Emojis of The Twitterverse: A Study of Gender and Age

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Which gender (male or female) tweets emojis with greater

frequency? Of these two genders, which age group (-30 or 30+) will tweet
Emojis of the #Tweeters 10 males: 5 under the age of 30, 5 over 30. Ten females: 5 under the age
of 30, 5 over 30. + #AgeIsNotANumber #AgeIsClearlyAWord #Linguistics
emojis with greater frequency? #ScratchingMyHead #Ruminating

A Study of #Gender and #Age
In #MoreThan
#Method Natural communication = critical to analysis of language use @Labov.
#Hypothesis Females -30 will tweet emojis with greater frequency than their 140 characters! Twitter is spontaneously so #SeeTrump. In selecting subjects, I scanned 3 hashtags:
four above-tweeted counterpart subgroups. #WeWantAnswers

#VanityFair, #The1975, and #Fun (the online equivalent of three real-life
experiment locations). I chose first 5 unverified users of each subgroup with 20+
original tweets (no retweets). I used profile pic to determine ages

4 1
5 2 H
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#Limitations Small sample population (& only 20 tweets per subject) makes #MethodContinued. I analyzed a total 400 tweets. I tallied each tweeters total
results difficult to extrapolate to larger population. Determining ages was often number of emojis in those 20 tweets & calculated for subgroup. I tallied emojis
problematic #iHadToGuess. My use of only 3 hashtags to find subjects meant
(versus emoticons). The former represent all things, not simply emotions (which
those tweeters may not have been representative. One tweeter a girl under 30 the latter does represent).
skewed data slightly. #iWantToBreakFree


u t s p
108 #ByAndrewHill N
Emojis F 87
C 21
13 #Results Males -30 years tweeted 8 emojis. Male subjects 30+ tweeted 5 emojis. Males of
all ages tweeted a collective 13 emojis. Females -30 tweeted 87 emojis. Females 30+ 0 B
E years tweeted 21 emojis. Females of all ages tweeted a collective 108 emojis. The results
were as I predicted. At 87 emojis, females -30 tweeted more than their counterpart
groups. I would be interested in follow-up research: Which specific emojis were most
(-30) (+30) (-30) (+30)
popular? #MakeLinguisticsGreatAgain #ItsAlreadyGreat! #LookRightAndLeft

Copy and Paste Emoji No apps required. (n.d.). Retrieved February 21, 2017, from http://getemoji.com/ Labov, W. (n.d.). The social stratification of (r) in New York City department stores. The Social Stratification of
English in New York City,40-57.

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