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FAITHS anb PANTHEONS Eric L. Boyd and Erik Mona Exic L, Bord Erik Mona Designens Anortiowae Designens Richarp Baker, Letra Boy, Eric Happock, Gwenpouy FM. KesrRet, JoLra Maro Devcon Sean K REYNOLDS Gwenpovy F-M. KesrRet, JENNIFER CLARKE WILKES, PENNY WILLIAMS RICHARD BaKeR Greaney Diiveron ANTHONY VALTERRA Business Masagun Vice-Paesinesr RPG RED——IBILL SLAVICSEK ‘Vacr- Pasatnexr Pustinnixg —i Mary KIRCHOFF Drojoer Masigen Mantiy DugaM (Cras DrLonc Pnooucrion Maxage Snr, Loe Resource fom Us. CANADA, ASA, PAGEIG, LATIN AMERICA "iar ofthe Conse "PO. ox 707 Farin WA 96057-0707 FAITHS ann PANTHEONS RowERT RAPER RoweRr CAMPBELL Grapnne Designs Cnerita Fiance DEE BARNETT Brom Coven Ani GLEN ANGUS Iyreiion Anrises CARLO ARELLANO PUDDNEEAD Brom ‘Corey Macourrk DENNIS CaLERO_StemiaNie PulrMun Law MicHarL DusiscH | WaYSe REYNOLDS Wayne ENGLAND Mike Sass Manx Evans Marx SMYLIE Scorr FiscHFR ARNIE SWEKEL Lars Gaant-West BEN TEMPLESMITH MicuaFL W. KaLura Kev WALKER Vince Lock, Marr Wiison Topp Lockwoop Renick Woops Raves Mimura Sam Woop Dennis Kauri Canrognapiten ANGELIKA LoKoTz, Sonya PERCrVAL ypesereens EC em Chole, Ady Cli Dae Doerr Ton Evan La wey Cae cart Chi Gila Ahr Fray Mc Hu Quentin Soa epi Kat Janos, Kee ay, Jomtas Sop i Revie Move, ive Mather, Jos Ongar. Tem “i” Ovi Dat Pgd acery RA ‘nk tte, Mie Se, Caste Sopa Sa Jamra, ray Whe Seat or rk nde Df of tea y Red Rd ad Jue Wy ole Maris apc f Pry Sat Maya Dea Nal, ad Agel Legh Moy, ase of te Wid ty Ded Eee st Made Sher rr ten Fes Wyat Sng ad See iy Dd Nea sa Jl ave Yoatod Bnd by Noe RC ap Wane co Demgds by Rh km, ip Willa xd 7s Waar Cus” un proc cet a Open Ge Cate Na etn i ark ay pl iam or nth wet pein. To le rth the Ops mig Leo th 20 em Laan ewe va nn 2. Bayed on the orginal Dowco & Daacons rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Daye Aroesoa and the new Duniceos& Daauoss game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Coot, Skip Wiliams, Richard Baber, and Peter Adkson. EUROPEAN HEADQUARTERS. : Wad of te Cons, Bag Pe. 200" fe 2000 Becher evenenth put ee seiG S2OS80AS-OOT-EN ETE rp 30987654321 Fit Printing: May 2002 ‘unagokin once 04D, 0A FORACTYEL REALM We en os he ad ct ig at me oe ite chat Fe, n saya: Th Sao srw ono a of eGo WM Wat crt, Sao wan a ee Seca meres treo tasers Oe Wn He Cat Gee! whe Rey thd cats tend San ard Cate age tates beg Deu nay ba Yan Po aed wate Meas 1 Goan res a pera devas The rsa pats acon at ne Un Sua Area Ay repo unahorsos ws ‘aoa corms pci obey whau he eres mer pomanotct Warde Coe Tne acl wa won fot say ka Vie our webs at wow wars comiorgottenreaime contents Totrodvetion + ‘Nesive und Tesmigrane Deities... 4 Panthcons 4 Dead Digs ssc. se we Faiths 5 Understanding the Deity Statics. ‘Ranks of Divine Power. 5 Divine Characters 6 ‘Reading the Deity Patries........ 10 Deity Statistics Block 10 Descriptive Test 10 Game Seats Block... 10 (Other Divine Powers 1 (Chapter 1: Major Deities of Paerin....12 ‘Anuth- a Bene Sarath ‘Chmastea ps :donoctapBevee 2 Gyrie «=. 10020 Sami Sl Ait eal leraee«.. pre Gond 6 Thupace Special Abily 2 Secking Special Ability u Helm Le ‘rai Spi Abi: 98 Dimater. 2. tO Kelenvor. ae) Kowstth x Lathander 2 Lolth «. 4 Malae 8 Mask Mielitki Moser Osha line Shar esses ‘Shaundabal.. Silvanus Trspact Special ability ....02. 64 nergy Aura Special Ability... 65 Sone : 6 Tals 6 Tempus... a Deiros and Veron CFempas's Horse) a Torm « ‘Stecngth Special Ability. Gold Dragon (Tors Mow yenins iGcabitsc a tr Unibeice Uthgar Sky Pony (Uthgars Mount)... 87 Woukeen. +++ oot Impact Spec Ability ® ae ‘Taste oF Contents (Chapter 2: Other Deities of Faeran. Finder Wyvernspur Garages... Gargeoths Geumter, . Ginadson Windtrom «.. Hour... Tech». Jeet Lira Lovitea. Lurue Mil Notanion Rel Knight Sevres Shares Shillia Samorphe Talona Taae Ubae Cutis Valhor ‘Velsaroon. i Drow Panthens. sos. Ghaurada iaranstlee Selvetae, Viseraun.... Dwarven Penthion. Abbathor Bereanae Teesiteer Cangedin Sverixard Deep Duct vse. Dupmaren Brightinanthe Damathoin Gorm Gulthya. Hcl Brightase Ladugusr : Marthammor Duis Moradin Shaner ‘Thard Hare Verges, Pantheos “Aerie Fan Anghucrad.. (Corellon Larethian. Deep Sesbehs.. Beevan Mesrs Fenmarel Mestarine Hat Galan. Labelas Enoreth “llifane Rallathi Sehanine Mooniion 90 aor 103 tot lor 105 106 lor 08 108 109 no uo i 1m i 1a us ns us us 16 ar n7 us Ls ny 320 120 m nan im ans 13 1B Laas 1 126 7 aw 138, v8 eect) 19 ‘Shovarash 130 Solouor Thelamiir aa Gnome Panthson « 1 Baeran Wildwandeter,... =... 182 Baravar Cloakshaiow.......,.133 Gallarduras Smoothhands.2,..133 landal Secokn, ase Garda Feomband. 00.2.0 13S Gael Gtergeld. as ‘Segoin Earthealler 136 Urilen ot Haafing Pusteon =... 337 Brandobaris 338 yrrollaee.. 439 Sheela Peyroyl a9 Crogalan 140 Yona... add Muthorsos Panton 141 Ahir es o0se so Geb a Hathor net Horus Re .- a 14 us 16 1s a7 we Panton od agin cercsescessevesees so 148 Gross a8 Tneval ‘ 2 Lathie a0 Sharpens eos... 150 arth, in (Ghapeee & Places f Worship... 142 The Abley of the Sword ma (Garemanise sss. aid Services. 153 Bierarey. 13 aglight Special Abitiy «15% CConsmand Special Ablity 155 Initiation ast Allies and Bemis as Map Key 3 156 ‘bretking In 162 ‘Adupting the Temple, 162 Getting the Flyers Involved .. 162 “The DarBhowse of Sacro... 163 Ceremoniss edeniassele Serviees 16+ Hierarchy. ie nitions -seesseseseeer ess 367 Alles and nem, 167 Map Key (Mezsheth Inle)..:.-167 Map Key (Darou of Saerloon Breaking In Adapting the Temple. 13 Gotti the Players Lavolved ‘The Wyvernstones of Hullack (Ceremonies Services Higeareby.seccescssee Sweeping Specs) Ability Tritton. e Allis and exes Map Key Breaking In. Adapting the Tempe Garting the Payers Involved. (Chapter + Champioas of Pith Prestige Claes “Arachne ‘The Test of Lotth Hairy Spider ‘in Carla Template Auspicinn- : Doomguie Drssdmaster =. Diwcomerbecpr. Elemental Arco ‘Mephit Undsrlings Forest Master Golieye. Heareatder Horna Harbinger Nighteoak Ocular Adept Siverstar Stormont Seifleader ... Sond Dancer Teeth Saample Condes Wavesctvant Wearer of Purple. Winduaker oo... ‘Teruplate; Chowen of Bane, Aopendix eat Descriptions Divine Might « Divine Veageance. Romper Turning Bschew Macias en Turing. Jack of Al Tees Lycantrope Spell Quickes Turi Reach Spell Sacred Spell Superior Pspertse Silene Divine Abilities Repose Domain. Sarlife Undeatht» Death Mogster Deities “The Faerdnian Pantheon ae ~Tantx oF Contant oe ‘Warship Fens Levels Beyond 20¢5 Deities a4 Syergy Hons Dees and Seti Behind The Curtin Deis and Divine Spall Divine Encounters and Experience Points Behind the Curtain: Same Deis, Dilferent World oes.» ‘The Bad of Creation Comptes Nature Deity List Tail of Tempus Weeping Winged Mask Mailed Games of Acct Creare from ‘Meter of Paci lune Sacks, Temple Gro of the Darkbome Jathinan Dagaer Boremi’s Quagheare Voluraa and he ‘Adora Calyx Chan of she Bloninoan Tore of Animal Specs The Tost of Lolth airy Spier 2n-Cara Temgiate Sample Gondimen », ‘Ales Realy Rove Regarowcnes a s4 90 a3 out cs 19 2162 er 169 370 a3 ur 180 12 198, 184 208 tar Now Weapon and Armor Special Abilities Screaming « Impact Secking Everight. nergy Aura Surengt Daylight: (Corumand. ‘Seping... New Magic Items Winged Mask Mailed Gauntlets of Aencar Jathiman Dagger Horcns Quaghesrt “Tore of Animal Spec New Templates TinCan (Chossa of Bane New Spells Swrelife oobi Undeath to Deatt 2 cope venerace 2 myriad ro te end and sat of Fas. Some dis peer ‘tablished churches filled with large Follonisgs of ‘kore’ worshipers, while others ace propitiasd oaly out of fear of fare worshiped in sccet fellowship by small cults. Deis are not immortal, and many have did or ecu ecbora, Others have merely heer Forgaeten, left ea lumber on other planes, All dies i Torl are subject to Aa the Overgod. Ao has almost no dict interaction with Tort and Would he largely Forgotecn by ‘mortals not for his role in the Tue of Troubles. Alesdy, cults Founded in Acs name only a decade ago di out an Ad's mame dis- appsars from writen records, suggesting thatthe Overgod has no ‘Wish to be known by the mortals of Teril. Ao cares not what the esis do, as long as thoy ophold their invita! porsfolins. OF ours, this stricture ensures ends conflice betwen the followers of deities with opposing poration The Qvergod also ensures that, ‘vith che exception of demigedy 0 t¥0 deities ofthe same pantheon can truly claim eh same portfoli. Finally oaly Ao can recognize the axension of ¢ mortal to divine satus ar germit a deity wor shiped en other worlds robe worshiped in Tor ative and Immigrant be imigrant (oF intecloper) dees. The Stiction i Largely meat ingles, outside of obscure theological debates, for there is abiolute Iy no itference from the perspective of the mortal races of Tori ‘Native deities are thote who atose ding or after the Founding oF this word and are only woeshiped here. Immigrant deities are those “here worshiped on other woes anon other planes before thir followers entered Torl vie portals and ther micans. Once 3 sity ic acexpte nto the panthcons af Tori, there is no difference the two group since each immigrant deity has a local ,imlupendeat of ether world based aspects be oF she might as. For example, although Labels Fnorech and Cen Si jean battled cach her during the Time of Troubles on she isle oth any smi eminem hl ds ot ened tocother worl Likcwise, Llth in some othe world differs from Litt in Prern, fin some other world adventurers sooght out ‘Lolth inher lai and slew her, her loalsapect would be unatfestl Be thar ast may, moctnative deces are venerated prierily by aces that arose From the primordial chaos dragons ura Hae folk, 24538 yout, Iestaah, doppelganger, and ehe various fey aces sh a sprites Likewise, primarily immigrant races sel as the elves who acived in Fuori couatles milleania ago, venerate immigrant deities they broughe with ther, in this case the Seday ine. This diincrion also verves to explain why there are so many Jnoman dies compare e9 some of the ahr derihurna ess The ‘humans foonded aunscrousculzuts across Faerin venecetng local native deities and eontinye to weeship these deitics long after the ‘orginal cultures have vanished or blended ino others pantheons ‘As alludes! to previously, all dite of Toil ate grouped into pa theons All pantheens are ether racaly based or cultrally base, ‘often with strong geographic connections. deity who is nor = meciber of « penthson vererated bya garticular race or clture lia certain geographi rogion can stil have worshipers aman that race or culture or m th region. However, the somber of seh Wor slhigers rarely expands beyond the cult stage before member of the pantheon chit claims primaey over that race, eultur, or rexion iminate the threat to their demesne. As cultures blend together, whether through conquest or stad, she panthoons gradually merge as well: Pantheon blending of this sort inevitably leads to clashes berween deities of greater than ermigad states or Ao dietates that one deity or the other ‘ign suprelie over any particular portfolio For example, Tempus ‘vas the deity of war in the Tulfieie pantheon (a culture contempo rary to Netherf), while Garagos vas the deity af war in the Nethersse pantheon. After these two cultures blended, Tempus and Garage for Spromacy, In tis ie, Tep eva, am palo ~~ Intkopverion ae ——— ae (Garages was reduced to deuniga status In many other eater, one of the clashing deities dis, as was the ease when Talooa deleated che incerloper deity Kipuryten. Sueh eosfice often rmamifest as clases Tetwsen sal faith pitting churchied aries against one anther in bats in which ee lif oF onc sty 6 eruly a stake Humans one of the pregsitor races have Founded unmcrous, unrelated cultures across Faerin, As chose cultures fave inter ‘mingle, the various human pentheons uve been. wracked by eon fee fh wostzen Faerin, scholars have identifi no eer than Fear human proto-panthsons the Nethcree pantheon Chase