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FAITHS anb PANTHEONS Eric L. Boyd and Erik Mona Exic L, Bord Erik Mona Designens Anortiowae Designens Richarp Baker, Letra Boy, Eric Happock, Gwenpouy FM. KesrRet, JoLra Maro Devcon Sean K REYNOLDS Gwenpovy F-M. KesrRet, JENNIFER CLARKE WILKES, PENNY WILLIAMS RICHARD BaKeR Greaney Diiveron ANTHONY VALTERRA Business Masagun Vice-Paesinesr RPG RED——IBILL SLAVICSEK ‘Vacr- Pasatnexr Pustinnixg —i Mary KIRCHOFF Drojoer Masigen Mantiy DugaM (Cras DrLonc Pnooucrion Maxage Snr, Loe Resource fom Us. CANADA, ASA, PAGEIG, LATIN AMERICA "iar ofthe Conse "PO. ox 707 Farin WA 96057-0707 FAITHS ann PANTHEONS RowERT RAPER RoweRr CAMPBELL Grapnne Designs Cnerita Fiance DEE BARNETT Brom Coven Ani GLEN ANGUS Iyreiion Anrises CARLO ARELLANO PUDDNEEAD Brom ‘Corey Macourrk DENNIS CaLERO_StemiaNie PulrMun Law MicHarL DusiscH | WaYSe REYNOLDS Wayne ENGLAND Mike Sass Manx Evans Marx SMYLIE Scorr FiscHFR ARNIE SWEKEL Lars Gaant-West BEN TEMPLESMITH MicuaFL W. KaLura Kev WALKER Vince Lock, Marr Wiison Topp Lockwoop Renick Woops Raves Mimura Sam Woop Dennis Kauri Canrognapiten ANGELIKA LoKoTz, Sonya PERCrVAL ypesereens EC em Chole, Ady Cli Dae Doerr Ton Evan La wey Cae cart Chi Gila Ahr Fray Mc Hu Quentin Soa epi Kat Janos, Kee ay, Jomtas Sop i Revie Move, ive Mather, Jos Ongar. Tem “i” Ovi Dat Pgd acery RA ‘nk tte, Mie Se, Caste Sopa Sa Jamra, ray Whe Seat or rk nde Df of tea y Red Rd ad Jue Wy ole Maris apc f Pry Sat Maya Dea Nal, ad Agel Legh Moy, ase of te Wid ty Ded Eee st Made Sher rr ten Fes Wyat Sng ad See iy Dd Nea sa Jl ave Yoatod Bnd by Noe RC ap Wane co Demgds by Rh km, ip Willa xd 7s Waar Cus” un proc cet a Open Ge Cate Na etn i ark ay pl iam or nth wet pein. To le rth the Ops mig Leo th 20 em Laan ewe va nn 2. Bayed on the orginal Dowco & Daacons rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Daye Aroesoa and the new Duniceos& Daauoss game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Coot, Skip Wiliams, Richard Baber, and Peter Adkson. EUROPEAN HEADQUARTERS. : Wad of te Cons, Bag Pe. 200" fe 2000 Becher evenenth put ee seiG S2OS80AS-OOT-EN ETE rp 30987654321 Fit Printing: May 2002 ‘unagokin once 04D, 0A FORACTYEL REALM We en os he ad ct ig at me oe ite chat Fe, n saya: Th Sao srw ono a of eGo WM Wat crt, Sao wan a ee Seca meres treo tasers Oe Wn He Cat Gee! whe Rey thd cats tend San ard Cate age tates beg Deu nay ba Yan Po aed wate Meas 1 Goan res a pera devas The rsa pats acon at ne Un Sua Area Ay repo unahorsos ws ‘aoa corms pci obey whau he eres mer pomanotct Warde Coe Tne acl wa won fot say ka Vie our webs at wow wars comiorgottenreaime contents Totrodvetion + ‘Nesive und Tesmigrane Deities... 4 Panthcons 4 Dead Digs ssc. se we Faiths 5 Understanding the Deity Statics. ‘Ranks of Divine Power. 5 Divine Characters 6 ‘Reading the Deity Patries........ 10 Deity Statistics Block 10 Descriptive Test 10 Game Seats Block... 10 (Other Divine Powers 1 (Chapter 1: Major Deities of Paerin....12 ‘Anuth- a Bene Sarath ‘Chmastea ps :donoctapBevee 2 Gyrie «=. 10020 Sami Sl Ait eal leraee«.. pre Gond 6 Thupace Special Abily 2 Secking Special Ability u Helm Le ‘rai Spi Abi: 98 Dimater. 2. tO Kelenvor. ae) Kowstth x Lathander 2 Lolth «. 4 Malae 8 Mask Mielitki Moser Osha line Shar esses ‘Shaundabal.. Silvanus Trspact Special ability ....02. 64 nergy Aura Special Ability... 65 Sone : 6 Tals 6 Tempus... a Deiros and Veron CFempas's Horse) a Torm « ‘Stecngth Special Ability. Gold Dragon (Tors Mow yenins iGcabitsc a tr Unibeice Uthgar Sky Pony (Uthgars Mount)... 