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Test Flight Problem Set Q9

9. Given an infinite collection An , n 1,2,..., of intervals of the real line, their

intersection is defined to be

An {x | (n)( x An )}
n 1
Give an example of a family of intervals An , n 1,2,..., such that An1 An

for all n and n 1
An . Prove that your example has the stated

The example is: (0, )
First, we prove An1 An

1 1 1 1
n 1 n (0, ) (0, ) and done.
n 1 n n 1 n

The second property is (n)( An )
n 1

Proof by contradiction.

Assume (n)(x)( x An ) , So (n)(x)( x (0, )) ()
1 1 1
Let m , So x , So x (0, ) and this is in contradiction with ()
x m m

So there isnt any x s.t. (n)( x An ) and so n 1
An .

Hence we showed (0, ) has both properties. Done

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