i wha i now Ansutoch), the Talfric pantheon (based i what i now the sestern Heardans along the banks of the River Reaching), the ‘haamdathan paatheon (based ia what is now the Vilhon. Real and ‘he Dragon Cons), and the Coramshite pantheon (bised in Wat ‘ow Galimishan Over the past Few millenia these Four proco-pan theons, plus others unientied, have merged into a single pantheon now as the Paerinian pantheon, The recent collaie of the ‘ntheric panto isanother example of such mingling. Two of the Untheric ities Assuran (now hnewn ds Hoar) and Tiumat—tave Joined the Faerinian ganthvon and the rest of the Qatheric eis ‘ave dd, either before or during the Time of Troubles Although nly one isin any vay unified in purpose, evo pantheons now battle to cetend their sphere of inlaenceinta Unther the Pacenian pan ‘eon sed the far aller, but move axgunized, Muthorandi pa ‘hoo, Theologians predict it may be ona matter of deeads bore all human culture of the contisent venerane only deities of the Faerinian panthson, a fats the Malborandi ard their eis view ith greet alarm Pantheon mining between racially oriented panthcons sms © occur fap moré slowly thas Among seis venerated by the same species Thos, while humans live ale by tile with the various othce umanoid eases cach group largely confines isl eo worship of is conn deities: However, the cabuiladition of human deities such 28 Good to the gnome penton and Tymora to the bafing postheon suggests that continued intermingling hetwoen the res may even tually lead toa joining oftheir pantheons 25 el, pead peities Ficaini ag dit vera cep rg ore ad een ae eek eek ee lene oe Bayes eons kas aoa manehs Per ere Bt eer ohana Ee ee ee recente Se ee oF em pene podem glen ted fale sherk nae oneoe eer ‘faiths Ir fate i aes OS hee agen orate indir care etch iy Ti dio, While sls f perme portance While the des dat hs li oF ei il ed apply them ity ity vt vin snegy toast inte Sad the var ath or ht intra fn the mora wer the wo of fa ‘hors mnie concer toil chats how wo co tingle [ath or two tal Faia iterace Can rl grtges at txcuring betwee di ngs yond the eof most morals OF ours okspions this anoal ule sh whe he dings Sf real tet of moral scat che inert f= diy and 20 Sly prompt tht apcaranee of divine manifeation of ty, Eallad an anita Sch vente fre inded and ote doo occur nd hy cave iavlred hare vi fo the evel of te move Towel high rics in Fas. Tl flaws of specie deity are conned members of the {sth so known a the church avoid with tha diy. Within ‘och faith Foner of «Seg ay be romped int lo Fal tre each hing fering sits ton silo age ete Some faith arial those of he ul des are sed bared religious pratc Other faith, particulary those of the chao (kis, ety unlcly ato te cain regan of Pers, Exceptions tis, Casit fren vases o lful dehy re fien parte. Inn ee, asthe Followers of Heim hare Karnes oth ss ee nbn proting th "evrctci of ter ect Like tempt fo fein in degen ct cai ites can prove qt srs, 4 Gyan lve dare gielly teeorae Within a faith ema he were erarchy of primacy, a ws the cure ecay i th chaech of Ggha czas eo the church of Bane or there maybe no central uning athe, fnh he choteho! erp Il ene However, ception cx, tolcinaleaya gem fora citar to be a mer of ae that {ees noc ackaoeledge te primacy of the Gitar ender ofthe fh ‘The only rule governing wach wets that they muse nor ay Ieyood the porto and core Bela of he ty without raking eng Frater hy the ity and his divine servitor Sco smn ditey—soch ws the Gdn aunbers ofthe eu 6 Hater that romral slate, lsiapping, and one—bave sap 6 Far fuom de cove bel of tic deity cot they mo longer Bare ive backing, ler and che divine gtr of uch el al aces 9 divine spel an dvnely granted ales util they fone i the eps of Pt profes dy or lege ems 2 8 meager Ay understandin understanding the Deity Statistics Divine samh & Whac Sets deities apare from morta, Een eis ‘witha divine rank of © ae far superior to mortal in their powers 4nd ahi. Despite this eremondaus gulf berween the mortal #02 the diving, deities ate defined in the same terms as mortals: They Innve Hit Dice, character level, al ability scores, bot these ae a far higher than most mortals will ever achieve ranks of pivine power or pi purpony cach iy a ine rank, wich ml “a character's level. A deity's divine” cask determines hw” much” ive secre his od tar gd es ee Be tothe Here ia ck cumany of divin ranks ask 0 Gsces ioral espn ell panies cox boro din Grentres that ve a mortal a dy a parents Inrropverton —— ato all nto this catagory. Thow entities connat grane wells but are immorta) and wually havs'one oF more ability seorss thas are far thoce the norm for their species They may have some worshiers. Opainary mortals do not have a divine rank of 0. They ack divine raph altogether, Rank 1-F; These enttcs calla demigols, are the weakest ofthe genuine dit. A demigo! can grant spells and perform 2 few deois thar arg beyond mortal expabitiessach os hetring = geashopper From 2 mile ay. ‘A demigod hes anywhere Feem a Fest hundec to x few thousand devote moctal worshipers and may receive veneration or respect From many more. A demigod control's snall godly realm (osually ‘nan Outer Plane) and bis minor control over @ portfolio that includes one or mere aspects of mortal existence. A demigod might Se very accomplished in single ill or u group of related sks, night gain eomsbat sdantages in special excomstances, oF might be able t9 bring shout minor cbaiges in realy ill elated to the Xvi’s portfolio. For example, 2 detige of chives might be able to change ito item so that i sno longer recognizable. Rank 6-10; Called lesser deities those otitis grant spellsund can perform more poverfal deeds thar demigods cs, uch a5 soning {ertgin phenomena From ten miles sy. Lesser deities have anywhore from a few thowsnd to tens of thou: sands of worshipers and conrol larger golly realms chin demigeds They also uve Lavoe seis where their portfolios are concerned. ‘Bank 11-14: These entitics ae calle intermediate deities They have hundreds of thoosaras of mortal wocshipers and control lrgcr ‘gory alms than devsigads or lesser dite. ‘aak 16-20: Caled greater deitis, thes entitis may have mil lions of mortal worshipers, and chey command respect even smong other deities. The most gowerful of greater deities rule over other ‘etic just as mortal sovereigns rule over eommancrs. Tank 214: Thess entities tte Beyond the ken of mortals and care nothing for worshipers They do et grant spell, do ot anewer ‘prayers and do not respond to queves Ie they are koow at al its {0 # handful of scholars on the Material Plane. They are calle! overistins In some pantheistic system, the consent of an overdeity is required far an entity eo boeame a diy Divine characteristics Hoga re cen of te lc onl 20 we Sie Fe Dee) Unie exer eeiias Ghey hee no eke ten es dey depo Dee papal anne tics vary from dbty eo deity sod ate mooi in thir invidul sescriptions ‘A deity’s outsider typ, along with cs las or clases, determines its weapon proficencks, Feats and sills ‘Deities kaye vom or all he Following addtional qualities depend ing on thee divine rag “it Points: Deities receive maximum hit pots for each Hit Dic Speed: Deities ean move much moce quicly than mortals. A eis ase ld ape depends on it form (pst or qundcuped) and its sine Some detisare exceptions, with spe faster or slower than thesnorm. “Armor Clas, A tangible field of divine energy encompasses and saffuss a digs boy, granting it «bons to Armor Cis equal to its divine rank This bonus stacks with all other Armor Cass boris fs and offetive against couch attacks and incorporel tout “Most deities all those with 20 outer Hit Dice) have a natural srmoe bonus equal 0 their divine rank #23. All deities also have ¢ Aeflection bones o their AC equal to theie Charisma bonus (if any) Deities who aren't autsiders hate ther-normlsttral armor boos ‘their divine rake ‘Many deities Have other Armoe Clas Bonus 28 noted in-thie individual descriptions Aveacks A dity's Hit Dice and type and character lovel deter ‘mine ie baw stack boos. te addition to the Figures for weapon fttacks, his scion of the statistics Block alsa inclues meee touch stack andranged touch attack borne, co be tue wha the ity ‘asta spell or uses spel ike ability that requites «touch attach to fect its target. dit got its divine rank a a bons onal attack rolls. Deities of rank 1 of higher do nae automaticaly fail on x att tral atack rll of 1 ‘Always Maximize Roll: Grestr deities ask 16-20) autonat- cally get the best rele posable on any check saving throm, attack roll, or damage roll Calculate suces, failure, or other effects sscordingly: For insanes, when a greater deity makes an attack rll, sssum you rolled a 20 and ealeulate sucesso faire From there ‘You should roll the dQOvansiy an use that roll to check foe = threat of critical Bit This qoalty means that greater deities never esd the Maximize Spell Feat, because thee spells hye masiaus effect alrealy Saving Throws: A deity’ ovtsder Hit Dice ad character stern its base ving throw bores A deity gets its divine renk 284 bonus on all srving thaws Deities of rank 1 o higher €0 not ee pore Oats ocak ars ence | pommer from in the same menace as des. Ce ck meee ei some ‘pings 00 Touts then a a: mean is tay vey smc eee, ih Vor | tendeney to isi the Face of opposition or when the fiend ges. by gb and stops granting © pls, Sil some fends establish a permancin foaphold on Teil in this manner~Garganth is aforeer archicvl that has become deity and the minotaur deity Baphomet is 2 demon. Two other Luoma demons worshiped in Faerun ate Orcus (espansible for ‘much of the erouble in Damarg years ago) and Pazrae. _ Tetscme ways, ‘vorshiping a fendi similar to how soms souls eg wer ‘the boateru in the afeeife.A-moetal makes a pact worshiping eiends vith a demon or dav, promising warship and secrificss in cschange for spells The agreement usually entails condemning. | ‘the worships sul to the Alyse the Nine Hells unicr the cone wot of the fiend in quention. The pact gectlly spots that iP | the mortal fils eo propitiace the end wich frequent sacrifices ie ‘may’ slay’ im and take hie oul Lack to its ter planar home. While this coms lke a bargain stacked in the Favor of the out™ sider, the fend wally makzy fen demands of the mortal ochet a See doesn" have to weety about ra ett on Invi, ome imprest ranted spells, Tformatioa on domain, favore weapons, and potatos for Haphomet, Orcus ani Fazrnl can be Found in the Monster Deities table in the appendix ofthis Mook, Intropucrion Bee automaticly fil on « natural saving throw roll of L. Resctances All deities have at leat the following resitances ‘Ghecke A deity gets its divine rank 282 borus op all hill checks, Individual deities may. have atonal resistaness shiley checks caster level checks and turning checks, Energy Revnance A deity as fre resistance of 20+ is divine rank, ‘Lewer deities (rank 6-10) may take 10 of any cheek, provided Spel Resinance: A deity hus spell rsstance of 32 + its divine they need to make a check at al. rok Intermediate and greater deities (ank 21-20) always get 2 resale Salient Divine Abilities Every deity of rank 2 or higher has at of 2010n any check, provided they nead co make a check a all less onc additional power, called a salient divine ability, per divine Immunities Detics have the following immunities Indivilval rank Ge Salient Divine Abilities in the appendix) ties may have mote immunities. Unless ethorwise indicated, Domain Powers A deity of rank Lr higher caa ase any domain ‘hese immunities do not apply ifthe attacker is ity of equal or power itean granta numer af times per day equal tits divine rank higher rank GF the power normally can be used mace often than that, the deity Tranmecation A deity is immune to polymerphing petrifica- gets the greater number of wes IF a domain power is bad on 2 tow, or any other actack that alters its form. Any shapealtering