87 Woukeen. +++ oot Impact Spec Ability ® ae ‘Taste oF Contents (Chapter 2: Other Deities of Faeran. Finder Wyvernspur Garages... Gargeoths Geumter, . Ginadson Windtrom «.. Hour... Tech». Jeet Lira Lovitea. Lurue Mil Notanion Rel Knight Sevres Shares Shillia Samorphe Talona Taae Ubae Cutis Valhor ‘Velsaroon. i Drow Panthens. sos. Ghaurada iaranstlee Selvetae, Viseraun.... Dwarven Penthion. Abbathor Bereanae Teesiteer Cangedin Sverixard Deep Duct vse. Dupmaren Brightinanthe Damathoin Gorm Gulthya. Hcl Brightase Ladugusr : Marthammor Duis Moradin Shaner ‘Thard Hare Verges, Pantheos “Aerie Fan Anghucrad.. (Corellon Larethian. Deep Sesbehs.. Beevan Mesrs Fenmarel Mestarine Hat Galan. Labelas Enoreth “llifane Rallathi Sehanine Mooniion 90 aor 103 tot lor 105 106 lor 08 108 109 no uo i 1m i 1a us ns us us 16 ar n7 us Ls ny 320 120 m nan im ans 13 1B Laas 1 126 7 aw 138, v8 eect) 19 ‘Shovarash 130 Solouor Thelamiir aa Gnome Panthson « 1 Baeran Wildwandeter,... =... 182 Baravar Cloakshaiow.......,.133 Gallarduras Smoothhands.2,..133 landal Secokn, ase Garda Feomband. 00.2.0 13S Gael Gtergeld. as ‘Segoin Earthealler 136 Urilen ot Haafing Pusteon =... 337 Brandobaris 338 yrrollaee.. 439 Sheela Peyroyl a9 Crogalan 140 Yona... add Muthorsos Panton 141 Ahir es o0se so Geb a Hathor net Horus Re .- a 14 us 16 1s a7 we Panton od agin cercsescessevesees so 148 Gross a8 Tneval ‘ 2 Lathie a0 Sharpens eos... 150 arth, in (Ghapeee & Places f Worship... 142 The Abley of the Sword ma (Garemanise sss. aid Services. 153 Bierarey. 13 aglight Special Abitiy «15% CConsmand Special Ablity 155 Initiation ast Allies and Bemis as Map Key 3 156 ‘bretking In 162 ‘Adupting the Temple, 162 Getting the Flyers Involved .. 162 “The DarBhowse of Sacro... 163 Ceremoniss edeniassele Serviees 16+ Hierarchy. ie nitions -seesseseseeer ess 367 Alles and nem, 167 Map Key (Mezsheth Inle)..:.-167 Map Key (Darou of Saerloon Breaking In Adapting the Temple. 13 Gotti the Players Lavolved ‘The Wyvernstones of Hullack (Ceremonies Services Higeareby.seccescssee Sweeping Specs) Ability Tritton. e Allis and exes Map Key Breaking In. Adapting the Tempe Garting the Payers Involved. (Chapter + Champioas of Pith Prestige Claes “Arachne ‘The Test of Lotth Hairy Spider ‘in Carla Template Auspicinn- : Doomguie Drssdmaster =. Diwcomerbecpr. Elemental Arco ‘Mephit Undsrlings Forest Master Golieye. Heareatder Horna Harbinger Nighteoak Ocular Adept Siverstar Stormont Seifleader ... Sond Dancer Teeth Saample Condes Wavesctvant Wearer of Purple. Winduaker oo... ‘Teruplate; Chowen of Bane, Aopendix eat Descriptions Divine Might « Divine Veageance. Romper Turning Bschew Macias en Turing. Jack of Al Tees Lycantrope Spell Quickes Turi Reach Spell Sacred Spell Superior Pspertse Silene Divine Abilities Repose Domain. Sarlife Undeatht» Death Mogster Deities “The Faerdnian Pantheon ae ~Tantx oF Contant oe ‘Warship Fens Levels Beyond 20¢5 Deities a4 Syergy Hons Dees and Seti Behind The Curtin Deis and Divine Spall Divine Encounters and Experience Points Behind the Curtain: Same Deis, Dilferent World oes.» ‘The Bad of Creation Comptes Nature Deity List Tail of Tempus Weeping Winged Mask Mailed Games of Acct Creare from ‘Meter of Paci lune Sacks, Temple Gro of the Darkbome Jathinan Dagaer Boremi’s Quagheare Voluraa and he ‘Adora Calyx Chan of she Bloninoan Tore of Animal Specs The Tost of Lolth airy Spier 2n-Cara Temgiate Sample Gondimen », ‘Ales Realy Rove Regarowcnes a s4 90 a3 out cs 19 2162 er 169 370 a3 ur 180 12 198, 184 208 tar Now Weapon and Armor Special Abilities Screaming « Impact Secking Everight. nergy Aura Surengt Daylight: (Corumand. ‘Seping... New Magic Items Winged Mask Mailed Gauntlets of Aencar Jathiman Dagger Horcns Quaghesrt “Tore of Animal Spec New Templates TinCan (Chossa of Bane New Spells Swrelife oobi Undeath to Deatt 2 cope venerace 2 myriad ro te end and sat of Fas. Some dis peer ‘tablished churches filled with large Follonisgs of ‘kore’ worshipers, while others ace propitiasd oaly out of fear of fare worshiped in sccet fellowship by small cults. Deis are not immortal, and many have did or ecu ecbora, Others have merely heer Forgaeten, left ea lumber on other planes, All dies i Torl are subject to Aa the Overgod. Ao has almost no dict interaction with Tort and Would he largely Forgotecn by ‘mortals not for his role in the Tue of Troubles. Alesdy, cults Founded in Acs name only a decade ago di out an Ad's mame dis- appsars from writen records, suggesting thatthe Overgod has no ‘Wish to be known by the mortals of Teril. Ao cares not what the esis do, as long as thoy ophold their invita! porsfolins. OF ours, this stricture ensures ends conflice betwen the followers of deities with opposing poration The Qvergod also ensures that, ‘vith che exception of demigedy 0 t¥0 deities ofthe same pantheon can truly claim eh same portfoli. Finally oaly Ao can recognize the axension of ¢ mortal to divine satus ar germit a deity wor shiped en other worlds robe worshiped in Tor ative and Immigrant be imigrant (oF intecloper) dees. The Stiction i Largely meat ingles, outside of obscure theological debates, for there is abiolute Iy no itference from the perspective of the mortal races of Tori ‘Native deities are thote who atose ding or after the Founding oF this word and are only woeshiped here. Immigrant deities are those “here worshiped on other woes anon other planes before thir followers entered Torl vie portals and ther micans. Once 3 sity ic acexpte nto the panthcons af Tori, there is no difference the two group since each immigrant deity has a local ,imlupendeat of ether world based aspects be oF she might as. For example, although Labels Fnorech and Cen Si jean battled cach her during the Time of Troubles on she isle oth any smi eminem hl ds ot ened tocother worl Likcwise, Llth in some othe world differs from Litt in Prern, fin some other world adventurers sooght out ‘Lolth inher lai and slew her, her loalsapect would be unatfestl Be thar ast may, moctnative deces are venerated prierily by aces that arose From the primordial chaos dragons ura Hae folk, 24538 yout, Iestaah, doppelganger, and ehe various fey aces sh a sprites Likewise, primarily immigrant races sel as the elves who acived in Fuori couatles milleania ago, venerate immigrant deities they broughe with ther, in this case the Seday ine. This diincrion also verves to explain why there are so many Jnoman dies compare e9 some of the ahr derihurna ess The ‘humans foonded aunscrousculzuts across Faerin venecetng local native deities and eontinye to weeship these deitics long after the ‘orginal cultures have vanished or blended ino others pantheons ‘As alludes! to previously, all dite of Toil ate grouped into pa theons All pantheens are ether racaly based or cultrally base, ‘often with strong geographic connections. deity who is nor = meciber of « penthson vererated bya garticular race or clture lia certain geographi rogion can stil have worshipers aman that race or culture or m th region. However, the somber of seh Wor slhigers rarely expands beyond the cult stage before member of the pantheon chit claims primaey over that race, eultur, or rexion iminate the threat to their demesne. As cultures blend together, whether through conquest or stad, she panthoons gradually merge as well: Pantheon blending of this sort inevitably leads to clashes berween deities of greater than ermigad states or Ao dietates that one deity or the other ‘ign suprelie over any particular portfolio For example, Tempus ‘vas the deity of war in the Tulfieie pantheon (a culture contempo rary to Netherf), while Garagos vas the deity af war in the Nethersse pantheon. After these two cultures blended, Tempus and Garage