Survey, 2017

Table 4.4.10 above shows that 100 respondents representing 100% strongly agreed while

others have no record. This shows that majority of the respondent strongly agreed. That

conflict help management of an organization to change their decision.

Table 4.4.11: Can there be anything like organization productivity without managing


Alternative No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

Strongly Agreed 5 5
Agreed - -
Undecided 1 1
Disagreed 94 94
Strongly Disagreed - -
Total 100 100%
Source: Field Survey, 2017

The table 4.4.11 above shows that 5 respondents representing 5% strongly agreed that there

can be organization productivity without managing conflict, 1 respondent representing 1%

was undecided, while 94 respondents representing 94% strongly disagreed to the statement.

This shows that majority of the respondents strongly disagreed that there will be nothing like

organization productivity without managing conflict.

Table 4.4.12: Conflicts have effect on labour productivity in an organization?

Alternative No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

Strongly Agreed 65 65
Agreed - -
Undecided 5 5
Disagreed 30 30
Strongly Disagreed - -
Total 100 100%
Source: Field Survey, 2017

The table 4.4.12 above shows that 65 respondents representing 65% strongly agreed that

conflict have effect on labour productivity in an organization, 5 respondents representing 5%

were undecided while 30 respondents representing 30% of the respondents disagreed that

conflict has effect on labour productivity in an organization.

Table 4.4.13: If strongly agreed what kind of effect?

Alternative No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

It destroy the proper functioning of organization 20 20
It gives workers right to question the authority 27 27
All of the above 53 53
Total 100 100%
Source: Field Survey, 2017

The table 4.4.13 above shows that 20 respondents representing 20% stated that it destroys the

proper functioning of organization, 27 respondents representing 27% said it gives workers

the right to question the authority while 53 respondents representing 53% said all of the

above. This shows that majority of the respondents said all of the above which shows the

kind of effect conflict have on labour productivity and it gives workers right to question


Table 4.4.14 :Can conflict management lead to high productivity in an organization

Alternative No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

Strongly Agreed 60 60
Agreed - -
Undecided 10 10
Disagreed - -
Strongly Disagreed 30 30
Total 100 100%
Source: Field Survey, 2017

The above table shows that 60 respondents representing 60% strongly agreed that conflict

management can lead to high productivity in an organization. 10 respondents representing

10% were undecided while 30 respondents representing 30% strongly disagreed to the

statement. This shows that majority of the respondents strongly agreed, that conflict

management can leads to high productivity in an organization.

Table 4.4.15: How can conflict be avoided?

Alternative No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

Through proper understanding 23 23
Through compromise 22 22
All of the above 55 55
None of the above - -
Total 100 100%
Source: Field Survey, 2017

The above tables shows that 23 respondents representing 23% were of the opinion that it is

through proper understanding, 22 respondents representing 22% were of the opinion that it is

through compromise while 55 respondents were of the opinion that it is through both proper

understanding and reaching compromise.


For proper presentation and analysis of the data collection , the three hypothesis were tested

where necessary in order to test the hypothesis stated in chapter one. Using chi-square


Formular ==

Where, RT = Row total

CT = Column total

GT = Grand total

Therefore, formular for the chi-square is

( )2

Where X2 = Chi-square

O = Observed Number of respondents

E = Expected Value

Total number of Respondent

Expected Value (E) =
Number of alternative provided
1 = = 20



Hypothesis been tested based on the table 4.4.14

Effective conflict management does not lead to high productivity in an organization.

Alternative ( )2 ( )2

Strongly Agreed 60 20 40 1600 80

Agreed - - - - -

Undecided 10 20 -10 100 5

Disagreed - - - - -

Strongly disagreed 30 20 10 100 5

Total 100 90

Level of significance = 5% or 0.05

X2 Table value = 9.488

= ( 1)( 1) = (15 1) = 4 4 = 16

Decision rule: Reject the null (Ho) hypothesis, if the computed value is greater than the X2


Conclusion: since X2 computed value (90) is greater than the X2 table value (9.488), the null

(Ho) hypothesis would be rejected which means that effective conflict management leads to

high productivity in an organization.


Hypothesis been tested based on the table 4.4.12

Conflict management does not contribute to labour productivity in an organization.

Alternative ( )2 ( )2

Strongly Agreed 65 20 45 2025 101.25

Agreed - - - - -

Undecided 5 20 -15 225 11.25

Disagreed 30 20 10 100 5

Strongly disagreed - - - - -

Total 100 117.5

Level of significance = 5% or 0.05

X2 Table value = 9.488

= ( 1)( 1) = (15 1) = 4 4 = 16

Decision rule: Reject the null (Ho) hypothesis, if the computed value is greater than the X2


Conclusion: since X2 computed value (117.5) is greater than the X2 table value (9.488), the

null (Ho) hypothesis would be rejected which means that conflict management contribute to

labour productivity in an organization.


Hypothesis been tested based on the table 4.4.11

There is no relationship; between conflict management and organization productivity.