clerics level a deity with no cleric levels hasan effective ceric level powers the dity might have work normally on itself. of 20th + the deity’ divine rank for this purpose Energy Drain, Ability Drain, Abily Damage: A deity is not Spel-Like Abilities A deity can use any domain spel i an grant sulject 0 cnergy deta, ability deta, or ability damage asa spell ability at will. The detys effective coster level for ‘Mind. Affecting Effects & deity ‘5 onme £0 mialsfFoting wich silites 10 + the deity divine rank. The saving theow DC feets (Charms, sompulions, phantass patter and morale effets for such abiitis is 10 the spell level « te dity’s Chis bonvs Energy Tmnuniey: Deities of rank} or higher are immune to (any) the deity’s divine rank. lectricity, cold, and acid, even if the attacker ia deity of higher Immortality: All deities even those of rank 0) are naturally vin rank. Some deitise have ational energy immurisi immorcal and cannot die fom natural causes Deities do not ag, Deities of rank 2 of higher are immune to disease and poion, and they do not neu to eat, slp, ar breathe, The only way for a stunning, sleep, palpi, dach cect, and disintegration Aety to die is through specs cieumseances, usally by being slain Deities of tak Sor higher are imme to effects that impriton in magieal of physica combat ‘oc banish ther, wales the attacker isa deity of equal or higher ak, Deities of rank 1 or higher are not sje o death from massive Sich effects include Bawishmers binding, mensional anchor, dir damage (oe Injury an Death i) Chapter 8 ofthe Players Hanabek miss, imprisument, repulsen, soul Bndy empora! sas, rep the Sense: Deitias frank Lor higher have incredibly sensitive per tan, and turning and rebuking. ception. Sach # deity's senses (eluding derkvision and loslighe Damage Redaction: A dity has damage ruction cqual to 35 + vision ifthe deity his them) extend ot to. radivs of one mile pet its divine ran4. Foe example, a demigod with a divine rank of 3 divine rank In effec, a deity of rank 10 cam Se, ear, rauch, and Js daagereluction 38/44 ssuell ata distance of ten miles just as well as a bumar. can per- also has damage reduction from another source such lve things thar are close enough to touch. Perception is limited ss barbarian clas levels this damage reduction does not stack with to the sense a deity poses Far instance, a deity cannot oe in ‘the dumage reduction granted by divine ranks Instead, the deity gets the dazk unless ic has darkvison. Nor can it see through solid the benefit of che tose damage reduction in a given siuation. objets without ming ifs remote sensing ability a some sore of For example, a deity with damage reduction 38/+4 is also a ray vsion power. 2opilevel barbarian with damage redsction 4/~ If che deity is ‘Remote Sensing As «standard action, a dity of rank 1 or higher attacked with a weapon of +3 enhancement of les the deity anes can perceive everything within a radius of one mile per sank around its damage reduction 38/+4. Ifthe same deity s attacked with any of is worshipers, oly sis, of other objects or locales sacred to respon of 14 or better, che deity wes damage reduction 4)-, cho deity. This supernatural effect ean alo be centered on any pace Seeause che Barbarian's damage reduction isnot negated by a +4 of where someane speaks the deiy’s maths or title For up to 1 hour eter weepon. Whenever a deity has a second hind of damage alter the naonc is poken, and at any faention when an event rated Jae apply to-an attach that damage reduction i to the dit’ portfolio oeurs (ee the deity desertion For dtl) ven in parentheses after che damage reduction entry in the The remote seasing powcr can ero planes and penetrate any bar hy’ statis block ‘er except a Divine Shield (a salient divine ability) or an area oth- See Fay Levels Beyond zoth | Most deities are 20 HID outsiders with 30 to 50 character | “Beyond character level 20th, deities artack and saving throw | pe Talal hse els beyond anf “Penuses incre at new rates, Deities gait « 41 bonus on ittack pes wa covers in more etal a the "rolls at 2st level and every od numbsred val ehereater, mes > ing thats deity with #0,cass levels (ontop ofthe bse 20 outsider ce he “6th confer confer some, but not all, of the © Hit Dice) lus’ an attack bonus of +40. No deity cam have more evs, Deitics ya alt the class featurcs for than four attacks derived strictly from its base atvack bones, 0. al their levels mh 2 the Fighter's bonus Fenty, ee monks" dey with an aac tous sh 40 gets allitional as a3, | tuarmsd damage, the ranger’ favored enemy, the 930, ani +28. task hore warts eeeogHiby Te dey tg De gl 1 boas on vig tzope et 2nd eee ‘ins the normal Hit Die for thar class, plus additonal skill every even-pumberad level thereafter A dsity vith 20 outer fois wf the deity fal eve! hu elas sory. The Hi Die end 42 cls eves hs sing on toes Fort ir eat te ei a at ary thse lve. € s —— InrRopuerion ae ‘cewite blocked by deity of equal or higher rank Remote sensing i ot facie! by aizdiecton of nondetction o silat spells, and it does ot crate 2 magical sensor that other creatures can detect (as the serying spell does). “A dcty cn extend its sensse 10 o¥m oF more remote lotions at ‘once epenng on divine rank) and til sense whats going oo nearby: (ice # deity chooies a emae location to sens, fe sutomticlly seceives sensory infaespation from that locaton until it chooses 2 ‘ew lection wo see, oF until tea’ sense the location (Fr ex pi, afer 1 hour bas elapacd since somcone spoke the deity’ name} ‘Block Seasing As « atandaed action, + deity of rank 1 or higher can block the sensing ability of other’ deities ofits rank or lower. ‘This poner extends foe a radius of re mile per rank of the deity, of svithis the same digeane around 4 temple or other loeale sere t0 the deity, or che same distance around portfoliorelated event. The Aeiry cat Block two remot: locations a ones, plus the area within ‘one mile of itself. The blockage lasts 1 hour per divine rank. ‘Portfolie: Every deity of rack or higher bas at leat limited knowledge and control over seme aspect of mortal eitence. eity’s coanceion fo ts peetfalo gives it a numberof powers ‘Porfela Sense: Demigods ha a limited ability to sense events involving eheit portfolios They. automatically Sense any event thie mvelves ons thousand of more people. The ability ie limited to the prevent: ‘Lasser deities uromaically sense any event that involves their orefoios and affects ive hunaved or mare people Tnternediae diticsantomatieally scnee any event that iatves ‘heir partfaliog, repardiew of the umber of people involved In audiition, their sonsss extend one tenday into the past for every divine rank they ave, ‘Greater deities automatically sense any event that involves their portfolios, rgandles of the numer of people invalved. In adation, their senses exten! one tendas into the past 2nd one tenday ito the future For every divine rank they have When a deity senses an event, i merely knows that the event ‘cecurring sa where iin The deity receives no semsery infersation about the event. For camp, demigod of he sex senses al idl ‘waves that threaten multiple villiges or smaller Larger towns. The Geigy knows where the waves ars but not whgt ey Took Tks oF ‘which diecton there eraeling ‘Once a deity notices an event, ean use it emote sening power ro perceive the event. Automatic Aetisns: Deitos done nied to make skill chechs'as ‘often as morals da, When performing en ection within its porcfo- lig a deity an perform. any action asa free action as log as the ‘check DC is equal to or less than a certain number (giver in the "ets deserigtion. The number of suck Free actions a deity can per: Feem cach round sdetersined by the detys divine Fak. Greate Magic lems: A dcity of cank 1 or higher can cceate magic items telated to its gorefolio without aay regi item ere ation feat, provided that che deity posesies all other prerequsies Foe the ise. The masimnam item vale a dsty ean create is fone: tion a ts divine rank. The items cost and ereation time cea ‘unchanged, bot the deity i free to undertake any activity when not Intoring on the item (see Creating Magic tems in the Dangeon Masters Guide) For example, a demigod of fire cou ereate x wand of burning ads withoue the Craft Waid Feat, provided that the demiged ws the baring bands spel TF a deity has the ies crsation Fat pertaining to the item it wishes to ereats, the cost (in gold amd XP) and creation times are halved, Divine Ante: The mere presence of adeity of rank 1 of higher can deeply affect mortals and. beings of lower divine ranky ho sighs find the experience cther uplifting or unsettling, depending ‘on the dity's mood and the eter being’ relationship tothe dey. Allvine aura effects are mindaffectng, extaerdinary ables Moers and other deities of lower ra ean rest che ara’ ffets with success Will saves; che DC is 10 + the dity’s rank + the ‘4iy's Charisma modifier Deities are immune to the auras of deities ‘of equal or lover rank. Any being wo makes 2 sucessful saying ‘ehron against a dcey’s aura power becomes immune to that deiy's aura power for one day. Divine aura is emanation that extends arapnd the deity in & radivs whose sie a Funetion of divine rank, The deity choeres the size of the radius and can change it 38. frce-etion. IF the deity chooses 2 ravs of fect, its sua power effectively becomes no fanetional Whea two or more dete? auras cover the same afc, foals the aura cha belongs tothe deity wich the highest rank func ‘ons IF divine ranks are equal the auras coexist ‘The deity can make its ows worshipers, beings of is alignment, ‘0 both types of indivsluals immune fo the effect aya free acton. “The immunity lst one day or untl the deity dans i. Once affected by sn aura power creatures remain affect as Yong 5 thes remain within the auras fads, "The deity car chon from the fellow effects cach round ss 2 free ation, ‘Dace. Affected beings jst sare atthe deity in Fascination. They can defend themselves sormally bat can take actions Fright Affect beings become saken and suffer a? merale pesalty on attack rll, ssves and checks. ‘The meres glance or ges- tre from the deity makes them frightened, and they Flee as quick ly che ea, although ehey ean choos: the path of thir ight Reiice: The dcity’s allies rcsive a r+ morale bonus on attack rolls, aves and checks, while the deity’s oes recive a 4 morale penalty oa attack rolls saves, and checks Grant Spells A deity grants spells and domain powers to mortat divine speleasers who pray to it. Most deities can grant splls from the cleric spell Zs the ranger spell lst and from three or more downains Deities with levels inthe did clas can grant spells fom the druid spel ist and deities with paladin levels can grant spell from the paladin spell hut A deity ca wiehhod sella From ay par ticular mortal a6 a free action; once spell has been granted, it remains in the mortals mind until expended ‘Spontaneous Gasting: deity of rank 1 or higher who has levels ine divine spllasting elas can spontanceusly cast any op it an srant: This power works lke 4 clerics ality to spontancous)y east ‘ore apells ee the cleric section in Chapter 3 of the Player's Hand Ps ae cn Linea mtetia me Besa Dent ranks sty has na hil digs sym _ peities And. sl ee diet poeta | ergy Bonuses ee ry on Fom the ll amy rene hy 92 Re example, « AEity wth 25 anki Handle Animal wold sive = ar “iy bontn op Ride chsh and diy with 87 rasa anal ‘imal wou resive x +fhergy Bonds on Ride chech. < : 25e— Iwrropueriox —— Dot) except that applin to any spall the deity ean gant (Conmastesse A dry of ea Lr Ulf abated, clyde a) language, icing nonvetal anguags “The deity can speak dety to any tings within one tile of Bas per dive rn Stra Copal: AL allude ria 2 te figher ent sed communication to remote lation The deity Beebe cot rd ecilecrs rt fo Sepsos yeh cor tlle per vank svay (rm «ste deiatd tothe ey Goch ut temple, sri, or