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HOW + WHY TO WEIGH YOUR FOOD hon it comes to tracking macros, using a food weigh your fod ie kay. Using a measuring oup or epeon to measure fds Ike Catmeal, oa, rut bar, ol and more, can be vay inaccurate, When it comes 0 \vogetables, go ahead ad use a measuring cup, or grab a handtl and calit cup. ‘Being over or under on those eetmataa wll hava vay Bla effect on your carbohydrate or overall calorie intake, but the more calvi-dense a food's, the bigger the affoct this can have en your actual macrersant naka. It could lave you wondering why the scale ert moving, ater weoks of thinking you are naling your Dont get me wrong, eyebaling and estimating prone has ts time and place. You are not going to cary foe scale wih you on every diner out, vacation, or forthe ‘est of your fe But, some quality time spent using the food scale wil help you become much beter ard mere sawy when it comes to estimating portion sizes, Most nutiton facts app toe ram uncooked version of he food you are eating. Tis ie because the water contant oe food wil change when ts cocked avg the weighed ‘sion woighig either more oss thn it riginal orm. Foods orc, cata ac pasa weigh more ater cooking because they abso water, Meats weigh less afer cooking because hey lose wale how much more or ess depends con the amount of tne te fod eeooked How to Track Cooked Meat nen possible, weigh your meat before cooking and ack that the meat ls already cooked, here le ahs guido esimst the actus weg, and therfore macros in thal piece of mea. Well Done: muti the cooked weight by 1.5 Medium: multe he cooked weight by 13 are: rtp the cooked weight by 1.1 For example: "buy apiece ot we done gil chicken reas at the de, ‘weighs 57 axon my seala rai 5:7 1.5 (wl con). gets. ‘This pice of chicken, ra, weighed about 8.55 ounces. 1 deci oat the whol thing, 8 5.0 wl eth potion sie | ante for ti pia of jlo chicken te Recipe wmortens Cooking in Bulk you ae cocking in bulk, which many of ‘us do oe wih eal rep ese any ‘vie! ita arsipe wih utile ingests, ‘such a ei or ovemight ote, *+ Woh al ofthe ngredints am, ry. and uncooked 1+ Create "Recipe in MyMacrose by ntring nach ingretont and tho ‘moun you ar using. you ae cocking mast in bu, weigh cut ‘rus the label on he package or the raw weight. For example, maybe you ao ‘cooking 18 ounces of aw chicken and ‘want tobe used for 4 maa wih ¢ ‘ounces of chicken atch. Aor cooking, r= ‘weigh your chicken, Maye now t weighs 192 omnes. Dive that by 4, ed that ‘now many ounces of cooked chicken to ‘weigh outer each maa you are repoing.

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