for Spromacy, In tis ie, Tep eva, am palo ~~ Intkopverion ae ——— ae (Garages was reduced to deuniga status In many other eater, one of the clashing deities dis, as was the ease when Talooa deleated che incerloper deity Kipuryten. Sueh eosfice often rmamifest as clases Tetwsen sal faith pitting churchied aries against one anther in bats in which ee lif oF onc sty 6 eruly a stake Humans one of the pregsitor races have Founded unmcrous, unrelated cultures across Faerin, As chose cultures fave inter ‘mingle, the various human pentheons uve been. wracked by eon fee fh wostzen Faerin, scholars have identifi no eer than Fear human proto-panthsons the Nethcree pantheon Chase i wha i now Ansutoch), the Talfric pantheon (based i what i now the sestern Heardans along the banks of the River Reaching), the ‘haamdathan paatheon (based ia what is now the Vilhon. Real and ‘he Dragon Cons), and the Coramshite pantheon (bised in Wat ‘ow Galimishan Over the past Few millenia these Four proco-pan theons, plus others unientied, have merged into a single pantheon now as the Paerinian pantheon, The recent collaie of the ‘ntheric panto isanother example of such mingling. Two of the Untheric ities Assuran (now hnewn ds Hoar) and Tiumat—tave Joined the Faerinian ganthvon and the rest of the Qatheric eis ‘ave dd, either before or during the Time of Troubles Although nly one isin any vay unified in purpose, evo pantheons now battle to cetend their sphere of inlaenceinta Unther the Pacenian pan ‘eon sed the far aller, but move axgunized, Muthorandi pa ‘hoo, Theologians predict it may be ona matter of deeads bore all human culture of the contisent venerane only deities of the Faerinian panthson, a fats the Malborandi ard their eis view ith greet alarm Pantheon mining between racially oriented panthcons sms © occur fap moré slowly thas Among seis venerated by the same species Thos, while humans live ale by tile with the various othce umanoid eases cach group largely confines isl eo worship of is conn deities: However, the cabuiladition of human deities such 28 Good to the gnome penton and Tymora to the bafing postheon suggests that continued intermingling hetwoen the res may even tually lead toa joining oftheir pantheons 25 el, pead peities Ficaini ag dit vera cep rg ore ad een ae eek eek ee lene oe Bayes eons kas aoa manehs Per ere Bt eer ohana Ee ee ee recente Se ee oF em pene podem glen ted fale sherk nae oneoe eer ‘faiths Ir fate i aes OS hee agen orate indir care etch iy Ti dio, While sls f perme portance While the des dat hs li oF ei il ed apply them ity ity vt vin snegy toast inte Sad the var ath or ht intra fn the mora wer the wo of fa ‘hors mnie concer toil chats how wo co tingle [ath or two tal Faia iterace Can rl grtges at txcuring betwee di ngs yond the eof most morals OF ours okspions this anoal ule sh whe he dings Sf real tet of moral scat che inert f= diy and 20 Sly prompt tht apcaranee of divine manifeation of ty, Eallad an anita Sch vente fre inded and ote doo occur nd hy cave iavlred hare vi fo the evel of te move Towel high rics in Fas. Tl flaws of specie deity are conned members of the {sth so known a the church avoid with tha diy. Within ‘och faith Foner of «Seg ay be romped int lo Fal tre each hing fering sits ton silo age ete Some faith arial those of he ul des are sed bared religious pratc Other faith, particulary those of the chao (kis, ety unlcly ato te cain regan of Pers, Exceptions tis, Casit fren vases o lful dehy re fien parte. Inn ee, asthe Followers of Heim hare Karnes oth ss ee nbn proting th "evrctci of ter ect Like tempt fo fein in degen ct cai ites can prove qt srs, 4 Gyan lve dare gielly teeorae Within a faith ema he were erarchy of primacy, a ws the cure ecay i th chaech of Ggha czas