snred grove) or within one ile per rank say from a saae or oer Mence ofthe dey. iT ceatre being contacted can ratte a epee menage thet ony it can hear. Alternativ, the des Ye ca ser fo pts Toes the cic te cunt (ica er es te des Goalng Que or an ehect or lols detect vo another dey oF geal or higher rank char the iy who fe spabing) Tn the ter {ls anyone within ersc of the oid ean ea Sleds can rol « tuanifoaton op or aed of alin gsc doemoce. Te cyace enka Uk consti arc vith the deity, bo i ually i some vii phenomcnon etn betce it change the weal crs atbeing i csinale Aids communication jouer ca com planes and penetrate aay ter Once communion is ated he diy ean Cntnus ca fait ah fee ato url dees to en the commotion. DA Gey cn ny bal ts sae tone omens eh Bia sie can fates tote Ge tne (oe Hemote Seay stone fishy Natl Hae ty of onk 1 oe Hee Is a location tat Sete wc rerlace persnal raiders sacs chamber, iad Se eaes a raven Fcc dey wars accepted hin is gly real BaP tio ase wets Codtal orn in enventnen Wid sate, cecruing the fetpeatae ead einer cleats of th I es ra arctan hermes eT vat? thin contra x Tontion of the deity rank ad wheter the realm sac Or Pon sue othr pln Lng Merial Mane Within this are eb kit can stay tempera thai ormal ert ne wes th resin lorate ort Manor Plane en temper Yo -207 to 120°F) andl the arcs with sent and tei ws te dey ee fit. Sounds can be no lane tha one bn hel humarn cel mak, the deity could crate the sounds of an invdbe cho, bee jungle full of rasoue bids or similar scandy at oe intelligible speech or farmful sud, This conte et sennd ilar to th glut reed pelo caple of prod Hpac Urge etna of ou. Tee Gry aly to cate toes, Die of rah 6 or higher can create the sud of ligt peck ‘A denig o eer deity can xe bing ad ale the land Bike hor see of ievigh te ore’ bcr croagh he of thogh i divine powers ay orn 6 Weise Se Sy id ence oite wh onmee, ht sno contrls eis fo the Aatrol Pine (oem the only were the deity ceies has an Astral Plane), Manip level, deities can facely pay for erating magi tens “Deities and spelicasti ng a ulsting 4 reals astral links venders teleportation and smilie fects cles sithin-the realm. The deity can desigate certain locales within the realm where astral links femain intact. Likewise, the deity cin block o@f the realm from planar poctals or designate locations where portals are posible. A deity of rank 11 higher can also apply the enhanced masic for apo! magi trait within his realm to up to Four groups of ‘yells Gpellsbelongag to the same schoo! or the samme domain o# Inving the same descriptor) The eokanced mayic trait enables 2 smetatmagic feat co be applied wa group of spells without requiring, ‘higher level spell slots Many deities apply the enhanced magi rat to ther Jomain spell mahing them maximized (as the Mavimine Spell feat) within the boundries of their realm. To east «spel alfeccd by the impaled magic ta, the easter mast succeed 38 a Spellrat check (DC 1 ~ spell evel Ifthe click Fs, the spell ‘wast. The impada magic tais doesn’ fect the deity spells and spel like abilities Tn ation, a dity of rank 11 or highér ean rset bulifings 25 desired and alter tren within ten mile to besonve any trea ype oud on the Material Plane. Those buildings and alterations are ‘manifestations of the deitys conteal over the ral, "A greater deity (rank 16 of higher) also can perform any one of the following e:= + Chuinge oF apply gr say trait within the realm. ‘Change or apply an elemental or energy trai within the realm, ‘Ghange or apply a tine trait within the realm ‘Apply ehe limited magic tat to a particular school, domain, or spell descriptor within the area, preventing suc spels and spell abilities from functioning, The gresterdeit’s ov pels and pelt ablitics ae not limited by ese rsetrctions, occ deity sets the conditions in its realm, ehey are peemanent though ehe diy can change them. Ax 2 standard action, the deity can specify a new cnvironme neal condition. The ehange gradually fas effect over the nest 10 mines Changing astral Links, plovar traits, or terain requires mere for, andthe deity must bor fora year and a day to change them, Doring this time, che deity muse spend 8 hours day on the project Daring the rerstining 16 hours of each day, the deity ca pet?orm any aetion it desites, ay long a it remains within the realm. The astral links, planar alts and terrain remain unchanged until the labor is complete. ‘Travel: A deity of rank 3 or highte eam use rleore thane error asa spllike ability at wil asthe spell cast by a 20th level charac ter, excupt tht the deity can transport only elf and up to 100 oad of objects per divine rank. A deity of rank 6 or higher aso can use plane sift a ypellike silty at wil tthe npll cast by a ‘ort level'character,exaepe thatthe deity can only transport isl and up to 100 pounds of objects 1 the deity basa Familia, personal mount. er persona? intelligent \weapon, ths creature can accompany the deity im any mode of travel if the deity touches it. The creature's weight counts against. the it's weight i ‘Famille A eity of rank 1 or higher with levels as sorster er “What happens when deity cast micacl? Rather thn ing anotiee deity to perform sonic task, the deity simply from som eve power Te ay the expernes en cat th tess og eles hee ae i Lsrropuetion Wizard has the sili 2 rea any ercatare of given ind! as ari iar long as that eteatare& within «distance of one mile pr divine sank ofthe deity. For example, Bane isa LOebtevel wizard of divine sank 17 Ravens ae his spf kin of Fon, meaning that Bane an oe any raven within seventeen mis of his loation 2 a familia “Thor anna ginal the charactors chat a Farle oF 1 0ehevel \wiaard has This special familac ability ony applies to one creature ea time but 9 deiey can switch between one ersature and ancthee instantaneously, as long a the secon creature i withid ange ‘This socal Familie ability docs noe replace the dsty’s ality to ‘havea normal familie, which could by aay hind of eligible erature For example, Bane could have a toad s 3 normal familiar in al ‘on to his special raven familiae. The tond gan the abilities of ‘normal Familie of « 1th-evelwizaed as long es te tad ie within fe mile of Bans’ location. (For details of special abiliti that familias seceive and impart 10 their masters see Chapter 3 of the Player's Handbrck readin the Derry entries Teh pe ty dh # el me po petty statistics Block Theft to of ext sotsns hss information shout te diy Hemi The ft ls rests ine by hh the dy gee Ay Mowe Ober sates o tls teil othe ety Gray) art Sire stostniny lor i ae Spm A shore desipcon of the boly oc wnhly symbol acid ty the sity ces Ths symbol often wad on arson exer, ‘ee died t the dey Home lane: The portion of the cottor were the deity chiefly rosie Agate sys lipamee: Dire te sue aig Tera dts dr Se Chaptce 0 ee Beer anak erfoln Te ssets of moral cxence wih wich se diy sno often sociated Polio elements ae Tied oughly in these Grier of importance t the dey "Worshigers Those who worship oe venerat the diy, ough in pret tae neat nad porta totie ey, Gre ligaments What slignaents the deiye eis can bave ‘As noted inthe Players andor cleri ypely bas the ae dMgament as Ms deity Some cleric ligaments ae one vep aay from their ropective dits. For exemple, ose rics of EG. trac (wha i chaotic god) are chaotic god, be ome are chesic eae ot clsery fest Ace wy a peel to Gaiy boot ares 10 To aligaments ae within os step of each other if they appear adjacent to each other horizontally or vertially on the following (ri, Aligaments that are adjacent to each other on a disgonal are ‘ht within one step. Lawful good (Chaotic good Lawfal neveral Chaotic neural Lamfulevil Neutral evil Chaotic ev Some deities do not cept cleric of alignments that are within fone step of their ows, See the indivilual deity deseriptions for bea Domains: Clerics of the deity can ehowie from Among the slowais listed here A deity can ove say daraie pel sean grant o+ ‘spell ability, wale at wil. tao ean use any dowsain power ican grant at least ones per day per divine rank. Turning ar rebuke ing undead isnot a granted power, but aeleic class ability. deity an torn or rehokecndead only if ths levele inthe cls clas or some spcial power over undead, Favoced Weapon: What weapon the deity favors The deitys cles: ics generally prefer vo use such weapons ad cerain spl that cer iss cast, such as spritoal weapon, may have effects that resemble this weapon. Descriptive Text Immediately following the deity statistics Mock is information shout wat the deity Joos like and other general facts In addition, thse ees subtopics are covered i the dserptve text History/Relationshipe: Information on how the deity eame into beings or ow ie sequined is present stats, as well as which dis it onsters alles oF een Dogma: The basic tenets ofthe deiy’s eed or teachings Clergy and Temples: Detail of how the diy’ clerics set and the types of temples or shrines dedicated to the deity. CThissubepic is Covered For the deities in Chapter 1 but not thos i Chapter 2 game statistics Block ‘The deity’ D&D gam sates ae presented nen. (Game tatitce are provided for the deities in Chapscr 1 but not thos: in Chapter 2) ‘They we the -ame Format use to preset satis For any othe D&D game eeature, All applicable mates have boon ade co theo including sity score modifiers, bonuses from divine rank, bonuses From magica! equipment, synergy lamas, and bones fom Feats cor silent divine abilities, ‘The paragraphs at che end of the game statistics block prove adtiiael information shes the dity Divine Imanunites Ay immusitcy eh deity has by wien of ive ran, saliene divine bilities and porcelia es and pivine spells ity's domains are closely linked to the deity's portfolio and ee asad faces in iy lage hn Sonal power. This is why deities can make such free use of their slass to domain powers and why they can use their domain spells as ec a. ‘i Inrropuertos Silent Divine Abilities A lis of the deitys sien divine abil ties Cnique salient divine abies related c @ deiy's porcflio are Asribed in the dicy entry. Dama Powers The domain powers the deity ewe Ta vom eases 1 eity has ccess toa domain power that is irrelevant. These powers re not nication Fac example the Magic domain power ensiles cer {cs tome itso tha proce arcane spell this powers mally iccle ‘ane when x dey har sac eve wt ually pot mentioned SpellLike Abilities: The deity’sapllike ails and the saving throw DC for those cilities If particular pel ike ability super beds less powerful on, only the heter one is given. For example, deities with the Travel Seeman can ws both telepar the Fah ew) he Fese Magister, = postin created specially by Mystra to recognize her most promising ‘mortal popil. Avath then sought #0 carve a piece af the deste Saves: diviaity and bind it eo higweli—an experiment char ule ‘mately fll. This led oa sees of baths with Sovras, ening With that dsiy’s imprconment ina staff. With the help of Myst, who Ind become his lover, Avath Finally asecnded to divine status Seoras (now Freed Fron his imprisonment) grodgingly servos Auth ses the generally ntrastvorthy Velshiroon. ‘Dogms: Resin is the best way eo approuch magic, apd magic cap ‘examined and reduced tots component parts through study end :mecinaton. Maintain calm and use caution in your spclleating and imagie wer avoid making mistkes thet even magie rennot nde. Ge ww avo making = ns We the Art wily, and always be mindful of when iisbert not 0 wwe magi Teach the wielding of magic and dispense Icerning tHrevghost Paes thatthe vse and knowlege oF magje may pres Live and teach the ides thae sith magieal power comes grave esponsibility. Leacn every new spell you discover and make 3 copy for the cempe litrary, Do not hour your howledge; and escourage zeatiiey In magic in all ways ad at all cimes. Glergy and Temples: Azuth’s clergy incus wizard and monks, hugh sigle an multiclased clerics hold most postions of power