CV Cover Letter Guide 2016

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1. Steps to Writing Your CV ....................................................................... 3

2. CV Layout Guide ..................................................................................... 4

3. Key Tips for Your CV .............................................................................. 5

4. Cover Letters........................................................................................... 7

5. Cover Letter Format ............................................................................... 8

6. Job Applications A Summary ............................................................. 9

7. Sample CV.10

1. Steps to Writing Your CV

Personal Data
Include your name, address, contact phone and email.
DO NOT include your date of birth, age, ethnicity, marital & health status, children.
DO NOT include items such as: photographs, residency status.

Career Objective
This is your career goal that leads the direction of your CV.
This sentence needs to be short and specific to a role type.
Things to include: career field, area, level of responsibility and goal.

Specific Skills and Experiences

These are your vocational and transferable skills.
Transferable include: skills working with people, skills working with objects, skills
working with systems and or processes, plus skills working with data and information.
(Example: Advanced user of Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint)

Personal Attributes
These are your personal traits and strengths that honestly describe you.
You will be considered on company culture fit.
Keep the list to 5-6 attributes although will have many more!
(Example: Trustworthy, loyal and always willing to lend a helping hand)

Work History
List in reverse chronological order. (Most recent job first)
Include the position title, the company worked for, the location and the dates when you
started/ended employment (month/year)
Include major responsibilities and achievements.

Qualifications, Education, Training

List in reverse and highest relevant qualification first. (Most recent schooling first)
Include educational institution name, the degree/certification attained and year
graduated or if its still in progress, list the date you expect to graduate.

Use discretion if you decide to include hobbies, achievements, interests, etc.

Verbal Referees
If you have referees already notified and willing to give you a reference, then list their
contact details (name, position, company and phone/email details)
Otherwise, write References available upon request

2. CV Layout Guide

Contact Details

Profile/Career Objective/Personal Statement

Skills and Experience and/or Strengths and Attributes

Best if you can link these to key skills or attributes sought in the job description you are
applying to

Computer Skills (if applicable)

List any specific software or technology that you are comfortable using; if proficient with a
number of technologies, include your user level (beginner, intermediate, advanced)

Work Experience/Career History/Professional Experience

List from most recently held roles to oldest, including the following information:
Dates of Employment
Role/Job Title
Key Accountabilities/Responsibilities

Again, list from most recently achieved to oldest, including the following information:
Name of Institution
Qualification Attained
Date Graduated or Dates Attended


Languages Spoken
Include fluency level (beginner, intermediate, advanced) and/or any test result scores (Ex:
IELTS 7.0)


3. Key Tips for Your CV

Ensure you have natural flow in your CV:

Job Description wants A, B, C

Cover Letter says I am great at A, B, C

CV - Skills and Experience says I have done A, B, C

CV - Work Experience says where, how well, when I have done A, B, C

Identify your Skills and Attributes:

Example of Skills
Time management
Mentoring and coaching
Price analysis
Stock control
And overall life skills
Advance computer skills

Example of Attributes
Reliable and stable
Responsible and accountable
Committed and loyal
Mature outlook
Sound work ethics
Empathy and understanding
Calm and composed
Can work autonomously

Write down a list of your Skills and Attributes and use the relevant ones for the job(s)
that you are applying for:

Skills Attributes

Helpful hints to consider:

Do your Homework
What role do you want to get?
Research the industry you are interested in, what training and skills are required. Is it a
growth area, what are the best companies in this field?
Research companies that match your field - who do you want to work for?
Research the company you are applying to and contact the HR person (if there is one) if
you have questions about the job. Read the companys website.
Its all about marketing:
o Do you know what the market wants? Do you have what the market wants?
o What are employers looking for in my industry?
o Employers are looking to purchase a set of skills and experience.
o You are looking to sell a set of skills and experience.
o What experience and skills do I have?
o Are you marketing yourself successfully to match the employers

Information on Your CV and Cover Letter

Watch for areas that produce unanswered questions e.g. gaps in employment; explain
any large gaps (due to travel, family reasons, etc.)
Your CV needs to be supported with examples you can give at the interview stage
Honestly is vital if in doubt leave it out!
Remember sometimes a job ad lists an employers wish list. Do not be put off if you
have most of the skills/experience requested but not all BUT explain this in your cover

Formatting and Saving Your Documents

Ensure all the fonts, bulletpoints, indentations and line spacing is consistent throughout
your CV. Employers will be put off if you dont pay attention to detail and many will
discard a CV if it looks sloppy.
Show it to as many people as possible and get feedback
Triple check for spelling and grammar errors then check again! Dont just trust
spell/grammar check on your computer.
Save your CV as Last Name, First Name CV (Year); cover letter should be Last Name,
First Name Cover Letter (Company); its easier for a recruiter/hiring manager to find
your information if its saved in this way as opposed to a generic CV.doc or Cover
Letter.doc title.
If possible, convert your document into a PDF; otherwise they may see spelling errors
(highlighted by that red squiggly line in Word documents), and it may be altered after you
send it.
Your cover letter can be perfect and so can your CV but if your email is not perfect
chances are the attachments will not be opened.