eo the church of Bane or there maybe no central uning athe, fnh he choteho! erp Il ene However, ception cx, tolcinaleaya gem fora citar to be a mer of ae that {ees noc ackaoeledge te primacy of the Gitar ender ofthe fh ‘The only rule governing wach wets that they muse nor ay Ieyood the porto and core Bela of he ty without raking eng Frater hy the ity and his divine servitor Sco smn ditey—soch ws the Gdn aunbers ofthe eu 6 Hater that romral slate, lsiapping, and one—bave sap 6 Far fuom de cove bel of tic deity cot they mo longer Bare ive backing, ler and che divine gtr of uch el al aces 9 divine spel an dvnely granted ales util they fone i the eps of Pt profes dy or lege ems 2 8 meager Ay understandin understanding the Deity Statistics Divine samh & Whac Sets deities apare from morta, Een eis ‘witha divine rank of © ae far superior to mortal in their powers 4nd ahi. Despite this eremondaus gulf berween the mortal #02 the diving, deities ate defined in the same terms as mortals: They Innve Hit Dice, character level, al ability scores, bot these ae a far higher than most mortals will ever achieve ranks of pivine power or pi purpony cach iy a ine rank, wich ml “a character's level. A deity's divine” cask determines hw” much” ive secre his od tar gd es ee Be tothe Here ia ck cumany of divin ranks ask 0 Gsces ioral espn ell panies cox boro din Grentres that ve a mortal a dy a parents Inrropverton —— ato all nto this catagory. Thow entities connat grane wells but are immorta) and wually havs'one oF more ability seorss thas are far thoce the norm for their species They may have some worshiers. Opainary mortals do not have a divine rank of 0. They ack divine raph altogether, Rank 1-F; These enttcs calla demigols, are the weakest ofthe genuine dit. A demigo! can grant spells and perform 2 few deois thar arg beyond mortal expabitiessach os hetring = geashopper From 2 mile ay. ‘A demigod hes anywhere Feem a Fest hundec to x few thousand devote moctal worshipers and may receive veneration or respect From many more. A demigod control's snall godly realm (osually ‘nan Outer Plane) and bis minor control over @ portfolio that includes one or mere aspects of mortal existence. A demigod might Se very accomplished in single ill or u group of related sks, night gain eomsbat sdantages in special excomstances, oF might be able t9 bring shout minor cbaiges in realy ill elated to the Xvi’s portfolio. For example, 2 detige of chives might be able to change ito item so that i sno longer recognizable. Rank 6-10; Called lesser deities those otitis grant spellsund can perform more poverfal deeds thar demigods cs, uch a5 soning {ertgin phenomena From ten miles sy. Lesser deities have anywhore from a few thowsnd to tens of thou: sands of worshipers and conrol larger golly realms chin demigeds They also uve Lavoe seis where their portfolios are concerned. ‘Bank 11-14: These entitics ae calle intermediate deities They have hundreds of thoosaras of mortal wocshipers and control lrgcr ‘gory alms than devsigads or lesser dite. ‘aak 16-20: Caled greater deitis, thes entitis may have mil lions of mortal worshipers, and chey command respect even smong other deities. The most gowerful of greater deities rule over other ‘etic just as mortal sovereigns rule over eommancrs. Tank 214: Thess entities tte Beyond the ken of mortals and care nothing for worshipers They do et grant spell, do ot anewer ‘prayers and do not respond to queves Ie they are koow at al its {0 # handful of scholars on the Material Plane. They are calle! overistins In some pantheistic system, the consent of an overdeity is required far an entity eo boeame a diy Divine characteristics Hoga re cen of te lc onl 20 we Sie Fe Dee) Unie exer eeiias Ghey hee no eke ten es