srithin the hicrarchy. These indvidoals, known collectively 35 he rragntrat, Farlate communications between arcane speleaters Mayistrak tend to dres in elaborat and impractisl éoll-colorsd doting accented by slzurdly high collars, large huts, aud soles fearing arcane symbols ‘Nita centers of worship sre commen in evil nations par tilly cies with powerful accuse guilds There, magitati enforce the Magebond, an informal agreement taught to nearly all wars since che ee of Anuch’s reg as che first Magister. The Magsbond siplates that disputes between wizards shoul! ot spill ‘rer into the community at lange—that magic is best left to vse Wich che willpower to study and master it ad hae the destruction inherent in maga ducls eases mages i the tors light imaginable, (OF course, as many Wirands scoff at these “Flee” as follow them. ) Conflicts betwest wizards, seeating to the tenets of the Mage ond, should te conducted in. private securing tothe dictates of a compliet- usally nonlethal rus thar pits mage fapins mage in a vpellncaving dock ‘Naural, the magistrats oversce suck entity nd thay esp he lore and fil of these doels a closely guarded sere ‘The mast powerful member of @ fen temple community 8 known asthe Hest? and is veferrad to as “Revered (One by his or er inferioes Those wh Jaye sive the High One for a great deal of ine are, sometimes called "Miser hor the clergy frowns upon more osten ‘icoas tiles Many. petsarchs live to fe wll over 250 yeats old, aang pomors falsely claiming: that high ‘Garis of tw inner circle ave dhs ‘orered the secret to imnertalty, 1 Aaath’s Pavores bli an smporeant ‘plas in the clergy, boeh outside and ahove he rogulr chute hierarchy. Recently, evo ils tal Favored ave ascended to important roles within the | hore Meldcathac Gath of Halrua leads che Loomwarden Faction, betes Saesoch Vuslagor of Thay leads the more accepting Spell sorants The stern Ecomwardens question the somewhat chaotic fare of Myra, che Mother of All Magic, who is often a pron ff soceres They distrust sorcersrs forthe aceient of ther inate Ahly, a beet reminscene of the ancient archwivards of Nether ib through raw spelleasting poner oughta great empire tou, Iu ces such as Halarahh and Beusmtur, iaflvenial Leommardens ‘rk bend the seones to har sorcerers ftom positions of power and ‘ svart wnt they see at 2 danger. The Splisavants, on the other “Twig caperston berwats alleys of areancsptfasters hal ing the through camulasive fore Hamas's knowledge of magic Ha whole intonsifies Since the Time of Troubles these mutdally faclaise abologes have come into sharper and sharper coulit, with enti churehesspliting apart along fection lines. Mayon Derries oF Farris sad Aesth azuth ‘Wirard 20 Archmage 5/Atané Devore Lormater 10/Cerie Dice: 2046180 (Wit) plus 504-45 (Acs) plus 504445 (Dey) plus 1044490 (Lop plus 2048-180 (Clr) (860 hp) tative: (7 Dex, +4 Improved Tntizve) Speed: 60 fe ‘AG 60 (67 Dex/10 divine, +23 natural, 8 ‘Ola Svaff) Astach: + guerra -F2)s47 males or spell +47 mele couch ‘or ranged touch, Damage 15 gurterta/f 186-17; or by opel Pace/Reach $e. by 5 5 fe Bpecial Attacks: Bonnin powers, stint divine abi ties spelike ability rm undead 1d. Special Qualities: AtigameneFeeus a), spplicable knowledge arcane reich, cast ‘aw spells at +2 caster level, divine surae (1006 fe, DC 28), divine immonites, divine shroud day, law, SR52, 13 Towihds, DR 35/+4, enlarge spel ail iar (cate Fie eenntance 30, poly realm (0 mils Outer Mane, 1000 fe Material Pla) greater lore, instant mastery (Bf tare 39, mastery of counter: spelling, masteryof elements, mere new ena acaaa, newfound acans, plone shift at sil eee communication 10 mikes, sacred defense 2, secrets of inne strength, spell power +, spell power +2, spontaneous using of divine spel SR 62, flere sidan err ae wil, rue Tore, understand, speak, and read all languages and speak directly eo al beings within 10 miles Save: Fore +47, Ref 45, Will «6, “Abilities: Su 24, Dex 25, Con 28, Int 70, Wis 32, Ch 26 Skile Alchemy +63, Bluff +38, CConcentttion 1%, Forge #36, Gather Information +41, Heal «78, Intimate «26, Knowledge ana) #99, Knowledge architecture and cugiveering) +73, Reowledge (geo raphy) +73, Knowledge (history) -73, Knoiede Coeal) +73, Knowledge (oarare) 173, Keowledge (nctiliey and rol 3, Knowledge (lanes) +87, Knowledge (religion) +73, Listes «27, Sery +433, Search +53, Seise Motive #28, Splleratt 297, Spor +27 -Feate Brew Potion, Combat Casting, Craft Magic Armand Armige, (raft Rod, Crafe Stat, Graft Wand, Graft Wondrous Item, Greate Portal, Delay SpelleDadge, Empomer Spel, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spel, Forge Ring, Heighten Spell, Improved Initiative, Masimine Spell, Fersstene Spell, Quskey Spel Scribe ‘Scroll, Silent Spell, Skil Focus Knowledge arcana) Skill Focus (Spulleraf} Spell Focus CAbjuratin), Spell Foeus (Conjrtion) Spell Penetration, Speleating Prodigy (Ward) Sell Spel: lection, +2 luck Divioe Immidnities: Ability damage, ability drain, acid, cold, death feet, disease, dsitegration, lecerty, energy dain, miné-aFost- ing elects, paralysis pon, erp stunning, transmutation, ips comment, banishment. Salat Divine Abies: Ale Porm, Ale St, Aveo Meta magi ein spake aby), Avon Matamogie (in wien {pel Contra Creatures 0 crear dy tat an ct pls or we Spake sites, Wil DC 28, Crate Arace, Die Splat, Toe Donan (hwo) Peta Does ely Trae Spell asstanc Inga Cousterpel, Sx Mage Dodais Powers: Caton pel atch ctr rh cat vine sn spel ae vet yl ev eh I corto or opel rer devin Wa ‘Pepe Lits Abies Arsth vss tac alii a 4 200hievl caste ap fer nw pl which eyes a4 2A eel eset, and ins nd ao spl wich ie us a Daten ete, The tive Dae 20 + oll vel tein Pal nyt, bresk tacheamenl cain oes acadinetlironame deer shiny done taght,dicmm, discralcton, ge cos, dpe Gi alplacentnr, dint fed the pi, foe reir soit ta ose ae wih Sel abil liend ee, Taleb ib ge mer mnie al get shox, rae, mules Mertontanses digestion, Nyints andes ware rae wrth, print imac, plana ler, projet ima, pre Seti rom har pron fm ells Ra's nema ene, freon tof tae et imate Sell eae, pel tar Ine mer moter Gs wal ony cig cre. Gere SpltDry (Levels O11} 69799788775/52% te DC 25 ap evel 02 ape level fer abjurtion peli or on Suration st ‘Ward Stay Cres 0-19} 4/1997 97919/74/90)5) YAMA bee B36 eve 384 spel lvl fo ge ‘at lor ejrton al. Ponenione Auth cat the OF Steff aos woe wal ha inom an sci ih a rns tpl a leg igh he tappive All powers of thi mio atfact Feneton athe slo hae ame ct by an Tire wad ‘ald portal, gph mage amr, mage bated. ‘The fllowing powers drain 1 charge per use nel magic, com: nual flame, Fireball Ceightened t0 Feb level, 1046 points of Aausage save DCX7) ie sro, indy, bce, levitate, ihining ‘elt htighcened vo Fek level, CUE points of dymage, ye DC 37) apie mate (5 mises, passe, prtetnics, ray of exfchie ment (heightened to 5th level, sive DC17) wet of fire, web “The following powers dein 2 charges pr Use cove of wel 106, save DC 1S} gle of iomlnradilit, ald monster ave DC 18), mentor summoning IX, plane (ft, telebineis (maximum weight 400 pounds) wall of force Gn -« 1OFoot diameter hemisphere around the user onl) aie ‘The Ol Suaff alia grants its wilder spell resistance 23 This dos snot eck with Azuch spell essence but canbe alized by other ‘welders. A wilde wh willingly lomers his pel resintace a Ue ‘the staff to absorb arcane spell energy distted at hin of het, e380 ly asif ic were a red of absorption (ace Chaptst 8 of the DUwGron “Masts Guide) The stafT uss spall levels ts charges, ot a pel energy sable by the wisller. IF it aborin spell levels beyond its charge limit (90), explnes asia retributive strike had been ade (Gee below) The stafF docs nat communicate how many spell levels fre being cast at the wiclec, asa ved of abiorptio does Absorbing, spells i iy, but i ste only way this staf can be rocharged. ‘The wither also gains a #2 luck bons to AC and saving throws: The Od Staff is +5 quarterstaft, end its wer may employ it 0 ‘mire opponents IF 1 charge is expended (asa free action) che Old Saff causes dele damage (3 ont eritical hit) for 1 round On feomman, the staff automatically reflects spells cat at the wieder, ‘exactly asi pel! ring been east upon his oF her. ‘Ths bradatone of che Of Steff, known athe Donjon of Facet, fan be used to hold enemies tapped by the ose’ imprisoument ‘Ths following powers do not drain charges: dees magi, enlarge, * eae ee -Magon Durries of Farnix ee spells Such foes are trapped in he denjon instead af in a small space elow the earth "The Old Steff can ao be woken For retibusive strike Such an act must be porposeful and declared by the wieler. All charges in thy staff are released in 330 oot spread. Creatures within 10 feet a the boken staff sake hie peines of damage equal to 8 times the number oF charges in the staff, those Iwtween 21 feet aid 20 feet away take points equal to 6 tlmes the number of charges amd those 21 fect to 30 fet distant take 4 times the number of ebazgss Suc egal Ret saving throws (DC 17) rods the darsage by bal. "The character breaking the staff Is a 50% chance (a O1-50 result on dé) of traveling to another place of existence, but if this oes not occur (51-100), che explosive release of spel eneray Sesteoys the wilder i ‘After al charges ate used up from the stay ic remains 2 47 guartervaff. Once empty of charges, it cannot be broken in are ‘Shucive sik. Garter Level 40th Weighe 4 1 OrHrR Divine PowrRS ‘Av alesir deity, Auth may take 10 on any check. Azath treats 1 ‘on an aeack roll or saving throw normally and not 26 an eutoratic failure. He is immortal Senses Azuth can se, hear, touch, and smell at 2 dance of ten tiles As. standard setion, he can perccive anything within ten mils (of hus wevshipers ely ites, ejects, cr any location where one of bis thes or rspe a spon i the lant hour He can ented hi emses to up five locations at ones. He can block the sensing power of dicks ‘ot his rank or lover at up to 80 remote lotions at ence for 10 hours Poreflis Sense: Azuth senses the discovery, transcription, and east ing of evry sell in Faern, a5 longa th event in question afTeces At east five hunted peopl. For example he would sens a grcat mage ‘eal dilay ora bnttle in which megic play an important ols. ‘Automatic Actions: Azuth ean use Knowledge (arcana), Krav see (architteeure and engineering Knowledge (geography) Knowl ‘age (history, Knowledge (neal, Knowledge (nature), Knowledge (nobility and royalty), Keowiedgs (planes), Knowledge (religion), ‘Spelleraft a5 «Free atton the DG for the task is 29 of lower. He an perfoem upto five such fe: actions each round (Greate Magic Jteme Azuth can crete any kind of magic item, as Jog asthe isins mart prise doesnot exceed 30,000 gp, Bane The Black Lord, the Back Han, the Lard of Daress Gceater Deity Symbol Gen rays squeezed forth from a black Pet ome Plane ‘The Barren: af Doom and Despair Alignment: Lawful evil Portfolio. Serif, hatred, eyrany, Fear ‘Worshipers Coniston, evil Fighters and monks, Fant, wiaards Cleric ligaments: LN, LE, NE Doms Evil, Destruction, Hette, Law, Tyranny Fevored Weapon: “The Black Has of ane [a black ga let} (moeingstary ‘The twisted alls of Zhetil Keep ceho wih malign ingorations chaaced in shadowy tompls throughout Fiero. Bane (Bein the ‘Lord of Darks has conquered death isl, reurning to ch world to give dark inspzation co a thous intrigues to foment fear and Intra in civlited land, sd to reat tne common moceal that tyranny, though if may soffee oceasioal defeat, will never di racinut ‘Mayon Darrtes oF Farry —— “Tough Res tensed moray cna go primary ge Teme toahiy uma he cbs tthing het of te to do sation of Faron, Wien is serrate kt pon the the of ey ad plow orn ere ta ttre atl For te ey ad when altuna hope have tne se rem the rl, ther wl Banc rs Unt eh ark Sy. However, he Black and tes cristo itch demented los rik nrgues Rentals, te wll roe il Fein bar thte's no huey. Getting there il Be I he