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15 truck fenders: Bridge truck wheels, except on under hung cranes shall be equipped with fenders which extend
below the top of the rail and project in front of the truck wheels. Gantry, tower, hammedhead, or portal crane truck wheels shall be equipped with wheel guards,
or be otherwise similarly guarded at both ends of each truck to prevent a person being crushed beneath the
wheels. The clearance between the guard and the rail shall be such as will afford maximum protection against
crushing injuries. Whenever practicable 12.70 mm clearance shall be maintained .

5.3.16 Capacity Marking and Load Indication The maximum rated load of all cranes shall be plainly marked on each side of the crane, and if
the crane has more than one hoisting unit, each hoist shall have marked on it or its load block its rated capacity;
and this should be clearly legible form the ground or floor. Each variable radius boom-type crane shall be equipped with a safe load diagram or table which
will give a clear indication of the permissible loads at the various radii. If change-speed gear is used on the lifting motion, the rated load for each speed shall be similarly

5.3.17 Runway Repair: No repairs on travelling crane runways or within such proximity to same as to constitute a
hazard to workmen shall be made unless a wheel stop of a height at least equal to the radius of the wheel is
secured to each rail and a warning sign is placed on each rail a reasonable distance from the worker, or property
shielded rail-road torpedoes or watchman are used to warn workers of the approach of the crane.

5.3.18 Crane Runways: Runway columns shall be securely anchored to foundation The structure shall be free from excessive vibration under operation conditions. Runway girders shall be level and parallel within commonly accepted engineering tolerance.

5.3.19 Rails: Rails shall be securely attached to the girders or to the foundation Rails shall be level, in elevation with each other, parallel and in correct span within commonly
accepted engineering tolerances.

5.3.20 Clearances. All travelling cranes the supporting trucks or wheels of which travel rails on the ground shall
have at least 600 mm clearance in existing installation such impaired passageway areas shall be well marked or
placarded or when practicable shall be guarded by standard railings or barricades to prevent traffic.

Article 5.4 Boom Type Mobile Cranes

5.4.1 Operating Levers: Lever operated controller shall be provided with a mechanical device which will hold the handle in
the off position requiring voluntary effort to remove it from off to the on position. The operating levers shall be located within convenient reach of the operator.

5.4.2 Boom Stops. Booms shall have a device designed and constructed to prevent the boom from falling over

5.4.3 Capacity Marking. Substantial plates of metal or other durable material shall be attached at a conspicuous
place on the crane have cast or stamped thereon the rated load at the maximum and minimum radius and at least
two other points for all boom and with the boom both parallel and transverse to the line travel. The indications
shall be given for loads both with and without outriggers when such outriggers are provided.

5.4.4 Access to Cage, Cab, Machine and Boom Blocks: Boom type mobile cranes and boom type excavators shall be provided with steps and handfolds or
other safe means so located as to give convenient and safe access to the cage, cab, or machine house. When necessary to go out on booms to oil the blocks or other parts of machinery, each boom shall
be equipped with substantial oilers walk-way or platform and grab-irons giving access to the outrig blocks and
machinery. Booms which can be safely lowered to the ground and which are lowered there to for necessary
service are exempted from this code.

5.4.6 Protection for Operation of Outdoor Cranes. The cages, cabs, or machine house on outdoor cranes shall be
enclosed to protect the operator from the inclement weather except when such enclosure would interfere with
the safe operation of the crane.

5.4.7 Gage Glasses. Gages glasses shall be of the reflex type or shall e guarded by means of wire mesh or similar
guard to prevent injury from flying pieces of glass.

5.4.8 Couplers: If locomotive cranes are equipped with couplers these must be extended to clear the revolving
tank and of the crane. Automatic couplers shall be provided on cranes that switch or couple to cars so equipped.

5.4.9 Lubricator Glass. The steam lubricator glasses on all locomotive cranes and steam shovels shall be effectively
guarded to prevent injury to flying glass unless the lubricator is of the bulls eye type or sight feed glass.

5.4.10 Brake or Locking Device. Boom type mobile cranes shall be equipped with an effective brake or swing lock
for the swinging mechanism. The braking mechanism shall be equipped with a device to secure it in holding

5.4.11. Booming Mechanism: Every worm guarded booming mechanism whose worm angle is such as to permit the loaded
boom to lower shall be equipped with a brake to hold the loaded boom in any position. A ratchet and pawl shall be provide on the mechanism for raising and lowering the boom, unless
a self-locking worm and gear is part of the mechanism or unless the booming mechanism is of such design as to
prevent the free fall of the boom upon release of the boom hoist brake.

Note: A Worm and gear will be accepted as self-locking under this code when full rated load at maximum radius
can be held suspended without the help of the boom hoist brake and with crane mechanism stationary.

5.4.12 Rigging of the Boom Hoisting Line: No line shall be wound on any free running drum of a boom type mobile crane. All boom type mobile cranes shall have one end of the boom line dead ended except where ends
of the boom line are on separate drums permanently keyed to the same shaft.

5.4.13 Warning Device. An adequate whistle, gong, bell or other warning device shall be provided for all boom
type mobile cranes.

5.4.14 Wheel Guards. Locomotive cranes shall be provided with either a running board which shall extend full
width of the truck bed, and with a grab iron extending across and near outer end of the truck bed, or with a pilot
or fender which will prevent a man being crushed beneath the truck wheels.

5.4.15 Truck Wedges or Jacks. Where loads greater than the capacity of the springs are to be lifted, locomotive
crane shall be provided with suitable removable wedges or jacks for transmitting loads from the crane body
directly to the wheels without permitting the truck springs to function, when handling heavy loads. These wedges
should be removed, or jacks released in a positives manner, for travelling.

5.4.16 Fire Extinguisher. A carbon tetrachloride, carbon dioxide, ansul, or other non-conductive medium hand fire
extinguisher shall be kept in or just outside the cage cab or machine house of each electric, Internal combustion
engine or steam driven mobile boom type crane.

5.4.17 Lighting. Boom type mobile cranes which operate at night shall have loads hooks and working areas
adequately illuminated. Such lighting can be accomplished either by outside lighting placed on the booms or cabs.
Boom heads and hooks should be painted with high visibility yellow or other contrasting colors.

Article 5.5 Hoist

5.5.1 Limit Switches. Each overhead electric hoist motor shall be equipped with an effective enclosed type limit
switch so placed and arranged as to disconnect the motor and apply the brake in time to stop the motor before
the hook passes the highest point of safe travel.

5.5.2 Brakes: Each electric hoist motor shall be provided with an electrically or mechanichally operated brake so
arranged that the break will be applied when the power is cut off from the hoists. This brake shall have sufficient
holding torque to sustain not less than one and one-half times the rated load. Each independent hoisting unit shall be equipped with two braking means except worm geared
hoists, the angle of whose worm is such as to prevent the load from lowering and simple drum hoists which need
have but one braking means. One brake will be so covered by:
(a) above and each braking means shall be capable of sustaining or safely controlling and
lowering not less than one and one-half (1 ) times the rated load.

(b) the hoisting drum of all hand power hoist shall be equipped with an effective brake, and shall
be provided with a ratchet and pawl of sufficient strength to hold the load in any position.

5.5.3 Hoist Trolley Frames. Trolley frame shall be so constructed so as to avoid dangerous spreading under-load.
Trolley frames which shows signs of excessive spreading under load shall not be used until repaired or replaced.

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