dey depo Dee papal anne tics vary from dbty eo deity sod ate mooi in thir invidul sescriptions ‘A deity’s outsider typ, along with cs las or clases, determines its weapon proficencks, Feats and sills ‘Deities kaye vom or all he Following addtional qualities depend ing on thee divine rag “it Points: Deities receive maximum hit pots for each Hit Dic Speed: Deities ean move much moce quicly than mortals. A eis ase ld ape depends on it form (pst or qundcuped) and its sine Some detisare exceptions, with spe faster or slower than thesnorm. “Armor Clas, A tangible field of divine energy encompasses and saffuss a digs boy, granting it «bons to Armor Cis equal to its divine rank This bonus stacks with all other Armor Cass boris fs and offetive against couch attacks and incorporel tout “Most deities all those with 20 outer Hit Dice) have a natural srmoe bonus equal 0 their divine rank #23. All deities also have ¢ Aeflection bones o their AC equal to theie Charisma bonus (if any) Deities who aren't autsiders hate ther-normlsttral armor boos ‘their divine rake ‘Many deities Have other Armoe Clas Bonus 28 noted in-thie individual descriptions Aveacks A dity's Hit Dice and type and character lovel deter ‘mine ie baw stack boos. te addition to the Figures for weapon fttacks, his scion of the statistics Block alsa inclues meee touch stack andranged touch attack borne, co be tue wha the ity ‘asta spell or uses spel ike ability that requites «touch attach to fect its target. dit got its divine rank a a bons onal attack rolls. Deities of rank 1 of higher do nae automaticaly fail on x att tral atack rll of 1 ‘Always Maximize Roll: Grestr deities ask 16-20) autonat- cally get the best rele posable on any check saving throm, attack roll, or damage roll Calculate suces, failure, or other effects sscordingly: For insanes, when a greater deity makes an attack rll, sssum you rolled a 20 and ealeulate sucesso faire From there ‘You should roll the dQOvansiy an use that roll to check foe = threat of critical Bit This qoalty means that greater deities never esd the Maximize Spell Feat, because thee spells hye masiaus effect alrealy Saving Throws: A deity’ ovtsder Hit Dice ad character stern its base ving throw bores A deity gets its divine renk 284 bonus on all srving thaws Deities of rank 1 o higher €0 not ee pore Oats ocak ars ence | pommer from in the same menace as des. Ce ck meee ei some ‘pings 00 Touts then a a: mean is tay vey smc eee, ih Vor | tendeney to isi the Face of opposition or when the fiend ges. by gb and stops granting © pls, Sil some fends establish a permancin foaphold on Teil in this manner~Garganth is aforeer archicvl that has become deity and the minotaur deity Baphomet is 2 demon. Two other Luoma demons worshiped in Faerun ate Orcus (espansible for ‘much of the erouble in Damarg years ago) and Pazrae. _ Tetscme ways, ‘vorshiping a fendi similar to how soms souls eg wer ‘the boateru in the afeeife.A-moetal makes a pact worshiping eiends vith a demon or dav, promising warship and secrificss in cschange for spells The agreement usually entails condemning. | ‘the worships sul to the Alyse the Nine Hells unicr the cone wot of the fiend in quention. The pact gectlly spots that iP | the mortal fils eo propitiace the end wich frequent sacrifices ie ‘may’ slay’ im and take hie oul Lack to its ter planar home. While this coms lke a bargain stacked in the Favor of the out™ sider, the fend wally makzy fen demands of the mortal ochet a See doesn" have to weety about ra ett on Invi, ome imprest ranted spells, Tformatioa on domain, favore weapons, and potatos for Haphomet, Orcus ani Fazrnl can be Found in the Monster Deities table in the appendix ofthis Mook,

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