Fi Bane prefers to hsp to the sao allowing is rants to egy OF Dis este eae Ou te coy contin be wee aopeste he es the font of shadony umanldGgue—ofte irene, comune varog dark tir end ¢ yah Mock lok trek wth ee His right an nvrishiy pretest by foc teal gran, al he weapon heeds to dat the few fms bec or feshnrty)enogh to tack Hm fle nt stance For alate aml do tinh wie about wing ets loyal srvan co rigorou tortie to ome complete ode 0 Ii demanding, egimerted doctrine. Though posed of en anfor. [Being wrath hon sree slows anger eyting pot Fetal ate of contd bars Tepes ray Kc throw the coins ad his the Pegeiice ves ta Ue far of tk Woes cove of Se struction during the Time of Troubles made ics way ag througout Fare, fee has tent-seven ats GMS | estat natal fete of coktrton and tase 4 Ging, The commoner se Rares erica poty Soe distatrs anaes 9 oe nmorl eet “appli lida san Et role Te alveataer on tu yt ist eeepc unl cori pent hg loopy oie with monster eis av age Saami to frei eit wicked ends any nebee hn the ere rest, tht some of hr per 787 Peoeds fs te Bick Tard fo spn thrsigh cede ad Te Wl eld cent er by Core (hrc of Bane pray for pela maith Ths seligion recog si 9 oficial lye servant give tanks to he Black Band afore and after major tas or before a priulary impor tint se of icrfige Senor cero often dete bly dys st ramen nots, wily arming fo act pon ine iprason incl ass et Mie ie rai cation fhe mii of ittlget brings sally gon sa leo bork Santo nda OF lat cleric of Cyric have coe «prefered ‘Serie, though ld favorites sack spin, ir, en tn slit resin popstar with trains, Clee of Bane Toit commoniy malas a fighter, monks, backer Greniaers oe Cape 4), Thee soci with he to the Trogon ofa ulm eres of pre (oe Ghptee 4 Hinory/Relaoesipe Evin a «huran, Bene ated nothing sore thas to besos the mort Fear. rected eran the world fal ever knoom However, doing 0 would regis an nfsien of ans powee perer the thr aly ceedel to mactalc Beary Fe sacag tape plead fale ae he dasiy cra mane Bil and Markl ns pat of stl amine that would nl nthe pthc oft ee tr The tre laisse {ie a the read of aera, dace count forse one of the Seven Low Gol snd tevell throat the Lone Plane ere achieving tee gal. They bene om the genres or, i coe Sages, fees) ofthe panna raw had sore with hi ou ptm of sre, deih, sl the dnd ach ine! ot of ras portland voinsed che aca of comers for entries onever, eve somplee contol over fe was noe enoogh for shoe dese For spray ei m,n 2358 DR to one ain team wich Myrkal The ai ste the Table of Ft, eribed by Lord Ao to outline te ros of the deg of Tor Ths previa the calantous Tic of Troubles, daring which Bane ws sin Tori the Teen frist in the herbor of Tantra I sxe the Bich Low's ceaseless ambition had atlas led to his destcution Bine'schurh fragmented, ch mos of ee Faithful detecting tote lergis of Gyrg who inherit Bae’ porto andTyachts Xvi, the progeny of Bane coping wth & pouerfel demon. Agent ef wea an roars breathed eke chase days Aang that Tor ‘eis of porhaps ie greatest sent. "Te who It down ther gun However, dl 20 rsh ad far top eon. Ou Midwinter sight of 1372 DR, vim burst in 4 couflar tpacon of dbo green light, From the smoking bush of is Femain emerge anes reiuigostd Ban, his vight fan sare wih ee fie Nviny it appeared had been lle more ei 3 Tent cco a ell in which grew a etering larva that wou 9 tie, Meco Bae, With ay, the Xeimia clergy ba enverted {0 te worship of Ban and rea el one apa cast leu ing sare over the Ind of Faris, "ne hats virally the eve Facrinian pantheon bt Roi pe cia antipathy for Torn, Cyr, Mystra, Tempus Helm, Lather, ‘Oghma, ard Tater, in that ordre han etabisbel « working "relationship with Loviatar, Mask and Talo, but 9 thew eis Aepcrately Fear him, the allances are et strong \ Dogma: Serve no ote but Bane. Fear hum alvays \ and make others fear him even more thea you de \ eck Hand aay ries dow ne who \ sean against i inthe cn Defy Bane and ie—or in death fin leyalty to him, for Re-aall compel Submit to the word of Bone as utered by bis racking clergy, since true power can only be guined through service to him. Spread the dark four of ‘Bane. isthe doom of those who donor follow him {0 let power slip throagh their hands. Those who cross Me the Black Hand meet cheir dooms caelier and more harsh ly chan thowe sho worship otber deities Gleryy and Temples Bane orders his clerks and followers to achieve petitions of postr within ther society, ether through force for trickery, and to ae thae power to furer the cause of hare fear, Akestaction, and strife The Black Hand much prefers that his clr. ‘cssubvest goveraments and entry ovt their agenlas under cover of the rule of le, bat he tletates a, limited amount of discord and debaoekery. Torture, beaings, aii calculated assassinations fre ‘quently come int play in ch operations and rare ined isthe ini tite of the Lord of Darkness who doe: not poss at lest radimemeary sil in Such enterprises The ehureh operates under a questioning or disobeying the orders of a superice ian insult to Bane’'s supremacy, and i punishable by fortars div figuremeat, oc death, ‘one’s temples ten to reflect the clery’s regimented doctrines “all, sharp-comered stone sructues featuring towers adorned with large spikes and thin windows, most Tanite churches soggest the architecture of fortified heepe or small castles Thi interior pat sageways lead from an austere Soyer to brracklike common cham ters for the ly clergy, each sparsely decorated with capers Akspicting the symbol of Bane o inscribed with embroidered passgss from important religious texts Temples frequently inciade an exposed entraleourryard sad for military drills end open-air core- ‘monic as well a5 # more traditions! mas hall Foe che congreestion A large: Most churches Feature extensive gubterrancin dunigeos replete with torture chambers, starvation wells and master peas. Before the Time of Troubles, Bane’s church was riven by internecine strife, divided into the Orthodox sect (commanded pri sarily by clerics) and the Transformed church (dominated by wi ards) Bote himself encouraged this struggle, appreciating the value “ sMajoR Detries oF FAERON ’ of distention even when apple to his owe servants His Tong dor mancy seems to ae elated his mind on this mateze, however, he bn acted personally to eradicate these divisions, even going so Far 28 to aame Paeul Chemlayl, the euler of Zhentil Keep, as his per sonal Chosen Tyrant and infallible mortal represtative The foe imerly fractious Banitss have made common cause in vicious pogroms against those clrice who turned <9 Corie after Bane’ “death” and who have sot returned to the fold their increased cooperation can only lead to Foul tidings for the ret of Fart Bane ‘Fightec 14 /Blackgoard 20/Clesie 10/Wisard 10/Rogue 20 Mediom Sine Ootsider (Evil, Lawful) Dirie Rank: 17 Hit Dice 1510-135 Pee) plus 20410490 + (BIL) pls 103890 (Ce) plus 1014.90 (Win) plus 2036-380 (Rog) (2.675 hp) Initiative: «13 (9 Des, 4 Improved Initsive) ‘Speed: 60 ‘AG: 82 (49 Dex, 117 divine, +30 natura, +16 dflce tion) ‘Actas’ ©F Zameful mig cleaving ually gales 85/78/73) -68 mele, or spell STS melee touch or +69 ranged touch “Always receives a 20.0naneack rolls roll di ta check for critical hit Damage! +f laefnl mighty cleaving sly gaunlet 43637/19-20, or by spell. “Always does maximum damage Gamtlet 40 point) FacefReach 5 febp 1 Fe/5 ft ‘Special Attacks Command at rebake undead 23d (Tective dere level 18th) domain powers, salient divine abilities, smite good day, «16 oe artck and +36 on lamage for one weagon attacks sneak attack 11646 (96 points), sell ike abies Special Quai Avrs of eae, crippling strike, deck Mssing, Baw dese ge, dive aura (27 mies, DC 43) divine nunc, DR 32/04 empathic lnk with fiendish servant, evasion, Femi iar (ravens fends servant (caver fie resistance 37, godly ‘realm (100 miles Outer Plane, 1,700 ft. Material Plane) oppor tunist plane shift at wil, remote communication 17 mies share spells with Fendish servant, lipery mind, spontaneous casting af dine ply SH 49, teleport wats error at wil, traps, uncanny: dodge (Dex bonus ¢> AC, canner be flanked, 4 ‘against raps) understand speak, and red ell languages and speak directly so all tangs within 17 yes Saves Fort °79, Ref 72, Will 172, “Always reeves & 20.00 vee Abilities Ser 36, Dex 23, Gon 28 ln 30, Wis 28, Cha $2. ‘Ble Alchemy “40, Appraike +36, Balance +37, Bf +72, Climb 49, Concentration +74, Craft (responsmithing) +78, Decipher Script +46, Diplomacy +43, Disable Device +36, Diguise +36, Escape Art +35, Forgery :36, Gather Information 68, Handle Animal 51, Heal 42, Hide +45, fnnuendo 3, Tntimidane +82, Tneuit Direction +35, Jump +50, Knowledge arcana) +50, Knowledge (iligion) 50, Listen -52, Move Silently 455, Open Lock ~38, ick Pocket +36, Ris (hors Sety +50, Search +50, Sense Motive +43, Spl 5, Sp 432, Sim +4, Tumble -39, Use Magic Device +39, ‘Always receives a 20 on checks, eats: Blind Fight, Cleave, Combes Casting, Combat RePlexes Craft Rod, Defleee Arrows, Dodge, Empower Spell, Enlarge Spel, Experts, Entra Turning, Great Gleave, Great Fortitude Greate Spel Penetration, Heighten Spell, Improved Bull Rush, lmprovid Crivial (gauntlet, Improved Dian, Tmproved Initiative, improved Trip, latproved Unarmed Sere, Iron Wil, Lightning Refexes, Mobility, Power Attach, ‘Quicken Spell Serie Sell, Slest Spell, Spell Penetation, ‘Spring Acta, Sell Spell, Stunning Fist, Sunder, Weapon Focus (gauntht), Wespon Specialization (gaunt Whictvind Attack Divine Immunities: Ability damye, abi Aran, ai cold death fees dee, dine fration, sletrcny, energy drain, mind ‘Mfectng effets, paralysis pion, rp, tuning, transmutation, inprisor ment benthment Salient Divine Abilities Alter Form, Alter Reality (ave DC 33 for duglicaced spells temporary onmagical objects last 17 days emporary. magic items of cret os last 17 hours), Alter Size, Annihlating Strike (Fore DC 37 + damage dealt, o¢ destroy up to 17,000 cubic fect of sonliving maetsr), Avatar ap to 20), Gall Creatures (up to. 17 evilsiay, cach with up to 17 HD), Divine Blast (L9/lay, wp 40,17 mes, 33012 points of damage), Divine Tnapiation (dread, Wisdom DC 17 ap to. 17 creaturce/day), Divine Shield (12/day, tops damage, Divine. Sa Divine Weapon Focus (gaustlct), Divine Weapon Specialization (gust let) Extra Domain (Destruction Extra Domain (Lew), Fright! Presence CWill_ DE 43), Know Secrsts (Will DG 43) Lay Gurse (up to 17 eveaturesday, Will DC $3), Lay Quest (wp to 37 exeatures (lay), Mass Divine Blast (up o BF targets no to of which can be more than 17 miles apare, or a con up £9 1,700 Ft. long, ors burst or spread with a radius of up 40 850 fe funda height of up co 179 Fe), Possess Mortal (Will DC 43, up c9 20 morte at once), Sunder end Dijin (save DG 39), Wound jem Domain Fomers Cast cvil pele at ol caster level, 17/da smi (Hon actck and +10 on damage for one weapon attack), 37/day 02 profane bonus on artack, saves, and AC agains selected opponent for 1 mine cast ia spells at +1 easter level Spell Like Abilities Bane wos thes abies asa 27thevel caster, except for evil spells and law spel, which he uses a6 Behdeve ‘aner. The save DCs are 43 + spell level Antipay, desire case Bigh’sarseping band, blasphemy, sabn omen, circle of dom, com ‘mand, sontetios, vessewrdead, desecrate, dictum, diserm li, di inegrate, dispel eben, dispel good, dominate motor, dom, cartiquaks, emlion (hate aily)> entbrede, fear, forbiddance, seasiquer, greater cama, bras, bd monster, iepation, inflict riteal wounds, inftict light wend’, magic circle against chest magic rele egaina gpd, mast charm, orders wrath, preteton Frm haa, protection From ed, rgbtoms might, core, Sader, bill of dear, sermon enter IX (as evil 0 law spe ony sae ana tony Sigh, tail of the bance. =—— Major Dezrins or Farnis eo Biackguacd Spells Day 5/44/35 base DC ~ 19 spall level oe 2. + gel evel for enchantment (compulsion) spell ‘lee SpellyDay:6/8/7/6/6/5; base DC ~ 19 ¥ ape vel or 23 ‘gel level for enchantment (compulsion) spells, ‘Winard SpelisDay:4)7/7/77/4; base DC = 20+ spe evel or 22 + spell evel for enclancaent (compulsion) spells Poreaions: Bane wears the Wack Hand of Bane, 3 +F ganntler ith th lasfu, mighty cleaving, and unholy special abies Caster Lecel 15th; Weight: 11. ‘PKoravie Male fends raven; CR 3; Tiny magical east; BD Su; p40; Ini 2; Spd 10, fy 40. (average), AC 22 (touch 14, flnefooted 19 Atk +10 mle (12-3, claws} Ence/Reach 2 ft. 25 11/0 ftg SA Suite good (l/day, points of damage on en nat tal arc’; 80 Blood bond, cold ressancs 15, damage reduction 5:2, darkvsion 60 ft, empathic ink with Bane, fire resistance 15, impeoved evasion, low ight vision, share saving evows with Hans, speak with Bane, spell ceastance 18, AL LF; SV Fort 13, Ref «8, Wil + Stef, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 9, Wis 14 Cha 6. ‘Shir and Feats: ide 10, Listen +6, Spot 6; Weapon Fincse (itor, ‘loud Bond Kocavis gins ¢ 2 bonus on al atic rll eaves, sind cocks if he witnesses Bane threatened or harmed Triproced Eason (Ex) 1 Kort e ahjcted to x9 attack that rexnaly allows a Ref sive for hull damage, le instead takes no amage on a sucessful save sind only bal dasnage on a fale save. OTHER Divine. PowERs Asa greater deity, Bane automaticaly receives the best possible resale on any di oll he makes fielding steck rolls daenage, rll, Sd sires} He i enor. Seater Bane canst, ear, touch, and smell at a distance of sev. mtn miles Asa standard action, he ean perceive anything within seventeen miles of his worshigers, holy sites, objects or any location where ane of is tities oe name was spoken in the lst hou. He e1n ted his mses 0 up to twenty locations 2¢ once He ean block the secking poner of deities of hs rank or lower at up to t00 remote locations a once for 17 hous ‘ertfllo Sense Bene senses any cvent involving strife, haere, ‘yranny,o far seventeen terulys before it happen and retains ths sensation for seventeen tendays after the event accurs Automatic Actions Hane can we Diplomacy, Intimate, Craft (reaponsnithing), Knowledge (arcana), oc Knowledge (religion) as {fee ation the DE forthe task 30 of lower. He can perform up ro enty such Free actions each round (Geeate Magic Ireme Bane can ereate any magic rod, such as rad “of eburptin or aay magic weapon oF armor. avatars Besse he vas nce Killed while avater frm, ch Black Lor is loath co send true avatars to Tori Instead, he profes to pact ‘mors or work through powerful servants sch asthe Zhenearin, When forced vo crate an avatar, Bane usally choos the form of supliems yoong human male with dark ass, stylish drs anda ‘oneeending sien, The appearance of such an avatar i seldom a ‘moment of esebration forthe clergy of the Lord of Darks since sueb ecasonsgencrally mean thee Bere hes deeded! ro take per ‘oval interest in the punishment ofa fale disciple. Bane treats his tym ef morale officers, not soldiers, so his own worshipers wssal- Iy have moc to fear from thes than do his enemies. Phratar of Bane As Base excegt divine rank B AC 64 ( $5 Mat fooned 64, Atk «74/169)64/-49 mel (Ad 3, 28/19-2 lead mighty cling unbely gawntle) oc spel +6+ mee touth oe 80 regs tch; SQ_Divine ture (BOO Ft, DC 34), Fire resistance 28, DR 43/4 SK 45 SV Fane 67, Re +63, Wil +35 al shill ma irs rede by 9 ‘Salis Divine bites: Sher Form, Alnor Sas, Divine ost Pid, up t0 8 miles 2412 pois of damage, Divine Shield (ARjdy,smps BD pines of damage) Dine Speak. Attach Divine ‘Weapon Foro (gate) Divine Weapon Speciation (gauntlet Ears Domaia Law) Batra Domain (Destruction Lay Gust (up (0 8 creature) Spell Like Ale: Caste \eel 8th ex 9eh for ei pli and ta pel ving tow DC 34 spi eve chauntea The Great Mothe, the Grain Godies, Ea thm Greater Deity Symbol, Blooeting rox on a wabust wreath of golden grain rouse of Nacure ‘Neutral good ; ‘Agriculture, plants coleivated by humans, farmers, gardeners, sunaer Peasants and indentured servants, devi, Sannin, gardeners 6, LG, N, NG © Anichal, Earth, Good, Plant, Protection, Renewal A shock of ge Home Plane: Alignment: Pessfoioe Waeshipert: Clare Atigamence Domaine Favoced Weapon Geythe) CChauatea (chawn-ieoah) is a old a5 Tort isl Hers isthe divine spark cha gave life to the natural world, the vibran,earing siti {infused with the planct atthe moment of is creation. Originally a Akity of wild places ad anitna ie, Chaunea has gro ith her works, chenging and adapting to its many developments The mil Tenia have taught hee paticace—to the point of bein times pon derous, Chauntea loves the inhabicas of her world, und she les othing more than instructing Torils denizens on how the land inxlf might enrich ele fives Hers was the hand thar guided the first mortal wanderers to give up the uncertainty of the gatberer for the stability of the Field. Today, Chaunten 8 worshiped as the Great Mother of ageiesiture, the kind benefactor who easures ssrong tarvest, healthy meal, an fobust country living. ‘Chutes rerely manifests herself in physical form, preferring to fase her essence throughout the living land of Teri. Religious lors depict her a8 «matron, midile-aged woman with pale white haar and e welcoming smile She wields a seardy shock af grain a3 both walking sf and weapon, on the unusual ocrasons i which she finds here in bale Worshiged by farmers gardeners agricultural lave, and any: who make their living off the land, Chauntea is seen by most Bard fans as am intageal part of the natural cycle of life. Wealtny landowners and simple faesers ale come to the loeal ceric of the Ezrthmother for alee om bringing in the harvent or an setting text season's erop. When foal weather or disease leads to blighted Fey growers turn their gaze ad prayers to Chaumte in hopes that ‘oer attentions will salvage the seasonal yield. Thote who subvert the Iharvest for il ends have ach to feat from Chauntss’s sevants, who take their role as pastoral proteetoes very serous Chauntea's clerics sad druids pray for spells at sundown. The ergy hols Few organized holiday instead instructing the faichful £0 give ehanks to Chauntsa at evory sunrag an in evary moment the mararal beauty of the word fills them with joy. A longeanding tradition within the church bos that a newiy weed couple should spel thir Fest night together in x Frey lied cl, which aid oe [ajon Derries oF Fagin shed to ensure a fertile union. Fertility lays an important role in the CChauncean faith, and x helonstic celebration daring Greengrass cncourages execsive drinking, eating, dancing, and. uninhibited Tchvior The clergy oinerve solemn High Prayer of the Harvest during 2 rewlaed anal ceremony eoineding with the start of the harvest. Chauntea’ clerics mont often multclam at rangers or did History Relatioashipe Cheuneen is one of the olde Foerénian dats Shar and Sele prods her, having given her ie when they treated the world of Ter In che ensuing millennia, Chaantea hak Forge pasate relationships with aceeal deities many of whom ne longer exis in any meaningful form So t00 bas she butld (and even estroyed) deities who scheme to bef Chante’ orl, Some of ther nersgers lain that Chusntes she progenitor of al he mxtal aes, thatthe excarures who populate the word Fire emerge from ‘hr wom in the days when the air was quiet and the earth was til Tin thse erly centuries, Chauntea ws known 25 Jenath the Earch ‘mother, # wil dity who ran with animal pack> an reeked in the ‘anhindcred growth of wilder. Though the people of the Moonshae Ines continue to worship ths aspect ofthe Great Moths the deity herself bas moved on, changing as the world haces. Tn the last several hundeed years Chauntea Is become enamored with the inhabitants of her werld (particularly husvans) to the point st which she nove Fores her attentions completely on helping them live off the land. She preaches a reverenee for nature ad urges the Folk of civilized lands to eepair wha they Inve damaged, but slong age ceded the wildland co ‘cher deities Ths development has led to a cooling ‘of relations with Silvanussome oF his more mil tant druilc worshipers believe that the Great “Mother Bn betrayed her and so out the world fo the allteorapal encroachment of civilization. Her vss to other nature deities, particulary Shiai, Melk Lrue, end Bldach, remain strong She shares 4 fondacis Foe Lathandce eae ts eames boone int ‘mats, and che wo deities currently spend a great del of time together. Chauntea opposes Aur, Malar, Talog and Umber lee, and she views the eee of Bane 36a dark emen. Talons, Lady ‘of Poison is the Geeat Mothers mont hated for, as her proziity 0 ‘bring blight, poton, and disease co ehe natural eld ills Chauneea sth erst Fay Doge: Growing and reaping are par of the eterna eels and the most naturel part a life. Destroction for its own sake and leveling without rebuilding age anathema. Let no day pas in which you have ‘ot heiped svg thing flourish: Nurture, tend, and plant whecey er.posile Protect tse and plants and save ther weds so tha what fs dsetryed can be Fepacsd. Se tothe feetiity of che careh but let ‘he man smi ses to ith own, Fschow Fire Pants sce oa sal plane atleast once @tenday GGlergy and Temples: Members of the Great’ Mother's clergy divide themselves into two Factions of roughly eqwal sie Those Clerics who minister to farmers and ageeultural workers i ets ‘towns ead villages refer to themselves as Pastoral while chose of the ler, ocr sect thot caters to the wildernes el themselves, With & tooch of arragancs, the True Shapers. Members of both seeeseecognine no central authoeity-—eheies is «highly indivi istic Faith, Chasntea sets outa doctrine outlining general st of ‘ales aad taboos, bt ow each ceric adapts this cde for herself and her flock i largely a matcer of personal interpretation, The church welcomes members of ll raies though women vastly ftnumber men, perhaps because the religion’ iurgy is infused ‘ith refereces co fertility, motherhood, and Femiaitity. Clerics and deus of Chauntea ofton double ab farmers or git- ener and Pastorals Frequently bold positions af great respect in rural comumunitss. They were usually born in snall villages or country farms, and while few eahew cites altogether, most came > VO 18 to the church through an appreciation of natural besuty a feling ‘of peace when sanding atthe center ofa tilled Field under ee Tight ofthe midsummer sun. They earm the admiration of thie peers by strengthening yields and driving avay narual blights or predators ‘with magic spells. They also doa’ Restate to in up their shires and Join locals at harvest time, keeping farming families healthy and Providing un additonal pir of bands for even the tmoltardious and menial tasks. Like cher deity, most who serve Channtea ‘patient and quit, low co anger, and prefer pase diplomacy to pen conflict, Surprisingly, quite «few cites sport temps to the Great Mother, vaually lags, shany-windewel structures that double as granares oF Ipresive open gardens. Tu the ovtlands, most exremoniey tke place under the fight of the sun or acon, with clerics holding pe ‘ial serves in their homes smal shrines, o even baras or haplt. Tin such places, clerics nd druids of Chauntes instruct congregants ‘on proper methods of planting, Mentifieation of plant and anizal ‘Bests aod herblore. Many perform macrages 198 at as mises for human and sina rts They preach a respect for the naturel ‘ror and phase programs of replanting, careful rigation, and rap rotation fo ensure tat the earth is ek despols ‘Misi druids of Silvanus sof at thes lessons, however, esi ing thatthe wary aot of agriculture an affrane ro nature Ie allons ‘moce pople to ive in giver area than ca be sustained in the long tern, and hence fosters overpopulation and envi ronavental desuction, despite the bet intentions of y, the Pastorals, Tey asort that over tive, Chaunters agricltor, with its diverced materiow, drained wet. pe ‘asi, avi a Ge fa? ais, ani emphasis in sopporting cities, wil do Ai EI