Be Prepared for the Employer to Follow-up

Warn your referees that they may be contacted, send them your CV and the job ad/job
description so they know which areas to focus on (where possible)
Be polite and professional even if your application is rejected they may have other roles
come up that they will consider you for.
Ask for feedback from unsuccessful applications.

4. Cover Letters
When you send off your application, you don't know whether the person who receives it will
ignore your cover letter and go straight to your CV, or if they read your cover letter in order to
decide whether to even look at your CV, particularly if you have used email.

You maximise your chances of getting an interview by writing a solid covering letter.

Demonstrate you understand the job requirements, you have matching skills and experience
and you are genuinely interested and enthusiastic about this specific opportunity.

Do Dont

Use a strong opening Overuse "I"

Opening paragraphs should have punch and Your cover letter is not your autobiography.
grab the reader's interest. Consider The focus should be on how you meet an
this example: employer's needs, not on your life story.
Weak: Please consider me for your sales Avoid the perception of being self-centred
representative opening. by minimising your use of the word "I,"
Better: Your need for a sales especially at the beginning of your
representative is an excellent match to sentences.
my five-year experience as a sales
person in the xxx field.

Be specific Repeat your CV word for word

If you're replying to an advertised opening, Your cover letter shouldn't regurgitate
reference the specific job title in your cover what's on your CV. Reword your cover
letter. Make sure all the content in your letter letter statements to avoid dulling your
supports how you will meet the employer's CV's impact. Focus on the things which make
specific needs. you particularly suitable for this position.

Customise Write too much

If you're applying to a number of similar The Cover Letter should follow the same
positions, chances are you're tweaking one rules for presentation as the CV short
letter and using it for multiple openings. (maximum one page) and simple.
That's fine, as long as you are customising
each one. Don't forget to update the
company, job and contact information.

End on a strong note

Your cover letter should thank the reader for
their time and consideration.

5. Cover Letter Format


Employer Details
Name of Job Poster or Hiring Manager (if provided in job ad)
Position of Job Poster (if provided in job ad)
Company Name
Address (Google it)

Salutation (Dear Mr. Smith/Ms. Simpson/Sir or Madam/To Whom It May Concern)

Address your letter to a specific person and use a title i.e. Mr/Mrs/Ms. If necessary, contact
the company to obtain these details, including correct spelling.

RE: Job Title (Vacancy Number if known)

Opening Paragraph
Tell the employer:
the position you are applying for or type of work you are seeking
referral source e.g. newspaper ad, friends, Seek, Trademe, etc.

Second Paragraph
why you want the job.
how your skills and experience match the job/organisation. Bullet-point your relevant skills
and experience so it is easy for the reader to locate this information.
list other relevant qualifications, achievements or experience and avoid repeating whats
already been included on your CV.

Third Paragraph
Demonstrate that:
you know something about the company - e.g. products, services, clients, market, history.
you have an understanding of the industry.

Closing Paragraph
be confident and positive.
request to have the opportunity to be interviewed.
state when you will be making contact to follow up the application.

6. Job Applications A Summary

Make sure all of your documents match (same font, page layout, spacing,
formatting, etc.)
If you use Arial size 11pt. and single-spacing in your CV, make sure that you use the same
font type and size in your cover letter.

Follow ALL instructions in the job ad.

If they ask you to prepare a cover letter that states X,Y,Z make sure that you address X,Y,Z.

Always tell the organisation why you want to work for them!
An example:
XXX has the reputation of being New Zealands leading training organisation. I was very
impressed to see that XXXs chef tutors achieved 10 gold medals at the National Chefing
Challenge and I would love to work with such a successful team.

Proofing your application

Always do a spelling and grammar check to correct any mistakes and to remove red or green
correction lines.
Triple check for spelling and grammar errors then check again!
And Again!!!!
And Again!!!!
Remember the computer check will not pick up all mistakes.

Remember the Employers perspective

Hiring you will cost them money prove you are worth it
Employers like people with the right attitude
Managers are passionate about their business show you are interested
Employers are busy - value their time.

If at first you dont succeed

Be polite and professional even if your application is unsuccessful - they may have other roles
come up that they will consider you for.

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