Alternative ( )2 ( )2

Strongly Agreed 5 20 -15 225 11.25

Agreed - - - - -

Undecided 1 20 -19 361 18.05

Disagreed 94 20 74 5476 273.8

Strongly disagreed - - - - -

Total 100 303.1

Level of significance = 5% or 0.05

X2 Table value = 9.488

= ( 1)( 1) = (15 1) = 4 4 = 16

Decision rule: Reject the null (Ho) hypothesis, if the computed value is greater than the X2


Conclusion: since X2 computed value (303.1) is greater than the X2 table value (9.488), the

null (Ho) hypothesis would be rejected which means that there is relationship between

conflict management and organization productivity.


Questionnaires, which were the main source of data collection instrument, were obtained

from the respondents and checked for completeness. The data obtained from the

questionnaires was examined to detect errors and questions(s) that were not answered

properly all the mistakes were analyzed and properly answered. This increased accuracy,

consistency and reliability of the gathered facts.

Data completeness and uniformity was maintained and this facilitated application of other

data classification and tabulation. As such at the end of the course this study, it was noticed


Any organization that plan, need to manage conflict effectively which lead to high

productivity in an organization

Conflict management contribute to labour productivity in an organization

Conflict management is mostly carried out by all the level of management in order to

boost organization productivity.




This is concerned with the summary of the finding regarding the effect of conflict

management in organization productivity. From the research conducted, the following

information were discovered.

In this aspect, it was revealed that Cadbury Nig. Plc Lagos has experienced conflict at

various levels ranging from different causes.

Furthermore, it was also discovered that the causes of conflict in any organization is

inability to pay workers salaries and allowances when due. Imposition of unpopular decision

on workers can lead to conflict in the organization.

However, the researcher find out that conflict can be managed in Cadbury Nig. Plc

Lagos through consecutive meeting with the management. It further proves that conflict

management plays an efficient role in organization productivity which helps to stimulate

good decision making by the management.

On this point it is said that there cannot be anything like organization productivity

without managing conflict. However it was revealed on the findings that no human

establishment exist and function over the time without conflict and conflict management has

created a lot of fair play with the organization and one can realize from the finding that there

is productivity in Cadbury Nig. Plc Lagos because it is known to be one of the leading

company in production of confectionaries and beverage in Nigeria.

Finally, from the analysis of data which was discovered that no organization can be

devoid of conflict but as a result of this there is a need to put a measure in which conflict can

be managed in an organization.


From the research studies on the effect of conflict management on organization

productivity, the information and analysis gathered from the Cadbury Nig. Plc Lagos State

and the interpretation of the tested hypothesis from the table, it was actually shown that no

human establishment exists and functions overtime without conflict, and conflict

management has created a lot of fair play in the cause of having a mutual relationship with

the organization.

Just like an adage that says we disagree to agree conflict management and

resolution has brought in a lot of positive changes at the Cadbury Nig. Plc. Lagos in all

complicated situations.


In the course of conducting this research work, I encountered some difficulties and

problem. First of all, the major constraint was that not all information were given due to non-

cooperative attitude of the staff and at times there were some secrete they dont want to give


Another aspect of this was financial constraint, price of things have risen

astronomically today and much money is needed for this research work which was not



Having considered the above findings relating the effect of conflict management on

organization productivity, the following recommendations were made for the proper

considerations of the management of Cadbury Nig. Plc.

The management of Cadbury Nig. Plc should make sure that there is harmonious

relationship between the top management, junior staff and senior staff and with this conflict

can be reduce to minimum level and also to increase organization productivity.

It is also recommended that agreement reached collectively between all the parties

involve in the organization must be properly adhered to through conflict management.

It is recommended that the management of Cadbury Nig. Plc Lagos should not

impose decision on his employees without proper consultation and consideration.

Communication gap between management and staff, employer and employee and also

marketers and customers must be bridged.

It is also recommended that there should be good working conditions such as prompt

payment of wages and salaries as at when due. Welfare of staff must be a priority to the

management to avoid conflict.

It is recommended that managers in various organization to develop best strategies on

how to manage conflict in their organizations in order to enhance effective productivity.


It is suggested that further study can be carry out on the same topic but in service

enterprises so as to find out if the same fact holds. The same study need to be carried out on

a larger population using more than one company so as to ascertain the fact that conflict

management have a great effect on organization productivity which will undoubtedly lead to

an increase in the profit of an organization.


Ebeloku A.I. (2004): Understanding Industrial Relation in Nigeria, Ilorin SMS printing and


Fajana Sola (2000) Industrial Relation in Nigeria theory and features Lagos Labofin and


Ibrahim B.G. T.A. Adewoye, O.J. Odetunde and Ijaya G.T. (2000) Introduction to social

science Research Method 1st Edition, Osogbo, Ferm PRINT Lithographic Press.

Obisi (2005), Understanding and Managing Conflicts in the workplace, Lagos: Intec


Ogun Bameru O.A. (2004) Organizational dynamic , Ibadan Spectrum Book Limited.