fi coris docinnt then, bat wich rexetonary scrote SFE ave caused great del of curmol among the Troe Shapers (most oF whom. are theanselves duds} Nun ‘ers of the more primal Chaunteens have became Silvan = ines in the last century, lading to 2 cooling of relations ‘betneen even the mare medcrats members of och eer. chauntea Druid 20/Cicie 207Renger 8 ‘Medium Size Outsider (Good) Divine Rank: 29 Hit Die: 2010-220 (outside) pls 2048+220 (Dai) plos2018+220 (Ce) plos BELO (Rg (1,308 hp) Itiative «11 (<7 Dex, +4 Improved losiasive Speed fe. «| AG 81.67 Dos +19 diving 32 natural, 3 deflection) ‘attache F defending Int Kew dc of rain #791074) 49/064 mele; oF apll +70 miles teach orange towel “Always eccives 220 on attack rolls oll dis «0 check for critical it Damage’ 5 defending Dry heen shack of grain les 38/2824 ‘or by spell Always dos maximum: darmage (shock of grin #2 poines ace/Reach 5 F.by 5 S25 Mt Special Attacks: Dosuain omer, salient divine abilities spetike abies turn wndead 16d. Special Qualities A thousand fas, animal companion (op t02 total of 20 HD) divine aura 19 mils, DC 42) divine seman tes, DR $4/+4 favored enemiss (aberrations +2, shapechangers 1), Fire resieance 39, gos realm (100 miles Outer Pane, 1,900 fe Material Plane, nature sense, plone sbi at wil, emote camimnication 19 miles, est narorc’s lu, spent ‘acu esting of divine spells SR 33, flepard withon? errar at wil, timeless body, tracles step, understand, speak, and read all languages and speek direey eo al ings within 19 miles Pao ‘Mayor Dirits oF Farnin a ‘evom immunity ld shape (Fine, Diminutive Tiny, Small, corel plant creeping dam, dispel cll, dominate animal, earth Moionsite, Large, Huge, Gargantorn, Coles, of dice snitaal quate, clemental vars (earth), entangle, frvedom, greater restr Silay, clemental $1ay3, woodland stride lion roe? Feast, bold animal bly are, holy rit, ly serd, von eves Fort 166, Ref +62, Will +7F, “Always receives a 20 on day, Lesser restoration, meg circle ngainst eel, magic sone, mind ave ‘la, plan growl, poyaorgb amy obec rismatie bere, protection Abilities Ser 24, Dex 24, Con 33, Ine 24, Wis $0, Cha 36. From elements, preci from evi, incarnate, vemsee disease, ‘Skil’: Animal Empathy (83, Climb «39, Concentration +101, ‘repel vermin, repel twoad, repaltin, tanctuary, shambler, Diplomacy +60, Handle Animal 921, Heal +202, Hide +39, bapechange, shield other, often earth amd tone, spell inocu Intuit Diseetion +73, Kaosledge (areans) 149, Raowledge pel resiance, Dike tet, Howe ebape, tenet, ammo moniter (Geography) +49, Knowledge (nature) 497, Knowledge (eligion) FX (asa good spell only wall of ston, mall of terms. #72 Listen +62, Profession (armer) 17% Rife (huss) +47, Scry Cleric Spell Day (Levels 0-20} 6/21/1111/11/20/9/9/9/84/4) 483, Search +46, Snse Motive +62 Splleraft 89, Spor +62 +3/3/3/3/2/2/3/3) base DC~ 32+ pel level, Sins +49, Wildgrness Lore +82. ‘Always roccives 3 20.00, Druid SpellsDay (Levels 9-20 6/10/10/10:10)9/8/8/8/74/9/4 shesks este: Brew Potion, Combet Casting, Combat Reflexes, Crate Wondrous Hem, Crest Fetal, Dodge, Empones Spl, Erlarge Spel Expert, Extend Spl, Forge Ring Heighta Spl, Imroved rite Ghoek of grainy Improved Teiintive, Mobility, Persistent Spel ower Attack Quicken Spell, Sri + Scroll, Silent Spl, Sel Spel, Teach, Twin Spel 3)3/3/3/22/Y2 base DO~ 32 pel level Banger SpelldDay: 6/5, base DC = 32 ‘pel level Towessious: Chauntea carries a shock of grain thar functions as af septbe with the Sending, bol. and heen special abilities (Gaster Leils 290, Weights 12 ‘Asa ureter deity, Chauntea automat ically Fecives the base poste resale fe any die rol she makes Ginloding attack rolls, damage, roll and saves) Shei immortal. “Sener Chaunces can we, bear ouch, and simell at x distance of nineteen tiles Ara standard action, she ean por ceive anything within nineteen miles of her worshipers, hay site, objets any Tocatio’ where one of he titles or name Wess spoken in the last hour. She can extend her senses (0 up to tweaty loc tonsa once. She can block the sensing Bower of ders of her rank ar lower at up to two remote locations at once for 19 hears. Portfolio Seove: Chauntex semes any: thing chae fects agriculure nineteen ten dys before it happens and retains the sensation for Divine Imanitcs Ability erage, oi ity desi, aed, cold, death effects, dense, tinegration, electricity, energy dea, tindatfecting’ effect, paralyis,poson, ship, sunaing, teansmuttio, impr Semon, basen. Sait Abilities. Alter Porm, Alter Reality ave DG 12 For Auapicated sets temporary nonmag fal objects Int 19 ayy, temporary tage items of ereatures last 19 fous), Alter Sa, Avatar (up t0 29) Gil Crateures (up v0.19 slemeneals serving smuitancously, etch with op {0 19 HD) Cll Creatures (opto 19 Fey serving simultaneouay, eae with up € 5 HD) Divine Blast sida, up to 19 mes $2112 points of damage Divine Dru, Divine arch Mastery ease 19 fee), Divine Shield (244ay, steps ninctecn tenays after the event occurs Any plant in & 250 points of damage), Divine Spelcasting, Divine Weayjon tiled ili a be dhe Focus for Chauntas remot sense and Toews Ghock of grain} Divine Weapon Specialization (shock Chawnree remote communication powers. of grin, Extra Domain (Good), Extra Domain (Proee “Astomatic Actions Chauntea can vse Knowledge tion, Extra Domain (Renewal) Git of Life, Life ad Death, Mass (arcana), Knowledge (geogeaphy’, Knowledge (nature) or Room! life ai Death (no wo targets can be mare thas 29 miles apart edge (lig) a fee ation if the DC far the task is 30.0 lower. Dial of the Beat Genraion [ap to 19 creaturcsdes) or ctader’ She can perform up to trenty such fee actions each round. {Fore DC 42), Poses Mortal (Will DC 42, up to 20 mortals at Greate Magi Items: Chauntea can ercats any magic item that ee Power of Nature (19-mile rads, duration concentration + up summons contro clementaly animal or plats of that affects {19 minats Shapechange, Troe Shapchatg. earth, sich as «aff of earth and tome ‘Domain Powers 19/dy tne animal jriedibp ten o destroy air entures or rebuke or command earth ereaures; east goon! spells Leu eve; 1} dty rebuke o command pan creatures 19iday AV OTOLS ptectire ward Couched suject guns “19 resistance bens an next Mot of Ghauntea's avatars appar as kindly whitened human faving throm, maximum daration 1 hour 19/day regain 188 + 13 women with the sort of ruggu good looks that come from a life pi lenght below © hp Quit no c9 -10 ip or be'ow lived under the caning rays ofthe gentle son. Fach of these divine ‘Spell Like Abilitiee Chandtca uss the abilities as'a 2thdegel manifestations drewes in a sac gariment of white sik robes ute, cxcey for goat spel, wich she usc wv SOdblevel caster. cinchal atthe wait by « girdle eabrosdered with natural desig. The sive DCS are 42 spell evel. ids enimal shapes, antiife se, Soxnetine when hes svat tobe must be wsed on a reconnaisance eines fil, atenemert Baritin, Blade Berrie, calm axiinals, mission, Chauntes chooses the Form of a fey centre or an animal bameaaff, charm perm, command plants emmeine vith nature, Chaantea avatars at as ides to Kad the aif to free land, gents of vengeance to defeat thase who bave despoiled the lands of har devoge followers o¢ servants of renssance, who restore nat fal vitality to devastated lands She manifests somewhat more com- ‘monly on the Moonsbae Iles than elsewhers in Fact. ‘Prater of Chauntex: As Chasnca except divine rank 95 (Goveh 39, Fat footed Fa}, Atk 16464594 melee C B20) «5 defending bay bew tuck of grain o€ spell 160 melee tach og. ranged toe SQ_Divie aa (900 ft, DC 32), DR 444, fire ronstanca 29, SR 41g SV Port 56, Ret +52, Will +65; all sil ‘moaiirs reduced by 10. ‘Salient Divine Abilities: Alse Form, Alter Realty (saye DC 42 for duplicated spel, temporary noatagical objets last 9 day, temporary inagie tems or creatures last 9 hours Alter Size, ine Drv Divine Weapon Focus (shock of grain), Divine Weapon Specialization (hock of grain), Extca Domain (Good!) Extra Domain (Protection) Extra Domain (Renewal, Gift of Life, Mind of he Beast Gewaten (up t9 9 creaturs/day) or slaanber [Fore save De 325, ‘Spell Like Abilities Castes \eve! Vth, er 20th for goo spells, saying throw DC 32 + spell level, ‘Spelle-As Chante, eccpe save DCS agaist the ovatus lire, Aru und ranger spell. are 30 «apell level: The avatar has no spell slots above 9th level available cycic Prince of Lies tbe Derk San, the Black Sum Greater Deity Symbol White javless shall on black or purple snare Home Plane ‘The Supreme Throne Alignment: Chaotic evil Portfolio Murder, iss ntigue; deception, ‘uson Worshipers ‘Former worihipets of Bane, Bhat, and Markl pore hungry (rims young) Cleric Align GE,GN, NE . Domains (Chios, Destriction, Evil, Mlsion, Trickery Favored Weapon: “Razor's Ege” longsioni) Gyrie Geerich) sa petty, seleentera, megolamaniaea deity ho Dolds hinscif above all other detis. He has an immense folloning throughout Fecrn: The unholy radiance of the Duck Son draws ‘povrerSungry mortal ike moths toa lame and then inevorably onaumes them. Cyric was one: insane, but his bout with dive ma fess has Fay ebbed, and he no longer belies himself more pow. erful than all other deitivs. The Price of Lics delight in spinning webs of deception that lead both mortals and deiis to their ruin and pit friends and lovers against one another, He hes asumed ‘many guises since his ascension: a blondy wraith, a cloud of pison- (us smoke, or a sudden gleam containing the plantom images of Whirling human skull andthe itent gaze of emo back eyes. How ver is true Form is belevod to be chat ofa slim man wich blaning dark eyes and chalk white sin, ‘The church of Gyr s wily (and uly) hated acre al Facrn, for the Dark Sun's followers are pledged to sprcal strife and work ‘murder everywhere. The followers of gootaligned seiticy hate Cjric's church forthe wick acts of its members. The followers of eutrabaligned diss, and even the faithless, detest ce intrigues ude, and discoed sown by Cyriiststhae disrupe the lives of al ‘The fliowers of evlaliged deiice view Cyrics church ama with ‘power and 2 threat 9 thee ox influencethe Prince of Lics has —— -Major Derrmss or Farxbx sect shown himself willing ro do almast anything including Xl rival Aeitics whore poser he covets CGyric clerics pray For splls a sight, after moonrise, whis the Dark Sun's radia a ics eight: Gyre ec has Few holy ays sind does not even cuebrase the date f the deiy’s ascension, for €0 4a se would ase honar Mysta (the Harlog” to Gyrie’s worshipers) td imply that Cyr has not held the mantle of divinity Fe al eter- tity. However, whenever a temple acquires something or someone ‘important enoogh to serifice to Gyr its high cleric declares « Day of the Dark Sun to signify the Holiness of the event. Belipes are alvays consiered bol, and are often celebrated by feat, fervent prayers, and the murder ofa high-ranking cleric or paladin of Lat ander. Cyrie’s cris often multiclass as asasins Blackguard i sionist, rogues or srifeliaers (ee Chapter 4. leocyclatioashipe Once morsl, Gyric was elevated to divine status by Aoat the conclanion ofthe Tine of Troubles in 1378 DR, 85 was Might (Mystxa), Upon his asceasion, Cynic claire the pot folios af Bare, Myrhul, and Bhacl, largely sabsuraing cheirehurches ‘nto his faith a5 oll The Dark Sun then slew Leis, Lady of the ‘Mist, ith the sb of Mask inthe form oF the svond Gade. ‘A dca ater, in 1368 DR, Cyric create the Gyraisbad, a tome of great power that proclaimed him the One True Deity. Cyc ‘onuinely read his own book, x mistake that cost hiss his sanity and Jed tothe lows of Myskul's former portfelio to Kelemror, a more with whom Cpric had once adventured. Moreover, ‘Oghma and Mask conspired to create another rome enti ted The Trae Life af Corie, and with ie the Dark Sus's pot was foiled—although not befoce the destruction af rach of Zhentil Keep. However, caught 33 the web ‘of his own plots, Matk read the Crimicad as wel,