Ojo, M. (2005) Conflict Management Strategic and effects on Corporate Performance

Management in Nigeria Vol. 4. No. 7

Okomba, M. (2005) What to do about Organizational Conflicts Business Times.

Osborne, B. (2001) Managing Organizations: Issues and Strategies

Otobo D. (2000) Industrial Relation Theory and controversies, Lagos Oxford Malth house

Press Limited.

Sinclair V. (2005) Corporate Management, Approaches to Conflict Resolution

Ubaku, A. (2003) Industrial Relations Management Lagos Longman

Ugbajo (2002) Conflict Management and Industrial Performance Benin City.


Department of Business Administration

Federal Polytechnic

P.M.B. 420


Kwara State

Dear Respondents,

Good day, this questionnaire is designed by a student of the above mentioned

department and institution in partial fulfillment for the award of Higher National Diploma
(HND) in Business Administration conducting a research on the Effect of Conflict
Management on Organization Productivity using Cadbury Nig. Plc Lagos as a case study.

You are kindly requested to complete the questionnaire by answering the questions in
the most honest manner since the success of this work depends on your assistance.

The answer supplied by respondents shall be treated in absolute confidence.

Thanks for your anticipated co-operation.

Yours faithfully,




INSTRUCTION: Please tick () in the appropriate box


1. Gender of respondents
a. Male [ ]
b. Female [ ]
2. Age of Respondents
a. Below 25 years [ ]
b. 26 35 years [ ]
c. 36 45 years [ ]
d. 46 years and above [ ]
3. Marital Status
a. Single [ ]
b. Married [ ]
c. Estrange [ ]
d. Widow [ ]
e. Divorced [ ]
4. Educational Qualification Of Respondents
a. School certificate or equivalent [ ]
b. National Diploma / NCE or equivalent [ ]
c. First degree or equivalent [ ]
d. Post graduate [ ]
e. Professional qualification [ ]
5. Respondents level in the company
a. Senior staff [ ]
b. Junior staff [ ]
c. Top management executive [ ]


6. Have you even experience conflict on your organization before?

a. Strongly agreed [ ]
b. Agreed [ ]
c. Undecided [ ]
d. Disagreed [ ]
e. Strongly disagreed [ ]
7. If agreed between who?
a. Junior staff and senior staff [ ]
b. Senior staff and junior staff [ ]
c. Senior staff and top management officer [ ]
8. How then did you manage the conflict?
a. Through the industrial relation unit [ ]
b. Through consecutive meeting with management and staff [ ]
c. Through interpersonal relationship [ ]
9. Does conflict management have anything to do with organization productivity?
a. Strongly agreed [ ]
b. Agreed [ ]
c. Undecided [ ]
d. Disagreed [ ]
e. Strongly disagreed [ ]

10. If strongly agreed, what is the effect of conflict management on organization

a. To stimulate good decision [ ]
b. No effect [ ]
c. No idea [ ]
11. Do you think there is anything like organization productivity in Cadbury Nig. Plc.?
a. Strongly agreed [ ]
b. Agreed [ ]
c. Undecided [ ]

d. Disagreed [ ]
e. Strongly disagreed [ ]
12. How does conflict management contribute to labour productivity in an organization?
a. By having a natural understanding with all level [ ]
b. By cooperating with each other [ ]
c. All of the above [ ]
13. Conflict as an instrument is good for every organization to fight for their right?
a. Strongly agreed [ ]
b. Agreed [ ]
c. Undecided [ ]
d. Disagreed [ ]
e. Strongly disagreed [ ]

14. What do you think can cause conflict in a an organization

a. Inability to pay workers salary as at when due [ ]
b. Maltreatment of workers [ ]
c. Imposition of decision on workers [ ]
d. All of the above [ ]
15. Conflicts help the management of an organization to change their decision?
a. Strongly agreed [ ]
b. Agreed [ ]
c. Undecided [ ]
d. Disagreed [ ]
e. Strongly disagreed [ ]
16. Can there be anything like organization productivity without managing conflict?
a. Strongly agreed [ ]
b. Agreed [ ]
c. Undecided [ ]
d. Disagreed [ ]
e. Strongly disagreed [ ]
17. Does conflict have effect on labour productivity in an organization?

a. Strongly agreed [ ]
b. Agreed [ ]
c. Undecided [ ]
d. Disagreed [ ]
e. Strongly disagreed [ ]
18. If agreed what kind of negative effect?
a. It destroys the proper functioning of organization productivity [ ]
b. It gives workers right to question the authority [ ]
c. All of the above [ ]
d. None of the above [ ]
19. Can conflict management leads to high productivity in an organization?\
a. Strongly agreed [ ]
b. Agreed [ ]
c. Undecided [ ]
d. Disagreed [ ]
e. Strongly disagreed [ ]
20. How can conflict be avoided?
a. Through proper understanding [ ]
b. Through compromise [ ]
c. All of the above [ ]
d. None of the above [ ]


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